Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16H 1 1,:::3 Item h18. 1GH1 March 24, 2009 Page 1 of 3 ~ '-', EXECllTIVE SUMMARY Commissioner request for Board approval for payment to attend function serving a valid public purpose. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to deelare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend functionlevent and approve payment by the Clerk, CONSIDERA TIONS: Pursuant to resolution No. 99-410, the Board of County C0l11111issioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional. trade, homcowners, ethnic, and civic assoeiations/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters, COMMISSIONER: Frank Halas FUNCTION/EVENT: Know Your County Government Teen Citizenship Program Luncheon, sponsored by the University of Florida IFAS Extension and 4-H Youth Development on March 24, 2009 in Naples, Florida, - PUBLIC PURPOSE: Support local government-sponsored programs, DA TE OF FUNCTION/EVENT: March 24, 2009 FISCAL IMPACT: $10,00 Funds (0 be paid Irom Commissioner's travel budget RECOMMENDA nON: That the i30ard of County Commissioners, in accordance with resolution No, 99-410, approve payment by the Clcrk for Commissioner i lalas to attend function serving a valid public purpose, PREPARED BY: Sandra Lea, Executive Aide to BeC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: March 24, 2009 --- Page I of I :t(~rn r~o. 'i i3r-', 1 r"brch ~4, 2C109 2:Jf 3 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ERS Item Number: Item Summary: FJH1 CO~lmissioner Halas !'equests Board approval for ,"eiil1bursement regarding attendance at a fU~lctlon serving a valid public purpose, Attending the Know Your County Government Teen Citizenship Pmgram Luncheon on March 24, 2009 at the East Naples United Methodist Church $1000 to be ~ald hom Commissicner HaI2S' travel budget. Meeting Date: 3/24/2009 9 0000 AM Prepareu By Sandra Lea ExecutIve Aide to the ace Date B:lard of County Bee Qffice :;!S!2009 9:12:~8 Ar,:'l Commissioifers Approved By Sue Filson Executive rJ::mag,::,r to the BCe Date B031.d of County Commissioners see Oi"flce 3f9lZ009 10:35 AM Approved By James V. Mudd COU:lty f\',ant'9N DotD Be>ard of CC!.lnty Commissio'H.':S County Mam::g::'r's Office 3/13/2009 9-:54 A;~1 UF UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA EA~' WMM. REC'D COP~ On FH TH FC J( "'~ , ~;;n r.:c:.: r,,/~;-jr-=-'h 24, :~r\C,I'J F\=,we 3 .if:3 14700 Immokalee Road Naples, FL 34120 Tel: (239) 353-4244 Fax: (2,39) 353-7]27 ReCEiVeu MAR U 4 ZaGS IFAS Extension Collier County February 27,2009 HORrd ui' cOU!:ty c.:ornm)sSIOneffj The Honorable Frank Halas Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East, 3rd Floor Naples, FL 34112 Do you J attend this even~ ~ ' Yes ___ No...._ (1\~ Frank Hala~, Commissioner, 0-2 lnit. Hcre~ Dear Commissioner Halas: The v-. - . , - r ~ibm is scheduled from _ U ~ _ March 5th through March 24th, 2009, Sponsored by the Collier County University Extension and Collier County Public Schools, the program teaches teens the purpose and function of county government, how it operates and what career opportunities it offers. Students from the area will meet with county officials and visit multiple county departments- both at the County Complex and off-site, and attend a county commission meeting, One of the highlights each year is a catered lunch with the commissioners and county manager. We hope that you can join us o~rch 24th from2L2.:.15-1:30 p,m, at the East Naples United Methodist Church. This is the last day of the program and the students will enjoy sitting with you, sharing impressions and asking questions, Your presence wiil be important to them, and we look forward to seeing you. Please feel free to call me at (239) 353-4244 to accept this invitation or to respond to any questions that you may have about the program or luncheon. Sincerely, ~ c2 /-t fa '<f Ruth L. Hubing 4-H Youth Development Agent Collier County The '!'-"t!tl!te of FC'Od and Agricu!t'-'Tal ScienC':S (lFAS) is arz Eq~j Op;mrtJ...'nity !!'.stitu!!o:!-!1 &!tl-!Qrir>A 10 pf'.}'.'ide ~earclt, educa1!o!1a! information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrinlinarion with l'e'>pect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual ork.'1ltation, marital SUUUS, nminnai origin, poiilical opinions or !U'Tiiialions. COOPERATIVE EAT~NSiON WORK IN AGRICULTURE, FAI\1lLY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES, SEA GRANT AND 4-H YOUTH, STATE OF FLORIDA,. IFAS, UNIVERSITY OF FLORID^, li .S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COOPERATTNG, ,..