Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16G 1 l\j(), ;(;\:,1 r ": (',;;: ~',1, ::0':,19 1 of 30 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,,--, Recommend the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency review and approve the 2008 CRA Annual Report, fonvard the report to the Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of Courts and publish public notice of the filing OBJECTIVE: For the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Board to review and approve the 2008 CRA Annual Report (Exhibit A - Bayshore Gateway Triangle and Exhibit B -Immokalee), forward the repOli to the Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of COUl1s and publish public notice of the tiling. CONSIDERATIONS: As required by Florida law, specitically Subsection 163.356(3)(c), Florida Statutes, in March of each year the CRA Hoard must deliver its annual report to the Board of County Commissioncrs. The provision states: "... . An agency authorized to transact business and exercise powers under this pm1 shall tile with the governing body, on or before March 3 I of each year, a rcpOli of its activities for the preceding fiscal year, which repOIi shall include a complete financial statement setting forth its assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses as of the end of such fiscal year. At the timc of tiling the report, the agency shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the community a notice to the effect that such repOli has beenliled with the county or municipality and that the report is available for inspection during business hours in the office of the clerk of the city or county commission and in the office of the agency." Attached is the 2008 CRA Annual Report as Exhibit A- Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Component and Exhibit B -- l111mokalce CRA Component. These reports provide a detailed description of the yearly activities of both areas. Pursuant to Subsection 163.387(8), a complete audit of the 2008 CRA trust limd is pcrf(mned within Collier County's Comprehensive Annual Financial RepOli (CAFR), and is not a part of this report. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of these aetions by the CRA Board. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no direct impact upon the Growth Management Plan as a result of these actions by the CRA r3oard. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has bcen reviewed by the County Attorney's Offiee and is legally sufficient for Board action. Additionally, this item is not quasi-judicial, requires no ex parte disclosure, and requires only a simple majority vote for approval. (MMSS) RECOMMENDA TlON: For the CRA Board (0 review and approve the 2008 CRA Annual Report (Exhibit A - Bayshore Gatcway Triangle and Exhibit B - 11111110kalee), forward the report to the Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of Courts and publish public notice of the tiling. Prepared by David L Jackson on February 20,2009 Executive Director. Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: COLLIER COUNTY 80ARD OF COUNTY COMM1SSlONERS 16G1 Page I of] .,:: 1 1:-llc;h ::A. 2~:, ? 2 ,:;f '~',O Recommend the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency review and approve the 2008 eRA Annual R.eport. forward the report to the Board of County Commissioners and Clerk of Courts and publish public notice of the filing 3/24/28099:0000 AM Prepared By David Jackson Community Rcde\/clopment ;;gen::;y Ex€cutive Director gaY5hore~Gateway Rcdevefcpm0nt D<:ie 2!27/2009 9:57:36 .A.M Approved By Cavid Jackson Community Re.dcvelopmGnt A.gency Executive Director Si'yshor<>Gateway F~;:;deverC'p;nent Date 2r27f200S 9:57 ArJl Approved By Jeff Klat.::kow County ,4.ttO~'!H'Y _li.ssis~ant County Attorr;ey C:-:,untyL',~torqGY ()'ffic::e Date 2!27/;:(:'09 3:22 PM A pproved By 1J":arjorie M. Student-Stlr!ing County Atto:r.t::y Assist.ant C()UI1~Y i\tt0rncy C0~m!y Mtomey Off:~c Date 3-/12/2003 4:2i PM A pproved By OMS Coordinator County Mam;gcr's Office QrJi8 Coordinator Office of Ma;1agement & Budget Date 3/13120098:59 AM Approved By r~'~3rk !sz::.:kson County Manager's Office 8udget Ana!yst om::.:e of r...~an8ge-ment & Budg0t Date 3-:1712009 6:~9 PM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of Coun~y Commissjoner~ County M;::nJg:..'r C0unty Man3Qcr's Office Date 3{~ G/2009 11 :52 AM I. ... I,.. " -:iil "J. i ;, "]r ,I: =,.:1 -/rv q Z 'Jl :;] Co~-Y County .~'''''''''-."''''''''').~it.-''''#'''~'''''''.'''''J'''''",''-'''''<\\~_''''' BAYSHORE GATEWAY TRIANGLE I!rn [ COMHUt.JlTY ftEDEVELOPMEt-lT AGENCY ;;:'::~3 :>::;i'-, ,:). .:-,::~; i :,.~c:;'-~h ::::.-t. :2GC:g 4 of:';O On behalf ofthe CRA Board and Local CRAAdvisory Board, the Bayshore GatewayTriangle CRA's 2008 Annual Report is submitted to the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. This older suburban core of Collier County has certainly witnessed a remarkable recovery. Community efforts bootstrapped a self-taxing municipal services district in 1998 that was followed by the CRA's creation in 2000 and the addition of a staff of four to execute the Redeveloprnent Plan. A proactive citizenry built strong relationships with the governmental sectors to address existing slum and blight conditions and together they developed strategies to improve the area. After nine long years, most of their efforts have come to fruition; however they readily acknowledge that their work is not finished. Our overarching goal in 2008 was to create opportunities for continued quality growth. By effectively planning future pl'Ojects and investing tax revenues in infrastructure irnprovements, the residents are enjoying a higher quality of life. )C.n aggressive residential slurn 'purchase and demolition strategy' in one of the most crime-ridden ,Heas reduced crime incident reports by 50% over four years. As we work our way out of the current economic downturn, we are looking forward to some exciting times and eXciting projects, Come be a part of the excitement. There will be opportunities that you do not want to miss! David Jackson Bayshore Gateway Triangle eRA Executive Director L~tteJ:f!~!1Wih~~j;~RA; E~~~qtjye,Ch,~h':";, "'c""" Welcome to one of the most wonderful areas in Collier County filled with promise for a bright future! Even though our counry IS suffCl"ing from the affects of these trying economic times, the Bayshore GatewayTriangle CRA seems to display nothing but positive "ction, and each day brings new excitement. This year marks the 10th anniversary for the CRA, and as such, the Redevelopment Plan will be updated to take stock of all the redeveloplTlent efforts that have occurred over the past decade. The Plan will encompass the viSion of creating a thriving visual and performing arts community, and develop strategies toward achieving thiS goal. Tl'ie eRA has been an int(.gr~tI r'CJ:-t of ii',.:::: ;~"'de\.'E:'\op:l"lent (If the are-a, offering grants for home improvements and sea\.\lall repei,s, acquiring and remcJ'JinCj 21 blighted residential properties, orchestrated the creation and approval for a local Cultured Arts District, partnered \.^Iith regional agencies to establish a Brownfield Redevelopment Program which might lead to further grant opportunities, and financially assisted Collier County with the DaViS Ulvd. str"Cet. lighting proj"Cct and the Storrnwater Pond project (Phase I) in th~ Gale\'V'ay'i"ridngk:>. The eRA \vill continue to be i:H1 active lr::::adc'r in the devciopm'2iit and redevelopment process, \vorking INith ri'2ighbors by encourJging their pJrticipaticm, and Est::bli:,hing relationships with all those in OLJf comlllt.Jnit/ who (:1"1 tel furtl~er' :h._!::' ~;~),~il ~;:.:' :"\':..':',':;'\-:..c'~; l;~';'I:::'lt. TtV2- cn/\ has come a long \,,;2)/ Iii the r)2'}t i Ci ;,-'-=]! S, (j;-1d I ciiT! SO proud to be a 5m31i part of this enormous effort to credte a better plc.lCe in Coiiii,:,r Ccunt}' to jiVe, \\THK. play Cllld enjoy. Donna Fiata Collier County eRA Exeuttive Choir ;~fiif~[~~~R;~R~,~~,~c\dvisor)' ~oard C!~aj~". Nobody said the work of redevelopment would be easy and 2008 certainly came v.rith grc~t challenges! The str~:ifls uf tho;: 'Norld economy hilVe hit Southwest Florida with unparaik:leu ferocity ri2versil'ig th,::; fortunes of many in the area. Developers and CRA project purtners ha\'e hed to acljust project schedules due to the economy_ If thele is " silver linilltj to IR found in this economic cloud, it is that the eRA hi1s been active in th.2 arell alleviating slum and blight forten years already, establishing a healthy foundation for susn; ned community development, weil into the future. Building on the momentum of the rld5-t ten yt:'Jrs, th,~ Ch.A 1S busi,:::r than e','/er with day-ta-day i.Ktivities as weil as iong- range projects, dnu the CJk,t)(Llt fUf 2009 is ,dreduy jain-packed with attivity. As the- economy has uJntracled, ih~, L1>:-r!\crenp-nt flnzmcin9 for eRA clLtivities lias decreased, but the decrease hdS been minimal in comp.:;rison to nth~ll puhiic i'lgencies h,':GHlSe \ he redevelopment of the I)ast 10 years has Jdd<2d tn:>2' \!(,iU2 to tht~ (orYirntx, :tV. In :!009, the CHA stands steadf<Jst in its a r"ene\n.'ecl cornmuni1'y. commitment to l,]:C\';Jt;~ l::.:c:lizc"-::] ~~!'.; ,; ~;:-;J :';[;'J~T;, :::-,,j t~; '.':8;1: '/.::rh L:::::::::I cit::]z.:::-;s to':!.::Hj :;;-::::lL':i:-:g UnclseyThom;ls B,-Jyshorl.' Trionglt.' eRA [>~Xil ek,'if 1',\(;[2 __ i~"M,!l~~~\1N4~11.JJI!~1!ltiJlg!9Js~t" ,:: ~':',;;: '''l''I''\<;:!)'':*,,~I;~'i'j(X~;Jj,P'';i?JLi'~' f. it, .' l~ft '~l"';;;"'(~;!:W;\":f;.~Mh~'\'$"",\"".~""W'ftf<",~"!l((I!'''!(/;~,;ti;.~"t'fj< " ,;~:;\+:{:i: fi;;:l,~2itIJ..'!~a~ih~$1;I;P..o:;< ".", '" !,,' !lli'~"'::I,i::12;",;:jJl~ifu;,J,:'l:'i:~J};d;ciJ~,,'iti;,\d::,"_'r:../;i'h';:z:;,;:,:;' "1 eRA.Owned Residential Properties ~ ~ ~ Pha,e II of the Residential Infi!l Project began in 2008 VJith thedemo!!tlon of structures on all CRA- acquired properties. A total of eight mobile homes and one s:ngle family ho:-nc have been dcmoiished to date. i';,~,!:) -""'''1 ": '1L! Phase t of the Residential Infill Project began in 2007 with the acquisition of several dilapidated single- family homes and mobile homes. To date, a total of 21 residential properties have been acquired by the CRA. Current economic conditions are favorable for property Dcquisition and the eRA continues to acquire properties at or below appraised value. A , ., I ~. -:,;'::'::;'._'.'.. " ~:,it0.1:; (T:;. ""'1' ~":,,,. C,::I>""")';lY I,'''"" ., i-'':~ item i\Jo. 1SG'1 While the CRA was acquiring properties and tearing down inhabitable structures, crime was going down! According to the Collier County Sherriff's Office, calls reporting the following crimes have decreased significantly over the past four years: EastJ~{~Bl,~:sJ~ ~~,~F on:e ~ ","1; t:"j.t,~~., ,{;j#~, ;Jt~~rj ': " ' ~L,_" ::'. to''" ':,' The East Naples Task Force Team members are representatives from county and state agencies whose areas include the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area. The team includes Utilities (city and county), code enforcement, the Sheriff's office, East Naples Fire, Solid Waste Management, and the CRA. It is thO' Task Force's goal to provide a beneficiai service to residents through education Dnd to provide the resources they need to ensure their health, safety and welfare. 9....,...:."- . ::.:.:...~..... . ,"~'.'\~ ..~," ....L.. ... .-."'.... ,'.t:~~~':~\1O;+"':~ i4'..",,__t'l." , ';3 '" ',.. .~ r\,1;]:':~r' ~"j ~~;)',;~) Page 7 cd ::iD :'_'~~rn ><0. j()\~'-I \-1;;n-~h 24 2]C,'9 F"_'jge 8 of J') D ~ I: "\ {t.,;' .t t.t. 'L' ~ i 1f '" P~Q[ lighting on prominent roads in a community Is one manifestation of blight. The study which enumerated the CRA's blighted conditions featured poor lighting as a significant issue. Installing lights on Davis Boulevard between Airport Road and U5-41 was a project that took several years to complete, but with the cooperatlgn of(:ollie\ County Transportation Services, the entire stretch of Davis Boulevard that is within the CRA isnoWflJlIY-1i9!i!~9ilt night! .... '-",.",;. , ":/y/,' ! i,' II t \,t While South l3ayshore Drive sees less traflicthan Davis Boulevard, irleads to several residential neighborhoods ~nd the Naples Botanical Garden, Lights were inst<1lled at cntical residential intersections in 2008, Tax Increment Funds (TIF) will be used to offsets costs of maintaining these lights for the next ten years or until an improved lighting system is installed. ~' ~ " ;~ "; > rF' '-'"'~ In 2008, the Baysho,e Gatew<1yTriangle CRA created a Brownfield Redevelopment Program to find creative ways to redevelop sites that may have traces of environmental contamination, This program works in tandem with the CHA cultural-arts facility project (see nExt page) where a portion of the site to be developed is known to have limited petroleum contamination. As part of this program, the CRA Joined with the Irnmokalee CRA, South Florida Water t...1anagement District, Collier County Airport Authority, and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council to create a Brownfields Redevelopment Coalition. Through this coalition, the eRA has applied for federal grant funding for assessing potential brov.;nrleJds for rede.velopment. PAGE 5 ------f'-.r ~'---'----- "j - '-.- -- -,. -.----.....-- ver time, community as a culturill arts facility s. educational programs ." tion for entertainment ,~t ; 've expressed interest in "I , iilcilr\y, but details are ftion of the :-;ite is knO\'v'il , the eRA is !utJkinij fen rownfi-2Jd rede\'C'lc~pm2nt ;;~u 1 eSSlll elIt t,3:,-:~ _ '''_ , . *'n '^ 'j'.v. ::~"".~,?''"~.,E.~~;~,rr',~.'?'~-,',~'~.:,':;,,:;,.''~.:':,t~,,~,';.:'_~/:;:,'::'.;'; ~ j~~,~~: -':. . > AMS'~~,_",[l~ng and Rese~~~ '~"" srep'ined in FY 2008 to conductm'needs assessmentltQ( developing a Cultural f\rts ; t'~>''''::..,,,, "~fh:;;<:';~~~,ii'f:>:, )'< I District within the eRA boundaries. Several artists, performing r:;;:":'), .\c,:" ,~:--, "",.:er '," >?':'i:;:-:~, ;., "groups and patrons bf the au~'were intervieweu by the : Co'ilsultant;in order to determiri~ifdem"nd existed to )uJt,ry '. q.~~ting t~.e district: ~esearch on'similar ulstrins within the st..te ofFlq'rida wasc~)ilducted as well, to establish a mode.l 'vr 1!w,~~tsuc1',~ district:::"ould b~.,Ii~~,for ':he 2,ayshOle G<ltevc"y fil~~gl~,,"~rnuniti~f :r~e)i!~~} ~SSe'Nn<2llt (onclueJed. to :;',~~~~~t~Wrd wlth~eslgna\lng. the rJlstnc~ ~vlth extensive ; 'C!;!!TIt:numty IIlput. The proposed noun""r >' (JI tnlS d,stnLl v, .'5 . 'wri;and the eRA approved a resolutiun to move fonvJI J. >.-:,.;;><j(:";", " ",' kUo'jpolicies to, be formed in 2009 IhJt will addlcss Ive issues about how the district will function. "."".-, "f:tJ :i' , ":;'~ W"'.l "',;;,.Ii<.J'~~::-";""'''''':''~;''~'' ~:~~\:. - .... " ;;'-1 - --; j'; ..:11 ~'.1 ')i\J - ':1gd ::1 ,:::;.f :;D CRA Proposed Cultural Arts District & 18-Acre Cultural Arts Facility Site ~ -{ ~)A'.-':~ 3,\.'[.' ~ _ _.. ~..: -. - ~ r~~.:-~------- ! ~'I') ----------- ~ ~""... . . . ::; . ~ , it I' ! . ~ GULF, GATE ": PL~ - ~ - ... ~ " ol, ~"...; ~ )~ " . . C:f\A.CW~EiJ ~g. "eRE GR8WN;:'rELC r,:TE rrUTUP,C CULTur,/,L ;,RTS FACllIT'q :,...' ~ ~ :;~ \ \ , ~ :::= 111.~'~.: <,":.-:r~ :-)r, Legend A NAPLES BOTANICAL GARDEN - ~::,~:,~ ~ c:_~." _.' :,--~..;:':ctC:_":2'1' =~ L,-"., r::r,,:.,:; '" ~'J'iE ~:,ul' c;~~~ ~':ii,.fI t.':;;rll:dl ':";i;';>~!' RC'~:" V\'i:\br ~ -. .':CRI;P.:;,), :-];r.,. , ~ . . a . . ~ _ . . . . . . a . ~ . . . a .. .. ; ...~.'-,;:.\:J.' '.",~:,>;:.'i;:':i~;'.fft1,~:.;,:':;};~>'::,,:,;/ ,(,-:':'. f..~S.lJ.-:t:--:-trt:~.~.~ ji 1:,Jidr~f"1ri._~{);',*"":",, ,-,".,~el~'~ "h-""""O'", '--a.~ '.,~, 11';r,"~l,/'i:;"."; . ,f9!J':'?;<,__v,~~,_._. ,.)t"'('l' !o\.I~t.II"~'~ "1,,.,_, -",.... 1'f '-:jt~""'1"'h'1v1~ '!l al 4>-"'1/____,.......,~, "," , \~bl "l, ';",I,'/'~jil:....LL,..~:J!Jlj'V.:/'" ........::::.'.T~"-' ~ A~"- .~ - . . It. i'~enj ,'0. ,0'..::1 f\/,::Jr:;h 24, ~:O::';9 Page IJ of 3D iI-. ,,' ,.' \ ~ . " \ \ '. \ \ \<:;~ .. ~t,~ This residential property was improvE:'d with the eRA's Shoreline Stabilization Grant in 2008. The property owner v,,'as approached by Collier County Code Enforcement because the damdged seawall ,"vas a code violation ,md a thrf'Jt to health, sJfety i-md vvdfJre, \r\/itllil tv/o months the :;eav.:2II1 Wil;, repair,;:>d anu the gr,:mtef:' IkU (,led to receive reimbursement fur the work, The restJ!t INilS both an improvement to the property's vi';l!i:ll uppedl ilS ':Jel! ilS the ~;;jfety of all who live in the area. ['his residential prc!perty bene:fltf'd from a eRA "Sweat Equity Grant:'The grantee was required to match eRA funds for the lundscaping improvements with time and energy ("sweat equi:y"). Sweat Equit'y GrJnts fund projects that can be comp!etE~d within 90 dtly~ from apprcv.,1 ilnd must be performed by the gr-antees themselves who agree to perform <111liihnr wlthClut charge for the entirE' project. Sile improvement Grimts GRANT TYPE GRANTEE PROJECT COST TYPE SIG Residential S 14,947.00 SIG Residential S 7.83800 SIG Commercial* $ 24.363.18 SIG Residential $ 25.455.20 SEG Residential $ 1,012,00 SEG Residential $ 1,105,21 SEG Residential $ 2,172.88 SEG Residential $ 1,117.21 SEG Residential $ 1.445,74 SSG 65,b6o.oo I $ 1l14A5642 I Sweat Equity Grants ~hor'etirlE:"Stiibjlizati6n,'Gfan{ , TOT At .. PrOjf:<:l i5 ;:;[il/ iI-\ prn9\~>::iS "1 2-1. !'-j';9 Photo Essay: Private_Projects Durillg200Rc_,.. ~'a,j}11 Ji"J..__ The Cayshore Gateway Triangle CRA strives to be a catalyst for positive change in the area-not the sole force for this change. While the CRA was directly involved in several large-scale redevelopment projects in 2008, other entities in the area brought positive change to the area on their own. Below is a photo essay of these projects. 1\)(""',,, Collier County Courthouse: Collier Coumy p'()(ee:lf.:d\,vith th.! construction of the new CCILlI'tnou~e, Lin\'vood Avenue Building 'ExpansiOn:'A private interest completed the redevelopment of this site ~Jr', Lim'io~d !wenue. HarbDrside .A,nimal Clinic Fa~ilde Improvement: Thi<; prnji.-'ct irnprovi::'d till:: Lurb appeal of Ci I It'J I/Y CUlnnlf'tcidl pOllt.:ii1 uf Davis Boulevard. Lindy Th':)'T!J, Interiors New Loc.Jtion: t\(cor:"",;-dish('d interior de-5igner, Lindy Thonli15) beq,ln rel:o\"ltinq il cDnm~~rci.'11 p!-0t:lerty on (ornn'c':-ciai Drive L1nd is ('>:f"JeCled to IOCt:itf' f,f'f ~:J'.Jjilk ;', t'ccre ii12~)~FJ. [{elocation of Salvation Army Family Store: The S,Jlvation i\rniy moved to a Idfger locCJtion: on Davis 8oul."vard and is slah?d to improve the budding i~l 2009. N~plt'~ 8ntimirdl G3rden hi,.:lflslclrl' In lOOp. the !~(}ple5 [1otanic'Jl CJJrdF~n b:nL~J qround on o $;:;0 lfiir;;~X1 e;.:p.:Hl';i:n to in:<Jlrl~ritC' rve ne'N ;-,:,-lli,-kn<" Th:' e:. p~Jn5i(~n :'; ,'Xp~'l tl:',:j t~; Jttr,1ct up ::) 1 SC\,C:OCJ \"~:,it~~'r~_ ,Cl y, .'f '/;: ,',',n-, n';~': '+cd, Harnilton H"rh:1r Gr;:md Orening: The <,Duth'2rn end of the C!:I\ j" now home to Collier Coun:y':; pl'.'rn~f:r_ )fdcht (Llh housirHJ Wet ;Hid d"y ~il:ps, ,:] clubhc,u~'::, ,me! fuel dock. FA:,;: ;j fl.', C;;1i( I)F iJ ,:!c,H-i[mg ~.Fd:;S rout'i '/I',I(HllI\~1 r:rnw-.t., the clc<;ac tD create :J ;:ult'.Jr,"d ~l1Cj ;"Jrl;; di;,riCI enll'rQ!:d. lhe rC;.-id,!r:!', kit l'l;-i1: Hlcre \:l1luld t'le cC<l!lurnic. str~~:i(Jth in iii:rac;.:ng the 'cre;::ivE cleiss' 111 2008. the C1U\ con::Jw:lr~~J il Culturul Necch A:o<.,c:,~rncnl ;Inri prc';,I'nt"d il in tl1(' CL~J\ for rTvi"\^.' Hy rcr,olution, llle Cf\A lio()rd rt'cul'Jed lilt: a~:,t::,;smcllt report imd tasl,cd the eRA st3tllo proceed with clcvelopmunt of ,i district.l,s p;irt of1.he 2009 CfU\ Plan u;xj(jte, il CUl\UTd1 ubhcl lJu:linc wili be dcv'~io;)(:d. "!'!""'" rt~"I:<,:'~,. h,,: ,f~ ~~~.. ~ . _ ''Il:~~ I\~~,t "'.., ;;)I "..d' ....I "'~-l'''",~, ...-..-~ ......~,,':t'If'.f '--;;--' ,-/ J r:" -) ::::- ~ '-~ ~ ,. '" ~ ~< . -,~.~)-;..Jj. "'.-.C..-.~-'- I ,""4!"!<! ~~, .,; -- t : ~\ .:;::....-.:= ~~~ ~.~:\~jg~.~::t,~,I~;(.:J,~ CAF:XN 8':' T!lL ori;]indl cru\ Pi"rl IN',:; ilduptccJ In 2000 niter t.wo Y!~ilr!'. of:l r;'Jblic vl\!on pro',;css, In 2009, Ihe Ct(A P;:m will umJcrun n 2nd qcncrdtio:l il1i!kcov,~r III r\lU!(~ dCClJfiil(~I)' dOC,uil1,-,nt {Jeilne \ju'1i:; ({lid oj}~ctiv('s to fwtlJCr the jmpITlVf:nli~nts In th(~ arc;/:; q~l;li:t y of lile idTcI in:!',1 '; lrue!, J: f ~ llp~:lr;J C!C~'. .,' i , ,~, 1'" ',' PAG(:9 ,~"'; ,:i ;i~c':,i rh. ': SG1 r/iE1:-ch 24, 2809 Pa]B 12 of 30 Y(~ars i'lgo drainage was not a high cunsidcriJ tion. As cnmnlcrci ,I) development incrc<lsrxJ impervious ~,urfilCC5, the adjacenl rcsi:1cntii11 neighborhnmls bcg;m \0 experience localized fi(J(J~JillS) during lurge r<Jin events. Collier County purchased j,md ;md built <J ';tormw;ltN retention pond in ?OOa, Phase II of the pond is on lar to complete ltle rlrc~ect in the 2009-2010 time/rome, Phase lJ will incrC<lSC (be size of the ~Klnd, instil!! h)'d~;Julic 1'1lJrT1pS ;:nd ,i):"or:iaif~cl [lif:Jing 10 IOWN lhe willer I('vel,. \.'J~l~t\ fuedl lichl influences will not atiew,I for gravity drainage. Proposed Cultur"il District Bound;;ry 11'" ~~ ~r RCc,id(~~lts within the CR/\ bound;lry h,IVR been c:'::-Jeri"rlcirlG !U::i!i/f"j IO(l(kl~J cJUfTf1S] minor hur; icat:L~ ,me! tr;'fliCi,l '",HTT;:; :~)!~ n(;;gh~),)rllDO(J:; WUl' built in IO\'Jlying i'ir",!~ ,'ii,C~ JIl l'ng'!'l'~r:rcd jr;:',:"""- ~'i<;tt':Y~ \.',' ~~, :"0! ';!cc,~qncd 2C hn ~scs ,,'.'tyr' '''',;,,,1' : :!:" c,lr, ,'I". h 2001, 1!;(: cr~A i:, LJ:1dcr!;J....~!:g iJ ccn:pcc1wI'1c,i',le :,tuJy :Jf ~h" c;i(i('lilj,:11 lIe'S;~1~vJrllno(js ;i:l;] il1,d!Yiir:q t'1>.~ U;!':llnq '.',ir[ll 1",i' \yJ:! 1)1 ddt'c-rnir'ir!c! !~>J' T" -T';~' (ld!:!1 " il' ',' ;1:;I~~-,;l(Y', :I"\,l.i(,p ;Pl ir(',p;('/nr(~n', "i:\" I,ht:~'1 r\~ d ~ll{~ I:;';" "';":1:', ~. ~~ t11.~ 'iJ.. " f.,.i), f~;;W f'~-~ L~ F inancials i ;,"1.., ~i :'4, ;!U>J iJ of 3D Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA FY 2008 Operating Expenditures DPei!'~or,.:J1 Sf)rV'i::"~'S !!;O~'er::;ti"'J ~ Land !.:,cC,ys:!i,Jn o ']t(1C,r C::p;al II Grants B. ,L.iJ llli Tr<1r-sft:;rs :.k j';I':,:2dr:;','::::.8i\.'-:::S cr Ye::r End Fund Balance, ~,2,1:}3,8BO_DO. 41 "/(J Persor,a! S{".Hvic~s, S349.020 00 . 7% --'- /---- r S3f38,100.DO , 80,0 Land ,4cqujsition, SE1Qa OOO.CO . 10% J' . ~! S754,OOO.Ci,'j . ~,~ o r.:.;~S'~~\-"~,;~; cr Transfers, S700,000.00, '14=;:; G:::ln!':; ,~ ~:j, ~':) i O..:JCiC\[)O, Et:8 '1'cDr E:-,d f:U;-iC ::,~;[cjr,::t; [j -, ,~i:< 1;- ,- : ",':.' ,1 f::~ I r-, c,'" ;:....,-,.;:.,..:.,:; c .---,.-. . ..., . I , F-')I'\\'0!-] C L1!~_=, r~:e\'er!,i'2 ':',7 ,:::CJ ;~"~;J ,~'C:,~;,OC:'D ;<) C~ ;:.~-' .; '1.C~'U.COO ':\) >> () c:: S 1 C,O,) C~~~() ~- ~..,,'.,",~, .~),',,-) ~. .-'vc.." ,,' "., Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA FY 2003 Revenues '''':',','C'-i'_J(;~ ~,b,?: <.' I}) ~1 t r:: ': ~~' ~:J3 ',\ ::'; ,":-, . ,r . ~ ,- i '..... ;", " ".' J"; .. -- ,,,-"'-- -t!~-------~- II t --- ....., -",- L.:o.) ~~ ,c r',~ ... ro,_ . r ~-"R ~ '["''''- EJays[HlOi\~ aU'::?:\A:2'i.Jr f r;5ng:t9 L,. /~'t ~r- "'. .:~ ' / :~ ,~> C'::I J ~. .1069 Bayshore Drive NJpleS, Florida 34112 ,.;",,'.":,.'1:,": Wh . eRA'';) IS" . \,\'hcrc !s the CRt\ nc'd2'.'C'18pnrcnt /\rc.:a? \,VhC:t2 c!c'C's it get its z;uthcrj~y? DoC's the presence of a eRA increase property tJH:'S? \\'hat does lJ O~A ou? \tv'here is the !\t:uevetoprnent t\tea? (' I "eRA" stands for "Community Redevelopment Agency." The Bayshore Guteway Triangle CRA serves two distinct communities as illustratc.d on the rni)p 'to the right. The Gatev\.lay '~ri::mg!e Community serves as d gateway to unincorporated Col!ier(ountywhilethe 8ayshore Communrty hugs Bayshorc Drive. ::03:n ~~C;. ';:jG1 f.J:2Ji"ch 2:~;C9 Po],] 14 of 30 \Vhere do eRAs get th2lr <3uthority? The Bayshore Cate\,v2Y 'Triangle Ct:;A l was created on r,larch 14. 2000 by the Board of Cuunty C ornrnissionccrs. The creation of CR/\s is ~)erlT\itted under Flcrida Statutes Chapt'2r 163. r:unding for the eRA comes from Tax Increment Financing r.TIF) based un th2 co~mty tax revenues in 1999. ;n accord2nce \>\/lth Chapter j 63 of _.- the Florida Statutes, property tax rc'..'e:nucs In 1 ~)99 paid to the lounty M;!.jHi(t....R'Y".i:t/n,'(..~".xy1ii;mF)i:'Rf<;k"'<>:l,~.'\re. by property oV'.'ners v'J1tnm the He-development Area vVE're frozen; ~i:JCh year the county continues to receive the same (jmount of revenue from those property taxes as it received in 1999. Ho\'vever, as these propE'rti;2S are F::<Jppr2.iscd dnd t:lX revenues inc rease, the inGCnlentid incre2se o\.:er i 999 revenue 15 d;rected to the eRA Trust Fund. Through Tirs, eRAs can (ata!)'zl? s\veeping ~'ed2v.;:,loprnl2nt without G3usinq a:l:Y increase ;n ",y"",,-.,.-to'+-.""',.,,,I " t-'; ....rJ_. 'J "....,.....:-. I.Vn2.t dues the C~{l\ do? ClOC.)j q'..Je)tion~ Your enl\ v,'ork:; h,3rd tc k~ver~liJe loce: I cornrnunity as~;et5~lhe h_)rdv.,'orkin] b;~'d:.r;ifuj !1i1turJ! amenitic:s, E-tC, to the OVf:'fiJl! q:;ality of (jfe for resident;;; .?l.nd hu(,inp5_:;'C>S ~jlii,;;'"!!IIl!lllillllllllC"''"~~ _il___~1j31fj" ,.., ," ," ,~~::':;a 1.0;;1'1 .,1]. 'ItiC;1 .,,,.~,,w,,,,,,,,",;;,.,,,-,o ~l:~,l?!,~";"",,' ::-"~'!.,., " "" ""';\l~" ""0 """:"",f' . CoUley County '~" ~ ---.'-- , "<--:." ~< v, ,/.;'~ <'~::~~'.".~:"'" ," ~~" u,.j /" ' ' '. "~':~~''-'''',';td.(~~~if~li d- rrb~T' , /'c{IF: Iii,F'.f': ,t \'I;.J..__,..;_..,.:,(;J i,. (.......'''11,''.....;7" ."a ':':- ,{ " ,', "'""(j ...:;,\~", -Q " (,...;.:;,a- .,-.,';;,.,',-' ~~~)',Vf/"l; ~,~,',f,t",&i~,~.~,~,',.,:~,~,',:,t,i:,~~~~~,',:""+<,,~",', '.',',;,".'"1,""7:}1*.*n1 ',I, ;:":~,;:.~'~"Sl'o"'l '.'~. _~~' '>~5~,',"~,',~,'1";'f~".' :'~"",.V"~~'~ ~:~r."'~ '.' "..., '~~ ,j ,,0"-" ~ ;:"-,,./ .t~;~....~lI'''''' ..~...." . ""~"'~"';''"f' " "..._-~.,. ~"~',.. '~''''<,'''t..."",~( .'..."". ,-' , !l~::::'!-: '_i~;::.;i~, ",' ",,~._ ~'""';'A-1<., ~,.,/.",..;<. '. .- ..' ., ~'~":'_n',".. ,t-- .. .:""" '. ...". :"0" '" I .L I , , ' i : .~ : , . .\." ('- '_"J.'~'; n:'(~j .+ If F ,. j~t-');~" "'~--"l:11;~~i' ' -" '~';>'''' "Wl':lllJiil'm'" ~~iYt'~L:T '~,,:::L2LI~:':i:i~ji',,:<~ ;~~ .8 itC:'!','ll-J,), :Er:31 :,!;a!.ch 24, ;~',)09 Page 16 of 30 I. Introdu ction .............. ......... ....... ..... ....... ............. ...... ........................ .............. ............... ........1 Immokalee CRA Advisory Board 2008 ...............................................................................1 Policies and Procedures ................ ..... ......................... .... ......... ........................ .............. ....2 CRA Web Page.. ...... ....... ............. ..... ......... ............................. .............. ...... ................ ........3 III. Immokalee Area Ma:;ter Plan (lAMP)..........................................................................,......3 IV. Economic Development 2008 .......................................... ..................................................4 Incentives......... .............. ........... ....... .......................,.............,............................................ 5 Commercial Fa<;ade Improvement Grant Program...........,...............................................5 Collier County Brownfields Coalitiol1................................................................................5 !m pact Fee Rchnbursement Program ........... ................... .....,.. ........ ,.................. ...... ......... S Lands !A\/aj:abl(~ List .................. ...... .... ........ ..................... ,... ..,.. ,.....,.. .... ,.....,.,... .... ..... ,., ,.., 5 1"Jew Businesses! n :nllll okalee....... ...... ...... ............,. ,.. ...... ..,.... ... ..... ,.....,..,.. .....,.. ....,., .......6 Inter1m Land D,:~ve'!oprn2nt Code P'iOCCSS..............w.,," ..."......,..""................,.............., 7 Red Fl,?,g Prc;gr2rn............................... ..... ,"n"'..." ..n"."..'............... .. 7 Tourisl'n. ....... ................ ,. ..........._.. ..., ........ .......... ........ ...." _., .... ..,. ........,....... .,............. ....... ... 3 V. HOUSI N G... .............................,..................,............ .......,..'..'...........,....,........,...,...,.,..,.......,. i 0 Housing Program Adivity ...........,.....................................................................................10 Collier County CDae; DRI Housing Prograr11..................................................................10 Esperan:;:a Place ..................... ...................................... '... ............ ................. ........ ......... ...1 0 Florida Green Home Designation Certification Course ................................................. 11 Vi. infrastructure and inproved Living Condilions.................................................,............ 11 VII. Education and Training ....................................................................................................13 X. F inancials.......... ......... ........ ..... ... ... ........ ....... ...... ......'. ..... .... ........ ...... ................... ......... .......14 \ .~ ,~; '> 1/ /\, I " e- ll)o' l'~ ' I ....r t_l L_ ;':;'-1: ~JJ_ 1C31 I. Introduction This has been an exciting year at the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in Immokalee as we laid the foundation for the redevelopment and revitalization of the commerCial district as 'NSHeS the 5'JmJ'_mding neighborhoods. By ['isl creating a eRA presenC0 ill the c:ornr:l',.inity th:'::;ll summing up the previous four YSCJ.rs of c3reful dialogue bc:t\NCeil ii-iF: ;c;,;id~;nts of lmmokalee, b',Jsin(~~ss k::ad-2rs ;C,,-fld cor-:mlunily stakeholders i;~) the :o;-m of ,:] finz11 (iran lmmokaiee Ar(;3 r\1a~ter F)!<:m (!rJ'\t~p), the e;ld com:Tlu~l:tl' r:,-;,S ~]cgun i!s \\'~:;!! th~)ugrlt out transF.:xrna:ion inj() a 'v'ihiant. susL:;inab:t< '-.,(-)Ci,'::;'Cc:oiiC,mic.?1iiy p,o.s~v:;rous, E:c,)!ogica::y ("H,.J!'~::", and efficient corn:Tlunity. ....- ~ '" rnnHok;de2 eRA I\,dvisory i3oar'd 2008 and tmmokaiee !'"bster PL:m ;wd Vis:ioning Commictee \-\/:I:i31'::S , U_''''''''''''-'-''_~~'''_ :j t; ~'- ~ ' . L.' ,., , r,", ; Nil, , I .j<.: ~,. l'i'i;:f::t~<'~'~:-:'> : ., ,,, . \, ~:;;:);~;,C,7%;1fI',-:l,;~':~";i1!i:{.',;;;:::l' .~; r':'~icil8rd F~iCG Julio Estrernera r~'.)bert H~j!rn8n Elj\v:-.::rd Olesky /\na :3.-~110zdr ?cich2rd H~)2rS F::e-'/. JC:Jil F\}'J! C8~)t. To;n DtJvis Fio)/eJ C:( ,'.':, E\/~"l ',",i~-H'eri ',_I rf::::-JfS [-)c;rnar(~o 8srnhart Fred l-r Thomas, Jr. Kltch~~i! Snow ,.',i4... 0,",',' '.,i'~"ito':;:'. ;,,", ". '; <-"'}.')'.',:".-;.i ';" "':f-~I i,,~'~>,~~ " "i"- ." (:=,:ttl h!" 'I /,.,r,t ,...,; "I: ,,'~ ,--I', ,-----'-" ,-,'.." \' "'.$. t-.--, ""'.." '-'-'I '1 f~ ~"'1lJl"~'"""'- _,}'Z1."""'''';i'illll'!lI'''''.~~''''.jjfl1i ,.., ~~q:~',... "ij~J~:~1~L~:0\:~li.;L~~ ".....~.~.'"_.~y..-.~~~'..,'mlh.""''"'- '\f,_ ,;,.,{",;';,;~~",.- ..t'''''\,~ , ", '~;!i'rz?ti:!1 '''~ CRA Web Page Immokalee eRA staff worked on the design layout and content for the first eVe,r, flee standing Collier County Comrnunity Redevelopment /\gSi1cy \;Veb Sit'3 "jia a joint venture with the Baysflore C;ateway CRA The main framework and content of the site ',;25 initial!y created in house by Cf<A staff. In October of 2008, Pauli Systems of Naples, Florid3 were hired 10 strategically target the web sita content and to hone the oV'2l"all Vieb site design. Guided by CRI-'\ staff, Pauli Systerrls vvill b'2 redesigning and organizing the site content on an ongoing basis. The effort to focus the site content on the multi-cultural fee! of the Immokalee urban area is in fact part c~fth::' i:~ffort to de-velap and rromote tourisrn and eco-tourism and to pull togeHh:;r aU resources tor rcsjdcr:ts. busine::ses Dnd potenti2i 2nlrep~eneurs. Site content 81so focuses 0:1 rnarketing enterprise d'2velcpment oppor:unities by CCHilfTwj"!\catillg the various incentives available in the Urban Des!qni3ted /\rea. i; ;\ /l i ~ \ Penny Phillippi Executive Director Christie Betancourt /\chlln.'.sfratjv~? Ass.'!:; :';i,! Bradley r..,1uckel p,'.cy":.:ct A.1anaucl '!5;;:22.':' !t~;Tl r 10. '3G-1 r',.fo",.,-"h" A."'!iEI"'" .. ~~1:~7~~ ~\I~~ II. Immol<alee CRA Presence One of the goals of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners' (BCC) appointed CRA Advisory Committee has long been to institute an Immokalee CP.A Dffice within the downtown area, retain permanent staii and to establish a community presence. During 2008, the CRA office found genesis in Immokalee. The CRA office has been established at 310 ,ll,lachua Sl. in Immokalee. Three full-time staff members have been hired: Penny Phillippi as Executive Director, Bradley Muskel as Project f'Jlanager and Christie Betancourt as the ldministrative f'.sslstant. eRA staff created a community presence in immokalee VJith strong, focused contact VJith churches. civic. nonprofit and governmental organizations, businesses, potential sntrep,eneurs and citizens by attendance at nlsny lmnlokalee eRA and County initialed public rneetin~;js ciVIC rneetings, door to door contact with merchants, neVIS articles. r'C:ldia talk shO'~'\.'s, and thf~ e$tab!i~,hrnent :'f 3il on fine presence. Policies and Procedures As with any new buciness, 8n adrnillistrative order had t'O be established for the routine operation of day to day business, therefore, set of documents that describe CRi-\ policr0s for operat:on and the procedures necessary to fulfill the pOIIC.12S have been dev:::!ope,j for the lrT1nl:J!~.3!s'e of!c:e. Funher, the rno Cc.dii~r C:)LHily Ct=J,s compie:.2j the dE-;veioprnsnt Of8 pc::sonn(~1 CRA staff pc)llcy and proc.edure doc~l!"nent in sync, These policies have be,en established to furth2r solidify th,::; o;g::1[l;zaiiDils C:Offiilli!:rnent to fair treatment of its employees. This daCU:lient \v!!! be u:::sd as a toe'! to If'\::,~!r.:; f::.:i: treatment through the establishment of an appellate process fc,r Cr;f'\ stc.iff on perfuinlflilce evaluation issues. eRA ernployees no\-^/ have a clear proc':~'s-; for dispute re3o\lticlil and problern scil-,,'ing that can be ulii.,zed upon comph::tlDrl or t':1Sil' ~,ix month ploba:iona;y period. L, ~ ,'n'.' i: III. !mmokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Early in 2008, CRA staff developed a Request for Proposals for planning consultants 10 finalize the IAIviP. Working with the County's Purchasing and Le9al Departments, within two months the BCC had contracted with RWr\, Inc. The 18 month contract included the Master Plan re-write, a Transportation Plan, Immokalee specific Land Development Codes and a Capital Improvements Plan. RWA, Inc. completed the rliaster F'lan re-vl/rite and community review within six rnonths. On December 3, 2008, the Diaft [vlaster Plan was submitted to the Collier County Comprehensive Planning Department in the form of a Compn::hsnsive Plan Amendrnent for review and submittal to the Flo:"id3 Depa-tm€<it of Community P.,ffairs. Th9 lmmokalee .A.rea fV1ast<2r F'lan has besn jeveloped to emphasize identified opportunities and strengths. The first set of objectivEs and policies makes economic development a priorrty, and ~.ets forth specific 'Nays to pion1ate and diversify the lvc;:;d economy E;nj create a positive business C!irlE~te. ThGre 2re Tive Cbj.2:::iivcs the:t deal with the issue. The second objective and its policies deal housing. Mobile homes !l{Jvc historic3.!!Y provided a significant percentage of th'e housin;l in Immokalee, and have provided rifforrlrihie 110n1p,s The tAJ.~P continues to address aU2!Ju;;le housin:~l for farmv'iorkers. Gap housing or '''market-rate;' housing, which provides housin,; f()r micldleclass families, h2S been historically undcn::~pressnted in the hnrY10kale'2 marKet rhe third set Of c~blect~ves addres.~,es !::f:::::s!ructu:',;; and public services. Part:s ;:.:nd :'c:-crer:.1tic.li1?! opportuniti.?'s 10 serve the young famjlis's ;:1 Irn11lok2ise are the first public infrastructure item discussed. TranSpOliation is a rnajor component elf any cornnlunity's public inrr8struclUf'e needs, 3.:ld \vhi:e COJnty-vJide :~~::::U':;:; &l'C stiil de2it '"vith in the county Transport;:1tioll Eli:~m2nt, [hi;:.: P()ftiQil t~fd,%L,:j:\.E,: ,:~i": 3,jciresses !mnlok:Jlee's local rDaGS Clnd needed public s2fety inlprOVerl1en~s to protect pedestrians c:::r-id bicyclists. Oth9r important public services include stor:--''1water management solid waste, and tslecornnl~lnication faclliti8s, which are addressed as \'.'1211. The fourth objective deals with natural resource protecti:)n and ho\v to prot"ilGte ecotourisrn within Irilnl,)t::alee_ Sigllific:ant natural r'2';SC!!.Hces within the irT:;n~I~<Jj~;s Ufb::l~ D2-:~;)ign2tEd ;6,['33 ~;;r;d ecotourisrn ~Jpp'J['i;Jn~ti0s :?~s acl:lic:s:sed here. iril'" ",;';:',,:""1:- ,fA r";'~7~ I =ind !J~,e is;::In itll?gral r.oll1pOnent ofthp. nl:=Jster pian, 2~d th:? fifth obj'2ctive and its ro1icies deal with this Issue, Mixed-use, pedestrian-scaled development is import2.nt. as is allowin'J development in appropriate locations, at densities and intensities that will attract 1~,e~'J devebprner:t. LJibai'l fOnT! and design are 3ddressed ill the si>:th c",bjecthJc. Th'::se po!iciss arc: generally concc:rncd \''.Jith ~ht:: r:JD"J\";tCiWIl d~strict. hO\fJ to crE:,at~: a th>:;:;me or I~)rand for ;rllmoka!ee, provide safa mu~ti-rTudal tf"("'.i"l2,pc.r13tio,l, and develop site design and d2velc;piT,;3td 3tandards appropriate -fe,r i;-I-I~nokalse. H:'.? ~e\/E:tdll :--Jnd 12~-:it objective is concerni~d with InlO;~}J\I;:::rr.rncnL;d cooidination, t'J (~;cjdrcss CUffe-nt ~,~::r\,j,:.'::: i;~:~,U[;3 cHld to (:ontinu~ cuda.boration with CJp;JiOprjate organ\zations ~n th'3 future. _~if~;':";;;;~.;:^r;1~t5~:~~ihflill.;' _m',~" ,,;;:;]:;,_~,.;:,~,~,~ , /',.;;J"'., j",."':,^"....","',, '__''c'"''."',,.',,,,,,' ",'FY' ,~ """-,_.",.,..,,,, '.,,,,,,,~~,",,,,-,,,'.,, 'i ~;c; 1 IV. Economic Development 2008 Economic Development received major emphasis by the Immokalee eRA during 2008. During the economic downturn of 2008, the Immokalee eRA began the marketing and preparation of tools to address impediments and offer incentives to offset some of the obstacles that hinder new business and industry, in preparation for future growth and development. t;l~:'~- ~~~\ J',,"-..~ ,L " -Iri::<\ ,'v'''!MI'~' . ....... ,f~;",.,1,"'(1ti_: " - ' ~.:::.',:,$;ll! ' ~, ' 16G1 New Businesses in Immokalee Throughout 2008 the Immokalee CRA recognized numerous new business establishments in the area. The following new businesses were supported by the CRA in their efforts: Family Dollar Store' Ce Bien Haitian Bakery' Lucy's Hair Salon Eugenio & ry~aria Clothing Store. L;=t Mexicana Bakery rnter~In L~nd DEve~opnleIlt Code Process _~~Jtf_~f~lf.~Y^^J !n light of the fact that a CC!llp!ete set of Land Dev2doprl!:::pt C;odes C3n nut ry? prornulgated hA iiTJiT101",;-.]k-::e until the flilastsr Pian has been approved, lhe CR/~, askE::d RVv'A, Inc. to create a viabie pr::<>sss :-i'Jr c!e\liation fi"Cnl ccn~_iin LOCs f.)f i,rl;~-10k,;:Ic;e_ in;J \!c~ry bol:i and unpreCSd2r1ted eITo;t, \//orklr-I'~ viith the C')llier Cuunty F)lanning COlllmi::;sioil, F:,\/V/\, l~!c. has deveiop'2cl tlv~ deviabon (,!n.'c:ss ;Cir dY lhe ::;\.A.,. Th;':) i,l:t-';fii 1 LUC piUL:':::;~ \-'..-ilt b,:: iOUt2d U:ruu:;ll U:'2 c;:.l Ui-:.:'::':~ f;:-1I !'2v10,'Jv Ci:~:j sr;uL.:ki D'=: :J\Jt'J.ii=:b'e f':J1l::;':: ~:.,:;:.,>',:'lber;:;1 :~DO:J. jll.llr~~ ~i,; t> . - -~I~?4' -i":a.f1j:;{,:;}',.."-,i." ::"'-"L. ":~1~:{:::-:;,:~:,,:,,:":'~r, ' , , '.'Yl:u.'::t::J:\r '- . 'fi'i1i~.. ;";;;'-,i.iii:t. O"-T ~- ''''','IJ . ." ff~ H:;,,~ ~~r~.!trl':~";\;~\\'111~~'~-H:~;:i;;~C:8,'''\ ' .. ,'r.';~;.;i.rlE:4~ ~I !3C; 1 Red Flag Program During 2008, the Immokalee CRAAdvisory Board and staff received numerous requests for assistance from entities seeking a deviation from certain LDCs. Reasons for requested 8ssistance range from prohibitive conditions to exorbitant costs. The BCC recommended that the LOC should be amended to establish a process to specifically allow for deviations to the LDC for projects in lh'2 lmmokalee Urban Area as described above. While the Interim Arnendment is being applOved, (he Imrn:>kalee CRAAdvisory Board established a program called the "Red Flag" program as a s(op gap measure to provide a vehicle for requests for support from the Advisory Board, Entities needing assistanc'3 simply notify the lmmokalee CRA staff and provide crear background information on the issue. The issue i.s then placed on the Advisory Board's regular rnonthiy agenda to be heard. The ,4dvisory Board wiii either make 3 recommendation thai the BCe to grant the deviation or advise the entity that the t\dvisory Board is unable to assist. To date. the Immokalee CRA ,~,dvisory Board has heard approximat.:;;ly ten cases. The Florida State farmer's Market in july 2008 CR.A, staff drafted a I",tiers to legisl8tors that requested assistance \,vith rebuilding the State Farmer's fJiarket in lmrnokalee. This market, which qualifies for Federal Emergency r'.1anag",mentAdmlnistration O=EMp.) repair funds. had yet to receive funding ancl was still in disrepair. in addition, the facility \..vas being held to CUfrent Coili';-:r County Building 2nd ZO~1in9 cod~'s which v\le:c not eC()~Cimic:ally feasilJk:: for recDnstruction activities because rebuil::: with FErAl-\ funds only replace structur'es. Due to CRAand legis:ative intervention FE!v1A;E:deased partial funding fnrrepairst'J the darnagcd buildings. The Co~iisr County Off:c:e 01 Dev;:;lopnv::nt S::-::rvic:es tCIGk stepsro sp-ek re-::118ctmsnt the mo'alorium ;rom 005 which atlo\'Jed all repairs and/or reconsu~jction efforts to be in conlpliance v,Iith the F!ori:la Building Codes in crffsct at tIH~: time of origInal perrnitting, rather than imposing currerit requliE'rnents. 1 tH:~ request to reenact the CoUier County Buiid- Back policy for the damage causecl to the State Farmers r.,,1arket in Immokalee by Hurrisane Wilma In 2005 was approved by the BCC. 'f~iE~, The Collier County Housing AuthOlity, in conjunction with a substantial rehabilitation of 150 units r8ferrea io as "Phase j" of Farm V"Jorr:er \iiiiag-2, which required a number of deviations from LDC prc)'J!s:ons, the CRi\.Advisory [ioard provided a letter of support for deViations frorn ~!l!j LDC req~lirerniJnts. ~!ri:\li!!'ii1"~"i"Ti"__ _:M~'::" ':~,tk~?L\!i~~ -"~~. ~~<<;-;:i~_ ;:+"""" ;KL, ''''', r..:".,.""""^,, " " ."-,, ""-',",,,,,~ ,3 tt'3:-:-j <i 0 _'i ,~<; 1 ~-. \.:~ ...~ .n _.~__! Tourism The promotion of eco-tourism is a :l2tural fit for a rural area :and locks'd by nature. Immokalee eRA staff inventor1e:d all available eco-tourism opportuniti'2s cJurin9 2008 anj \vifl featwe those sites en the CR,'; Vieb site. I)"ppnr r)~IH-rl a c: 'j' c t'\.n U'\.... Toward eco..touriSln ciev8iopme;!t, ii',:; imrnoka!se CR/\ v/::l cOlltinL::::; 10 ',\i:~:r;', closely with Conservation Collier dUilnv th'2 purchas2 of Pepper Rench 2nd v.'i!! actively particip8te in th8 de\-lelopm2nt of the rnanagement pL=m. ..;- \,\\ \.' ~'t - ~-"~ ~~16" :,' . t::~7" ,~.:", "'i;jo>. ~" ~~V; .. -, m~;~::f~er;2:i~~.'L.;,,;..,I1:;rr;;a:.;"" JlI:f",':;Hf:iJ!'J:.::Z !>;'l,"".'J!i:i!.;F'=~':;"..;___:,-,--,_.'~ 0""'" .-- -~"___ ,._-__.I~~~1.,_tJ<y..:.1,~1. ~'~"-. - .~- "., ""!I'IIIiI "c., :; . ..".', . :;:'"'~A':.C'';.....''' .- ',...",."'.::...,,,"', , '. ". ::€k~!t~~~,;;bl;J:;;M; l:::iTi I,):;. Ic;Cil 1',Jl"),-rh 0~ ~)ncl(1 'F'~Ilj".~''" ""1"""'_ ,::/~:',', ',' , .' ;;i:'M"";4,'fi~~'W( b~,,~,->. . ,r,; ,- ' Jtm'\Ei.1j Tourist Oriented Directional Sign (TODS) Program Immokalee CRA staff has been working with Collier County Transportation staff in an attempt to acti'vate the Florida Department of Transportation's Ilew program of allowing tourist oriented directional sign (TODS) to be placed in Rural Areas of Chronic Economic Concern (RACEC). This program will bring continuity to all of the Immokalee area points of interest. These signs can he placed on state roads as far as 25 miles from a tourist siie. The TODS program will be a va!uable attribute to fosfering eco-tourisnl initiatives in the Imrnokalee area by assisting seasonal recreational visitors in discovering all that the area has to offer thus, stimUlating the iocai s'c:onomy. Th:s initiative is t3rgeted for completion dUllng 2009. f.l;"""""""".,~!i'~J;;-3~;t~~~ze~~{!~,~~~'" . A~...""., . """"""~"""" . - :1~!lIMiN~.:i~f~;~Er~~~~ Immokalee PubHc Rea!m Plan and Town Design -...-.......-------.----- I I I I I I I I I i 1 The Immoi{alee eRA, as a part of the Econornic Development initiatives, sought to develop a town desi~Jn f.Jr iml11D!;alee Ih3t wili identify and orand lh0 community vvith its vv'ea1th of d'2e:p rocted \:n.:..~\-i_2d~Jc, \\~rioLs S:)CIC'- political, socia-economic and sDcio-c~jitl.;~2i (Jttribut'.:~s inc;!uding the physical '::::n\'iro:-li11e:nt E;!'id thc; E~(:tivi~i;::.'s, instit.utions and cu1tur.;-~'s th::lt p:'oduc':?: :i'(]rnO<:;:i:.<(:~ S Ci';?1iactt.'.i Sp~?cjfic3!!)'. this plan wouid intt~;~3te t~~ l~llrn()ka\ee (;OiTj[~'~ullilY UICJdgh dtchji~cturdj sl\d pianninJ gui:.it;ii;\~;s 1'_....... to creats a scn:::;(:; of plc:ce with distinct ,~l1d ids-ntifi8ble enti-ances to the downtown core area, as well as create gath;~~;ring places lhat wOLdd mesh with the n"lulti-cultural theme diJd bachgiound :::;f the Irnmoka!ee citizens whIch \Nould ultimately enl:en::e the ,q:.i::l!ity or life fOf the lmmokalee community and attract re'9Ion::ll tOUrls:-p, The Pubiic Realm and Town D0sign \viil provide guidance fc-r the preservation and 0:lhancement of the c(;rnrn~lnity's i.j(;ntity in a workable graphic plan. It is imp,,,r3tiv2 t!1at the F'ub!ic Realm and Town Design be complet,"d and publicly 9xamined and accepted as the standard prior to the completion of the irnrnokalee specific LDCs. To complete this objective, the CF~A 2nd R\\:i-\, inc, have partnered '~vjth the fj;-rn of Land [X~sign fnnov3tions, inG. ,':J\ Chsnqc3 O"der to th:;; ;~;_\\'/\, li'1C (;.::)nti2,ct \'lith :h'2 [3CC has be.?:n p):ecu;::;c! ~~~rJl.IIILlJ:i?:l(~7"";' I I I -..---j _~iIIIJ'JI _if~H~:_i~2t;_,.:~:~-~:,;;,:; ':j.S1 Housing ACl!vilY Col!ier County CD8<3 DRI Housing F:>rogr3n1 in partnership v\"ith the Collier County Housing D€:partrnent, -he Imrncka!2e CR,l\ staff provided Gutre2c,h, in:ak:s 2nd ce:1:]i;C:3tions for th8 Collier County Community Ds-velopme-nt f31~ck C;r2nt (CDBG) D~.l hc:usin;j 2::.S;2.ta:lc:e ~~rogi-am. Out:-each included li\/8 radio b~oadc2st t:) ensure pr-ogram participah:Jn from U1'2 Spatl!sh sps3king cornmun':ty, notices published in Eng!ish, Spanish and Creo~e were placed in trv? lo::al neviispaper and hand fly,::;rs distributed throughout the comniunity. !\lthou~Jh G:ppiicatio:13 \,"'is-re r-ec:ei\.i'~.d Te)r a t:Jta! cAthre2 months, :)Vf:.r 1 00 v:!ei8 dlstrib:Jted and direct 2;Jplicatic)r1 as~,ist2n:::"'2 \Va3 r'nJvid:?d :0 [3;;j h::usshoids Of those, 55 of the applications \ve,e 10CJ'</() complete and V,leie C,:;i\V'2'Y0;<i 1;:. ~h2 Cc!iic'l' CCJur!ty HOU3:ilJ Oepartrnent. v. Housing The lmmokalee CRA !\dvisory SOcHd sought opportunities toward improved housing stock by providing ass.istance with infrastructure needs; seeking partnering opportunities \\llth both the Collier County Housing Departm'3nt and irle Collier County Code Enforcement Depariment 1:') slii"11ifiE.te uns2fe blight in neighborhoods I" 1:" i , l I i i __1'_- ,I -[.. I I i " ii i;, i' . j ~ r:,,}Q,.'~"l:i p'l>rp '__. ....l..... ,.u ~ ......L.... in Fe~~j,Li5ry 2003, the !rr;~Tioka:es LO~:"3! Fzedeve!opilier~tl<y:;ncy /-'.~:hli.:ol"Y C::FFd re'c(};T1irl~;;[';dj.:;:l that the CRl"..... Board authc["jze s;u ~.J [Sp'2i'c,n;:? ~'!G<:;:: In th'2 ?:tT1GU1t of $:300.0CJO to be jist,lbJ~'3j ill ;r;crenl::~;nj~; of S20Q,ClDO f)~:r )":3[ fCH th:--e'2 years, ini~j:-)~! in FY ?ClOD ,~'::~::J C'!~I:::!inf! irl FY 2011. !;l JUtl'::! of 2003, ;~1'2 CKf\ i2c2r:J ;:'.!~)i_"fC,;,\.,,=<j the :~c;r;n~itm~:"~nl ()f funds. This C!'::,,\i ~lt is b~-:in] [".Iuiitjointly b~v t,1'iD not- f::)[' tr>== ErilpO\\'-2rrn9ni ,;~Ji:an\-:-:e Dr ~::ouhwest F!::iri~h (~[<i Fl::JticL:1 1\lun Pr'ofit ~3':?nJi::.::s. I:"jc;. ;3;';J \'Iii! ~);ovide "I 76 r~'~n:::il units for F~j::Tlv/olker f2n"\:ii~s ::1)1.:1 60 sin;;!le family ~-':C'rn~:)'}:r1',:,'rsJlip un:ts, -n:-2 cCPLni:::l'2:[lt of lrnrnck2!~;,e Cf~.A.T2X Incr~~<i-;'2ili i='u;lds (TIF) ::, to !l2 LJs2d toward inhas.tructure tJ the de'Jslopill-2nt. Co:;stru::tion at Esperanza Place wili begin early i;) 2C)09. .1 I I I I i" ,- , , " 'I , . - '1"\1~,,':,'!:"rJ:' > I i!. :1 "Ti'~'7: 1;:-i:-:"~,:;:..,::ie'2 (:r~~.b.. '.j'::cessfuliy sponsored J F!o:"i:~ia C:;re:2n ~1cme Designation C:'2r-lif'c,J:tiC:'il Cour~'3 1[1 Immokalee under the auspiCi~S of lh::: F!oi"!da Solar i::rit:i:':,IY (,:L:;t:sr \~SEC) and the Florida Green Building C.:::liilition (FC3DC). The C:35:-5 './,':;::.s ;dU;JU by Eric L'1artin, Senior F~esearc:h Engineer in th,;~ BuildiHgs Res':::;;;-)I;::;!-, tJi'..I:~' '::["J z,:t :l1e r-SEC:', H2 holds a BadH:;lor of Science in Chl~mic("tI Enc~ii"let:::lir'g ?ope] a ~,,'t:t:ster of ;:3cience in Environrnental Engineer'ing, both from the HOi'ida In:,titut.;; ofT'2::hno!ogy. Mr ::3UILDlr~C:; h.'artin has be-2n active in the state c;-:S \\is':: as j~2t:o;"_;::d ~F0f::i1 bu::cLilq nl:JV2ili2nt through his work at rSEC and throu9h previous service::: on the Board of Directors for the FiDrida Green BLilk:J.iilg CC)3Iit;Ci,'" lj-,c.. and ihc- LC[[rnA i:c,(;-j::~ (_~C;';I~I,~.~t,::=:(:: ("if t:,,;:: U'~:~ C:',~:,:;n B:';:;Z:;;'i;j C>J,,;n~.::;;1. C;',/cr 40 (::'T"Qii.::"j in U,,:: ;~L:\'~::; frc',:"n :,"1',;: ~<:; ;'111 ~-J"'~-" ;'-,,,:, ,~~;;1;f.::::-1f :::l()riri:~ Thp inlrr:n!,:,::::d=~.-? r;R/-\ Dii'i--=-e:or i-:::.<;f::!'v".:::;c! her C::C-:T/iciti'~JEi EJ':; :;t ,- '(', ':'~'l t" ,. h:-::p;,-':.:'~;i.. i,;"r~,;) ~,~:'-:<c:sf:Jriy cCI'(jr~d'2tjl-lg th.::; 1'2St r-k}ddJ Cire211 t-{orne ". . r .c, . C lJbtZ;';HIOII ~_enni(a(lon .ourse "Br ~ '1,---..1 . LITlor'..~ "4~"'':1Xi'ila1'i1:, " . . &1lS~kjH1r~,'~;(' ,1,'.':_' iiiR.~j1iI~f,7~_,~;;;i:;;;t~ __~"""i!"_~"'''~'''''''' 1fi""....,,"I""" , 0" J~~ . ~1ii~~,i;": ;'~.J.3;-Ic1a :~em ih. ":'5G1 ~"""'"''''''''..''' r"""'"'''<''~0~11:i''''''''I!;';lt,\li''\'', '!,:j~H<:i\,'~',,::~,_~~ ,,:t'i~; , Vl. Infrastructure Jnd Improved living Condiciol1s In response to the deplorable flooding conditions caused by tropical storm Faye in September 2008, Immokalee CRA staff has met with the local MSTU Beautification COrTlrnitt'Se to propose a partnership with the IlllrTlokalee eRA and an 'Sxpansion of the committee's responsibilities and geographic boundaries to address issues such as storm vv'ater drarllage, sidewalks, and overall roadway maintenance. The beatification MSTU is currently restricted 10 the lv1ain Street district and concentrates its efforts (funds and grants) on beautification projects. Th." propos0d Immokalee CRAlMSTU partnership \^/ould conhine both ':)rgan;zations efforts and funding sources and grant opportunities to address infrastru:tui.;j ds-ficiencies including but not limited to stor-mwater. street repair and maintenance 2S v/ell 8S side'~valks. The Collier County Transp':JnatiDr1 Depa;iment and Legal s~aff ar'e investigating the ramifications of the !-JiSTU expan2,ion (~nj the potentici Ct-~,L; p2rtnerships_ , i Pri\/3t~Jiy Owned Stre.;:ts ! in 1'1lT'nnk::-llto'=' I . i ~" "" """"-'~""'''''''mIII-'~-~ ' ,,', - " " '3-;q--,"j;,i'-'0'''':, "l~';,1"'."",-;-s<t',, , 'm-~'~'''''?'''' " " " ' '-\"""\"'1'1'.-",' h-" ~"",,1"fi( , ,,' ';",' ',0,. .. ,,- ~',';:iLk~;;;;;,',(:"" ',--I..!L,...t:':'",Li"" ':': \" "';', ' ",'. VII. Education and Training V.,rith a recogniti;}n that IrtHnokc:l89 i~;::;s a very young (average age 24) and ready workforce, a 2.t3ted objecti've of the eRA /;dviso;-y Board has long been 10 partnerwilh educational institutions of higher learning, the SOUThwest Florida VJorkfoice Devclopr';-lent Beard and potential ernploY'2rs tov/ard bringing educati2n {)PpCJitur:lti,~s Toc',!sed on empl8yrnent read:ns;;s to imr;lok3!":>::.-.;. I ne imn--:okaiee C~/, EXec~rti\."e Uirect:)r I~" a me;llber cf the Educstion CorT,:-ll;U:~e 1.:)[ th::- :rninokak:':-2 Ch:?Jmbsr cf (=unii1E:::ce The comm;t~ee is made IIp of ecJuc3lcJ;S, hus1nc;s:; peDple. Sm311 Business De'..'elCl;Jiil'2,lt Centers and i'~lter~sted cItizens. Th-= qoals of th2 cQ!'nm[t!;::'2 are to 1) prep,He studenls for pc.::;,! ~>=C0ild3;Y educ3tioil OPiJOnui'litiss 3:id t;) ent:::! t<) ',\';ykf.T~~'~. anj 2) prornole educ;:Jl1on ana' t:"c:iniTJ ofb~!;.;ir::<<; s.r;j to ,:-:ntr-::: ;Yt2!i C U :.':_1;:P ~,~ r' j t~, ~j:;;!:--' ,',_':C' in::ubi';}tio~:, Thl-~.:~_!gh this c'=;T,;r",:i~7'2':::'S p2nn:"~:'::;h ',g-:;n:;::l i:c-:: I i.'J. t" .~ ~". :ji:~}:2;',~?0' , ~..', ;'~~:,i':',;',~;,:,:/ .<..:.I;.;::k~'i;;::;~,;.;>?->F~,~ (2E'~;'~~~- '''' . 'I '1"'~I~~"''1:-e~L~~;';::'''';''''t-':;,'Ji$i~#t~~~,,,,-, . 8~:i. .."~-,,,~.~,~:y,~,~~~~,~) unjer the of Cr. ,::.\~~~:ph Helr'IZn';;;r-i CiT Hodges University, this objecti'~'e has rea:h,:::d fiu:ti0n in il-irn~)~:2;i~"2 ;-iodges Uillversity is i"iO'./i, fJr th(~ flist ti:ns, OffSi!iig a d2g;--ee prCJ;.Fa~i, i;~ tJusi;':::--ss ::l i:-n~lof'.alee, CY~e-jS v~'ho have join,?d the endeavor include t:_dis0n Stat~ .v r.'1::::"';3 L;"~'.":;'i'sity, !Tech Inlnl':Ji".ai::::e Technical Center, Collier County Public S(:.hOD!S. Florida c;u:r Co;:;~;t U;-':'c';;:; ;;'-:d S':'-Juth\v::.'st FkHicJa \/Vorkforce Developrnenl Board_ .'1 ~'tl' ""~Il; /\{~:'1 i{t;!!:r:"__-c ~ ~~,li:.___ r-----.-.-----~-.---~-.-^---------~.~ i I , " I : ; t ,J ... tl It lti II " ~ .; t L. . "'1' I :[:1: ' Ii ;,: ,~; ...' l,;. :::~ !:" ,:!'.~;~ i .. C"",""'".";".. . :/.~:s2',~r!(:,;fl\~':r,lt:i%c':~J:ar:t~'~~:Is [~'sll.~Si~itjjJ~iJI:~j}l:i ;!T~;'~~;'~0i'~. " , .--------...----.,"-..-.------.-.--....--.---{ ~1 IS 6 ll1 I I I I I I 1'1 I 1 , I I i I i " 'I ij , ""''''!IIfIj ;' ,'. '".~'~;:" _ ,,_1 CiIIRI' C""~-c.c.., 'y,c','Y' _1,"'" fri!J.o.f~,;'t!fl' .~%'/~,,~~,,::, 3.~ );;;:';:('. 1 " ~,' ',",..."...",,~,::~i VHI. Goals for 2009-20 I 0 Looking toward the next two years, tlie goals of the eRA will mirror the goals and objectives of the lAMP. The first priority and objective is enhancement and diversification Economic Development. The second objective is to begin growing smali Housing stock ir,to a viable market. The third objective addresses Infrastructure and public services. The fourth objective deals with Natural Resource protection and eco-tourism opportunities. The fifth and sixth objectives deal with Land Use and Urban Form, planning for the town design, pedestrian environment, and lourism. The final objective requires Intergovernmental Coordination to ensure services in the future, Based upon the new Draft IAtvlP, to ensure implementation of the community's objectives, the Immokalee CF:A will' hold a series of workshops to map out the strotegic and operational plans for the Imrnokalee CRA to be completed by March 31, 2009. DC SUmmJIY "f' he year ?l)08 v~'as a very successful year for t.he ITi:-,!C't:3i2e CR!\ in that a eRA pres'2~nce was established \.vith ;:1 ful!y func,lional office and staff with poiicies end proceduies Bnd a great Vveb page to marko::,t that preseilce ThiS st2ff \/larked to move the Imlllokale'2 master planning process forward though many publiC meetings and discussions culminating in the SUb,T;jssi:1I1 of the Draft IlJ/;P document t:J Collier County for review 8S a Compreh'2ns1v2 Pian /'"rncndnl'2nt That m3.ior emnllasis VJEiS Dlaced on the o-svelopment of new b~sinesses in the Inimokalee communitv . r-" ~ during this past year is clearly evident by the aggresshf2 marketing of the EZane and Bee inc2ntives, the creation and marketing of a Commercial i'a<;:ade Improvement Grant Program, the new LandsAvailable List, partnering toward thl2 creation cf a Colli:::r County Brovinfield Coalition, and working toward new programs such as the lnlp3ct Ft~e Rell'Ylbursernent Progranl, an Interinl LDC j:;.,mendment to allow for a LDC deviation process and tourism apportunities such as F),:~pper R8.ncll and tbe TODS program. in perff;;ct syn;: '.'iW-j the u8(;iI'8 to CH.::"l!8 l;(;UI10rnic \,\'-2:3;[h in ii18 CUllHT1U,'Jily, staff sought opportunities 10 ;>rovide improved housin,] stock and infrastruciure through housiii[~ rehab and new construciion, mindful cf a _eco~fr!end!y "(:;reen" ::rnphasis by \'iCJd~jng \v.iU.' C~i.~:;r C~ullty Hou~in~ Dep~l~rnent on the .DF~I Progr~m, '''llh L:-:')~'r'~rl'z,,;< DI~"-'r::.' 'C,\,,---..I""'''I''''-''''! ....,'".. ''''r,..,_:,~.J'~l] .f "'-C~l hr','--,-","~ 1~"ll.J'~"J .I.....,....,,~g O~D^rt"n.r.y f-"- I~""-I ' "0,,- L_.Jf-":" ,_~ Cl' IC-<~..~ U .\;',,;1'._';-, '1;::11 011,_.}J '--'~"-dl ~ \___1i:~',--,' \ ~li.l'v '~'t.: LJ,d~_ l ~\1l1111' f-'l-U lU II. UJ li-~.J:, ng prDviders Tcward inl[JiDved infr2structure and ijv~n~) cCJwJllions i:1 );-nnloK31e'S'. tl18 CF~P,/\dvlsory Board has rSol;zed its lc.nf] 3woitcd gG31 of h3\/i:lg -3 h::;chnic.al school and ;J :.:189;'(;0 prograrn Evailabk: to students in Irnmokale:8. ~"r~~~gf,~?,~~~~~;~~';:.~1iil~~'{,.:"'.:'.' ;';;.~,~~~~;~:::;~,!1\1~ ~""'.~"~~,J;.;;,;J;j~,&;.'",i'~<''';'i.\l'~~;' ,;..,.~:;;~",-'~.%\'i:.~~:.{,;;:,c6;,\~1:~ >~:'!':^ X. Financials Tax Increment Revenue 2005 - 2006 S1.0DOGC'Cl .-- Sfi{'O;i(,Q ~tiorUiO'J "__+"S"491,400 ,,:.:UiJO ." S2G~ ,(;(:0 ::1.105 ::)['5 20GB Revenues for the Immokalee eRA J':/o (..': EKpe[r~(:s ~" :; l! -+--------- ----. i;'3B,D00 ~CO:UiOO :007 :005 r---'-------~----~ IDTUX lpcrern~f1t I R~\lC nUB , Ii C;::rryforweJrd , , I I;:-~ tl;:SU:.(rt~1~(d)5 I p.('Vcn~IC ------ []PE.'rSi);n,.:;1 I DOpC:dtin;; Exp.:>I1S8S I [JOthQr C.1pit:\J 1 [jGl<l rt slAd Ui.Tr<lnsfers I OBiJdgct j.~i:'Sc:.'n"2S i __........J __~~~,Xc1,Lt~ ILelt ,~ .. 'I ,'u' ~.i' :te~r: ;\'0. :>~ ",,"" "iEJ .tl II,. 1 ,~\,1 ." ;' ! i - .........'... C"')"")"IIJ'"', . l "; I ~ I , I- ';' ,.'r'i...' r ~; , , "<... L