Agenda 03/24/2009 Item #16B 8 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 1 of 18 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for $515,247 to fund stormwater improvements to the Haldeman Creek system and to reconstruct the Loche Louise weir in Crown Pointe, a portion of the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Pro.iect. OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval of the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the j'lazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to fund stOnl1water improvements to the Haldeman Creek system and to reconstruct the Loche Louise weir to alleviate flooding in the surrounding area. CONSIDERATIONS: This Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is the direct result of the Presidential Disaster Declaration of August 24, 2008 related to Tropical Storm Fay (FEMA-1785 DR-FL). This grant is designed to harden sites to prevent or limit losses during future storms and disasters. The HMGP is managed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and funding is allocated by the United States Depattment of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The amount of funding available for Florida is based on 15% of the total federal disaster assistance for this event. Collier County's estimated sharc of funds tor Tropical Sto011 Fay is $909,618. I 8. Due to the lack of comprehensive drainage outfall system in the East Naples area, continued development has impacted flood levels as well as water quality. The Lely Area Storm water Improvement Project (LASIP) was designed to ensure water quality and allcviatc flooding in the area. Currently, Storm water Management has completed four LASIP projects, three projects are under construction, and three projects are being designed. Stormwater Management is proposing to submit an application for HMGP funding for LASIP Project 19 in the area of Wendy Lane and Crown Pointe. The proposed project will include the following elements: . Reconstructing the existing Loche Louise weir (north of Riviera Estates); . Constructing a new wcir at the nOlthwest comer of Riviera Estates to control discharge flowing west into the Haldeman Creek system; . Constructing a double 4'X 8' box culvert ditch crossing; and . Reconstructing four hundred feet of existing ditch with stabilized side slopes. The proposed stormwater improvements in the area will provide improved stonnwater conveyance and increase flooding protection. FEMA statf has explained that due to the time required for the grant approval process, projects will typically start no sooner than three yeat.s. This project is scheduled for construction in FY 2013. - FISCAL IMPACT: This grant requires a 25% in-kind staff time and/or cash match. This FEMA grant allows for in-kind staff time and pre-construction design and permitting costs performed after August 24, 2008 to count toward the 25% match. Staff estimates it will spend at least $23,447 in staff Project Management and grant writing and grant management if the grant is approved by FEMA. Staff estimates that there will be a cash match of $1 05,365 required for the 25% match. If the pre-award and in-kind costs are not approved at the time of grant award, statf will explain any cash match . requirements at the time the award and grant agreement are reviewed for approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Aqenda Item NO.1 GBS - March 24, 2009 Page 2 of 1-8 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This mitigation project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Gro\Vth Management Plan and the Collier County Hazardous Mitigation Plan. It is anticipated that the project will be on thc list of priorities fiJr thc Local Mitigation Strategy. This project supports the goals and objectives of the Collier County Growth Management Plan: Policy 2.3 (Pursue State and Federal Grants). LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attomey's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a majority vote for approval, and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board action.--SRT RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners (I) approve submittal of the grant application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for $515,247 for stormwater improvements to the Haldeman Creek system and Loche Louise weir reconstruction; and (2) to authorize the chair to sign the transmittal letter, the maintenance agrecment and all associated grant application documents. Prepared By: Brandy Otero, Operations Analyst, Stormwater Section Attachments: (1) Grant Application; (2) Project Area Map; (3) Project Loeation Map; (4) Transmittal Letter 2 Page lof2 Agenda Item No. 1688 March 24, 2009 Page 3 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1668 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve submittal of a grant application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for $515,247 to fund stormwater improvements to the Haldeman Creek system and to reconstruct the Lache Louise weir in Crown Pointe, a portion of the Lely Area Slormwater Improvement Project. Meeting Date: 31241200990000 AM Prepared By Brandy Otero Planning Tech Date Transportation Services Transportation Planning 3110120098029:20 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Divis~on Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 3/10f2009 1:31 PM Approved By Debra Eurom Assistant Grant Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Serv~ces 311012009 US PM Approved By Caroline Soto Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering and Construction 311012009 1 :58 PM Approved By Gerald Kurtz Senior Engineer Dale Transportation Services Storm water Management 3110120092044 PM Approved By John VHet Roads Maintenance Superintendant Date Transportation Services Road Maintenance 31121200910:57 AM Approved By Therese Stanley Grants Coordinator Date Transportation Transportation Administration 31121200911033 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 3/12t200911:38 AM Approved By Jeff Klatl_kow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 311212009 2038 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 311212009 3030 PM Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24. 2009 Page 4 of 18 Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/13/20099:13 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/171200910,34 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3117120094,35 PM Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 5 of 18 March 24, 2009 Ms. Kathleen Marshall Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Emergency Management Mitigation Section 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2 100 Re: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Dear Ms. Marshall On behalf of Collier County, I am pleased to submit the enclosed grant application (one original and three copies) to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. If the Collier County Haldeman Creek Stonnwater Improvements and Loche Louise Weir Reconstruction project is selected for funding, Collier County is committed to fulfilling all commitments made in the grant application, including provision of the local match. We look forward to working with you on this very important project for Collier County. Sincerely, Donna Fiala Chairman STATE OF FLORIDA - JOINT HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGMM~temh ~~. b6B8 FLOOD MITIGA TlON ASSISTANCE APPLICATION a~~ge ,; o??~ OTHIS SECTION FOR STATE USE ONLY FEMA.1785-DR-FL D Standard HMGP D Standard FMA o 5% Initiative Application o Initial Submission or D Application Complete o Re~ Submission Support Documents o Conforms wi State 409 Plan D in Declared Area D Statewide Eligible Applicant D State or Local Government o Private Non~Profit (Tax ID Received) o Recognized Indian Tribe or Tribal Organization Project Type(s) n Wind D Flood D Other: Reviewer Phone#: Reviewer Fax#: Reviewer E-Mail: Date Application Received: Community NFIP Status; (Check all that apply) o Participating Community 10#: o In Good Standing D Non.Participating D CRS State Application 10: State Reviewer: Signature:_ Date: This appiicalion is for all Federal Emergency .Management ,Agency (FEMA Region IV) Hazard MItigation Grant Program (HMGP) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) proposals. Please compl~le ALL sections and provide the documents re-quested. If)'ou require It'\:hnical assistance WIth lhis application, please (0ntact your State Emergency Management Division at (850) 922-5269. A To Fill Out This Application: Complete all sections, which correspond \\'ith t'he type of proposed project General Applicarhm Sections: pp.l .5: All /\pplic3nts must complett' these sectIOns Environmental Rel'icw: pp. 6-9: All Applicants must complete these sections /J.faimemlnc(! Agreement: p. 10: ..111)' Applications involving public rropeny. public o\\.'l1er.~hip, or management of property Acqui....ilion Wnrksheel: pp.l1-l3: Acquisi[lOn Prill!.!C!S ()n~\' -. one worksheet per structure Elevution H,'ork..lJeet; pp. ] 4-18 Flt?l'l1fion I'ru/ecls only -- one worksheet per structure Drainage IJ'orJi.'iheet: !Jp. 19<:? I: Drainay,e Pm/ects Im~v Hind Retf(~/i( '".'orkslteet: pp. ~2<~4: Wi11d ,.elrofll projects Oil/\, (H>~fGP o,,(~,) -. one worksheet per structure pp. 25-27: Wind retro(i(.'she/fer projects (i11~l' (H/'~fGP 011/)') ~. one worksheet per stnJcturc FE~1A Form 90-49 (R.;:quest for Public AssistJncc:): All /\pplicants mllst complete. ifapplicO:lble. llMGP/FMA Applic~tion Completeness Ch('cldi"t All 3rrliuHH,> ofe recommendr.(l In rH111plE'te thIs checklls! ..1uachment A; Attachment B: R. Applicanllnformation FEMA-17H5-IlR-FL DtSASTER NAME: Tropical Storm Fa)' Ex.. FEM.1-1609-DR-FL flurr/can,' Wilma Title i Brief Descriptive Project Summury: Collier County Haldeman Creek Stormwatl'r Imorovemt'n1s and Lock Louise \Vcir Rcconstnlction I. Applicant (Organization); Collier Count" Government 2. Appileanl Type (8] State or Local Govemmenl 0 RCCOgllIZt:d Native Amt:rican Tribe 0 Private Non-Profit J. County: Collier 4. State Legislative District: Florida Congressional Districl(s): l.:! House: 76 Senate: 37 ). Federal T,,\ I.D. Number: 59.6000558 6. FIPS Code"': 021-99021-00 (*ifyour FIPS code is not known, please till out fEMA Form 90-49 (Attachment A) so that the Department may obt<lin n FJPS coue for you) 7. National Flood !rlsurJ.ncc Program (NFIP) Community Identification Number (this number can be obtained tram the F1RM map for your area): 120067 8. NFIP Community RUling System Cbss Number (F~.L\ ONL.V): N/A 9. NFIP Last Community Assi,>lance Visit Date (FMA ONLYL N/.,\ 10. /\ttach prr\ororcurn~nt Flood Insurance POli,:; (F!\lA nol)). I. loud Insurance Policy Number: N/A Atta<,,'h uny l'ontinuatiun.s m <1ddi{;onal items to thi,;, page FClrIn No liM(jPTMA-OOI. Elf. 08;17/07 Agenda Item No. 16B8 STATE OF FLORIDA _ JOINT HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM &March 24, 2009 FLOOD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Page 7 of 18 11. Point or Contact [8JMs. OMr. OMrs. First Name: Brandv Last Name: Otero Title: ODerations AnalYSI Street Address; 2885 South Horseshoe Drive City: Naples State: FL Zip Code: 34104 Telephone:239-252-5859 Fax: 239-252-6050 Ernail Address (if available):BrandvOtero(i:lcollien!ov.net I J. Authorized Applicant Agent (proof of authoritation authority required) [8JMs. OMr. OMrs. First Name: Donna Last Name: Fiala Title: Chairoerson. Collier County Board of County Commissioners Telephone: 239-252~8097 Street Address: 3301 Tamiami Trail E. City: Naples State: FL Zip Code: 34112 Fax: 239-2S2-J602 12. Applicatiop Prepared by: [8JMs. Title: ODerations Analvst OMr. OMrs. First Name: Brandv Last: Olero Telephone: 239-252-5859 Fax: 239-252-6050 Signature: Dale: JI24109 14. All proposed projects should be included in the county's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). Attach;s a letter of endorsement for the project from the county's Local Mitigation Strategy Coordinator. 0 Yes 0 No 15. Has this project been submitted under a previous disaster event? If 50 please provide the disaster number and project number if available. No Section I. Project Description A. Hazards to be Mitigated / Level of Protection Select the type of hazards the proposed project wi 11 mitigate: [8J Flood 0 Wind 0 Storm surge 0 Other (list): 2. Identify the type of proposed project: o Elevation and retrofitting of residential or non-residential structure o Acquisition and relocation 0 Acquisition and demolition o Wind retrofit [8J Minor drainage project that reduces localized flooding o Other (please explain) ~___ 3. List the total number ufpersons that will be protected by the proposed projel;l: 4. Fill in the level of pro tee lion and the magnitude of event the proposed project will mitigate. (e.g. 23 structures protected against the IOO-year (I (Va) flood) _ structure(s) protected against the _ -year Flood (10. 25. 50. 100. or 500 yeal) _ slructure(s) protected against _ mile per hour (mph) winds 5. Engineered project.~ only (e.g. Drainage Improvements, Erosion Control or other special project types. (Other special project types include drainage and other engineered projects. These projects are unlike acquisition, elevation or wind retrofits/shutters.)) Attach to this page AL.L engineering calculations and design plans used to determine the above level of protection. 6. Project will provide protection against the hazard(s) above for 50 years (i,e., what is the useful life of the project) ATTEST DWIGHT E_ BROCK, CLERK App~oved as to fo~m & legal suf Deputy County Atto~ney BY: Attach any continuations or additional items to this page , L Fonn No. HMGPIFMA-OO I. Elf. 08117i07 Agenda Item No. 1688 March 24. 2009 Page 8 of 18 B. Project Description, Scope of Work, and Protection Provided (Must be Completed in Detail) Describe, in detail, the existing problem, the propos.ed proje~ and the scope of work. Explain how the proposed project will solve the problem(s) and provide the level(s) of protection described in Part A. Also, if available, attach a vendor's estimate and/or a contractor's bid for the scope of work. Please ensure that each proposed project is mitigation and not maintenance. Description of the existing problems- . The project area map represents an approximate drainage basin area. The drainage basin area. lacks a primary stormwater management outfall system. . With a distinct wet season and dry season, Soutbwest Florida receives an average of 55 inches of rain Bnnually, with 44 incbes occurring in the wet season, between June and October. . During tbe wet season, tbe permeability of tbe soU is low and the water table is high. With regular back to back rainfaU events delivering in excess of one inch DC rainfall per event, nuisance flooding in neighborhoods BDd 00 roadways is common, and catastropbic flooding (structures) is also possible. Describe the type(s) of protection that the proposro project will provide- The proposed project is designed to provide protection from flooding. Tbe project consists of constructing several stonnwater management system improvements designed to reduce the likelihood of localized flooding witbin the indicated project area. Once the described improvements Bre constructed, properties, structures, residents, roadways, Bod other infrastructure will be better served by a system which conveys stormwater more efficiently to the outfall. Scope of Work (describe in detail. what you are planning to doFfhe proposed projeet is designed to reduce nooding ill the East Naples area oreomer County, Florida. During rain events tbe area experiences 8 high instance ofrunMoff flooding. The project includes reconstructing an existing weir, constructing 8 new weir, iostalling a 4'x8' box culvert, and reconstructing 400' of existing ditch. Describe any other on-going or proposed projects in the area that may impact, positively or negatively the proposed HMGP or FMA project-Several projects have been completed, orwiU be completed dOwDstream and upstream oftbis project witbin tbe neJ:t two years as part of tbe Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP). LASIP was designed to reduc.e flooding and enhance water quality in tbe East Naples area. Section II. Project Location (Fully describe the location of the proposed project.) A. Site I. Describe the physical location of this project, including street numbers (or neighborhoods) and zip codes; and if available, please provide precise longitude and latitude coordinates for the site utilizing a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit or the equivalent: 2. Title Holder: CoWer County 3. Is the project site seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL)? DYES IZINO 4_ Provide the number of each structure type (listed below) in the project area that \',111 he affected by the project. That is, all structures in project area. D Residential property: _ 0 Businesses/commercial property: _ o Public buildings: 0 Schools/hospitalslhouses of worship: _ D Other: _ B. Flood Insuraoce Rate Map (FIRM) showing Project Site o Attach two (2) copies of the FIRM map, a copy of the panel information from the FIRM, and, if available, the Floodway Map. FIRM mops are required for this application (if publishedfor your area). Also, all attac/,ed maps must have the project .file and structurC$ dearly marked on the map. FIRMs are typically available from your IncaJ floodplain administrator who may be located in a planning, zoning, or engineering office. Maps can also be ordered from the Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616. For more information about FIRMs, contact your local agencies or visit the FIRM site on the FE1\1A Web-page at httn:/f",,",vw.fema.!!ov/homcfMSClbardcoo\'.htm Using the FrRM, detennine the flood zone(s) of the project site (Check all zones in the project area). (see FIRM legend for flood zone explanations) (A Zone must be identified) Attach any continuations or additional items to this page Form No. HMGPfFMA-OOI. Elf. 08/17/07 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24. 2009 P",nc. 0 ....f ,,\Q 0 VE or V 1-30 0 AE or A 1-30 0 AO or AH 0 A (no base flood etevation given) 0 B or X (shaded) 0 C or X (unshaded) 0 Floodway 0 Coastal Barrier Resource Act (CBRA) Zone (Federal regulations strictly limit Federal funding for projects in this Zone; please coordinate with your state agency before submitting an application for a CBRA Zone project). 0 If tbe FIRM Map for your area is uot publisbed. please attach a copy of the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) for your area. with the project site and structures clearly marked on the map. C. City or County Map with Project Site and Phntographs r2J Attach a copy of a city or county scale map (large enough to show the entire project area) with the project site and structures marked on the map. o Attach a USGS 1:24,000 TOPO map with project site clearty marked OlIthe map. o For acquisition or elevation projects, include copy of Parcel Map (Tax Map, Property Identification Map, etc.) showing each property to be acquired. The map should include the Tax ID numbers for each parcel. if possible. o Attach photographs (at a minimum 2 photographs) for each project site per application. 1be photographs should be representative of the project area, including any relevant streams, creeks, rivers, etc, and drainage areas, which affect the 1 site or will be affected by the project. For eacb structure. please include the following angles: front. back and both sides. ' Section III. Budget/Costs In this section, provide details of all the estimated costs of the prqject. As this information is used for the Benefit~Cost Analysis, reasonable cost estimates are essential. Since project administrative costs are calculated on a sliding scale, do not include them in the budget. Also, do Dot lnclude contmgency costs in the budget. Avoid the use of lump sum costf. A. Materials I D ( fern imension (Juan/ifl' 'OS! ner Unit Cost Mobilization 1 $20.000.00 $20.000.00 C1earine and Grubbin" Acre 1 SI,500.00 $1.500.00 U neRassifiOO Excavation (Cull Cubic Yard 300 $6.00 $1.800.00 Embankment (Fill) Cubic Yard 300 S3.00 $900.00 Erosion Control Linear Foot 1.000 SI.00 $1000 Strnctnre HCB-OO- S0220(P) (Weir) Each I $105000.00 $105.000.00 Structure LCB-OI-S0 112 (P)(4'x8' box culvert encl. head walls) Linear Foot 80 $1.125.00 $90.000.00 Structure LCB-Ol-SOI30 (1) (Weir) Each 1 $Ul.ooo.00 S111 000.00 Rin Ran Souare Foot 10.000 S8.00 S80.OOO.00 Sod Souare Foot 5.000 S3.00 $15000.00 B. Labor (Include equipment costs -- please indicate all "soft" or in-kind matches) D 1/ R escnnlJOf1 nur..... ale Cost County Proiect Mananer tin-kind\ 512 31.34 $16,046.00 ,--.ouW>' .'nnelpal nOJect IVlanagerllD- 128 57.82 kmd $7401.00 Attach any continuations or additional items to this page 4 Fonn No. HMGPIFMA-OOI. Elf. 08117/07 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24. 2009 Page 10 of 18 C. Fees Paid Include any other costs associated with the project. ')l!wTimion o/'It.Hk Hours RUle CU\r . SF\VM[) Permit $3.000.00 Counh' Ri<Jhl of Way Permit $600.00 Ocsion Fees $(,2.000.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $515.247.00 Attach any continuations or additional items to this page 5 Form No. HMGP/FMA..QO!. Elf. 08117/07 D. Funding Sources (round ligures to tbe nearest dollor) The ma:cinutm FEMA share for HMGPIFMA projecJs is 75%. The other 25% can be mode up of State and Local funds as well as in- kind services. Moreover, the FMA program requires that the maximum in.kind match be no more than 12.5% of the total project costs. HMGPIFMA funds may be packaged with other Federal funds, but other Federal funds (except for Federal funds which lose their Federal identity at the State level- such as CDBG, ARS, HOME) may not be used for the State or Local match. Agenda Item No. 1688 March 24, 2009 Page 11 of 18 Estimmed FEMA Share $386,435 75% of Total (maximum of 75%) Non-Federal Share Estimated Local Share $105.365 $23.447 20.5 % of Total (Cash) 4.5% of Total (In.kind') $_ _% of Total (Project Global Match") Other Agency Share $_ _% of Total (Identify Other Non-Federal Agency and availability date: ~ Total Funding sources/rom above $515,247 I OOTotal % (should equal 100%) *Identify proposed eligible activities directly related to project to be considered for In~kind services. (Note on Page 4 Section B) "'Separate project application must be submitted for each project (Global) Match project E. Project Milestones/Schedule of Work List the major milestones in this project by providing an estimated time-line for the critical activities not to exceed a period of3 years for performance. (e.g. Designing, Engineering, Permitting, etc.) Milestone Number of Davs to Comnlete [E>. Demolition of 6 $tructur~s and removul of debris 14d'Y'] -----_.--~--- --." ----. --,-- Attach any continuations or additional items to this page 6 Form No. HMGP/FMA-OOI, ElI. 08117/07 Section IV. Environmental Review and Historic Preservation Compliance (NOTE: This apptication cannot be processed ifthi., section is not completed.) t<.genda Item No. 1688 March 24, 2009 Page 12 of 18 Because the HMGP/FMA are federally funded programs, all projects are required to undergo an environmental and historic preservation review as part of the grant application process. Moreover, all projects must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and associated Federal, State. Tribal, and Local statutes to obtain funding. NO WORK can be done prior to the NEPA review process. If work is done on your proposed project before the NEP A revie~' is completed, it will NOT be eligible for Federal funding. 1. The following information is required for the Environmental and Historic Preservation review: All projects must have adequate documentation to determine ~f[he proposed project complies with NEPA and associated statutes. The State Environmental Staffpravide comprehensive NEPA technical assistance for Applicants, with their consent, to complete the NEPA review. The type and quantity of NEP A documents required to make this determination varies depending upon the project's size, location, and complexity. However, at a minimum, please provide the applicable documentation from this section to facilitate the N EP A compliance process. o Detailed project description, scope of work, and budget/costs (Section I (p. 2) and Section lit (p. 5) of this application). o Project area maps (Section II, part B & C oftbis application (pp. 3-4)). o Project area/structure photographs (Section II, part C of this application (p. 4)). o Preliminary project plans. o Project alternatives description and impacts (Section IV of the application (pp. 6~8)). D Please compk:IC t~e applicable project worksheets. Dates of construction are required for all structures. o Provide any applicable information or documentation referenced on the Injormmion and Documentation Requirements hy Project Type (page 9 of this application). 2. Alternative Actions The NEPA process requires that at lea,>t two alternative 3(.1ions be considered that address the same problem/issue as the proposed project. In this section, list two feasible alternative projects to mitigate the hazards faced in the project area. One alternative is the "No Action Alternative". 1. No Action Alternative Discuss the impacts on the project area if no action is taken. Attach any continuations or additional items to this page 7 Form No. HMGP/FMA-001, Eft 08/17/07 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 13 of 18 Section IV. Environmental Review; continned (NOTE: This appticaJjon CANNOT be processed if this section is not completJ!d.) Alternative Actions, 2. Other Feasible Alternative Discuss a feasible alternative to the proposed project This could be an entirely different mitigation method Of a significant modification to the design of the current proposed project. Complete ail of parts a-e (below) and include engineering details (if applicable). a. Project Description for the Alternative Describe, in detail. the alternative project. Also, explain how the alternative project will solve the problern(s) and/or provide protection from the hazard(s). b. Project Location of the Alternative (describe briefly) o Attach a map or diagram showing the alternative site in relation to the proposed project site o Photographs (2 copies) of alternative site Section IV. c. Scope of Work for Alternative Project Enviroomental Review; Alternative Actions, continued d. Impacts of Alternative Project Below, discuss the impact of this alternative on the project area. Include comments on these issues as appropriate: Environmental Justice, Endangered Species, Wetlands, Hydrology (Upstream and Downstream surface water Impacts), FloodplainIFloodway. Historic Preservation and Hazardous Materials. e. Estimated Budget/Costs for Alternative Project In this section, provide details of all the estimated costs of the alternative project (round figures to the nearest dollar). A lump sum budget is acceptable. l. Materials item Dtme!7-HOn ()lll1nl1!v Co.W ne" l)mt ('ost 2. Labor (Include equipment costs -- please indicate all "soft" or in-kind matches) Dcsc,"fnlion Hours Role ('os! -.- Attach any continuations or additional items to this page 8 Form No. HMGPIFMA-OOl, Eff. 08117107 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 14 of 18 3. Fees Paid lnclude any other cosls associated with the project. Descrjr]{ion orTa.~'k Hours Rate ('ost Total Estimated Project Cost $_ Attach any continuations or additional items to this page <J Form No. HMGPIFMA-OOI. Eff. 081l7107 Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 15 of 18 HMGPIFMA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW InformJJtion and Documentation Requirements by Project Type Retrofits to Existing Faci/itieslStructures Elevations Acquisitions with Demolition v' Dates of Construction v' Concurrence from State Historic Preservation Officer if structure is 50 years or older or if work to be done is outside the existing footprint. Drainage Improvements v' Engineering plans/drawings v' Permit or Exemption letter to address any modifications to water bodies and wetlands o Department of Environmental Protection o Water Management District o U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers ./ Letter from State Historic Preservation Otllce addressing archeological impacts. v' Concurrence from U.S. Fish and Wildlife addressing any impacts to wildlife, particularly endangered and threatened species and their habitats. v' If the project is in coastal area, attach a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Service addressing impacts to marine resources. ../' Concurrence from Natural Resource Conservation Service if project is located outside city limits and may impact prime or unique farmland. Note: This is a general guideline for most projects. However, there will be exceptions. Consult with environmental staff on project types not listed. I() Agenda Item No. 16B8 March 24, 2009 Page 16 of 18 Section V. Maintenance Agreement Aft applicants whose proposed project involves the retrorlt or modification of existing publIC property or whose proposed projeL1 would result in the public ownership or monagement of pro perl)', struL1ures, or facilities, must First sign the following agreement prior to suomitting their application to FEMA. (NOTE: Those applicants whose project only involves the retroFlltinl{, elevation, or other modifICation to private property where the ownership will remoln private after projeL1 completion DO NOT have to complete this form.) The Counlv of Colticr. SIalC of Florida. hereby agrees lhat (Cu\,. Taw1'f, CUUlln) if it receives any Federal aid 'lS a p~sult of the attached project application, it will accept responsibilhv, at its own expens.e if necessary, for the routine maintenance of any rea DfOpel"ty, structures, or facilitie."i acauired or constructed as a result of such Federal aid. Rouline maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, such responsibilities as keeping vacant land clear of debris, garbage, and vemlin; keeping stream channels, culverts, and storm drains clear of obstructions and debris; and keeping detention ponds free of debris, trees, and woody growth. The rurpose of this agrc~rnenl i~ to make dear the Subgrantee's maintenance responsibilities following projl:ct award and to show the Subgrantee's acceptance of these responsibilities. 11 doe~ not replucc, supercede, or add to any other maintenance responsihililies imposed by Federal law or regulation and which are in force on the date of project award. Signed by Donna Fiala the duly authorized representative (printed or type<! name of sign;"g officiaf) Chairoerson. Collier County Board of County Commissioners. (title) this 24th (day) of March (month), 2009 (year). Signature' __ 'Please note: The above signature must be by an individual with tegal signing authority for the respective local government or county (e.g., the Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager, etc.) ATTEST DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BY: A.....,... to fora a..... ......IIC:l:.- <>/f/ /1 -....;.~...f \)l " Deputy (;ounty Attorney . -..-- / II H Id C k St t Agenda Item No. 16B8 a eman ree ormwa er March24,2009 Page 17 of 18 Jmprovement & Loche Louise Weir Reconstruction Project Area Map 5: ;:,:J~ :f~.~~-~~_:~,_-- ;;);:.;0.,.0. "lJi!.~r ~"'~0 :~:~.,;~~ j2~f~'~' ~l.':"'f?/r..';;'-"~ ti r~'~~" .., ".,"'....". .."'~.+,.i3.. 1~:."~t~1. i~~-~LU':'t_.. .~- _ .~\, y""" l-u~". "'NJ',LU, :'.:.' ,4 :\~;~!~~~~~ .~g~-t ~1~-~~ ,~'l'\"",'<e ,0;;t~;c.U)" t.'''''-'-~; "'~~:f~~: ~': .},,"';"'- ',";;:; fLlJl;_:.,~~,"'C' - - ;Irl-Uf.:~:tt:rr~l ,r, ~]~~~'t~:~:=t. .. -~t ."'" .~'-.. _'-. ~:~~i~ 04-,;" ~~ ';]:;,:.,,-/5'-,' -Utl):~/X(!t: :2,-_-:', .r_"'?',i:J:!'. ~, _,.~(_' ;::. 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