Agenda 03/24/2009 Item # 8B Agenda Item No. 88 March 24, 2009 Page 1 of 124 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, The Covenant Presbyterian Cburch of Naples, Inc. and Florida Community Bank, NA, represented by Richard Yovanovich of Goodlette, Coleman, Johnson, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A., are requesting a rezone from the Residential Single- family (RSF-l) Zoning District to the Community Facilities Planned Unit Development (CFPUD) Zoning District for a project to be known as Heavenly CFPUD, which would memorialize the existing church uses and would permit redevelopment consistent with the Master Plan to allow a maximum of 80,000 square feet for a house of worship, including day care facilities, a Pre-K through third grade school, and various accessory uses for Tract A; and an additional 20,000 square feet of house of worship including children and adult day cares, Pre-K through third grade school and accessory uses for Tract B. The 15.93-acre subject property is located at 6926 Trail Boulevard, and comprises the entire block bounded by Ridge Drive, West Street, Myrtle Road and Trail Boulevard in Section 3, Township 49 South, Range 25 East of Colli(~r County, Florida. OBJECTIVE: ~ To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) consider an application to rezone the subject property from the RSF-l Zoning District to the Community Faci]ities Planned Unit Development (CFPUD) Zoning District for a project to be known as Heaven]y CFPUD; and to insure that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERA nONS: The subject CFPUD, comprised of two tracts ("A" and "B") proposes to allow a maximum of 100,000 square-feet for house of worship uses; adult and child day care facilities, schools for pre-kindergarten through third grade students with a combined maximum enrollment of 220 attendees; and other accessory uses related to the foregoing. The subject property presently contains twelve, one-story, principal structures totaling approximately 50,000 square feet. These structures are generally situated around the centrally located 3.3-acre Lake Cardinal, and except for one building located at the corner of Myrtle Road and West Street, have been recently utilized for uses associated with three churches: Covenant PreSb)1erian Church, Living Word Community Church and Mission Possiblc Ministries. According to the applicants, these churches currently have a combined capacity of approximately 853 seats. ..- The Pine Ridge neighborhood in which the subject site is located was platted in ] 956. Houses of worship were originally permitted by-right in the RSF-I Zoning District until the ]968 Zoning Ordinance, amended in February of ] 973, began requiring Provisional Use (now called Conditional Use) approval for houses of worship in the district. Consequently, these church uses were rendered legally noncol?[cJrming with the ordinance change and subsequently precluded from any site alterations that would increase their square- footage, pursuant to Land Development Code (LDC) Section 9.03.02., Requirements for Continuation of Noncoriformities, unless a rezone of the properties, a Conditional Use, or multiple Variances were sought and approved. With the subject petition, the first of these options is being pursued, which according to the applicants, is due to the greater design flexibility afforded by the CFPUD Zoning District relative Page 1 of 8 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 2 of 124 to a Conditional Use; and the fact that, as houses of worship and, therefore, dependent upon long-term fundraising for development, PUDs do not expire after three years if construction has not been completed (as do Conditional Uses). Rather, PUDs sunset after a five-year time limit, with the option to seek one two-year extension, thereby offering a total of seven years to meet the development thresholds provided in LDC Subsection 1 0.02.l3.D, Time Limits for Approved PUDs. The Variance option was completely ruled out by the applicant due to its inability to permanently resolve the nonconformities, and the fact that future permitting would require additional Variances. As shown on the submitted Master Plan (Exhibit C to the attached Ordinance), the site is divided into two tracts. Tract A, at approximately 14 acres, encompasses the majority of the site; and Tract B comprises the remaining 1.9 acres situated in the site's northeastern comer, at the intersection of West Street and Ridge Drive. Two of the existing structures on the site, owned by FCB Banks, Inc., are proposed to remain and, as such, are depicted on the Master Plan in the eastern half of Tract B. The remaining structures on the site are located on Tract A and are owned by Covenant Presbyterian Church. None of the principal structures on Tract A is proposed to remain. However, it should be noted that any of the existing structures would still be eligible for redevelopment provided that they were done so in accordance with the development standards for Tract A of the CFPUD document. According to LDC Subsection 2.03.05.B, the Community Facilities Planned Unit Development District (CFPUD) is intended to accommodate public facilities, institutional uses, open space uses, recreational uses, water-related or dependent uses, and other such uses generally serving the community at large. The proposcd CFPUD, if approved, would allow for a maximum of 100,000 square-feet of houses of worship and other associated uses (80,000 square-feet would be permitted on Tract A and 20,000 square-feet would be permittcd on Tract B). The development standards for both Tracts A and B are described in detail on page ten of the staff report. Neveliheless, as shown on the conceptual Master Plan, a total of five access points are proposed for Tract A: two along Trail Boulevard; one on Myrtle Road; one on Ridge Drive, and one on West Street. Tract B has one access point along each of its two abutting roadways (one for ingress only and one for egress only), both of which would close if/when this tract redevelops, as noted in the legend on the Master Plan. "Primary" access points, or those which according to the Transportation Impact Statement (TIS) are expected to handle 95 percent of all trips, are depicted on the Master Plan with solid black arrows along Trail Boulevard, Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road. (For a graphic depiction of the anticipated traffic distribution, see Appendix 3 of the staff report, entitled "Project Traffic Distribution, Heavenly Mixed-Use PUD"). The remaining five percent of trips would be handled by the "secondary" access points along West Street and Ridge Drive, until such time that Tract B redevelops and these accesses are closed; at which point, access for the tract would only be afforded from Tract A. As noted in the Developer Commitments (Exhibit F to the Ordinance) traffic control for the site's religious services would be provided by law enforcement or a law enforcement approved agency at location(s) to be dctermined by the County Transportation Administrator. Throughout the phased development of thc site, the applicants would maintain the minimum 30 percent open space required pursuant to LDC Subsection 4.07.02.G.3, Open Space Page 2 of8 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 3 of 124 Requirements; however, they have committed to ultimate]y providing 40 percent open space at build-out, or 6.3 acres, of the site's total area. FISCAL IMP ACT: The rezoning action, in and of itself, would have no fiscal impact on Collier County. There is no guarantee that the project, at build out, would maximize its authorized level of development, however, if the CFPUD is approved, a portion of the existing land would be developed and the new development would result in an impact on Collier County public facilities. The County collects all applicable impact fees before the issuance of building permits to help offset the impacts of each new development on its public facilities. These impact fees are used to fund projects identified in the GMP's Capita] Improvement Element (CIE) as needed to maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) for public facilities. Additionally, in order to meet the requirements of Section 1O.02.07(C) of the Land Deve]opment Code, fifty percent of the estimated Transportation Impact Fees associated with the project are required to be paid simultaneously with the approval of each final local development order. Other fees co lIected before the issuance of a building permit include building permit review fees and utility fees associated with connecting to the County's water and sewer system. Please note that the inclusion of impact fees and taxes collected are for informational purposes only; they are not included in the criteria used by Staff and the Planning Commission to analyze this petition. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The 15.93-acre site lies entirely within the Urban Residential Subdistrict. The purpose of this subdistrict is to provide for higher densities in an area with fewer natural resource constraints and where existing and planned public facilities are concentrated. Urban-designated areas of the county contain a vast aITay of residential and non- residential land uses. The Future Land Use Element's (FLUE) Future Land Use Designation Description Section l.a.5 provides that "Urban designated areas will accommodate community facilities such as churches, group housing uses, cemeteries, schools and school facilities co- located with other public facilities such as parks, libraries, and community centers, where feasible and mutually acceptable." As the proposed uses of the CFPUD are the same as those specifically provided for in the Subdistrict, this CFPUD may be deemed consistent with the GMP. GMP Policy 5.4 requires new developments to be compatible with the surrounding land area. The Zoning and Land Development Review staff is responsible for that analysis as part of their review of the petition in its entirety. ]n reviewing thc appropriateness of the requested uses/densities on the subject site, the compatibility analysis might include a review of both the subject proposal and surrounding or nearby properties as to allowcd use intensitics and densities, development standards (building heights, setbacks, landscape buffers, etc.), building mass, building location, traffic generation/attraction, ct cetera. Page 3 of 8 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 4 of 124 Transportation Element: Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and has determined that the estimated vehicular trips generated by the proposed rezone would not have an adverse affect on the adjacent roadways, subject to the church seating restrictions provided in Exhibit F of the CFPUD document (commitment No.6) that limits the seating to 780 seats within Tract A unless turn lanes servicing the site are extended or a traffic study determines that the existing lanes are adequate to allow the increase to 1,000 seats. Thus, this petition may be deemed consistent with policies 5.] and 5.2 of the Transportation E]ement. GMP Conclusion: The GMP is the prevailing document supporting land use decisions such as the subject CFPUD. Staff is required to make a finding of consistency or inconsistency with the overall GMP as part of its recommendation of appro va], approval with conditions, or denial of a rezoning petition. Staff believes this petition is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM), the FLUE, and all of the applicab]e provisions of the Transportation E]ement. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes the proposed uses may be deemed consistent with the goals, objective and policies of the GMP. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: Approval of this CFPUD would have no affordable housing impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental Services staff has reviewed this application for consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) waiver was granted because the site was previously cleared and/or developed. The retained vegetation retention requirement was evaluated separately for the developed and undeveloped portions of the site. The developed pOliion of the site has retained several native trees, and to meet native vegetation retention requirements, a minimum of 44 native canopy trees would need to be planted to replace the existing trees that would be removed from this portion of the CFPUD. The applicants have proposed to incorporate the 44 native trees into the perimeter buffers adjacent to West Street and Myrtle Road to further enhance the vegetation within these areas. The undeveloped portion of the site contained 0.8 acres of native vegetation. A minimum of 0.]2 acres of native vegetation (0.8 acres X required ]5 percent = 0.12 acres) would be required in addition to the 44 native canopy trees. The 0.]2 acre of preserve for this site must be recreated due to a violation of the Exotic Vegetation Remova] Permit issued for the undeveloped lot. Native understory was mechanically removed JTom this parcel and this removal further damaged the root zones of the slash pines, which contributed to the destruction of the canopy. Furthermore, section 10.02.06 E of the LDC requires that mitigation for permit violations recreate the vegetative community that was lost. This section requires the mitigation to restore the habitat that previously existed on the site, which was an upland habitat (i.e. pine tlatwoods). Staff has incorporated a condition of approval in Exhibit 1 of the CFPUD document to ensure compliance with this prOVISIon. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to LDC Section 8.06.03 0.1 Powers and Duties, the EAC did not review this petition because no protected species or wetland impacts were identified on the site. Page 4 of 8 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 5 of 124 COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: This item was scheduled for the CCPe's December 4, 2008 public hearing; however, due to an advertising error, it was continued to the CCPe's January] 5, 2009 public hearing date. At that hearing, the proposed CFPUD document underwent multiple revisions on the floor and, consequently, was continued by the CCPC so that a thorough review of the revised document could be carried out by staff and a second presentation made to the CCPC on February 19, 2009. At that hearing, the CCPC voted 6-2 (with one abstention, citing a conflict of interest) to forward it to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions: ]. Any plan submitted pursuant to this CFPUD shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Master Plan entitled "Exhibit C Master Plan," prepared by Planning Development Incorporated, consisting of one sheet, dated November 25, 2008, as revised through January ]6,2009, except as conditioned. 2. The access points located on West Street and Ridge Drive, depicted on Tract B of the Master Plan, shall close when this tract redevelops. 3. The required O. ]2-acre re-created preserve shall meet County preserve requirements and shall recreate the habitat that previously existed on-site (pine flatwoods), including all three vegetative strata. 4. A landscape planting plan shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of the first SDP for each of the tracts. 5. The property owners shall provide, or shall pay the County to provide, a bus shelter at the existing Collier Area Transit stop located adjacent to US 4], which is located at the stub-out in the median separating Trail Boulevard and US 4] as depicted on the Master Plan. This bus shelter is required to be constructed when development reaches a one percent or greater impact on USA], or as a stipulation of Phase Two improvements, whichever occurs first. The two opposing commissioners considered the density allocated to Tract B excessive, which they believed violated the neighborhood's standards of health, safety and welfare. Staff has received one letter of support (from the Pelican Bay Foundation), two letters of objection, and a petition objecting to the proposal that was signed by 48 residents of Pine Ridge (representing approximately 32 households) at the time of the applicants' first submittal (see Appendix 6 to the original staff report). Staff was also copied on two letters from the Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions to Covenant Presbyterian Church, both dated February 1, 2008, and a third dated October 9, 2008 (see Appendix 7 to the original staff report). Finally, staff received a third letter of objection, dated January 22, 2009 (see Appendix 1 to the second supplemental staff report). Because these letters of objection were received from the community and this item did not receive a unanimous recommendation of approval it could not be placed on the Bee's Summary Agenda. Page 5 of 8 Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 6 of 124 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This is a site specific rezone from an RSF-] Zoning District to the Community Facilities Planned Unit Deve]opment (CFPUD) Zoning District. Site specific rezones are quasi-judicia] in nature and require ex parte disclosures. As such the burden falls upon the applicant to prove that the proposed rezone is consistent with all the criteria set forth below. The burden then shifts to the BCC, should it consider denying the rezone, to determine that such denial would not be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable. This would be accomplished by finding that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Criteria for CFPUD Rezones Ask yourself the following questions, The answers assist you in making a determination for approval or not, 1. Consider: The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in rclation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. 2. Is there an adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of agreements, contract, or other instruments or for amendments in those proposed, particu]arly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public cxpcnse? Findings and recommendations of this type shall be made only afier consultation with the County Attorney. 3. Consider: Conformity of the proposed CFPUD with the goals, objectives and policies ofthe Growth Management Plan. 4. Consider: The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. 5. Is there an adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development? 6. Consider: The timing or sequence of development (as proposed) for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. 7. Consider: The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. 8. Consider: Conformity with CFPUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to ]iteral application of such regulations. Page6of8 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 7 of 124 9. Will the proposed change be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and future land use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan? ] O. Will the proposed CFPUD Rezone be appropriate considering the existing land use pattern ? ] I. Would the requested CFPUD Rezone result in the possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts? ]2. Consider: Whether existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. 13. Consider: Vv'hether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed amendment necessary. 14. Will the proposed change adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood? ] 5. Will the proposed change create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic decmed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak volumes or projected types ofvehicu]ar traffic, including activity during construction phases of the devclopment, or otherwise affect public safety? 16. Will the proposed change create a drainage problem? ] 7. Will the proposed change seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas? 18. Will the proposed change adversely affect property values in the adjacent area? 19. Will the proposed change be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations? 20. Consider: Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare. 2]. Are there substantial reasons why the property cannot ("reasonab]y") be used in accordance with existing zoning? (a "core" question...) 22. Is the change suggested out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the county? 23. Consider: Whether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the county for the proposed use in districts already pennitting such use. 24. Consider: The physical characteristics of the propeliy and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potentia] uses under the proposed zoning classification. Page 7 of 8 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 8 of 124 25. Consider: The impact of development resulting from the proposed CFPUD rezone on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Faci]ities Ordinance [Code ch.l06, article II], as amended. 26. Are there other factors, standards, or criteria relating to the CFPUD rezone request that the Board of County Commissioners shall deem important in the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare? The BCC must base its decision upon the competent, substantia] evidence presented by the written materials supplied to it, including but not limited to the Staff Report, Executive Summary, maps, studies, letters from interested persons and the oral testimony presented at the BCC hearing as these items relate to these criteria. This item is legally sufficient for Board action. A supermajority vote of the Board is necessary for Board action. -HFAC RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BCC approve PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, subject to the conditions of approval as recommended by staff and the CCPC, which have been incorporated into the attached CFPUD ordinance. PREPARED BY: John-David Moss, A]CP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning & Land Development Review Page 8 of 8 Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 01'2 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page g of 124 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 88 This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples, Inc, and Florida Community Bank, NA, represented by Richard Yovanovich of Goodlette, Coleman, Johnson, Yovanovich & Koester, P.A., are requesting a rezone from the Residential Single-family (RSF-1) Zoning District to the Community Facilities Planned Unit Development (CFPUD) Zoning District for a project to be known as Heavenly CFPUD, which would memorialize the eXIsting church uses and would permit redevelopment consistent with the Master Plan to allow a maximum of 80.000 square feet for a house of worship, including day care facilities, a Pre-K through third grade school, and various accessory uses for Tract A: and an additional 20,000 square feet of house of worship including children and adult day cares, Pre-K through third grade school and accessory uses for Tract B. The 15.93-acre subject property is located at 6926 Trail Boulevard, and comprises the entire block bounded by Ridge Drive, West Street, Myrtle Road and Trail Boulevard in SectlOn 3, Township 49 South, Range 25 East of Collier County, Florida. CTS 3/24/200990000 AM Prepared By John-David Moss Community Development & Environmental Services Senior Planner Date Zoning & Land Development 9122/20089:30:49 AM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date 3/10/2009 10:40 AM A pproved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 3111/20094:47 PM Approved By Susan Istenes, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Zoning & Land Development Review 3/12/20098:29 AM Approved By Heidi F. Ashton County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 3112/200911:07 AM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 3/12120091:10 PM Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 10 of 124 County Attorney County Attorney Office 3/12/20093:48 PM A pproved By OMB Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/13/2009 8: 59 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/13/200910:39 AM A pproved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/16/20095:50 PM Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 11 of 124 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET 6968 (i)', ~ . . 'O" ~ 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643- APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR: D AMENDMENT TO PUD (PUDA) ~ PUD REZONE (PUDZ) REZONE (PUDZ-A) D PUD TO PUD PETmON NO (AR) PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED ASSIGNED PLANNER To be completed by staff APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) THE COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NAPLES. INC. ADDRESS _6926 N. TAMIAMI TRAil CITY NAPLES STATE FL ZIP _34108 TELEPHONE #.AGENT: 263-6934 CELL # NIl. NIl. _FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS: NIl. AND Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) MISSION POSSIBLE MINISTRIES. INC. Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 12 of 124 ADDRESS ___621 RIDGE DRIVE_______________CITY NAPLES ___STATE__JL__2IP 34108 TELEPHONE # AGENT: 263-6934 CELL # ______N/A__________JAX # ________N/A____________ E-MAIL ADDRE5S:_________ N / A____________________________________________________________ NAME OF AGENT ____ FERNANDEZ. AICP ADDRESS __5133 CASTELLO DR.. SUITE PLANNING DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED/MICHAEL R. L______ClTY __NAPLES______ST A TE___EL___ZIP _34103____ TELEPHONE #___239-263-6934______CELL # ___239-370-6557 6981 FAX # __239-263- E-MAIL ADDRE5S:________ PDIMRF@AOL.COM ----------------------------------------- BE AWARE THAT COLLIER COUNTY HAS LOBBYIST REGULATIONS. GUIDE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. ASSOCIA TIONS Complete the following for all Association(s) affiliated with this petition. Provide additional sheets if necessary. N I A NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: ------------------------------------------------------ Application For Public Hearing for PUD Rezone 0 1/18/07 MAILING ADDRESS __________________________ CITY _____________ ZIP__________ Agenda Item No, 88 STATE ______j\;1arch 24, 2009 Page 13 of 124 NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS __________________________ CITY _____________ STATE _______ ZIP__________ NAME OF HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS __________________________ CITY _____________ STATE _______ ZIP__________ NAME OF MASTER ASSOCIATION: MAILING ADDRESS __________________________ CITY ___________ STATE ____ ZIP _______ NAME OF CIVIC ASSOCIATION: _____________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS __________________________ CITY ___________ STATE ____ ZIP _______ Disclosure ofInterest Information a. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 ----------------------------------- Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 -------------------""Page 14 of 124 ----------------------------------- b. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Lots #1-4, 5.6.7. and #10-13. 100% The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples. Inc. Lots_#8 and #9_____________________ 100% Mission Possible Ministries. Inc_______ c. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 --------------------page 15 of 124 d. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the name of the general and/or limited partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership e. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Date of Contract:________________ f. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 0]/18/07 Name and Address Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 16 of 124 --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- g. Date subject property acquired ~ leased D Term of lease yrs./mos. Owner: The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples. Inc. Folio Nos: 67285160009 - Acquired: 11115/65; Lot 1, & Lots 10-13 6/02/81; Lot 2 5/01/91; Lot 3 5/21/91; Lot 4 12/09/91 67285280002 -Acquired: 12/09/91; Lot 5 67285360003 and 67285320001 - Acquired: 12/21/04; Lots6&7 Owner: Mission Possible Ministries. Inc. Folio No.: 67285400002 - Acquired: 2116/07; Lots 8 & 9 If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate the following: Date of option: Date option terminates: Anticipated closing date ,or h. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. PROPERTY LOCATION Detailed le!!al description of the propertv covered bv the application: (If space Is Inadequate, attach on separate page.) If request Involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property Involved In each district. Applicant shall Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 8B submit four (4) copies of a recent survey (completed within the last six months, mmr:i~OOg 1" to 400' scale) if required to do so at the pre-application meeting. Page 17 of 124 NOTE: The applicant is responsible for supplying the correct legal description. If questions arise concerning the legal description, an engineer's certification or sealed survey may be required. Section/Township/Range __03 ____/_-49 S_____/__25 E ____ Lot(s): 1 throuGh 13 ___ Block: __0___ Subdivision:____Pine RidGe Exte n s io n ________________ Plat Bool<.-_1.-____ Page #:__51 and 51 D______ Property I.D.#s:__67285160009. 67285280002. 67285360003. 67285320001 and 67285400002______ Metes & Bounds Description: ____Please see attached LeGal Description - Exhibit(s) A and A.l_________ Size of prODertv: _1.290 '" ___ft. X __540 '"____ft. = Total Sq. Ft. 696.600 '"__ Acres___15.93," Address/l!enerallocation of snbiect property: 6926 Trail Boulevard, iust east of Tamiami Trail N.. entire block., south of Ridl!e Drive and north of Mvrtle Road and west of West Street PUD District (LDC 2.03.06): 0 Residential 0 Community Facilities o Commercial 0 Industrial I2SJ Mixed Use Zoning ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE Land use N_ RSF - I/ROW ____RIDGE DRIVE _ S___ RSF - I/ROW ___MYRTLE ROAD _______ E___ RSF - 1 I ROW ___WEST BOULEVARD ___ W_ RSF - I/ROW ____TRAIL BOULEVARD _______e Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 D h f h b. . hPaqe 18.of 124 oes t e owner 0 t e su ~ect property own property contiguous to t e -Subject property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page). N I A Section/Township/Range _______/ _______/ _______ Lot: _________ Block: _______ Subdivision:___________________________________ Plat Book_____ Page #:______ Property I.D.#:__________________________________ Metes & Bounds Description: _______________________________________________ REZONE REQUEST This application is requesting a rezone from the _RSF - 1 _________ zoning district(s) to the __Heavenlv Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD)________ zoning district(s). Present Use of the Property: The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples and Mission Possible Ministries and their related church uses and associated accessory am e nit i e s. ______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed Use (or range of uses) of the property: Churches. schools. davcare and similar accessory uses related to churches ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Original PUD Name:_______N/A________________________ Ordinance No. :______N I A_____________ EVALUATION CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 10.02.13 of the Collier County Land Development Code, staff's analysis and recommendation to the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners shall be based upon consideration of the applicable criteria noted below. Provide a narrative statement describing the rezone request with specific reference to the criteria noted below. Include any backup materials and documentation in support of the request. PUD Rezone Considerations (LDC Section 10.02.13.B) Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone Oli J Xi07 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 1. The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposlJWi 19 of 124 relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. 2. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Findings and recommendations of this type shall be made only after consultation with the county attorney. 3, Conformity of the proposed PUD with the goals, objectives and policies of the growth management plan. 4. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening requirements. 5. The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. 6. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. 7. The ability of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. 8. Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications of justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations. Deed Restrictions: The County is legally precluded from enforcing deed restrictions, however, many communities have adopted such restrictions. You may wish to contact the civic or property owners association in the area for which this use is being Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No, 88 requested in order to ascertain whether or not the request is affected by exiM~ Cleefdlog . t' Page 20 of 124 restnc Ions. Previous land use petitions on the subiect propertv: To your knowledge, has a public hearing been held on this property within the last year? 0 Yes ~ No If so, what was the nature of that hearing? m' 1 " i NOTICE: This application will be considered "open" when the determination of "sufficiency" has been made and the application is assigned a petition processing number. The application will be considered "closed" when the petitioner withdraws the application through written notice or ceases to supply necessary information to continue processinq or otherwise actively pursue the rezoninq for a period of six (6) months. An application deemed "closed" will not receive further processing and an application "closed" through inactivity shall be deemed withdrawn. An application deemed "closed" may be re-opened by submitting a new application, repayment of all application fees and granting of a determination of "sufficiency", Further review of the project will be subject to the then current code. (lDC Section 10.03.05.Q.) Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01118/07 STATEMENT OF UTILITY PROVISIONS FOR PUD REZONE REQUEST Agenda Item No. 88 March 24, 2009 Page 21 of 124 APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) ___THE COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NAPLES. INC. _____________ ADDRESS 6926 N. TAMIAMI TRAIL________CITY __NAPLES______ST A TE___FL___2IP _34108 ___ TELEPHONE # _____________________CELL # ___________________JAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS: _________N / A____________________________________________________________ AND NAME OF APPLlCANT(S) ___MISSION POSSIBLE MINISTRIES. INC. ADDRESS 621 RIDGE DRIVE ______________CITY ___NAPLES STATE___FL ___ZIP 34108____ TELEPHONE # _____________________CELL # ____________________FAX # E-MAIL AD DRESS :_________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (IF AVAILABLE): ___6926 Trail Boulevard LEGAL DESCRIPTION Section/Township/Range __03_____/ __49 S ____/__25 E_____ Application For Public Hearing FOT PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Lot(s): _1 throuQh 13 _______ Block: __0___ Subdivision:____Pine RidQe Agenda Item No. 88 March 24, 2009 Page 22 of 124 Exte n s ion________________ Plat Boolc_l_____ Page #: 51 and 51 D______ Property 1.D.#s:__67285160009. 67285280002. 67285360003. 67285320001 and 67285400002 Metes & Bounds Description: ____Please see attached LeQal Descriotion - Exhibit(s) A and &1.--------- TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE PROVIDED (Check applicable system): COUNTY UTILITY SYSTEM ~ a. CllY UTlLllY SYSTEM 0 b. FRANCHISED UTILllY SYSTEM 0 PROVIDE NAME d. PACKAGE TREATMENT PlANT 0 (GPD capacity) e. SEPTIC SYSTEM 0 TYPE OF WATER SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED a. COUNTY UTIUlY SYSTEM ~ b. CllY UTILllY SYSTEM 0 c. FRANCHISED UTIUlY SYSTEM 0 PROVIDE NAME d. PRIVATE SYSTEM (WELL,) 0 STATEMENT OF UTlUlY PROVISIONS - page 2 TOTAL POPULATION TO BE SERVED: PEAK AND AVERAGE DAILY DEMANDS: A. WATER-PEAK AVERAGE DAILY B. SEWER-PEAK AVERAGE DAILY Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 88 IF PROPOSING TO BE CONNECTED TO COLLIER COUNTY REGIONAL WJS.ifffiR24, 2009 Page 23 of 124 SYSTEM, PLEASE PROVIDE THE DATE SERVICE IS EXPECTED TO BE REQUI RED __________________ NARRATIVE STATEMENT: Provide a brief and concise narrative statement and schematic drawing of sewage treatment process to be used as well as a specific statement regarding the method of affluent and sludge disposal. If percolation ponds are to be used, then percolation data and soil involved shall be provided from tests prepared and certified by a professional engineer. COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY DEDICATION STATEMENT: If the project is located within the services boundaries of Collier County's utility service system, written notarized statement shall be provided agreeing to dedicate to Collier County Utilities the water distribution and sewage collection facilities within the project area upon completion of the construction of these facilities in accordance with all applicable County ordinances in effect at the at time. This statement shall also include an agreement that the applicable system development charges and connection fees will be paid to the County Utilities Division prior to the issuance of building permits by the County. If applicable, the statement shall contain shall contain an agreement to dedicate the appropriate utility easements for serving the water and sewer systems. STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY CAPACITY FROM OTHER PROVIDERS: Unless waived or otherwise provided for at the pre-application meeting, if the project is to receive sewer or potable water services from any provider other than the County, a statement from that provider indicating that there is adequate capacity to serve the project shall be provided. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 24 of 124 AFFIDAVIT Well, The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naoles, Inc. being first duly sworn, depose and say that well amlare the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. Well understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has been submilled. As property owner Well further authorize Planninq Develooment Incorporated I Michael R. Fernandez, AICP___________________ to act as ourlmy representative in any matters regarding this Petition. Signature of Property Owner Typed or Printed Name and Title of Owner Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples, Inc. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01118/07 Agenda Item No, 86 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day 01\o1arch 24, 2009 Page 25 of 124 ____________, 200____, by _________________________who is personally known to me h d d 'd 'f . or as pro uce ________________________as I entl Icatlon. State of Florida County of Collier (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 26 of 124 AFFI DAVIT We/I, Mission Possible Ministries, Inc. being first duly sworn, depose and say that we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has been submitted. As property owner We/I further authorize Plannina Develooment Incoroorated / Michael R. Fernandez. AICP___________________ to act as our/my representative in any matters regarding this Petition. Signature of Property Owner Owner Ministries, Inc. Typed or Printed Name and Title of Mission Possible The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______ day of ____________, 200____, by _________________________who is personally known to me or has produced ________________________as identification. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/1 8/07 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 27 of 124 State of Flori da County of Collier (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) COVENANT OF UNIFIED CONTROL The undersigned do hereby swear Of affirm that we are the fee simple titleholders and owners of record of property commonly known as The Tract A portion of the Heavenlv Mixed Use Planned llnit Develooment (MPUD) more soecificallv described in public records as havinl! the followinf:! addresses: 6926,6929 and 6992 Trail Bonlevard. Naples. Florida. 34108 And 511 and 519 West Avenne. Naples. Florida. 34108 (Street address and City, State and Zip Code) and legally described in Exhibit A.I and A.2 attached hereto. The property described herein is the subject of an application for a mixed -use planned unit development (MPUD) zoning. We hereby designate Plannine Development Incorporated I Michael R. Fernandez. AICP , legal representative thereof, as the legal representatives of the property and as such, these individuals are authorized to legally bind all owners of the property in the course of seeking the necessary approvals to develop. This authority includes, but is not limited to, the hiring and authorization of agents to assist in the preparation of applications, plans, surveys, and studies necessary to obtain zoning approval on the site. These representatives will remain the only entity to authorize development activity on the property until such time as a new or amended covenant of unified control is delivered to Collier County, The undersigned recognize the following and will be guided accordingly in the pursuit of development of the project: 1. The property will be developed and used in conformity with the approved master plan including all conditions placed on the development and all commitments agreed to by the applicant in connection with the planned unit development rezoning. 2. The legal representative identified herein is responsible for compliance with all terms, conditions, safeguards, and stipulations made at the time of approval of the master plan, even if the property is subsequently sold in whole or in part, unless and until a new or amended covenant of unified control is delivered to and recorded by Collier County. 3. A departure from the provisions of the approved plans or a failure to comply with any requirements, conditions, or safeguards provided for in the planned unit development process will constitute a violation of the Land Development Code. 4. All terms and conditions of the planned unit development approval will be incorporated into covenants and restrictions which run with the land so as to provide notice to subsequent owners that all development activity within the planned unit development must be consistent with those terms and conditions. 5. So long as this covenant is in force, Collier County can, upon the discovery of noncompliance with the terms, safeguards, and conditions of the planned unit development, seek equitable relief as necessary to compel compliance. The County will not issue permits, certificates, or licenses to occupy or use any part of the planned unit development and the County may stop ongoing construction activity until the project is brought into compliance with all terms, conditions and safeguards of the planned unit development. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 0]/18/07 Signature of Owner Printed Name and Title for: Covenant PreSb)1erian Church of Naples, Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Sworn to (or affinned) and subscribed before me this day of . 200_ by who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Application For Public Hearing For PUD ReWlle 01118/07 Notary Public (Name typed. printed or stamped) (Serial Number, ifany) Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 28 of 124 COVENANT OF UNIFIED CONTROL Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 Page 29 of 124 The undersigned do hereby swear or affirm that we are the fee simple titleholders and owners of record of property commonly known as The Tract B portion of the Heavenlv Mixed Use Planned Unit Development IMPUDl more soecificallv described in ell bUe records as havinl! the followine: addresses: 621 Rid2e Drive. Naples. Florida. 34108 (Street address and City, State and Zip Code) and legally described in Exhibit A,] and A.2 attached hereto. The property described herein is the subject of an application for a mixed -use planned unit development (MPUD) zoning. We hereby designate PlanniDl! Develooment Incorcorated / Michael R. Fernandez. AICP , legal representative thereof, as the legal representatives of the property and as such, these individuals are authorized to legally bind all owners of the property in the course of seeking the necessary approvals to develop. This authority includes, but is not limited to, the hiring and authorization of agents to assist in the preparation of applications, plans, surveys, and studies necessary to obtain zoning approval on the site. These representatives will remain the only entity to authorize development activity on the property until such time as a new or amended covenant of unified control is delivered to Collier County. The undersigned recognize the following and will be guided accordingly in the pursuit of development of the project: 1. The property will be developed and used in conformity with the approved master plan including all conditions placed on the development and all commitments agreed to by the applicant in connection with the planned unit development rezoning. 2. The legal representative identified herein is responsible for compliance with all terms, conditions, safeguards, and stipulations made at the time of approval of the master plan, even if the property is subsequently sold in whole or in part, unless and until a new or amended covenant of unified control is delivered to and recorded by Collier County. 3. A departure from the provisions of the approved plans or a failure to comply with any requirements, conditions, or safeguards provided for in the planned unit development process will constitute a violation of the Land Development Code. 4. All terms and conditions of the planned unit development approval will be incorporated into covenants and restrictions which run with the land so as to provide notice to subsequent owners that all development activity within the planned unit development must be consistent with those terms and conditions. 5. So long as this covenant is in force, Collier County can, upon the discovery of noncompliance with the terms, safeguards, and conditions of the planned unit development, seek equitable relief as necessary to compel compliance. The County will not issue permits, certificates, or licenses to occupy or use any part of the planned unit development and the County may stop ongoing construction activity until the project is brought into compliance with all terms, conditions and safeguards of the planned unit development. Signature of Owner Printed N mne and Title for: Mission Possible Ministries, Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of . 200_ by who is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Notary Public (Name typed, printed or stamped) (Serial Number, if any) Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 0]/18107 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT (TIS) Agenda Item No. 86 March 24, 2009 r 08C SC v~ : r A TIS is required unless waived at the pre-application meeting. The TIS required may be either a major or minor as determined at the pre-application meeting. Please note the following with regard to TIS submittals: MINOR TIS: Generally required for rezone requests for property less than 10 acres in size, although based on the intensity or unique character of a petition, a major TIS may be required for petition of ten acres or less. MAIOR TIS: Required for all other rezone requests. A minor TIS shall include the following: 1. Trip Generation: (at build-out) Annual Average Daily Traffic Peak Hour (AADT) Peak Season Daily Traffic Peak Hour (PSDT) 2. Trip Assignment: Within Radius of Development Influence (RDI) 3. Existing Traffic: Within RDI AADT Volumes PSDT Volumes Level of Service (LOS) 4. Impact of the proposed use on affected major thoroughfares, including any anticipated changes in level of service (LOS). 5, Any proposed improvements (to the site or the external right-of-way) such as providing or eliminating an ingress/egress point, or providing turn or decel lanes or other improvements. 6. Describe any proposal to mitigate the negative impacts on the transportation system. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 0]/18/07 7. Agenda Item No, 86 For Rezones Only: State how this request is consistent with the appli<Mbt:e 24, 2009 Page 31 of 124 policies of the Traffic Circulation Element(TCE) of the Growth Management Plan (GMP), including policies 1.3, 1.4,4.4, 5.1,5.2, 7.2 and 7.3. A Major TIS shall address all of the items listed above (for a Minor TIS, and shall also include an analysis of the following: 1. Intersection Analysis 2. Background Traffic 3. Future Traffic 4. Through Traffic 5. Planned/Proposed Roadway Improvements 6. Proposed Schedule (Phasing) of Development TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT (TIS) STANDARDS The following standards shall be used in preparing a TIS for submittal in conjunction with a conditional use or rezone petition: 1. Trio Generation: Provide the total traffic generated by the project for each link within the project's Radius of Development Influence (RDI) in conformance with the acceptable traffic engineering principles. The rates published in the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Report shall be used unless documentation by the petitioner or the County justifies the use of alternative rates. 2. Trio Assiqnment: Provide a map depicting the assignment to the network, of those trips generated by the proposed project. The assignment shall be made to all links within the RDI. Both annual average and peak seasonal traffic should be depicted. 3. Existinq Traffic: Provide a map depicting the current traffic conditions on all links within the RDI. The AADT, PSDT, and LOS shall be depicted for all links within the RDI. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 86 4. Level of Service (LOS): The LOS of a roadway shall be expressed in terfl'lf!rcoF'4:I'@Og Page 32 of 124 applicable Collier County Generalized Daily Service Volumes as set forth in the TCE of the GMP. 5. Radius of Development Influence (ROD: The TIS shall cover the least of the following two areas: a) an area as set forth below; or, b) the area in which traffic assignments from the proposed project on the major thoroughfares exceeds one percent of the LOS "e. Land Use Distance Residential 5 Miles or as required by DRI Other (commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.) o - 49, 999 Sq. Ft. 2 Miles 50,000 - 99, 999 Sq. Ft. 3 Miles 100,000 - 199, 999 Sq. Ft. 4 Miles 200,000 - 399, 999 Sq. Ft 5 Miles 400,000 & up 5 Miles In describing the RDI the TIS shall provide the measurement in road miles from the proposed project rather than a geometric radius. 6. Intersection Analvsis: An intersection analysis is required for all intersections within the RDI where the sum of the peak-hour critical lane volume is projected to exceed 1,200 Vehicles Per Hour (VPH). 7. Backoround Traffic: The effects of previously approved but undeveloped or partially developed projects which may affect major thoroughfares within the RDI of the proposed project shall be provided. This information shall be depicted on a map or, alternatively, in a listing of those projects and their respective characteristics. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone () 1 /18/07 8. Agenda Item No. 88 March 24, 2009 Page 33 of 124 Future Traffic: An estimate of the effects of traditional increases in traffic resulting from potential development shall be provided. Potential development is that which may be developed maximally under the effective Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and the Collier County Land Development Code. This estimate shall be for the projected development areas within the projects RDI. A map or list of such lands with potential traffic impact calculations shall be provided. 9. Throuah Traffic: At a minimum, increases in through traffic shall be addressed through the year 2015. The methodology used to derive the estimates shall be provided. It may be desirable to include any additional documentation and backup data to support the estimation as well. 10. Planned/Proposed Roadwav Improvements: All proposed or planned roadway improvements located within the RDI should be identified. A description of the funding commitments shall also be included. 11. Proiect Phasinq: When a project phasing schedule is dependent upon proposed roadway improvements, a phasing schedule may be included as part of the TIS. If the traffic impacts of a project are mitigated through a phasing schedule, such a phasing schedule may be made a condition of any approval. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No. 8B "~'oh?d ?nr 9 Page 34 of 1 4 PUD REZONE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Application information must be clearly printed or typed. All material must be legible and completed in full. All requirements must be submitted as indicated below, unless otherwise determined during the pre-application meeting. GENERAL APPLICATION To be completed in full and to include the following information. PUD list of permitted uses Development Standards Table List of proposed deviations from the LDC (if any) List of Developer Commitments Refer to LDC Section 1 0.02.13.A.2 for required information PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES WITH THE ADDRESSING CHECKLIST FORM Provide copies of notes taken at pre-application meeting DIGITAL REOUIREMENTS An electronic version of all plans and documents on CDROM as part of the submittal package. FEES Required fees in accordance with current Fee Schedule. Check shall be made payable to: Collier County Board of Commissioners. Application Fee ~ PUD Rezone = $10,000 + $25 per acre ~ PUD to PUD Rezone = $8,000 + $25 per acre Comprehensive Planning Consistency Review = $2,250 Application fOf Public Hearing FOf PUD Rezone 01/1 8/07 Legal Advertising Fees ~ BCC = $363 ~ CCPC = $760 Fire Code Review = $150 EIS Review = $2,500 Agenda Item No. 8B March 24, 2009 Page 35 of 124 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as required by Section 10.02.02. of the Land Development Code (LDC) , or a request for waiver if appropriate. AERIAL PHOTO Whether or not an EIS is required, two copies of a recent aerial photograph, (taken within the previous twelve months), minimum scale of one inch equals 400 feet, shall be submitted. Said aerial shall identify plant and/or wildlife habitats and their boundaries. Such identification shall be consistent with Florida Department of Transportation Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System. Additionally, a calculation of the acreage (or square feet) of native vegetation on site, by area, and a calculation and location(s) of the required portion of native vegetation to be preserved (per LDC Section 3.05.07). BOUNDARY SURVEY Boundary Survey, no more than six months old, abstracted, signed, sealed and prepared by a Florida registered land surveyor, showing the location and dimensions of all property lines, existing streets or roads, easements, rights-of- way, and areas dedicated to the public. HISTORICAL & ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY A historical and archeological surveyor waiver application if property is located within an area of historical or archaeological probability (as identified at pre- application meeting) PUD MASTER PLAN In compliance with Section 10.02..1 3.A.1 of the Land Development Code. OWNER/AGENT AFFIDAVIT Affidavit signed by owner authorizing agent to act as representative. Must be signed and notarized. Application For Public Hearing FOf PUD Rezone 01/18/07 WARRANTY DEED A copy of the last recorded deed, contract for sale or agreement for sale, or a notarized statement of ownership clearly demonstrating ownership and control of the subject lot or parcel of land. Agenda Item No. 8B March 24, 2009 Page 36 of 124 ARCHITECTURAL RENDERING Architectural rendering of any proposed structures TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT (TIS) Unless waived at the pre-application meeting, a Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) must be submitted. Please refer to attached TIS standards. UTILITY PROVISIONS STATEMENT A copy of the Utility Provisions Statement with required attachments and sketches. Please refer to attached form. AFFORDABLE HOUSING DENSITY BONUS AGREEMENT Including all Appendices and Exhibits PERMITS Copies of State and/or Federal permits POSTAL SERVICE LETTER OF NO OBJECTION Provide a copy of the letter notifying the U.S. Postal Service of the proposed project. The letter should be addressed to: Robert M. Skebe U.S. Postal Service 1200 Goodlette Road Naples, Florida 34102-9998 NEIGHBORHOOR INFORMATIONAL MEETING (NIM) Required per LDC Section 10.03.05.E. Please see attachment for requirements. OTHER Application For Public Hearing For I'UD Rezone 0 ]/18/07 Agenda Item No, 8B Any additional requirements as may be applicable to specific conditional ~ets2.4n(jl09 'd 'f' d d' h I" "I d' b I' , Pdage 37 of 124 I entl Ie unng t e pre-app Icatlon meeting, InC u Ing ut not Imlte to any required state or federal permits. CONTINUANCE FEES In accordance with Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services Fee Schedule, when land use petitions are continued, the following fees will apply: Requested after petition has been advertised = $500 Requested at the meeting = $750 Additional required advertising charged in addition to continuance fees BE ADVISED THAT SECTION 10.03.0S.B.3 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIRES AN APPLICANT TO REMOVE THEIR PUBLIC HEARING SIGN (S) AFTER FINAL ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. BASED ON THE BOARD'S FINAL ACTION ON THIS ITEM, PLEASE REMOVE All PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISING SIGN(S) IMMEDIATELY. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 38 of 124 NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATIONAL MEETING LDC Section 10.03.05.E Applicant must conduct at least one Neighborhood Informational Meeting (NIM) after initial staff review and comment on the application and before the Public Hearing is scheduled with the Planning Commission. Written notice of the meeting shall be sent to all property owners who are required to receive legal notification from the County pursuant to Section 10.03.05.B.8. Notification shall also be sent to property owners, condominium and civic associations whose members are impacted by the proposed land use change and who have formally requested the County to be notified. A copy of the list of all parties noticed, and the date, time, and location of the meeting, must be furnished to the Zoning Department and the Office of the Board of County Commissioners no less than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date of the NIM. The applicant must make arrangements for the location of the meeting. The location must be reasonably convenient to those property owners who are required to receive notice and the facilities must be of sufficient size to accommodate expected attendance. The applicant must place an advertisement of the meeting in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear stating the purpose, location, time of the meeting and legible site location map of the property for which the zoning change is being requested. The display advertisement must be one-fourth page, in type no smaller than 12 point and Application for Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/1 8/07 Agenda Item No, 8B must be placed within a newspaper of general circulation in the Coun1flja8l!1!€'astJ09 -Page 39 of 124 seven (7) days prior to, but no sooner than five (5) days before, the NIM. The Collier County staff planner assigned to the project must attend the NIM and shall serve as the facilitator of the meeting; however, the applicant is expected to make a presentation of how it intends to develop the subject property. The applicant is required to audio or video tape the proceedings of the meeting and provide a copy to the Zoning Department. As a result of mandated meetings with the public, any commitments made by the applicant shall be reduced to writing and made a part of the record of the proceedings provided to the Zoning Department. These written commitments will be made a part of the staff report of the County's review and approval bodies and made a part of the consideration for inclusion in the conditions of approval. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 , , PUD AMENDMENT (PUDA) PUD REZONE (PUDZ) PUD to PUD REZONE (PUDZ-A) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST March 24, 20 9 Page 40 of 1 4 THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W /COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE' INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED #OF NOT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIREE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS: 1 Additional set if located in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area) Cooies of detailed description of whv amendment is necessarv 24 X Completed Application with list of Permitted Uses; Development 24 X Standards Table; List of proposed deviations from the LDC (if any); List of Developer Commitments (download application from website for current form) Pre-aoolication meetina notes 24 X PUD Conceotual Master Site Plan 24" x 36" and One 8 y," x ll"coov 24 X Revised Conceptual Master Site Plan 24" x 36"and One 8 y," x 11" 24 X I i coov Original PUD document/ordinance and Master Plan 24" x 36" - ONLY IF 24 X AMENDING THE PUD Revised PUD aoolication with chanqes crossed thru & underlined 24 X Revised PUD application w/amended Title page w/ord #'s, LDC 24 X 1 Q,02,13.A,2 2 Cooies of the followina: Deeds/Leaal's & Survev (if boundary of oriainal PUD is amended) 2 X List identifvina Owner & all oarties of corooration 2 X Owner/Affidavit sianed & notarized 2 X Covenant of Unified Control 2 X Comoleted Addressina checklist 2 X 4 Cooies of the fOllowinq: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and digital/electronic copy of EIS or exemption iustification - EIS Waiver Renuested 4 X Historical Surveyor waiver request 4 X Utility Provisions Statement w/sketches 4 X Architectural renderinq of proposed structures 4 X Survev, sioned & sealed 4 X Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 ^ Traffic Imoact Statement (TIS) or waiver ')C" Ma ' , 7 ch 24, 2009 Recent Aerial Photograph (with habitat areas defined) min scaled I-a e 41 011:<4 X 1"=400' 5 Electronic copy of all documents in Word format and plans (CDRom or Diskette) 1 x Letter of No Obiection from the U.S. Postal Service 1 X If located in RFMU (Rural Frinqe Mixed Use) Receivinq Land Areas Applicant must contact Mr. Gerry J. Lacavera, State of Florida Division of Forestry @ 239-690-3 500 for information regarding "Wildfire Mitigation & Prevention Plan", LDC Section 2.03.08,A.2.a,(b)i.c. Applicant/Agent Signature Date Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01118/07 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 42 of 124 EXHIBIT A PERMITTED USES: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: ], House(s) of Worship 2. Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list ofpennitted principal uses, as determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals ("BZA") by the process outlined in the LOC. B. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the permitted principal uses and structures, including, hut not limited to: 1. A parish life center / community gathering hall for use by members and guests of the congregation 2. A school and associated educational facilities 3. A parish health and fitness center 4. A parish adult and children's day care center 5. Facilities for maintenance and storage supporting onsite uses 6. Swimming pools and open space for recreation, boardwalks, nature trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, and fitness trails 7, Rectory 8. Memorial Garden 9. Preserve and Conservation Areas 10. Any other accessory use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing list of accessory uses, ad determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals ("BZA") by the process outlined in the LDC. CONDITIONAL USES (Optional) 1. (list the conditional uses.) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table _ below sets forth the development standards for land uses within the (type ofPUO) PUD Residential Subdistrict. Standards not specifically set forth herein shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the SDP or Subdivision plat. Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/] 8/07 EXHIBIT B TABLE I RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 0]/18/07 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 43 of 124 D .. r1..," DEVELOPMENT SINGLE SINGLE lWO-FAMILY, MULTI- CLUBHOUSE/ I STANDARDS FAMILY FAMILY PATIO & FAMILY RECREATION ATTACHED & ZERO LOT LINE BUILDINGS I TOWNHOUSE Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES MINIMUM LOT AREA S.F, PER UNIT S.F, PER UNIT S.F, PER UNIT S.F. PER UNIT S,F, PER UNIT MINIMUM LOT WIDTH FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET MINIMUM FLOOR AREA S.F S,F S,F S,F./D,U. N/A MIN FRONT YARD FEET FEET FEET FEET N/A , , MIN SIDE YARD FEET FEET or FEET or FEET N/A '~IN REAR YARD FEET FEET FEET FEET N/A 11N PRESERVE SETBACK FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET 11N, DISTANCE BElWEEN FEET FEET FEET FEET or BH, N/A TRUCTURES whichever is qreater MAX, BUILDING HEIGHT FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET , NOT TO EXCEED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES FRONT FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET SIDE FEET FEET FEET FEET BH REAR FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET PRESERVE SETBACK FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET DISTANCE BETWEEN PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE MAX, BUILDING HEIGHT SPS SPS SPS FEET FEET NOT TO EXCEED S,P.S. = Same as Principal Structures Application For Public Hearing For pun Rezone 01/18/07 BH ~ Building Height Footnotes as needed Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 45 of 124 GENERAL: Except as provided for herein, all criteria set forth below shall be understood to be in relation to individual parcel or lot boundary lines, or between structures. Condominium, and/or homeowners' association boundaries shall not be utilized for detennining development standards. Setback may be either _ feet L') on one side and _ feet L') on the other side in order to provide a minimum separation between principal structures of ~ feet L'). Alternatively, if the ~ foot L') setback option is not utilized, then the minimum setback shall not be less than _ feet C) and the combined setback between principal structures shall be at least ~ feet L'). At the time of the application for subdivision plat approval for each tract, a lot layout depicting minimum yard setbacks and the building footprint shall be submitted. TABLE II DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PRINCIPAL USES ACCESSORY USES MINIMUM LOT AREA Sq, Ft. N/A MINIMUM LOT WIDTH Ft. N/A MINIMUM YARDS (External) From Immokalee Road Canal ROW Ft. SPS From Future Extension of Collier Blvd. Ft. SPS From Western Project Boundary Ft. Ft. MINIMUM YARDS (Internal) Internal Drives/ROW Ft, Ft. Rear Ft. Ft. Side Ft. Ft, MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN Ft. or sum of Ft. STRUCTURES Building heights * MAXIMUM HEIGHT Retail Buildings Ft. Ft. Office Buildings Ft. Ft, MINIMUM FLOOR AREA Sq. Ft. ** N/A Application For Public Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 I MAX. GROSS LEASABLE AREA Sq, Ft, * whichever is greater ** per principal structure, on the finished first floor. EXHIBIT C MASTER PLAN EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Optional-if legal description is too long) EXHIBIT E LIST OF REQUESTED DEVIATIONS FROM LDC EXHIBIT F LIST OF DEVELOPER COMITMENTS Application For Publjc Hearing For PUD Rezone 01/18/07 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 P~3Q 4G 9f 1r N/A Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 47 of 124 I, Larry T. Hall, as President of Florida Community Bank being first duly sworn, depose and say that Florido Community Bank is the owner of the property described as Tract B herein and which Is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of Interest Information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true ta the best of our knowledge and belief. I understand that the information requested on this appllcation must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed com plete, and all required Information has been submitted, As property owner we further authorize Andrew I. Solis, Esquire of the law firm of Cohen & Grigsby, P.c. to ao;:t-aS'Q epresentative In any matters regarding this Petition. ( uthorized R presentative of Ownership Entity Andrew I. So is a 0 Typed or Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative Florida Commun t Bank -- Typed or Printed Na e of Ownership Entity , ! r'^- The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 day of No'.! '-"" h<f 200L by Lo..tt-, -r. \-h-\\ . as pr-ej;ded- of r-bri'';'' Co "iV\'" , B",.ll who Is persona.!.!:i known to me or has produced as Identification. State of fl"r;<t" County of Le... c~~ v),c; ".1--. (Slgncmli e of Notory Public - State of Florida) S'^,,-,,;-\-'" vJG"",J ",~""'jl% JUANITA WOODS !."! "'''f:, MY COMMISSION I DO 406946 j,<, '-j EXPIRES: May 24, 2009 t'4;#[,Th~ Born:IodThruNolalYPOOI'IlIUndelW11tll11 (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 48 of 124 AFFIDAVIT We/I, Florida Communltv Bank Inc.. being first duly sworn, depose and say that well ' am/are the owners of the property described hereIn and which Is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions In this application, including the disclosure of interest Information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter aUached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the Information requested on this application must be complete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until thIs application is deemed complete, and all required Information has been submitted. As property owner Well further authorize Goodlette. Coleman. Johnson, Yovanovlch & Koester. PA. to act as our/my representative In any matters regarding this Petition. ,/'-'. " RichaJ:cl jf!illPllicb. attorney Typed or 'Priiitei:!' Name" anailtle of Authorized Representative FLorida community Bank Typed or Printed Name of Ownership Entity Th~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before l!1,e this , dayofl\.\oVem\cwy ,20lcd,by UU{lJ I H-Ql{ .as ?res,tU-I'\-'" of Florida Community Bank. Jne, who is personally known 10 me or has produced as identification. State of Florida County Of\\\'\'lC\ii') J\)(:\> '-?)j '~~-J (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public ......~~u',l~"4! MONICA N. FISCHER l~ ~1. Notal')' Public. Slate of Florida i' . .; My ColmlIAIon e,p... Doc 16, 2011 ~~ 'PIft1 Commission' CD 717182 I, Ilcrrl:I~'~ Bonded ThfOlJQh Nstlonat Notary Assn. AG~lW!'\.3Jl.W~A8B Marcn:!4, 2009 Page 49 of 124 Co~'Y County _.6"~.... ~ STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2008 SUBJECT: PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, HEA VENL Y COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (CFPUD) PROPERTY OWl\'ERlAGENT: Owners: The Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples, Inc, 6926 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34108 Florida Community Bank (FCB), rnc, 155 N, Bridge Street La Belle, FL 33935 Agents: Michael Fernandez, AICP Plmming Development Incorporated 513 3 Castello Drive, Suite 2 Naples, FL 34103 Richard D, Yovanovich, Esquire Goodlette, Coleman, Johnson, Yovanovich and Koester, P.A. 4001 Tamiami Trail, Suite 300 Naples, FL 34103 REOUESTED ACTION: To have the Collier County Plmming Commission (CCPe) consider an application to rezone the subject property from the RSF-I Zoning District to the Community Facilities Planned Unit Development (CFPUD) Zoning District for a project to be known as Heavenly CFPUD, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The approximately 15.93-acre subject site is located at 6926 Trail Boulevard and comprises the entire block bounded by Trail Boulevm'd to the west, Ridge Drive to the north, MYltle Road to the south and West Strect to the east, in Section 3, Township 49, Range 25 East of Collier County, Florida The area is identified as "Block 0" on the recorded plat (see location map on the following page), PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD al"'''' WON O~ ON....... Z _0 .,. EN:?; Q).c Q) =~O) romm "g:21l. Q) OJ <( L ~ ~ '" 0> " ~ ~ 0 N Q . - ::) ~ ~ I , "' a. g . .. , "'"'''' ~ 0 .... 0 N , N Th'OOO!t(lll I Z~ Cl - ::> "- .. lI\1llHNe.&oI1Wl Z Cl i, !:: >- i UJ "- IIt....~1 '"'''' "tIrod'lIlO"'\jl'( II J a.. I <( 2 I Z . 0 " .. ~NJOlO00D hit 1I~\ I- IIi li <( U . 0 .....l It-'S'fl lInil j~tl'(V! . j ~ ~~ g ,~ - ~ ~ ~ ii < ( ~~~ l1W'(l~lOlj JIO/olI n i 51 ill B , ~ , , i --- . ~11J ' · . .1 I! l,~ I'! liE' fin ~':>.\ QlI\<,o.;Jm!............ hriO," """-'ltMI'I'r. 'ye U'ld;}"'r'~ l"l3!U.Sl~ ~ GULF OF MEXICO a.. <( 2 <.9 z z o N COO>"<t .ws5~ J~ _ 0 0- EN;n (ll.J:; Q) ~20) "''''''' ~:2n.. (ll OJ <( IllOOOOIlMrl:Lt QNOI/OJlroo6Ml~9Zl9:ON(lllO.:I1 ~00911'IIZl9'DNOllOJUI ~ I ^ll~J 31QNIS'n" klM\lJ 11:m1S:G'" }.'II",.J JlllNJ;'.s/\. U . ., I-JS}l l>u1uol ' l-~ ButbOI . I JSt! :6u,uo'l -.J :J ~ ----! -'- _,1-- - --, _0_- -, -'- - =.- -'..::::p,<lo.r'!l~ -'l1 .- .;:mn.....u:nru .. -, I l UelJ81Uawa5eulSw ..IallJM.lIp pCt:)uetju8 POdOOSPUBI ,III >~, , , ~~~I/I w~, , , f~~111 .. ~ II' . . , ~ III 11:1 - ,~' I lEI , ,j!, ,~ ~II~I ~HII ..~~, . . !~ i III "2. . '~I ~I _.J ~i! ~;I! -lli 'm, g/I;ll ~jli i i (10' ' ,r~ ill II .. ~s. . ,- ':1111 1111 ~ ._, ,- i~ II __~ . . ,~_ ~ D. t.l ~I:: i~~~ _ 'l~ ~ I I . .. ,', "\! ~ i!ui !jjl"'- ~'.~ '.:!.~..I':,' ~ II II ", .~'~'. ' . . . . =,' v. ~ :-:g gj lrla-: .-gA fi :. =:~ llL,.I,.' r, ~,!!!,)},!!!I_I_~::: I - 'lI ( '-;-';0""";; .."~ 'CO",;,'" ,;.. '"' I-oo;,o",,,~: ~::.~ II (! I I' I' J..lINVJ 31~MS:fl" I' .l.lIJ1NJ 3'!;INIS:8.~ I' ^11i'f11J jl!ltuS:ail'l I' 1"'1'1 I l.'.:lSll :6uluoz l-JSIl :b"l""'" I-JSiI :611111GZ ,~ ~ ~ ..J ~ .... !- :a ~ ::!: ~ ::I: I ~ o z ~N OlOU BBS sBup nq~ ~ '~ ~ . -; u ,,~ . c > 0 m c 'f . ~ llll'.,! ill ! !!I i 'Iiilllll Ij " . iuihl'll 1. · . "Jr' I II ,\ ! ~ i i . I il!!11l i. ii . " li.1 II I'"j i iH ,III 111'11'1i Ii Ii' ; ll!a! I t!I:" i i iiM I! lll,l\il, II 11, " '""Ii. i I'i k . ! !" I'! jil!ii! !II ! ,"llld!1 ,! Ill! , ,II i.,' I Ui I H"1l > I HUH iJffi~ ! ~ @" m I ~ ~ ; I. l't~ h~ c l'a I ~ rl., ih~ z>. - - ..j~1 ! ~~~ 1<( I H;l 9 !!! '" ~ - - 2 ~l' ~ ~ n ~ ~, ~ j~lt ~ ~ ~ ....;,.,. .h, "IWI "g" ~ 'Iii , ll~ i ~:.j ~ { [V ~ ;1 ! D !i i Iii . ." II"' II'! M"" ~ ~ , i! I" ',' " '" '. , , ., 1'111 _I , I ,I Iii "~ll Q~ '6ti: I ii' :1 iri ! il'lli lUll I!! ! !; I' j" 1! ill I 'Ill' '!h i lil ill!! i! ijlill !, lif i Iii . hi Iii Jill!! ~ 1111 Ii III tll'lft ,., " Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 52 of 124 PURPOSEIDESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The subject CFPUD, comprised of two tracts ("A" and "B") proposes to allow the following: A maximum of 100,000 square-feet for house of worship uses; adult and child day care facilities and school(s) for pre-kindergatten through third grade students, with a combined maximum em'ollment of 220 attendees; and other accessory uses related to the foregoing. The CFPUD would also grant the applicant the right to seek subsequent Conditional Use approval to increase the maximum permitted number of enrollees on both tracts beyond the 220 person cumulative total; and for an additional 20,000 square-feet of area to be constructed on Tract A in order to increase any of the permitted accessory uses. Due to the very recent foreclosure on Tract B on September 23, 2008, the new owner/co-applicant, FCB Banks, Inc., is making a last-minute request for a Conditional Use on that tract that would allow for an increase in the size of their house of worship, Although this information was not relayed at any of the projcct's Neighborhood Information Meetings (NIM), staff is allowing the applicant to include it in the attached PUD document since such an increase would require the Conditional Use approval process, which automatically necessitates anothcr NIM and two more public hearings, It should also be noted that, if approvcd, the maximum squat'e footage permitted on the site would still remain 120,000 square-feet. As depicted on the aerial photo on page four, the subject property presently contains twelve, onc-story, principal stlUctures totaling approximately 50,000 square feet. These structures are generally situated around the centrally located 3.3-acre Lake Cardinal, and except for one building located at the comer of Myrtle Road and West Street, have been recently utilized for uses associatcd with three churches: Covenant Presbytcrian Church, Living Word Community Church and Mission Possible Ministries. According to the applicants, these churches currently have a combined capacity of approximately 750 seats. The Pine Ridge neighborhood in which the subject site is located was platted in 1956. Houses of worship were originally permitted by-right in the RSF-l Zoning District until the 1968 Zoning Ordinance, amended in FcblUary of 1973, began requiring Provisional Use (now called Conditional Use) approval for houses of worship in the district. Consequently, these church uses were rcndered legally nonconforming with the ordinance change and subsequently precluded from any site alterations that would increase their square-footage, pursuant to Land Developmcnt Code (LDC) Section 9,03,02., Requirements for Continuation of Nonconformities, unless a rezone of the properties, a Conditional Use, or multiple Variances were sought and approved. With the subject petition, the first of these options is being pursued, which according (0 the applicants, is due to the greater design flexibility afforded by the CFPUD Zoning District relative to a Conditional Use; and the faet that, as houscs of worship and, therefore, dependent upon long-tem1 fundraising for development, PUDs do not expire after three years if construction has not been completed (as do Conditional Uses). Rather, PUDs sunset after a five-ycar time limit, with tlle option to seek one two-year cxtension, thereby offering a total of seven years to meet the development thresholds provided in LDC Subsection 10,02,13.D, Time Limits for Approved PUDs. The Varianee option was completely ruled out by the applicant due to its inability to permanently resolve the nonconformities, and the fact that future permitting would require additional Variances. PUD:L-2007-AR-11097. Heavenly CFPUn 2 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 53 of 124 As shown on the submitted Master Plan on the preceding page, the site is divided into two tracts, Tract A, at approximately 14 acres, encompasses the majority of the site; and Tract B comprises the remaining 1.9 acres situated in the site's northeastern corner, at the intersection of West Street and Ridge Drive. Two of the existing structures on the site, owned by FCB Banks, Inc., are proposed to remain and, as such, are depicted on the Master Plan in the eastem half of Tract B, The remainder of the structures on the site are located on Tract A and are owned by Covenant Presbyterian Church. None of the principal structures on Tract A are proposed to remain. However, it should be noted that any of the cxisting structures, although proposed for demolition, would still be eligible for redevelopment provided that they were done so in accordance with the development standards fol' Tract A of the CFPUD document, According to LDC Subsection 2,03,05.B, the Community Facilities Planned Unit Development District (CFPUD) is intended to accommodate public facilities, institutional uses, open space uscs, rccreational uses, water-related or dependent uses, and other such uses generally serving the community at large. The proposed CFPUD, if approved, would allow for a maximum of 100,000 square-feet of houses of worship and other associated uses, with an additional 20,000 square-feet eligible for Tract A by subsequent Conditional Use approval. The proposed uses and their maximum permitted area have been summarized in the table below, Proposed Permitted Uses A~~essOJ'Y1Jses Max. Sq uare"l!'ooto$e House(s) of worship Tract A (7BO-seat maximum') Tract B., (200-seat maximum') 28,000 sq, ft, 5,600 sq. ft, School(s) pre-K through third 170 enrollees' 50 enrollees' grade; and adult/children's day care center Religion classrooms and Choir 40,000 sq, ft, 12,400 sq, ft, Room; Social Hall and Activity Center 12,000 sq. ft. 2,000 s . ft. . 80;000 s . ft, 20 000 s Expansion of school and day care uses if approved by Conditional Use process Total: 20,000 s ,ft, 100,000 sq. ft. 20,000 sq. ft. 'Tile 7BO-seat maximum permitted on Trtlct A can automatically increase to 1,000 seats once US 41 turn lanes servicing tlte site are extended 01' a traffic study, including a revielV of neighborhood trips, determines that the existing lanes are adequate (see Exltibit F of the CFPUD document, commitment No. 6./01' further details). 'This number of enrollees may be reallocated betweell the tracts provided that the cumulative total does not exceed 220. PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 3 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 54 of 124 As shown in the preceding table, the combined maximum square-footage permitted on the two tracts would be 100,000 square-feet of floor area. Of this area, 80,000 square-feet would be permitted on Tract A and 20,000 square-feet would be permitted on Tract B, This subtotal does not include the additional 20,000 square-feet of floor area that would be located on Tract A if permitted by Conditional Use approval. The development standards for both Tracts A and B are described in detail on page ten of this report. As shown on the conceptual Mastel' Plan, a total of five access points are proposed for Tract A: two along Trail Boulevard; one on Myrtle Road; one on Ridge Drive, and one on West Street. Tract B has one access point along each of its two abutting roadways (one for ingress only and one for egress only), both of which would close iflwhen this tract redevelops, as noted in the legend on the Master Plan, "Primary" access points, or those which according to the TranspOliation Impact Statement (TIS) are cxpected to handle 95 percent of all trips, are depicted on thc Mastel' Plan with solid black arrows along Trail Boulevard, Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road. (For a graphic depiction of the anticipated traffic distribution, see Appendix 3, entitled "Projcct Traffic Distribution, Heavenly Mixed-Use PUD"). The rcmaining fivc percent of trips would be handled by the "secondary" access points along West Street and Ridge Drive, until snch time that Tract B rcdevelops and these accesses are closed; at which point, access for the tract would only be afforded from Tract A, As noted in the Developer Commitments (Exhibit F to the CFPUD document) traffic control for the site's religious scrvices would be provided by law enforcement or a law enforcement approved agency at location(s) to be determined by the County Transportation Administrator, Aerial View '7 "._.k .. ~ " ':.t. 'c .., ..!'.' ~1',.. C" "'~;::\iJ.l .. .,~. """ ~ m'd'l ,,:;:"".: !:";';", ,.,"",.'0.-,0;- :. ';',"~-h"".";,,,,~,,_,;,~"l ' '1ft, .C" t,';~>~;_~r;oh~_,.~,;0!,"il",'~._~~,i,~. ,.",'~::::. " '~ ~; Z ": -: /.. 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" ~,I, , )(":rr:J,L,;:>: "I ~ L,"::::'lt&""C,,,,, '5' :\"II:I~' " i ' . ~,,,,,\.\, .~':;;~"';"'.'.":.~..:"':.T'\II"; .,~~, ",k-"~'""" -<. 111 'l"::~ """""r~r_ ~,-, !'1,f;U'" ',.,,,, \ "I)' ....., . ,':' ,'-\~ "'.f" 1) '1t"~1 ~ ' ~It ~," \ , I';:' >$N:j' :\'1t' '{f. ,,1, ".I '_ (,,"-. -_.!5\....-.:~-. { '~',' of'". ,'r'J' ,- W /" ~ 4 If' ~( . ~ 'V'~ l ,;', -"'.'.. ,o;:<~:,,;'~_" _;l_~} :~. '~t'-:"~<. ,~~"'. _,:~ )"-I~;':~-U- ~t'!\,,,,,, PUDZ,2007,AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 4 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 55 of 124 Throughout the phased development of the site, the applicants would maintain the minimum 30 percent open space required pursuant to LDC Subsection 4,07,02.G.3, Open Space Requirements; however, they have committed to ultimately providing 40 percent open space at build-out, or 6.3 acres, of the site's total area. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND WNING: North: East: South: West: Ridge Drive, then single-family homes; zoned Residential Single-Family (RSF-l) West Street; then single-family homes; zoned RSF-l Myrtle Road, then single-family homes; zoned RSF-l Trail Boulevard, Tamiami Trail North (US 41), then single-family homes; zoned Pelican Bay PUD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: Future Land Use Element (FLUE): The 15,93-acre site lies entirely within the Urban Residential Subdistrict. The purpose of this subdistrict is to provide for higher densities in an area with fewer natural resource constraints and where existing and planned public facilities are concentrated. Urban-designated areas of the county contain a vast almy of residential and non-residcntial land uscs. The Future Land Use Element's (FLUE) Future Land Use Designation Description Section 1.a.5 provides that "Urban designated areas will accommodate community facilities such as churches, group housing uses, cemeteries, schools and school facilities co-located with other public facilities such as parks, libraries, and community centers, where feasible and mutually acceptable." As the proposed uses of the CFPUD are the same as those specifically provided for in the Subdistrict, this CFPUD may be deemed consistent with the GMP. GMP Policy 5.4 requires new developments to be compatible with the sUlTOunding land area. Comprehensive Planning staff leaves this determination to Zoning and Land Development Review staff as part of their review of the petition in its entirety; however, would note that in reviewing the appropriateness of the requested uses/densities on the subject site, the compatibility analysis might include a review of both the subject proposal and sU11'0unding or nearby properties as to allowed use intensities and densities, development standards (building heights, setbacks, landscape buffers, etc.), building mass, building location, traffic generation/attraction, etc. Transportation Element: Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) and has detelmined that the estimated vehicular trips generated by the proposed rezone would not have an adverse affect on the adjacent roadways, subject to the church seating restrictions provided in Exhibit F of the CFPUD document (commitment No. 6) that limits the seating to 780 seats within Tract A unless tUl'n lanes servicing the site are extended 01' a traffic study determines that the existing lanes are adequate to allow the increase to 1,000 seats. Thus, this petition may be deemed consistcnt with policies 5.1 and 5,2 of the Transportation Element. PUDZ-2007-AR-/2097, Heaventy CFPUD 5 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 56 of 124 GMP Conclusion: The GMP is the prevailing document supporting land use decisions such as the subject CFPUD. Staff is required to make a finding of consistency 01' inconsistency with the overall GMP as part of its recommendation of approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a rezoning petition. Staff believes this petition is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM), the FLUE, and all of the applicable provisions of the Transportation Element. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes the proposed uses may be deemed consistent with the goals, objective and policies of the GMP, ANALYSIS: Staff has completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition and the criteria upon which a recommendation must be based, specifically noted in LDC Subsections 10.02. 13.B.5, v Planning Commission Recommendation. and 1O,03.0S,H,' Planning Commission Hearing and Report to the Board of County Commissioners, which establish factual bases to support a recommendation. The CCPC uses these same criteria as the basis for their recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), who in turn use the criteria to support their action on the rezoning request. These evaluations are completcd as separate documents, and have bcen attached to the staff repOlt as Appendices I and 2, respectively. In addition to these documents, staff offers the following analysis: Environme11lal Review: Environmental Services staff has reviewed this application and has required the applicants to provide 44 native canopy trees, which would be the minimum number required to rcplace the cxisting native trees that would be lost on the previously developed portion of the site; and an additional 0.12 acres of native vegetation to replace the 0.8 acres of existing nativc vegetation on the only undeveloped portion of the site (0,8 acres X required 15 percent = 0, J 2 acre;). The applicants have proposed to incorporate the 44 native trees into the perimeter buffers adjacent to Wcst Street and Myrtle Road to nl1ther enhance thc vegetation within thcse areas. They are also proposing to locate the 0.12 acres of native vegetation in a created preserve area within the dry stOlIDwater managcment arca in the southern portion of thc site (labeled on the Master Plan as CP for "created preserve"), subject to jurisdictional agency review and approval. However, Envirolilllental staff has detelIDined that a re-created preserve within a stonnwater management area, which requires periodic maintenance, is inconsistent with the preserve management requirements. Furthermore, the re"crcated preserve is supposed to reproduce the habitat that previously existed on the site, which was an upland habitat (i,e. pine flatwoods) rather than a wetland. Finally, preservcs are not to be located within water management areas that are being used for water quality treatment, such as the one proposed. However, the applicant contends that there is no prohibition in the LDC for the proposal; and that Environmental staff and the South Florida Water Management District have even previously approved such re-created preserves for St. Agncs Catholic Church, St. John the Evangelist, and private commercial projects like Capital Center. Therefore, they are unwilling to revise their Master Plan to comply with the Environmental staff's requests, As such, at the behest of Environmental staff, several conditions of approval relative to the proposed location of the required preserve in the dry water management area have bcen incorporated (see "Exhibit G, Conditions of Approval" for a list of these stipulations, which have also becn included in the "Statf Rccommendation" portion of this report), PUDZ"2007"AR-/2U97, Heaventy CFPUD 6 Agenda Item No, 8S March 24, 2009 Page 57 of 124 TranslJOrtation Review: TranspOliation Planning staff has reviewed the petition and the applicants have incotporated most of staff's recommended changes into Exhibit F of the CFPUD document, such as limiting the combined number of users of the adult and child day care and pre-K through third grade school to 220, as supported by the TIS, unless a Conditional Use approval is sought and approved. The only two outstanding issues are the provision of a bus shelter located adj acent to US 41 (at the stub-out in the median separating Trail Boulevard and US 41, depicted on the Master Plan); and the provision ofa single pedestrian link along the length of the western side of the site along Trail Boulevard, from Ridge Drive northward to Sand Pine Drive (which intersects Trail Boulevard further north of Ridge Drive) to the existing commercial uses located there in lieu of providing sidewalks around the site. The applicants are rcfusing to provide the requested sidewalk because locating it along the west side of Trail Boulevard would displace, they contend, critical water management as well as street trees installed by the Pine Ridge Civic Association. FUliher, the applicants assert that neighborhood residents have made it clear through the Pine Ridge Community Association that they are vehemently opposed to sidewalks on either the western or the eastern side of Trail Boulevard. Therefore, rather than providing the requested sidewalk, the applicants have instead acccpted the Association's suggestion that trees Royal Palms be installed on the west side of the pavement between Myrtle and Ridge in order to eliminate the singular gap in the neighborhood's street tree planting program, which has resulted in the location of live oaks along the entire length of the Trail Boulevard frontage. While staff fully supports enhancing the tree canopy along Trail Boulevard (and US 41), the applicant is still required by the LDC to provide payment in lieu for this tract's unbuilt sidewalks, (The applicant has committed to provide payment in lieu for Tract B's unbuilt sidewalks, as noted in the CFPUD document.) As such, Transpoliation Planning staff is recommending approval of the petition, subject to either the provision of a sidewalk linking Ridge Drive and Sand Pine Drive or payment in lieu for the unbuilt sidewalks along the tracts's multiple roadway frontages. (It should be noted that Zoning and Land Development Review staff would prefer payment in lieu for the sidewalks rather than removal of the oaks along Trail Boulevard.) Finally, in an effort to increase ridership by facilitating Collier Area Transit's (CAT) use among the church members and their ancillary facility users, staff is also requesting that the applicants provide a bus shelter at the existing CAT stop in front of the site on US 41. However, because the applicants do not believe that there is a rational nexus between their project and the requested shelter, or that users of the churcbes and their associated uses would even ride CAT, they are opposed to providing this shelter and have not proffered it in the Developer's Commitments portion (Exhibit F) of the CFPUD document. Nevertheless, Transportation Planning staff has detelmined that the project is located within the Northwest Transportation Concurrency Management Area (TCMA) and, according to the Traffic Impact Statement (TIS), would impact US-41 above a de minimis (one percent) amount. Policy 5.8,b of the Transportation Element of the GMP states that congestion mitigation payments shall be used to add trip capacity within an impacted TCMA, road segment and/or to enhance mass transit or other non-automotive transportation altematives, which add trip capacity within the impact fee district or PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 7 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 58 of 124 adjoining impact fee district. As such, staff has included the requested bus shelter as a stipulation in Exhibit G (Conditions of Approval) of the CFPUD documents. Utilitv Review: According to the current Water and Sewer Master Plan update, this project is located within the Collicr County Water and Sewer District Service Area, Any pOltion of the project to be developed would be required to comply with Ordinancc 2004-31, as amended. According to the County's Geographic Information System (GIS), there is an existing 12- inch water main on Tamiami Trail North and a 20-inch force main on MYltle Road. It should be noted that the cxisting buildings on the site are on septic and the removal of thcse septic systems in favor of the public systcm would benefit the area's watcr quality, Emerzencv Manazement: The Heavenly CFPUD is located in a CAT 3 Hun'icane Surge Zone, which requires evacuation during many hurricane events. However, because the project is for community facilities rather than residential units, the Emergency Management Depaltment has no issues with its approval. Zoninz Review: As previously stated, the proposed uses are consistent with the Urban Residential Subdistrict of the GMP, which recommends, among other uses, churches, schools and school facilities for this area, To achieve compatibility with adjacent uses, the site has been designed to minimize its impact on the sUlTounding residential Pine Ridge neighborhood. As depicted on the Master Plan, the proposed stormwater management lake would be located along the eastem and a portion of the southern boundary of the site, set back a minimum of 25 fcet, in order to serve as a buffer between the largest and most intense uses on the site and the residential uses across Wcst Street and Myrtle Road. This design approach has been repeated along the remaining portion of Myrtle Road and a portion of Ridge Drive, with the location of the proposed dry storm water management basins abutting these roadway frontages. It should be noted that although the applicants have optcd to fill the existing 3.3- acrc Lake Cardinal, which does not cun-enlly meet County development standards for lake cross-sections, slopes 01' littoral zones, they have cOlmnitted to providing the same capacity of the lake within thc combined stormwatcr management areas proposcd for the site; or the capacity required by water management standards for a three-day, 25-year storm event- whichever of the two is greater, The proposed lake would also accept drainage from the site's abutting roadside swales, as well as serve as the outfall for the project's dry stormwater management basins. Although no stormwater management is proposed to be developed on Tract B, compensating capacity tal' this tract would be provided on Tract A. The subject site would be buffered from the residential uses sUlTOunding its three sides by 60-foot right-of-way frontages and Type D buffers, as required pursuant to Table 2.4 ofLDC Subsection 4.06,02.C.4, Table oj B1.!ffer Requirements by Land Use Classification, The 20- foot width of these buffers would be twice the LDC-required width of 10 feet; and, as required by the LDC, would consist of a double-staggered hedgerow of shrubs planted at a height of 24 inches and maintained at three feet 01' better, To enhance the opacity of the site's transitional screening, 100 percent canopy trees (as opposed to 30 percent palm trees, as pelmitted by the LOC) would be planted 30 feet on center, Along West Road and Ridge PUDZ-2007-AR-J2097, Heavenly CFPUD 8 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 59 of 124 Drive within Tract B, the applicant has committed to maintaining a hedgerow height of five fect (two feet taller than requil'ed) and four feet where abutting parking areas. Tract A would have a six-foot hedge to screen its parking lot adjacent to West Street; and adjacent to the proposed stormwater management lake and the dry water management area along West and Myrtle Road, the applicant has committed to planting ShlUbs five feet high and four feet on center, to be maintained at a minimum height of 12 feet (instead of the required three feet), The remaining perimeter buffers that would abut residential uses (i.e. along the two dry stormwater management basins adjoining Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road) would be per the Proposed Buffer Yards vs. Required Type D Buffer per LDC Section 4.06.00 Double-staggered; maintained at 4 feet tall, but 5 feet where abutting a building Dou ble-staggered; maintained at 4 feet tall, but 6 feet on West Double-staggered, planted 2 feet tall and maintained at 3 feet tall Double-staggered natives; planted at 5 feet and maintained at 12 feet tall Only canopy trees, 30 feet on center Only Royal Palms, 30 feet on center Trees planted 30 feet on center up to 30 percent of which may be palms LDC, but 20 feet in width. All of thesc buffers would be installed concun'ently with the associated redevelopment within their proximity. The result of such buffers would be a continuous hedge that, at full height, would provide a transitional screen that significantly obscures visibility of even the tallest structures proposed for the site from view of the residential uses, as depicted in the site-line graphic contained in Appendix 4. Furthermore, as already mentioned in thc Environmental Review p0l1ion of this report, an additional 44 native trees would be incorporated into the perimeter buffers adjacent to West Street and Myrtle Road to further diminish the site's visibility from these viewsheds (see Appendix 5 for a graphic depiction of the typical West Street, lakeside perimeter buffer cross-section). According to LDC Section 5.03.02.E, Fences and Walls, a four-foot high masonry wall would be required at the property's three interfaces with sU11"ounding RSF-1-zoned properties, However, the applicants have requested a deviation from this requirement, as described in detail in the Deviations section of this rep011 on page 11, Adjacent to Trail PUDZ-2007-AR-/2097, Heave/lly CFPUD 9 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 60 of 124 Boulevard, a 20-foot wide Type 0 buffer would be provided; however, the applicants are requesting a deviation to permit all of the required trees in this buffer to be Royal Palms (also described in the Deviations section of this repoI1). Overall, the applicants have committed to providing 6.3 acres of open space-comprised of perimeter buffet'S, stOlmwater management areas, parking lot landscaping, and building foundation plantings-or 40 percent of the site's total area, which is a 133 percent increase over that required by LDC Subsection 4.07,02,0, Design Standards, To mitigate potential impacts from light pole glare on the adjoining residential uses, the applicants have committed to illuminating the site's pedestrian plaza by 48-inch tall bollards. Other lighting on the site would be landscape lighting, building fixture, and parking lot/access lighting, as required by the LDC, Finally, because of the surrounding homeowners trepidation that the 23 percent increase in the size of the houses of worship (from 750 seats to ultimately 1,200 scats) and that the 66,400 square feet of additional uses would generate constant activity seven days a week, the applicants have agreed to limit the hours of operation on the site, For the child day care and school, the hours would be 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p,m., Monday through Friday; for the adult day care, from 6:30 a,m, to 8:30 p.m, seven days a week; and for non-worship use of the facilities, from 7:30 a,m, to 10:30 p,m. seven days a week. Proposed CFPUD Development Standards for Principal Structures vs. the CF Zoning District Development Standards PUDZ-2001-AR-I2097, Heavenly CFPUD I 4 acres 1.9 acres Tract A: 538 feet Tract B: 236 feet 2,500 sq, ft:. 10,000 sq, ft, 80 feet 1,000 sq, ft. (ground floor) The greater of 30 feet 0" stl'llcture's zoned height 50 feet for expanded portion 200 feet (except 50 feet from Trail Boulevard) The greatcr of 15 feet or 1, the zoned build in hei ht n/a The greater of 15 feet or 1, sum of buildin hei hts 25 feet 15 feet 15 feet 50% of building hei ht; but >25 feet 50 feet 35 feet 30 feet 10 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 61 of 124 The project's development standards are contained in Exhibit B of the CFPUO document. Although there are two separate tables in the exhibit, for the purposes of this report, staff has combined the information into one table, included on the preceding page. As LDC Subsection 2.03.05.B, Community Facility (CF) District, allows churches by right, staff has evaluated the CFPUD's proposed development standards against this dislrict's standards. As shown in the table, the CFPUO would provide appropriate setbacks from its abutting roadways. To ensme compatibility with the residential uses that sUlTound it, any new principal structure built on Tract A would be rcquired to be set back a minimum of 200 feet from the property boundary along Ridge Drive, West Street and Myrtle Road, which would exceed the LDC standard for the CF Zoning District by a substantial 175 feet. Existing principal structures expanded on Tract A, or any ncw principal structures built on Tract B, would be required to be sct back a minimum of 50 feet and 30 feet, rcspectively; cxcecding the LDC standard by 25 feet and five feet, respectively. The maximum zoned height for structures on Tract A would be 50 feet, limited to two-stories and an actual hcight of 70 feet, cxclusive of stceples. For Tract B, thc maximum zoned height would be 35 fcct, also limited to two-storics, and an actual height of 55 feet, exclusive of steeples. On both tracts, appurtenances such as steeples would be pelmitted a maximum height of 20 feet above the roofline, inclusive of a cross or other religious symbol. Except for maximum height, the proposed development standards for principal structures far exceed those of the CF zoning district. However, these standards and enhanced vegetative buffers have been designed to mitigate potential impacts. As illustrated in the following table, the CFPUO would require accessory structures to have front yards and side yards that are the same as the principal structure's (S,P,S.). Maximum zoned height would be 35 fcet and two stories, with a maximum actual height of 50 feet. Thcse standards are also consistent with those required by the LOC. ' Proposed Development StaDllards for Accessory Structures vs. LDC Standards S,P,S. S.P.S. Ilia S,P,S. S,P,S. 10 feet 35 feet none 400 sq, ft. .::;5 percent of lot area It should be noted that the applicants originally requested that parking garages, normally permitted by right as accessory uses, be permitted with a Conditional Use approval provided PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 11 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 62 of 124 that they were limited to two-stories. Because of the glaring incompatibility between an above- grade parking facility and the neighboring residential uses adjacent to Tract B (the tract intendcd for the structure), both staff and the surrounding community were opposed to such a facility. Consequently, the applicant committed to prohibiting parking structures on the site and limiting the number of parking spaces to 500 on Tract A and 100 on Tract B, which combined is only 86 spaces more than the minimum required by LOC Subsection 4,05.04,G" Table 17, Parking Space Requirements, which calls for three spaccs per seven seats (1200/7=171 x 3= 513 parking spaces), However, should the tracts come under the same ownership, the 600 spaces would be allowed to be aggregated for the entire CFPUO, With the remaining development standards and the stipulations for approval recommended by staff, it is staffs opinion that the project would remain compatible with the residential uses with which it has coexisted for the last 40 years, By serving as a buffer between lJS 41 to the west and the single-family residences to the east, the community facilities proposed for the subject site would be an appropriate transition between the adjacent six-lane highway and the residential uses of the Pine Ridge neighborhood. Deviations: In Exhibit E of the CFPUD document, the petitioners seek approval of six deviations ft:om the design standards of the LDC and have provided justification to SUPPOlt these deviations, Staff has analyzed these requests and offers the following analyses and recommendations: Deviation 1 seeks relief fi'om LDC Section 6,06,02, Sidewalk and Bike Lane Requirements; which calls for the provision of sidewalks and bicycle lanes that are located within the right-of-way. Proposal: The applicants propose to provide sidewalks witinn the rights-of-way along Trail Boulevard and along the westem pOltion of Myrtle Road (between Trail Boulevard and the project's ingress-egress driveway), wInch are tile most likely to be used by pedestrians in the area. However, as previously noted in the Transportation Review pOltion of this repOlt, they propose to utilize tile remaining rights-of-way for the stonnwater management system in an effort to penuit greater water retention/detention capacity on the site, To compcnsate for the sidewalk segments not being provided along the remaining frontages, the applicants have eommittcd to eonsttucting a sidewalk extension across Trail Boulevard, from the ccntral building campus to US 41, to provide access to a bus stop there, as depicted on the Master Plan, However, as required by the LOC, they have not committed to pJ'Oviding payment in lieu for the remaining unbuilt sidewalks; nor have they committed to constlUcting a sidewalk segmcnt in lieu within the Trail Boulevard right-of-way between Ridge Drive and Sand Pine Drive (which would COlUlcct to the existing sidewalk on Sand Pine Drive and the commercial corridor located there), as requested by TranspOltation Planning staff. Staff's Determination: Since the sUlTounding single-Camily lots were developed without sidewalks, any the applicant might construct along the remaining project frontages would not even be able to connect to existing facilities, As such, PUD'L-2007-AR-12097. Heavenly CFPUD 12 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 63 of 124 Transportation Planning staff has recommended the alternative noted above, which the applicants have rejccted due to the neighbors' stated opposition to it. However, because the applicants have conunitted to installing trees for the neighborhood's street tree planting program, they have refused to comply with the payment in lieu (or build in lieu) requirement of the LDC. Since staff can not accept trees as compensation, swffrecommcnds denial of this deviation request unless proper payment is made in lieu of the sidewalks; or the applicants construct the requested compensating sidewalk within the Trail Boulevard right-of-way, from Ridge Drive to Sand Pine Drive, It should be noted that Zoning and Land Development Review staff would prefer the former of these two options, as the latter would necessitate the removal of numerous, well-established live oaks installed along Trail Boulevard as part of the neighborhood's tree planting program. Deviation 2 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4.06,05,N, Natural and Manmade Bodies of Water, which requires the naturalization of manmade lakes and water management areas through the use of curvilinear edges. Proposal: Instead of a physical, curvilinear contour, the applicants propose to accomplish the intent of this requirement thl'Ough the use of a curvilinear landscape pattem. Staff's Determination: A rectilinear edge would increase the pl'Oposed lake's overall stormwater management capacity, which would benefit the surrounding area during storm events, FurtheJmore, the lake would not even be visible from outside the boundaries of the CFPUD due to the enhanced, 12-foot buffers proposed along the lakefront. Finally, the County Landscape Architcct has determined that a curvilinear landscape design could effectively achieve a result similar to that of an actual lake contour, As such, staff supports this deviation. Deviation 3 seeks rclief from LDC Subsection 4.06.05,D,2.a., Trees and Palms, which allows no more than 30 percent of the canopy trees within an individual Type D Buffer to be substituted by palms. Proposal: The applicants are requesting this deviation to pennit 100 percent palm trees in the Type D buffer along Trail Boulevard, which parallels US 41, provided that the overall percentage of palms within the site's required perimeter buffers does not excecd 30 percent. The objective of this deviation is two-fold: first, to provide all shade trees along the site's Ridge Drive, West Street and Myrtle Road frontages to further enhance the vegetative screening from the perspective of the adjacent single-family homes; and second, to make a grand statement to the puhlic traveling along US 41 by providing only Royal Palms along Trail Boulevard, which would complement the existing row of stately Royal Palms that exist along the northcrn end of Trail Boulevard, running south from Vanderbilt Beach Road, as well as those planted single-file in the US 4] median, just south of the subject property. PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 13 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 64 of 124 Staff's Determination: As the proposed deviation would ultimately fulfill the LDC requirement relative to the total percentage of palms pel1nitted, while at the same time distributing this elegant native species along the site's Type D, Trail Boulevard buffer in a vel'y practical and aesthetically pleasing way, staff supports tlus deviation. Deviation 4 sccks relicffrom LDC Subscction 5,05,08,E,2.c" Pedestrian Pathway Minimum Ratios, which requires pedestrian pathway connections from a building to adjacent road pathways at a ratio of one per each vehicular entrance into a project; and for drive aisles leading to main entrances to have at least one walkway adjacent to them. Proposal: The applicants requcst a reduction from these requirements to provide six pedestrian walkways, as depicted on the Master Plan: two leading to Trail Boulevard, one to West Street, one to Myrtle Road and two to Ridge Road, The applicants' justification for this deviation is that the proposed oumber would be adequate for the site. Staff's Determination: Because pedestrian pathways would be provided around the main campus' plaza, and six pedestrian connections from the sUlTounding roadways have been provided-which is one more than the total number of permanent access points on the sitc-staff bclieves the intent of this requirement would be met and, thcrefore, supports this deviation. Deviation 5 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4,06,02.A, Buffer Requirements, which requires landscape buffers between adjacent land uses. Proposal: The applicants would like to eliminate the buffer required between Tracts A and B, provided that the equivalent square footage of the eliminated ten- foot wide buffer, including its tree requirement of I tree per 30 linear feet, is relocated elsewhere within each of the tracts. Staff's Determination: Due to the applicants' creation of a church campus with compatible uses on Tracts A and B, including pedestrian pathway connections, common access drives and shared parking, coupled with the fact that the plant material intended for this deleted buffer would merely be redistributed within other areas of the site, staff supports this deviation. Deviation 6 seeks relief from LDC Subscctions 5,03.02,E,2. and 5.03.02.E.4., Fences and Walls, which require, respectively, a nomesidential development located opposite a residentially-zoned district to provide a masomy wall or prefabricated concrete wall and/or fence; and, said wall and/or fence to be foUl' feet in height and located a minimum of tlU'ee feet from the rcar of the right-of- way landscape buffer line, PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 14 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 65 of 124 Proposal: The applicants are proposing to instead provide a six-foot tall, black- vinyl, chain-link fence situated between double hedgerows within the enhanced Type D buffers adjacent to the lakcs for safety purposes; and waiving the requircment along the remaining perimeter boundaries in favor of the modified buffer described on page eight of this report. Staff's Determination: Due to the generous buffers provided and the fact that the proposed land uses would be separated from the adjacent residential uses by a two-lane local road with a 60-foot right-of-way; and that, when combined with the associated building setbacks, this separation would be a minimum of 140 feet for existing buildings and 310 feet for new buildings, staff believes that the single-family residences would be well protected from potential headlight glare or any other adverse impacts. Therefore, staff supports this deviation, ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC): Since the subject site has already been developed (except for 0,8 acres), the applicants wcrc not required to submit an Environmental Impact Statement (ElS) for tlus petition. As a result, they were not required to have a healing before the EAC. NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): 'Ibe applicants duly noticed and held the required NIM at 5:30 on October 5, 2007 at thc Covenant Presbyterian Church. Approximately 30 peoplc attended, most of whom identified themselves as residents of Pine Ridge. Also present was County staff, Michael Fernandez, the agent for the applicants, and three of the agent's staff. Mr. Fernandez opcned the meeting by explaining that 13 buildings cunently exist on the site, totaling approximately 50,000 square feet of area, and that the CFI'UD proposed 148,000 feet of churches and accessory uses. He stated that the maximum actual height of the new churches would not be much higher than the building heights that currently exist on the site, which he estimated to be approximately 65 feet. He also noted that substantial buffers would be provided along the roadways adjacent to the residential uses and that stormwater would be pre-treated in open space areas beforc being transferred to the newly rclocated lake, per the requirements of the LDC. Finally, he explained that current access to the south would be closed and that some access points along the northern boundary would probably also be removed. Most of the questions posed by the attcndees centered on slonuwater impacts due to the fact that flooding is an issue in the neighborhood during severe storm events. Residents expressed concern that the increase in impervious surface area proposed with the project, coupled with the lake's relocation, would only exacerbate this problem. They also wanted to know where the stonuwater would outfall. Mr. Fernandez explained that the project's stormwater management system had been deemed feasible by the County's Engineering and Environmental Services Department, and that the engineering details of the system would be worked out at the time of site development plan (SOP), as dictated by protocol. Although he stated that the project would never solve the Pine Ridge community's long-standing drainage problems associated with old, PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 15 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 66 of 124 collapsed drainage pipes in the neighborhood, he nevertheless promised that the proposed system would be equal to or bettcr than the stormwater management presently provided by Lake Cardinal during three-day, 25-year to storm events. In addition, vehicular impacts caused by cut-through traffic from Goodlettc-Frank Road were also of conccrn to many residents, especially since the project proposed a school, which would increase weekday trips. Mr. Fernandez eXplained that, based upon the Transportation Impact Statement's (TIS) analysis of trips distributed on the surrounding roadway network, 90 pcrcent of all trips would access the site from US 41, so impacts from cut-through traffic would be minimal. One resident wanted to know what the maximum student enrollment for the school would be. Mr. Fernandcz was not able to provide that number. Another resident was concerned that if the CFPUD were approved it would trigger more PUD developmcnt in the neighborhood, This rcsident, and many others, were also troubled by the conceptual nature of the project's Master Plan; and, as such, statcd that it would be prcferable if the applicants applied for a Conditional Usc due to the fact that the LDC requires more specilicity on the submitted Mastcr Plan for Conditional Uses than PUDs and, therefore, affords much less flexibility in design after approval. Mr. Fernandez explained that Conditional Uses expired after three ycars, and that, because the churches wcre dependcnt upon long-tel111 fundraising and an approximately 25-ycar development horizon, a Conditional Use would be impractical and cost-prohibitive for his clients, Although members of the Pine Ridge Civic Association were in attendance, they and others from the subdivision had complaincd before the mecting about not being notified of the NIM by mail (due to the fact that they live outside of the 1,000-foot notification radius prescribed by the LDC, a distance they believed to be inadequate). Therefore, Mr, Fernandez volunteered to hold a second NIM in which he would ensure that everyone who wanted to attend would be invited. He also promised to present the community with a revised Master Plan that was less conceptual and, therefore, provided more specificity. The NIM ended at approximately 7:30 p,m. This second NIM was held at 5:30 p,m. on February 13, 2008 at Covenant Presbytcrian Church, After reiterating the background infOlmation provided at the initial NIM, Mr, Fernandez presented a new Master Plan, which: incrcased open space on thc site from 30 percent to 40 percent; for new sUuctures on Tract A, proposed 200-foot setbacks from West Street, 1 DO-foot setbacks from Ridge Drive and Myrtlc Road, and 50-foot setbacks from Traill3oulevard; 25- foot (instead of IS-foot) Type D perimeter buffers containing stormwater management arcas; and parking lots designed to accommodate the 1000-scat capacity of the church on the Tract A, Scveralresidcnts rcmaincd steadfastly opposed to the project because Ml'. Fernandez could not provide calculations to quantitatively demonstrate how the stormwater management system would work. Ml'. Femandez again explained how these calculations were not required at the rezone stage, but would be required at the time of SDP; and that at the time of SDP the project would be required to provide storlllwater capacity equal to or greater than the existing capacity afforded by Lake Cardinal due to his clients' commitment to do so in the PUD documents-or lose some of the project's developable area in order to meet that target. The residents stated that they still objected to the lake's relocation. PUDZ.2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFI'UD 16 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 67 of 124 Residents were again concerned about cut-through traffic, especially due to the number of access points along West Road and Ridge Drive. Mr. Fernandez said that the southermnost access from Tract A to West Road would be exit only, and that he would commit to closing it if it became problematic, (TranspOliation Planning staff required this cgress point to be rcmoved from the Mastcr Plan, which the applicants agreed to do. Therefore, it is no longer ShOWll,) One resident rcquested that the applicants commit to a maximum church and school population, Mr. Fernandez said that they would not, and that the square-footage limit on the uses contained in the CFPUD document would serve to restrict the number of users. Another resident asked that the applicants commit to the prohibition of parking garages within the development. Mr. Fernandez said that they would not. The only other issue discussed at the meeting concerned glare caused by parking lot lighting, Mr. Fernandez said that bollard lighting would be used throughout the campus pedestrian areas to illuminate the ground only, and LDC-required pole lighting would be used in the parking lots and at access points, TIle NlM ended at approximately 7:30 p,m, A third NIM meeting was duly noticed by the applicant and held on June 21 at 5:30 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church. FOliy people from the public attended, as well as Mr. Fernandez, John Hunter of Covenant Presbyterian Church, a new agent, Rich Y ovanovich of Goodlette, Coleman, Johnson, Yovanovich & Koester, and County staff. Mr. Y ovanovich presented an overview of the CFPUD rczone request and outlined the items that had been removed from the design since the prior NlM, which included parking on West Boulevard and its associated access point, and a fitness center. After the presentation, residents expressed concerns regarding the excess traffic that would travel on West Boulevard on Sundays. Mr. Yovanovich stated that law cnforccment would be present during peak hours, and that there would also be signage placcd at thc exits on both Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road prohibiting right turns and left turns, rcspectively. One palticipant asked if another TIS could be prepared to detelmine if the turn lanes on US 41 needed to be extended, to which the applicant agreed. Another rcsident asked if the applicant would consider planting trees, specifically Royal Palms, in the right-of-way between Trail Boulevard and US 41. The applicant stated that they would consider this option if payment in lieu of the requircd sidcwalks were not required from the County TranspOltation Department. Participants also wanted to know what the hours of operation for the facilitics would be. With rcgard to the timeline for constroction, the applicant explained that the initial redcvelopment phase would include the lake's relocation, some site improvements, their associated buffers, swales and the water management system, and that it should take about twelve to fOUlteen months from SDP approval and the receipt of building permits. Participants asked how the project would improve the water management system. The applicant stated that it would be reviewed and permitted through either the South Florida Water Management District and/or the County during the SDP review and permitting process; and that water management would ultimately bc as good as, if not better than, than it is currently. Some participants expressed fcars that the development would hurt their propelty values, while others disagreed and stated that improving the site could only increase property values. The meeting ended at approximately 7:45 p.m, Staff has received one letter of support (from the Pelican Bay Foundation), two letters of PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 17 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 68 of 124 objection, and a petition objecting to the proposal that was signed by 48 residents of Pine Ridge (representing approximately 32 households) at the time of the applicants' first submittal (see Appendix 6), Staff was also copied on two Ictters from the Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions to Covenant Presbyterian Church, both dated February I, 2008 (see Appendix 7). One of these letters from the committee contained the March 5, 2008 iteration of the CFPUD document, with suggested deletions shown in strike-through format and additions inserted in red font. Most of these suggested changes involved design standards that were ultimately incorporated by the applicants into the CFPUD document. However, on October 9,2008, the Architectural Control Committee sent staff a third letter stating that the applicants had still not successfully addl'essed their concerns. Finally, staff maintained close communication with at least five residents from the neighborhood who initially expressed opposition to the project via meetings, telephone calls, and email exchanges; howcver, only two of these residents have continued to express concems. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition PUDZ-2007-AR-l2097 to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation of approval subject to the conditions of approval contained in Exhibit H of the Heavenly CFPOD, repeated below, which the applicant would not incorporate into the CFPUD document as requested by staff: 1. Any plan submitted pursuant to this CFPOD shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Master Plan entitled "Exhibit C Master Plan," prepared by Planning Development Incorporated, consisting of one sheet, dated August 27, 2008, except as conditioned, 2. Any submitted site development plan (SDP) proposing the expansion of an existing building shall be accompanied by a survey depicting the actual square footage of the building and shall demonstrate that the proposed expansion will not exceed a 20 percent increase in the building's size. 3. The access points located on West Street and Ridge Drive, depicted on Tract B of the Master Plan, shall close when this tract redevclops, 4. The submitted SDP shall identify the preserve area setback requirements. 5. At the time of SDP, the applicant shall provide a FLUCFCS map for the vegetated areas and shall provide a tree count for thc other vegetated areas, such as the pines around the existing lake. 6, The required re-created preserve shall meet County preserve requirements and: shall recreate the habitat that previously existed on-site (pine flatwoods) and re-create all three strata; shall not be located in an area requiring ongoing understory clearance or periodic maintenance for water management; and shall not be located within water management areas that are being used for water quality treatment. PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 69 of 124 7. The last two sentences of the Preserve Note on the Master Plan shall be deleted: "The created preserve shall be located nOlth of the proposed lake in the general area identified on the CFPUD master plan. The (CP) may be located within a dry water management area provided no water quality is provided within the created preserve." In addition, in Section H of the CFPUD document, the following language shall be deleted: "The site location for the created preserve is a dry water management area identified on the CFPUD master plan. TIlis location is subject to jurisdictional agency rcview and approval." 8. The planting plan shall not be part of the rezone package and will be reviewed at the time ofSDP. 9, The applicant shall provide, or shall pay the County to provide, a bus shelter at the existing Collier Area Transit stop located adjacent to US 41, which is located at the stub-out in the median separating Trail Boulevard and US 41 as depicted on the Master Plan. If the applicant chooses to build the bus shelter, then this shelter shall be constructed as part ofthe fIrst development order. 10. In lieu of providing sidewalks around the perimeter of the site, the applicant shall provide a sidewalk link from Ridge Drive northward to Sand Pine Drive, to connect the site to the existing commercial uses located nOlth of it. If the BCC determines that this request is not in the best interest of the community, then by default the applicants shall be required to comply with the LDC by providing payment in lieu for all sidewalks along the site's multiple frontages, APPENDICES: 1. PUD Findings 2, Rczone Findings 3. Project Traffic Distribution, Heavenly Mixed-Use PUD 4. Site Line from West Street 5. Typical West Street Pel'imeter Buffer Cross-Section 6, Letter of Objection, Letter of Support, and Petition of Objection 7. Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions' Letters and Recommendations PUDZ-2007-AR-J2097, Heavenly CFPUD 19 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 70 of 124 PREPARED BY: ~~~ - ~ ----- JO -DAVID OS, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW fO/"i/Ol I DATE REVIEWED BY: ero JDI ASHTON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY /0/23!D'K DATE /2 ~U /?p~. - RA YMO~ V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER DRPARTMEN1 OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 10 '/'1',O<;?- DATE ~Ih./S~ _)fJ/"La~__ SUSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: --.,.'Co C~. ,..,r-- o EPH K. SCHMITT ADMINISTRATOR C MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL -RVICES DIVISION ~ol.p-"f!or{ I . DATE Tentatively scheduled for the December 16,2008 Board of County Commissioners Meeting COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: /1 ,] Al / !//\!-/Ju VV l~(~ Y , VvL-t" 2-11 -OJ-- DATE MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, Heavenly CFPUD 20 '.;'." Agend1lltem No, 8S March 24,2009, , Page 71 of 124 Appendix 1 PUD FINDINGS PETITION PUDA-2007-AR-12097 Heavenly CFPUD Section 10.02,13 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Planning Commission to make a finding as to the PUD Master Plans' compliance with the following criteria: 1. The suitability of the area for the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to physical characteristics of the land, surrounding areas, traffic and access, drainage, sewer, water, and other utilities. The purpose of the Urban Residential Subdistrict is to provide for higher densities in an area with fewer natUl'al resource constraints and where existing and planned public facilities are concentrated, The U1'ban-designated areas are intended to accommodate community facilities such as churches, group housing uses, cemetelies, schools and school facilities co-located with other public facilities such as parks, libraries, and community centers. The proposed CFPUD fulfills the objectives of this designation and will have to be in accordance with all applicable sections of the Land Development Code (LDC) at the time of issuance of any development order. In addition, the subject property has been used for churches and church-related activitics for over 40 years. 2. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Evidence of unified control was provided with the application. All an-angements for the development of the CFPUD are contained within thc PUD documents. 3. Confol'mity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan (GMP). The project as proposed is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) which designates the subject property as Urban Residential Subdistrict. The subject petition has been found consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the GMP, as explained in the staff report. 4. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on locatiou of improvemeuts, restrictions on design, and bufferiug and screening requirements. Section 4,07.02 of the LDC has specific development requirements for PUD districts to insure that they are compatible with established uses of the sUITounding neighborhoods. As noted in the staff report, the subject parcel is located in Urban Residential Subdistrict, which permits churches and other community facilities. The applicants have committed to Page I of2 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 72 of 124 providing enhanced buffers adjacent to the surrounding residential uses, which inelude taller hedgerows and 100 percent canopy trees, as described in the staff repOlt 5. The adequacy of usable open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. Approximately 6.3 acres, or 40 percent of the site's area would be retained as open space, which is 10 percent greater than that required by LDC Subsection 4.07,02,0., Design Standards. 6. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. No capacity issues arc known at this time and the petition has been reviewed by County TranspOltation staff who has determined that no Level of Service (LOS) standards would not be adversely affected. Policy 2.3 of the GMP requires the celtification of public facility availability prior to thc issuance of a final local development order, Because ofthis provision, the development must be in compliance with applicable concurrency management regulation, 7. The ability of the subject prope,.ty and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. The utility and roadway infrastructure has adequate capacity to serve the proposed CFPUD and the sU11'ounding development at the time of its build-out. 8. Confonnity with pun regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting publie purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations. Staff has reviewed this petition and found it to be consistent with the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) and the other elements of the GMP. The proposed development standards are comparable to the development standards of the C-3 zoning district. Additionally, the proposed buffers and deviations recommended by staff will ensure compatibility with the adjacent propeltics. Page 2 01'2 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 73 of 124 REZONE FINDINGS App(:ndi~ 2 PETITION PUDZ-2007-AR-12097 Heavenly CFPUD Chapter lO.03.05,G of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners shall show that the Plmming Commission has studied and considered th(: propos(:d change in relation to the following, where applicable: 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, & policies of the Future Land Use Map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan. Pages three and four of th(: staff report explain how this petition is consistent with the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and the Growth Management Plan (GMP), As stated, the subject properly is Urban Residential Subdistrict. The purpose of this subdistrict is to provide for higher densities in an area with fewer natural resource constraints and where existing and planned public facilities me concentrated. Urban-designated areas of the county contain a vast array of residential and non-residential land uses. The Future Land Use Element (FLUE), Section (XV) 1. Urban Dcsignation, (I) (XV), states that Urban-designated areas are intended to accommodate community facilities such as churches, group housing uscs, cemeteries, schools and school facilitics co-locatcd with other public facilitics such as parks, libraries, and community centcrs, where feasible and mutually acceptable, As the proposed uses of the CFPUD m'C the same as those specifically provided for in the Subdistrict, this project would be consistent with the GMP, 2. The existing land use pattern; The subject site is bordered by the RSF-l zoning district to the north, east and south; and by US 41 to the west. All of the abutting parcels have been developed with single-family homes, With the proposed development standards and the stipulations for approval recommended by staff, the project would continue to be compatible with th(: r(:sidential uses with which it has coexisted for the last 40 years. By providing an appropriate buffer betwcen the single-family residences surrounding the subject property and US 41 to the west, the institutional uses proposed for the site would serve as an appropriate transition b(:tween the residential uses of the Pine Ridge neighborhood and the adjacent six-lane highway. 3. The possible creation of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts; Approval of this CFPUD would not create an isolated district. As noted above, the subject site has been developed for decades with churches and church-related uses, These uses are nOlmally permitted in the RSF zoning district with conditional use approval, as they are deemcd compatible subject to certain conditions, The proposed CFPUD is also consistent with the FLUE of the GMP, as notcd above. Page J of4 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 74 of 124 4. Whether existing district boundaries arc illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for change. The subject property was created by the applicants' assemblage of available parcels in the area. The location map on page two of the staff report highlights the boondary of the subject parcel. As shown, the boundaries of the CFPUD are logically drawn, 5. Whether changed or changing conditions make the passage of the proposed rezoning necessary. The proposed CFPUD is not obligatory at this location. However, the request is reasonable because the property owners are unable to rcdevelop thcir facilities without a land use action on their property since the RSF -1 zoning district no longer allows churches without at least Conditional Use approval; otherwise, the properties remain legally non-conforming. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; The proposed CFPUD would not adversely affect the living conditions in the neighborhood. The proposed uses for the property would be similar to that already existing on the site; and with the conditions of approval recommended by staff, any adverse impacts would be mitigated. 7. Whether the proposed change will create or excessively incl'ease traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, because of peak ,'olumes or projected types of vehicular trafflc, including activity during construction phases of the development, or otherwise affect public safety. The applicant submitted the required TIS, and Transportation Planning has reviewed the application. Subject to the conditions of approval and the developer commitments, the projcct will not crcate any advcrse traffic impacts, 8. Whether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; Thc proposed change would not create drainage 01' sUlface water problems, as the water management system would be designed to prevent drainage problems on the site. As noted in the staff report, the applicants have committed to providing the same capacity of Lake Cardinal within the combined stormwatcr management areas proposed for the site; 01' the capacity required by water management standards for a three-day, 25-year storm event-- whichever of the two is greater. Although no stOlmwater management is proposed to be developed on Tract B, additional capacity on Tract A would be provided to compensate for it. Furthermore, the proposed lakes would accept additional drainage from the site's abutting roadside swales, as well as serve as the outfall for the project's dry stormwater management basins. Page 2 of4 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 75 of 124 9. Whether the proposed change will seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; The proposed change will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties in terms of light and air. 10. Whether the proposed change will adversely affect property values in the adjacent area; This is a subjective determination based upon anticipated results which may be internal or external to the subject property. Propelty valuation is affected by a host of factors including zoning; however zoning by itself mayor may not affect values, since value determination is driven by the market. There is no guarantee that the project will be marketed in a ma1mer comparable to the surrounding developments. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; The proposed uses are existing, and all adjoining properties have already been developed. Therefore, the proposal would not be a deterrent to the improvement of adjacent properties. 12. Whether the proposed change will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare; As stated, the proposed amendment complies with the Urban Residential Subdistrict designation of the GMP. FurthelIDore, land use applications are subject to a public hearing process to insure that they do not constitute a grant of special privilege or arc inconsistent with other properties in the vicinity in which thcy are situated. 13. Whether there are substantial reasons why the property caunot be used in accordance with existing zoning; There are no substantial reasons why the propelty could not be used in accordance with existing zoning. However, as legally non-confotnling uses, without a land use action they are unable to make any sitc alterations that would increase their size, 14. Whether the change suggested is out of scale with the needs of the neighborhood or the County; The proposed amendment conforms to the goals and objectives of the GMP and is compatible with the surrounding property, Howevcr, even though staff believes the size of the project has been mitigated through the design standards, such as 200-foot setbacks, and enhanced vegetative buffers, area residents have expressed concerns about the project's scale. Page 3 of4 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 76 of 124 15. Whether is it impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. There are many sites that are already zoned to accommodate the proposed development; however this is not the determining factor when evaluating the appropriateness of a rezoning decision, The proposed CFPUD was reviewed and deemed compliant with the GMP and the LOC. Furthcrmore, the churches havc been opcrating on the site for approximatcly 40 years. 16. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration, which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. Any developmcnt would rcquirc some site alteration and the subject site would have to cleared to execute the proposed development plan, 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth Management Plan and as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended. The proposed CFPUO petition would not have an adverse impact on public facilities or servi ces, Page 4 of4 N <'l ;!; ~ u. + 50% ... Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 77 of 124 ~ .". u) ::i t 40% .. 1:. TRANSPORTATION K CONSULTANTS.INC. I I I I I I I 01 0:: ~I .-J ~1 -' ~I l I I I I I I 10 I~ .-J I~ I- 1 if) ~ I I I I I I I I l___ ..__.. _.,..._, ___on _._.._ _, ...... __..._ _...J LEGEND ~20%+ PERCENT DISTRIBUTION MYRTLE ROAD -+ 5%...... PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION HEAVENLY MIXED USE PUD s IN,T,S.I . ..... ':. ..' ' Appelldi~ 3';.. CO"'" ",ON O~ ON.... Z .0 E~f2 QU:: OJ =20) ro",ro -g;Zo... OJ OJ <{ , I ~~IW"U'13loMJ --.- UOSJ-W an A'l/(lIo e!::lD BS:!lIQPl(<f' 111 'Hom an :tS J,$3M 1fOO.l 3Nn,,-UJ ~/'__wt ~~"'.- and A.7N:iAV8H ~ - .. ...~-...... G ",:~=~~~~cr~~ t~ gltatllOWJ.M5'Cl/lJ1fJW."t.iWWlIJw,JtJNJ'I1HI'L'I'ltWCIJ~1WIJ ; ~ CJ31'tfl1OdUO:JNf1Ni1ad013A~af)NJNN1fld << :::; -- I ~ l I ~I .~~ ~~ If lwll! 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In ;g fJ '" ~ ,- -,,- ~E<E::~:::_~ ........., " \ // \ ( \ I \ I \ I ( \ \ \ \ "- , ~ '~_J _~~"l..q rum=- HOt _VII_ ~I/" (Jl)d .t. 7N:M Y::iJIf ~- ~ I i I I. .. i' !1.111 Ill" Ilil~ lh~!1 ll~1! / ( I I f _- ~:etJ t~~~:::::..._- \ ------7-' \ I \ I "- I " I ~_-1 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 79 of 124 ~1IO'lII'_"~______ com:l'anrcnJ'f:JU'(JI"BlIlI'WVll'fI'mIRVj)Wlt fj_~__r"'-'l _ _...__,._ aJ;>>JJHfJII1ilo'\':l1U'WfrRNWJ1ImJ~tiW1l'.fM;lO~ 03JI'!/OdUOOHI JN3I/J01!WKJ SNWNV'kI l 'I i ~ ......_loII"""'i'N.. I ~ lIlI'&l#.1 , " , ~ .n"'_~"_ ~.- ,/ , 'lllr"_ -.- J~""""'''_ Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 80 of 124 , I Appendix 6 Joe & Teresa Bandy 603 West Street Naples, FL 34108 October 31,2007 ,i' Mic)Jael R. Fernandez, AlCP President ~{#i,jiJ',i' 5133 Castello Drive, Suite 2, Naples, FL 34103 RE: Proposed Heavenly Mixed Use MPUD Rezone 6926 Trail Boulevard Neighborhood lnfbrmatlon Meeting (N1M) PDI PN: 07,01007 Rezoning from Residential Single Family (RSF) to Heavenly Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) Dear Mr. Fernandez: ltu-esponse to your letter dated October 25, 2007, we llre very much eoncerned with yow )'roposal Rezoning PIM on the above captioned property owned lly the Ohureh G.,oup. We ate fearful of any ehange to our quality of life, which includes increase in auto traffiQ, people tr!lffic, noise, ete, we are also concerned about our property depreciating and becoming less valuable. ':,'hen, there are the evening traffie bright lightn, mUBie, singing ,andlioise. "Ve are paying a very large tax bill due to the fact of where we live, We oppose thc chauge. ;ry;:.re~1 ~ 1f~-AJ (;5:~~~ 'oe& Teresa Bandy 7 '03 West Street : japle~, FI, 34108 ',c: Linda BedtelyolJ Community Plonning Coordinator Community Development & Envil'onmental Services Administration 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL 34104 (239)213-294,8 I FlIx: (239)403-2395 ]indabccltelvonilj)colliergov,l1ct ':/Iplesrezaning Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 81 of 124 Page I of2 ~. .1ssJohndavid ~_. ., r......_._._._...~__, -...~-~...._... . ..- _._~-'~._~...-".~ -._........... .".._,....~.._...,........,.__.~..h.._._'...~ ~ _.__~.,.. .....'_.~"_.__..'u.,.._._"~,__....._~._.......'..........._ F; DI11: Terri Fernandez [pdl(ff@aol,coml S,nt: Tuesday, October 30,200711;16 AM To: MossJohndavid C,: PDIMRF@aol.com; 'Sandra Guajardo' .. '''joct: Heavenly MPUD - AR 12097 0.,,' morning, John David; Wb "re looking forward to the NIM for this project on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 5;30 p,m, See you then, 1"0' '!our records, please see the emall chain below from Lisa Bauer of the Pelioan Bay Foundation. SI"" : "celved our letter relative to the NIM for Heavenly MPUD and discussed it wl(h the Pelican Bay President. At " .','J will see from her email, they have no Issues with our zoning change. 1'h': :,)111 you might want to include tills information In your project file. Thanks for your time and see you next ".,Vf, I h "~ great day, 1; '3, s'. 'Iy, Tv fIWv\-cw\-awb' :63 -6934 r ',IT': Lisa Bauer [mallto:ibauer@pellcanbay.org] ~' Tuesday, October 30, 2007 9:54 AM " -rl Fernandez ~ :t: RE: 6926 Trail Boulevard t-I, .,-: lnk you for your email.lreviewedthelnformatlonandspokewiththe.Pellcan Bay President and he said we . issues with the zoning change, l, : Terri Fernandez [mallto:pditff@aol.com] S ,.; Monday, October 2.9, 2.007 8~48 AM . l':~ Bauer :1~Rf@ilol,comi 'Sandra Guajardo' t, :t; 6926 Trail Boulevard (. norning, Ms, Bauer; you for your emalllnquiry. For your use and ease of reference, aUached please lind a localion map for ,nt Presbyterian Church, which Is located at 6926 Trail Boulevard, Trail Boulevard runs parallel and "110 Tamlami Trail North on the east side, Ills the IDeation of the existing church facilities. )\lr receipt and review, should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not , to contact ou,' ollice. '1007 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 82 of 124 PETITION FOR THE DENIAL REZONING KNOWN AS "IlEA VENL Y MPUD" We, the property owners, of the Pine Ridge Residential area oppose the proposed rezoning and proposed construction of the Prcsbyterian Church project. Pine Ridge is a W1ique and special neighborhood. By allowing the rezoning and proposed project known as "Heavenly MPUD" would increase the traffic and noisc on West Street, West Pine, Ridge Drive, MYltle Street and man)' other Pine Ridge streets. Stonn water ovcrflow from the proposed lake could flood low situated properties. We are dependent on wells fo1' our water supply, COlIunon sense tells us that moving the existing lake would tremendously disturb the undergrmmd water quality to the entire area, Also, the runoff of the polluted surface water from the huge parking area ill the lake would create a cesspool, seeping into the wells and poison our water. All this, besides other objections would destroy our unique Pinc Ridge neighborhood. Therefore, we wish that this re7.oning be denied. -AL~;L~, , - 'i't:=f1s4\t.2L____ "' , --p' L., ~ __t.-.-(~-='A"'--'-- . - J.LI.dLjral jU7r- IlL ~~ d\ &o.-II",~ 7 b (Co '11'0,11 B /vcL '. l L~i~~~.~Lii~'-L-fL--3o (~_ ~./, J!.=--~.C. CP Il~1.Ylct_~< f o-Jjj J (MeT j;Z:-~ /X~( <v~/ j~, / ~#,dP / .,-. ~k / '<~",-,iir;C:- (CLeM 'f,j;.i<'./e.y~-z;(,,' _floct :i~~~';~;l~__ (/.,(:'7 I.(/<::J'/ r h-e<.!..J.. ~#ir ~~~ i<~~:I:~ "'~/ c.i.-t/ PJ ,;;Z y.~ ~ 0 UL-- {,;;2Y ~l'd~ ))I? '70 ~>:, G, yqL v/-t '- ~,-u1 I5lvuL. . :76 ~ )I-rr~ I ..---..--- c>o 17 (!.) dU (A/ 'c~ f- X--I l'\J ~-zXi- '::l v--- &~17 GVes;'f- _ !.if, h6t jjJ{?~ ~ (' 1j f Cm.:zOj (.? 1) <------- L___~~ Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 83 of 124 ,.-'- , I ' ~' ) '( CL.ll' .J/.I~.J ..l M....y l!?tJ'"?~L..A( . I I . &>9.'7' f'A-A/I'.# /Go .....=;::::::_::2~?6-/ ?"'''~~ 4> 3)' (!A,('H'/l ~ ,./.:Mn...r;t:. ~m.)!ic-' h7t? UJo4:t' Sf: ~' ~ll"- (is< ,"",,,- ':tJ ',~~-e.. /~, ,:}(!/~}tIAe 6 Cf3 !1Je,5t ,c;-f'/ ~~S1tf ~~~~~: ~o ._ ~i.~~~U!~1- S '{ '-f ~U8$-V f-M~ '..~l~,,~~1jr'P'1w fitl; "->'--: (,. I) iiv ;J!,9} .5" TJ/.f (. J, , ,,_---'\C'- 0 I " S',) C/ f A 1",/1, rJ M(_(' _~ <~U i\-A- \ '-.CL .\(6'\ ", {(/V (, Lrl_ f/ _ ,::!,e.lL \~oJ~~'v~yl_- 5;2({ ~J-e;\.\- '\1o.....c.,C : \11;L( [vYLVI" t6 -~ G);,/plJf, / /1 ,__v':2~ fJ~~cd?. ':5 OJ..Q.c. i, (~~_ l--_ efc <74 '1 (2-,-,,-Q..y!_ IR _ .._5 .__\"'. '- 6 5'1 ;LT[<.? '< \ ~ ~ ~ _ C;4c{& [[yl-/l-plr/ [) Nhzvfv bkavl ~ J d1_~ tyl~ CJ rY\~f'v ~r , =- '/ww1: I/~~flt) ~,~I.fJ<;; j~~ Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 84 of 124 t-f Z, 3 V ;n-r ~ 7, i-J3 Ue;sf 3, 07/ ?u~/ PllJCe - / ( r ( I ( ~A ~ft; , - - -', (tJ{ ~ , ,e _ /~Z" I , ' - '. 3,sOI"((kC~)WUl;rJ{)D\L flcpr6 ~l.1JoB _ " ~~~ p ~I/o~ 22/ Fr!!!o!?d ' ~ufrL '.r_ ))) IU;d, -4--- Architectural Contl'ol Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions Collier County, Florida 300 Fifth Avenue Somh, Sult.217 Nopl.s, Florid. 34102 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page,85,of 124-:,:", .' .' ..:....: -' :" .~.. .,',,'~:),';t~; Appcndii:,/':-,\" .. , ,.,,' ".,' '..' ,".,' '-"" '.., . '~. .~..' .", , :~~<i!.;: ~: "::;I,.~.;~:\;.~~..;:~~'r.. r't"r ~ ~ t;::;f:p;i rlf? OJ. Febl1lary 2008 Steven J. Brisson, AlA Chailman, Architectural Contl'Ol Committee orPine Ridge Subdivi.ions in Collier County, Florida 300 5th Ave. South Suite 217 Naples, FL 341 02 ~~c 4,0.(> ~/V~ <'Ototlt, I $' <I' D G /)~ tiP&' "-if? r4f~ 'l'l' Covenant Presbyterian ChUI'ch 6926 Trail Blvd, Naples, FL 34108 RE: "Heavenly Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD)" To Whom It May Concc\'Jl: The Pine Ridge Architcctural Control Committee has met on several occasions with Mr. Michael Fel1landez representing the Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples Inc, and Mission Possible Ministries, Inc. to review and discuss the "Heavenly Mixcd Usc Planned Unit Development (Ml'UD)" document. The use of Block "0" of Pine Ridge Extension for "churches and affiliated uses" is long established. This committee's intention is to work to assure that the use Block "0" is not subverted to uses not originally intended by the "Decl'I'ation of Covenants and Restrictions for Pine Ridge Extension, Collier Community, Florida as amend and filed, or, Book 66, Page 3/8 at the Collier County Records, The PRACC has reviewed the PUD document dated March 5, 2008. The enclosed mal'k-up of that document contains the Committee's specific review. Please accept the comments of the PRACC. Stevell J. Brisson, AlA Chairman, Architectural Control Committce of Pine Ridge Subdivisions in Collier County, Florida Page I on Encl. Heavenly Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) Cc: Clifford f-L Schneider, PRACC l'vfember Thomas R. Peek, PRA CC Member Mission Possible Minisu'ics,lnc Joe Sclunitt, Collier County Director ofCommnl1ity Development and Environmental Serv;ees JolmDavid Moss, Principal Plannel', Collier County George Buonocore, President Pille Ridge Civic Association COlll1ty Conunissioner Frank Halas. District 2 County Commissionel' Jim Colleta, Disb'ict 5 County Commissioner Fred W. Coyle, District 4 Connty Commissioner Domla Fiala, District 1 County Commissioner Tom Honnulg, District 3 Michael Fernandez Fage 2 of2 Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 86 of 124 wi enclosure wi enclosure wi enclosnre wi enclosure wi enclosure wi enclosure w/o enclosill'C w/o enclosure wlo enclosure wlo enclosure wlo enolosute wi enclosure Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 87 of 124 Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions Collier County, Florida 300 fiUb A vellue SOl\lb, Suile 217 Naple., Florida 34102 J~-2/ ~J.".- r(J- - (/:)~ .---' .----- 01. February 2008 Steven J. Brisson, AIA Chairman, Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions in Collier Counly, Florida 300 5th Ave, South Suite 217 Naples, FL 34102 Covenant Presbyterian Church 6926 Trail Blvd. Naples, FL 34108 RE: Heavenly MPUD Dear Sir: The Pine Ridge Archilectural Control Committee has been infonnad that Covenant Presbyterian Church has filed a petition with Collicr COUllty to rezone the properties in Block "0" of Pine Ridge Extension from Residential Sillgle Family (RS!'-I) to PUD, It is our under anding-that-tlre-petitimri.rli-led-u e Collier County Recol'ds as follows: "PUDZ-2007-AR-12097 (JDM) Augllst 20,2007 , lrufNlljl" as, nc. and Mission Possible Minisll'ies, Ine, represented by Michael R, Fernandcz, AICP ofPlntming Development, IllC" al'e requesting a rezone from tho RSF-I Zoning District to the Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MPUD) Zoning Distl'ict for a project to be known as Heavenly MPUD. The approximately 15,93-acre site is proposed to pennit existing churches; associated schools, day care facilities and other related accessory uses. The subject site is located at 6926 Trail Boulevard, and comprises the entire block formed by Trail Boulevard, Ridge Drive, Myrtle Road and West Stl'eet in Section 3, Township 49, Range 25 East of Collier County, Florida." 'Pine Ridge', is comprised of three platted subdivisions, aUrccorded in tile Records of Collier County, Florida along with oach plat's respective Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions lIS follows: RECEIVED FEB () 6 Z008 ZONING DEPARTMENT Page 1 ef3 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 88 of 124 Pine Ridge Subdivision, Plat, Pine Ridge Subdivision, Covenal1ts Pine Ridge Subdiv ision. Covenal1ts Modiftcation Pine Ridge Extension Suhdivislon, Plat, Pine Ridge Extension Subdivision, Covenants Pine Ridge Extension Subdivisiou, Covenants ModifieatiOll Pine Ridge Second Extension Subdivision, Plat, Pine Ridge Second Extension Subdivision, Covenants, Plat Book 3, Page 24 need Book 34, Page 207 OR Book Page 66, Page 318 Plat Book 3, Page 51 OR Boola, Page 427 OR Book 66, Page 818 Plat Book 10, Page 86 OR Book 409, Page 540 Each of the tlnee Pine Ridge subdivisions has separate recorded Covenants and Restrictions (deed restrictions). The restrictions all rcference one common Pine Ridge Architectural Control Committee. The names and addresses of the Architectural Contml COllUnittee members me recorded in the Public Records of Collier County , The Pine Ridge deed resb'ictions require that all propoRed impmvements be submitted to the Architectural Contl'Ol Committee beforo Conslnlction, Please note that the setbacks and restrictions contained in the Pine Ridge Extemion Covenants and Restrictions vmy from that of the Collier County land development code, Either doewnents may be more resb'ictive and the most resb'ictivc eritel'ia lUles, The platted lots in Block "0" ofthe Pine Ridge E<tension wcre originally designated for single.family homes per the Covenants mId Restrictions. On or about Jlme21, 1960, tho Covcnants lUld Restrictions of Pine Ridge Extension were modified by the Collier Development Corporation to "allow the ccnstruction of churches !\lid other affiliated uses~. SUlgle-fumily homes are permitted Ul Block "0" per the deed restrictions, The COllnty Zoning is RSF-l. To date, 110 submission bas been made by your organization to tbe PRACe. We have read some PTID submittal information for your application, The doclunents that we have seen lU'e vague aIld do not addrcss specific land uses, setbacks, building heights, number of building stories, storm water management, wastewater b'eatmenl/disposal, site lighting, bufferitlg. landscaping, and unpaotq on neighborlllg properties. TIle PRACC is conce('(\ed tltat you may be planning to construct improvcments that will not comply with the Covenants and Restrictions, Plcase submit a detniled site plan and conceptual architectural drawings that specifically describe what you ullcnd to construct. Please furnish the PRACC with thrce copies of all of the POO application documents submitted to date, along with allY modifications, Also please fumish tho PRACC with .11 subsequent modifications and correspondence relative to YOUI' PUD application, Page 2 of3 ._-~ --- Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 89 of 124 TIle modifications that yon propose to your land aud uses may require a formal modification to the Covenants IUld fu>stl'ictions of Pine Ridge Extension, TIle maximum number of buildillg stories ill Pille Ridge Extension is two. You are proposing to construct improvemeuts in the water area of the existing Lake Cardillal, The Covenants prohibit the construction of any build ing or sUlIcmre over the water except for a small dock. The location of Lake Cardinal i9 designated on the plat. Modification of the Covenants requires approval of a majority of then owners of the lot9 in PUle Ridge Extension. Please respond indicating how you pllUl to proceed with n submission to the PRACC. Stev J. Brisson, AIA Chaimlan, Architecturnl Control ConUllittee of Pine Rldge Subdivisions in Collier County, Florida Enel. Covenants and Restrictions Co: Clifford H, Schneider, PRACe Member Thomas R. Peek, PRACC Membel' Mission Possible Millistrles, luc ~chmitt, Collier C01lllty Director of Community Development and Environmellla I Services George Buonocore, President Pine Wdge Civic A9sociation County Commissioner Frank Halas, District 2 County Conmlissioner Jim Colleta, District 5 COWlty Commissioner Fred W, Coyle, Disu'ict 4 County Commissioner Donna Finla, Disu'ict I County Commissioncr Tom Helming, District 3 Michael Femandez Page 3 of3 61h- m~~ _ .__-'~, ~\.....-. w/o enclosure wlo enclosure wi enclosure wlo enclosure w/enclosure wlo enclosme wlo cnclosure wlo enclosure w/o cnclosure wlo enclosure w/enclc9urc -' ,- Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 90 of 124 Joe & Teresa Bandy 603 West Street Naples, FL 341 OS (Cell:50S-292- 7446) RECEIVED SEP 2 ~ 2008 ZONING DEPARiMENT September 1S, 2000S- Mr. John David Moss, AICP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning & Land Development Review Community Development & Environmental Services Division 2S00 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 RE: Proiect--HcavenIv MPUD PUDZ-2007-AR-12097 Dear Mr. Moss: We are not able to attend the meeting. We strongly oppose to the above captioned project based on several important issues: 1. Traffic at the intersection of West Street and Ridge Olive. Cars are not able to exit on 41 going south. The crossover from Ridge Drive is very dangerous now, without the future increase in traffic, 2, PARKING LOT LIGHTS on Ridge Drive, Car headlights and noise will also be very disputed to our RESIDENTIAL neighborhood, There should be NO ENTRANCE/EXITS from Ridge Drive. Car headlights will shoot into our Master Bedroom windows at night creating nuisance, disrupt and interfering with our sleep. We are retired and do not appreciate this disturbance with our daily Jiving. 3. The planned development is a RESIDENTIAL area and this project will DECREASE our properly value tremendously. 4 ALL TRAFFIC should ENTER and EXIT from Trail Boulevard (Service Road) with no access to Ridge Drive or West Street. 5 The length of construction will create loud and atmoying noises from the equipment, vehicles, etc. which will disrupt our daily life for several years. This is not fair! We bought into Pine Ridge because it was a DESIREABLE, RESIDENTIAL, QUIET, NEIGHBORHOOD and now it will be turned into a CITY.. We oppose tills project! SincerelY'~/ ,&~"t () (- -J',€.-A-fA--I:U 4-~ Joe and T ' esa Bandy Enc. Petition for the denial re oning known1 "Heavenly MPUD" signed by residents and hand delivered to you pl'eviously. cc: Frank Halas, Board of County Commissioners, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples FL 34112 cc: Collier County Planning Commission, Attn: Chairman, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112 Pine Ridge <<:Zl111il1g Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 91 of 124 Architectural Control Committee of Pine Ridge Subdivisions Collier County, Florida 300 Fillh ,~venue South, SIlite 217 Naples, Florida 34102 ~-' / ".'~ . ,/" 9-0ct-200B Mr. John David Moss Principal Planner Collier County Director of Community Development and Envin:JI'lmental Services 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34104 RE: Covenant Presbyterian Church's petition for zoning change Dear Mr, Moss, The Pine Ridge Architectural Controi Committee (PRACC) realizes and understands that Covenant Presbyterian Churoh has filed a petition with Collier County to rezone the properties in Block "0" of Pine Ridge Extension from Residential Single Family (RSF-1) to PUD. While we have been involved in the review of numerous versions of the PUD, none have successfully addressed our concerns stated in our original correspondence dated 1-Feb-08 and attached herein, nor have we been able to review formal architectural submittals, The PRACC has architectural oversight' obligations over all proposed construction through Pine Ridge deed restrictions, based upon need, form, structure, usage and intent. We do support the specific and iimited land use granted and defined in the original Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Pine Ridge Extension, under which the Church has been operating, (RSF-1), However, we do not support nor approve the zoning re-definition, in the Church's petition, of said land to PUD. Sincereiy, Steven J, Brisson, AlA Chairman, Pine Ridge Architectural Control Committee Clifford H. Schneider, PRACC Member Thomas R. Peek, PRACC Member Encl: Letter dated 01-Feb-2008 Cc; Clifford H. Schneider, PRACC Member Thomas R, Peek, PRACC Member George Buonocore, President Pine Ridge Civic Association Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 92 of 124 AGENDA ITEM 9.A Co~... County SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2008 RE: PETITION: PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, HEA VENL Y COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (CFPUD) This item was most recently scheduled for the Collier County Planning Commission's (CCPC) December 4, 2008 public hearing; however, due to an advertising error, it was continued to the CCPC's January 15,2009 public hearing date. It was the applicants' intention to utilize the additional six weeks gained from the continuance to ' resolve outstanding issues with the surrounding community, However, as of the writing of this supplemental staff l'epOli, staff has not yet rcceived a revised version of the CFPUD document reflecting any changes. Nevertheless, the applicant's newly appointed agent, Richard Yovanavich, has asstU'ed staff that all of the proposed changes wiIl result in a reduction of impacts on the sUlTOunding properties, According to Ml', Y ovanavich, the maximtUll permitted heights proposed in the most recent iteration ofthe CFPUD document (submitted to staff for review on October 14, 2008) would be further reduced; one access point to the site would have its hours of operation limited; an elevation depicting the massing of the chmch proposed for constluction on Tract A would be submitted; and other such modifications will be proposed. Because all of the changes would be reductions in terms of their impact, another Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) was not required of the applicants; and Mr, Y ovanovich was granted permission from the CCPC Chaitman to present the proposed revisions to the CFPUD document on the floor at the public hearing. Because Zoning and Land Development Review staff was preparing this supplemental staff repmi, Environmental Services staff requested that a revised summary of their review be submitted to the ccpe. It is Environmental Services staffs hope that the following summary more clearly characterizes their position on the subject petition: The retained vegetatioll retention requirement was evaluated separately for the developed and undeveloped portions, The developed portion of the site has only retained trees. To meet native vegetation retention requirements on the developed portion of the site, a minimum of 44 native canopy trees shall be planted to replace Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 93 of 124 the existing native trees that will be removed from this portion of the pun Regarding the undeveloped portion of the site, 0,8 acres of native vegetation existed on the site. A minimum of 0.12 acres of native vegetation (0,8 acres X required 1.5 percent = 0,12 acres) is required in addition to the 44 native canopy trees, The applicants have proposed to incorporate the 44 native trees into the perimeter buffers adjacent to West Street and Myrtle Road to further enhance the vegetation within these areas. They are also proposing to recreate the 0.12 acres of native vegetation in a dry stormwater management area in the western portion of the site (labeled on the Master Plan as CP for "created preserve "), However, South Florida Water Management District allows only minimal plantings with maintenance requirements including mowing within dry storm water management areas. These plantings are not consistent with either recreated preserve planting or preserve management plan requirements in the LDC. The 0.12 acre of preserve for this site must be "ecreated due to a violation of the Exotic Vegetation Removal Permit issued for the undeveloped lot. Native understOlY was mechanically removed Fom this parcel and this removal further damaged the root zones of the slash pines on site which contributed to the destruction of the canopy, Furthermore, section 10,02,06 E of the LDC requires that mitigation for permit violations recreate the vegetative community that was lost, This section requires the mitigation to restore the habitat that previously existed on the site, which was an upland habitat (i,e, pinejlatwoods) rather than a wetland, Finally, GMP CCME 6.1.1 (5) allows only for receipt of treated stormwater and the site plan as currently shown would result in untreated stormwater being discharged into the created presen'e. The applicant conten.ds that there is no prohibition in the LDC for the proposal an.d therefore has shown the recreated preserve within the my storm water management area on the Mastel' Plan; and that such re-created preserves have been previously approved for St. Agnes Catholic Church, St. John the Evangelist, and private commercial projects like Capital Center, However, the construction plans for the two churches referenced above have required County preserves separate from water management areas. The Capital Center plan was permitted as part of a Settlement Agreement and L~ not a valid comparison to this project, As such, in order for the PUD to be consistent with GMP and LDC requirements for retained ,native vegetation , several conditions of approval relative to the proposed requi>'ed preserve haw been incorporated (see "Exhibit G, Conditions of Approval" for a list afthese stipulations, which have also been included in the "Staff Recommendation" portion of this report). Assuming the proposed changes presented at the hearing do result in a reduction of impacts on the sUlTounding properties as purported, the Department of Zoning and Land Development Review staffs recommendation remains the same, as noted in the previous staff report dated November 6, 2008. As such, staffrec.ommends that the eepe forward PUDZ-2007-AR-12097 to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to stipulations contained in the Exhibit H, dated October 7, 2008, which are attached to the ordinance. NJDZ,2007-AR-J 2097, flEA VENLY CFPUD Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 94 of 124 PREPARED BY: /J-.-/lt /Jt JO -DAV MOSS,AICP,PRINCIPALPLANNER dATE { DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIEWED BY: r { ~ 4-( J(} ~TON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~iL(4:, ~NAGER /7-' '~;'~EQ; DEP ARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW '2f2"2ID~ DATE xi~ '--fIt. ~ ---12/1g>!OR S"l'fSAN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR 'DATE DEP AR'IMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: I,J.~/cg/ S 'PH K. SCHMITT, ADM STRATOR ' w...TE UNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION '2-/1'07 DATE ' Tentatively scheduled for thc Februmy 10,2009 Board of County Commissioners Meeting PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, HEAVENLY CFPUD Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 AGENDA ]~a of 124 SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: JANUARY 15, 2009; CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 19,2009 PETmON: PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, HEA VENL Y COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (CFPUD) RE: This item was most recently scheduled for tbe Collier County Planning Commission's (CCPC) January 15, 2009 public hearing. However, at that hearing, the proposed PUD document undelWent multiple revisions on the floor and, tberefore, was continued by the CCPC so that a thorough review of the revised document could be carried out by staff and a second presentation made to the CCPC on February 19, 2009. It was the applicants' intention to utilize the additional time gained ii'om the continuance to resolve any remaining issues with the sun-ounding community. However, by the writing of this supplemental staff report, Januaty 27, 2009, the applicant was only able to provide staff with a version of the CFPUD document that had not yet been reviewed by Mr, Tony Pires, the attorney representing one of the various neighborhood coalitions, Nevertheless, staff is generally satisfied that the proposed changes to the CFPUD document made by the applicant reflect those agreed upon at the Januaty 15th CCPC meeting; and has incolporated stipulations into Exhibit !, "Conditions of Approval," where staff considered minor changes necessary. 'lbe CFPUD document showing aU of the modifications since the Jat1Uaty 15, 2009 public heat'ing has been attached to this repolt in strike-though atld underline format. The Department of Zoning and Land Development Review staffs previous recommendation remains the same as that noted in the original staff report dated November 6, 2008. As such, staff recommends that the CCPC forwat'd PUDZ-2007-AR-12097 to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval, subject to stipulations contained in the Exhibit I, dated January 27, 2009, which are attached to the ordinance. Appendix 1: Leiter of Objection Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 96 of 124 PREPARED BY: (~ 1/;-7/0; JO AVID OSS, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DATE' DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REVIEWED BY: ~d ktlo H IDI ASHTON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ / '?>/Ol DATE Ilzsl 01 D BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER I DATE NT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~ '-rho /~ ~ '/-z-r;;!or; Su5AN M. ISTENES, AICP, DIRECTOR DATE DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: .2./:J../o'1 EPH K. SCHMITT, ADMI ISTRATOR DATE MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 2-11/0; DATE Tentatively scheduled for the March 24, 2009 Board of County Commissioners Meeting PUDZ-2007-AR-J 2097, HEAVENLY CFPUD -. Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 97 of 124 Joseph Bandy 603 We~i Street Naples, FL 34108 January 22, 2009 Collier County Planning Connnission 3301 E. Tamiami Trail-Bldg F Naples, FL 34112 Attention: Chairman RE: Heavenly MPUD-Covenant Presbyterian Church of Naples Dear Chairman: We are very concerned with the subject dev~lopment since we live directly across the street from "Section B" which is now owned by the "Bank" and is rented out to "Iglesia De Cristo", a Spanish Church. 1 would like to advise you that there is loud music going on until 11 :OOpm, 11 :30pm and up to ., midnight. The music is so loud that even with their windows and doors closed, we hear it. After the loud music stops, the people come outside and talk and scream loud which lasts for a half hour or so. Then it's the car lights and honking as they leave the parking lot. TIle car lights shine directly to our master bedroom. 1ms loud music happens several nights per week. We cannot sleep anymore. The noise, traffic and car lights are destroying our quiet neighborhood and our quality of life. We bought our house in Pine Ridge Estates primarily for the quiet, serene and countrified area. The church programs are 7 days II week. The development of the Cllvenllnt Presbyterian Church will make the situation much Wllrse than what we currently experience due to the vlllume of cars c,'eatlng more traffic and noise disrupting our quiet neighborhood. Enclosed you will fmd tile following copies ofletters that we mailed re Heavenly MPUD:: Letter to Michael R, Fernandez, AIep President dated 10/31/2008. (1 pg) Letter to John David Moss, AICP, Principal Planner dated 9/18/2008 with a copy of the petition (3 pgs of signatures for the denial rezoning). Copy of the 'Petition for ,the denial rezoning known as "Heavenly MPUD" was also hand delivered to John David Moss, AlCP Principal Planner (3 pgs) on 3/2008.. _ Teresa Bandy 't.r::'~y ~ APPENDIX 1 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 98 of 124 ORDINANCE NO. 09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 04-41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE APPROPRIATE ZONING ATLAS MAP OR MAPS BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICA TlON OF THE HEREIN DESCRffiED REAL PROPERTY FROM A SINGLE- FAMILY (RSF-1) ZONING DISTRICT TO A COMMUNITY FACILITY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (CFPUD) ZONING DISTRICT FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS THE HEAVENLY CFPUD, LOCATED IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 15.9310 ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Richard D, Yovanovich of Goodlette, Coleman, Johnson, Yovanovich and Koester, P.A., rcprcscnting Thc Covcnant Prcsbytcrian Church of Naples, Inc, and Florida Community Bank, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification ofthe herein described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 3, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from the RSF-I Zoning District to a Community Facility Planned Unit Development (CFPUD) Zoning District, known as The Heavenly CFPUD, in accordance with Exhibits A through I, attached hereto and incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The appropriate zoning atlas map or maps, as described in Ordinance Number 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is/are hereby amended accordingly, Page I 0[2 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 99 of 124 SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by super-majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this _ day of ,2009. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: , Deputy Clerk DONNA FIALA, Chairn1an Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Heidi Ashton-Cicko Assistant County Attorney r\(j\~ /O~ y1/ Attachments: Exhibit A - List of Permitted Uses Exhibit B - Development Standards Exhibit C - Master Plan Exhibit D - Legal Description Exhibit E - List of Requested Deviations Exhibit F - List of Developer Commitments Exhibit G - Graphic Depiction & Guide of V crtical Building Height Exhibit G-I- Graphic Depiction & Guide of Vertical Building Height-Tract B Exhibit H - Conceptual Architectural Rendering Exhibit I - Conditions of Approval CP\08-CPS-00840\GO 2/25/09 HF AC Page 2 of2 HEAVENLY COMMUNITY FACILITY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (CFPUD) EXHIBITS A through I March 9, 2009 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 100 of 124 Page 1 of 18 Agenda Item No, 86 March 24, 2009 Page 101 of 124 EXHmIT A GENERAL: Development of the Heavenly CFPUD shall be in accordance with the contents of this Ordinance and applicable sections and pmts of the Land Development Code (LDC) and Orowth Management Plan (OMP) in effect at the time of issuance of any development order, such as, but not limited to fmal subdivision plat, final site development plan, excavation permit, and preliminalY work authorization, to which such regulations relate. (fRACT A) PERMITTED USES: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A, Principal Uses: 1. One house of worship with a maximum seating capacity of 1,000 individuals. (See Exhibit F, Tract A, Commitment Number 6), B. Accessory Uses: I. Religious Educational Classrooms and Chorus Rehearsal Room 2. SociallMeeting and Fellowship Center 3. Administrative Offices 4. Child! Adult Day Care I Pre-K/Kindergmtenl School, limited to 1 st through 3fd; with no more than a combined cumulative total of 220 students/individuals enrolled/attending for the entire CFPUD. The allocation to Tract A shall be 170, but may be increased by mutual agreement of the Tract A and B owners [if in differcnt owncrship] provided the total number of studcnts/individuals for the entire CFPUD does not exceed 220, 5. Non-commercial accessory uses characterized by civic group meetings such as The Pine Ridge Civic Association, Scouting, community service organizations (e,g, the Naples' Parkinson's Association), safety fairs for the community and the like; and stluctures customarily associated with the permitted principal uses and structures; except that parking garages are prohibited. Business and trade activities, including but not limited to a "mm'ket," "community market," direct marketing outlet or "fanners' market," are not accessory uses associated with the permitted principal uses and structures, C, TempoTary Uses: I. Temporary building structures may be utilized to accommodate existing uses in the initial redevelopment constmction transition period. Such uscs shall not begin until after the property owner applies for a building pennit for thc first new permanent building and the maximum period of use of such temporary building(s) shall be for a period of 27 months, after the building permit is issued for the first new permanent building. Any such building(s) shall meet CFPUD setbacks requirements for new structures, March 9, 2009 Page 2 of 18 Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 102 of 124 (TRACT B) PERMITTED USES: No building or stmcture, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in palt, for other than the following: A, Principal Uses: 1. One I'Iouses of worship with a maximum seating capacity of200 individuals, B, Accessory Uses: 1. Religious Educational Classrooms and Chorus Rehearsal Room 2, Social/Meeting and Fellowship Center ' 3, Administrative Offices 4. Child/Adult Day Care / Pre-K/Kindcrgal1en / School,limited to 1" through 3'd; with no more than a combincd cumulative total of 220 studcnts/individuals cmolled for the entire CFPUD, The allocation to Tract B shall be 50, but may be reallocated to Tract A by mutual agrcement of the Tract A and B owners [if under different ownership] provided the total number of students/individuals for the entire CFPUD does not exceed 220, 5, Non-commercial acccssory uses charactcrizcd by civic group mcetings such as The Pine Ridge Civic Association, Scouting, community service organizations (e,g, the Naples' Parkinson's Association), safety fairs for the community and the like; and stmctures customarily associated with the permitted principal uses and structures; except that parking garagcs are prohibited, 13usiness and trade activities, including but not limited to a "market," "community market," direct marketing outlet or "falmers' market," are not accessory uses associated with the permitted principal uses and structures, March 9, 2009 Page 3 of 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 103 of 124 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR TRACT A Together with the text that follows below arc the development standards for land uses within Tract A of this CFPUD Subdistrict, Standards not specifically set forth herein shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LDC in effect as of the date of approval of the site development plan (SDP). . PIUNCIP AL USES ' '.. ACCESSORY USES MINIMUM LOT AREA -;-, 14:i acres N/A MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 538 ft, N/A ---,- MINIMUM YARDS (from right-of- way line abutting the property) Existing The greater of 30 ft, or the zoned height SPS of structure. SPS Expanded buildings(5) 50 ft. for expanded pOliion Ncw structlll'es 200 ft,; except, 50 ft. from Trail Boulcvard SPS -- -- MINIMUM YARDS (between tracts) Side 30 ft, SPS .., MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN The greater of 15 ft, or Jh the sum of the SPS STRUCTURES zoned buiIdin!1 hei!1ht8 ------ 35 ft.1TOJ MAXIMUM ZONED HEIGHT 35 ft. MAXIMUM ACTUAL HEIGHT 50 ft.('J(lj 50ft,C1j (IU) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STORIES ,New 2(3) 2 ExistinglExpanded 1 SPS ------ MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 2,500 sq. ft. 400 sq. ft, MAXIMUM SQUARE F"OOTAGJEl'l! I-louse of Wor8hip(G) 28,000 sq. ft. AccessoryUses(7) (9) 40,000 sq, ft. Circulation/Maintenance/Storage ' 12,000 sq. ft, PRESERVESETBACKS~ _._-------.. 25 fl. 25 ft. L-, SPS= Same as Principal Structure (l) Includes the vertical distance between the finished floor elevation and the average center line elevation of abutting roads, which is estimated to be between 4 feet and 5 feet. Maximum actual height of the house of worship may be exceeded by up to 40 feet by non- occupiable building elements, singularly or in combination, such as a steeple, cupola, religious symbol or other excluded height permitted by LDC Subsection 4,02,OI.D,I, as may be amended. Page 4 of18 (2) March 9, 2009 March 9, 2009 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 104 of 124 (3) (4) The maximum combined square footage of such building clements shall be 4,000 square feet. See Exhibit G for graphic dcpiction of vertical elevation measurement. Exclusive of mezzanines, loft areas and attic or attic storage areas. Should both Tract B and Tract A be in the same ownership, then the permitted intensity shall be aggregated, provided that in no event shall the square footage of all struetnres within the boundaries of the CFPUD exceed 100,000 square feet. Expansions whieh add square footage to any existing individual building are limited to a cumulative maximum of20% of the building's square footage as of the date ofPUD approval. A signed and sealed survey of the existing building(s) proposed for expansion and an additional exhibit prepared by and signed and scaled by a professional engineer which depicts the proposed and all prior expansions since the datc of PUD approval, shall be submitted with the associated SOP A and building pennit applications. House of worship square footage not utilized shall be available for accessOlY uses, The maximum area of an individual room shall be 12,000 square feet. Listed setback is for all principal and accessory stmctnres, Setback provisions, relative to preserves, for parking lots, sidewalks and othcr site improvements shall be governed by applicable LDC provisions in effect at the timc of SOP A application, Thc Child! Adult Day CarefPre-K1KindergartenfSchool use shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from West Strcet, Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road. Buildings located outside of the "church campus building envelope" depicted on the Master Plan shall be limited to 25 feet in height. (5) (6) (7) (H) (9) (10) A, Fl uff ers I, All perimeter landscape buffers shall be installed with the first SOP for a new permanent building or with the SOP that providcs for the relocation of the lake. 2, All required buffer trees along Myrtle Road, Ridge Drive and West Street shall be Quercus virginiana, provided in 65 Gallon containers 14 feet height and are to be Florida # I or Florida Pancy. Street trees are to be planted on 30 feet center, Quercus virginiana is to be planted a minimum of 10 feet frol11 the ccnter line of the required planting bed towards the adjacent ROWand is specifically not to be planted within the required 6 feet wide sluub planting bed specified below, Trail Blvd. buffer trees shall be Roystonia regia (Royal Palms) as providcd for in deviation #3. 3. The maximwn watcr management area within the combined frontage buffers of Tracts A and B shall he 50%; and the maximum width of the water management use shall not exceed 70% of the buffer's depth. 4. (a) The hedge component of thc continuous perimeter LDC Type 0 landscape buffcr abutting West Street and Myrtle Road (extending to the driveway on Myrtle Road) shall be installed with a minimum height of 5 feet, spaced 4 feet on center and grown and maintained to a Page 5 of 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 105 of 124 minimum height of 12 feet above grade of any adjacent bcrm; and a 6 foot black or green clad chain link fence shall be hidden within this double hedge row. (b) Along West Street the hedge shall be maintained at a minimum height of 12 feet except that portion abutting Tract B which shall be maintained at a minimum height of 6 feet. (c) Along Ridge Drive and Myrtle Road the hedge shall be maintained at a minimum height of 6 feet except for that portion adjacent to Myrtlc Road dcscribcd above which shall be maintained at a minimum height of 12 feet. (d) Along Trail Boulevard, the hedges shall be 2 feet in height at the time of planting and maintained at three feet in height except for sight distance tl'iangles, which shall be maintained at 30 inches. B. Parking Lot Lighting Pole lights shall be restricted to a maximum of 16 feet in height, measured to the top of the emitting fixture, and their use shall be further restricted to interior parking lots and at ingress-egress drives, Campus lighting shall be limited to bollards, landscape and building lighting fixtures. Bollards shall have a maximum height of 48 inches. C. Existing Ingress - Egress Driveways Existing driveways will be eliminated or reconfigured, as depicted on the CFPUD Master Plan, as the tracts are redeveloped. D. Open Space The project will provide and maintain a minimum of 30% of gross project area [Le. not less than 4,8="acres] as open space. Open space includes but is not limited to landscape buffers, interior landscaping, building foundation landscaping, dry water management areas and lakes. At the time of build-out, and thereafter, the project shall provide and maintain a minimum of 40% of the gross project area [Le, not less than 6.3=" acres] as open space, Build-out, relative to this provision, shall be the time when 80,000 square fcet of structures exist within Tract A. E, Water Management The existing 3,3=" acre borrow pit lake, shall be reconfigured and relocated as depicted on the CFPUD Master Plan. The project shall provide the greatcr of (I) the capacity required by water management design standards for a 3 day, 25 year storm event, (2) the capacity of the existing lake, 01' (3) the capacity required by water management design standards at the time that development order approval is sought. Capacity may be met, in part, with dry water management areas. The surface water management systcm shall be designed such that no surface water runoff or discharge is directed towards or into the Pine Ridge surface water managcmcnt system including adjacent roadside swales to the north, east and south, March 9, 2009 Pagc6of18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 106 of 124 The surface water management system shall be a zero discharge system or the discharge shall be routed through the project to the west, through existing or new drainage facilities in Trail Boulevard, Tamiami Trail NOlth (SR-45) and then ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico, Water management areas required for the existing facilities that are to remain, including those within Tract B, may be met by the facilitics and capacity in Tract A, These areas of existing facilities may be located outside of the Tract A management containment berm provided that compensating water management areas for the acreage have been provided. Tract B shall be integrated into the master water management system if and when Tract B is redeveloped. The minimum lake setback from the CFPUD bonndary, as measured at control elevation, shall be 25 feet. See fencing and associated landscape installation standards within this Ordinance. Subject to final jurisdictional agency permitting, the designed capacity of the proposed storm water management system shall at a minimum provide for the following noncumulative development standards: pretreatment of not less than the first half inch of rainfall over the project's entire impcrvious area, and the greater of 150% of water quality base requirement (not less than 2,5 inches over the cntire project's impervious area) within dry water management areas and not less than 1,5 inches over the entire project. The balance of the project's stonnwater management capacity shall provide compensatory water quality for the portion of West Street adjacent to the project. The West Street roadside swale and one or more abutting roadside swales shall be redesigned to allow run off from the existing roads adjacent to the project to flow through the project to the outfall route, The outfall route shall be designed to acecpt these additional flows, Parking spaces fronting buffer and landscape areas shall utilize the Land Development Code development standard that pelmits vehicular overhang to lessen the amount of pavement and therefore reduce impervious area. The plaza ru'ea located between the central campus buildings and the campus perimeter sidewalk and/or curb shall be a minimum of 50% pervious, F. Flat roof prohibition. Flat roofs shall not be ntilized as a primary or principal roof component, as depicted in Exhibits G and Ii, Flat roofs may be utilized for secondary roof areas when hidden from view by the use of articulated architectural elements which create and provide for an aItieulated roofline. G, Project Phasing. The attached Master Plan depicts the redevelopment of Tract A, It is understood that the redevelopment is likely to be realized over a number of phases which will likely include the retention of one or more existing buildings and their associated improvements between phases. II. Preserve, The minimum required native vegetation for this site is 44 native trees (for the previonsly developed portion of this site) and a minimum of an additional 0,12 acrcs of created preserve (15% of the existing 0,8 acres of native vegetation), The location of the 44 trees shall be within the perimeter landscape March 9, 2009 Page 7 of 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 107 of 124 buffer along West Street and Myrtle Road. The location of the created preserve shall be identified at the time of review and approval of the first SOP, 1. Parking Space Requirements and Restrictions, The minimum parking spaces provided shall be 3 for each 7 seats within the house of worship. There shall be no additional parking requirements for the additional uses. The maximum nwnber of vehicular parking spaces, exclusive of loading and drop-off parking arcas shall be 500. Should Tract B and Tract A be in the same ownership, then the pelmitted parking intensity for the combined Tracts shall be aggregated. ], Hours of Operation Restrictions: J. Child care and School: between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, Monday through Friday; for operational hours, NOImal operational hours may be exceeded until 9:30 p,m. up to 4 times per month for acconul1odation of special functions, between 6:30 am and 8:30 pm, between 7:30 am and 10:30 pm. 2. Adult care: 3. Non-worship use of the facilities: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR TRACT B Together with the text that follows are the development standards for land uses within Tract B of this CFPUD Subdistrict. Standards not specifically set forth herein shall be those specified in applicable sections of the LOC in effect as of the date of approval of the site development plan (SOP). 236 ft. ACCESSORY' USES N/A N/A I))UNCIPAL USES MINIMUM LOT AREA MINIMUM LOT WIDTH ML"\!"IMUM Y ARDS(&y----' J. 9010 acres Front Existing The greater of 30 ft. or the zoned height of stl'Ucture 50 ft. for expanded portion 50 ft. SPS SPS SPS Expanded buildings(7) New structures Side Existing New structures SPS 20 ft. 30 ft. MIN. DISTANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES [MAXIMUM ZONED HEIGHT The greater of l5 ft, or Y, the sum of the zoned building heights 35 ft SPS 35 ft. March 9, 2009 Page 8 of 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 108 of 124 ~ 45 ft(l)(l) 45 ft-:m- MAXIMUM ACTUAL HEIGHT MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STORIES i3) 2 __,___'~..__n__ ~ -~ ---------------- ---- -'._._~-- -.------_.-. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA 2,500 sq, ft, 400 sq, ft, MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE (4) House ofWorship(5) 5,600 sq. ft, Accesso ry Uses 12,400 sq. ft. Circulation/Maintenancc/Storage 2,000 sq, ft. .-,-. -- SPS= Same as Principal Stmcture (I) Includes the vertical distance between the finished floor elevation and the average center line elevation of abutting roads, which is estimated to be between 4 feet and 5 feet. Maximum actual height may be exceeded by up to 7 fcet by one non~occupiable building element, such as a steeple, cupola, or religious symbol. The maximum combined square footage of such building elements shall be 2,000 sf. Exclusive of mezzanines, loft areas and attic or attic storage areas, Should both Tract B and Tract A be in the same ownership, then the permitted intensity shall be aggregated, House of worship square footage not utilized shall be available for accessory uses. The maximum square footage of any individual room shall be less than thc squm-e footage ofthc house of worship. Expansions wbich add square footage to any cxisting individual building are limitcd to cumulative maximum of20% of the building's square footage as of the date ofPUD approval. A signed and sealed survey of the existing building(s) proposed for expansion and an additional exhibit prepared by and signed and sealed by a professional engineer who depicts the proposcd and all prior expansions since the date of PUD approval, shall be submitted with the associated SDPA and building permit applications, If Tract B and Tract A are owned or controlled or developed by the same person or entity, then the Tract A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS shall be utilized for all propelty within thc CFPUD, including Tract B, provided, however, that the total square~footage of all structures 011 Tract B do not exceed 20,000 square~feet and the maximum pelmitted heights for Tract Bare maintained, Additionally, the Music and Hours of Operation for Tract B shall still apply. If Tract B and Tract A are owned or controlled or developed by the same person or entity, there will be no direct access to or from West Street. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) A. Buffers 1. Except as otherwise required or provided herein, perimeter buffers shall be installed concurrently with the redevelopment improvements in their proximity, All right~of~way perimeter landscape buffers shaJJ be installed with the first SDP for a new permanent building on Tract B. 2. All required buffer trees along Ridge Drive and West Street shaJJ be Quercus virginiana. March 9, 2009 Page 9 of18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 109 of 124 3, Hedges within perimeter landscape buffers along West Street and Ridge Drive shall be grown and maintained to a minimum height of 6 feet. 4. There shall be no smface water management use within the perimeter buffers. B. Parking Lot Lighting Pole lights are restricted to a maximum height of 16 feet, measured to the top of the emitting fixture, and their use is further restricted to interior parking lots and to meeting al1eriallevel requirements at ingress- egress drives. Bollards shall have a maximum height of 48 inches. C. Existing Ingress - Egress Driveways Existing driveways shall be eliminated or reeonfigured, as depicted on the CFPUD Master Plan, as the site is redeveloped, The two restricted one-way access driveways serving Tract B shall be removed with the reconstruction, replacement or demolition and removal of the existing buildings. Thereafter, the ingress-egress to the Tract will be via shared driveways located within Tract A. D. Open Space The project shall provide and maintain a minimum of 30% of gross project area [i.e, not less than 4.801acres] as open space. Open space includes but is not limited to landscape buffers, intcrior landscaping, building foundation landscaping, dry water management areas and lakes, At the time of build-out, and thereafter, the project shall provide and maintain a minimum of 40% of the gross project area [i.e. not less than 6,301 acres] as open space. Build-out, relative to this provision, shall be the time when 80,000 square feet of structures exist within Tract A, Tract B shall include buffers that meet the LDC landscape requirements for buffers, interior landscaping and building foundation planting areas. These and any other landscaped and open spaee areas shall contribute to the overall open space requirement of the CFPUD. The minimum open space requirement for Tract B and its associated contribution toward meeting the gross CFPUD minimum open space requirement shall be 20% of the gross area of Tract B. E. Water Management The existing 30301 acre borrow pit lake, shall be reconfigured and rclocated as depicted on the CFPUD Master Plan, The project shall provide the greater of (I) the capacity required by water management design standards for a 3 day, 25 year storm event, (2) the capacity of the existing lake, or (3) the capacity required by water management design standards at the time that development order approval is sought. Capacity may be met, in part, with dry water management areas, The surface water management system shall be designed such that no surface water runoff 01' discharge is directed towards or into the Pine Ridge surface water management system including adjacent roadside swales to the n01111, east and south. March 9, 2009 Page 10 of 18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 11001124 The surface water management system shall be a zero discharge system or the discharge shall be routed through the project to the west, through existing or new drainage facilities in Trail Boulevard, Tamiami Trail North (SR-45) and then Pelican Bay ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico, Water management areas required for the existing facilities that are to remain, including those within Tract B, may be met by the facilities and capacity in Tract A, These areas of existing facilities may be located outside of the Tract A management contailllilent berm provided that compensating water managcment arcas for the acrcage have becn providcd, Tract I3 shall be integrated into the master water management system if and when Tract B is redeveloped, Subject to final jurisdictional agency pemlitting, the designed capacity of the proposed storm water management system shall at a minimum provide for the following non-cumulative development standards: pretreatment of not less than the first half inch of rainfall over the project's entire impervious area, and the greater of 150% of water quality base requirement (not less than 2.5 inches over the entire project's impervious area) within dry water management areas and not less than 1.5 inches over the entire project. The balance of the project's storm water management capacity shall provide compensatory water quality for the portion of West Street adjacent to the project. The West Street roadside swale and one or more abutting roadside swales shall be redesigned to allow run off from the existing roads adjacent to the project to flow to the outfall route. The outfall route shall be designed to accept these additional flows, Parking spaces fronting buffer and landscape areas shall utilize the Land Development Code development standard that permits vehicular overhang to lessen the amount of pavement and therefore reduce impervious area, F. Flat roof prohibition, Flat roofs may not be utilized as a primary or principal roof component. Flat roofs may be utilized for secondary roof areas when hidden from view by the use of atiiculated architectural elements which create and provide for an ariiculated roof line. G. Project Phasing. It is understood that the redevelopment may be realized over a number of phases and may include the retention of the existing buildings and associated improvements between phases. H, Parking Space Requirements and Restrictions. The minimum parking spaces provided shall be 3 for each 7 seats within the house of worship. There shall be no additional parking requirements for the additional uses, The maximum number of vehicular parking spaces, exclusive of loading and drop-off parking areas shall bc 100, Should both Tract Band Tract A be in the same ownership, then the pennitted parking intensity of the combined Tracts shall be aggregated, I. Hours of Operation Restrictions: I. Child care and School: between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, Monday through Friday; for operational hours, Normal operational hours may be Page 1] of] 8 March 9, 2009 2. Adult care: 3. Non worship use of the facilities: 4. Worship 5. Music March 9, 2009 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 111 of 124 exceeded until 9:30 p,m, up to 4 times per month for accommodation of special functions. between 6:30 am and 8:30 pm. between 7:30 am and 10:30 pm, between 6:30 a.m, and 10:30 p,m, Nonnal operational hours may be exceeded up to 2 times per month for accommodation of special functions. Outdoor music is prohibited; and indoor music shall only be allowed when windows and doors are closed, There shall be no live, recorded 01' amplified music of any kind prior to 8 a,l11. OJ' after 9:30 p.m. The limitation on the time for live, recorded or amplified music may be exceeded up to two times pel' month for accOlmnodation of special worship functions, Pagel2ofl8 CO"'..- ""ON O~ ON-- Z _0 ......~N c: ~ ,"L:)~ ::::2(1) CllCllCll -g2~ '" Cll <( ~ME! r~lr I 1,r:; 'uRI ..~~! ~ ! i! i h ! pi _._.-.~,j t I i1~\t'I ti - --.-.-" ~' : j ~ ! , ,j ~~~l ".rei ~'~'.~ I '~"Jl ~l i , i , --J , I JJ .-'---'1 i , , :_\1 "<)'j " l"1 t;~ f :~~l ~,~i r '11 " , , , i --1 , ; , I ;~ ,~:.' iJ ~~ ".~' ,W,~ ~~ ~; .. ~ 'J , 1(l(lOO'~r~,Lt' : O~I O,'<'J j'(lL'(ln<l-'~<N '-'-'f; "\H 1-;"\:['~''''\l~I'~ ',-l" ~'."'J I U I "",,,on,,,,',,' ..",,, ""... 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Ill' IIIi , 'I' hi! ~ ~ a oj fit c 0", " , ~ ! i~'~~"M''i <l u '" , >- " ; ~ , j~ " I ~o.~ j! , ~! , ~I~ " , ml , ~ D , , ~I ! i ~ " , 'I lQiJi ~ ~'L__ __J '" ~ 0 0 ill ~ :=J r ~ 0 K ' " ' ':', l :i " 0' 1 I , I , I ~ o ,i I! f' "1& 1 , 1,' III I ~ ~ I'! I ~m 'l I' , JoJi"!1l ' lis.,! 11[11 d llj:1 j' j III! 1M III, m !lll ~l~l V~i!l, il" ~ II t ~.; I II- i. i i 13 ~ z (J u:l >-.. ~Q,. ~ ~~ ~ < r1i > l<; II ~ I,,~ i ql f, i.3" ~ ! . i HI j I . ! l'-< it", o q ,S ." "'"' ~f ~ ~ "1 (IS ~fi; '" , C) . ., EaRl' .,~' -I " oD J. A I; , I , l .. ! I I il I II .1 ; Agenda Item No. 8B March 24, 2009 Page 113 of 124 EXHIBIT D LEGAL DESCRIPTION (TRACT A) FOLIO NUMBERS: 67285160009,67285280002,67285360003,67285320001 LOTS 1.7 AND 10.13, BLOCK "0", PfNE RIDGE EXTENSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3 AT PAGE 51, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (TRACT B) FOLIO 67285400002 LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 0, PINE RIDGE EXTENSION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 51 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. March 9, 2009 Page 14 of 1& Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 114 of 124 EXIDBIT E LIST OF REQUESTED DE VIA nONS FROM LDC (TRACT A) 1. Deviation #1 seeks relief from LDC Section 6,06,02,A, Sidewalk and Bike Lane Requirements which requires sidewalks within road right-of-way; except that sidewalks shall be provided along Trail Boulevard and along that portion of Myrtle Road between Trail Boulevard and the project ingress-egress driveway to Myrtle Road, The property owner shall make a payment in lieu of providing the sidewalks along the balance of the abutting right-of-way. The developer shall also construct one sidewalk extension from the central building campus across Trail Boulevard to the pavement along US 41 to provide access to a potential bus stop, as conceptually depicted on the CFPUD Mastcr Plan, 2. Deviation #2 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4,06,05,N. which requires naturalization of man made lakes and water mrulagcmont areas through the use of curvilinear edges; to pcnnit aecomplislunent of the intent through the llse of a curvilinear lruldscape installation instead of a curvilincar physical contour. 3. Deviation #3 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4,06,05,D,2.a, which provides that no more than 30% of the canopy trecs may be substituted by palms within an individual Type D Buffer to permit up to 100% utili,..ation of palms along Trail Boulevard provided that the perccntage of palms does not cxceed 30% of the required perimeter buffer trees for Tracts A and B; and, that the palms utilized are Royal Palms; and, that all required buffcr trees along Myrtle Road, West Street and Ridge Drive shall be canopy! shade trees. 4. Deviation #4 seeks relief from LDC Subscction 5.05.08.E,2,c, Minimum ratios. Pedestrian pathway connections must be provided from the building to adjacent road pathways at a ratio of one for each vehicular cntrance to a project, AND drive aisles leading to main entrances must have at least a walkway on one side of the drivc aisle; to permit a reduction to a maximum of five pedestrian pathways to: two (2) to Trail Boulevard, one (I) to Myrtle Road, one (I) to Ridge Drive and one (I) to West Street in the locations depicted on the CFPUD Mastel' Plan; AND to permit them in locations other than along one side of the drive aisle. 5, Deviation #5 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4,06,01.A to eliminate the required buffer between Tracts A and B; provided that the equivalent square footage of the 10 foot wide buffer, for that length not provided, and the associated tree requirement of I tree per 30 linear feet, is located elsewhere 'Within the Tract. Should the entire CFPUD acreage be submitted for permitting as a single SOP, the buffcr would not be required and therefore this deviation request would not be applicable, 6, Deviation #6 seeks relief from LDC Suhsections 5,()3,02,E.2, and 5.03,02,EA. to eliminate the requirement for a nomesidential development located opposite a residentially zoned district to provide a four (4) foot masonry wall or prefabricated concrete wall located a minimum of three (3) feet from the rear of the right-of-way landscapc buffer line. March 9, 2009 Page 15 oflB Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 115 of 124 (TRACT B) 1. Deviation #1 seeks relief from LDC Seetion 6,06,02,A. Sidewalk and Bike Lane Requirements which require sidewalks witlnn abutting rights-of-way. The propeliy owner shall make a payment in-lieu of providing sidewalk segments which would otherwise be required prior to the issuance of the first SDP for a new permanent building. 2. Deviation #2 seeks relief from LDC Subsection 4,06.01.A to eliminate the required buffer between Tracts A and B; provided that the equivalent square footage of the 10 foot wide buffer, for that length not provided, and the associated tree requirement of 1 tree per 30 linear feet, is located elsewhere within the Tract. Should the entire CFPUD acreage be submitted for permitting as a single SDP, the buffer would not be required and therefore this deviation request would not be applicable. 3. Deviation #3 seeks relief from LDC Subsections 5,03,02.E,2, and 5.03.02,EA. to eliminate the requirement for a nonresidential development located opposite a residentially zoned district to provide a four (4) foot masonry wall or prefabricated concrete wall located a minimum of three (3) feet from the rear of the right-of-way landscape buffer line. March 9, 2009 Page 160f18 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 116 of 124 EXHIBIT F LIST OF DEVELOPER COMMITMENTS (TRACT A) 1. The initial redevelopment SOP for Tract A shall include: a, the replacement of the existing lake with a new lake(s) and associated dry water management areas; b. the redevelopment of landscape buffers abutting the Iake(s) and associated dry water management areas; c. the re-grading of the right-of-way green space between the CFPUD boundary and edge of pavement of the four adjacent roadways to enhance storm water management for these !'Oadway areas, 2. The minimum throat length as measured from the roadway edge of payment to the internal parking area shall be 50 feet for driveways from MYltle Road, West Street and Ridge Drive; and, 75 feet for driveways from Trail Boulevard. 3. For services and other periods and events of significant traffic generation, as determined by Collier County staff, the property owner shall provide traffic control by law enforcement or a law enforcement app!'Oved service provider as directed by Collier County staff, with staffing and at loeation(s) as directed by the Collier County Transportation Administrator or his designee. 4, The Ridge Drive primary egress driveway will be restricted to a "no right turn" condition, The MYltle Road cgrcss driveway will be restricted and signcd to a "no left turn" condition, The Myrtle Road access shall be closed at dusk. 5. A west bound turn lane on Ridge Drive, extending from the egress driveway to US 41, shall be constructed concurrently by the property owner with the initial redevelopment phase of development. 6, The seating capacity of the House of Worship shall be limited to 780 seats (980 for the entire CFPUD), and the total number of students/individuals el1l'olled in Child/Adult Day Care / Pre- K/Kindergarten / School, limited to 1st through 3'd, within Tract A shall be limited to 60 persons unless the Tract B owner agrees to reallocate all or a portion of its allocation to Tract A (110 for the entire CFPUD), until US 41 turn lanes serving the site are extended to meet design standards; or a traffie study, based in pazt on actual traffic counts, is provided to and confirmed by the County, demonstrating that the existing turn lancs are adequate. The traffic counts for this traffic study will be taken during the first quarter of a calendar year to more accw'ately portray peak season loading measures and will include traffic counts at Myrtle Road and West Street and Ridge Drive and West Street. One year after the seating capacity of 853 for the entire CFPUD and the 110 pcrson Child! Adult Day Care/Pre-K/Kindergarten/School limited to 1 'I through 3rd for the entire CFPUD ("the base") is reached, a supplemental traf1ic study will be done to determine the trips originating or leaving the March 9, 2009 Page 17 of t 8 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 117 of 124 CFPUD through the neighborhood. The traffic counts for this supplemental traffic study will be taken during the first quarter of a calendar year to more accurately portray peak season loading and will include traffic counts at Ridge Drive and West Street, Myrtle Road and West Street, Ridge Drive and Trail Boulevard and Myrtle Road and Trail Boulevard, This supplemcntal data will be utilized by the County to determine if additional improvements to minimize impact to the neighborhood are appropriate and should be required to address the existing uses and as a condition of approval for the additional seating capacity of 347 and/or the additional 110 students/individuals. The additional traffic improvements may include traffic calming measures. The traffic counts required as part of the required PUD monitoring report shall be done during the first quarter of a calendar year for impacts exceeding those established as "the base" in the preceding paragraph. 7, The new buildings on Tract A shall be consistent with the conceptual architectural rendering attached as Exhibit H, (TRACT B) I. For services and other periods and events of significant traffic generation, as dctermined by Collier County staff, the pl'opelty owner shall provide traffic control by law enforcement or a law enforcement approved service provider shall be as directed by Collier County staff, with staffing and at location(s) as directcd by the Collier County Transportation administrator 01' his designee, 2. A payment-in-lieu-of contribution shall be made by the property owner to the County for otherwise required sidewalks within abutting right-of-way to Tract B prior to issuance of the first Site Development Plan for a new pcrmancnt building on Tract B. 3. The new building on Tract B shall be architecturally compatible with the new buildings on Tract A. March 9, 2009 Page \8 of 18 EXHIBIT G JOB CODE: HCFrUD SCALE: I" = JO' -------------- ---------- ~ ... ~ ~ " ~ F~--- -------------- -- DATE,IUJIR FILEt.'I\ME: ExhibitG Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 P8n" 11R nf 1?4 1 o -~, 1 I ~ RoofUnCl I 1 ------ --------~ ___-~ ----------=== Mid Point of Roof ~ 'f---------=- _ ---------____ 1 " '" 1l ~ -------------- J Adjacellt Average Centerline Road ElevnJion Fl'ont Elevation "IE --------------- ------------------ -- ~ 1 i o 1 T'crmillcd ExcltlRions Limited to 4,OOOs.f. Mllximum -----_ Mid Poinl of Roof ~------ 1 ~ '" 1l ~ j Adjacent Average Centerline Road ElcvntiOIl Rear Elevatiun ~_"., 8'1\'[. ~.~',!:'[~:.,,,,,,.~':n~~~.~.~rl~~'~~~!~. T,El~LlI~;~,'; . I.WI1U..""" . ,..,,"".., . 'fl'"'''''' 'n".,'_" ."...".,., ".".,.w. , >::~~,,"",,:~':':::",~~ W"'W,ClRAUnn"QR(O\1 Agenda Item No, 88 March 24, 2009 Page 119 of 124 "- ::> "'.... ~ ~ili: O:;Q ~~~ ~i NON-OCCUPIABLE BUILDING ELEMENTS ELEV, . 52'.0" MAXIMUM ACTUAL HEIGHT FROM AVERAGE CENTERLINE ELEVATION OF A8UnlNG ROAO ELEV, . 45'.0" MAXIMUM ZONED HEIGHT (MID POINT OF ROOF) ELEV, = 35'<)" FINISH FLOOR HEIGHT ELEV, = 0'-0" AVERAGE CENTERLINE ELEVATION OF ABUTTING ROAD APPROX. ELEV. = -4'.0. A GRAPHIC EXAMPLE OF "TRACT B" - MAXIMUMS DEPICTED "CONCEPTUAL ONLY" A Graphic Example of "Tract B" Florida Community Bank Collier County, Florida DATE: Fobruary 18, 2009 HUMPHREY'ROSAL ARCHITECTS 32{)O 9TH ST. NORTH (239) 263-4201 SUITE 1J.300 FAX (239) 263-4451 NAPLES, FLORl0A34103 Exhibit G (1) Exhibit H Conceptual Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 120 of 124 Architectural ~, . * " '. ~;r--_ ,', " - !i1\'!~'I'II".I/iri?>"vr~",,+:- !l''' . . ... ""~"M.Y,i~~~~h',,'i' ~.~~ * 'lhis ardrLb:cllll:al mil=r:inJ is =UIb.al. M:difimtiaB rrqy l:e lllili> as :rcq.lirm tn J:e cnsimnt >,U:h <'\:Pliable ~ regi1,.-,1:iu13 a-rl-aS-d3'll-m.= ,._," "~o.r&4!L~' Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 121 of 124 EXHIBIT I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL February 3, 2009 1. Any plan submitted pursuant to this CFPUD shall be in substantial confOlmance with the approved conceptual Master Plan entitled "Exhibit C Master Plan," prepared by Planning Development Incorporated, consisting of one sheet, dated Novcmber 25, 2008, as revised through January 16,2009, exeept as conditioned. 2. The access points located on West Street and Ridge Drive, depicted on Tract B of the Master Plan, shall close when this tract redevelops, 3. The required O,12-acre re-created preserve shall meet County preserve requirements and shall recreate the habitat that previously existed on-site (pine flatwoods), including all three vegetative strata. 4, A landscape planting plan shall be submitted for review and approval at the time of the first SDP for each ofthc tracts. 5. The property owners shall provide, 01' shall pay thc County to provide, a bus shelter at the existing Collier Area Transit stop located adjaccnt to US 41, which is located at the stub-out in the median separating Trail Boulevard and US 41 as depicted on the Master Plan. This bus shelter is required to be constructed when development reaches a one percent or greater impact on USA 1 , or as a stipulation of Phase Two improvements, whichever occurs first. Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 122 of 124 February 19,2009 MR. YOV ANOVICH: Can I just -- you just recently approved a church on two acres with 300 seats. We're asking for 200 seats. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: I know. MR. YOV ANOVICH: Okay? You know, we're asking for 200 seats on two acres, you just approved 300 seats on two acres. From an intensity standpoint, it's measured by seats. I don't think that's -- I just use it as an example. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: But what we saw as the layout of that church, we saw everything figured out. We didn't -- it wasn't phantom impressions as to what that square footage would be. And that's -- and what Donna said is right. I wish this one wasn't in the project and we dealt with it as a conditional use, and maybe they would get that. But -- CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, but I think the answer's been no 16 times, so let's just end this discussion and let's have any other discussion on this particular project and then we're going to ask for a motion. Is there any other questions, any other discussions by anybody on this project at this time? COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: I just have a question. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Wolfley? COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Were you going to -- I'm not sure I have all the notes. Were you going to go ahead like you usually do and list everything that you have? CHAIRMAN STRAIN: No, staffs been taking the notes. We've articulated them very carefully. They're going to come back on consent. There's too many notes to go through on that manner that you have asked. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: No problem at all. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. So what I'm looking for, is someone willing to make a motion on this project? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: I'll make the motion. Page 107 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 123 of 124 Februmy 19,2009 CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Mr. Murray? COMMISSIONER MURRAY: With regard to PUDZ-2007-AR-12097, known as Heavenly Commlll1ity Facilities Planned Unit Development, I would recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners, based on the stipulations found in the staff report and as amended and for those items that have been carefully articulated and recorded during this entire process. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: I'll second. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, motion made by Mr. Murray, seconded by Commissioner Wolfley. And I believe it's comprehensive enough for staff to follow what they need to on that regard, and I'm getting nods of heads, so that means yes. Is there any discussion from any members of the Planning Commission on the motion? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Non-redundant? No. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Hearing none, I'll call for the vote. All those in favor of the motion, signify by saying aye and raising your hand. COMMISSIONER MURRAY: Aye. COMMISSIONER HOMIAK: Aye. COMMISSIONER KOLFLAT: Aye. COMMISSIONER MIDNEY: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Aye. COMMISSIONER WOLFLEY: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Six in favor. All those opposed? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Aye. COMMISSIONER CARON: Aye. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Two opposed. And Mr. Vigliotti is abstaining. COMMISSIONER VIGLIOTTI: I'm going to abstain to avoid Page 108 Agenda Item No, 8B March 24, 2009 Page 124 of 124 February 19,2009 any possible conflict of interest. And I will file the necessary paperwork. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay. Mr. Klatzkow? MR. KLATZKOW: And just for the executive summary purposes, the reason for the votes against this board was just stated, Mr. Schiffer? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Yes. MR. KLATZKOW: And it has to do with the square footage. COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: Y cab. This would create excessive density on Lot B, thus violating the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood. Out of scale with the neighborhood. MR. KLATZKOW: And was there any other reason? COMMISSIONER SCHIFFER: No. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Ms. Caron? COMMISSIONER CARON: I would say the same. I'm very concerned about the density and intensity on Tract B. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Okay, with that, this case is over with. We appreciate all your time and thank you from the residents, and Tony Pires and Richard for all your cooperation, and the church. We got through it. MR. YOV ANOVICH: Thank you for your patience. CHAIRMAN STRAIN: Now, with that, instead of going into a new case, we're going to take a lunch till 12:30. We'll come back here at 12:30 after lunch and we'll resume the cases at that time. Thank you. (Luncheon recess.) Item #9B, #9C and #9D PETITION: SV-2008-AR-13664, PORT OF THE ISLANDS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Page 109