Agenda 03/24/2009 Item # 6A ~ Agenda Item No, 6A March 24, 2009 COLLIER COUNTY Page 1 of g OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 330t East Tamiami Trail' Naples. Florida 34112' (239) 252-8383' FAX: (239) 252-4010 March 10, 2009 Ms. Evelyn J. Delaney 227 Rookery Road Naples, FL34114 Re: Public Petition Request to Discuss Set Back Code Violation Dear Ms. Delaney: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of March 24, 2009 regarding the above referenced subject. - Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes. Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting. However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion, If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a Mure meeting, The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W. Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members, If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. arelY, y~ James V. MUd~ County Manager JVMljb cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Joseph Schmitt, CD&ES Administrator - Request to Speak under Public Petition Agenda Item No. 6A March 24, 2009 Page 2 of 9 Please print Name: E 1/ E- (... y;<J .;;r. f) Ii J.A ~ E Y Address: ~ 7 IGo 0 1<- C f2... Y f!-o /I. iJ /1) 4-JJ AFS I f:&. /3 'If /</ Phone: &D~~3r3- C}80 7 Date of the Board MeetinQ YOU wish to speak: 3/,a t/ /Oe; Must circle yes or no: Is this subject matter under litigation at this time? Is this subject matter an ongoing Code Enforcement case? CY~o/ No Note: If either answer is "yes", the Board will hear the item but will have no discussion regarding the item after it is presented. YesQ Please explain in detail the reason YOU are reQuestino to speak (attach additional paQe if necessary): - - A17miT17D;u;7;ii/ 11 rt710pM r ~lll/~ - ~ ~/3f &~[), L./J1~ ~~ ,~~flU) (1~ ~-fiR AArM ~~. ~ ~ OY---' ~t:t::;7!;::~~~~51P:r A~h_ t) Please explain in detail the action YOU are askinq the Commission to take (attach additional paoe if necessary): Wt71<.kI U t1;. A-U ft (I~", 7J...J (~ /JIM. ~ "c;o 0.-- (JuI-zMJ (H~.AlJ;7-r.> Cf1.> a.- CJrKrA~ (JoA:dAJ;;r.... jJ~ O~.MIPJ.-u ~ (1-tmlJ. "..Jrt. t:. ACu,J. r1. wi<.:);, -1 AJ ./-rA.t;. , C:\Documents and Settings\lisaresnick\Desktop\Usefullnfonnation\PubHc Petition Request Form ~ 2008 new form.doc ~ o~ ~~ (\ ~ ~ :\~,i ),~ ~ , .,-"-=jJ~ .L- '~r.-' "-r-r ;;i''''l1ia ~1\'oj!Q ~)<) "!1 0;:;" " ~,'~, --rrc '''''' s . , , , " " " II ") " : , II ",-~ I 7- t. l[LI rI fill rI~.I""'/1 I, I ' r ~ ,'~_~' 1"''' 1.1 ~~I iUI H.I.\ nil ~tl . 1.,) ~L~J. - _LHl'.. f . ....--'----..___.~.. 1IIlIlHlllll...... '~I I 't:> r.~' , '1ij:1' ~ ,'. ' ---""--_"~I-J.'::'_ ~X3N~O '" .:.~^~.!!.. _~ ::-'-:: " , ~.." ^""-!- ~ 9l" € I \j~"";'l;;;";;;;);'~':;~'''" ,J.~;:~ .", "" 11/1 '" . \ \ fel. 1..............' . ~ ~~f:1 .,7~ t 11;,: " , , ~ ~' ,~ ~ ~ ., tH U( tit m .'-";IJ f t ~ [ : iH~fif' ! i" j.. " It ~ ~ ;'1 lil!'[~~.. .. ; , i' II / .' .~~ ,<- i;~ :::D < rrJ,- /Q E o o CJ i'l (;J ---j > -1 fll GJ = " ~ '" Ul -r] o ;D '" )> UI ~ ~ (l\ ~ c., It) .... CJ ~ t "" ~ (1lt Agenda Item No 6A March 24, 2009 Cl'd'W\::nna'a ~31110;) - 15 b ;''''0.^H__ ____ 1f..~L.__ . 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LOT 8 BLOCK CONTACT PHONE, (2391543-1515 25.00 LT=BEVERLY REAR: 7.50 LEFT: 25.00 RIGHT, FLOOD ZONE: D REQ DESCRIPTION 099 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 115 FINAL BUILDING 122 10 DAY SPOT SURVEY 133 MONOLITHIC SLAB 810 EXOTIC VEG REMOVAL 01{ EROSION/SILT REQ DESCRIPTION , , , - , , (: ,ffi ';~ l " !1 ;i" " ~., '~ '.,.. -Y'i-.' ,-, ;,i::;:~\:::;.';':~~,', ',; :,~ NOISE ORDINANCE 90_17 - NOISE LIMITATICIW; ~~.. in ~ff~ct ..e aU "1...... N"rk p..:nnitt..l1, RJ;:SIO~IAl. ...,,"'u - ~,~O"" t',,- T'OO..... ''1''S1''~'':)' :;"X' !i NQN-IU<SIPJ<>n'I..... 1<,;..... lmor. tlUlll 500 !ut fr"", Resi.:lent"U An,,,) 6,00M< to ~,OOI'M "onl1"y thru SaWrdl>y., NO, wcrll, on Sunc1D.ys,. '1 l'A01OS. L01I.osPDJI:ItRS. E'l'C'. - HI>"~ no~ di.curb p"""., ~i..t =c:l "","fOrt ot ""i\ll1l>orinq intl.b.lt..nt... ..':' _,---:'::' ':"!.-:;'.'. .) ~. ~.~ "~noo' - 0.".. "=" "<>., " .""=",, ".-m,,~. '-"O-"',OO"""",O'~ "'-."" .~'" .."1'-e}""'...,,.. ., . ,.,~.' WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE IC) g&9q~D'"fW;N9!ICE OFJ COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOLJRP?Ay;J~(3;~J'^'19E F()R.,:l IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTy.lli'yq~}X~rg~~...T9ill~TAIN,'1i ~ FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER O~~~NJi;,\TX(iQRNr;YBEFORIi .t".. ',.X,.~';;'".. ,-.~;:,\::.-.--.- ....-...~:PF~.';__.....;__"...:,,\::"....:....-,....'-,_.... ."~ RECORDI NG YOUR NOTICE OF COMMEN~~('.:IENf;:iZ;fj:::l{C!~~; ""/,, /, .. "'1 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Agenda Item No, 6A March 24, 2009' Page 5 of g, PERMIT PERMI'r #: ISSUED: MASTER #, 2008050039 05-06-08 BY, MURPHYLINDA 2008050039 COA#, PE RMI T TYP E : CRPT APPLIED DATE, 05-01-08 VALID #: APPROVAL DATE: 039 05-05~08 JOB ADDRESS: 227 IROOKERY RD JOB DESCRIPTION, 360 SO FT CARPORT W/CONCRETE SLAB JOB PHONE, 12391543-1515 SUBDIVISION #:, 1530 - Riverwood East Unit 4 phase 1 BLOCK: FLOOD MAP: 0025 ZONE: D ELEVATION: FOLIO #, 0000070035500453 SECTION-TOWNSHIP-RANGE 10 51 26 LOT,8 OWNER INFORMATION: CAMERON, RICHARD D=& BARBARA J 227 ROOKERY RD CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ADVANCED MOBILEHOME SYSTEMS, INC. 345 COMMERCIAL STREET NAPLES, FL 341143946 CASSELBERRY,FL 32707 CERTIFICATE #: 15073 PHONE, 18001 329-5i!87 i FCC J ~DE: CONS'\ :1JCTION JOB V}'l..LUE: 328 - OTHER CODE, 10 12,000,00 RES/BLDGS. - SHED CARPORT 1 & 2 FA I OTHER TOTAL SQFT: 360 SETBACI:S FRONT: SEWER: CONTACT NAME: CONTACT PHONE: 25.00 REAR, 7.50 LEF'T: WATER: 25.00 RIGHT: - WELL SEPTIC DALE (239) 54} cT515 -j , Per Collier Cmmty Ordinance No, 2002-01, ., it may be amended, all 'Mlrk nmst comply with all applicable laws, codes, nrdinan""~ and any addl,pgnal stipulations or conditions of this pennit This permit expires if'Mlrk authorized by the pennit is not corrunenced within six (6) months from the of issuance of the pennit. Additional fees for failing to obtain pennits prior to the commencement of constructioo may be imposed. Pennittee(s} 1",., understands that any contractorthat may be employed must be a licensed contractor and that the structure must not be used or ocCUl'ied until. "<" ,,' Occupancy is issued, ,',. ,,-;\,~?,,,,,,..j, "..': ",..",..); NOTICE: PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OR THE DEMOLITION OFASTRl1 .. .,,'.:...... :.-, .," "'-,-"'" A.."ID STATE LAWS REQUIRE THE PERMITTEE (EITHER THE OWNER OR CONf;fOR) TO ,: THE INTENDED WORK TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVlRONMENTALP .',: " ri6N,' INFORMATION, CONTACT DEP AT (239) 332-6975, .-.:,,',,> In addition to the conditions of this permit, there may be additional restrictions ap~ij~, the public records of this connty, and there may be additional permits required frofif~ :"'.)\1",.,:1 management districts, state agcncies, or fedcral agencies. ",' "L'\~~ f: ~~ ..!I , :-t--.; r . ",l.. I . ;0')0';1 11;81;5-:. .....l: NeD' <i (1). _N 0)" Ii; .c&,:: ",,;t;..) ;:-(0 ~a m' 0)-4-_: -,:-. ..: J~~~! , " .j .". '-i,..:--;:L[l/JWY 'I tliJ3!:t-: -;l=:t ,_} ", l-LLr: d!_'_ ., 1fT ~ i +.~ "-' -.:. -;--;-_. -i i -!-'-, i -~ . ., .: -.; -~---,. i .tt~.~._-:-;. " j ; , ~ -/3 ;,( , ~ IZ. -;- 1~i -- _fK of( ~L,; ,. ,; Yo J fJ .. I"" "\...,- (YJ;- - - ci ; "1- I,li . - ::t-'''-I- (;.... .' '~: 1 , .__.i ..! .~.,j~ -"'-1-: ," .. , L,! , , ! .- 11__" -"- r-- " I ~ '---I ) ,_.,- h --r-T"i~ H~I-fRt . 'i T-i -j. 12/28/2008 15:31 FAX 1dI00!ifOUij 4.02.00 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Page 2 or79 Agenda Item No, 6A March 24, 2009 Page 70f$ '~ 20,000 100 aPPar1( 35 acres sif4 20,000 100 lots CON 217,800 150 P None None CF 10,000 80 None 45 None Non. N""" Tobie 2. Buikf'"ll Oimena;on _om lor Prlnc:ipl. U_ln Base Zoning D1strIcta. TABLE MllClmum MInimum Minimum Floor ArM Floor Area Zoning Building DIstance 01 Ratio Olstriol Height _n Building' (%) <-) BIMdIngs (SQu...._) GO :l5 None None None -- A :15 None 550 None E 30 No,," 1,000 None RSF-l 35 None I-story 2-s1ory None 1,500 1.800 RSF-2 35 None 1.500 1.800 None RSF-3 35 None 1.000 1.200 None ,RSF-4 35 None BOO 1,200 R6F-5 35 None BOO 1,200 None RSF-8 3S None 500 800 None RMF-8 35 A 750 None Eftiolency 450 RMF.12 50 A 1 BR 600 None 2+ BR 750 Clflcleucy ~50 RMF-16 7S A 1 BR 600 None -~-- 10 _, not 10 300 fiT exceed 100' A (max, for hotel unita None . SOO) S.F.ao None VR MH30 None None None Duplex 30 None M.F.36 B MH 30 None None None 1J,'i TTRVO 30 10 None None 0-1 35 None 1.000 (ground ~oor) None C-2 35 A 1.000 (ground Iocr) None hltp:J/libmry2.municode.comldefaultlDocViewfI3992f1f27 f29 121112008 I i- t 12/29/2008 15:31 FAX '1(104/008 hgc I of.79 Agenda Item No. 6A March 24, 2009 Page 8 of g 4.Q2.00 SITE DESION STANDARDS 4.02.00 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS 4.02.01 DI_lonal S.....rds for Principle Uaea in Base Zoning D1sb1c1s A. The following liIbles describe the dimemlionel otandord$ pertaining '" b.... ~oning district.. SIIB design requi_ ""ply 1lI111e prinl;ipel buUdIng on oech -. Tabl.l. Lot Design Requirements for PtlneIple u.... in Sue Zoning Districts. TABLE INSET; Zoning Minimum Lot Minimum Lot WIdth Maximum BulIdIng Area Distrtct (oqu... "'at) (linn, f8a\) Coverage (%) GC None None None A 217,800 165 None E 98,010 1:;0 None RSF-1 43,_ 1:;0 None RSF-Z 20,000 120 None RSF"-3 10,000 Comer lot Interior 10\ None 95 80 RSF-4 7,500 71S 70 None RSF-5 IS,OOO 70 80 None RSF-6 8,000 70 80 None RMF.{lS,F. 6,500 60 Duplex 12,000 80 None 3+ units 5,500 per unit 100 RMF-12 43.580 150 None RMF.16 43,580 150 None RT 43,5eQ 150 None -\IR- 6,000 60 ... S.F./MH Duplex 10,000 100 None M.F. 43,560 150 MH 6,000 80 None TTRVC Park 20 acres Travel Ira_art< site 800 models 40 None lots CampsItes 30 c..l 20,000 100 None C-2 15,000 150 None C.3 10,000 75 No"" C-4 10,000 100 None C-5 10,000 100 None K htlp://libl1ll}'2,municode.oomidefauJtlDocVicw/t39921I/27/29 12/112008 12/29/2008 15:31 F^X !ill 001/008 4,Q2.00 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS Pacc 4 of79 3+un1l330 NA 115 20 RMF-12 30 a 30 . RMF-le b a b . RT b a b . SF./MH 20 Waterfront NaHII8IBrfronl 20 VR Duplex 35 10 5 30 . 15 15 M.F.35 15 1S 30 MH 1 25 Wslarfront Nor...........r,unt 10 . 10 7,5 x TABLE IN$~T: TTRVC 10 l'\IlIIel'front Non-wat_ Ws1Brfront Non-waterfrant - 2 10 5 10 e R_antial Non- Rasidantial Non- c..1 25 residential _ntial . 25 15 25 15 c..2 25 25 15 25 15 . c..33 c 25 a 25 . . C-404 d 25 . 25 a . C-504 25 25 15 25 15 . I 4 25 60 " . 50 15 . . BP 150 sO 10 150 25 - CON 5 !50 sO 150 . P I f f . Residential Non- Raoicfantial Non- CF 25 residential _tiol . 25 15 25 15 Overlay See labia of spec:;al design RlqUlnomenbt for the applicabla """".y dl&trict Districts located irl the epproprial8section for that distric:l in chapter 4. " ",,- ~~~~-:~,;,~~~~;t..~~~==:=:=:::=~,:::~:I~~r~h= X 15". 2 TTRVC DilItrict - additional yllnl requiremente: seIbaCI< from ~r boundary af park . 50 <<': setback tram eo htsrnal Gtreet = 50 ft., setback from an internal str1!Iet - 25 ft.; setback from any building or other SlrUClU<e . 10 ". 3 c-3 District - minimum setback on liny side thlit Is waterfront = 25 ft,; setback for marinas ~ nanl!!. 4 C-4, c..5 and I Dialricla - minimum .etb""" on any lide that ia wsterftonl = 25 ft,; setback. fur marinas :: none; setback on 9ny aide adjscent to a railroad right..of-way = none 5 MY nan-COnforming pi_lot of record in the CON District that.lliSted before November 13. 1991 will be subjocl tD the IoUowing atandORlo; Frant yard: 40 feet. http~lllbrary2.mrmicade.comldeJlwltIDcx:Vi<:w(1399211127129 121112()O~ Agenda Item No. 6A March 24. 2009 Page g of ~