Agenda 02/24/2009 Item #16B 2
Agenda Item No. 1682
February 24, 2009
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Recommendation to approve the Program Management Plan (PMP) outlining the
projects that will be eligible for Federal Transit Administration 5316 & 5317 Program
OBJECTIVE: To acquire Board approval of the Program Management Plan (PMP)
outlining the projects that will be eligible for Federal Tnmsit Administration (FT A) 53] 6 &
5317 Program Grants.
CONSIDERATION: The FTA created two Federa] Grant Programs: FTA 5316 and FTA
5317. The FTA 5316 Grant Program is titled "Job Access and Reverse Commute Program."
The goal of the Job Access and Reverse Commute program (JARC) is to improve access to
transportation services to employment and employment related aetivities for welfare
recipients and eligible low-income individuals and to transport residents of urbanized areas
and non-urbanized areas to suburban employment opportunities. The FT A 5317 Grant
Program is titled "New Freedom Program." The New Frcedom grant program aims to
provide additional transportation to overcome existing barriers facing Americans with
disabilities seeking integration into the work f()rce and full participation in society.
F]orida Department of Transportation, as the State of Florida's Governor's designee,
designated the Collier County Board of County Commissioners the designated recipient of
the FTA 5316 and FTA 5317 Grant Programs. One of the application requirements of the
FT A 53] 6 and FT A 53] 7 grant programs is f(lr the designated recipient to submit a Program
Management Plan (PMP).
The Program Managcment Plan (PMP) is a doeument that describes a designated recipient's
policies and procedures for administering the Federa] Transit Administration (FT A) Section
5316 Job Access and Reverse Commute (.JARC) Program and Section 5317 New Freedom
(NF) Program. Collier County Government, as the designated recipient, is required to have
an approved PMP on file with the FT A Region IV Office and to update it regularly to
incorporate changes in program management or new rcquirements. Collier County
Government must provide an opportunity for review by stakeholders when it develops a new
plan or significantly revises an existing plan as identified in the Local Planning Process
section of this document. Collier Area Transit (CAT) submitted a PMP and obtained FT A
approval on behalf of Collier County in 2008 for JARC and New Freedom programs. This
PMP is a revision of the Plan approved by FT A on .Ju]y 3, 20()8 and should be considered
Collier County's second Program Management Plan.
Although the designated recipients are responsible for conducting the competitive selcction
process, they may establish alternative arrangements to administer and conduct the
competitive process. Collier County as rccipient has e1ectcd to conduct the compctitive
selection process through the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the
PMP has been revised to reflect that proccss. This select ion process will ensure open
competitiveness which would be opcn to Collier County's Transit System along with local
companies and agencies to apply for funding undcr both the .JARC and NF Program.
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As the designated recipient, Collier County is requesting endorsement of the Program of
Projects as outlined in the PMP. These are the projects that we could move forward with,
should the FT A approve our grant program applications for FT A 5316 and FT A 5317.
. Extended service hours
. Increased routes
. Geographical service connections
. Increased frequency in transit service
. Additional Bus Shelters / Benches
FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact on the Board's budget at this time. However,
should Collier County pursue and be awarded the grants, a 50% local match will be required
for operating and a 20% match will be required for Capital. The local match will require the
use of General Fund (001) Ad Va]orem property taxes which is normally budgeted as a
transfer to Collier Area Transit Fund (426) and Transportation Disadvantaged Fund (427)
subsidizing transit operations.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County
Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicia] and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a
majority vote for approval, and is otherwise ]egally sutTIcient for Board aetion.-SRT
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Consistent with Objectives 10 and ]2 of the
Transportation Element of the Growth Management Plan.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners endorse the Program
Management Plan.
Prepared by: Glama Carter, Principal Planner, Alternative Transportation Modes
Attachments: (I) Program Management Plan
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Agenda Item No. 16B2
February 24, 2009
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
Recommendation to approve the Program Management Plan (PMP) outlining the projects
that will be eligible for Federal Transit Administration 5316 & 5317 Program Grants.
2/24/2009 9:0000 AM
Prepared By
Glama Carter
Operations Analyst
Transportation Administration
Transportation Services
2/5/200910:40:41 AM
Approved By
Jeff Klatzkow
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
2/5/2009 11 :51 AM
Approved By
Glama Carter
Transportation Services
Operations Analyst
Transportation Administration
215/20092:22 PM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
2/5/20092:38 PM
Approved By
Norm E. Feder, AICP
Transportation Division Administrator
Transportation Services Admin.
Transportation Services
2/5/20093:10 PM
Approved 8y
Michelle Edwards Arnold
Alternative Transportation Modes
Transportation Services
Alternative Transportation Modes
2/5/20094:46 PM
Approved By
Brian Hancock
Operations Support Manager
Transportation Administration
Transportation Division
2/9/20099:59 AM
Approved By
Therese Stanley
Grants Coordinator
Transportation Administration
2/9/20092:51 PM
Approved By
Barbara LaPierre
ManagemenUBudget Analyst
Traffic Operations
Transportation Services
2/101200910:55 AM
Approved By
Pat Lehnhard
Executive Secretary
Transportation Services Admin
Transportation Services
2/101200911:17 AM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
OMS Coordinator
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
2/10/2009 2:28 PM
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Agenda Item No. 16B2
rebruary 24. 2009
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Approved By
Mark Isackson
Budget Analyst
Office of Management & Budget
County Manager's Office
2/17120091 :37 PM
Approvl'd By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
Board of County
County Manager's Office
2/17/20092:52 PM
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Agenda Item No. 1682
February 24, 2009
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Dr a ft
Co~T County
- ~ --~ ~
Metropolttlan Planning 'Organization
Collier County Government
Transportation Services Division
Alternative Transportation Modes Department
2885 S. Horseshoe Drive
Naples, FL 34104
In cooperation with
Collier Metropolian Planning Organization
2885 S. Horseshoe Drive
Naples, FL 34104
Program Management Plan for
49 USC ~ 5316 - Job Access Reverse Commute
49 USC ~ 5317-New Freedom Program
Agenda Item No. 16B2
February 24, 2009
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Purpose .......... ...... ....... .......................... ............... ..... ..... ..... .... .... ....... .....3
Statutory Authority -49 USC S 5316 and S 5317 .......................................... .........3
Local Program Goals and Objectives ....................................................... .........3
Funding Apportionment........ ......................................... ........... ....................5
Direct Recipient/Sub-recipient Relationship .. ..... .......................................... ........5
Designated Recipient Responsibilities ......................... ...... ...... ........................ ....5
Local Planning Process - Public Outreach and Stakeholder Participation .....................6
Eligible Applicants.. .................... ...... ................................... ....... ................ ....8
Eligible Project Costs and Funding Priorities .......................................................8
Program Priorities......... ................................................................. .............9
Federal and Local Funding Match Requirements................................................. 11
Project Selection Criteria and Method of Distributing Funds ................................. 11
Job Access and Reverse Commute Program / New Freedom Program Proposed
Project Submission Guidelines...................................... ......... .........................12
Administration, Planning and Technical As..istance............................................. 15
Federal Requirements Related to FTA Funding Assistance.....................................16
., Public Outreach Efforts
., Sample FT A Master Agreement
., Sample FT A Certification and Assurances
., Sample FT A Required Third Party Contract Clause
,. Leve]s of Responsibility for the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program and the New
Freedom Program
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February 24, 2009
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The Program Management Plan (PMP) is a document that describes a designated recipient's
policies and procedures for administering the Federa] Transit Administration (FT A) Section
5316 Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program and Section 5317 New Freedom (NF)
Program. Collier County Government, as the designated recipient, is required to have an
approved PMP on file with the FTA Region IV Office and to update it regularly to incorporate
changes in program management or new requirements. Collier County Government must provide
an opportunity for review by stakeholders when it develops a new plan or significantly revises an
existing plan as identified in the Loca] Planning Process section of this document. Collier Area
Transit (CAT) submitted a PMP and obtained FT A approval on behalf of Collier County in 2008
for JARC and New Freedom programs. This PMP is a revision of the Plan approved by FTA on
July 3, 2008 and should be considered Collier County's second Program Management Plan.
The PMP is intended to facilitate both Collier County Government's management and FTA
oversight by documenting policies and procedures for administering JARC and NF Program. The
primary purpose of the PMP is to serve as the basis for the Federa] Transit Administration to
perform designated recipient-l eve] management reviews of the programs, and to provide public
information on the administration of the programs.
Statutory Authority -49 USC ~ 5316 and ~ 5317
The Safe, Accountab]e, F]exib]e, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
(SAFETEA-LU, Pub. L. ]09-059), enacted on August 10, 2005 and codified in 49 U.S.C
Chapter 53, authorizes ~53]6, the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program and
~5317, the New Freedom (NF) Program, among others. The JARC program is meant to improve
transportation services to employment and related activities for welfare recipients and other ]ow-
income individuals and to transport residents of urbanized and non-urbanized areas to suburban
employment opportunities. The purpose of the NF Program is to provide additional tools to
overcome existing barriers facing Americans with disabilities seeking integration into the
workforce and full participation in societ y.
Local Program Goals and Objectives
The funds made available under JARC and NF Program will further enhance transportation
services within the coordinated system that serves residents and visitors of the greater Collier
County area, especially individuals with disabilities and lower incomes. Collier County
Government authorizes service to the transportation disadvantaged through coordination and
consolidation of trips under the Transportation Division's A]ternative Transportation Modes
Department. The Alternative Transportation Modes Department contracts out these services to
McDonald Transit Associates, Inc. Under the direction of the Alternative Transportation Modes
Director, McDona]d Transit Associates, Inc., manages Collier Area Transit. Collier Area Transit
manages both fixed route and paratransit services in Collier County. Coordinated trips are those
provided by publicly funded agencies outside of, but coordinated by, Collier Area Transit.
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Consolidated trips are directly provided under Collier Area Transit by consolidating several
sponsored programs' trips to operate together on the same vehicles as though all are provided by
the same program.
These sponsoring programs include Collier Area Transit's Federally mandated ADA program,
the Federal Medicaid program, the State of Florida Transportation Disadvantaged (TO), and
other agency sponsored trips such as Senior Service and Children Medica] Services.
Like most transit systems across the country, the community's needs far exceed the provision of
services by the Collier Area Transit family of services, particularly those needs not covered by a
federally sponsored human service program. In order to determine community needs Collier
County's Alternative Transportation Modes Department and Collier Metropolitan Planning
Organization conducted public outreach including public meetings and surveys that were both
handed out on-board buses and made available online during the summer of 2008. Projects were
identified through this public participation process that included extending service hours in the
evenings, increasing routes, adding a new geographical connection to Lee County, increasing
frequency, and adding bus shelters and benches. A public workshop held on April 15, 2008 by
FOOT's Office of Rura] Mobility Planning also identified a connection to Lee County, expanded
service hours for job access and additional opportunities for weekend trips as the greatest needs.
The MPO's number one unfunded transit project priority identified in 2008 was the connection
to Lee County Transit.
All of the publicly identified needs and project ideas are incorporated into the Collier County's
Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP), which is the Coordinated Public Transit-
Human Services Transportation Plan. The TDSP identifies the transportation needs for the
disabled, low income, high-risk transportation disadvantaged community that currently do not
qualify for transportation services under current programs. Funds made available under JARC
and NF Program will be used to bridge some of these gaps and improve access to jobs and
community life for all individuals in the community, especially those with lower incomes or
Funding Apportionment
Collier County's funding apportionments to date for 5316 JARC funds are as follows.
2006 $73,314.00
2007 $77,282.00
2008 $83,722.00
Collier County's funding apportionments to date for 53] 7 New Freedom Funds are as follows.
2006 $77,420.00
2007 $73,189.00
2008 $79,062.00
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Direct Recipient/Sub-recipient Relationship
Collier County was designated the recipient of funding under the JARC and NF Program, in a
letter dated March 18, 2008, from the State of F]orida's Public Transportation and Moda]
Administrator, consistent with the requirements of 49 U.S.c. Section 5307(a)(2). As the
designated recipient, Collier County is the direct recipient and will apply to FT A for funds
awarded under the two programs. Funding for JARC and NF will be awarded through the
competitive project selection process and will be sub-recipients to Collier County. Collier
County will pass funding through to any sub-recipients. The Collier MPO will be in charge of
the competitive project selection process, thereby allowing Collier County to competitively
compete for the JARC and NF funds.
Designated Recipient Responsibilities
The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, created in ] 989, entered into an
agreement with Collier County to assume the role of Community Transportation Coordinator
In its role as CTC Collier County's A]ternative Transportation Modes Department, on behalf of
the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), has several initiatives in place to promote
interagency coordination. Collier County's Transportation Disadvantaged Services Plan (TDSP)
outlines these coordination efTorts. The purpose and philosophy of this effort is to develop a plan
for the effective use of funding for the transportation disadvantage population in the coordinated
system to include JARC and NF Program funds. Designated recipients are responsible for:
,. Conducting an area-wide competitive selection process;
,. Certifying a fair and equitable distribution of funds resulting from the competitive
selection process;
,. Certifying that each project selected was derived from a ]ocally developed,
coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan;
,. Certifying that local plans are developed through a process that included
representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human
services providers and participation by the general public. The designated
recipient is not directly responsible for developing the coordinated plan, but is
responsible for ensuring that the plan from which a selected project was derived
was developed in compliance with the statutory requirements. An agency or
organization other than the designated recipient may take the lead in developing
the coordinated plan;
,. Managing all aspects of grant distribution and oversight for sub-recipients
receiving funds under this program; and
,l\genda Item No. 16B2
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., Submitting reports as required by FT A.
Although the designated recIpIents are responsible for conducting the competItIve selection
process, they may establish alternative arrangements to administer and conduct the competitive
process. Collier County as recipient has elected to conduct the competitive selection process
through the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). This selection process will
ensure open competitiveness which would be open to Collier County's Transit System along
with local companies and agencies to apply for funding under both the .TARC and NF Program.
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization has conducted extensive public outreach and intends
to continue to conduct extensive public outreach, to identify projects and undergo a Request for
Proposal process to satisfy the competitive selection process.
After the MPO process has approved the selected project(s), the projects will be submitted to the
Collier County Board of County Commissioners and then submitted to FT A.
Local Planning Process - Public Outreach and Stakeholder Participation
Starting in Federal Fiscal Ye,"" 2007, projects funded through three programs included in
SAFETEA-LU - .Tob Access and Reverse Commute (.TARC) (Section 5316), New Freedom
(Section 5317) and E]derly Individua]s and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) - are
required to be derived from a Locally Deve]oped Coordinated Public Transit- Human Services
Transportation Plan. SAFETEA-LU guidance issued by FTA indicates that the plan should be a
"unified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery that identifies the
transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with limited
income, lays out strategies for meeting these needs, and prioritizes services." The minimum
required plan contents include:
,.. Identification of current providers and services,
,.. Assessment of transportation needs of older adults, persons with disabilities, and
individuals with low income as appropriate,
,.. Identification of strategies and/or activities to address those needs and service
,.. Implementation priorities, based on time, resources, and feasibility.
A key component of the planning process is the public outreach/stakeholder input into the
coordinated plan. Program guidance requires public outreach and public participation in the
planning process. Partners, at a minimum, must include public, private, non-profit and human
services transportation providers as well as representatives of target populations. Each area
receiving funds is encouraged to identify and include other stakeholders in the service ,""ea. In
its role as the Community Transportation Coordinator, Collier County's Alternative
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Transportation Modes Department already has an extensive list of partners. This list of partners
includes, but is not limited to, private transportation providers, nursing homes, social service
agencies, and disabled passengers. As part of long term planning efforts, Collier County's
Alternative Transportation Modes Department and Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization
will continue to outreach to social service agencies, local elected officials, and the transportation
disadvantaged and elderly population for continuous input of unmet transportation needs and to
identify creative, innovative solutions to meet those needs. Documentation of Public Outreach
efforts can be provided upon request.
This effort is supplemented by placing public notices in the local newspaper in an effort to
encourage attendance oftarget populations at the meetings. These stakeholder meetings include,
but are not limited to the Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the MPO Transportation
Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board. The MPO Board previously adopted a plan to set
policy on public participation. This document is the MPO's Public Invo]vement Plan. The MPO
Board last approved an Amendment to the Public Involvement Plan on June ]3,2008. The goal
of the MPO's Public Invo]vement Plan is to encourage and allow the opportunity for all citizens
regardless of race, color, religion, income status, national origin, age, gender, disability, marital
status, or political affiliation to participate in the MPO's decision making process with regard to
transportation in Collier County. Additional information is located in the Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization Public Involvement Process.
Topics of discussion at stakeholder meetings included, but were not limited to;
:;. JARC/NF Program funding and eligible projects
:;. Objectives for both programs
:;. Collier County as the designated CTC
:;. Respective roles of the stakeholders
:;. Loca] challenges and next steps.
Stakeholder meetings are held on a continuous basis, and information on updates on the status of
the 53] 6 and 5317 programs are provided at these meetings on a regular basis. This process
provides an opportunity for input and comments on program direction from Stakeholders. In put
received from Stakeholders and through the public participation process is incorporated into the
PMP and submitted to the Board of Collier County Commissioners, and the Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization Board for their endorsement.
Eligible Applicants
Those eligible to apply for JARC and NF Program funding include:
:;. Private nonprofit organizations;
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.,. State or local governmental authorities; and
.,. Operators of public transportation services, including private operators of public
transportation services.
Eligible Project Costs and Funding Priorities
.lob Access and Reverse Commute (JARCl Pro1!ram. .lARC funds are available for capital,
planning, and operating expenses that support the development and maintenance of
transportation services designed to transport low-income individuals to and from jobs and
activities related to their employment and to support reverse commute projects. More detailed
information on the program and project cligibility can be found in FT A guidance circular:
FT AC9050.1 at
New Freedom (NFl Pro1!ram. NF Program funds are available for capita] and operating expenses
that support new public transportation services beyond those required by the American with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and new public transportation alternatives beyond those required
by the ADA designed to assist individuals with disahilities with accessing transportation
services, including transportation to and from jobs and employment support services. For the
purposes of NF Program, "ncw" service is any service or activity that was not operational on
August 10, 2005 (the date on which the program was enacted). In other words, if not for the NF
Program, these projects would not have consideration for funding and proposed service
enhancements would not be avai]able for individuals with disabilities.
More detailed information on the program and projcct eligibility can be found in FT A guidance
circular FT A C 9045.] at:] _New Jreedom.pdC
Program Priorities
As a result of public outreach workshop, number of projects was developed that ranked priorities
of unmet transportation needs. Thc list of projects was divided into three broad categories -
Service, Accessibility and Enhancements. The top jive needs that emerged from the workshop
were: (I) There is a need for inter-county travel for fixed-route and paratransit trips; (2) There
are gaps in fixed-route serviccs and routes; (3) There is a need for additional shelters; (4)
Transportation services are too limitcd in the evenings and weekends; (5) There is a need for
current routes to increase frequency.
Those who participated in the on-line survey wcrc given the opportunity to rank categories by
order of importance and then rank projects within those categories. The results are as follows:
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1. Service-Related: This category is for all problems and solutions identified that address
specific public transportation services (e.g., types of trips, hours of service, frequency of
buses, service area).
a. Night service for Job Access
b. Connection service to Lee County for paratransit
c. Weekend persona] trips for members of the disabled community for paratransit
These projects include expansion of service to areas currently not served by public
transportation, paratransit trips that currently do not qualifY under programs, and
increased access to employment opportunities. Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization
conducts public outreach on a continuous basis, collecting information for an annual update
on the Program of Projects (POP). Projects are solicited, reviewed and considered for
approval on an as needed basis. The Transportation Disadvantaged Services Plan contains
the Program of Projects and is updated on an annual basis to be published by October I" of
each year.
2. Accessibility-Related: This category is for all problems and solutions identified that address
specific public transportation accessibility (e.g., the extent to which facilities and buses are
barrier free and usable by persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users).
a. Sidewalks
b. Additiona] benches or shelters
3. Enhancement-Related: This category is for all problems and solutions identified that address
specific public transportation enhancements (e.g., the improvement or addition of bus
shelters, benches, information at bus stops, etc.).
a. Improved signage
b. Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies, such as a NextBus system. NextBus uses
GPS tracking satellites to provide vehicle arrival information and rea] time maps - not
just bus schedules - to passengers and managers of public transit.
When those who responded to the survey were given the opportunity to rank projects in the order
they deemed the most important they ranked the projects as follows:
1. Extended service hours. Transit hours of operation are not adequate to address the primary
types of employment in the area. The need for evening and weekend service has been
repeatedly expressed, and is considered to be a top priority transit need. Many jobs filled by
low-income individuals are in retail, manufacturing, restaurant, service and medical sectors.
Companies in these sectors often have second and third shifts.
2. Iucreased routes. The population is moving further to the eastern part of Collier County,
however, the employment hubs are still centered in the western part of Collier County.
These new developments have limited or no transit service. This gap in service could be
filled with extensions of local routes or the addition of new local routes. This would expand
service coverage to new areas and customers.
3. Geographical service connections. Many gaps exist in the transit system within Collier
County, as well as between Collier County and Lee County. Connections are needed to link
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the transit areas. Gaps exist for both fixed route and paratransit services. Providing
connections to other transportation services would help to expand mobility and access for
persons with disabilities. for people seeking employment and for others.
4. Infrequent transit service. Where fixed route service exists in the CAT service area, it is
usually at a one-hour frequency, which is inadequate for most people, especially those
making work trips. CAT scrvice is also infrequent in some locations, particularly in the
Immoka]ee service area.
5. Bus Shelters / Benches. Most bus stops do not have benches or shelters. There is a desire
from the community to have more shelters and benches at all bus stop locations.
6. Sidewalks. Some bus stops do not have a complete sidewalk network. The project will
continue to establish a complete sidewalk network.
7. GPS. (see survey results, subparagraph 3b above)
8. Transfers. It was noted that there are limited areas to transfer between routes, and a transfer
may expire before the bus to which the individual needs to transfer has arrived.
9. Customer Price for Service: This category is for all problems and solutions related to the
amount the customer must pay to utilize public transportation services.
10. Other.
a. Weekend Trips For the Disabled
b. Signage
c. Advertising
d. Bus Comfort
e. Bus Safety
Federal and Local Funding Match Requirements
JARC and NF Program funds can be used for capita] or operating expenses, and JARC funds can
also be used for planning. The Federal share for capita] and planning costs may not exceed 80
percent of the net cost of the activity, with a local match of not less than 20 percent required.
The Federal share of the eligible operating costs may not exceed 50 percent of the net operating
costs of the eligible activity, with a local share of 50 percent required.
The project sponsor is responsible for securing a commitment for local matching funds. All of
the local share must be provided from othcr than Federal Department of Transportation funds.
Fedcral funds from other sources may be used for all or part of the "local" match. Income from
contracts to provide human service transportation may be used either to reduce the net projects
cost (i.e., treated as revenue) or to provide local match for operating assistance. In either case,
the cost of providing the contract service is included in the total project cost.
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Other Federa] funds that are eligible to be expended for transportation may be used for local
match for activities included in the total net project costs of the FT A grant and include:
employment training, community services, vocational rehabilitation services, and Temporary
Assistance for Needy Fami]ies (T ANF).
Examp]es of other types of Federa] funding that may be availab]e as match can be found at:
Other sources of local match include: State or local appropriations; dedicated tax revenues;
private donations; toll revenue credits; and net-income generated from advertising and
Project Selection Criteria and Method of Distributing Funds
The Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will participate in the application and
selection process for subrecipients. But Collier County, as the designated recipient, provides all
of the JARC and NF program staff administrative activities for Collier County.
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will issue a project proposal solicitation
announcement, the availability of which will be announced in local newspapers and by mail to a
list of socia] service agencies, if applicable, tribal governments, private public transportation
providers, and others. The announcement will describe the application, evaluation, and project
approval process for the JARC and NF Program.
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will respond to any questions by notifying all
interested parities of the questions and responses so that all applicants can benefit from any
additional information.
The projects will be reviewed and evaluated, and application for all projects selected for funding
is expected to be approved and funds obligated by FT A.
As part of this Program Management Plan for FT A 5316 and 5317 grant funds, Collier County
Alternative Transportation Modes Department, working with the Collier Metropo]itan Planning
Organization developed an application process for JARC and/or NF funding. The project funding
application is identified in Appendix B of this document. Interested parties will be given
approximately 21 days to submit applications for funding. After submission, the selection
committee will review and rank submitted applications. Next, the selection committee will meet
and discuss the submitted applications and select those projects for funding that best meet the
unmet demand, serve the target populations, are within the funding limits, and can be
implemented within a reasonable timeframe. The selection committee will also make funding
allocations. A notice will be sent to all project applicants notifYing them of whether or not their
projects will be funded and the dollar amount they will be given.
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will assess the process used for the first competitive
solicitation, evaluation, review, and selection of projects and revise the process if appropriate
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based on the assessment. Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will follow a process
consistent with Collier County and FT A procurement policies.
Applicants may request funding for projects up to three years. Due to funding limitations,
applicants may be approved for less funding than requested and/or for only a one to two year
duration. The application content and project evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate the
project proposals.
The application rating criteria, developed by Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization, has
undergone a public process as part of the overall approval process of this document when
brought through the MPO Committee and MPO Board Meetings. A detailed explanation of the
criteria can be found in the project funding application in Appendix B.
In addition to the criteria for project selection, a scoring table was developed to provide more
detailed information on the review process that would occur for all projects or programs
submitted for funding. A complete application for JARC and/or NF funding including the
scoring table can be found in Appendix B. The final application will also include the timeline
established for the project selection process. Submitted projects will be rated by a selection
committee based upon point accumulation from the table categories. The selection committee
will be comprised of five individuals including representatives from the following: Collier MPO
Committees, FOOT, Collier County Human Services, and a user of public transportation service.
Job Access and Reverse Commute Program / New Freedom Program
Proposed Project Submission Guidelines
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will accept sealed proposals up until 21 calendar
days following the advertisement requesting project proposals (applications).
Proposals received pursuant to Requests for Proposals are exempt from the provisions of the
Public Records Law until such time as an award decision is made or within thirty (30) days after
the proposal opening, whichever is earlier.
Submitted envelopes should be clearly marked as JARC and NF project applications for MPO
Proposing firms/agencies should submit an original and four (4) complete copIes of their
proposal (total offive (5) packets).
Proposals are to be addressed as follows for eithcr mail or hand delivery:
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization
2885 S. Horseshoe Dr.
Naples, FL 34104
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Offers by telephone, emai], fax, or telegram shall not be accepted. Also, Proposers are instructed
NOT to fax their proposal. Faxed proposals shall be rejected as non-responsive regardless of
where or when the fax is received.
It is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that his or her proposal reaches Collier
Metropolitan Planning Organization on time. Proposals received after the specified time and
date shall be returned unopened. The time/date phone system clock located in at Collier
Metropo]itan Planning Organization office shall serve as the official authority to determine
lateness of any proposal. Proposers are cautioned that they are responsible for delivery to the
specific location cited above. Therefore, if the proposal is delivered by an express mail carrier or
by any other means, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure delivery to the above
address. The MPO's office will not be responsible for deliveries made to any place other than
the herein specified address.
The information in each application is a public record. Applicants should not include information
that may be regarded as confidential. All applicants will be notified of funding
recommendations/project selection by the Collier Metropo]itan Planning Organization after the
projects were selected and approved by the appropriate MPO committees and MPO Board.
Since the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is the designated recipient of
the JARC and NF funds, the BCC must ratifY the MPO's decision regarding the selection of
projects to be funded. The Collier County BCC would be scheduled to hear the final
recommendation on the project at the next BCC meeting following the MPO process. Upon
Collier County BCC ratification, the final award ofprojects to be funded will be submitted to the
Federal Transit Administration for approval of the 49 USC S 53] 6 - Job Access Reverse
Commute (JARC) and 49 USC S 53] 7-New Freedom Program funds. The BCC's action will
allow projects to be included in the F]orida STIP, and be a precondition to submitting the
Program of Projects to FT A.
Successful applicants will receive a letter that describes the forms and processes that they will
need to complete in order to access FT A funds. App]icants not recommended for funding will
receive a letter summarizing the reason(s) their project was not recommended.
All applicants selected for funding under either or both programs must comply with all
appropriate FT A terms and conditions; these terms and conditions will be identified in the
application advertisement. Before entering into an agreement with Collier County the successful
applicants will be required to sign and have notarized the following:
.,. FT A FY 2009 Master Agreement
.,. FT A FY 2009 Certifications and Assurances
.,. FT A Required Third Party Contract Clauses
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Administration, Planning and Technical Assistance
Collier County intends to use the JARC and NF funds for projects, and not for planning or
administration. It is the philosophy that these programs were intended to fill a gap in service to
met an unmet transportation needs. It is a goal of Collier County to make every effort to support
projects and to maximize resources for projects that provide transportation services.
Collier County's Alternative Transportation Modes Department will be responsible for providing
program management oversight and technical assistance for the project's success.
Technica] assistance will be provided on either a one-on-one basis or Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization will conduct a technical assistance workshop for sub-recipients selected
for funding under either or both programs, depending on the number of sub-recipients selected
and their level of need. The method Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization will use will be
determined once project selections have been made in this first cycle of competition for JARC
and NF Program funds.
Please see the Attachment Section for Levels of Responsibility for the Job Access and Reverse
Commute Program and the New Freedom Program.
Federal Requirements Related to FTA Funding Assistance
As the designated recipient and direct FT A recipient, Collier is responsible for managing all
aspects of grant distribution and oversight of sub-recipients receiving funds under this program,
and submitting reports as required by FT A. Collier County is responsible for ensuring
compliance of itself and its sub-recipients with all relevant Fcderal requirements.
FT A grantees and their sub-recipients are held to a number of FT A-specific and other Federa]
requirements, including labor protections required under 49 U.S.C 5333(b) (labor protection
requirements do not apply to NF Program). Sub-recipients should carefully review all
requirements provided in circulars ensure a thorough understanding of their responsibilities
related to Federal requirements.
Grantees make legal affirmation to abide by FT A and other Federal requirements by signing a
Master Agreement and the current fiscal year Certifications and Assurances Collier County as
the dircct rccipient of FT A funding, will enter into agreements with sub-recipients that include
relevant requirements including but not limited to the following.
Private Sector Participation
Federa] law requires the public to be involved in the transportation planning process, and
specifically requires that private providers be provided an opportunity to be consulted in
developing transportation plans. Public involvement processes must be proactive and provide
complete information, timely public notice, full public access to key decisions, and opportunities
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for early and continuing involvement throughout the transportation planning and programming
Public input was provided through stakeholder meetings. These meetings were used as
opportunity to provide information on grant programs, solicit information on unmet
transportation needs, to develop an inventory of transportation service/capacity, to obtain
suggestions for solutions to areas of unrnet transportation needs, and provided the opportunity for
stakeholders to rank the projects in priority order. This resulted in Collier Metropolitan Planning
Organization Program of Projects which is documented in the County's Transportation
Disadvantaged Services Plan, a ]ocally coordinated human services plan.
Maximum feasible participation by private sector providers is fostered by awarding project
evaluation points for projects that have been developed through such partnerships.
Civil Rights
Collier County and its sub-recipients, through an interagency agreement, will certify compliance
with the requirement of Title VI, Equa] Emp]oyment Opportunity, (EEO), and Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (DBE) laws and regulations.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and
national origin for programs and activities receiving Federa] financial assistance. Six Federa]
laws enacted between 1964 and 1991 comprise the Federal Equa] Emp]oyment Opportunity
(EEO) program, which prohibit job discrimination passed on race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, age, disabilities and provide for monetary damages in cases of intentional employment
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program,
authorized by TEA-21 and continued in SAFETEA-LU, is intended to ensure nondiscrimination
in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts and sub-agreements. Collier County
as a recipient of Federa] Transit Administration funds, has implemented and will require its sub-
recipients to have implemented a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program in accordance
with 49 C.F.R part 26. As such, Collier County and its sub-recipients shall never exclude any
person from participating in, deny any person the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against
anyone in connection with the award and performance of any contract covered by Collier County
DBE program on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin.
Section 504 and American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Collier County agrees to comply, and assures the compliance of each third party contractor and
each sub-recipient at any tier of the Project, with the applicable laws and regulations, discussed
below, for nondiscrimination on the basis of disability.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as amended (29 U.S.c. 794),
prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by recipients of Federal financial assistance.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended (42 U.S.c. 1210] et seq.),
prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, activities,
and services of public entities, as well as imposes specific requirements on public and private
providers of transportation.
U.S. DOT regulations implementing Section 504 and the ADA include 49 CFR parts 27,37, and
38. Among other provisions, the regulations specify accessibility requirements for the design and
construction of new transportation facilities; require that vehicles acquired (with limited
exceptions) be accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, including individuals
using wheelchairs; require public entities, including a private non-profit entity "standing in the
shoes" of the State as a sub-recipient providing fixed-route service, to provide complementary
paratransit service to individuals with disabilities who cannot use the fixed-route service; and
include service requirements intended to ensure that individuals with disabilities are afforded
equal opportunity to use transportation systems. In addition, recipients of any FT A funds should
be aware that they also have responsibilities under Titles ], Il, III, IV and V of the ADA in the
areas of employment, public services, public accommodations, telecommunications, and other
provisions, many of which are subject to regulations issued by other Federal agencies.
Sub-recipient Financial Management
Collier County will develop and execute grant agreements for any sub-recipients selected for
funding under the programs. Collier County executes the agreements after the FT A funds are
secured. All grant agreements for capita] projects detail the equipment approved for purchase
and its intended use.
Agreements for operations assistance outline the type of service provided by the sub-recipient,
the time period covered by the agreement, and the service area.
All funding for expenses incurred under both programs is provided on a reimbursement basis.
Collier County will reimburse the sub-recipient with the federal funds based on the proportions
identified on the grant agreement. Sub-recipients will retain the original receipts for all eligible
project expenditures. ]n the case of capital projects, sub-recipients must attach copies of vendor
invoices to reimbursement requests. Sub-recipients receiving operations assistance are not
required to submit copies of all vendor invoices. However, they must retain copies in their
offices for verification of expenses during Collier County site visits according to the specifics of
the Request for Proposals in the project application process..
Please see Attachment section for Levels of Responsibility for the Job Access and Reverse
Commute Program and the New Freedom Program.
Program Management
Collier County will enter into a written agreemcnt with each sub-recipient that may be funded
under the two programs stating the terms and conditions of assistance by which the project will
be undertaken and completed. Collier County will monitor all local projects to ensure that sub-
recipients have met or will meet all Federal requirements consistent with U.S. DOT regulations,
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"Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and
Loca] Governments," 49 CFR part ] 8 (the "common rule" or "common grant rule"), and
"Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher
Education, Hospita]s, and other Non-profit Organizations," 49 CFR part 19. Collier County /
Collier Area Transit will ensure compliance with requirements unique to the State of Florida
consistent with those that apply to the Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program.
Collier County will monitor sub-recipient compliance with Federal requirements through in a
number of methods, including review of quarterly and annual reports, and review of invoices
remitted for payment of operating and/or capital costs.
Collier County will visit each sub-recipient at least once a year to monitor compliance with
Federal requirements and program guidance and to provide or arrange for any technical
assistance a sub-recipient may need. Collier County will use a checklist (to be developed) and
provide a summary of each visit, which it will keep on file and may make avai]able to FT A
during any Federal program management reviews.
Procedures used by sub-recipients to purchase eligible items with JARC and NF Program grant
funds must ensure competitive procurement and conformity to applicable federal law, including
49 CFR Part] 8, specifically Section ] 8.36 and FT A Guidance Circular: FT A C 4229.] E, "Third
Party Contracting Requirements." Sub-recipients must perform in accordance with terms,
conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. Collier County will ensure
that every sub-grant includes any clauses required by Federal or state statute and executive
orders and their implementing regulations. Collier County Procurement and Contract
Administration, Administrative Rule 4, provides more information on statutes and requirements
and documents the process Collier County uses to contract for labor, services, goods and
materials for its business.
Pre-award and Post-de]iverv Delivery Reviews
Sub-recipients that purchase rolling stock for use in revenue service must conduct a pre-award
and post-deliver review to assure compliance with bid specifications, Buy America requirements,
and Federal motor vehicle safety requirements. Only purchases of more than 10 vehicles, other
than unmodified vans or sedans, requires in-plant inspection. Collier County will obtain the
certifications from sub-recipients through the sub-recipient agreement. Collier County will
prepare a checklist for its sub-recipients to use in complying with FT A's pre-award audit
requirements. The checklist will address "Buy America;" Federa] Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards; Bus Testing, and the sub-recipient's own specifications. Sub-recipients are required
to verilY certified information by use of the checklist during the visit at the manufacturer's
factory. Collier County will prepare a checklist (Visual Inspection Form and Road Test Form)
for the sub-recipient's use in the post-delivery inspection of the vehicle(s). A copy of the
completed checklist is required when the sub-recipient submits their request for reimbursement.
New Model Bus Testing
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New and modified bus models must be tested at the FT A-sponsored test facility in Altoona,
Pennsylvania. Purchasers of new model buses should ensure that the manufacturer has complied
with the testing requirement by requesting a copy of the bus testing report from the A]toona Bus
Research and Testing Center, 2237 Old Route 220 North, Duncansville, PA 16635. The center's
phone number is 814- 6953404, and bus testing reports may also be downloaded from the Bus
Testing Database at Collier County will obtain certifications from sub-
recipients that purchase new model buses that it has obtained a copy of the official bus testing
Buy America. FT A may not obligate funds for a grantee project unless all steel, iron, and
manufactured products are produced in the United States, unless the product is subject to a
general waiver, or a waiver has been granted. Buy America requirements apply only if the
purchase exceeds the threshold for small purchases, currently $]00,000. For purchases over this
threshold, Collier County will review during site visits invitations for bids to determine if Buy
America provisions are included, and cxamine bid responses and executed contracts to determine
if properly executed Buy America certifications have been obtained.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Collier County must ensure that each transit vehicle manufacturer, as a condition of being
authorized to bid or propose on FT A-assisted transit vehicle procurements, do not discriminate
against DBEs has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR part 26.
Debarment and Suspension
To prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in Federal transactions, Collier County is responsible for
ensuring that Federa] funs are not provided to anyone who has been debarred, suspended,
ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in Federally-assisted transactions. The U.S.
General Services Administration (GSA) maintains a website at, which is updated
in real time as changes to data occur. Collier County will review during site visits a sub-
recipient's transactions, particularly for vehicles and equipment, to verifY that checks have been
Restrictions on Lobbving
Recipients of Federal grants and contracts exceeding $100,000 must certifY that they have not
and will not use Federal appropriated funds to pay for influencing or attempting to influence an
officer or employee of any Federal department or agency, a member of Congress, or an officer or
employee of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal grant, cooperative agreement or
any other Federal award. Collier County requires each sub-recipient receiving more than
$100,000 to complete FTA's Certification on Lobbying prior to contract execution. All bids for
equipment prepared by these sub-recipients are required to contain this certification as well.
Vehicle Use
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Vehicles must remain in use for the purposes intended by the Federal program under which they
are purchased. Maximum use of vehicles is encouraged, first for program related purposes, then
for other federal program and project purposes, and finally for other community needs. Collier
County is responsible for ensuring satisfactory continuing control over all vehicles purchased
under JARC and NF Program and must ensure that vehicles are insured and used for eligib]e
public transit purposes.
If sub-recipients intend to take vehicles out of service for program purposes, they must notify
Collier County before doing so. Sub-recipients must remit the federal percentage share of the
equipment's current fair market value to Collier County. The fair market value is determined by
obtaining an independent appraisal of the equipment.
The terms and conditions of vehicle use, disposition, and insurance requirements will be
included in the sub-recipient agreements prior to awarding funds for vehicles. Collier County
will maintain an inventory of all vehicles purchased under each program, and will require sub-
recipients to submit annual vehicle use reports (mi]es, hours, passengers, trip purpose) to ensure
that vehicles are used in accordance with program requirements and are not underused.
Vehicle Maintenance
Collier County is responsible for ensuring that federally funded equipment and facilities are kept
in good operating order. As part of their standard sub-recipient agreements, Collier County will
require sub-recipients to follow manufacturer's suggested maintenance activities and schedules
to ensure they maintain equipment in good operating order and perfolTI1 pre-trip inspections of
vehicles. Collier County will check sub-recipient maintenance records and may inspect vehicles
during site visits.
Collier County maintains vehicle maintenance records for preventative maintenance, genera]
repairs, including repairs and maintenance related to ADA equipment. This includes wheelchair
lifts, ramps, securement devices, handrails, signage, and radio communication equipment. All
accessibility equipment is inspected daily, and any defects detected will cause the vehicle to be
shopped, and taken out of service until the repairs completed. All ADA equipment receives
regular preventative maintenance.
Exclusive Schoo] Bus Transportation
Sub-recipient agreements will include provisions related to compliance with 49 U.S.C. 5323(1)
and FTA regulations, "School Bus Operations," at 49 CFR 605.14. Sub-recipients must agree
that they will:
(1) not engage in schoo] transportation operations in competItion with private school
transportation operators only to the extent permitted by 49 U.S.c. 5323(1), and Federa]
regulations; and
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(2) comply with the requirements of 49 CFR part 605 before providing any schoo]
transportation using equipment or facilities acquired with Federa] assistance authorized
by 49 U.S.c. chapter 53 or Tit]e 23 U.S.c. for transportation projects.
Drug and Alcoho] Testing
Upon notification of grant award to a sub-recipient, Collier County will require that sub-
recipients submit their policies and procedures to Collier County for review and approval. Collier
County will provide technical assistance to the sub-recipient in the form of training, networking,
policy development, and distribution ofFT A's publication Implementation Guidelines for Drug
and Alcoho] Regulations in Mass Transit.
To monitor a sub-recipient's compliance with the drug abuse and alcohol misuse requirement,
Collier County will develop a checklist identifYing each of the required elements including:
policies, proccdures for distributing policies, training elements, minimum definition of
supervisors subject to training, minimum frequency for training, verification of attendance at
training; method of selecting participants for random testing, procedures for conducing testing,
and designation of a medical review officer.
Collier County will use the checklist during onsite visits. Collier County will reqUIre sub-
recipients to submit annual reports to verifY compliance with the regulations.
Program Reporting Requirements
Collier County is responsible for ensuring certain reports are provided to FT A each year. In order
to provide these reports for services provided by Collier County and its sub-recipients, it will be
necessary for Collier County to collect certain data from each sub-recipient. In order for Collier
County to be able to report to FT A by the end of the month after the end of each Federal fiscal
year quarter, sub-recipients will be responsible for submitting to Collier County the following
information by the 15th of December, April, July, and October. Annual reports are due by the
15th of October. The reports that Collier County will provide to FT A each year are:
Annual Program of Proiects Status Reports
Collier County will submit quarterly status reports that include an updated POP for each
approved grant which contains active projects. The updated POP reflects project
descriptions, changes in projects from one category to another, and adjustments if
applicable. Significant civil rights compliance issues occurring during the year (such as
Title VI, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) Program complaints against Collicr County or sub-recipients) will bc addressed in
the annual status report. Collier County will also report notable accomplishments or
problems involving JARC or NF PROGRAM sub-recipients. Collier County will develop a
report foml for information needed from sub-recipients.
Mi]estone Activitv Reports
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For activity line items (ALIs) for which milestones were required at the time of recipient
application (for example, for vehicle procurements, construction projects, and program
reserve), Collier County will provide revised milestone dates as part of the annual report. If
the estimated completion date for the grant has changed, the revised date will be provided
with an explanation as to why the date has changed. This information will be reported for
Collier County activities and those of its sub-recipients.
Program Measures
Collier County will also collect from sub-recipients data to be included in its annual report
to FTA related to measures that FTA uses to comply with the Government Performance
and Results Act (GPRA) and the Performance Assessment Rating Too] process for the
Office of Management and Budget. The following indicators are targeted to capture
overarching program information as part of Collier County's fourth quarter POP status
report for the JARC program. Collier County will collect the following information from
sub-recipients in their annual report:
;Il Actual or estimated number of jobs that can be accessed as a result of geographic or
temporal coverage of JARC projects implemented in the current reporting year.
0liI Actual or estimated number of rides (as measured by one-way trips) provided as a
result of the JARC projects implemented in the current reporting year.
The following indicators are targeted for the NF Program:
Services provided that impact availability of transportation services for individuals with
disabilities as a result of the New Freedom projects implemented in the current reporting year.
Examp]es include geographic .coverage, service quality and/or service times.
Additions or changes to environmental infrastructure (e.g., transportation facilities, side walks,
etc), technology, vehicles that impact availability of transportation services as a result of the New
Freedom projects implemented in the current report year.
Actua] or estimated number of rides (as measured by one-way trips) provided for individuals
with disabilities as a result of the New Freedom projects implemented in the current reporting
Financia] Status Report
Collier County submits quarterly Financia] Status Reports. Each sub-recipient is responsible for
accurate and complete disclosure of its project related expenditures.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Reports
Recipients that receive planning, capital, and/or operating assistance and will award prime
contracts exceeding $250,000 in FT A funds in a fiscal year must have a DBE program. All sub-
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reCIpIents that receive planning, capital, and/or operating assistance and will award prime
contracts exceeding $250,000 in FT A funds in a fiscal year must also have a DBE program and
submit a DBE program goal to FT A for review by August 1 of each year.
Close Out
Collier County will initiate project closeout with sub-grantees within 90 days after all funds are
expended and all work activities for the project are completed. Collier County will also initiate
program of project (POP) closeout with FT A within 90 days after all work activities for the
program of projects are completed. A final Financial Status Report (SF269A), final budget and
final program of projects must be submitted electronically via the TEAM system at the time of
Collier County will ensure that audits are performed pursuant to the requirements of OMB
Circular A-133, "Audits of State and Loca] Governments," resolving audit findings, and
bringing problems to FT A's attention. FT A has not required an annual financial audit of a sub-
grantee when assistance is provided solely in the form of capita] equipment procured directly by
the designated recipient. At a minimum, designated recipicnts should require sub-grantees to
bring to the attention of the designated recipient any audit findings relevant to their use of FT A
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Collier County FTA Section 5316 Job Access - Reverse Commute
& FTA Section 5317 New Freedom Grant Application
Collier County has been named the designated recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
USC 5316 Job Access - Reverse Commute and USC 5317 New Freedom grant funds. In order
to access these grant funds, Collier County has developed a Program Management Plan to
administer and apply for these funds. The applications for these grant funds are to be applied for
through a competitive bid process administered by the Collier Metropolitan Planning
Organization and in accordance with the Program Management Plan (PMP).
Possible projects for these two grant funds were publicly developed through advertised
workshops, surveys, and public meetings. The projects were then identified in the
Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP), which is Collier County's Coordinated
Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan. The TDSP went through an advertised
public process of all the MPO Committees which allows for public input at every step in the
reviews and approvals. Transit projects Were identified, prioritized and approved through the
Metropolitan Planning Organizations' Committees.
In order to submit a proposal requesting funding, please provide the information requested
below. It is the intent of those considering the proposals to make the process simple so as to not
create a barrier to participating in this program.
Applications must be submitted prior to close of business (5:00 p.m.) on DATE to:
Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization
Attention: Phil Tindall, Director
2885 S. Horseshoe Drive
Naples, FL 34104
Applications must be submitted in hard copv either bv hand-delivery or bv mail. No
applications will be accepted that are submitted by email or by fax.
Aeencv Information
Please provide the following information about your agency:
1. Agency name, address and contact information including telephone and e-mail.
2. Name of executive director and agency representative presenting proposal.
3. Provide information regarding the mission of your organization, how long your organization
has been in operation, identify target population served and detail services provided.
4. Identify what are of Collier County your agency serves.
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Proiect Information
Please provide the following information about the project:
I. Describe the project
2. Identify which program(s) (JARC and/or NF) you are applying to. Explain how your project
meets JARC or NF target goals.
3. Identify the plan priorities addressed in the TDSP.
4. Provide a budget for the project identifying how program funds will be used and document
the source of matching funds. Capital projects require a 20% match. Operating projects
require a 50% match,
5. Provide a time table for implementation including milestones.
6. Provide a statement that the proposed services are new and not supplanting services already
7. Describe how these transportation services are being coordinated with existing transportation
services and in cooperation with the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) in
Collier County.
How Your Proiect Will Be Evaluated
Collier County as the designated recipient ofUSC 5316 JARC and 5317 NF grant funds is
responsible for compliance with u.s. Department of Transportation FTA program rules and
applicable Federal, State and Local Laws for these programs. Funded projects will be required
to comply with these rules. Project proposals will be evaluated and ranked based on their ability
to meet program goals and requirements. Projects will be adopted by the Collier County Board
of County Commissioners and submitted to FTA prior to award.
To view applicable rules and regulations for funded projects please visit financing 7 411.html or request a copy in writing
Metropolitan Planning Organization
Attn: Sue Fau]kner
2885 S. Horseshoe Dr.
Naples, FL 34104
Phone 239-252-8192
Attached to this application is the primary criteria sheet that will be utilized by the project
selection committee to rank proposals. If there are questions or concerns please contact Phi]
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Proiect Application Evaluation
All items in the checklist below must be checked in order to be moved to the Project
Selection Committee for consideration.
1. Be a Ie all re . stered business or a enc
2. Serves the tar et 0 u]ation
3. Addresses an identified service
4. This ro'ect achieves efficienc
5. Has not been listed as Federal! desbarred
6. Was not rejected by other funding programs or resources before the present
a lication
7. App]icant has appropriate resources such as wheelchair accessible vehicles and
dis atch services available within a reasonable eriod after ro' ect a rova]
8. Maximize the use of available local, state, and Federally funded public
transportation resources, not for a secondary layer of services which are already
in existence
9. Applicant must have the technical and managerial capabilities to conduct the
10. Must demonstrate the financial ability to meet the matching portion of the
Should the application move forward from the Checklist to the Project Selection
Committee for consideration, The Project Scoring Criteria on the following page will be
used by the Committee for final project selection: .
Proiect Scorinl! Criteria
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Need for Program - clearly demonstrates existing needs in the community and
provides justification for purposed services, with specific attention to data, needs
assessment, oals and ob' ectives
Program Design - evaluates how well the proposal explains and defines that the
need for the services is met and that the target population is served by the
proposed program. Evaluates that the project is new, innovative and not eligible
under an other ro ams. .
Knowledge and Experience with Target Populations - demonstrates the agency's
involvement and understandin of the needs of the tar et 0 ulation
Performance Evaluation Svstem - evaluates how the program will demonstrate
that the services to be provided will benefit the target population and the
ro am's abilit to artner with other local a encies and share resources
Unit rate. budget. and cost effectiveness - assesses the fmancial viability of the
proposed services by overall program revenue. unit rate, expenses, cost
effectiveness, and revenue to be enerated includin non-count sources
Fiscal/Accounting Svstem - evaluates agency's financial/accounting system and
ast audits
Agencv Experience - describes agency's background, volume of work and
len of time rovidin services that are similar to services bein ro osed
Board of Directors Involvement - demonstrates the effectiveness and degree of
involvement of the Board of Directors
Management and Staff Experience and Background - evaluates the ability of the
agency's Chief Executive Officer. management, and staff to fulfill the agency
mission and implement services consistent with current or best practices for the
tar et 0 ulation to be served
Overall Proposal- assesses the completion of the application and the agency's
histo and abilit
In addition to the total points possible listed above. the Proiect Selection
Committee will award BONUS POINTS for the folIowinl!:
List 1
Agenda Item No. 1682
February 24, 2009
Page 32 of 32
With the bonus points this brings the total possible number of points to 104. Each application
must pass all items in the Checklist above in order to be considered by the Selection Committee
and have points assigned under the Evaluation and Bonus Points sections above.
In case of two competing project applications achieving the same final score, then additional
points will be added for the project that attains a higher productivity level (which ever project
will have the greatest passenger benefit).
Applicants that did not move forward to evaluations by the Selection Committee will be notified
as soon as possible following the application deadline. The winning project(s) will be
announced to all applicants following FT A project approval. This may take up to 120 days
following the application deadline.