Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #17A Item No. 17A FerJrJary 10, 2009 Page 1 of 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to authorization under item 16F(2) on January 13, 2009, adopt and enact a duly noticed and published Ordinance dissolving fourteen (14) inactive taxing authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Property Tax Roll. OBJECTIVE: To obtain the Board's approval to adopt and enact the attached enabling ordinance dissolve fourteen (14) inactive Taxing Authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Property Tax RoIL CONSIDERATIONS: The State Department of Revenue Truth in Millage (TRIM) process is an annual occurrence involving a number of Collier County Governmental entities including the Property Appraiser's Office (PA) and the Offiee of Management and Budget (OMB). Annually, the P A prepares the preliminary July 1 st and recapitulated (October and post Value Adjustment Board) taxable value for forty nine (49) taxing authorities. - During this year's TRIM process, the OMB and the PA discussed the possibility of dissolving up to twenty three (23) inactive taxing authorities thus reducing the paperwork volume and reporting requirements necessitated by each taxing authority as part of the TRIM compliance process. On January 13, 2009 under item 16F(2) (Executive Summary attached), the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to proceed with preparation of the required ordinance and provide due notice including publication of the intended action to dissolve sixteen (16) inactive taxing authorities (see attached notice). Since this publication, staff has opted to present for dissolution fourteen (14) taxing authorities; which are all eligible based upon the original criteria presented to the Board. Please note that dissolving these taxing authorities will reduce TRIM reporting requirements only. The P A will continue to collect valuation data and maintain within their information system genera! taxable value numbers and should it be necessary to resurrect a dissolved taxing authority - verification of the legal boundary and other administrative procedures would be required with.in the prescribed time lines for creating a new taxing authority (January 1 SI). FISCAL IMPACT: By dissolving inactive taxing authorities, the volume of paperwork required by the PA and OMB which involve multiple DR-420 form submittals will diminish greatly. If a taxing authority appears on the PA's tax roll, all form submittal requirements apply even though there is no millage request. - il~rrl r'~C}. i i,A. ::.- 10.2[IC9 :=: of -iO ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: This item was not submitted for Advisory Board consideration. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a majority vote for approval, and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt and enact an ordinance dissolving fourteen (14) inactive taxing authorities currently found on the Property Appraisers Property Tax Roll. Prepared by: Mark Isackson, Senior Management and Budget Analyst Office of Managcment and Budget , ~ Aq3nCI,,_lte~! ~J10^1.7 A AgeT1!iaAmlEir\~q{; G!7jZJ9 Janua!'Ya~ gOQg, 0 Page 1 0(40 . .... ~ " EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Request that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) direct the County Manager or his designee and the County Attorney to proceed with the preparation of an ordinance{s); all related enabling docnments and the prerequisite statutory notice requirements necessary to dissolve up to twenty three (23) inactive Taxing Authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Property Tax RolL OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners authorize the preparation of all enabling documents necessary to dissolve up to twenty three (23) inactive Taxing Authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Property Tax. RolL CONSIDERATIONS: The State Department of Revenue Truth in Millage (TRIM) process is an annual occurrence involving a number of Collier County Governmental entities including the Property Appraiser's Office (P A) and the Office of Management ancl'Budget (OMB),-A1mual~ the,P Ap~epilres tl;le preliminW)'July 1st and reca1?itulated -(Octooer and post -V-aIlIe Adjustment Board) taXable value for forty nine (49) 'taxing authorities. ~ During this year's TRIM process, the OMB and the P A discussed the possibility of dissolving up to twenty three (23) inactive taxing authorities thus reducing the paperwork volume and reporting requirements necessitated by each taxing authority as part of the TRIM compliance process. A search of the P A records reveals that there has not been a millage rate filed against the taxable value of a majority of taxing authorities proposed for dissolution in years. Exhibit one depicts sixteen (16) taxing authorities proposed for initial dissolution and summarizes the P A records search. Note that the order of presentation within the table is the same sequencing contained within the proposed dissolution ordinance. Authorization to dissolve the remaining seven (7) taxing authorities will be sought at a later date, It should be noted that millage rates filed on behalf of the Pine Ridge Industrial Park MST & BU as well as the Naples Production Park MSTU ceased in tax year 2007 (FY 2008) recognizing that the bonds associated with these taxing authorities were paid off. In preparation for approaching the Board (BCe) with this matter, the OMB, P A and the County Attorney collaborated in identitying and researching each origiIlal enabling ordinance which established the taxing authority proposed for dissolution. In researching these various ordinances the County Attorney did not find specific ordinance language which identified a procedure for dissolution. Thus, the OMB, P A and County Attorney's office is recommending that one ordinance listing the various taxing authorities identified for dissolution be prepared similar to the sample attached as exhibit two. Dissolution by . . '"'n;:..rl'-1~ I"N) tr-I ~7L " 2';(,:..;''1';;:. ~":;::', '(.-."C"ifu"" "9-n_1 _r;rI . Oil/b." q Janu~a' ,;); "2r(Jitt.. Pl'Yat,'j "f~:;;O:1 0 age..:. 0 '+ one ordinance assumes that there is no residual equity associated with the taxing authorities proposed for dissolution. Attached as exhibit three are the form DR-420 documents from the FY 09 TRIM process describing the taxing authorities to be dissolved. Please note that dissolving these taxing authorities will reduce TRIM reporting requirements only. The P A will continue to collect valuation data and maintain within their information system general taxable value numbers and shonld it be necessary to resurrect a dissolved taxing authority - verification of the legal boundary and other . administrative procedures would be required v.'ithin the prescrib<-...d time lines for creating a new taxing authority (Ja.,uary I"'). FISCAL IMPACT: By dissolving inactive taxing authorities, the volume of paperwork required by the PA and OMB which involve multiple DR-420 form submittals will diminish greatly. If a taxing authority appears on the P A's tax roll, all form submittal requirements apply even though there is no millage request ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: 1bis item was not submitted for Advisory Board consideration. -. GROWTIfMANAGEMENT IMP ACT: There is no growth management impact LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no ex parte disclosure, requires only a majority vote for approval, and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners direct the County Manager or his designee and the County Attorney to proceed with the preparation of an ordinance(s); all related enabling documents and the prerequisite statutory notice requirements necessary to dissolve up to twenty three (23) inactive Taxing authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Tax Roll. Prepared by: Mark Isackson, Senior Management and Budget Analyst Office of Management and Budget Page I of I Agenda Item No. 17.A February 10, 2009 Page 5 of 10 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 17A Item Summary: Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners. pursuant to authorization under Item 16F(2) on January 13. 2009, adopt and enact a duly noticed and published Ordinance dissolving fourteen (14) inactive taxing authorities which are currently found on the Property Appraisers Ad Valorem Property Tax Roll. Meeting Date: 2/10/2009 90000 AM Appro\'ed By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 1/30/20098:42 AM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Dat.e 1/30/200912:56 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 2/2/200910:17 AM Approwd By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 2/2/200911 :01 AM file:l/C:\AgendaTest\ExDort\ I 23-Februarv%20 10.%202009\ I 7, %20SUMMAR Y%20AGEN ... 2/4/2009 FOR COUNTRYWIDE ANCIAL CORP Defendant{s) FIN- Foreclosure Sale; if you' are hearing or vOIce Im- paired, call 1-800-955' 87'ZI':';}, ;.'-. <' Jan. 30, Fjeli ~-;,. e' ~ . -', No.ln254Q 07-473-CA-Ol ,_ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDI- CIAt'CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLtlER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ~CTlON NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice' is-hereby given that the :underslgned Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of theCircult,Court-Of Col- lier, CountYi,Florlda, will ~re~:~~go~~: ~~: f~ the Sixth, FIQor. CIvil Area. Collier- County Courthouse: Naples, Florida, offer for-sllJe and 'sell at public outcry to ttlll highest bidder for cashj'.the".fCiHOW-in!il de- scribed property situat- ed' in. COllier, County, ::. FI~rda, lo-wlt:, ' FAMILYL:ViNG UNIT NUMBER 51, SHENANDo- AH ESTATES,A CONDO- MINIUM, ACCORDING TO ,THAT-CERTAIN DECLA- RATION OF CONDOMINI- UM RECORDED IN OFFI-. .C!ALRE.C:ORDS BOOK :'-';'::":., ","',.':.' And the docket. number wnich'is 07-1954.CA-Ol'; A~y persti~tcl~iming '~n interest in the Surplus from the sale, If any, othertllat1 the .property owner' as of the date of 'the lis pendens must file 'a 'claim within 60 days .after the sail!!.. -' : ,;- .... ~~: .-t': WITNESS my hand ,aJld onfcial seal of said C(':iurt, thIs 22nd day:,of' )~u~,'?!X'9. OWIGHTf:BRDCK.">~"'c , Cl,e_rk,~ of' the Circuit -.CoUrt'", ',';' ,-;:,.;: By~_ :Marla, Stocfdnj;j; ,~rgm ;_~e~f~ ~'I tt~~' Group,'p.L., P.O. 'Box 2S01B,Tampa" FlorIda 33622-5018,- (813)' 251- ':':" 4766"Attomey for Plain. -,tlff;"/'.- . '.-..-.. .,.'__:- '-'. ',/'Wyo._u are. apersO-n'. :wttn a. di_sabillty who .neods ~ny&ccommoda' tian in:-orcer to. particJ~ . pate In 1his Proceeding, you are- entitled, ,at no cost to you, to theprovl. Siion o-f certain assist, "ance;; Please contact the Ad,mil1lstr~tlve . Serv~, 0110illililiiArft:E5 . AIIlfpmnOllS 0110 ORDINANceS AHD PEI1110IIS . ." ,:~p~CE :OFINTENl"TOC_ONSIDER O,RDI~ANCE N~ti~e Is 'he~bY gi:en' that on February'lo, 2009 in the EIo-ar'droom,3rd' Floor, AdministratIOn Building. Collier County GovemmentCenter; 3301 East Ta- ~~~~'ls1~g~er~,~~ijr' !rJ~~lg~.trh~, BeOn~~~n;o~r~ County Ordinancei'_ The meeting will commence at -'lJ?I~-:S~; The tltle of,}~ pro~s:~ Ordinance is as ,.U ;"';' , '.,.'. ~~"ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF' COLLIER.. COUNTY;. FLORIDA, RE. PEALING"THE" FOLLOWING ORDINANCES (ORD.), AND RESOLUTIONS (RES;). AND 'THEIR AMENDMENTS, EN. ACTEO;,TO ESTABLISH TAXING.' DISTRICTS WITHIN ,COLLIER- COUNTY: m DIST, 2 NORTHWEST' COLLIER MUNtcIPAL- SERVICES TAXING UNIT (MSTU)' (ORD. 76-62): (2)DIST. 5 MSTU (ORO,76.74): m PINE RIDGE :: INDUSTRiAl PARK- ..MUNICIPAL' SERVICES TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT (MSTBU) {ORD. 81-94); (4) NAPLESPRoDUCT!ONPARKMSTBU, (ORD. 85.39); (S) '-PORT OF THE ISLANDS_ COMMUNITYrMPRoVEMENT DIST. (ORD. 86-64); (6) NAPLES PRODUCTION: PARK STREET: L.IGHTING. MSTU (ORO. 91-97) ('7) COUNTY BARN ROADSIDE- DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT MSTU 'NO;:i (ORD. 94-66);: (8) COUNTY BARN ROADSIDE DRAINAGE 'IMPROVEMENT MSTU NO,- 2' (ORD. 94-67); '(9) COUNTY BARN RoADSIDE. DRAINAGE IMPROVE- 'MENT-MSTU NO. j (ORD. 94-68); nQ) ARNOLD/ME- RCANTII.E AVENUE: MSTBU (oRD. 02-65); (11) 'NAPLES PARK~:AREA'UNDERGROUND POWER LINE MSTU "(ORD;: OJ-in; (12) DIST. 3 MSTU (ORD, 76-72); (13) .LlmE LEAGUE!TRAFFoRD fARMS:, ROAD MSTBU '''ORO: 2002,70); (14) sOUTH 8TH STREETlDoAK AVE- . ,NUE MSTBU (ORD, 2002-69); (15) COLLJER_COUNTY WATER:,DIST.' No. 1 (RES._ 80-10); AND (16) COLLIER COUNTY. PUBLIC" PARKS AND RECREATION -MSTU (RES; 82-87); AND 'PROVIDING FoR THE. REPEAL, AND DISSOLUTION OF. THOSE SPECIAL TAXING Dls- . -TRICTS: PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABIL.ITY.; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE~ATE. ':,.: . '.c::, '._,.,,' ~~:~,'.. co;ies of the proposed ordinanc~ 'are on file I '- -'with the Clerk to the Board and are available for In- .$pection.'" All interested parties are invited to at- tend and be h'eard.,;. .." '. ...' "'. NOTE:. All persons_wishing to speak on any agenda' Item must register with the County admin- istrator prior to presentation ot the agenda item to be addressed. IndivIdual speakers will be limited cto\),minutes on anyltem. In any case,written m1l= ".tetialsimended, to' be consIdered by the Board . shall be submitted to the appropriate County staff l.t minimum of .seven days prior to the public hear- ing; -.";i'_ ,,_;,'.'.. .,_,. ,', .' "" -c If you are a oerson wltl1 a dlsabllltv who needs any accommodation in order to participate In this proc@edinQ, -you are. entitled/, at no cost -to you,. to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact .the comer County Facilities M~nagement Depart. ment,'Jocatedat 3301 Tamlami. Trail East.. BulldinQ W. Naples, Rorida 34112, (239)' 252-8380. Assistea , ,_~:~~"&:~~~~~ ~?:~l.s~g~~r~' jOWt~~~? ar~ avail- 'BOARD Of courm' COMMiSSIONERS COLLlER COUNTY. FLORIDA" '\ DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By::Martha Vergara, Deputy Clerk (sEAL)-'-- , . , ~ No In,,:;~ D;f~~d~~~~)"J' , And the docket number whj~h !s07-4763-CA-01. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale; If any, other than the propertx owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale, WITNESS my nand-and official seal of said Court, this 22nd day of January, 2009.' DWIGHT E. BROCK, Cler-k of the Circuit Court By: Stephanie 'Wolf, ;DeputyClefk,: . Florida D'efault Law Group, P.L~ P.O. Box 25018, Tampa, Florida 33622-5018, (813) 2S1- tiri66, Attprney for Plaln- Hlf you are .a person 'with.a disablllty.who needs any accommoda- tion In order to j)micl. pate- in this prOCeeding" you are entitled, at no cost to you. to the provi- sion of certain assist. ance. -'Please contact the Adminisb-ative Serv- ices Manager whOse of- fice is located at3301 East Tamiaml Trail, Building L; Naples, Fiori. da 34H2, and whose tel- epnone number is (239) 252-8800, within two working days of your re- ceipt, of this Notice of Foreclosure Sale: If )Iou are hearing -or voice Im- paired, call 1-800-955. 8771~. Jan,30,Feb,6 No. 1771976 07-5296-CA-01, !N THE CIRCUIT coURT OF THE TWENTIETH ,JUDI- CIAL CIRCUIT 'IN AND FORCOLLlER COUNTY, . FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAL.E Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Col- Iiercounty, Florida, will ~re~:~r~~o~~: ~~~.' i~ the Sixth Floor, Civil Area, Collier County Courthouse, Naples, Florida, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash. the following de- scribed property situat- ed in Coiller County, Florida, to-wit;. LOT 20, OF ARLINGTON TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE 64, OF . THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. AlK/A 2938 RANDALL CiRCLE, NAPL.ES. FL 341. 04 pursuant to the order or final judgment entered In a case pending in said Court, the style of which Is: LASALLE BANK NATION- AL ASSOCIATION ,AS TRUSTEE FOR FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006-F.F18, MORTGAGE-LOAN AS- SET.BACKED CERTIFI~ CATES,sERIES 2006. FF1B, I Plaintiff(s) V. GIOBERT MORENO ROD- RIGUEZ: TENANT #11 N/K/A LAWRENCE VA- RONE; TENANT #2 N/KJ A EDWARD PIEVLER: ANY I AND ALL U'NKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH_, UNDER, AND SiaN OF THE SUBJECT' PROPERTY, Defendant(s) And the d"ocket number which is 08-0346-CA-Ol. Any person cllliming an interest in th'e surplus from tne sale, if any; other than the property owner as of the date of the I1s .pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale'. WITNESS my hand lind, officIal seal of said court, this 15TH day of Jan~ary,2009. DWiGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of the Circuit -Court By: ,Norma Jo Agnew, Deputy Clerk , Law Office of Marshal! C.' Watson, 1800 NW 49th Street, Suite 120, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, (954) 453-0365, At~ tomey for Plaintiff ~If you are. a person wIth a disability who needs any accommoda- tion In order to partici- pate In this Proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the pro-vi- siol'f of certain assist- ance. Please, contact the Administrative Serv. ices Manager whose of- fice.is located at 3301 Eal>t Tamiaml Trail, Building L. Naples, Flori- da 34112, and whose tel- epnone number is (239) 252-8800, wIthin two working days of your re. ceipt of this Notice of Foreclosure Sale; If you are hearing .or voice im- paired, call 1-800-955- 8771" Jan.23,30 No. 17706S0 0B-1144-CA-01 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1WENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, flORIDA CIVfL ACTION File No. 08-1144-CA-01 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby' given that the undersigned Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Col- lier County, Florida, will on February 18,2009, at eleven. o'clock, a.m. in the Sixth Floor, CIvil Area, Colller Coun.ty Courthouse, Naples, Florida.1 offer for sale and sel at pUblic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the followjn~ de- scribed property situat- ed in CollIer ,County, _Florida,to-wit LOT 109, BLOCK C, IND!. GO LAKES, UNIT TWO, A SUBDIVISION ACCORD- ING TO THE PLAT BOOK 3S,PAGES 8 THROUGH 10, OF THE PUBLIC RE- CORDS OF COL.LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA pursuant to the order or final judgment entered in_ a cas~ pending in said Court, the style of . which is; COUNTRYWIDE HOME ~~f~Tffl~f V,. DEREK S. FLYNN: STA- CEY J. FLYNN: ANY AND' .~L.C ~~K~~~N /~~T~ THROUGH, 'UNDER. AND AGAINST THE HEREIN NAMED INDIVIOUAI. DE- FENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETH- ER SAID UNKNOWN PAR- TIES MAY CLAIM AN IN- TER!::sT AS SPOUSES, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES OR OTHER CLAIMANTs: INDIG.O lAKES MASTER AS~. -GRAN n:t:-::>--I.TI( -u 1 nl;: CLAIMANTS: GLADES GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUe, INC; JAMES F. WHALEN; JOHN DOE AND JANE OOE AS UNKNOWN TENANTS IN POSSES- SION, DefendaritCs) And the docket number which is 08-1344-CA.Ol Any'person claiming an interest in the surplus from tne sale, If any, other than the property owner as'of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim withln 60 days aftertnesale. WITNESS my hand and officlal seal of said Court, tills 15TH day of January. 2009. DWIGHT E. BROCK, .clerk. of the CirCuit Court By; Norma JQ Agnew, Deputy Clerk THE LAW OFFICES OF' DAVID J. STERN, P.A" 900 South Pine island Road Suite 400, Piantation,FL 33324.3920, (954) 233- 6000, Attome)' for Plain- tiff ~If you are -'8 -person with a dlsabilit~ who needs any accommoda- tion in order to partici- pate in tnis Proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provi- sion of certain assist. ance; Please contact the' Administrative Serv- ices Manager whose of- fice is located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, BUilding L. Naples, Flori- da 34n2, and whose tel- ephone number Is (239) 252.8800, within two working days of your-re- Geipt_of this Notice of. Foreclosure Sale; If you are hearing or voice im- Kt-Ji!d, \=a)] 1.800:955- Jan. 23 30 No.l770698 08-1394.CA-Ol IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL. CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION File No.08-1394-CA-Ol NOTtCE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice Is hereby given that the underSigned Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of the CircuIt Court of Col. lier Cotlnty,;Florida, will on February 18, 2009, at eleven o'clock, a.m. in the Sixth Floor, Civil Area, Collier County Courthouse, Naples, Florida, offer for sate and sell at publiC outcry, to the highest bidder for cash. thefollowlnQ; de. scribed property sltuat- e-d in: CollIer County, Florida, to-wit: CONDOMINIUM UNiT NO 19Z1, BUilDING 19, OF THE OASIS AT NAPLES, CONDOMINIUM, ACCORD!NG TO THE DECLARATION OF CON- DOMINIUM THEREOF, RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 4107, PAGE 183, of THE PUB- LIC RECORDS OF COL- LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TOGETH- ER WITH .-'\N UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COM- MON ELEMENTS A?- PURTENANTTH!::RETO. pursuant to the order or final Judgment entered in a case pending in sa,id Court, the style of whkhis: DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS AS TRUSTEE Plaintiffts) V" JUAN SALAZAR: UN- -ROBER ANN C. TERBUf; 'I' r..1 '-., D~nca 1em ,'110. I {h +~~AN~ebruary ~IO, 2009 TENANT Page 6 of 10 Defend. And thl whichi~ Any pe Interes from ti other tl owner ; the lis I a clllirr afterthc WITNE~ officfll Court, January DWIGIfl Clerk Court By: ~ Deputy. BEN-EZI 2901 Sti 300, Ft Florida _4100, Al ,tff "'If 1'01 witl:i a needs; tion, In pate In you arr cost to' sion oj ance. the Adl ices M! fice is fast 1 BUlldln/ dOl 341 ephone 252-881 workIng ceipt 0 Foreclo are hea paired, 8771" Jan. 23,: . INTHf OF] JUDI( AN! co, a I FORE Notice that tt, Dwight the Cire lier Cm on Febl eleven the Si) , Area, Courth Florida and sell to the r cash, tl scribed ed in ! Florida, Lot 8,1 WOOO I to _the recordl 12, at I Public ~ County, a/k/a, Bouleva dOl 34111 pursuan final ju in a cl said Co which is COUNT LOANS,I Plalntiffi V,. KAREN I IEL JC LEIGH, l of KARE ried; ELECTRr TION S ~~~n(or Agenda item ~~o. 17 A February 10. 2009 Page 7 of 10 ORDINANCE NO. 2009-_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, REPEALING THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ENACTED TO ESTABLISH TAXING DISTRICTS WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY; (1) DISTRICT 2 NORTHWEST COLLIER MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 76-62, AS AMENDED); (2) DISTRICT 5 MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 76-74, AS AMENDED); (3) PORT OF THE ISLA-,"'DS COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (ORDINANCE NO. 86-64, AS AMENDED); (4) NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 91-97, AS AMENDED); (5) COUNTY BARN ROADSIDE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT NO.1 (ORDINANCE NO. 94-66, AS AMENDED); (6) COUNTY BARN ROADSIDE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT NO.2 (ORDINANCE NO. 94-67, AS AMENDED); (7) COUNTY BARN ROADSIDE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT NO.3 (ORDINANCE NO. 94-68, AS AMENDED); (8) ARNOLDfMERCA."'TILE AVENUE MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 02-65, AS AMENDED); (9) NAPLES PARK AREA UNDERGROUND POWER LINE MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 03-17, AS AMENDED); (10) DISTRICT 3 MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 76-72, AS AMENDED); (11) LITTLE LEAGUErrRAFFORD FARMS ROAD MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 2002-70, AS AMENDED); (12) SOUTH 8TH STREETfDOAK AVENUE MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING AND BENEFIT UNIT (ORDINANCE NO. 2002-69, AS AMENDED); (13) COLLIER COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO.1 (RESOLUTION NO. 80-10, AS AMENDED); AND (14) COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC PARKS AND RECREATION MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT (RESOLUTION NO. 82- 87, AS AMENDED); AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL AND DISSOLUTION OF THOSE SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, passed and duly adopted the following ordinances: District 2 Northwest Collier Municipal Services Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-62, as amended); District 5 Municipal Services Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-74, as amended); Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (Ordinance No. 86-64, as amended); Naples Production Park Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 91- :;2n1 No. i7/:'" February 1 0 2009 P8ge 8 of 10 97, as amended); County Barn Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No. I (Ordinance No. 94-66, as amended); County Barn Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No.2 (Ordinance No. 94-67, as amended); County Barn Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No. 3 (Ordinance No. 94-68, as amended); Arnold/Mercantile Avenue Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit (Ordinance No. 02-65, as amended); Naples Park Area Underground Power Line Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 03-17, as amended); District 3 Municipal Serviccs Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-72, as amended); Little League/Trafford Fanns Road Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit (Ordinance No. 2002-70, as amended); South 8th StreetlDoak Avenue Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit (Ordinance No. 2002-69, as amended; and the following Resolutions: Collier County Water District No. I (Resolution No. 80-10, as amended) and Collier County Public Parks and Recreation Municipal Scrvice Taxing Unit (Resolution No. 82- 87, as amended, creating the aforementioned special taxing districts (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "special taxing districts") for the purpose of utilizing revenues generated from those taxing districts to accomplish the various purposes specified in each ordinance. WHEREAS, all of the aforementioned special taxing districts have no debts or asset, are presently inactive, and their existence are no longer necessary; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners now desires to repeal the aforementioned ordinances thereby dissolving those special taxing districts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: SECTION ONE: REPEAL AND DISSOLUTION I. The following Collier County Ordinances and Resolutions are hereby repealed and the special taxing districts that wcre created thereby dissolved: District 2 Northwest Collier Municipal Services Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-62, as amended); District 5 Municipal Services Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-74, as amended); Port of the Islands Community Improvement District (Ordinance No. 86-64, as amended); 2 Aaenda 11em No, 'i 7,11. ~ f=ebruary ",0. 2009 Page 9 of ',0 Naples Production Park Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 91~ 97, as amended); County Bam Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No. 1 (Ordinance No. 94-66, as amended); County Barn Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No.2 (Ordinance No. 94-67, as amended); County Bam Roadside Drainage Improvement Municipal Service Taxing Unit No. 3 (Ordinance No. 94-68, as amended); AmoldJMercantile Avenue Municipal Service Taxing and Bcnefit Unit (Ordinance No. 02-65, as amended); Naples Park Area Underground Power Line Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 03-17, as amended); District 3 Municipal Services Taxing Unit (Ordinance No. 76-72, as amended); Collier County Water District No. I (Resolution No. 80-10, as amended) and Collier County Public Parks and Recreation Municipal Service Taxing Unit (Resolution No. 82-87, as amended. SECTION TWO: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," or any other appropriate word. SECTION THREE: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of ColIier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FOUR: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Florida Department of State. 3 .._'__L_"_____~_".".__...,..__._. ::t:~r:-i :'-l:J. i7tJ, 10 2CjU9 .iO of 10 PASSED A.l\ID DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this __ day of _,2009. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:_. By: DONNA FLA.LA, CHAIIU,,1AN DEPUTY CLERK Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: ~'f1: /( ;(~ Scott R. Teach, Deputy County Attorney 4 ~