Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #16H 6 Agenda :tern ~~o. 16H6 F'ebruacy 10, 2009 F.age 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/event and approve payment by the Clerk. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No. 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters. COMMISSIONER: James N. Coletta, Jr. FUNCTION/EVENT: 59th Annual East Naples Civic Association Banquet PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business and community leaders. ,- DATE OF FUNCTION/EVENT: January 26,2009 FISCAL IMPACT: $40 to be paid from Commissioner Coletta's travel budget. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No, 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk for Commissioner Jim Coletta to attend a function serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY: Lisa Resnick, Executive Aide to BeC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: February 10, 2009 .--.. r- r r Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16H6 February 10, 2009 Page 2 of 5 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16H6 Commissioner Coletta requests Board approval for payment to attend a function serving a valid public purpose. Commissioner Coletta attended the 59th Annual East Naples Civic Association Banquet. January 26. 2009. $40 to be paid from Commissioner Coletta's travel budget. 2110/2009 90000 AM r.cpared By Lisa Resnick Board of County Commissioners Executive Aide to the BCe Date Approved Ry Bce Office 1130/20094:27:59 PM Sue Filson Board of County Commissioners Executive Manager to the BCe Date Bce Office 1130120094:31 PM Approved B)' John A. Yonkosky County Manager's Office Director of the Office of Management Office of Management & Budget Date 1131120097:46 AM Appro\'l'd B)' James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners Date County Manager County Manager's Office 11311200912:25 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\ExDort\ 123-Februarv%20 1 0.%202009\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AnFN f).. 2/4/2009 (~'--C:-'I--f---r ~i1 I ~, 11 I i ..,j:--..J ! ! ....J I I I~:tl 6 ~I 0 I /' "'fJ I Qr." I '\' :s r I ~ . .,~ . . 1-:' i N ic~ I~~ . ~.d I ~;.~ I r: ~1- i I .LdI:El=>3:H i.l' >- " " -l... \ , .'-.) ~I l\110001 '''1~ , ! I I 1! I i_~l__,__J ! Ii i ! [ ;; i. f I f iU I! I I n: , I I ' ~?S it 19 lWl E'iI I c; <<I => no .<<Ie.. o. ~ ~ t:: m" f1'~' ~ >-:!: ~ (J Ww U5 Ul :::0 <;( r On::: () u~;:) ~ ~ ~ * _, \ J.J:b 1 c ,~\ .. ,'"i,.!L. L..... Ij~v \ ~ ,.. {) ,:." .",.v~ ,J '.'~ C - 'J East \i<lpleo; ~. . ,t .', '.,' .< Civic .\ssodatithl \>, Banquet f" Monday, January 26, 2008 ..:,A',~o pm Cocktails ~.'.',"'" ~9 '," '- Jl'45 pm The 59111 :\nmhtl * * Dinner * - Chefs Table Salad Rosemary Rubbed Slow Roasted Tenderloin Roasted Shallot.Cabernet Oemi Glace Garlic Parmesan Whipped Potatoes Fresh Asparagus with Fire Grilled Peppers Chocolate Panache with ChocAllate Accents * Election of Directors/Officers Annual Balloon Drop Naples lakes Country Club $40.00 per person * Ph.it~~. Ih\ P nn l,tll'l' ltldll Janll.lr\ 21 to .t{.f.li)h7 -- ~\\,\ . ,. , " ~ 't5 ;/") ~ ".l ~ I*j N"/ ~:: ;: ~-: ":: r: "'T"""- .:'- M .: ;;.. .- ~-" ~:: ~,' ~ e":l ,~v .: os ""t :; :::. ;; r... i:: ~,o.;.; N rJ! ZM~:.;l ~N=Q. ,".l" t/) ~ t:: _M~Z o ~:." ~~ ;1" ..::! >< W ..J C. ::IE o U !- Z <(W ;i::E _z u.C:: <(!5!:"""'-~ ~@w ~;::c: g ~ 12 N25 == " z ~ ~\-' t-- w::l- ..,.~ = Oz 0 ::E MU w.... _ U ~ ...J<=(, '-'- ' (J) c::::E u.LJ..I,=, 5!?W<l:..J(J) J ::E:J!-C)~ ::IE..JC;Cc. OOM..J<( UUMIXlZ ,~- o ,-' - '-__J