Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #16H 3 Aqenda Item No. 16H3 " February 10, 2009 Page 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMISSIONER REQUEST FOR BOARD APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT TO ATTEND FUNCTION SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to declare a valid public purpose for a Commissioner to attend function/event and approve payment by the Clerk, CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No. 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homeowncrs, ethnic, and civic association/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters. COMMISSIONER: Donna Fiala FUNCTION/EVENT: Economic Development Council VIP Breakfast PUBLIC PURPOSE: Meet and interact with local business and conUDunity leaders. ~ DATE OF FUNCTlONIEVENT: February 6,2009 FISCAL IMPACT: $10.00 Funds to be paid from Conunissioner's travel budget. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with Resolution No. 99-410, approve payment by the Clerk for Commissioner Donna Fiala to attend function serving a valid public purpose. PREPARED BY: Jordan Krumbine, Executive Aide to BCC APPROVED BY: Sue Filson, Executive Manager to BCC AGENDA DATE: February 10, 2009 .- Page 1 of 1 ,';genda \tem ~4o. 16H3 February 10, 2009 Page 2 of 3 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16H3 Meeting Date: Commissioner Fiala requests Board approval for reimbursement regarding attendance at a function serving a Valid Public Purpose. Attended the Economic Development Council VIP Breakfast on February 6, 2009 at Parker Hannifm in Naples. FL. $10,00 to be paid from Commissioner Fiala's travel budget. 2/10/2009 90000 AM Item Summary: Prepared By Jordan Krumbine Fiscal Technician Date Public Utilities Division Utilities Finance Operations 1128/20093;58:37 PM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the Bee Date Board of County Commissioners Bee Office 1/28/20094:43 PM Appro\'ed By John A. Yonkosky County Manager's Office Director of the Office of Management Office of Management & Budget Date 1/31/20097;52 AM Appro\'ed By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 1!31/2009 12:55 PM file://C:\Af!endaTest\Exoort\ 123-Februarv%20 1 O. %202009\ In.%20CONSF:NT%20AGFNOu. 2/4/2009 KrumbineJordan Agenda item "'~o. 16H3 February 10,2009 Page 3 of 3 Subject: Location: Updated: EDC VIP Breakfast Parker Hannifin Start: End: Show Time As: Fri 2/6/2009 7:30 AM Fri 2/6/2009 9:00 AM Tentative Recurrence: (none) Not yet responded High Meeting Status: Importance: The next Economic Development Council Df CDllier County's VIP Breakfast will be held Dn Friday, February 6, 2009 from 7:30 - 9:00am. It will be held at the Parker Hannifin offices at 3580 Shaw Blvd., Naples, FL 34117 (Parker is IDeated in the White Lake Business Park which is Dff of 951 near exit 101 Df 1-75) The featured speaker is Jack Tymann, former president of Westinghouse InternatiDnal. FollDwing the VIP Breakfast @ 9:30, the ChampiDns Df InnDvatiDn event which is an element Df Project InnovatiDn, will be held at Parker Hannifin. A presentatiDn and tDur of the facility will be included. Details and registratiDn fDr ChampiDns Df InnDvatiDn will be sent separately. For security reasDns, we must provide Parker with the names Df Dur guests priDr to the event. Please respond to this invitation by January 23rd. If you have any questions, please cDntact me at 263-8989, ext. 106. Thank YDU. Best regards, Maureen Christensen Investor Relations manager Economic Development Council of Collier County ,~ Phon~~89~ext. 106 b1' Email: Maureen@eNaplesFlorida com .? 1'2.., 0 ~G N' ~rseb~ ~/ ;I-f (0 '1-- tlO I. b d OlA.. f- ",,,-,",-1-'-- -Pc-.rf-~ , +v .LL 1\ N "Q.'\IJ v""" Do you want to attend this event? Yesd No__ Donna Fiala, Commissioner, 0-1 In it. I-kre_ ~