Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #16E 1 Item l"iCl. '16E1 i=~;jrU?1ry 10,2009 ~~\jg'8 1 of 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve and execute a First Amendment to Lease Agreements with George Vega, Tom Brown, Larry Martin and Jack Stanley, AKA Palm Lake Investments, for temporary office space to house the Office of the Public Defender during construction of the new Courthouse Annex building at a monthly cost of $17,225.10, Project 52004-1. OBJECTIVE: Approval and execution of a First Amendment to Lease Agreements to continue to provide temporary office space for the Public Defender and staff during construction of the new Courthouse Annex. CONSIDERATION: Since 2006, the County has leased two offices in a building located on Airport Road, across from the Government Center, in order to accommodate the Public Defender's Office during construction of the Courthouse Annex. The Leases are scheduled to expire in February. However, the County will need to continue leasing these offices until the Courthouse Annex is completed. - The attached First Amendment to Lease Agreements has been prepared to allow the County to remain at this location on a month-to-month basis until such time that the Annex is completed. The County will be allowed to terminate the leases by providing the Lessor with thirty days advance written notice of its termination. FISCAL IMPACT: The monthly rental and CAM of $17,225.10 was anticipated and budgeted in the Facilities Management Department budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: There is no impact on the County's growth management plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed First Amendment to Lease Agreements is legally sufficient for Board action. This item is not quasi-judicial, and as such ex parte disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote only. - JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves the First Amendment to Lease Agreements with George Vega, Tom Brown, Larry Martin and Jack Stanley, AKA Palm Lake Investments, for temporary office space for the Office of the Public Defender and authorizes the Board Chairman to execute same. PREPARED BY: Michael Dowling, Senior Property Management Specialist, Real Estate Services / Department of Facilities Management _.. Page I of 1 ,L\G;:mda item i~o. 'i6E1 '-' February ~iO, 2009 Page 2 of 4 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16E1 Meeting Date: Recommendation to approve and execute a First Amendment to Lease Agreements with George Vega, Tom Brown, Larry Martin and Jack Stanley, AKA Palm Lake Investments, for temporary office space to hOllse the Office of the Public Defender during construction of the new Courthouse Annex bUilding at a monthly cost of $17.225.10, ProjecI52004+1. 2/10/2009900:00 AM Item Summary: I'repared By Michael H. Dowling Property Management Specialist Date Administrative Services Facilities Management 1/21/20092;09:54 PM Approved By Skip Camp, C.F.M. Facilities Management Director Facilities Management Date Administrative Services 1/26/20092:57 PM Appro\"cd By Toni A. Mott Real Property Supervisor Date Administrative Services Facilities Management 1/27/200910;58 AM Appro\ed By Len Golden Price Administrative Services Administrator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 1/27/2009 1 :23 PM Approved By Jeff K!atzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 1/28120099;42 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 1/28f2009 10:39 AM Approvcd By Laura Davisson Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 1/281200911;32 AM ApprO\'cd By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 1/28/20094:56 PM file://C:\AQcnda Tcst\ExDOrt\ I 23-Fcbruarv%20 I o. %202009\ lli.%20CONSENT%20AGEND__ 2/4/2009 -<J'~:-)L,'(-l i(~iT, [,jO. --; '3t:: - ~ .", c-. ,,., rjc_,.,"') Lc "i',.u:;;Q37j"~9i'l? ease tt,. _,)X, ",,-':J , u~'~ J y_ '-t Fn~ST A,'vIENDMENl TO LEASE AGREEMENTS THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENTS entered mto this C'C_ day of ---~ ._,2009, between George Vega. Tom Brown. Larry Mat1m and Jack Stanley, aka Palm Lake Investments, whose maIling address IS P.O. Box 10608, Naples, FlOrida 34102, heremafier referred to as "LESSOR," and COLLIER COUNTY. a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose mailing address is 330] East Tamimni Trai], Naples, Florida 34] 12, hereinafterreferred as "LESSEE." WITNESSETH In consideratIon of the mutual covenants eontamed herein, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: WHEREAS, LESSOR and LESSEE have prevJOus]y entered into two separate Lease Agreements dated December 22. 2005 and September 26,2006. a copy of which are attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the LESSOR and LESSEE are deslfous of amending hoth Lease Agreements in the manner set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions set f0!1h herein, together WIth Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration. the two Lease Agreements are herehy amended as follows: 1. Both Leases arc he Toby extended on a montlHo-month basis until such time that LESSEE pro,odes I.ESSEE WIth thirty (30.) day ,nittc'n termination notice. 2. Except as expressly provided herein, the Lease Agreements between George Vega, Tom Brown, Lan'y Martin and Jack Stanley. aka Palm Lake lnvestments and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, for the utilization of the Demised Premises descrihccl in said Ll'ase Agreements dated December 22, 2005 and September 26, 2006, remain ill fun force and effect according to the terms and condItions con tamed therein, and SaId terlns and condItIOns are appllcahle hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. m WlTNESS WHEREOF, the LESSOR and LIiSSEIi have hereto executed this First Amendment to Lease Agreements the day and year firsl 3.bove \\Titten. (Remainder of Page Intc1ltlonally Left Blank, Signature Page to F0110\li:) AS TO THE LESSOR: DATED:__._._ Witness (Signature) (Print Name) Witness (Signamre) - (Print Name) AS TO THE LESSEE: DATED:____ , I I I I I ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk By:__ , Deputy Clerk App oved as to [orm and g lciency: Agenda Item 1-'0. 16E 1 F"bruary 10. 2009 Paoe 4 of 4 GEORGE VEGA, TOM BRO\VN, LARRY MARTIN A.'\iD JACK STAl\'LEY, AKA PALM LAKE INVESTMENTS By: _ GEORGE VEGA for Partnership BOARD OF COUNTY COMlvI1SSIONERS, COLLIER COtJ1','Ty, FLORIDA By:.. DONNA FIALA ,CHAIRMAN 2