Agenda 02/10/2009 Item #16D 8 Agenda item No. 1608 Fsbruary 10, 2009 Page 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the Big Cypress Housing Corporation Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) for (55) Fifty-Five Multi-Family Rental Units Subrecipient Agreement approved on July 24, 2007 (Item 12D) for $192,000.00 This amendment will allow for time extension and final payments to be made to Big Cypress as reimbursement for expenses incurred for eligible costs associated with the Agreement even though leasing of the units is not complete. OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the Big Cypress Housing Corporation Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) for (55) Fifty-Five Multi-Family Rental Units Subrecipient Agreement which would allow for time extension and final payments to be made to Big Cypress as reimbursement for expenses incurred for eligible costs associated with the Agreement even though leasing of the units is not complete. CONSIDERATIONS: On July 24, 2007, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners approved a $192,000.00 Subrecipient Agreement with Big Cypress Housing Corporation to develop and construct 55 rental units for migrant farm workers in the lmmokalee area. Big Cypress is now in the process of finishing these units and has submitted their payment request(s) for reimbursement of eligible costs. The Housing and Human Services Department (HHS) is requesting that the Agreement be amended to specifically allow for partial or progress payments. HHS is proposing Amendment #1 to this Agreement which will allow payment for any eligible costs incurred for any allowable activity in support of this Agreement. The Amendment will also allow payment to be paid directly to vendors and contractors for goods and services performed in any phase of the infrastructure construction covered by this Agreement upon approval by HHS Staff. HHS staff is responsible for the monitoring and oversight of this project until all milestones are completed and all CDBG requirements are met. FISCAL IMPACT: No general funds are associated with amendment. Expenditures for the CDBG funded project associated with this amendment have already been budgeted in CDBG Grant Fund (121) for FY04. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The project associated with this amendment is consistent with the Growth Management Plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. This item is not quasi judicial, and as such ex parte disclosure is not required, This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sufficient for Board action.-CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to the Big Cypress Housing Corporation Community Development Program (CDBG) for (55) Fifty-Five Multi-Family Rental Units Subrecipient Agreement approved on July 24, 2007, which will allow for payments to be made to Big Cypress as reimbursement for expenses incurred for the Agreement even though leasing of the units is not complete, ~. Prepared by: Rosa Munoz, Grants Coordinator Housing and Human Services Department Itsnl f~8. 'I6D2. A,D.20C:9 2 "i5 EXHIBIT A-I Contract Amendment # I "Big Cypress Housing Corporation Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Infrastructure Construction of Fifty-Five (55) Units" This amendment, dated Februarv 10. 2009 to the referenced agreement shall be by and between the parties to the original Agreement, Big Cypress Housing Corporation ("Sub-Recipient") and Collier County ("County"), a political subdivision of the state of Florida, Statement of Understanding RE: Contract # B-04-UC-12-0016, "Big Cypress Housing Corporation- Infrastructure Construction of Fifty-Five Units." In order to continue the services provided for in the original Contract document referenced above, the Sub-Recipient agrees to amend the above referenced Contract as follows: Exhibit A - AMEND: Exhibit A-Scope, Section J, Work Schedule Note: Words underlined have been added. Words struck thr6ugh have been deleted. The time frame for completion of the outlined activities shall be: June 30. 2009 Please nett! that if any el these actil>ities-ex-eeed the timelines by n.'8 ntent.fts a relised work schedule HUl!Ot be Sllhmitled tB HHS. NOTE: Performance milestones are in effect for prOf!rlll1t monitorinl! requirements onlv, and as such, are used hv HUD anti other l!T"antor a!!encies as !!eneral tar!!et I!oals rather than strict performance requirements. AMEND: Exhibit A - Scope Note: Words underlined have been added, Words strue-k through have been deleted, Section M COMPENSATION: The County shall reimburse the SUB-RECIPIENT for the performance of this Agreement upon completion or partial completion of the work tasks as accepted and approved by HHS pursuant to the submittal of monthly progress rJ;Qorts,. Progres~ payments to Big Cypress HouWlR-C,prporation, as approyed bv HHS. can be made for any eligible activity listed in the contract Eligible work tasks and/or activities shall include. but not be limited to. infrastructure construction of fifty-five (55) multi-family rental housing units to be used for legal migrant and legal seasonal faO]1.Y{Qrkers in Imm,pkale~EL~aymel!ts for eligjQ\~ work tasks and/or activitig)Lm.~t11ad~.QiLe!:tIYt() l.btL!2rQvider gUILe s~ryice(s), as anproyeg !2LHHS. at Big Cypress' request. Payment will be made upon receipt of a proper invoice and in compliance with Section 218.70. Fla. Stat otherwise known as the "Local Government Pmnml Payment Act.': ,- Nl other tenns and conditions of the agreement shall remain in force. Exhibit A-I Contract Amcndmentltl Big Cypress Housing Corporation-eDBG Infrastl'ucture Construction, Page 2 of 2 :ts'rr ;'~O. C:l::;,:; :="?bn';3~Y '10. 2DC'9 ?age 3 ~)i 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sub-Recipient and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date(s) indicated below. Accepted: ,2009 ATTEST: COUNTY: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Chairman Sub-Recipient: Big Cypress Housing COq!oration -/ // ('",.m"" ____~ By; ..,_,..~~L(~:.. ~'-I"-"----" ( Steve Kirk, President "'. ) '" DEPARTMENT DIRBCTO By: ,-~- / /.;, /( ( Marcy Rl1lmbine WITNES~; By: ~' I !: i,/' - .. .~. (\, i \ l! , tl 'J([{.;'~t f=~;j , \ l'.,r '!,.' , .~" .; .I'>; .'}{, '_' \ " Print Name and Title GRANT COORDINA TpR B ',-;. ;:-.,,,,,,, /';',L--~._~--,"<,,,.-~-'- y:.. '- "" ,., ...\- ?' /~.. ", R_osa Munoz / // -.--"" '\="' ()'. b i o\." U ' ~-",l ~ S Print Name and Title CONT R ACT SPECIALIST .C /' )' ~. r / .~, . ',. it_ By: /1(':>-'. ) 1 / ,-7. I. v / Lyn Woo ' V WITNESS: J' B~..L~ j~ Approved as to form and Legal Sufficiency: (tf'lill - ..'- _ r))!J&'2V" /1;7)!J {f!O/( Q Assistant County Attorney C.o!!t"{';t) (n. Gn~.el<1_J,--_ Printed Name Page I of2 Aasnda Item No. /16D8 ~ February 10, 2009 PaQ8 4 of 5 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1608 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves and authorizes the Chairman to sign an amendment to the Big Cypress Housing Corporation Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) for (55) Fifty~Five Multi-Family Rental Units Subrecipient Agreement approved on July 24, 2007 (Item 12D) for 5192.00000 This amendment will allow for time extension and final payments to be made to Big Cypress as reimbursement for expenses incurred for eligibie costs associated with the Agreement even though leasing of the units is not complete Meeting Date: 2/10/200990000 AM Prepared By Rosa Muoz: Grants Management Coordinator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Financial Admin. & Housing 1/23/200911 :15:49 AM Approved By Margo Castorena Public Services Director Date Domestic Animal Services 1/23/20094:29 PM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Public Services Director Date Housing & Human Services 1/26/20094:31 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 1/27120099:33 AM Approved By Marlene J, Foard Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin, 1/27120091 :12 PM Approved By Lyn Wood PLlrchasing Agent Purchasing Date A.dministrative Services 1f27!2009 4:22 PM Appro\'ed By Jeff Kiatzkow Assistant County Attorney Dale County Attorney County Attorney Office 1f2712009 4:48 PM Appro\'ed By Steve Carnell PurchaSIng/General Sv.::s Dlredor Date Administrative Services Purchasing 1/27/20098:03 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey P!..!b!ic Services ,o.dmlntstrat:)f Dat2 Public Services PubHc Services Admin 1f?:8/200911286M -\PilfOVcd By OMS CO::Jid;nator OMS Coord;nator Date f"il",.//r.\ A "",,.,rl~T,,,d\r:'V1"'r\rt\ 1 ,)1_]:'",h.."",,.,,Oj,'1n 1 n n;.:, ')n'1nnO\l h. 0;':' '1(\r{")1\.l<.:t-.'l'\.lTO/" 'In ^ r:1:'1\.lTl '1!A/')n(\O -- _._~,~-_.._-,~".".,-<.."....- -_.,,-,.~.... ,..._~- -,,'_.._...__.~- Page 2 of 2 !:..c::.:;rica Item r~o. i 6[;8 ~, =ebruarv 10 2'J09 Page 5 ~f 5 County r::ar.ager's Of!::;e Office of Management & Budget 1/28:2009 1 :~6 PM ApprU\'('d B~' Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analrst Office of Management &. Budget Date County Manager's OffiGe 1/30/20093:20 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Man.ager's Office 2/2/2009 11 :49 AM fil",.//("'.\ A. opnrl."T....<;..t\b'vnrw1\ 1 ')~_):'phl'II'l....,Ol, In 1 n Q/A f{)jnnO\ I h O/n ')(\('(")l\.ll;;:l-:-"rTO/n ')/l ^ r.J:;l\.ln IIAI'1{){)O