PBSD MSTBU Clam Bay Committee Minutes 01/03/2019 PELICAN BAY SERVICES DIVISION CLAM BAY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 3,2019 The Clam Bay Committee of the Pelican Bay Services Division met on Thursday, January 3 at 1:30 p.m. at the SunTrust Bank Building, 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 302,Naples,Florida 34108. In attendance were: Clam Bay Committee Bohdan Hirniak (absent) Susan O'Brien, Chairman Rick Swider Pelican Bay Services Division Staff Mary McCaughtry, Ops. Analyst (absent) Neil Dorrill, Administrator Lisa Jacob, Assoc. Project Manager Marion Bolick, Operations Manager (absent) Barbara Shea, Recording Secretary Also Present Tim Hall, Turrell, Hall &Assoc. Jennifer Bobka, Earth Tech Jeremy Sterk, Earth Tech Mathew Fleming, Humiston& Moore APPROVED AGENDA (AS PRESENTED) 1. Roll call 2. Agenda approval 3. Approval of 11/08/18 meeting minutes 4. Audience comments 5. Clam Bay a. ETE annual report b. Update on stressed mangroves near PBF north boardwalk c. Photos of rookery d. RFQ for Clam Bay monitoring e. Canoe trail marker 12 6. Clam Pass a. H&M annual bathymetric and tidal analysis report b. November tidal ratio reports c. December aerial photos d. Upgraded modems and sensor repair for tidal gauges e. H&M draft of response to concerns about dredging f. Lead time for dredging decision to avoid BCC emergency action 7. Water quality a. Copper results b. Proposal for analyzing TP results from past decades 8. Annual Reports a. Water Quality due February 15, 2019 9. Next meeting: Feb. 7 or March 7 10. Adjournment 1 Pelican Bay Services Division Clam Bay Committee Meeting January 3,2019 ROLL CALL Mr. Hirniak was absent and a quorum was established AGENDA APPROVAL Ms. O'Brien motioned, Mr. Swider seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF 11/08/18 MEETING MINUTES Mr. Swider motioned, Ms. O'Brien seconded to approve the 11/08/18 meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE COMMENTS None CLAM BAY ETE ANNUAL REPORT INCLUDING UPDATE ON MANGROVE HEALTH Mr. Sterk, Environmental Consultant with Earth Tech, commented on the ETE 2018 Annual Clam Bay Monitoring and Management Report, which has been posted on the PBSD website. The agenda packet included the report's three-page summary. Comments by Mr. Sterk included: 1. The mangrove health assessment scores indicate a recovery from the negative effects of Hurricane Irma and are now showing an upward trend. (A chart of the scores from 2016-October 2018 was reviewed by the committee.) 2. There has been an increase in scaevola (beach naupaka), an exotic invasive species, within the coastal scrub habitat in Clam Bay. In the past, scaevola removal was not included in the exotic invasive removal projects. Mr. Sterk will work on providing a plan and proposal for scaevola removal for possible inclusion in the PBSD FY2020 budget. Mr. Tim Hall, Environmental Consultant with Turrell, Hall, & Assoc., suggested exploring the availability of grant funds for this project. 3. It is recommended that additional mapping of the CB hand-dug channels be included in the scope of services for the next Clam Bay monitoring contract. FUTURE CLAM BAY PRESENTATION/WORKSHOP Committee consensus was to hold a Clam Bay PBSD workshop or provide a presentation at a future PBSD Board meeting, with our consultants, to provide information to our residents on Clam Bay, Clam Pass,the health of our mangroves, and dredging events. SHOREBIRD MONITORING Mr. Hall suggested that shorebird monitoring be performed as needed for a specific dredging event. PHOTOS OF ROOKERY Not discussed RFQ FOR CLAM BAY MONITORING 2 Pelican Bay Services Division Clam Bay Committee Meeting January 3,2019 Not discussed CANOE TRAIL MARKER 12 Mr. Sterk reported that canoe trail marker 12 has been removed; canoe trail marker 10 was downed from a recent wind event and taken to the canoe launch area. Mr. Dorrill commented that staff will explore the cost for the PBSD to reinstall these two markers. CLAM PASS H&M ANNUAL BATHYMETRIC AND TIDAL ANALYSIS REPORT Ms. O'Brien commented that Humiston & Moore's 2018 Clam Pass Physical and Tidal Monitoring Report has been received and posted on the PBSD website. She commented that Clam Pass is currently in good shape. Mr. Mathew Fleming, Environmental Consultant with Humiston & Moore, commented that H&M continuously monitors the flushing efficiency of Clam Pass and the amount of material that has drifted back into the system. He suggested that the current lack of erosion on the south side of Clam Pass has kept the system healthy. NOVEMBER TIDAL RATIO REPORTS Not discussed DECEMBER AERIAL PHOTOS The committee reviewed the December Clam Pass aerial photos. UPGRADED MODEMS AND SENSOR REPAIR FOR TIDAL GAUGES Mr. Sterk commented that the sensor probe will be replaced on tide gauge #4, and the modems for the tide gauges will be upgraded at the same time. H&M DRAFT OF RESPONSE TO CONCERNS ABOUT DREDGING Ms. O'Brien commented on a document/table added to the agenda packet entitled "Clam Pass Dredging"which documents the history of dredging events back to 1999, including data such as cubic yards of sand removed,type of equipment, and dredge cut width at Section"A." Mr. Hall commented that his firm has the historical data of Clam Pass dredging events back to the 1970s. Mr. Fleming suggested adding "Clam Pass widths" as an additional column to the table. It was agreed by the committee and Mr. Dorrill that H&M and Ms. McCaughtry would add any • information they have to the table,to be brought back to the committee for additional review. Ms. O'Brien suggested that this data be included in Dr. Dabees' report on"concerns about dredging" as requested by the County. Ms. O'Brien commented that further discussion on how to avoid a future emergency dredging event is needed. Mr. Fleming commented on recent discussions by H&M consultants on alternatives for stabilizing Clam Pass in order to return to a 3 to 4-year dredging cycle. LEAD TIME FOR DREDGING DECISION TO AVOID BCC EMERGENCY ACTION Ms. O'Brien emphasized that the PBSD needs to do a better job at lengthening the dredging event lead time and avoiding a BCC emergency prior to a dredging event. WATER QUALITY 3 Pelican Bay Services Division Clam Bay Committee Meeting January 3,2019 COPPER RESULTS Ms. O'Brien commented that the most recent monthly copper results were the best ever. Mr. Hall commented that the County Lab has increased the amount of dilutions on the samples, which increases the minimum detection limits. Mr. Hall will follow up with Mr. Nosbel Perez, County Pollution Control Laboratory Supervisor, to determine whether the dilution coefficients can be reduced. PROPOSAL FOR ANALYZING TP RESULTS FROM PAST DECADES Ms. Jacob commented that an analysis of total phosphorus as documented over the past few decades would be included in the next RFP(request for proposal)for water quality monitoring. Mr. Hall commented that he thought there would be value in looking at the trend in the Clam Bay phosphorus data collected over the past few decades. Ms. Mary Johnson commented on a recent FGCU study conducted at Little Harbour (a small community in Naples)which determined that approximately 50% of the phosphorus in their lakes was sourced from the water table. ANNUAL REPORTS WATER QUALITY REPORT DUE FEBRUARY 15, 2019 Not discussed NEXT MEETING: By consensus,the committee agreed that the next meeting of the committee would be held on March 7, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT rile meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Susan O'Brien, Chairman Minutes approved I 4as presented OR [ 1 as amended ON [ 67-107`19 1 date 4