CAC Minutes 04/13/2006 R
Naples, Florida, April!3, 2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in and
for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date
at I :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor
Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida, with the following
members present:
Chairman: Ron Pennington
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel - Excused
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Tony Pires - Excused
John Sorey III - Excused
Paul Sullivan
E. Glenn Tucker
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Project Manager
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
4-13-06 Regular Meeting
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THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2006- 1 :00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. March 9, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
VII. New Business
1. FY 06/07 Budget and Grant Application
2. CAC Appointment
3. Advisory Board Parking Provided
4. Wiggins Pass Monitoring
VIII. Old Business
1. Annual Report 2005 Sea Turtle Protection Plan
2. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
3. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. May 11 ,2006 - 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to
the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost
to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East
Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 774-8380.
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken. Mr. Tucker was welcomed to the Committee.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. McAlpin mentioned added items "VII. New Business, 4. Wiggins Pass
Monitoring", "VII New Business, 2. CAC Appointment" and information sheets.
Mr. Camiener moved to approve the agenda as amended. Second by Mr.
Minarcini. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. March 9,2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Mr. Camiener moved to approve the minutes for March 9, 2006. Second
by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed documents "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2005-
2006", "Collier County Tourist Tax - YTD Report by City", and "Greater
Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Convention & Visitors Bureau Tourist Tax
Collections History" (see attachments).
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed documents "Revised Revenue Budget Detail",
"Project Closeout for 2006", and "TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance
Projects" (see attachments).
Ms. Hambright was thanked for her work on the documents "Revised
Revenue Budget Detail" and "Project Closeout for 2006".
April 13, 2006
Mr. Pennington requested to have billing and reimbursement from the City
of Naples checked into.
VII. New Business
1. FY 06-07 Budget and Grant Application
Mr. McAlpin reviewed the documents "FY 06/07 195 Fund Budget and
Analysis", Executive Summary "Recommend Approval ofCAC Category
"A" Grant applications and grant requests from the City of Naples, Collier
County Environmental Services, Pelican Bay Services District and the Collier
County Tourism Department for Fiscal Year 2007 in the Total Amount of
$1,805,300.00", and "Evaluation/Approval Guidelines for TDC Category A
Yearly Grant Requests by the Coastal Advisory Committee" (see
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach Renourishment and Pass
Maintenance Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Program". Second by
Mr. Minarcini. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach Renourishment and Pass
Maintenance Clam Pass Monitoring" for $11,000. Second by Mr.
Tucker. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Tucker moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Doctors Pass Monitoring".
Second by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach Cleaning Operations"
for $330,800. Second by Mr. Minarcini. Motion carries unanimously 6-
Mr. Camiener moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach Maintenance". Second
by Mr. Minarcini. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Pennington expressed concerns on the "Rent" for $32,000 under "Collier
County Tourist Development Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach
Renourishment and Pass Maintenance Project Management & Administrative
Expenses 2007" itemization.
Ms. Kulpa pointed out a typographical error under the amount of funds it
should be $402,400 instead of the written $406,200.
April 13, 2006
Mr. Tucker moved to approve "Collier County Tourist Development
Council Category "A" Grant Application Beach Renourishment and Pass
Maintenance Project Management & Administrative Expenses 2007"
without the "Rent" for a total of $374,400. Second by Mr. Camiener.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approved $50,000 for a Beach Tilling program
under "FY 06/07195 Fund Budget and Analysis, Projected Expenses, #1.
Regulatory and Permit Compliance, Beach Tilling". Second by Ms.
Mr. Sullivan withdrew his motion, with Ms. Kulpa withdrawing the
Mr. Tucker moved to conceptually approve all Projected Expenses FY
06/07 for Regulator and Permit Compliance in the amount of $825,900
within the document "FY 06/07 Fund Budget and Analysis". Second by
Mr. Sullivan.
Mr. McAlpin will bring each of the line items back to the Committee.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. McAlpin reviewed line items "#3. Planned Projects" and "#4. Efficiency
Project" within the "FY 06/07 Fund Budget and Analysis" (see attachment)
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve $450,000 for Wiggins Pass Dredging.
Second by Mr. Camiener. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
Mr. McAlpin reviewed a letter from Humiston and Moore Engineers (see
attachment) .
Mr. Pennington would like to wait to have the monitoring report that is
expected for Wiggins Pass next month before any further action is taken such
as the Humiston and Moore Engineering modeling. He suggested postponing
the modeling.
Public Speakers:
Mr. Humiston noted that in August of 2004 a study was completed looking at
improving the dredging program. Improving flow velocity and increasing the
dredging interval is the purpose of the modeling.
Jon C. Staiger, Turrell & Associates, Inc. is in attendance on behalf of the
Estuary Conservation Association for which he is a member. He supports the
modeling effort and suggested the use oft-groins; and noted that it is a
navigational hazard.
Bill Pitman who lives on The Wiggins Estuary is a boater and tax payer that
supports the modeling, keeping the waterway clean and safe for boaters.
Captain John Findley is on the Board of Estuary Conservation Association
and chairman of the Milestone Committee that is responsible for monitoring
and recommendations. He urged the Committee to not postpone the
modeling. The modeling was recommended 30 years ago, and many times
since. Not all temporary markers are in place. During a period of 72 hours
4,472 boats went in and out of the Pass.
Ray Vinson utilizes the boating area and finds it to be a dangerous Pass. He
feels the Pass needs to be dredged today, and suggests the use oft-groins or a
Mark Herman is president of the Property Owner Association for Barefoot
Beach and president of the Dock Owners Association. He urged to continue
the study as soon as possible. The park is loosing ground due to the water
path. He also feels that the Pass is dangerous.
Ms. Kulpa agreed that the modeling needs to be done but expressed to have
an understanding that the environment should not be changed to accommodate
boaters or the usage.
Mr. Camiener brought out that after the hurricanes safety signs are still
missing, this would not be tolerated on the streets.
Ms. Kulpa moved to conceptually approve up to $130,000 for a Wiggins
Pass study with $50,000 for permitting. Second by Mr. Camiener.
Ms. Kulpa would like to be notified at each meeting on modeling proceeds.
Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
The meeting recessed at 2:58 PM, reconvening at 3:05 PM.
Mr. Tucker moved to conceptually approve Other Expenses under the
document "FY 06/07195 Fund Budget and Analysis, Projected Expenses
under item #7." Second by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carries unanimously 6-
2. CAC Appointment
April 13, 2006
Mr. McAlpin welcomed Mr. Tucker.
3. Advisory Board Parking Provided
Ms. Hambright will create signs for Committee Members to display in their
vehicles in order to park in the new Council Member parking spots.
4. Wiggins Pass Monitoring
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend approval of the
Wiggins Pass Monitoring Survey and Report to be conducted on a time and
material basis by Humiston & Moore Engineers for a not to exceed price of
$26,000. This work is require by FDEP permit and will be performed in May
2006 (Project No. 900012)" (see attachments).
Mr. Tucker moved to approve "Wiggins Pass Monitoring Survey and
Report to be conducted on a time and material basis by Humiston &
Moore Engineers for a not to exceed price of $26,000 (Project No.
900012)". Second by Mr. Camiener. Motion carries unanimously 6-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Annual Report 2005 Sea Turtle Protection Plan
Mr. Tucker moved to accept the Annual Sea Turtle Report. Second by
Mr. Sullivan. Carries unanimously 6-0.
2. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - City/County
Beach Renourishment Project" (see attachments) noting that the permit
extension has been applied for. Everything that can be done to care for Turtle
nesting impact has been performed. He then demonstrated renourishment
locations on the overhead map.
3. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - Marco
South/Caxambas Pass Project" (see attachment).
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
April 13, 2006
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Tucker thanked everyone for his warm welcome.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. May 11,2006 -1:00 PM - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F,
3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned
by the order ofthe Chair at 3 :28 PM
Chairman Ron Pennington