BCC Minutes 11/12/1980 S L.J l _J"::W.;' Naples, Florida, November 12, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier met in SPECIAL SESSION at the Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida, at 3:01 P.M. on this date with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel Commissioner Pistor Commissioner Brown ALSO PRESENT: virginia Magri, Deputy Clerk. There being no objection it was indicated for the record that the members of the Board had waived written notice and accepted verbal notice of the emergency meeting called for the purpose of approving the bonds for the newly elected commissioners. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 3/0 that the bonds be approved for the following persons: Commisnioner John A. Pistor - District 11 Commissioner Mary-Frances Kruse - District 13 Commissioner David C. Brown - District IS There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 3:03 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA.~; , ~~ (-? _ ft,~ Clifford Wenzel, Chairman ATTF;ST: ,'" wr't:(.tM--1. REAGAN, CLERK ~,'~~J ~"'7 c'~ -- '~ ~J :'., j ~ ,'. &OOK 056 'ACE 504 ~ &-A November 12, 1900 Commissioner Wenzel stated for the record that he was not officially appointed to this Board; he is replacing Commissioner Wimer who could not attend. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Mrs. Paulus and carried 4/0, that Commissioner Pistor be selected as Chairman of this Board. Mr. Pickworth explained to the Board that their function is to provide a hearing forum for .citizens who do not agree with the assessment that has been placed upon their property by the County Property Appraiser; further, it is the burden of the taxpayer to prove that the Property Appraiser has incorrectly assessed thoir property. PETITIONS 80-l29 & 80-130 - J. W. Conners, Jr. Seeking review and adjustment of various parcels in Conners Vanderbilt Beach Estates. Seven parcels assessed at $l99,l7S.00 (Petition 80-l30) and fifteen parcels assessed at $S09,lSO.00(Peti- tion 80-129). P~itioner not present. Mr. Santa explained that his office had made a reduction up to 20% on some of the lots in question du~ to the fact thnt mangrove trees on the property reduce the value of the property by ~utting off access to the water. Commissioner \'ienze1 moved, seconded by Cornnlissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petitions 80-129 and 80-130 be denied. PETITION SO-12l - Frank Lualdi Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of Lot 12 and ~ uf Lot 13, Point Royal. Assessed at $360,000.00. In answer to the petitioner, who was presen':, Mr. Skinner ex- plained that a national multiplier is applied to the original cost of the subject home built in 1970 ($100,000); it is then brought up to a 1980 replacement cost. He further explained that the age and condition of the house is considered in the assessment. In response to County Attorney Pickworth, Mr. Jone3 stated that the fact that a lift station ia situated near the subject property was not considered to be a drawback on the market value; therefore it was not a factor in determining the asseasment. C.l lJ c=Ji ~OOK 056 pm 508 November 12, 1980 Based on the fact that Mr. Lualdi has not submitted any evidence contrary to the Apprainer's assessed value of the subject property, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comminnioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition 00-l21 be denied. Petition 80-117 - Muriel Lutgert Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of property located in Sunset Beach Replat, Lot 4, less east 415 feet. Assessed value is $1,121,900, and the petitioner who was present estimates the value at $750,000. The Property Appraiser's Office was directed by the Board to again review the ass~ssmcnt on the subject property due to the fact that there are several irregularities related to the building. This petition is to be continued on Friday, November 14, 1980. Petition 80-137 - CaIman ,]. Ambrosy, Jr. Et ux Seekil1<j Ll~ V ie\~ dllU auj us \;men \; of the assen5ed value of proper L': located in Golden Gate, Unit 2, Block 8, Lot 27. Assessed vnlue in $8-,,900; the prtit-.ioncr who was not present estimates that the value should be $7l,000. Commissioner \'lenzel moved, seconded by l>lrs. Paulus and carrie(i 4/0, that Petition 80-137.be denied. petition 80-140; 80-141; 80-142 - Carlo M.;Paterno/Thc Corner Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of the following properties: (Petitioner not present) 80-140 - 1100rings Unit l, Block A, Lots l4 & 15 - Assesned at $403,675; estimated value is $300,000. 80-l4l - Naples ReplDt Part Tl, Block 27, Lot 7 and part of Lot 6 - Assessed at $355,950; estimated value is $250,000_ 80-l42 - Naples T4, Dlock 8, Lots 5-12 - Assessed at $1,l6G,?~ cstilllilted vnluc is $1,000,000. Commissioner Pistor read a letter of objection regarding the petitioner's assessments, and Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Mrs. Paulus and carried 4/0, that petitions 00-140; 00-141; and 00-142 be denied. CI C] L__J November l2, 19S0 Petitions 80-144, through SO-ISO - Neapolitan Enterprises, Inc. Upon noting that Pctiti<1ls SO-144 through SO-l50 were with- drawn by letter, dated ll/11/80, from Charles M. Long, represent- ing Neapoli tc..l Enterprises, Inc., Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0, that the sub~ ject petitions be denied. Petitions BO-l5l and 80-152 - Robert O. Klausmeyer, Charles Long, :1ichael Cambron, Trustees under will of Julius Fleischmann Upon noting that Petitions 80-l5l and 80-152 were withdrawn by letter dated 11/11/BO, from Charles M. Long, representing the above-referenced petitioners, Commissioner Wenzel moved, secondec by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition aO-lSI and 80-152 be denied. Petition 80-153 - Caribbean Gardens, Inc. Upon notinq that Petition BO-lS3 has been withdrawn by lettc dated 11/11/80, from Charles M. Long representing the peti t5.oner, Commissioner \~cnze1 moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and car ried 4/0, that Petition SO-153 be denied. Petition 80-162 - Gcorge Varnadoe for Port of the Islands, Ltd. Upon noting that Petition 80-162 has been withdrawn by lette da ted 11/12/B 0 from the petitioner, Commissioner \~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition SO- 162 be accepted as withdrawn. petition SO-lG8 - William E. Treptow This petition was withdrawn by letter, dated ll/lO/BO. Petition 1l0-1115 - Gerald N. Knopf Seeking review and adjustment of assessed va;lue of Bordeaux Club Condominium Apartment 113, assesscd at $59,350. The petitionc who was not present cstimates the value to be $28,675. Commissioner Brol..n moved, seconded by Commis5ioner \oJenzel anc r"'.",,-~. ,.....-, ,.., /" ~.h..... p,,,. {,..(,...,..... 0"'_ 1 n ~ ,,,,--. ,1..,....; rH' 1"=:1 r. __.J 6D~K 056 fACE 510 t_1 November 12, 19S0 Petition BO-191 - Asty Ferris Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property described as Marco Bcach Unit 6, Block 258, Lot 4, assessed at $20,650. The petitioner, who was not present, estimates the value of the subject prOp0rty to be $lO,OOO. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4/0, that Petition SO-l91 be denied. Petition 80-194 - Ronald W. Davis Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property located in Isle of Capri, No 2, I~t 254, assessed at $44,575. The petitioner who was not present estimates the value of said propert) to be $55,000. Commissioner \~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition SO-194 be denied. Petition RO-196 - Dudley A. Williams Seekin~ review and adjustment of assessed value of property loeated in Naples Heplat Part TS2 and 3, Lake Replat Blk B, Lot .1. The assessed value is $77,000 and the petitioner who was not prcs~1 estimates that the value should be $53,000. Commissioner Pistor read into the record a letter from the p~titioner dated 11/8/00, and upon noting that no evidence contrar. to thc Property Appraiser's aSsessment was presented, Commissione~ Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition SO-196 be denied. Petition SO-224 - Martin F. Lechner Seeking revie\\I and adjustment to the assessed value of prOpel'! described as five acres in Corkscrew Swamp, assessed at $2,000 and estim.:\ted by the petitioner who was not pr~sent as valued at $2,00(' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition 00-224 be denied. It was noted that the petitioner's p0tition had the wrong assessment and the actual amount is $5,000. Ll 1_.01 L:.J November l2, 19BO Petition 80-227 - Laura Dlauvelt Seeking review and adjustment to the assessed value of property in Marco Deach Unit 13, Block 405, Lot l3, in the for~l of a letter dated lO/2S/aO, same having been read into the record by Commissioner Pis tor. The subject property is assessed at $333,325. The petitioner was not present to give her estimate. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Petition 80-227 be denied. Petition 80-182 - Martin C. Hosko Seeking review and adjustment to the assessed value of property in Golden Gate Fstates, Unit 34, Tract 4, assessed at $22,150 and estimated as valued at $20,000 by the petitioner. Comm;,ssioner Pistor read a letter of objection to the assess- ment dated 11/7/BO from the petiticner and noted that there was no evidence contrary to the Property Appraiser's assessment value. The pet~tioner was not present. CommissioD0r Drown moved, Secondedby Commissioner Wenze] and ca=ried 4/0, that p"itition 80-182 be denied. Petition 80-139 - Irene K. Burns Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of Golden Gate Unit 8, Part 1, Block 279, Lot 10, assessed at $6,700. The petitioner was not present to estimate what he feels the value is nor to provide evidence contrary to the Property Appraiser's valua tion. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 1/0, that Petition SO-l39 be denied. Petition 80-151 - Caribbean Gardens, Inc. Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of Caribbean Gardens, assessed at $922,500 and estimated as valued at $615,000 by the petitioner. who is represented by Ch.:lrle~ Long. Mr. Long stated the basis for his client's objection to the as~essed value is its peculiar use, namely, a botanicnl garden CI r _ J BOOK 056 rACE 512 L:=J November l2, 1900 and wild anilllal park. He stated the net income that this business generates is less than a 3\ return on the $900,000 assessment. Mr. Tetzlof president of Caribbean Gardens, Inc., read into the record n letter written by himself, requesting the Board to recon~ider the valuation placed by the Property Appraiser, and noted that the business has been operating at a loss for many years He said that additional taxes would most likely put it out of business. Commissioner Wenzel recommended that the Property Appraiser's office review this petition and provide a reduction of approximateJ. $150,000 regarding the assessment, and the Chairman directed that Petition SO-lS4 be continu~d on Friday, November 14, 19BO. ***********Mrs. Gerri Kalvin enter~d the meeting at 10:20 A.M.****~: Petition-SO-164 - Roger Turner Seeking adjustment of the assessed value of a Lakewood Condominium, Bldg. Cl S109, assessed at $4l,400 and estimated by the petitioner who was present at $25,000. Commissioner Pistor read into the record the letter from the petitioner objecting to the assessed value of his property an{ upon noting that no evidence has been provided to the contrary, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Tax Assessor's val~ation be upheld and Petition SO-164 be denied. *********RECESS - TIME 10:47 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.************ petition SO-lIS - George McCuskey Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of a condominium in Jamaica Towers, Lot 4 and part of Lot 5, Block l7, The Moorings, Unit 5, assessed at $l27,500 and estimated as valued at $96,000. Mr. McCu~key referred to a written report submitted with his petition, eompuring Jiln<lica Towers to The Embassy, a compurable [__1 J LJ November 12, 1980 condominium in thc area relative.to his. He noted that in 1979 the Embnssy had been assessed at a higher rate than the Jamaica Towers as well as having sales approximately $l5,OOO higher than the last sales of such units in Jamaici'l Towers. lie submitted that the 1980 assessed value is inequitable and requeste( that the 1979 relationship with 'the Embassy assessed values be maintained (SO.6t of the 1980 assessed value of an Embassy two and/or three bedroom apartment). In response, Mr. Skinner explained that the assessed values for JarnnicaTowers were arrived at by approximately .85% of sales prices for both two and three bp-droom apartments. Regarding the inequity between the two condominiums, Mr. Skinner stated that the Embassy values had been miscalculated too low; this cannot be reflected for 1980 taxes but will reflect next year. He also said that a recent change of JamaicaTowers from co-op to condominium c~.a5sification reflected in the much highcr assessed value over the prev iou.::i...yeiJ r. After a lengthy discus:::ion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconde by Commissioner Brown and carricd unanimOUSly, that Petition 80-115 be denied, based on th~ fact that the petitioner has not presented sufficient evidence to show an incorrectly assessed value. Petition 80-271 - Ralph C. Baker This petition for adjustment of the assessed value of $154,275, w~s prc~ented by Mr, McCuskcy along with Petition SO-lIS. The petitioner estimates that the value of his three bedroom condominium in Jamaica Towers is $125,000. Hr. :-!c Cuskey rcferred to both his and Mr. Baker "s petition in relation to the statements he made referring to Petition SO-lIS, and noting that sufficient evidenee to the contrary has not been submitted, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Browr and carried un~nimously, that Petition SO-271 be denied. .......At this time Mrs. Paulus was replaced by Mr. Eugene Turner, Collier County School Doard - Time: 2:30 P.M............. ~nn'( n~r) ",or t:)1 r~ 1:1 [,.J C ._.1 BOOK 056 rAGE 514 November J:2, l!JBO Petition 80-163 - Lawrence A. Farese for Curtis E. Frnnk Seekin9 review and adjustment of the assessed value of Lot 35, and p0rtions of Lot 34 and 36, Port Royal, assessed at $599,525. The petitioner estimates that the subject property is valued at $550,000. Mr. Farese, attorney for Mr. Frank the fetitioner, stated that his client's assessment is discriminatory when compared to other pr.operties in the area. He noted that Mr. Frank's assess- ment had increased almost 200\ compared to a lOO% increase of his next-door neighbor. He further produced various figures regardins this comparison. Mr. Skinner then explaincd the method at which both assess- ments wcre arrived at and offered to compare the actual figures on both houses to see if any corrections are in order. ~lr. Frank stated that he would aceept an assessed value of $500,000 to $550,000 as that would make him more comparable to both of,...,.his :1p.xt-door neighbors. This petition is to be further considered later this after- noon. Petition 80-155 through 80-l6l - William D. Kresse Seeking review and ildjustment of the assessed value of the personal property located as follows: *Petition BO-15S - Marco Island Shell *Petition 80-156 - Marco Battery Petition 80-157 - Snook Equipment- Assessed $72,000;aP\f Petition 80-158 - 79.91 acres (95l) - Assessed at $299,6 estimilto:l value is $190,000 Petition 80-l59 - Dolphin - Assessed at $2l0,025; estimat value is $l50,000 Petition BO-l60 - Shell - Assessed a~ $62,600; estimated value is not shown on petition. Petition 80-l6l - Snook Inn - Assessed at $321,250; esti- mated value is $250,000. * No information submitted with regards to values. The petitioner was not present and no evidenee contrary to the Property Appraiser's valuation was submitted. Commissioner Wen~cl moved, seconded by Mr. Turner and carried unanimously that Petition 80-155 through BO-l61 be denied. 1-1 LJ November l2, 1900 Petition 80-228 - Shelter Corp. of Canada, Ltd. Secking review and adjustment of the ansessed value of 244.15 acres. in Section 26, T49, R25, assessed at $~,823,550. The petitioner Jid not estimate the value of the subject property within his petition. Mr. Riehard Morrison, attorney for Shelter, Corp., explained that the company 5 ~ objecting to the valuation of property knOl<ln as Bear's Paw Country Club. He provided a brief background of the property's previous owners and quoted figures relating to the actual sale.<; transactions. Mr. Turner noted that the :;ubject land is appraised at a greater value than the two-year old mortgage vallie. Mr. Morrison also cited figures with the Wilderness Country Club, a eomparable property in the area, noting that it is appraised much lower than Dear's Paw. Deputy Appraiser Sandra Smith explained that comparable sales were used in determining this acccssment; she also noted that this lane h~.been assessed as raw land and that she feels that the assessment is correct and just. M.:. Santa com-:enl:ed that raw land in the area of Bear's ?aw on Goodlette Road has been selling for as much as $35-40,000.per acre. Ms. Smith quoted figures of up to $75,000 per acre'in reference to Mr. Morrison's concern regarding the increase in assessed value when lands are classified for residential purposes, adding that this land would be for development of condominiums; this price is bused on uctual sales eounty-wide. Aft~r some discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commis~ioner Brown and carried unanimously, thut Petition 80- 220 be denied. Petition 00-163 - Curtis Frank (continued from earlier this session) Mr. Skinner, deputy appraiser, presented figures on Mr. Frank's and his neighbor's properties which reflects that a higher rate per front feat has been culculuted for Mr. Frank's property; this is nr~f.~ r::,,~ Cl J (~ BOCK 056 rACE 516 November l2, 19S0 attributed to ~le distance of both houses from the COVQ area. The buildings on the land were also compared for assessed value, again Mr. Frank being assessed at a higher rate; however, Mr. Skinner noted that Mr. Frank's homo had boen depreciated mora no than his neighbor due to age of the building. Mr. Skinner detailed the process by which his office arrived at the assessments using actual construction costs and factoring them up to present replacement cost. It was noted by the Board that there could prove to be a fallacy in this method if the buyer had originally gotten a "better deal" when constructing the building. Commisnioner \'1enzel suggested the appraiserr. review this peti tion and actually go into Mr. l~rank I s home to determine whether they have sufficiently depreeiated the building and then bring their recommenda tion back to this board on Friday, Novembel.' l4, 1980. ThIs hearing \~as continued to Friday, November l4, 19S0 by order of the chair. Petition SO-197 - Cornelius ErKes Seeki ng revie'", and adjustment to the assessed value of a condominium apartment in Surfscdge Condominiums, assessed at $137,750. The petitioner was not prenent and did not estimate what he felt was the value of the subject property. Commissioner \'1enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Petition aO-l97 be denied. Petition SO-165 - Ann Halderman Price Combs Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of property on the beach directly south of the Naples pier at 60 12th Avenue South. The assessment is $369,375 and the petitioner estimates the value to be $300,000. The petitioner was not present. LI L L-I . November l2, 1900 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that due to the fact that there was no evidence provided to the contrdry, the Property Appraiser's valuation is to stand and Petition SO-l65 is denied. Petitions 80-229; 80-230; SO-231; (Victor Erday) and 80-232 (Paxton Corporation) These petitions were withdrawn by letter, received ll/ll/SO at the Clerks offiee, signed by Mr. LoWdermilk, Vice-President, Ad Miller Assoc., Inc. ***********Meeting recessed at 4:02 P.M. and will reconvene******** on November 13, 19S0 at 9:00 A.M. (1~~ ... ~'l '1 a:I 1._] .\,,, Naples, Florida. Nov~m0er 12, 1980 LET IT DE REMDlnERED, that on this date the Special Master for the Property Appraisal Adjustment Doard was present at 9:30 A.M. on thc 5th Floor of Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex to consider various petitions as listed on the agenda. In attendance were -: Special Master: C. W. Grimm And, Anthony Pires, Assistant County Attorney; Joyce Dees, Doug Gorham, Grecn Jones, Joe Santa, Abe Skinner, Lou Chestnut, Drew Wenzell, Property Appraiser's Office; and, Edna Brennemen and Darlene Davidson 110:01 P.M.), Deputy Clerks. 9:00 A.H. 80-72 80-73 80-74 80-75 00-7G 80-77 80-l 80-2 80-3 80-4 80-5 80-6 80-7 80-8 80-9 BO-lO 80-11 80-l2 80-14 80-l5 80-16 9:30 A.H. 10:00 A.M. lO:30 A.H. AGENDA Dominic D'Agostino .. " " .. .. .. Edward Andwood Andrew Deane Angelo R. Picon, et al John Di Petro Victor Mulberg Ivalter A. Goes Richard Cope Frank Pfingston Joseph M. CarmOS1no Jdmcs D. Hunziker George Nmm\ark William A. Snelling Paul Hoffman James .Jentgen John Buzzelli nr~n ',.. ~'H? [..::] L._J BaOK 050 fAGE 519 lO:30 A.M. CContd.) November l2, 19BO BO-18 Thomas Pahl 80-19 Sandpiper Investment, Inc. 80-20 Walter C. Ignell 80-21 The Moorings Country Club of Napl~s (postponed until November l3, 1980) ll:OO A.M. Recess l:30 P.I1. 80-22 80-23 80-25 80-26 80-27 2:00 P.M. 80-28 80-30 80-31 80-32 80-128 2: 30 P.}1. 80-36 80-52 80-55 80-56 80-57 80-62 80-63 OPENING Cml.'IENTS Lillian Weber R. E. Keslinke for Sears, Roebuck' Co. Thomas J. Kennedy Sydney G. Wilson Robert Klausmeyer Geo. , Irene Wilth Michael , Theresa Diorio Paul Stux et ux Charles Fisher CWithdrawn by Letter) K. Pettingill Helen Williams William V. & Junko Hartman Barnett Banks Trust Co./ Whiteford (Withdrawn) Harry Davis Carl W. Katcllthaler John Abele at ux Paul W. Sarcwich Prior to calling the meeting to order, Special Master Charles Grimm explained that he was appointed by the Board of County Commis- sioners as the Special l1aster whose duty is to determine if the Tax Assessor is in error or, if there is some basis for any incor- rectncss for an adjustmp.nt to the petitioner for a reduction in his taxes, such recommendation will be made to the Property Appraisil lIdjustmcnt Board. Ilis reconuncndations will be reviewed by the subje r~~l [ .I November l2, 19BO Doard, snid Mr. Grimm, nnd ncceptcd or not. He detailed his creduntinls and experience in appraising property in Collier County, pointing out that he has been in the real estate business for 27 years and has been a Collier County appraiser since 1960, performing work for various governmcntnl entities, as well as for numerous lending institutions. Petitions 80-72 through BO-77 - Dominic D'1\gostino Petitions withdrawn by letter dated November ll, 19BO, agreement having been reached with the Property Appraiser. Petition BO-l Edward And wood Petition withdrawn by letter received November lO, 1980, with the notation that ~he eurrent assessed valuation on the property is accepted. Petition BO-2 Andrew Deane Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property located in Royal Harbor, Unit 1, Block 2, Lot 7. Assessed value: $90,925; Petitioner's estimate of value: $60,000. PetitToner not present and no evidence furnished to sub- stantiate request for adjustment of assessment. Property deemed to be assessed at its just value. Recommendation by Special Master - Assessment should be upheld. (Note: Petitioner appeared later in the session and furnished no additional information other than to state a personal financial hardship for requesting adjustment in the apprai:;al. He was informed of the Epecial Master's recommendation to the PAAD) Petition BO-3 Anqe]0 R. Pieon, et al Decision postponed until later in the session pending arrival of petitioner. Petition 80-4 John F. DiPietro Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property located at 14B Trinidad Street, Isles of Capri. Assessed value: $82,000; Petitioner's estimate: $~5,000. Petitioner present - requested to be heard by the Property Appraisi\l 1\dju~tJ11cnt DOilrd instead of Speciill ~laster. Pur- suant to advice by County Attorney, agreed to be heard by Mr. Grimm. Property description by petitioner: Built almost square, Ma~ 056 rm 520 L__I L_,_J aDaK 055 PACE 521' November l2, 1900 no entrance foyer, no garage, carport, enclosed glass lanai, pool with ~,OOO gallon capacity, tri~ngulnr shape l8xl9x20. ^dditionnl facts upon questioning: Water- front lot 60xllO, soa~all, boat dock, sewer and water (septic tank), landscaped (no s~d - merely stones and small shrubbery), ~Ox~5 square foot rcsidcnee (ltlOO Rquare footage total), current market value of lot $l7,000 (petitioner's estimate). Other facts provided by petitioner - house not in good condition (submitted l~ photographs to substantiate statements regarding condition of area around septic tank, defects in conerete, etc. Pictures taken by petitioner and wife in September, 1978 and marked Exhibits Nos. 1-l4). Comparables submitted by petitioner for homeS i~ area: John Baugh, 164 Trinidad St., l678 S.F. - $6S,0uO Dick Skidmore, 177 paga Pago, 1900 S.F. - $B6,4S0 Joe Niemic, l20 Trinidad St., l700 S.F. - $52,000 Albert Stier, 160 Trinidad St., 2200 S.F. - $71,650 (h.1plex) Petitioner's estimate of replaeement cost of home is $40,000 since it was subcontracted by petitioner, is very plain, has no architectural features and design. (Submitted copy of plans for record - Exhibit "A") Property ^ppraiser Green Jones produced the appraisal card showing that the square footage has been adjusted to 2142 square feet to include the enclosed Florida room; noted that currently eomparable lots are selling for $315 per front foot based on 1979 sales; value of seaw~l placed at $2575; condition of the house compares favorably in its present condition to other nearby houses; rate put on the house for 1980 is $23.73 per square foot. Petitioner failed to provide information to substantiate alleged engineer~ng defects caused by the County putting a culvert on his property. Recomendation by Special Master: The Appraiser's opinion should be upheld. Petition BO-5 Vietor Mulberg Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of Lots 1-16 in New H.:Jrket Subdivision (Block 40), Immokalee. Assessed value: $26,100; Estimated value: $lB,OOO. Petitioner not present. Appraiser Santa said that the subject property and all like property has been assessed at $75.00 per unit foot with six sales in 1979 for $86.50 per unit foot. Property deemed to be assessed at just value. Recommendation by Special Master: No evidenee presented to overcome Appraiser's opinion. Petition 00-6 Nalter A. Goes Seeking review and adjustment of assessed villue or property located in Pinehurst EstD.tes, Block 13, Lot 10. Assessed value: $106,750: Estimated value: $89,000. Petitioner present. ~h:I L-.I Nov~mber l2, 1900 Petitioner's comments: Too large of increase in aSGes~mcntn in one year; should reflect depreciation due to age of property; lot assessed at $32,000 - too high; loan value of house $85,000 pursuant to informa- tion from local lending institution. Appraiser's statements: Sales of lots in the area at $3.61 per front foot - three sold in the same block for $36,000; adjusted square footage 2496 front feet; age of house reflected in assessment; comparable sale - to petitioner in 1979 for $ll2,000. Recommendation by Special Haster: No evidence presented to warrant any adjustment; recommendation to PAAD that assessment by Assessor's office be upheld. Petition BO-7 Richard Cope Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of 2~ acres cf raw land (10 02857800008). Assessed value: $4500; Estimated value: $l.OO. Petitioner not present. Appraiser's statements: should be $3,67.5; sales i.r.ately $3900 per act"e; good" s~ction of land. $~500 in error - 19BO assessment data - 5 sales averaging approx- land not: swampy, no "ST"i "pretty Recommendation by Special Master: Due to insufficient evidence to the contrary and due to comparable sales for as much as twiee the as;;cssed value, recommendation is to agree with the Assessor's office and approve the valu~!::ion . Petition 80-8 Fran~ J. pfingston Seeking review and adjustment. of assesse~ value of 9.63 acres (ID-04432000007). Assessed value: $62,600; Estimated value: $50,000. Petitioner not present. Appr~iser's statements: Land in County Darn section; assessed like other parcels in the area at $6500 per acre; 4 sales at approximately $6900 per acre - property in question assessed at $6500 per acre. special Master noted he has personal knowledge of the parcel (deemed not to be conflict of interest) and suggested there is an error in the total acreage. Decision postponed pending further investigation by Assessor's office. Later in the session Appraiser Santa agreed that an error was made and that the Hap Department has deter- mined that there are 7.01 acres of land involved. Reeommendation by Special Master: Assessment should be redueed to $50,775 due to an overestimate on the size of the parcel. Petition BO-9 Joseph 11. Carmosino Postponement until 11/l3/80 or ll/l4/00 requested and grunted. Or:.:" 5rH"" MI'iV . In p^rF '. (.L L_l I' BOOK 056 fACE 523 November 12, 1900 Petition 00-10 ,'Tomes D. lIunzikar Seeking review and adjustment of in Tract 86, Unit 9, Golden Gate value: $9775; Estimated value: present. assessed value of parcel Estates. Assessed $~OOO. Petitioner not Assessor's statement: Property assessed at $l900 per acre for the 5.15 acres involved; lO sales in the area for $220l per acre; All parcels in the area assessed likewise. Recommendation by Special Master: Due to lack of any information t.o the contrary, Tax Assessor's valuation should be upheld. Petition 80-11 Georqe Newmark Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of pareel consisting of 20 acres or swampland one mile north of Route 84. Assessed value: $l5,400; Estimated value: $8000. Petitioner not present. Recommendntion by Special Master: Based on lack of information in the petition and by the Tax Assessor's office (no legal description furnished) there is no reason to question the vnluation and the assessed vnlue should be upheld. Petition 80-12 William A. Snelling Seeking review ilnd adjustment of assessed property in Golden Gate Estates Unit 30. value: $8500; Estimnted value: $7500. present. villue of Assessed Petitioner Petitioner's statement: Since the land was purchased in 1979 for $7500 that should represent the maximum possible assessment; property is lm~ in front, with unattractive dead scrub cypress and is, therefore, less valuable. Recommendation by Special rlaster: Petitioner presented data sufficient lor n recommendation to reduce .the assessment to $7500. Note: Deputy Clerk nrenne~an was replaced by Deputy Clerk Davidson - Time: 12:01 P.M. Petition 80-14 Science Chureh Seeking an appeal of disnpproval of ad vnlorem tax exemption, other thun hOlPestead, by the Property Appraiser. Petitioner present. Pnul Hofmann, representing the Life Mr. Grimm asked Mr. Hoffman if he is appealing b~- cause he is a church organiz~tion and, upon hear1ng an affirmative reply, rend the subject petition which indicates the property in question is located in Lakewood Villas III, Dlock A, Unit l, Section 13, Townr;hip 50 South, Range 25 East. Mr. IloffmLln read the contents of the information submitted with his petition llnd stated thnt he and his wife rcnide in snid residcnce, as an ordaincd I....l (,..1 November l2, 1980 minizter of the Life Science Church, and that the resi- dence is considered by himself as a parsonage. no also submitted for the record a written statement regarding pasnages of the Florida Constitution, the United States Constitution, Florida Statutes, and U. S. Supremo Court Decisions upon which he bases his belief that the villa at 3058 Boca Ciega Drive is a parsonage of the church and, therefore, tax-exempt, concluding that the property is owned by a church and is used for religious purposes. Assistant County Attorney Anthony pires asked Mr. Hoffman if he had a bindin9 letter from the Federal Internal Revenue Department that indicates that the Life Science Church is a non-profit organization and Mr. Hoffman re- plied negatively. Deputy Appraiser Joe Santa stated that he understood that, aecording to a "Vow of Poverty" signed by Mr. Hoffman, if the County were to deny the requested Ho~estead Exemp- tion, the property would revert to Mr. Hoffman's personal ownership. He also questioned the legitimacy of the status as a "church" because he has contacted the Attorney General in California, where Mr. Hoffman claims to have been orrlaincd, and was told that the Life Science Chu"ch does not appear on the central computer at the Franchise Tax Board as having made application of tax-exemption status. Mr. Gri~~ said that he is going to recommend that the Count:,' grant ~lr. Hoffman' s reque~t for exemption status for the renson that he believes that the County is more capable and has the funding to attack the decision than he (Hr. Hoffman) docs as an individual. He said that he fe-els that Mr. Hoffman's rights should be upheld and further noted that, although he is not sure that this is as it should be, he is "throwing the ball" to the Tax Assessor because he has more funds available than the petitioner. Peti tion 2(1-15 Jil;:1eS Jentqen Petition withdrawn by letter dated November 10, 1980. Petition 80-16 John Buzzelli Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of property described as Marco Shores, Unit 6, Block 238, Lot 24. Peti tioner not present. Mr. Grimm said that the petitioner is requesting that the property's assessed value of $62,575 be increased to $BO,OOO whieh is what the petitioner feels the sub- ject property is valued at as of January 1, 1980. Upon hearing from Deputy Appraiser Abe Skinner that the subject property has been appraised in a similar and like manner as the surrounding properties with the same formulae and dollars per square foot, Mr. Grimm stated that his recommendntion was that the petition be denied and that the subject property is found to be assessed at just value and should stand, as submitted by the Property Appraiser's office. Petition 80-18 ThomilS :::. Pahl Seeking review and adjustment of the assessed value of real property located in JIender::;on Creek Park (1D 1~8322G00001). Assessed value: $14,075; Estimated value: $10,000 as of January l, 1900. Ll [.....1 ( BOOX 056 fACf 525 November l2, 1980 Mr. Pahl stated that he believes his estimate of value of $10,000 is just due to the fact that his lot is not located on "enderson Creek but on a drainage canal which is ~teadily being decreased in depth due to weirn that are being installed north of the property. lie further stated that the lots on Henderson Creek hove been selling for approximotely $9,000 to $9,500 and have the benefit of being located dir.ectly on the Creek. Deputy Appraiser Joe Santa stated that he did not know that the property in question was not situated directly on HflndersoTl Creek ilnd that he would, therefore, agree to make an adjustment on the assessment. Upon hearing that Mr. Pahl has offered the subject propcrty for sale at $lO,OOO for over two years, with no buyers willing to accept that price, Mr. Grimm stated that his recommendation is for the Property Appraiser's offiee to adjust the assessment of the property in the form of a reduction to $10,000. Pet! tion 00-19 Sandoiper Investment, Inc. Seeking an appeal of disapproval for ad valorcm tax cxemption, other than homestead, by the Property Appr.aiser, and appeal of the disapproval of applica- tion for agricultural classification for property located in Section 2, Township 51, Range 27, (NW~) consisting of 158.13 acres. ~etitioner represented. Mr. Grimm noted that the Property Appraiser's assessmcnt for the property is $110,700 and that the petitioner's estimate of value is $01,600. Mr. Perkins, the petitioner's representative, stated that two similar properties located adjacent to the subject property hn~e been sold in May, 1980 at $77,400 and $78,800, each of these properties being l/4 sections. lie, therefore, claims that his assess- ment is excessive. Deputy Assessor Joe Santa stated that these sales are not allowable for comparison according to the law as they took place in 1900; only sales during 1979 can be used to determine a comparison. He further stated that the Property Appraiser's offiee located only thece 1979 sales, and that the average for these three sales was some $1,428 per acre. Mr. Santa explained that the subject property is assessed at $700 per acre as is all the land in that general area. lie further stated that many considerations are studied when determining the $700 per acre assess- ment besides comparable sales. Mr. Grimm stated that he rceommends that the Property Appraiser's assessment should stand as he has not seen any evidence to overcome it. Note: Deputy Clerk Davidson was replaced by Deputy Clerk Brenneman at 1:30 P."'. [~.=.] L~ Novcmber l2, 19S0 Petition SO-20 Walter C. Ignell Sceking review ~nd adjustment of aGseGsed value of property in Unit ~B, Golden Gate Estntea. Asscssed value: $32,650; 8stimated value: $29,650 plus $3,000. Petitioner present. Petitioner's stntement: Assessmcnt too high - possibly a mistake - since there are no amenities such as mail delivery, ~idewalk, streetlights, etc. Assessor's commcnts: Land value reduced in 1977 to $3,000 du~ to lack of services - not increa6ed in 19S0 when properties were reappraised; house valued at same rate as any of similar nature in any area; depre- ciation refleeted in the land value due to the fact that perhaps the land should not have been built upon. Specia 1 Nas t"~r' s recommendation: petitioner has agreed on App~aiser's value as noted on petition; no reason to disagree with Assessor since petitioner has failed to show cause for reduction. Upheld. Peti tion 00-21 The !~ooring.G Country Club of Naple.G Postponed until November 13, 19BO RECESS: 1:35 P.M. until 2:15 P.M. Petition 80-22 Lillian Weber Seek~ng review and adjustment of property in Unit 6, Block 73, Lot 44, Naples Park. Assessed value: $54,125 (as shown on Notice of Proposcd Property Taxes - copy furnished); Estimated value: $31,000. Petitioner present and represented by K. B. Gordinier. Petition withdrawn by petitioner following correction of typographical error on document submitted. Assessed value d~emed to be $31,375. Pctitioner agr.eed to reduced valuation. Petition 80-23 R. E. Kesline for Sears, Roebuck & Co. Petition withdrawn by lettcr dated November ll, 1980. Petition 80-25 Thomas J. Kennedy Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of 20 acres - Parcel 'IDO~J98600000. Assessed value: $28,000; Estimatcd value: $16,000. Petitioner not present. Petitioncr states on petition that a Naples realtor has advised that adjacent property is selling for $800 to $900 per acre - deemed to be insufficient evidenee for adjustment. Special Haster's recommendation - Appraiser's opinion should be upheld. Petition 80-26 Sydney G. Willson Seeking review and ndjustment of property in Unit 97, Golden Gate value: $6350; Estimated value: not present. assessed value of Estates. ^ssc5scd $5000. Petitioner 1_-1 1.__.1 BOO~ 056 PAcf52.7 November l2, 1980 Appraiser's statement: 12 active sales in the area averaging over $4,000 per acre - more than appraised value on petitioner's property. Special Master's recommendation: Petitioner has failed to furnish Gufficicnt evidence to overcome Appraiser's opinion - recommcnd opinion be upheld. Petition BO-27 Robcrt O. Klausmeyer Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of shopping center propcrty (P<<rcel No. ID 36063000008). Assessed value: $8,7,9,200; Estimated value: $4,700,000. Petitioner not present. Appraiser's statement: Under impression petition had been withdrawn (land value to be reduced to previous year's figure). Special Master's recommendation: No evidenee presented by petition or petitioner to make judgment - acceptance of assessment, following adjustment, reeommended. Petition BO-2B George H. and Irene M. Wirth Seeking revie~ and adjustment of asse~sed value of property in Grlden Gate, Unit 3, Block 86. Assessed value: $12,rJO; Estimated value: $6,000. Petitioner not present-. ^ppr~lser's statement: Petitioner has l~ lots; single lots in the area selling from $9,450 to $10,175; subject lot appraised at $B,OOO x l~. Special Master's reeommendation: Just value; no evidence to support an adjustment of Appraiser's valuation. Petition 80-30 Michael and Theresa Diorio Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property in Unit 7, Block 218, Marco Beach. Assessed value: $24,250; Estimated value: $15,000. Petitioner not present. Appraiser's statement: Sales in same Unit and Block for $225 per front foot - petitioner's property assessed at $200 per front foot; odd-shaped lot; appraised as all like properties - same formula. Special Master's recommendation: Insufficient evidence to overcome Appraiser's valuation - recommend in favor of Assessor's value. Petition 80-31 Paul Stux et ux Seeking review <<nd adjustment of assessed value of property in Unit 4, nlock 120, Golden Gate. Assessed value: $4,500; Estimated value: About $3,000. Peti- tioner not present. Appraiser's statement: 66 sales in the area averaging about $5,075 each. L='J L J r November l2, 19S0 Special Master's recommendation: petitioner has failed to furnish sufficient evidence to overcome ^ppraiser's valuation - recommend it be upheld. Petition 80-32 Charles Fisher Petition withdrawn by letter dated November 5, 1980. Petition 80-128 K. Pettengill et al Trs. Petition ,.!ithdra...m by letter dated November 7, 1980. Petition SO-36 Helen 'Hlliams Seekin~ review and adjustment of assessed value of building lot in Galleon Drive Section of Port Royal. Assessed value: $281,200 Clatf..: deemed to be typo- graphical error and reduced to $20S,47S); Estimated value: $101,200. Petitioner not present - represented by Freeman Haywood, Commodore Club. Petitioner's statement: Subject lot faces Bay and overlooks condos in Royal Harbor; heavy wakes of l3ay traffic precludes having large boat moored; view and ability to dock boat on lot is what establishes value; pie-sha~ed lot with narrow frontage; listed 1979 sales of lots from $155,000 to $175,000. Appraiser's statement: Lot assessed at $l,07S per unit foot; IS eomparable sales in 1979 for $1,287 per unit foot;~ Snme forn11l11\ \lscd for other lots in the area; some inland waterway lots assessed for more. Special Master's recommendation: Petitioner failed t~ furnish sufficient information to overcome Appraiser's assessment. Petition SO-52 IHlliam V. and Junko Y. Hartman Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property on Fort Charles Drive - Lot 21 and northerly one-half Qf Lot 22. Assessed value: $lS7,325; Estimated value: $88,370. Petitioner not present. Petitioner's statement based primarily on political commentary to the Governor, etc., and refers to method of assessment in prior years - no bea~ing on the subject at. hand. Appraiser's comment: Lot assessed using same formula for odd-shaped lots in the area; no physical character- istics affecting property value - easy to build upon. Special M.:tster's recommendation: No evidence presented to overcome Property Appraiser's presumptions or assessments - Appraisal should be upheld. Petition SO-55 Barnett Banks Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee Petition withdrawn by lettcr dated Novcmber 7, 1900 pur- suant to ch.:tnge in appraisal by Property Appraiser. L...J L_] BOO~ 056 rACE 529 I Novcmber l2, 1900 Petition 00-56 Harry F. Davis Seeking review and adjuctment of asselJsed vnluc on concominium at 1900 Gulf Shore Blvd., N. Assessed value: $l48,750; Estimated vnlue: $lOO,OOO. Petitioner in attendance. Petitioner's statement: Increase in taxes and assess- ment too high; apartment on leased ground; maintenance costs will be higher this year. Appraiser's comments: Property assessed at full market value; purchased for $90,900 in 1974 and estimating its worth at $100,000 six YC'lrs later is not realistic; appraisal based on 1979 sales of $l33,000 to $175,000 - sale of $l75,000 unit identical to petitioner's with same appraisal. Assistant County Attorney Pires explained why the increase to 100% full market value appraisals was not done in increments, noting thal: it is the State law and mandated for 1900. Speeial Master's recommendation: Insufficient evidence furnished to overeome Appraiser's opinion of assessed value - opinion should be upheld. Petition 80-57 Carl W. Katchthaler Seeking review ilnd adjustment of assessed valu~. of property on Galleon Drive, Port Royal. Assessed valu~. $2l9,400; Estimated value: $150,000. Peti- tiolll'::'!: present. Petitioner's ntatement: 2~ story home permitted to be built next to subject property in a traditional one-ntory neighborhood and detracts from value of petitioner's home; provided sketch to illustrate; letter from Property Appraiser Colding read into the record suggesting that the house in question, when completed, will not detract from p~titioner's home - petitioner disagrees with that opinion; Architectural Committee of Port Royal Club has issued a statement that no multi-storied homes will be permitted next to existing one-story home in the future. Appraiser's comments: Property personally checked at request of Mr. Colding; home in question will be first-class ~len complete~ and rubble removed; new house will not affect livability of petitioner's home. Special Master's recommendation: That the property under petition be reviewed again taking into considera- tion the aesthetics, and the like, which have been dis- cussed; that a confirmation of the ru1inq by the Port Royal Club be obtained; and that a decision be post- poned until the afternoon of November l4, 1980 - at 3:00 P.M. Petition BO-3 Angelo R. Picon et al Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value of property in U10ck K, Lot 72, poinciana Village Unit 2. C1 [~-] November l2, 1900 A~sessed vnlue: $~n,750, Estimated valuo: $40,750. Petitioner not present. special Master's recommendation: Due to lack of in- formation to the contrary, recommendation of Tax Assessor should be upheld. Petition 80-62 John Abele et ux Seeking review and Cldjustment of assessed value of Parcel No. 1D 0441240003. Assessed value: $122,650; Estimated value: $75,000. Petitioner not present. Petitioner's statement: Value placed on property is too high; taxes becoming prohibitive and will have to sell. Assistant County Attorney Pires advIsed that such statements are insufficient to rebut the information provided by the Property Appraiser. Special Master's recommendation: No information or indication of why the ansessment should not stand - only the petitioner's opinion - therefore, assess- ment by Appraiser should be upheld. Petition BO-63 Paul W. Sarewich Seeking review and adjustment of assessed value on lO acres of vacant land that is undeveloped and nnim- proved (Pareel No. 1D 51154200006). Assess~d value: $62,875; Entimated value: $40,000 or less. Petitioner not ~esenl. Appraiser's statement: Comparables not available; well-located parcel; assessment adjusted 30% because it is low-lying; small garage and residence on property - assessed $6,875. Speeial Master's reeommendation: Due to potential of 65-66 units being placed on property, ann the assess- ment of less than $1,000 per unit, appraisal is just and should be upheld. * * * * * All scheduled petitions having bcen reviewed, the meeting was recesscd at 3:50 P.M. to rcconvene at 9:00 A.M., November l3, 1980. 000;( 056 I'AGE 530