BCC Minutes 07/01/1980 C
Haple~, Florida, July 1, 1980
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s)
of such special districts herein, met on this date at 9:20 A.M. in
Special Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with
the following members present:
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer
John A. Pistor
C. R. "Russ:' Wimer
David C. Brown
ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel'. Chainnan
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Hdruld L. Hdll, Chief
Deputy Cle~k/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman. Deputy Clerk; C. William
Nonnan, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Terry
Virta, Community Development Administrator; Danny Crew, Planning Director;
and Sandra Yates, Coordinator - Immokalee Block Grant.
1. Discussion with regard to a proposed "Letter of
Intent" re the issuance of Mortgage Revenue Bonds.
... .,..,
BOOK 053 rAGE 741
July 1, I980
Mr. David J. Fischer, of Fischer, Johnson, Allen & Burke, Incor-
por'Ated, of St. Petershurg, Florida opened the discussion with regard
to the proposed issuance of Mortgage Revenue Bonds by intrOducing another
member of the firm, Glenn T. Allen, Jr., and, also, Mr. Nonnan Pellegrini,
of Southeastern Municinal Bonds, Inc. whom he said were present to
respond to questions, if any, from the Commissioners.
Mr. Fischer advised that there have been four housing issues in
the State of Florida and that the finn he represents has been financial
consultants on two of those four and said that there are a number of
other counties contemplating the subject program. As noted during the
Special Session of the Board this date at which time the subject was
discussed, Mr. Fischer said that the time frame has been revised so
that the counties and/or other governmental entities have until the end of
the year in which to take appropriate action with regard to the Program
being discllssed.
Ik, Fi scher explained briefly the various aspects with regard to the
establishment of a Housing Finance Authority and the issuance of Mortgage
Revenue Bonds, emphasizing that the Program is self-supporting and that
the County does not obligate any of its revenues, wheth~r ad valorem
taxes, G~neral Fund monies, or the like.
Mr, Allen, having d~stributed Fact Sheets pertaining to the subject
Ft'ogram, reviewed various portions of the paper, including such matters
as the purpose for the Bond Issue, the security behind the Bonds, the
mechanics involved in obtaining reduced rate mortgage money, the commit-
ments of the mortgage lenders, the insurance policies required, and other
pertinent information. Esspntially, said Mr. Allen, the Program is a
Mortgagp. Purchase Program entered into by the Housing Finance Authority,
established by the Board, and the Trustees, with lenders within the
community and provides an instrument for the obtaining of low-interest
bearing mortgages for single-family residences by middle, moderate to
lesser income families.
Mr. Allen detailed the official actions which have been taken in
Congress to date to permit the issuance of Mortgage Revenue Bonds without
restriction throughout the year's end and said that bond counsels
throughout the country would now issue fairly "clean" legal opinions
on the bond issue and can approach rating agencies and receive AA ratings
for marketing the bonds between the present date and the end of the year.
Concerning the actions needed, Mr. Allen said that a number of counties
have adopted ordinances, without a resolution of need, in order to put
the authority on the books naming underwriters, bond counsel and size of
the issue, pending development of economic data indicating whether or not
there is a substantial need for slJch an issue in the county, following
which act'on can be taken to implement the Program.
Mr, Allen cited examples of maximum income qualifications and purchase
prices for homes in certain Florida counties. He also noted that the
subject Program does not go on ad infinitum, such as a h~using agency,
hut is a closed program that "does one thing at one time where there is a
need". Further, said r'lr. Allen, the Program is self-administering, and
that there is no additional build-up of bureauc~acy to manage the Program.
The Authority sets the guidelines, he continu~d, with regard to eligibility,
based on the particular county's base, and not by a government agency
establishing the income level.
Mr. Fischer stressed the benefits to be derived by the middle and
lower inco~ne fami;y, with earnir ; between $13,000 and $20,000, noting
that there dre very few benefits and subsidies available to thi~ group of
taxpayers who hear the brunt of inflation. The design of the Housing
Issue, said Mr. Fischer, is to issue Tax Exempt Bonds at a tax-exempt
level, explaining how a qualified individual could save as much as 3%
in mortgaye interest rates. As far as the County is concerned, Mr.
Fischer said that a separate County department is not needed since no
administration is done by the County itself and ::e stressed the fact
that local free enterprises are ;'3t'ticipants and are nut "cut Oll~ by a
government program.
Mr. Pelligrini emphasized the flexibility which is involved for
e5ti1blishi'1~ ['i1ri\meters, '1oti'1~ thilt. t.hp Authority p<;t.!'l111ishes the mi1YimUm
income limits and purchase price maximum, and defines what type units
are eligible under the Program. In this way, he continued, the Program
can be structured and tailored to meet the individual needs of the counties
throughout the State.
Commissioner Pistut' inquired if the subject loans are only available
to families building single-family homes with Mr. Allen stating that
allhough they are entitled Singlp F;!mily Mortgage Revenue [lends, quad-
rlJplexes Ciln be included as well as units in condominiums but not a condo-
minium, with the "key" point being home-ownership.
Other points brought out during the discussion covered such matters
as a developer not being eligible for finanCing under the Program, although
purchasers of units in the development would be, if qualified; controls
over the interest rilte to be charg~d by the participants; the fact that the
costs for the issuance of the bonds, and like expenses, are paid from the
bond issue; the control the Board has over the Authority, including the
fact that the Board can pass a rescinding ordinance diSbanding such
Authority, if deemed advisable; plus additional matters of general interest.
~1r. Fischer responded in the affirmative to Fiscal Officer Ha1"old Hull's
statement that it is his understanding that the issue must be marketed
between the present date and the end of the year, with Mr. Allen observing
that the Authority has to do certain "things" fairly rapidly in order to
qualify under the existing rules or just to meet the time frame in
existance; i.e. the Board, sitting as the Authority initially, or the
Authority must appoint a bond counsel, select underwriters, and indicate
the size of the issue. He said that, pursuant to advice received from
competent persons, the Board should issue a Resolution of Intent, citing
the Statutes for such governmental type of financing, appoint underwriters
and determine the size of the issue, and indicating that an Authority will
be appointed.
Responding to Conmissioner Pistor, Mr. Allen explained, as contained
in the aforementioned Fact Sheet, that if the requested amount of mortgage
money is not util ized by the mortgage lenders in a specified amo.;nt of time,
the commitment fee will be reta i ned in the Program on a prorated bas is
and flows into the Bond Retirement Fund.
~ ... 'J ...) ... J'-'~"
Community Development Administrator Virta questioned whether it
is realistic to implement the Program between the present date and the end
of the year, noting that he has received estimates from per~ons in other
counties ranging from 12 months to two years to effect such Program.
Mr. Fischer responded by stating that certain legal bridges had to be
crossed and tested through the Supreme Court, which has now been done, and
estimated a time frame of between four and five months.
Mr. Virta inquired if there are any items involved which would call
for the encumbrance of County funds with Mr. Allen responding in the
negative, noting that the economic study, with the approval of the Authority,
is condu~ted by the underwriters and paid by their funds. Other expenses
such as legal notices, special ,lIeetings with lendcr~ for the purpose of
receiving their input, and the like, are also paid for by the underwriters.
He noted that the subject funds come from the bond issue at a later date.
Mr. Pelligrini explained, addressing ~'r. Virta's concern, how the integrity
of the lending institutions is maintained in the event the HFA mortgages
do not become competitive with, for instance, FHA mortga~es. and how the
expenses incurred therefore are funded.
There were no further questions forthcoming from the Commissioners in
atte~dance nor from the staff members present.
Following brief discussion, it was t~e consensus of the Board that
further consideration of the Program be scheduled on the Board's agenda
for the meeting of July 8, 1980 and Vice-Chairman Archer so directed,
extending an invitation for the consultants to attend the meeting. The
Vice-Chairman also requested that any additional information available be
turned over to the County Attorney for his review.
The meeting was adjourned by order of the Vice-Chairman at 10:10 A.M.