BCC Minutes 08/19/1980 R Naples, Florida, August 19, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business hereir met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular session in BuildinCj "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: C1 i fford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Arche:- John A. Pistor Da v i d C. Brown Absent: C.R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk (9:35 A.M.); Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County Manager; Anthony Pires, Assistant County Attorney; Donald A Pickworth, County Attorney (9:40 A.M.); Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director (10:00 A.M.); Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Administrator/County Engineer; Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Lee Layne, Planner; Mary ~lorgnn, AdminisLr'd.Live Aiue Lo llle Board; and, William McNulty, Sheriff's Department. ~OTE: Italicn rcpreuent9 item added to thin ~Rendu by Uoard direction at-i"ts",iiectill!7 of ~I./al/ntl?> ][180. (Item'lfn BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA August 19, 1930 NOTICE: ----- ALL PERSONS SPEAKING ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER I' R I U I( TOT H E I T E M B [ I N G H EAR 0 . REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLA- NATION TO THE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST 13 nAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WIL~ BE HEARD UNnER "PUBLIC PETITIONS" AT 11 :00 A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES nr. -.Inn Boax 054 PAGE 50$ August 19, 1980 AGENDA - APPROY.lQ..WITH AQ.QITIONS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimcr not present, that the Agenda be approved with the following additions: 1. Consideration to vacate a 30' Access Easement in Four Way Corners Subdivision - Added to "Requests for Advertising". 2. Presentation of Budget Message providing a summary of budgets - Added to "County Manager's Report". 3. Consideration of Agreement between BCC and School :y' 'rd for use of school facilities during disaster - Added under ";iew Business". PRESENTATION OF ?ERVICE AWARDS TO VARIOUS~OUNT~_EMPLOYEES Employee Service Awards werc presented to the following individuals, along with expressions of appreciation from the Board and staff: 1. Jackie Franklin* 2. Vernon Morgan* 3. 1'lctT'ie Br'Ullftll 4. Vinel1 Hil1s* 5. Billy Taylor* 6. Clifford Wenzel* 7. Thoma s P. Archer* 8. George Archibald* 9. Henry Bickford 10. La Dona Sue Byers* 11. Charles G. Car1isto* 12. A. Caroline Greenstein 13. Eluterio Herrera* 14. De Wayne Lohse* 15. Luz Pietri 16. Ruth Schulze 17. C. Russ Wimer 18. Alex W. Wiggins* 20 Years 15 Years 10 Vf'ars 10 Years 1 D Years 10 Years 'i Ye~rs 5 Years 5 Years 5 YCilr:; 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years * Employees present to receive their awards. ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE 76-68 AND ADOPTING 1979 BUILDING CODE WITH ~ENDMENTS - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL 9/,3/80 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 18 and 25, and August 1 ilnd 8, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance repealing Ordinance 76-68 and adopting the 1979 Building Code with Amendments. Pursuant to Board action taken August 12, 1980, wherein the public hearing with regard to the proposed ordinance was co~tinued until September 23, 1980, as requested by the Contractors' Association of Collier County, Commissioner August 19, 1980 A,"cher moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the action taken for continuance be affirmed. ORDINANCE 80-80 CREATING THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 31, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance creating the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council. County Manager Norman exp12ired that the orrlinance recons~.;'utes the EMS Council, as it was known in thc past, and provides for the adoption of the By-Law~ which will be addressed later in the Session. Most of the actual duties and res- ponsibilities of the Council arc dp.tai1ed in the By-Laws rather than in the I ,. , ii c t~ I ordinance. The number of regular members, ex officio members and staff advisers was discussed with Mr. Norman explaining that the membership will be further J~l illt'!ilL~J in tile Oy-Laws and, with regJrd to the Jppointmcnt::;, he ::;Jid thJt the::;( will be finalized following the adoption of the ordinance, if such ar.tion is taker He added that the appointmcnts are scheduled on the agenda for August 26, 1980. There bcing no pcrsons indicating a desire to speak on the matter, Commissior Brown moved, seconded by Conlnissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown n~ved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/1 with Con~1issioner Wimer not present and Commis~ioner Wenzel voting in opposition, that the O~dinance, as numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered 'into Ordinance Book No. 12. ORDINA,,:CE 80- .'iO AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR ADOP1'IO~ OF I3Y-LA\~S; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BOD~ 054 PAG~ 504 BO~X G54- PAGE 5U5 Augus t 19, 1980 PETITION R-80-l6C, WHISPERING PINES, INC., REQUESTING REZONING FROM VARIOUS ZONING OISTRICTS TO "GC" ANO "GC-ST" FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS FISHERMAN'S COVE (CONTINUED FROM 6/17/80) - FURTHER CONTINUED UNTIL 9/16/80 AT REQUEST OF PETITIONER Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 16, 1980, as evidcnced by Affidavit of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continucd from June 17, 1980, with regard to Petition R-80-16C (formerly Petition R-79-10C), filed by Whispering Pines, Inc., requesting rezonin from various zoning districts to "GC" and "GC-ST" Districts for that property known as Fisherman's Cove. Planncr Lee Layne reported that the Petitioner has requested that the matter be continued I'ntil Sr>ptember 16, 1980 and advised that a further request has beer. received from Arnold E. Lamm, in his letter of August 12, 1980, for continuance of the Petition until after October 8, 1980, citing his reasons for thc requested pos tponemen t. COlTlllli s s i oner Archcr movcd, seconded by Conrni ss i oner Brown anrl ca rri cd 4/0 \~ith Corrrnissioner ~/imer not prescnt, that Petition R-80-l6C be continued until September 16, 1980, as requested by the Petitioner. Filed for the record was a copy of a letter dated June 30, 1980 from Charles A. Stokes to thc Editor of the Naples Daily Ncws setting forth his views on the proposed c~velop~ent. PETITION NZ-80-l2C, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, REQUESTING AMENDMENT TO SECTION 48, PARAGRAPH 5, OF ZONING ORDINANCE - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED UNTIL 8/26/80 TO PERMIT FURTHER REVIEW OF REFERENCE TO MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT Lcga1 notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 31, 198C as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition NZ-80-12C, filed by the County Plan'1ing Department, requesting an amendment to Section 48, Paragraph 5, of the Zoning Ordinance with reference to the types of COiiiii1urdty facilities and services required to rezone to a residential district. Co~nunity Development Administrator Virta explained that the proposed ordinance is to correct a deficiency in the present section of the pertinent ordinance relating to residential rezone petitions which was inadvertently deletE from the final draft of an Ordinance amending the rezone point system which was adopted by the Board on February 5, 1980. He said that with the omission of the Auyus t 19, 1980 language conccrning schools, parks and mosquito r.ontrol no petition can receive the required number of points for community facilities. Thcre being no persons registered to speak during the public hearing, Commi~ sioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 ...lith Commissi er not present, that the public hearing be closed. Conmissioner Plstor moved, 5econded by Commissioner Archer, that the ordinar amending the Zoning Ordinance. as detailed above, be adopted. The discussion which followed concerned whether or nr.t the Mosquito Control District could be included in the point system since it Is a scparate taxing district over which the County has no authority and, if the scrvice is desircd, , I J I ti the affected property owners must vote on it. As pointed out by Assistant Coun~ Attorney Pires, the reference has been a part of the appropriate section of the Ordinance but was omitted by mistake when the aforesaid amendment was redrafted and conrncntcd ~hat, by lcaving out thc rcfcrencc to park;., 5choo15 and m05quito control, developers are unable to achieve sufficient points to receive a favor- able recommendation from the CAPC. Ccmmissioner Brown stated his desire to have the petition continued, where- upon Comlllissioner Pistor withdrew his motion on the floor and Commissioner Arche his seconding thereof. Continuing with the discussion, it was Chairman Wenzel's suggestion that a statement from the Mosquito Control District to the effect that they are aware of the refercnce to their District in the Zoning Ordinance and that thcy have no objections might resolve the matter. County Manager Norman observed that he cannot see the District as a participant in the matter, at this point, and said that if the Board is considering deleting t~e District as a point in the Zoning Ordinance, it will be nccessary to change the entire point system, which \~ill necessildLe d Ji rrerenL kind of amendment to the Ordinance than the amendment under discussion. Commissioner Pistor stated that he could see no reason for continuing the public hearing and moved for adoption of the ordinance amcnding the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Chairman Wenzel. The motion failed 3/1 with COJl~nissioncr BrOl.m voting in opposition and Commissioncr Wimer not present, with Attorney Pires advising that the motion requires a 4/5 vote of the board. BOOK 054 PAGE507 I'.ugust 19, 1980 Mr. Virta explained that it would take six to eight weeks minimum to draft a new ordinance and process it through the Planning Commission, and the like. COIMlissioner Pistor expressed the opinion that such delay would bc a hardship on persons requesting residcntial rezoning, particularly since the omission was an oversight and, also, because of a misunderstanding with regard to mosquito control which has always been defined in the ordinance. He moved to withdraw the previous voting and to re-open the public hearing and continue the petition un t il Augus t 26, 1980. The motion was seconded by Commlss i onc" fkown and ca rri ed 4/0 with Commissioncr Wimer not prcsent. ORDINANCE 80-81 Ri: PETITION R-80-20C, HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC., REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RS-3" AND "PUD" TO "PUD" FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS HIDEAWAY BEACH AND ROYAL MARCO POINT (CONTINUED FROM 8/12/80) - ADOPTED PURSUANT TO STIPULATIONS; - PETITIONER'S M:REEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - Ar.r.F.PTEn Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily Flews on July 11, 1980 dllll ill Llle ~l(II'(':u IsldllU Edgle UII July 17,1980 dS "vlt:enced by Affidavits of Publication previously filed with the Clerk, public hcarlng was co~tinued from August 12, 1980 wi th regard to Peti tion R-80-20C, filed by Hideaway Beach, Inc., r~questing rczoning from "RS-3" and "PUD" to "PUD" for pro;Jerty known as Hide- away Beach and Royal Marco Point, Marco Island. Planner Lee Layne explained that the reason for the continuance of the petition was due to questions being raised with regard to beach access for the project. Assistant County Attorney Pires referred to the memorandum dated August 18, 1980, prepared by the County Attorney, wherein an analysis is made as to what constitutes beach land for access purposes. The conclusion reached, said Attorney Pires, is that the lands under consideration, following the application of certain definitions as cited in the memorandum, are in inland waters and not along the Gulf of Mexicg. Ms. Layne located the various lines referred to in the SUbject memot'andum on t.he maps provided ~nd commented that the pertinent are" in the petition under discussion would be inland water and would not fall within the Coastal Setback requirements. Mr. A.W. Crowder, President of Crowder, Mahoncy and AssociateS, Consulting Engineers on the project, was in attendance to respond to questions, if any, from tile Guard. With regard to replenishing the inland beach area bein<l discussed, f\ugus t 19, 1 ~80 Mr. Crowder said that therc are no plans for such activity that he is aware of, with Comnlissioner Pistor concurring with the statement that he has been advised hy tile Corps that they will not redrcdge the area unlcss the public is willing to pay for it. Mr. Mike Zewalk, representing the North Naples Civic Association, among other comment~, urged the Ooard not to give any beach area away, denying futurc gencr<:1tions acccss. Hc \'IaS assurcd that this is not being done and, at the direction of ChairmilT1 Wenzel, WilS furnished a copy of AttornE:'Y Pickworth's mcmorandum. Following addition,,! brief discussion, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, scconded by Commissioner Archer, th<:1t Ordinance 80-81, <:1$ cntitled bclow, be adopted and cntcrcd into Ordinance Book No. 12, subjcct to staff stipulations, and that the Petitioner's Agrepment to thc stipu- lations be acceptcd. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not presert. ORDINAl,CE 80 - ...!i1..- AN OHDIN!\NCE .1\.!~ENDING C?,DI:l7,;lCE 76-30, THE COMPREIIENSIVE 7.0NING R;:::;UL.-\TIONS FOn TilE UNINCOHPOlt.'\TSD linEA OF '1':;2 cor,STlIL lInElI PLlINNING DI"TJUCT llY i\>:=::;!):'~G TilE ZONING ATLAS MAP IW;'lI3ERS 1-!I-2, :-n-3, r,ND MI-4 llY CHANGING TIlE ZONIl\'G CT..c:,SSIFICATION OF TilE HEnEIN DESCHIllED m:':,L P;WPERTY FRO:1 "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELO?~S~T AND "R5-3" R.ESIDENTIAL SINGLE F1L.1E;:.' TO "PUD": PAR'r OF THJ\C'l' B, HARCO 3:::;'.CiI SUDDIVIS ION P.ND PlIRT OF SECTIO;-;S 5 J 6 J [, 7 J T5 25, R2GE; AND DY PROVIDING ~~ S?FECTIVE DATE RECESS: 9:50 A.M. until 9:58 A.M. r.~. f::'''O August 19, 1980 CREATION OF RIGGS ROAO IMPROVEI1ENT DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - ADVERTISI NG AUTHOR I ZED FOR PUBLI C HEARl NG 9/16/80 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Comnissio~~r Wimer not present, that the creation of the Riggs Road Improve- ment District and the approval of the Preliminary Assessment roll pertaining to same be advertised for a public hearing September 16, 1980. PETITION FDPO-80-V-10 REQUESTING APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM UASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY FDPO 79-62 FOR LOT 27, COL-LEE-CO GARDENS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARIN~ 9/16/80 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 \lith Con~issioner Wimer not present, that Petition FDPO-80-V-10 requesting ap- prova1 of a variance from the Minimum 8ase Flood Elevation required by Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance No. 79-62 for Lot 27, Col-Lee-Co Gardens, be adver- tized for public hearing Septcmber 16, 1980. REVISIONS TO WATER USER RATES RE COUNTY WATER SYSTEM - ADYERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 9/16/80 Comnissivller Archei' moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carrid 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Revision~ to Water User Rates re County \~ater System, Amending Ordinance 79-89, be advertised for publ ic hearing Sep- tember 16,1980.' REVISIONS TO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RE COUNTY WATER SYSTEM - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 9/16/80 Commissioner Ar~her mov~d, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that proposed Revisions to System Develop- ment Charges re County Water System be advertised for public hearing Scptember 16, 1 980. CONSIDERATION TO VAC ;E A 30' ACCESS EASEMENT IN FOUR CORNERS SUBDIVISIOt; - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZlD FOR PUBLIC HEARING 9/9/80 Commissioner Archer moved, secon~Jd by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Conmissioner Wimer not present, that consider'ation to vacate a 30' Access Easement in Four Corners Subdivision be advertised for a public hearing September 9, 1980. BOOK 054 PAGE511 August 19, 1980 PETITION MP-80-1C, DR. WILLIAM ERTAG, REQUESTING A REDUCTION IN THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FR01:U~~UOL3L. NAPLES~I.tt ~JENN~. CLUL- -.B.EQ!!EST GRANTEQ Zoning Director Jcffory Perry explained that the Board of County Commis- sioners, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, may approve minor changes in location, siting or height of buildings, and thc like, authorized by the adoptcd master plan of a devclopment for a designated PUD. He said that the parcel in question is situated on Lot 31, Naples Bath & Tennis Club, a Planned Unit Development, and that the owner propos '$ to build a single-family home on the lot for which a reduction in the side yard setback is being' ,uested. Mr. Perry reported that tht CAPC considered the petition on August 7, 1980 and re- commended approval of the reduction for various reasons as set forth in the Executive Summary, dated August 7, 1980, and in the Staff Report, dated July 21, 1980, noting that approval is also recommended by the Planning staff. A letter of "No objcction" has becn received from the developer, said Mr. Perry, and, also, from the petitioner's immediate ncighbor. Commissioner Archer movcd, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the request contained in Petition MP-80-1C, filed by Dr. William Ertag, and as detailed above, be granted. RESOLUTION 80-159 RE PETITION PU-80-9C, GEORGE VARNADOE REPRESENTING JOSEPH DANISI, REQUESTING PU (2) OF THE "I" DISTRICT FOR AN AUTOMOBILE WRECKING YARD ON PROPERTY IN SiO, T48S, R25E - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS AS AMENDED; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED; CAPC FINDING OF FACT - FILED FOR THE RECORD Planner Lec Layne located the property for which a Provisional Use is being requested, ,lith regard to Petition PU-80-9C filed by Attorney George Varnadoe, representing Joseph Danisi, as being that parcel in Section 10, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, shown in yellOW on the map displayed, and more generally located as lying on the east side of the railroad, immediately north of Sandy Ridge Labor Camp. south of the County line. The purpose of the request, said Ms. Layne, is to build an automobile wreCking yard. She reported that the CAPC has determined that the proposed use would not adversely affect other property or uses in the district or in the neighborhood and recommends approval of the petition subject to the staff stipulations imposed in their recommendation of approva 1 . August 19, 1980 Commissioner Archer moved, secopded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Resolution 80-159 with regard to Petition PU-80-9C be adopted subject to stipulations, that the Petitioner's ^grcement to stipulations be accepted, and the CAPC Finding of Fact be filed for the record. Later in the Session, pursuant to the advice of County Attorney Pickworth, the discussion on the Pe~ition was reopened, upon motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Conmissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Conmissione;r Wimer not pre- sent. It was pointed out by the Attorney, said Ms. Layne, that in Stipulations 2,5 and 6, the wording in the first sentence of each should be changed from "should be" to "shall be". Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the subject petition be adopted pursuant to stipulations, as amended. * * * * * * * * * * * I~ 054 PAGE 5iB August 19, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-160 RE PETITION PU-80-llC, ARCHBISHOP MC CARTIIY, REQUESTING PU (3) OF "RS-3" DISTRICT FOR A CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ON BLOCKS 235, 236 AND 241, UNIT 7, GOLDEN GATE CITY - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS AS AMENDED; PETITIONER'S AGREE- MENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED; CAPC FINDING OF FACT - FILED FOR THE RECORD Planner Lec Laync located the parcel referred to in Petition PU-80-11C, filed by Archbishop McCarthy, as being Blocks 235, 236, and 241, in Unit 7, Golden Gate City, and shown in yellow on the map provided. The area, she continued, is lo- cated south of 30th Avenue between 52nd Terrace and 53rd Street in Golden Gate City. The Petition has been recommended for approval by the Coastal Area Planning Commis- sion, subject to thc stipulations imposed by staff, as amended. Rev. Bernard Powell, representing the Archbishop of Miami, stated that he will be the principal of thc new Catholic High School, and that he was in attend- ance to respond to questions, if any, from the Board. Rev. Powell was asked by Comnissicner Archer if he would be willing to place a manual traffic signal at 53rd Street and install it when needed instead of "if needed in the future" as contained in the stipulations in this regard. Rev. Powell pointed out that the wording states that the Petitioner will pay his proportionate share with Ms. Layne concurring that that was th\! recommendation of the Planning Commission - to pay their fair share of the installation and road improvements. Commissioner Archer reitcrated his rcquest for the change in wording, as referred to above, noting that if the signalization is installed when the school is complete it would prevent mis- understandings in thc future. He said that a mctnually-operated signal is not too expensive with Public Works Administrator/County Engineer Barksdale expressing agreement. Commissioner Brown moved that Resolution 80-160 with regard to Petition PU-80-11C, as detailed above, be adopted pursuant to stipulations, as amended, that the Petitioner's Agreement to the stipulations be accepted, and that the CAPC Finding of Fact be filed for the record. The motion was seconded by Co~nissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. * * * * * * ~ August 19, 1980 BOARD APPROVES RENEWAL OF LEASE FOR COLLI ER NORTH BRANCH Ll BRARY FOR ADOITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIOD, PURSUANT TO STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Following brief comment by County Attorney Pickworth with regard to the proposed lease, Commissioner Archer moved, scconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the Lease for the Collier North Branch Library be renewed for an additional one-year period from Septembei' 1, 1980, with an option for a second renewal, said Lease to incorporate the modifications set forth in the Executive Summary prepared by staff, and retaining intact all other provisions of the basic lease. * * * * * * * * * 80~~ 054 PAGf.51.6 BO~X 054- PAcr.549 Augus t 19, 1980 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS RE RIGGS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY - ACCEPTED FOLLOWING RECORDATION CUlIRlIlssioner Bruwn moved, seconded by Convnissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the following Quit Claim Deeds, representing thc final deeds necessary to complete the Riggs Road right-of-~/ay acquisition, be accepted for the record, following their recordation: * * * * * * * * * * August 19, 1980 COUNTY ENGINEER PRESENTS BRIEF REVIEW OF STAFF PRESENTATION TO SWFRPC ON FEASHlIt.lTY STUDIES FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS PRODUCTION Public Works Administr~tor/County Enginccr Barksdalc providcd thc Board with a brief revicw of the presentation which will be made by the County's Solid Wastc Dircctor Fahey to thc Southwest Florida Rcgional Planning Council on thc mattcr of Fcasibility Studics for A1tcrnativc Fucls Production at the Council's mecting on August 21. 1980. Mr. Barksdale cxplaincd that the U.S. Departmcnt of Energy is soliciting proposals to fund thc stud'~s; however, to make the project cconomically fcasiblc, it must be sponsorcd by an agency such as the SWFRPC in o..der to provide a sufficicnt1y large population base. He said that such a projcct, in which Collier County would participate, could result in a great reduction in the need to landfill the solid waste and would result in a substantial saving as wc11 as meet the requirements of impending regulations regarding rcsourcc recovery. Mr. Barksdalc said that the purposc in bringing the matter to the Board's attcntion is to lct them know that the County is participating with the CO'Jncil in the prcliminary stagcs of thcir making application for a grant to make thc study and that hc will keep the Board informed of the progress which is being made. BID NO. 428 ^UTHORIZ~'lG PURCHASE OF FUEL TANK~ AND DISPENSING EQUIPMENT - AHARDED TO VARIOUS VLimORS AND AT PRICES SPECI: ,~D IN EXECUTIVE SUr~r~ARY Legal noticc having becn puhlishcd in the Naples Daily Ncws on June 13 and 16, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi1cd with the Clerk, sealed bids for Bid No. 428 for furnishing and delivering various sizc fuel storage tanks and dispensing cquipment werc receivcd until June 25, 1980. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox reportcd that, upon reviewing the priccs bid, the tanks camc in at a price much higher than had bccn anticipated, thc primary reason being that, in the specifications, it was required that the tanks have Cathotic protection. ror this reason, Mr. Wilcox said that the participating vendors were cont~ctcd and requested to submit quotations on the same size tank with the same specifications except that thc tanks would bc stand~rd stccl with a black asphaltum exterior coat. He said that the quotations received lIave bccn tabulated and ~ttachcd to thc Exccutivc Summary datcd August 7, 1980, togcthe,' with his rccolfrnendations. eO~K' QS4. rm551... August 19, 1980 BO~K G54 PAGE553 Con~ni s s i oncr ArcheI' movcd, seconded by Comni ss i oner Brown and carri ed 4/0 with Conlllissioner Wimer not present, that the recof1lT1endation of thc st,)ff with rcgard to Bid #428 be approvcd, as detailed below, and that the Chai~.n be authorized to sign, and the Clerk to attest, the resulting Agreements: 1. Two key system dispcnsing pumps be awarded to J I. I~ Pump, Fort r~yers, Florida, in the amount of $3,158. 2. Rcject the tanks that werc bid ar:d accept low quotes and authorize thc purchase of four 4,000 gallon tanks from Tampa Tank Company, in the amount of $6,024; and two 3,000 gallon tanks from Modern Welding, Owensboro, Kentucky, in the amount of $2,';~o. [31 D NO. '131 PURCHASE OF SOD rOR MARCO ISLAND [lALLFI ELD - A~IARDEO TO VANCE PI PE & IRRIG/\TlON IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000; [lID NO. 432 PURCHASE OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR MARCO ISLAND I3ALLFIELD - AWARDED TO AQUA-MATlC IRRIGATION, NAPLES, TN THE ^~DUMT OF S7,~OO Legal notice having been published in thc Naples Oaily News on July 16 and 18, 198D as cvidcnced by J',ffidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids for Bid Nos. 431 and 432 were received until August 6, 1980, for the purchase of sod and sprinklcr system for the Marco Island Ballfield. Follol1iny bricf COJTlments hy PUt'c/lils;ng Director Frank Wilcox that the low bid for the put"chase of so': for th(~ project came in $1,300 cheaper than it would cost for the st"ff to perronn the wOI"k, COll'l11issioner Pistor moved, seconded by COllJnissionel" ::1"01"" ilnd catTied 4/0 with Conmissioner Wimer not [lresent, that the staff rccollrr~ndation, as contained in the Executive Summary dated August 7, 1980, be accepted and that Bid No. 431 for thc purchase of sod, and Bid No. 432 for the purclwse of a sprink1cr systcm for the Marco Island Ballfield be awarded to Vance Pump & Irrigation in the amount of $12,000 and to Aqua-Matic Irrigation in the amount of $7,400, respcctively; and that the Chairman be authorized to sign, and the Clerk to attest, the resulting Agreements. Therc was a brief discussion regarding thc typc of sod being rcconmended .....ith r~r. Wilcox explaininu the rcasons why Tifton 419 [lermuda Sod is prefcrrcd over ,'\ugustina Giihia, mentioncd by Mr. Mike Zcwalk as bcing cheapcr and more stable. August 19, 1980 BIDS NOS. 434 AND 435 FOR PURCHASE OF SELF PRI~HNG CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS - AWARDED TO MAC PUMP, INC., AT A COMBINED PRICE OF $36,385, NET, MINUS THE PIPE legal notice having bcen publi~hed in thc Naplcs Daily News on July 8 and 10, 1980 as cvidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids with regard to Bid Nos. 434 and 435 for the purchase of Self Priming Centrifugal Pumps were rece~ved until July 30, 1980. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox explained his reaSons for the recommendation set forth in the Executive Summary dated August 7, 1980, among thcm thc fact that the named vcndor's bid is the lowe.t but, in addition, the comp,~n" is 10':a1 and has suppl ied the same type pumps for the Naples Landfill which have performed exceptionally well, requiring only minimum maintcnance and repairs. Commissioner Brown movcd, scconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not prescnt, that Bids Nos, 434 and 435, for the purchase of Self Priming Centrifugal Pumps, be awarded to Mac Pump, Inc. in the amount of $36,385 net, minus the pipe but including elbow fittings and 500 gallon fucl tanks, and that the ChairmJn be authorized to sign, and the Clerk to attest, the rcsulting Agreement. RESOLUTION 80-161 TO RECOVER rUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO A8ATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LO~LOr.K F, SA8AL SHORES - ADOPTED Convnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Connnissiol1er HiOlcr not present, that Resolution 80-161 to recover funds expended by the r.ounty to abate a public nuisance on Lot 9, ulock F, Sabal Shores, property O\~ned by Mrs. Evclyn Fine, be adoptcd. * * * * * nt;A. no'~ J:)~.l. August 19, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-162 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOTS 7, 8, AND 9, BLOCK D, INOMAH SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not prcsent, that Resolution 80-162 to rccover funds cxpendcd by the County to abate a public nuisa:1ce on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block D, Inomah Subdivision, property owned by D.D. Palmer, Trustee, be adopted. * * * * * * * * * August 19, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-1G3 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 20, BLOCK 21, UNIT 2, NAPLES PARK - ADOPTED COlTVnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Comrni ss i ( :er Wi mer not present, that Reso 1 uti on 80-163 to recover funds expende by the County to abatc a public nuisance on Lot 20, Block 21, Unit 2, Naples Park, property owned by Gcorge Stroia, be adopted. * * * * * * * * f1t:;'~ t:.~O August 19, 19BO EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL BY LAWS - ADOPTED, AS AMENOED BY COUNTY ATTORNEY -----------------.-----.--- .~,_._-_._- County Manager Norman cxplained that the document being presentcd for Board action is the By Laws of the Collicr County Emergency Medical Services Advisory Counc 11 as authori zed by the Ordi nance adopted earl i er in the Scss i on, noting that a problcm within the By Laws has been brought to his attention by the Count.y Attorney. Attorney Pickworth requcsted that the second sentcnce in Paragraph 13, Section 1. Article II bc stricken, explaining that the Ordinance would have to be amcnded in order for the Council to have the power delineatp~ .n the subject sentcnce. He said that the neccssary amending language to the Ordinance will be drafted and, following its adoption, the wording deleted can be rc-added to the l3y Laws. Mr. Norman rccommended that the approach outlined by Attorney Pickworth be followed in ordcr not to further delay activating the Council which would be caused by amending the Ordinancc. Mr. Mike Zewalk urged the l30ard to reinsert in the futurc, the wording being deleted at this time, and "lr. Egon Hill suggestcd that adopting the By Laws now may bc prcmaturc since the membership has not been appointed, as yct, ~/ho will have to "1 ive with thc By Laws'. Mr. Norman explained that, after the members have been appointed, if there arc more changes desired, other than the one under discussion, the Board can consider them at a latcr date. Attorney Pickworth noted that the intent is to immediatcly draft the nccessary amendment to the Ordinance and have the Board authorize the advertising for it the following week. Corrmi ss i oner Archer moved tha t the [ly Laws of the EMSA Council be adoptcd, as amended. Cormlissioner Brown seconded thc motion which carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. * * * * * * n~A t:::~" August 19, 1980 COUNTY MANAGER' BUDGET MESSAGE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FY 80-81 PRESENTED - NO ACTION REQUIRED County ~'anager Normiln reviewed bricfly his memorandum dated August 18, 1980 to the BOilrd with the attachcd Reconmendcd Budget for Fiscal Year 1980-81 for Departments responsible to the County Manager. He said that thc material will provide insight into the budgeting proccss- the changes that have taken place, recorrmendations being proposed, and the ovcrall impact on the County operations. The information, said Mr. Norman, will provide the Commissioners with an over- view prior to their rcview of the individual departmental budr:"~ scheduled for Monday, August 25th and continuing untjl probably Thursday" August 28th. Responding tn Commissioncr Pistor, Mr. Norman said that the budget documents will contilin stilnrlilrrlizerl kinrls of changes, that, once explained, will cause no further confusion, and which basically reflect changes beyond departmcntal control It was pointed OlJt by Chilirman Wenzel that no [loard action is requi red wi th respect to the subject. FINAL "nRAFT"OF ENGINEERING REPORT RE COLLIER COUNTY WATER SUPPLY, TREATI~ENT & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STUDY OF WESTERN COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED; RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN CHAPTER 2 OF REPORT - ADOPTED WITI! STIPULATION Utilities lllV1Slon Ulrector Irving [lerznn recalled that on various occasions during the past year the Board was presented with the highlights of the study prepared by the Consulting Engineers, CH2r~ Hill, for thc proposed Regional Water System. The final "Draft" of the Engineering Report, said Mr. [lerzon, has been previously distributed for the Commissioners to revie\~ and, i I :.he Rcport is adopted, it is his recommendation that the recommendations contained in Chapter 2 of the document also bc adopted. He callcd upon thc Consulting Engincer for the p~oject to present some salient points extracted from the Report. Mr. Ted Smallwood, representing thc Consulting Engineering firm of CH2M Hill, stated his desire to review the basic options and conclusions reached in rcgard tc the Program. He stilted that the objectives of the study were as follOl~s: 1. Establish the present and future water requirements for Western Co 11 i er County. 2. Evaluate thc potential water resources in Westcrn Collier County. 3. Assess thc treatment alternatives and evaluate those in relation to the identifiable water resources. 4. Develop a major water distribution system in the County. B08~ 054 PAGE566 August 19, 1980 , 054 PAGf567DcveloP cconomica1 and reliable altcrnatives. 6. Develop a cost estimate and the financial requirements for the selected alternative. Reading from Chapter 2 of thc Report, Mr. Smallwood said that the major con- clusions which can be supported from thc study are as follows: 1. The current growth ratc in the County will continue at 10-12% rate annually primarily in the unincorporated area of thc County. 2. The pCI' capi til consumption wi 11 remain at or near thc current levcl which varies from 225 to 575 per gallons per day, depending on the location in the County and whether or not shallow groundwater is availablc for irri~ation. 3. ^ number of resources and treatment alternatives a;e avai1ablc; i.e. surface water treatment, shallow groundwater treatment, artesian water from thc Florida Aquifer - all of which arc compatible with treatme~t tcchnohgy available at the prescnt and would meet Federal and State Regulations. 4. Inclusion of the Capri Water Works, Inc. franchised utility into a regional system would bc the most economical alternative for the study area, assuming that the utility could bc purchased at its current de- prcciated value. 5. Purchasing water' from the City of Naples' raw water supply systcm and constructing a conventional lime softcning treatment facility is the most economical and rc1 iable alternativc for the immediate development of a )'cgional water system. ~'r. Smallwood continued by stating that, on the basis of the study, the fol- lowing action is being recollillenueu: 1. Mopt a resolution implcmenting the prograril set forth in thc rcport for the development of a regional watcr system. 2. Make policy dccisions on funding of improvements. 3. Authorizc financial consultants '0 proceed with arrangements for projcct financing. 4. Authorizc enginecring services for design of facilities. 5. Authorize Utility Dircctor to proceed with purchase of plant site. 6. Authori ze County Attorncy and Bond Counsel to proceed with bond validation. 7. Authorize tile Utility Director and County Attorney to preparc a contract for the purcllasc of Capri Water\~orks, Inc., Addressing the large scale map of the pertinent area, Mr. Smallwood pointed out the approximate location for the 4,000,000 gallon per day treatment plant, the construction of a 20" raw wat~r transmission main, tying into the City of Naples raw water supply, tile construct'ln of a distribution system to pick up the existing users on Radio Read in the East Naplcs arca and to pick up thc e~i~ting August 19, 1980 service of the Islcs of Capri Water Works and construct a storage reservoir at that location to hettcr servc thc south end of the systcm. Mr. Smallwood also pointed out the construction improvements to be made in the North Naplcs area to bettcr serve that area, the Palm River area, and the like. In responsc to Comissioner Pistor, Mr. Smallwood cxplained Io/hy a sitc north of Alligator Alley hilS been chosen as the sitc for the construction of the treat- ment plant, among thc rcasons being that, under thc plan, thc sclected altcrna- tive has an initial 100~er cost to the present users and has ,.v,'~ flcxibility for futurc water resources. lie added that a 30-acre sitc is being considered that will ultimatcly :landle a 24,000,000 gallon per day caracity, and a recommendation will be forthcoming within a short period of time in this regard. Mr. ~'ike Zcwalk said that he is constantly being asked if the County is ever going to use water from thc Golden Gate Canal and, thcrcby, conserve water from the aquifer. Mr. Smallwood said that this approach was one of the alter- natives; however, the ratcs would have hccn 15% to 20% highcr initially to fund that program. ^lso, he continued, thc alternative chosen permits more flexibility for f Iture expansion of the system than to be tied to a conmitment of taking water from the Canal. COImni~sloner Pistol' inquired about the purchase price of raw water from thc Cit..v \~ith ~1r. Smallwood explaining that thc ^greement \~ith thc City stat.es that the County will buy thc \~ater from thc City at cost. To exrlain further, Mr. Smallwood said that t.he ^greement contains a formula for the purchasc of treatcd water, thc intent of the formula was to establ ish a fixcd level of income that the City was obtaining from the County customers in 1977, and then to buy ad- ditional watcr at cost. In summary, he said that the Agrcement's intent was that raw water would be purchased at cost and potable water purchased at a bas~ ratc which was set in 1977 based upon use at that time to covcr debt service and additional water bcyond the 1977 usc would bc paid for at cost. Mr. Berzon said that if thc Plan is adopted the next step will be to resolve the question of thc raw water cost - define that - and thcn try to rcsolve the apparent difference of the production cost of the treated watcr. Commissioner Pistol' moved that the final "Draft" of the Engineering Report : :,~ 054 PAGE 569 Augus t 19, 1980 on the Collier County Water Supply, Treatment & Distribution System Study of Western Collier County, dated June, 1980, as prepared by CH2M Hill be adopted, with the stipulation that the Utility Director, Consultant and County Attorney work out a firm agreement with the City as to how much th,e County will be paying for the wa ter us cd . The mo t i on was seconded by COlmli s s i oncr Archcr and ca rri ed 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present. FINANCING PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM, PHASE I, SUBMITTED BY SOUTHEASTERN ~'UNICIPAL BONDS, INC./FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN'" BURKE, INCORPORATED - ADOPTED, INCLUDING TIME TABLE SCHEDULE SUBMITTED Mr. Robert Wagner, representing the firm of Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc., and Mr. David Fischer, rcpresenting thc firm of Fischer, Johnson, Allen'" Burke, In- corporated, Financial Consultants, were introduced by Utilities Division Director Irving Berzon for the purposc of nresenting the Financing Plan for the Collier County Water Supply, Treatment and Distribut.ion System Phase I, copies of the Preliminary Financing Plan having been distributed previously to the Board members. Mr. Wagner advised the Board that a conservative anproach has been developed which will fumish the fundinf) needed to finance the subject improvements. He said that taken Into consideration is the fact that there will be spccial assess- ment Income, income ftom connector fees and, also, user income. The Report an- tlcipatcs, said f1r. Wagner, that thete will be a rate increase over the existinq water rates of 15% in the corrent year and this increase, when taken together with the funds that will be provided by the Bond Issue, will be sufficient to get the Program started. The finanCing plan will provide for a year of capitalized interest, a fully-funded reserve account and, when the other incomes, mentioned previously, are considered, there will be ample funds in each year to amortize the debt, continued Mr. Waqner. Mr. Wagner said, as contained in his Report, that a $15,110,000 issue is being proposed at the present time which will provide $12,747,000 of "new money" and will also provide funds for engineering and for the acquisition and improve- Irlents of the Capri Water System. He said that the Program has been discussed vii th one of the companies that insure municipal bonds to determine the type of reception it would get and, althouqh there is no commitment, interest was eXpressed and it is his opinion that when the time comes to sell the bonds insurancc will be August 19, 1980 avai1ablc, if it is desired, by one or the other of the insurers and, if this is done, thcre will be a Trip1c A rating on the bonds. Mr. Wagner reviewed with the Board the timetable for the proposed financin~ of the bonds, as detailed on Pages 3 and 4 of the subject Plan, concluding with the closing and delivery of thc funds to the County on December 10, 1980, approx- imately. Therc was a discussion following the presentation of the Financin~ Plan addressing such mattcrs as thc proposed date for the first asses~~~nt bills to be sent out - cstimated to be September 1, 1982; the area covered by the assessmen~ - pointed out on the map by Mr. Smallwood; the method of assessment - not determined a~ yet; the fact that cverv landowner who will be directly benefited will be assessed; further details concerning the improvements in the North Naples area; and other pcrtincnt topics. Commissioner Archer movcd, seconded by Corrrnissioner Pistor and carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Himer not present, that the Preliminary Financing Plan prepared for the Collicr County Watcr Supply, Treatment and Distribution System, Phase I, as preparcd by Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc., and Fischer, Johnson, Allen &. Burkc, Incorporatcd, dated August 14, 1980, be adopted, including the timetable schedule included therewith. It was pointed out by Mr. Berzon that the two ordinances authorized for advertising earlier in the Session, with rcgard to the project, are consistent with the Plan adopted. RECESS: 11 :00 A.M. until 11 :08 A.M. STATUS REPORT RE MARCO SEWERS PHASE I CONSTRUCT lOtI BIDS 11~ CONSULTANT - FINDINGS AND RECOl'lNENDATIONS ACCEPTED Utilities Division Director Irving Berzon prefaced the presentation to ~e made by the Consultant, with regard to the Construction Bids for the Mar~o Sewers Phase I Project, by stating that the bids came in somewhat over the estimate and the consultants and the contractor have been able to reduce the bid price by ap!,~'oximately $131,000 without reducing the limits nor the quality of the Project. By so doing. continued Mr. Berzon. the bid 1s closer to the estimate. Mr. William Barton, representing the firm of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll &. BOJ" 054 PAGE51f August 19, 1980 Peek, Inc., Projcct Engineers for the aforesaid Project, explained that the Project bids were received July 15, 1980. He said that it was felt that com- petitive bids wcre received; however, hc said that there wcre several items in the bids that were particular l"<]uipment items, the bids for which ~Iere not satisfactory. [ly dealing with the aprar,~nt low bidder in this regard, a reduction of $131,665 was affected, said Mr. Bartr~. Mr [larton explained that the low bid received was higher than the estimate of October, 1978 but, becausc of escalating constructIon pri.c~, the project was re-evaluatcd in January, 1979 and said that the low bid receivc~ is actually lowcr than the January, 1979 estimate. Mr. Barton said it is in the best intercst of the Project to award the contract to the low bidder, Southeast Underground Con- struction, Inc., Cape Coral, Florida, in the amount of $1,744,462.89. The assess- able portion of the Project, pursuant to the January, 1979 estimate, was $28.48 per lineal foot; however, by utilizing the low bid quoted, this estimate has been decreased $3.63 or to $24.85~ per lineal foot. It was ~1r. [3erzon's recommendation that the Board authorize that "we go ahead with the Project" at the stilted cost. since it is lower than the last cstimate on ilSS05sments. The only problem, said Mr. Berzon, is that the Farmers Home origina: cOI1~ni LiIJCllt is $1,960,000 and the actual cost is now $2,180,000 a difference of $220,570+ that has to be fundcd over and above t~e original COn111itmcnt. He said that hc has been informed that Farmers Home has no addition- al loan funds for the current year and are not optimistic about having funds available early in the next year. Mr. Berzon said the difference can be raised on the interim financing and for the permanent financing he is reasonably certain that it can be raised in the comnercial market. Corrrnissioners Pistor and Archer inquired if the possibility of obta~,ling grants has been pursued with Mr. Berzon explaining that, with the exception of the force main and the pump stations, there are no ether components in the Pro- ject which would bc elegible and, in the case of the force main and pump stations, the amount is small and applying for such funds would involve a lengthy process to receive 75% funding, the time period involved being six months or even longer. Mr. Barton said that the possilility was looked at closely from the outset of the Project but, basically from the standpoint of grants, there are no funds given August 19, 1980 in the form of grants, that he is aware of, for gravity collection systems, which comprises thc largest component of the projcct. Commissioner Pistol' suggested that the firm, which the County has on retainer, be instructcd to pursue the possibility of obtaining a grant. Mr. Barton said that experts were consulted and that the information he provided was the result of this consultation. Mr. Berzon also said that he spoke to the 1St representatives with regard to all of the proposed projects and that there was no direction provided and, with respect to the Marco Island proje~t, a low-interest rate from FmHA was not anticipated to become a reality. Commissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carricd 4/D with Commissioner \~imer not present, that the project be authorized pursuant to the recommendations put forth by sLdff and by the Consultant. CHAIRMAN AUT:' nZED TO SIGN RELEASE OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGE TO VIKING WAY ROADWAY BY PRIVATE CGNTRACTOR County Attorney Pick\'iorth rcquested that the Chairman be authorized to sign a Rclease of Claim for damages done to Viking \-lay by a private contractor in the course of a construction activity. He said that the Road and Bridge DeparLment has made thc repair, the bill coming to a little over $1,000. and noted that the contractor's insurance company has paid the County. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wir'er not present, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the above-referenced Release of Claim, as recommended by Attorney Pickworth. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY APPROVING REQUEST fOR ATTORNEY J:JJJ:WOR 1~0jJ SERVE AS CO-COUNSEL ON AUTHORITY Following brief explanation by Attorney Pickworth, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by COlllnissioner Pistol' and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the Housing Finance Muthority approving their request that the County Attorney be authorized to serve as Co- Counsel on the Authority along with a private practitioner not as yet selected. ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT COl11l1issioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the bills, having been processE!d ~n~ 054 PAGE 573 August 19, 1980 following established procedure with funds available, be approved for payment as witnessed by the following checks issued from August 13, 1980 through August 19 1980: FUND CHECKS 14693 - 15158 13CC Payroll County Checks 11202 - 11451 13UOGET AMENDMENT 80-160 TRANSrERRING FUNDS FROM REGULAR SALARIES TO PROVIDE FOR TECHN I CAL ASS I STANCE FROt~ THE OFFI CE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMEW: - ADOPTED I N THE A~~UNT OF $5,500 (PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 \~ith CommissioLcr Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 80-160, transferring funds from "Regular Salaries" to provide for Technical Assistance from the Office of Pel'sonne1 ~'anagr./l1ent, re Personnel Department, be adopted in the amount of $5,500. * * * * * * * * ~J^ 054- rAGE 515 Augus t 19. 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-161 TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCIES TO PROVIDE FOR PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF COOLING TOWER AND FAN FOR COURTHOUSE COMPLEX (OTHER GENERAL ADI~IN.) -- AOOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,630 Commissioner Archer moved, scconded by Commissioncr Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not prescnt, that Budgct Amendment 80-161, transfcrring funds from Contingencies-Othcr General Admin., to provide for the purchasc and installation of a cooling towcr and fan for the Courthouse Complex, be adopted in the amount of $10,630. nOt\HD OF COUnTY CO:j"H~:~;T01n:I~:; COLLllm COUNTY, FLOIUJ)l\ B lJ D GET ^ f'1 [ N D f1 F. N T B n(~quircs BOilrd 7\pprovil.l. D POC':.:.:__Jlol: nC!(luirc DOilnl 7\pprovil.l. (t::r;1l1sfcr \.d.l:hin object: code riln9c) FUND C;ENEllM, DEP'r. O'1'lITm GENEH7\I.. M)llIN. J)E~;C;UP'I'T()N : 'l'riJl1.';[,'l' oL fll/Ilb [n.JJn Con tingcncics l:o provide for purchi1se and in:;t',<11LIl:ion of cooling tOl,cr and fm1 [or Courthouse Complex. PHEVl,)U:;J,Y Al'l'IWVlm IlY 'rIll,: BOMW OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEHS 7/29/80. TO (lncrci1sc): Impl:OVClllcnt[i 1.0 nIdI]:;. 001-519-1-00-05-010-621 $ l~ 630 FllON (Sourc(c of Funds): ContinrJcncic!.l 001-519-1-00-05-010-990 .~_}~, 630 --=::,-..:....-:: ':: ~:-,: .:~~::-'::: :::::-.::': -. :.'C::-.::: ',:::':: -, :. ;'-'::':=-==::':"'J..'==:: ;:'.:.:-::,~:; =--:::::; ~=:::="::::'::'-;:. :-[-=:==--=.---::::; Coun:':y (.Iqrjn:iv. DiL F.isc.;ul ~'f.i.ccr BO,lJ'cl of County Comlll. IllJ))(;I~'J' 7\1 ^PTJl'O'.liJl: 7\prrcf:!t'Y';...vfJ- 7\ppJ:ov(ll: fgJfv\' /< -" D,l1:0: Dille: !<';'... }'{'. DJlc: 8-19-80 f\!o30-161 r-------.-------m-..........- .-,- .,..---.. -L-. .---.-,--,.---.-- ---- : DJ~;'l'!'lIl\ITIUII: !',7 Bo,}l() );,,<:,,1"'" (Ol'i'Jinid,) 1..7 I\cr:Ollnl'.i,n<J Ilef':,,'llnc'nl j [7 1-'; ,;cill Or.fi,cm: 7.7 Purch<lr;i,llC] (Equipmcllt Only) 1'.7 /JCpill:Lrncnl'. (r;) I\ffected 17 Hlle1',cl: 1\1I<l1)',,{: -'--....-------,----..-.----...---- ..----..--,--.--...----- ..-,- 1l<,v.1 ::>/''1/'/'1111, August 19, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-162 TRANSFERRINC FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCIES TO PROVIDE FOR PURCHASE AND INSTALLATIr:1 OF AIR CONDITIONING UNIT FOR JUDGES' CHAMBERS IN BUU:QING "A" (OTHER' GENERAL ADMIN.) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 80-162, transferring funds from Cont i ngenc i cs-Other Genera 1 Admi n. to provi de for thf~ purchase and installation of an air conditioning unit for the Judges' Chambers in Building "A", be adopted in the amount of $3,000. nOM\!) OF COUN'I'Y CQi'j]H Sf, I()NJm~) COT.T.nm COUNTY, FL01UD^ r U D GET A MEN D MEN T ii.7 Hcqtl.i.n!s BOilrd ilpprov<11 D !?EOS Ho l: ROCl\1.i r0. BOi1rd l\pprov.ll (trilnsfer within object code: ,r<ln~/C) FUND GENEHM. DEPT. OTHER CENERM, ^OllIN. D};;[;CHTP'l'IOi, : '1'riln:;[(:[ oI: fund,; from Contingencies to provide: for Pllrch.::::::c: i'lTld instillliltion or i.lir conchl:ion.i.:1g unit for JudCjcs Chilmbcl'c; in B u i1 din (J I! l\ II . PREVIOUSl.Y ^1'J'HOVI.;n DY TilE BO^HD OF COUNTY COMt1:! SSIONEns 7/ '1.9/80.' '1'0 (Incrctl:w): I~provcmcnts to Buildings 001-519-1-00-05-010-G21 $ 3,000 FROI.] (Source oI: Funds): Contingencies 00]-519-1-00-05-010-990 U~.n0 -~;::::' Y, ~ ,/;';' ;:7;; i v.i, i r. -, ~ r~;~p'r ~ ~Ji -~~~; ~;:~r (,,;, ;;" y c ;;;~Tii;:;~ ;;-'"",' ~:~_~_c.:~...___ ... ______ __..__..I~?~I.:::"" _!.:.! >" /~_ .!~~~~,::.~.::,-_co ._____ f~c>. 80-162 rl.1~;'I'IUJ\U'J'I(l": ;7 lJu;,,,,] H('c:onl!; (OLi'lill.l]) LJ '''::C0I1I115111J l1Cl'ilrtpH"ll. [-7 1'.i!;(:.l] o:'ri.<.:(,r D l'un:hil!'d,IHI (l':(jllip:ll0.nL Ollly) /'7 nepill'I''''',,,1 (!,) 1\ [r(:c: l:(:(1 /'7 1l11(1<jel: 1I11i1]y"t --- _.... -- ...... -----.::::.--- --- ....--.------ .-...- -==-.----- .-.- ----.-... Hev. I:? I] 7/7 'llll ,11 ~OG~ 054 PAcEf177 BUDGET Ar~ENDMENT 80-163 TO APPROPRIATE SECOND HALF OF FY 1980 STATE AID TO LIBRARIES AND PROVIDE FOR EXPENDITURES - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,100 Augus t 19, 1980 Conmissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with COl,missioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 80-163, to appropriate the second-half of FY 1980 State Aid to Libraries and to provide for expenditures, be adopted in the amount of $3,100. BOAIH1 OF COUNTY CO~llHSSIONr::l~S COLT, [1:1\ COUNTY, FLOIUJ)7\ R lJ 0 GET ^ r-1 E ~j D MEN T /XX Rer,[\1irec; l30Clrcl Al,!)roval. L7 Doc~ ~l()t "'crrtllrc jl()~rl 7\) 0 1. L.::J - .'-_:~__ .'\ 'J :..' " . ( I pr V,I (transfcr within objc~t code rClngc) FUND GENJ::RM, DEPT. LIBH7\RIES .__... __ 4.____..__0...________._____ DESCrUP'l'JON: To approl"ll: j"t Lc; sccond hct 1.[ oC FY 1. 980 Sta tc 7\.i.d to Librur ies une! lo pro\' i de [or cxpcncli. lurcs. TO (Inc rcu S(~) : Out oJ: COlmly '1'1:,lv('1 R & ~1 EquiplllC'nt - CnLy Staff Other ~lach.i nct'y & j,:q\lipmen t Other Machinery & r':<Juipml~nt 001-571-1-1.5-86-010-~02 001-571-1-15-06-010-462 001-571-1-15-86-010-6~3 001-571-1-15-86-030-6~3 $ 550 250 650 1,650 'l'ot,ll . ~lLl~Q. 7\DD TO REVENUE: 7\id to Libruries 001-1-15-86-010-334.710 $3, 100 -- ~-(.~~~~:~~:r'~~:/~l~~~l--:.:I~-i-;-:=..::--I-f~);~~:~~;;/fJJic7fJ - ~i.~..~;~v~~:::.~~Ul~~~~~CO~lI'l. 'Jll~I)C;ET M1J . Lco.. J l.. - .- <.... L< _._'U" - /;jl--...N yif' Dule: ~"I\, ftl IJdtd. (",../{>to f)nlc:8-19-80 1\!o.SO-163 --_. ---'-- -.-.------~.--_.- --- .---------(J --1----. -..------------------------- --._- rJl:;'l'\f.lIIlITTO:l: r/ 1\n",d 1~('c'JI',l" (Or:i.']ill.:!l) ;'7 I\ccolllltinCj [)Cl"":lnh~llt /'7 Vi::c,1l Officcr 77 !'urch<l::;iI1'J (J':CJL1ipml~l1t Onl,/) ;r=7 Dcp:Jr:lll1('IIL (s) I\ffectccl !~ BlI<1~Jcl: I\llillysL _. - --..__ _." -__-_0....__-.------.....------------.---------.----- Ih'v. U/l"7 /7')111-11 August 19, 19l:lU BUDGET Af1ENDMENT 80-164 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE COST OF TRAVEL TO STATE ANNUAL MEETING RE AGRICULTURE-HOME ECONOMICS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $300 Comnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Corrrnissioner Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment 80-164, to transfer funds to cover personal transportation expenses for three Home Economists to attend the State Professional Association of Extension Home Economics Agents (Annual Meeting), re Agriculture-Home Economics Department, be adopted in the amount of $300. B01\IUJ OF COUNTY CO:.IHlSSIONEH~; COI,Ln:H COUNTY, I"LOHTD^ B lJ D GET ^ MEN D MEN T D HCCJl1i res Boar.d llj'1provill D IJ5-)es~Not:. HCl]lIi 1'0 HO.:lrcl Appr.ovill (triln,!;fcr "d,thin object coele r,lnge) . . . . . . FUND GF.mmll1. DF.PT. ^GR ICUT.'I'UHE - }laME ECONOHTCS ---- -- -----_. ---- -.-._-.. - --- --------------.--..------.-.----- -..-------- ---.------. .--.--..--- DT':SCHIPTION: . _ 'I'riln!,[c:r of fun(l~ to cover pcrsoni'll trilJlsporti'ltion expenscs for three lIome F.cono;n.lsl!, to ilttcnd the Stilte Pro[cssional ^ssoci<lti( of Extcnsjc':l 1I011C Econo;nics ^()cnts (annual meeting) . TO (I nel'Cil S0) : Privilte Vehicle l\(~il1lblln;cment OOl-S37'-8-15-5G-020-101 $ 3.Q,g PHON (Sourcl' of l"l1llcl~,) t>lotor Pool OOl-537-8-15-5G-020-403 $ 300 g~~';~~ ~,: :'~~:~i: /~:il:'':~'-:':~:):-i:~.':'~ ~~~(;~~:~;l"-0f'- U~~J-: ~t -~~~~r;:~[~~-,~~~ ~ ;:::~~~~;"~'~':::-b;j~~(;~:~-^j';~ ^lljnYVill' :/, / "", 1\p:)],ovi~ll/: -I- t /I,' ^::)prclVill : 'LL.l L(,...( t. ... F1J\ ~'~) D.'ILe: \. 'I.l"~l' lJ.ltc:r/ ~ I Dille: e-19-S0 t'>'().80-161 __.....___ ,..___ "___'_'_ ___....., .. __....__. __..l_J_____ _"'_"___'_'__'''__ ..______ __ \l.l~;',I'I~"II''J'llH-:: [~7 ...""t'll 1~('C:"J'{1:: ((l1'.i<.Jjll"ll D lIt:(:C>lIll\.i1hl l1"p;""",,,nl. r1 l-'i..",,1 (l!'riC"I' Z~7 1'IIl'ch;Hdn<.1 (P.(jll;p,nent Only) 1:'7 J1q...rt"'r.'"L(~) lI[f(,e:lpd 1:.7 11llrl'.WL lIndly::l lkv.12/1'l/7(lJlLlI n"-' r:'7" BOO~ 054 PAGE 579 August 19, Iyeu BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-165 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND EBOVIDE CONSULTANT FEE RE BUILDING INSPECTION - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Corrvnissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimcr not prescnt, that Budget Amendment BO-165, transferring funds to pay for the construction of a roof from Building D to the adjacent mobile home, and also to cover the cost of a consultant engineer to report on the extent of fire damage to a structure under construction, re Building Inspection, be adopted in the amount of $1,000. 110"\1<1) ()F COUH'rY COi'IHTSSIONEH~; COLr.n:R COU~;'l'Y, FLOHIOI\ BUD GET A MEN D MEN T , CVl HCljlli res noa nl i\l)),))'ova,l Do' ~~ oen Not "equlre Doard I\pprova1 ,( tri1nGfcr wi thin object coue r.1ncJe) . ..--.-.-----------------------.----- -. FUND GENl:~Rl\L ___..___w..._______ _ DEPT. BUILDING INSPECTION -------.----- -. --- --- _. ------.-...--.-...------.. DEf;CIUPTTON: Tr~ns~cr. of funds to pay for the construction of frulll TlUtlclll1<J I) to the adjaccnt mohile home, and also cost of Ll cOl1sul!.cltlt cll'Jinecr to report on the extent eJ<uncl<Jc La cl struc1:11n~ un<lcr construction. a roof to cover the of firc TO (Increase): Ilnprovcmen t s 1:0 flu i lcling Other CUllLro<;tl1i11 Services 001-524-1-13-35-010-621 OOl-524-1-13-3S-010-349 $ . 400 600* -- Total i.~!::9_Qg. FHOM (Source of ~l1nds) : Clothing & Uniforms 001-524-1-13-J5-010-52J $l!-OOg, _~O~~r::.r_:?_ be billed by County. -~--_:. :~,__._~.___.__._ __, ,. ~).'~~=-~__ ~LL~____ ":::~.:~__?_-_]2=-.E.9_.__ ~~~SO.~~3_~ DIST,)lI!rl"lON' /-7 730 ,,1 J'" '1,' (0 . , 1) ~-7 . , ._. ,." 'CL(}:'~ "lgtnil lIccollnt'l1HJ DCl'"rlmC'lll ,OI'1,,,',,1ofrlcC',' ._7 I'ul'('hdr;illt) (E'Jltil'Jl"~nl Ollly) __'_ __.__. r; D('pClrl""'IIL(r;) rreel c,) 1.:.7 nll<1'J<,l l\lld1yst ----.-----.--,..-- ..-----------.-.---.---------- }'l'v..1.2/1'//79i11,1I SELECTION OF AUDITOR FOR FY 1979-80 COUNTY AUDIT - CONTINUED UNTIL MEMBERS OF THE AUDITOR SELECTION COMMITTEE CAN BE PRESENT Clcrk William Reagan observed that the current year is the ~i~st year that the County went out on public bids for an audit firm for all five Constitutional Officcrs, the Board of County C0Il111issioners, Utilities Division, and the special districts which were included. The bids were rcceived August 11, 1980, said '~r. Reagan, and a meeting was called for August 12, 1980, attended by Corr.missioner Pistor representing the Board, and the Constitutional Officers, to evaluate the firms. IIc noted that the meeting was public, there were minL'tps taken and pre- pared, and an evaluation of the three top firms was prepareJ, as required by Law. Beforc the three firms were ranked, he continued, it was the feeling of the Som- mittee that it would be dcsirilble to have an interview l'lith all three firms, said firms listed as follows: 1. Holcher Taylor, P.A. Naples, F1 ori da 2. May, Zima 2, Co. Tallahassee, Florida 3. Rogers, Silva, Moon 2, Co. Naples, Floridi:l Following the interviews, tk. Reagan said that the Committee ranked the firms in the following order: 1. HeIchel' Taylor, P.A. (Bid price of $53,303) 2. May, Zima 2, roo (Bid price of $94,500) 3. Rogers, Silva, r~oon 2, Co. (Bid price of $31,000) Mr. Reagan also noted for the record that another firm, Coopers 2, Lybrand of Miami, Florida, submitted a bid which was not opened because it was reccived on August 11,1980 at 11:15 A.t~., somewhere in the Clerk's Office, through "ail' born" or some firm, and \'ias not able! to "get here" on time so that it was not opened and considered. He said he was bringing the matter up as part of the record because the fi rill is concerned about it. Mr. Reagan reported that representatives from the #1 and #3 firms are in attendance, commenting that the second ranked firm of May, Zirna & Co.. was infor~ed about the meeting to be held this date for negotia tions but that the firm informed hi~ that they would like to have the 800~ OM PJ.CE 5BO BO'JK 054 PAGE 58f August lY, l.YtlU audit but that there is no way they could come close to the $53,000 price of Holcher Taylor, "let alone" the price of Rogers, Silva, Noon & Co. of $31,000. The recommendation to the Board, concluded Mr. Reagan, is to award a one-year contract to Rolcher, Taylor, P.A. at $53,303. Mr. Walter Rogers, represcnting the firm of Rogcrs, SilVil, Moon &. Co., observed that his finn is the low bidder on the audit engagement for the ycar cnding Sept~rnb~r 30, 1980. lie said that it is his understanding that there is some feel ing on the part of the Cormllittee that, because of the 1(1/ bid, thc firm would not be able to perform the job properly, that the scope of their work would be cut back, and "not do the job". He said thi1t this i5 not true, thi1t thcy knew what they welc doing when they submitted the bid, and that they Ciln do the work within the price they hi1vC offcred to do it for and can do an adequate and proper job I'lithout any reduction in the nOI"mal scope of thc requircd audit. He cited examples of what is being paid in other counties for audits; i.c. Monroe County - $20,000 fot. one year; Charlotte County - $45,000 for two years. Thereforc, said ~1I". Rogers, the bid submitted is "not that far off". He [Jointed out that the COIJnty paid approximately $50.00D to various accounting firms during the past year, comllcnting that therc was no beginning point and no prior similar audit available and, since there is il prior audit this year, the work can and should be done cheaper for 19BO than for 1979. Mr. Rogers conc 1 uded his rema rks by detailing the firm's experience in performing governmcnt audit work, thc exper- ienced staff available, and askcd that the Board award the contract to his firm and save the taxpayers approximately $20,000. Mr. Max Ho1cher, representing the firm of Holcher and Taylor, noted that his firm performed thc audit lhe previous year and'knows what'it takes "to do the job". He pointed out that such an audit is in an area for which his firm is qualifitld, citing the previous cxperience, and that they have shown their ability and their des i re to do wha tis good fOI" the Boa rd and for the Coun ty. With reg a rd to the fee, Mr. Holcher said that their approach was to reduce it because of thc effic- iency which has been gained, noting that their standard fee would have been $70,000 based on an estimate of 1,857 hours, that the work would require; ho....eve'., the fce was reduced because of the aforesaid efficiencies gaincd, since it would be the second year for the audit, and the time schedule of 1,857 hours reflects that prior efficiency. August 1 g, 1980 r'lr. Holcher advised that the firm has "good" people, noting that there will be three partncrs assigned to the job, the work will be done with the lcast in- terruption to the personnel. It was also dcsirable, said Mr. Ho1cher, to be sure that the pricc was such that it could not be allcged that the County \~as being charged less than their normal fec. The price, he continued, \'fas not a guess - it was based on calculations - and it is the maximum price and may be lcss than that, conmenting that the bid specifications requested the highest price. Mr. Reagan said that the Ooard can accept thc Committee's rcconmendation, or dcny it, choose their own firm, or to "throw them all out and sta:.t ovcr again". He said that it was unfortunate that the rest of the Committee was not availablc to attend the Session. He pointcd out that hc chaircd the Corrmittee and \'fas desirous of being a~ non-biascd as possible in setting forth his opinions; there- fore, he would like to havc the other officiuls come beforp. the Board for their input if thcrc is a problem in accepting the recOlTlllendation. Mr. Mike Zcwalk, represcnting the North Naples Civic Association, suggested tha t, in the bes tin teres ts 0 f the taxpayers, if there is an opportunity to save $22,000, that the lower hid he considcred. Mr. Lance Hooks, represcnting the East Naples Civic Association, concurred with Mr. Zewalk and added that adequate scrvice is desirablc; hO\'fcver, hc said that it is also desirable to hola the costs of services down, noting the additional taxes in the County this year bccause of the increased school millage, the rcsolution of the double taxation issue, and the likc. Conmissioner Pistar explained why the Committee felt that the bid from Rogers, Silva, Moon & C0. was not as complete as some of the others, referring to the requested rcsumes af the per~;ons who would bc pcrforming the audit as requested in the bid specifications; however, during the intervicw with Mr. Rogers, the in- formation was forthcoming, and, for this reason, the bid was one of the three to be considered. 11e, also. cxprcssed his desire to have the matter postponed for onc week. Corrmissioner Archer movcd, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the matter of sclecting an auditor for thc FY 1979-80 County Audit be continued until a meeting can bc arranged with the entire Comnittee, as requested by Mr. Rcagan. BOOK 05J1. PAGE 583 August 19, 1980 CHRISTOPHER LEE MIDDLEBROOK APPOINTED ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD Commissioncr Archer movcd, seconded by Commissioncr Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Christopher Lee Middlebrook be appointed Alternate Member to the Isles of Capri Fire Control District Advisory Board, as reconmended by staff, pursuant to the resume submitted. MS. EVELYN SHEALY AND RAY CARROLL REAPPOINTED TO ADDITIONAL TERMS ON OCHOPEE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD - TERf'IS TO EXPIRE 12/31/81; ^PPOINTI~ENT OF MISS ~A~~)Ui.A.FG.R9JE .C.oN:r.IN_U,E_LQ~r: WEEK Commissioner Archcr moved, secondcd by Commissioner Pistor 'l ...11... carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that Ms. Evelyn Shca1y and Ray Carroll be reappointed to addi':.ional terms on the Ochopee Fire Control District Advisor'y ~oard with terms to expire December 31 I 1981, as recommended by staff. Consideration of thc appointment of Miss Jackie Hargrovc to complctc the un- expired tcrm of V. Kenneth Breakey was continued for onc wcek in order to pcrmit clarification rcgarding r~r. Breakey's resignation, upon motion by Commissioner Archer, secollueu by CUlJllJissioner PisLor and carried 4/0 with Conmi::;sioncr Himer not present. RCSIGNlI.TlON OJ' RICHARO J. GAKER FROH COLLIER COUNTY CHARTER COMMISSION - ACCEPIEU Commissioner Archcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and carricd 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not prcsent, that the resignation of Richard J. Baker from the Collier County Charter Commission be accepted, pursuant to his letter of August 13, 1980. V!'.~:O!:RBILT BEACH AREA BEACH ACCESS MATTER - TO BE SCHEDULED ON AGENDA OF 8/26/~0 Administrativc Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained that in 1976 the Board held a discussion with regard to the paving of bcach walks in the Vanderbilt Beach arca and, pursuant to the reaction of the residents, the decision was made ~0 leaVE the access points in their natut'al state. As set forth in the memorandum dated August 14, 1980 from Connnissioller' Pistor, there have been complaints from "Klny residents of the Naples ParklVanderbilt Beach area regarding the lack of beach access. It was suggcsted by County ~1anager Norman that the matter be postponed until il report by thc COIJ1lTunity Development Administrator is made on the beach access inventory which is being prepared. August 19, 1980 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Comissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with COlTlllissioner W;,'1er not present, that the subject under discussion be included on the August 26, 1980 agenda of the Board. NAPLES PARK LIGHTING DISTRICT MATTER - TABLED PENDING SCHEDULING OF MEETING WITH PROPONENTS AND OPPONENTS ON FUTURE WORKSHOP ArENDA As cont~inerl in her memorandum to the County Manager dated August 13, 1980, Administrative Aide to the Ro~rrl Mary Morgan advised that a number of calls have been rcceived regarding a Workshop Meeting with the Board for the purpose of dis- cussing the Naplcs Park Lighting District, as was suggested in ~~e Hoard meeting of July 29, 1980. It was Commissiuner Archcr's suggestion that it would be non-productive to have an open meeting until representatives from both factions sit down with Mr. Barksdale, reprcsentatives from Florida Power and Light Company, and with him and Conrnissioner Wenzel, to determine the matters to be brought before the BCC. The suggestion was briefly discussed during which it was pointed out that the meeting would havc to bc public with proper notification given. It was the consensus of the Board that the subject be tabled pending the scheduling of J Workshop Session with the interested parties to be ftrrftngprl by Mr. Barksdale. REQUEST BY NACO FOR SUPPORT OF H.R. 7112 RE REAUTHORIZATION OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM - APPROVED Conrnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer not present, that the Congressmen be advised that the Board supports the COlTlnittee Report, H.R. 7112, which will reauthorize the Gen- era1 Revenue Sharing Program as requested by NACo in their recent Factsheet. AGREEMENT BETWEEN BCC AND SCHOOL BOARD FOR USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES DURING OISASTER - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Conlllissioner At-cher moved, seconded by Corrunissioner Pistor and carried 4/0 with Commissioncr Wimer not present, that the Agreement between the Board of County COlTlllissioners and the School Board of Collier County, with regard to the use of school facilities during disasters, be approved for the Chairman's signature. as recommended by staff. August 19,1980 VOTING PRECINCT NUMBERS FOR DEPUTIES KOORS, HUNTER, AND BUCHOLTZ - FILED FOR THE RECORD In compliance with Florida Statute 30.08, the following Voting Precinct Numb~rs for certain Deputy Sheriffs were submitted for the record by Sheriff Rogers, as follO\~s: DEPUTY PRECINCT Donald Hunter 21 36 17 Michael R. Koors William Bucholtz LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CE~IETERY DEED NO. 233 - ACCEPTED FOR THE RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 whercin the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deed No. 233 was recorded and filed for the record: * * * * * * * * * ,....-. August 19, 1980 UTI Ll TV EASEMENT AND TE~IPOR^RY CONSTRUCTION EASEI1ENT RE MARCO SEWER PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS - FILED FOR RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION Pursuant to action taken by the Bonrd on April 3, 1979, wherein the Board aprroved the acceptance and expcnditure of funds for the recording of all Utility Eascmcnts andlor Tempor"ry Construction Easements for the /1arco Sewer Phase Project, Utilities Division Director Irving Derzon submitted the following documents, same having been recorded in the OfficiJl Records; 1. Richard F. O'Neill and Lynn D. O'Neill (TemporJry Construction Eascment: 2. First M,'r and Company (Utility Easement) * * * * * * * * * * M~~ n54 p~~, S9f} August 19, 1980 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objections, the Chair directed that the fol- lowing correspondence be filed and/or directed to the various departments as indicated: 1. Letter dated August 12, 1980 from Leo J. D'Angelo, Jr. re proposed changes in GRC zoning for the Tucker property at Vanderbilt Beach - xc County Manager; and filed. 2. Letter dated August 13, 1980 from Mona Grieser, Secretary, Greater Naples Dog Club, setting forth the need for a convention center - Filed. 3. Copy of Memorandum dated August 14, 1980 fr',m County Engineer Barksdale to County Manager Norman with regard to the BCC approval of the Office of Personnel Manage- ment Agreement - Filed. 4. Letter dated August 13, 1980 from Lewis Heemstra, President of the Riviera Golf Estates Property Owners Association, requesting that a bikepath be placed along Rattlesnake Hammock Road - xc County Engineer and Planning Department; and filed. 5. Letters from following persons re paving of Auto Ranch Road (scheduled for public hearing 8/26/80) - xc Engineer: a) Helen Baroni (dated August 11, 1980) b) Margaret Ray Cuppy ( dated August 9, 1980) c) Raymond Dalton (dated August 14, 1980) d) Kathleen Underhill (dated August 14, 1980) 6. Letter dated August 12, 1980 from Senator Lawton Clliles acknowledging letter and resolution re 1-75 - Filed. 7. r.etters from following persons re EMSA Council - xc County Manager and Public Safety Administrator; and filed: a) Jim Billman, President, Collier County Fire Chiefs' Association, designating Chief Billman as their representative (dated August 14, 1980) b) Jan Fillinger - submitting reDume (received 8/14/80) c) Daniel B. Langley, M.D. - submitting resume (dated 11/6/79) d) East Naples Fire Contr0l District Commission - re lack of representation (dated 7/31/80) e) Sewall M. Pastor, M.D. - submitting resume (dated 12/4/78) f) Clyde R. Balch, M.D. advising that Robert Tober, M.D. has agreed to serve on behalf of Collier County Medical Society (dated 8/11/80) 8. Letter dated August 12, 1980 from Mrs. Don Bisbee voicing concern over the lack of Golden Gate Estates' represen~ation on advisory boards - Filed. 9. Reports from Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc. re Immokalee Lighting District and the Marco Lighting District for July, 1980 - xc Engineer; and filed.