BCC Minutes 08/05/1980 R Naples, Florida, August 5, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) .f such srecial districts as have been created according to law and having condu~ted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the foll owi ng members present: CHAIRMAN: Cl ifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. !\rcher John A. f'lstor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown !\LSO PRESENT: Will i~m J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk!Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman and Darlene Davidson (2:00 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. Will iam NGrman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director; Terry Virta, Community Developrnpnt Administrdtor; Cl ifford Barksd,lle, Publ ic Works Administrator! Engineer; Thomas Hafner, Public Safety Administrator; Lee Layne, Planner; and, William McNulty, Sheriff's Department. ~ODK 054- PAGE 268 I August 5, 1980 AGE N OA-HJ'.!3..0V ~D.~..o,J2Il.LQ.N.2LfJEI ET I ON Conllli:;slonrr PI.,tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer o1nd uniJnimOW;ly c,lrried. th,lt th" "':Wnd,l hf' arrrovrd with the following additions anrl drlC'tion: 1. Considf'r,ltion of ex['cution of lease of certain County property to (all ier Model M~ron,lutics Club, Inc. - DC'leted at rerjlJest of SLlff. 2. Presl'ntat.ion of Can;,ultant's Report re Double TaxHion . Added to Warkshop Agf'nda at request of Count.y Manager. .1. Authari la t ion to expend certa fn funJs for engagcment of prorerty ,1ppr,1i<.er rf' Caunt.y Watf'r-Sf'wer District. - Added ,]~, ~f'qIJl'st. of Iltilit.ir", Ilivir,ian Dircctor. ORDIrMN(E nO-(,11 Rl PETITION (P-1l0-fiC. FUTURE CITIZENS, rNc, (REPRESEIITEfJ flY r.AROL L^NSrli\LE\. REQlJES r I Nt; I AND USE AMENDMENT FflaM 0-6.22 RES I DENT 1 ^L Wll TS TO RECREATION OPEN SP^CE IMHl lISE ON PROPERTY LOr.ATED IN S16. TI\8S, R::5E _ ^.IlOP)ED. ,_.. ,_ ... __ ..___ ..._____ _____ _____________________..___.__ LN,uJ notfcp havin<J been publis/lf'd in the Nolples Daily News on July.,. 1980 as evidencpd by Afffd,lVi t of Pulll ication filed with the Clerk, plJbl ic hearinq W,l" apl'llf'd to coor, idpr PI't. i t ion Cp-nO-fiC. fi lcd by Carol lansd,lle for Futun' elti;PIIS, Inc,. r-I'qlJ''',~ill'l d Land Ihe Amendmrnt frolll 0-6.22 Residential Units t(l f~I"T(',ll inll 01"'11 SP,ll" I ,1I1(f 11,,1' on prap'!rty InC,lterf in Secti['1l If., Tm.mr,hip I\Il ~'l1ldh, P,lnlll' ?', 101'.1. '..lid propl'rLy to he woed for the er,f.,lblir,l1m"nt of ,1 YOII 1.11 C,lllll'. PI.1I"""- Cr'!' I ,'Y'lf' In, ,1t,pol till' pr()p~'rty ,10, beill') the propert.y shown in ypllow nil the moll' di'l'laypd dnd noted th,lt tlw 11\.5 ,1cre p,)rcel ic, located south af Sunny Tr,) j I II['I,/ht" ,lnd [,1St of tllC Gill f 1I,1rhor 5ubd ivis jon. Referring to the [xeclltiv[' SIIIINllM"Y Ilf'rt,linirlfj to the Petition, Ms. L,lyn" sdid t1ldt the docUlll2nt hdS Ilf'l'lI n'vil'\~pd fOT' cOlllpl iance with t.he (nmprellcnc,;Vl' Pl,HI ,lnd the findill')s pllr-srlolllt t/wn.to h,lYf' resulted in a st,lff r('comn,f'n';:~loll for approval of the Petition. ^Iso. s,lid Ms. Layne, the Collier Count.y f1lannillfl ^<Jency held their pllbl ic hf"lrinlj nn ,July 3. I9HO and recomnended forw,lrdill<J Pet. it ior", CP-~~O-['C to the Baolrd with a rt'col1lnerld,ltion of approv<ll. Ms. c'lro] l'lrl';d'llr'. f',"esieJprlt of Future Citizens, Inc.. s<lid that thf' sdid nr'(J,lni;dliall is nOIl-I',-ofit and a Ullited Fund ,1ffil ioltf'. ~1s. 80~~ 054 pm 2..74- BOOK 054- PACfl75 August 5, 1980 LMlsd.1le provid0d .1 ilt'ief history of the organization which she said was forlnl'd ,1S ,1 holdin() Mld mMhlfJl'll1l'nt corporation for propertfes donated to the (;irl SCOIJts ,lnd the f10y Scouts of ColI fer County. Approximat.ely four years .1<)0, she c<)nl.inucd, ., T'('qursl. WdS made by the Gulf Coast Girl Scouts Council to 10(,lte ,1 p,1n:el of propl'rt.y t.o be used ,1S ,1 camp and, after a lengthy ''/'oIn:h, UH' prnpPI't.y dcscribcd ill the Petition was foc,lted ,1nd funds rdfsed to pllrcl1,l',f' it. An "rfOT'1. 11,1S bl'(~1I made to cooper,1te with Loth of the .1dj,l<:l'nt. StJhdillision, ,.1id M;,. L<lnsdale hy calling a rublic mecting ttJ lntro- duce th" ,'rnjPCt. .111.1 pn",cllt dCIlr'lop!l,.,nt p],lns, and they h,1ve .';1) recently pLJcprl sfx per'son', wl10 n~sfrll' In t.he subdivl,fons on the hOrlrd for their PM-tiC ip.ll ion in fl..' w;c of till' I,,-opcrty .1nd 1n t.he dellelopment plans. ~". [,111',d.ll,. oh',",-vr'd 1.11,11.. .1S rcqlu",ted hy the Coastdl ArC,l Planning Con",js';iOIl. till' Orljolnil.ltion h,lS 'lfJr-('I'd t.o work with the St,1t.e of Flor'da nilll,inn 11: l'i';11 "nd Wildlifl' with rCfj"rrl to the e,1qle's nest south of the jn'opl't'ly. ',h,' '.IH)>.('<I,,1I .ld,j.,t.', rf'ndcrinq of the propo,ed project and r1c~':rllll'rI I',,, .lIl.i,/llics wllich will be UlIdcrtolken following thl' construction. (,)lln:.. (':,)'101()I'I' NOI!lI,ln noll'of fill' fol1owinf) fi If'd for the record: I. ! 1'1 t"I' d,1 t I,d ,;111y 71, 1<):\0 (rDllI M/M [. 0' COlllle f f In opposition. t r'l iCl' d,1 L"ll ,lllly ?H. l'I.'11l rr-Dm ,J. N. fleminq in opposition. 1":,["1 ,1.1: ,'<I '.'lIly '/1, IlJHO frllm M,H'ion nnd RlIdolph fleers in "I'!'("; t Ion. J. .1. l.l'tt.'1' d.lt,'d ,July ]1. 19/JO from c.lrl A. Bieber raising questions which I,,' would I ikt, ,1I1'.wl'l'l'd in order to judge the rezoning prDl1et'ly. S. l.dt,'r d.ltl'd "uly n, 1')i\O from Guy L. Cdrlton not in orposition hut f illtlS 1't'lljl'ct nrfl'nsivc. MlIl suggestlnl) reverter clause in the I'vent guirll'l ines <H'C not followed. ('. l.etter' r1'Cl'iVI'd AlI(JU..t ~. 19BO from M/M G, J. Er'ckson In OPl'os; t ion, 7. Letter l'l't:I'IVl'd Au<)ust~, 19/J0 from [Jetty Jerln Brown in opposition, including petition with 10 signrJtures also in oppo~jt1on. ~1. Letter' d,l~ed .July 11. 19BO from lIolly Miller in oppo~itfon. includinf) pl'tition with /J Si'Jlldtures ("fld letters) rJll in Oppll~ i t iOll. <) Ll'ttel' I'l'<:<,'ivprl ^11'Just '1.19130 from GrrlCC Kretchmdrl in opposition dlld sut"llittill<) pctitinll with 15 Si'lll(ltUI'C5 ,111 in opposition. -----~...... ..... . .'- .--.---- fJ~ ......- ~-~ - 1<1 !\uqllst 5. 1980 10. Letter receivf'd August. 1\. 19RO from W. ,1. lIughes in oprosition. 11. /1cmortlndlJm dated ,July 30, 1980 from Administro1tive Aide M,lry Morqan re tl'lephnne call from L. J. Hardesty In (,lvur of th,~ pcl.iLiulI. 12. Two retit.loners, each containing 6 signatures. all in opposition. Mr. Carl [lieber, Gul f lIarbor Resident, was present to request an..wers 1.0 t.he qu~stions rO',('(1 In his lrttl'r noted tlbove, tlnd other concerns he has with rf"J,lrd to thf' rrojl'Ct. Onf' concern expressed by Mr. Bieber was the fact thilt tl Coun ty vf'h ic I p ,1nd Coun t.y f'mp 1 oyre.. h,we heen observed on thl' s itf'. Mr. ^Il'lf'lo ~.qu,ltrlto f'xp1.1inl'd Ul<1L Lhc (ollnt.y 'Ichicle w,", used for thc tranSilOrl.ation of equipmpnt in con.illrlf,t. ion wi I,h t.hr' Youth GlJid,lnce Summer C<lmp .TO'1r<11Tl wi t.h which he is involved. lie exp1.lin"d t.h,1t, this Program is not. ,1 juvenile delinquent prcHJr,lnl IH.t cOllld bf' con.,ldpred a pre-del inquent pro'1ram establlr,h.~d tlnd df'si')llf'd to find ~ids wit.h [1ot.ential rroblems prior t.o such childrl'n gett ing into trouble. Ms. L,lnsd,lle exp1.1inrd tllJt, since the orgdnization she ,'cpresents 11,1, no '.w,ne, nrO'l\",lm. and ';lncl' t.he land is vtlcant, the ueci..ic;l was made to ,lllow it'. 1/'.1' by th" YOlltb Gllir!.H1Cf' f'ro'lram particir.1nts. Rcsrondinq to (o:ll"h'.ioltl'r ;'i.,tOI', '.11" '"li,; th,lt thf'rl' are v['rJ st.rin')f'nt rules qovernirH) thf' ~,upl'rvi',ion of UH' r.irl Scout.'. "nd floy ~;CCllts with th~ norm.ll r,ltio of youn'1 pf'op]e t.o Slq1f'rvlsoJ"'.. Ms. Holly ~Iill"r'. Gulf H,lrbor Rl'sirlf'nt, pxprpsSf'(1 hl'r distress,lt the proposed n','oninr/ ,1n<1 pnwislon,\) IJse under cOllsidpration. She rresf'nt.ed oJ spries of pj':tIJl',.<, illll';t."'llin'J thf' ldd, of SUp!','vision dnd the encro<lchll1t'nt on Ill.. ,1dj,lcI'nt Ilt'OP'Tti['<, hy IIH' children dnd till' C,lnOf'S iJein'l Lr,pd. Mr. Squ.ltr"ito l'xp1.1inl'd how tlH~ C,lnne mrntiOnf'd happened to be on rrivdte property and also t.he tr"ininq ,llld life-Solving equipment edch child receives. thereby resrondin(! to allotlH', ulllCl'rn voiced by '.15. ~li ller. fJricf discussion follow.'d cOllcerninq the provision.l1 use and zoning be i ng t'rque5lcd in Ulf' ''1JhSl'qllf'n t pf't it i on ~ I.n ~)e add res ~,ed with Chd i I'm,l n Wenzel oh<'l't'virHl lh,ll, undet' cunent zoning. t.here could be Bil units pldced on ....""..',.,,<lI'..,'~.."......... ..~ -.- .. ~...-- . - .- ~,.-~..." '" ""'~. -~- 8n~~ 054- rACE 277 AU<]lIs t 5 I 19130 the property, and Ms. Lansdale noting that under the "RO" District being refJllest.ed the property C,ln only be IJsed for natural open space projects such as parks. and t.he like. Ms, L<lrlsd,11e rf",ponrlerl In d"t.,111 to a series of questions submitted by ,1n opponf'nt. t.o t.he PI'ojccl.. il1cludil1f] prot.ection of the ea'lle's nest on the I'r'opr"'t.y. UH' l''''lvi';i()l1'; (Dr' 11l';I'"ctI0I1 o( t.he project rr~'),lrdinr) t'"i1sh dfspoS,ll, 11.1bll11.y Insllr,lnCI' prnl.l'ct!on. t.he number of memher-.hir meetings alreMly held .lnd to be held In thf' fU/,llrr, and other pertinent mr1tters. Therf~ heln') no fllrther persons t.o address the Board, Con'lIls~' 'ner Plstor moved. seconded by r:omll1issioncr flrown and lJI1<lnimously carried. t.hat t.he publ ic hedrtn'l be closed. r:ommj',r,flll1"r Winll'r mo,cd. ';I'conrled by COlllmissioner ^rcher and un'I;~llllously c,lrrll'd. th,lt. Ordin,ll1C1' :",-(,n, ,1S ent.it.led helow. be <ldorted anrl I'nt.ered into Ord 111,lnC" [look Nil, 11. UI!11I N/\NCI'; NO. 80 - 6-8._.___ I\~J ()HI11t1MI"I': M\l-:~I1)!NC OHIHN^NCE 7')-]2, TilE CU!'ll'ln:ll1':'::;IVI': 1'r./\N FOil COr.I.LEH COUNTY, F1.Ullrl),\, I\Y MII':Nllfr,;,; 'I'll": I.^ND U.';f': 1':r.E,'IENT \~UHJ( ::TIII)Y ~1l\1' ij I FHm1 HI,::; I \)!':Wl'lM, 0-(,,22 '1'1) 1iI,:('f,f':,\TltlN ,)1'1-:11 ::I'i'd'I'; 1.^;-.JD 11:;1'; ON TilE F()!,I,()'..ilj"'; \)1'::;1'1\[111':11 l'Hlil'EH'\"{: l'/\llT OF TilE :;'111'1'111:,\:;'1' 1/.\ (W :;I:C'i'lilN If" 'l'O\\'N:;llll' ~n :;OUTII, P,\N(;I': ,~'; 1'~I\:~'i' ImrCII IS r.Oc^,I'I.:n :;OU'I'II n\' :;UNNY '1'111\ I r. 111': ICIIT:; ^ND 1':1\:;'1' OF CUl.1" III\HIIOH :;lillJ)IVI.';10N~; MID BY PHCWrnlNG t\;~ 1':Fi.'I':CTI'v'E 11,\TE. ".'.-......---- _.._...."'"....,..~._._- ........-..., .......---..., '" ..- --- -..--~_..._.....,..'. ...-. _ ^1I~JU5t 5, 19110 OROINAN(E nO-69 RE PETITION R-nO.l~C. FUTURE CITIZENS, INC.. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "^" TO "PO" FOIl PROPERTY LOCATED IN S16, TI\8S, R2~)E - ADOPTED PlIllSUANT TO STArT ANI" (AP( STIPlIl.ATIONS; PETrTIONER'S AGREErmlT TO STIPULATIONS _ I\J.Crp.t:.EJl________.__,___ --'------------- ------.-------- l.egal notice h,lvirHl heen puhl ished in the Ilaples Daily News on ,July 1\. 19110 as f'vidrnCf'd by Mfld,lvit of Puhlic,ltlon filed wlth the Clerk, public hearing W,lS 'wId to considf'r 01 IH'Oposrd onJfn,lnce with reg,lt'd to Petit.ion R-flO-HC, filed by (,11'01 1.00n,dille ,'eIH'[',l'nti'Hj Flltlll'e Citilf'nS, Inc., requesting relooinf) from "^" to "IW" tor properLy IOC,lt(~d in S16, T~flS, R25E. AltholH]h t.hf' n1,ltt.l'r pl'rt."ini'Hl t.o Petition R.OO-HC Wo1S discus<' con- currently wit.h t!H' p'-I'viow, pet.it,ion. it W,lS pointed out by (ounty Atf.ornry PickworU, t.h,lt sep,lro1ll' pllhl ir. IWo1l'in'ls ,1rl' bring held. County Milll<lgrr rlorman ,1(lvisl'd t.h.lt Ihl' pl',",nn', ,Hlrlrl";sirHJ tlH' no,lrd on thr previaII', petit.ion h,ld sif]JlI'r! IJ" t.o ',PI'", nl1 holh pr'r.it,iOllS, whf'reupol1 Ik, fJiebrr s,lid th,ll hI' would h,lVe nn flll'UH'r (Ollll1l'n:, (,0 lI1<1kl' ,lllrl Ms. Miller st.ilt.ing tho1t. 011 t.hou~Jh she Is ',II-icIly ,1qiiln',1 tlH' l'I'lOl1iJl'l. ',1:1' wallld h,lvr no tin-tiler sto1ternent. COIl11li',';innpl' '''/ill''''' 111l1VPrl. '."c()lld[~d by (Olllfllissioll[!!' Pist.or olnd un,l11irnollsly C,lITil'r1. t.h,ll till' pllhl ic Ill"r;I1!J IH' (lo~;ed, (oll1l1is',ion..r \,illll'I' IIIlIVI'r1, s"co'Hlpd by (olnmissionrr flrOl'ill, tholt Ordlo<Hlce 00-(,<), o1S f'nt.i Upd h,'IO\~, hI' ddopt.I'd. l'J1tl','ill~1 Silrnr iJl Onlin,lJlC[' l1J1ok No, 11. said ddol'tion hi' ill'! ';ri!l,i"cf. 10 tl1f' st..,~f's stiplil,ltioll:, dlld tl1r ,1dditioll,ll C^PC ',tiPI,;,'tioll "I'ldl.ill'l t.o cOlllplyio'l \~il,11 LllI' Auduholl Society <llld [-ish,'. Wil(fl iff' (nrllnis'.ion', 1"''lIIJ.lt.ion'; "l'g,lrclill'l caf]le's nrqs; ,llr,o. t.h,lt t.he PctitiolH'r's Aqrr'['IlH'111 t.o till' ';lipIIJ.,tiolls bt, accept.ed. TIH' l1Iotioll c<llTird by 1I1l,1nim'lJs VOt.[" OHlllNlll,II'I': NO. no - (,l) AN OIlI1INi\NCI': MII':NI1INC O/UlJNANCI' '1(,-10 '1'lIl': CO~ll'llI:IIUJ:;IVI': Z[)NINl; HECIII.rI'\'lon:; FOil '1'111'; IININCOlll'(lHNI'I':Jl Al;I'A (11' TilE CON:'I'At. AHI'A 1't.ANNINC 1l1:;'I'nrC'[' I\Y M~ENI11N(; 'I'll)': ZON [Nt: A'l'J,A:; l~l\1' NIJ1~I\J,H ~f1-/.~j-') IlY HI':1.(1Nl NI: TilE F(11.1.0\oJ [NG DEf:cn /I\/:Il I'nOI'[.;n'I'Y FJH)~1 "A" A(;nICIII,'l'tlln': TO "IH)" HECHI':A'I'I()N Ol'l':N :;I'N:I': 1l1;;'['IUCI': PAlrl' OF Till: ~;OlJ'I'IIE^:;'I' l/~ (11" :;I':CI'I(lli \('. '['O\'II',:IlTI' 4fl f;OII'['II, HANel,: 2S ElIS'l' AND I\Y I'HIJVID1NC AN Ef"FFCTIVI' IM'!'E, ---~I ~ - - August 5, 19BO RESOLUTION 110-11\0 RE PETITION PU-OO-lC, FUTURE CITIZENS, rNC" REQUESTING PU (15) OF "RO" OISTJlICT FOR YOUTH CAMP ON PROPERTY l.OC^TED IN S16, nns, R25E _ ADOPTEO, SII11,JECT TO STAFF MID CAPC STlUPLATIONS: PETlTlOI/Ell'S ^GREEMENT TO ?T..I~lD..^)J..Cl.N5_-=-_fl.~_c.f!.TJ"Q.;__C^I'.c.J HlDIJ~G OF FAC1 - f I I.EJUJlli..l!!l. RECORO Noting th" actions t.rlken by the flo,lrd with reg,1rd to the [1reviollS two pet.ltion" (Olllllissionf'r AI"chf'I" moved t.h,lt Resolution nO-ll\fl with regard t.o Peti lion PII-110-n, fi lrd hy [01'''01 l.an~;d,11e rC[1rcscnting rut.url' (iti12ns, Inc,. rl''lul'st.ir1<j Pll(15) of UI!' "RO" Inning IJist.r'lct for a Yout.h Cam[1 011 property locat('d III Sf'ct.ion If" Towl1',llip 1\1\ Sout.h, Rang[' 25 Ei'st l){! adopt.ed, suhject. t.n st.,lff ,111(1 [AP( stipuldtions; I.h,lt. the Pl'titioner's Agreement '.0 the stipu],l!.ions bl' ,lcr.ept.l'd; <111<1 that tlH' C^PC ril1dln~, of Fact be filcd for I t.he ,"er.orcl, 111(' r:Klt. ion W,l'; sf'condl'd by COlTlniss ioner Wimcr Mid carried by unoltlimous vote, * * I I f I * * r> _ . - . -- - -dIl.I Augus t 5, 19fJO BOOK 054 PAGE 2B9 * * RE(E~,S: 'J:~;5 A,~1. until 10:02 A,M, * ORDINAN(r RO-70 RI PEfIT/ON Cp-RO-7C, G^C PROPERTIES AND COUNTY PLANNING ST^Fr, REQUESTING L^ND IJ~E PIAN AMENDMENT FROM COMMERCIAL TO 0-6.22 AND 6,22-30 H[;'[DENTI^L L^ND IISLS EOfl PROPEfny [Ij fJLOCK JfJ, UNrT 2, LOTS 1-10, BLOCK J'J, LOTS 1.15, flLO(K 22, ^NfJ PORTION OF fJLOCK J'J, ALL IN UNIT 2, GOLDEN G^T[ ([TY _ ~Q.o_p.Tsnh'__' _ __. _ _. ,_ "___ _'.' ___ _ _ ____ _____.___________________ l.eg,11 not.ice h.lViIH) be[~n pllblhhl'd In the Naples Dally News on ,)IJly 4, l'JfJO ,1S ['Vir!f'llCl'd by Affid,lvjl. of I'ubl ic,ll.ion filed w1th the C11'rk, puhlic hearing W,lS opcllf'd to cOIl'.ir!I'I- Pel.il.ion CP-RO-7C, filed by GAC Properties and the County I' 1.1lln 1 11<] St,lff, rl'qIH";l.lnq ,1 1.,lnd IJse Plan Amendment from CnJlTf1crcial Land Use to 0-(,,22 and 1i,;'2-.l0 [<I"iidf'nti.ll L,lnd t)r,[~S on the E,ISt. 200', Block Jg, Unit 2, Goldeo (;,lte City, [nt-, I-Ill, [Jlo(kl'), lots 1-15, Block 22, and Block 313 11'5" t.1~e Ed5t 20D', ,111 in ll"il 2, 1;"1<1",, 1"1/,, (it"" Alrf'I' '''c-II ill'l 111(' Pt'ol"'rtil~s involved in the p(~tit10n on the rn,lps displ,lyed, 1'1.\'1111'1 L,'" 'O\YI1" "'I,1..il1,'<I 1,11-11. 1.111' i','l.il.ioncr, (;,\( l'ro[1ertie';, requester! deletion of Illod, .:: '1(1111 1.111' i'f'I,i I.inll hi" ,111';" ,j')n,lt.ures from all Ll1f' property oWI"~rs in Lh,' hlnc. ((1I11,j IHII. hi' nhl..li,ll'd, 101' 1..I',lt r-e,j50n, 'ihe conti IllleU , the Starr Joined ill th,. I',.tition I:) ,11'1('n,! HInck;>? t.rJ conform wit.h till' ';lJrrolJndin<j 1,111<1 IJS[~S, ^lso, s.li(] n". Ldynl' , lhl' Stoltl il1cllllkd t.h,' [ast 200' of Illock JIJ to elimin'ltc the srn,lll i<;l.Hllllll' COtlitll')'ci,11 in t.hl' midst of n~c,idelltial land use, Since the a 1'[',1 is devI']opill'l a'; r'I'sldl'nt.i"l, thl' St,lff reconnlC'llds th.lt the ,Ired c,holJld COl1tflllle t.o devI'lop ,1, r'1",idl'l1ti,,1 itlst,eold of cOlllnerci~l, she ~,]id, and ddvised tholt Lhe CoIl il'r' COllllly 1'!.lllnill<J ^']I'I1<:Y joins in slJch reconlnendation, Mr, W,lf,l,1 ASS'lold, of \~Ilstln, Miller, [l,lrton, SolI!. Peek. Inc., representing G^C Prorerties In till' retition, U1t11111f:nted lhat it is felt that residential Idnd u~,~ will (''''1.ln(I' lit<' COllltlUllity, IIc s,lid that he h,15 nlet with the Golden Gate Civic Asc,ocioltiol1, pl'(~c,l'nted the proposal, al1d that letters of ap[1roval ~l,lve [leen forthcomin<] fnJm tllC i\'iSO.:i,lll0I1, - AU(Ju s t 5, I 'JBD Following County MMlager rlorm<ln's statement that there were no persons registered to spe,lk on the m,ltter, Commissioner Pistor moved. seconrl"rl hy Cornnissioner ^rchrr and lln,lnimouSly c,wried, th"t the rllbl ic hearing be closed. Commissionf'r ^rchf'r movr'r1, <,f'conrled by Commissioner Pistor and IJnanimously C,11Til'd, lh,1t Ordin,wet'. ,15 rllmlhf'red and I'nlitll'!d below, be ,1dortcd anrl entered int.n Ordinance nook ~n, II, OHIIIN/\II('I: NC), no - 70 I\N OlmlrJMIC!: M11':rJ[111,(; 01lnINMW" 'l'J-3/., TI1I'~ C:O~1I'IU:I!I':W;IV1': l'1.I\N ron C:01.J.1EI~ COU~IT'" 1'1,(11{ 1111\ lIY ^~n:Nlllt:r; TilE [.I\Nll ll~;lc EJ.I.:MI:rIT h'OHK ~:Tl1fJY ~11\1' U7 ['ltO."1 COMI1r:HCrI\L LI\1in u~;r: '1'(1 (,.;>/-)0 HI':!;rIJl':NT1^1. LMW IJST: ON 'I'll I: 1'[J1.1.0W I t1(; Ilj';!:CH I l\EI) l'HOI'I:ilTY: LOT;' 1 - \ O. 1\1.00; I", Un!;~ - 1 r" II Lac K /. /. 1\ N n !\j.(,('K ,1[1 1.I:!::: TilE I:A::T 200' TIIEHE(W, lllJ IT ":, (:OLI>I':N crITI': CITY; MIiJ I\Y l\~ll,:rJlllr;C Till,: I.MJI) II!:I': 1:J.E.'11:NT FIH)\I CO,'IMI,:RCIAJ. TO O-(,././. In::;lili,:~i't'I!lI, I.!lNfJ ll!;I': UN Till': FOJ.IJ)'o'iINC 1lI,:;,('I\IIlI',11 l'I<<II'I',I{'['Y: TIlL 1',)1;,' 200' (IF j\i,\~.Cj, In, IIN!T /, COJ.lll':N ('.1\'1'1: CITY l\'lD BY I'J.:()- v r [J I ril: At. 1:1" I''J:CT r v r: [)..\T r:, OfHlIN,iNcr nO-ll RI I'll I1ION R-Hn.1 IC, (',^C rRUI'ERTrES ^NIl COU~TY PL^NNING STArr, HEQUfSllNG RUONING II/fl'" "Gf~C" 10 "RM-(," !\Nil "RS-J" ON LOTS 1-10, BLOCK .19, Lors 1-1~" !\LOCK (';' ^ND 11[(10; 311, UNIT (', GOLDEN GATE CITY - ADOPTED f'URSIIMH TO STArr ^,NJ1_ J\CC._S_T_[r~lIL^ 11 oris: 1'1 11.1 [ONI r~ 'S^J;_r~_'_.E!~s_!n_ T,O_,S_TI!~l~L.^.l_IO_N.S_-_-^,c_c_l-,,-rJn_ , ____ _ _, . , [r'1,11 nolie,' iJ,lV:'''1 I>een publ i'.IH'd i,: tlte U,lplr<; [),lily r1f'w<; 011 July 4, l'1(lO ,1S rvidenCf'd hy Mfid,lVit of Pllblie,lt.inn filed \o/ith tllf' Cler~, puhlic hf',lrin'J W,l~, oprned to cOIl'.idel' I'dition 1<-Ul1-17C. filrd by G^C Pr\)l'erlips and liJp Coul1ty ['1al1nin9 Stdff, ,'e(/lIPs/il1'! 1'('/ol1i')(1 from "GRC" lo "R~1-2" Jnd "~l::'-J" on Lots 1-10. !110d J'l. lots l-l~" Illock ')') l_1 t ,111<1 l\lock JB, lInit 2, Golden (',ate City, Pl,lnnel Lpe l,lynf', havin~l locHrd the subject properti[:<; on the map p:'ovided dlll';n~l tllf' pr'(,v;(111<; Cllllll',ll1ion I'{'lition, expl.lined th,1t the P1.111Jlill'l St.\ff joilll'd in UIP petition ['y 1'r''1IIl'',tin(] th,lt Block 2,' Mid the East 200' of Glock .11\ [,P l'l'lOlIrd sinet' il is tI,{'ir brlid th,1l the rl1lirr drea shoulJ be rrzolled, altiJough lhe f'etitioller WI1S u/101hlr to obt.\in thr sigl1ature of OI1P proprrty ownL'r, ~\s, .__...~_. TlrmI H 11 -. r~-- ---- ----rh-.HI I -- lOOK 054 pm 291. AU9uS t 5. 19AO l,lYlll' ';,lid til,lt t.he C^Pr: rr;COI,ml'nr!er! ,1rprOV,11 of the Petition ,;uojr,ct ~.o t.he Petitioner clll'ckilHJ wil.h G^C f1ropertles to see whether they would be wi II in') 1.0 r('lone thl' 1.1nd to "Pfl-Ifl" Iw;te,ld of "R'~-2", dnd subject t.o the 51..1 rr' s sl.i pu 1.11 ion,. ,111 nf wll iell ,)J'e inc luded In the Pet it. ioner' 5 Aq rr: t~nll~n t. Durin') the f'n',llin'J di',C\ls,;ion rl"j,1rdinq ~lheLher or not the proposed l.OIlI/H) (,It.I''}Ory W,1', r1f',;ir,lhlr, (onllli,;',ionrr Plstor volcrd hls dls- s,lt1sf.lctinn with t.he "Rn-III" (,It.NJOI'Y dnd st,lt.ed his preference thdt the lOnlfHJ hI' dldfH/,',1 t.o "RM-I" which would limit. t.he den<;ft.y dnrl height Com- m'lnity Dl'vl'loprnl'nt r"Jlltini',l.r,ll,llr Virt,] polnl.,ed oul. th,lt dll of the 101..5 slJI'rollndlng t.hl' suhJret pnJpert.ir,; ,lrl' prrsl'ntly loncd "RM-2" ilnd t.hat, in ten'IS of 'Jll'.Jd .'unffllJ di<;t.I'lct.lllf) ,lnd hec,lUsl' of the c'Jrrent zonin') fhlttern, it wa<; fell th,lt "1?f1-?" W,l'; I,h,' most. logleal district. ~Ir', ,I,1r,\,) '"'';';,\,Id, 01 Wil',on. ~:illl~r, rl.lrt,on, SolI" Peek, lnc" repre- srntlnq r,M: 1'\'''I'''I'li,'';, "',I,1.,i'1I'd th,lt t.hen; is not enough~tidth on the lots t." <J" Ili'II..., II,,,,, """ <I' 1..1" "I,<I,i,~', ,!nd I.h,lt. the clr,nsity would be very low for ,1 1111IIt.it.IJdl' ()~ 1"',l'"'W,, (Illl'll"'ntin'j I.h,ll, Ih,' I.ype of devl'lopment that the sreciflc ',ilf' C,ln ,1ffnl'd W'''lld ;,,11 pl'l1vidl' till' nppOf't.'H1ity t.o huild larger ',ill' ,1p,lrtl11ents ,lnd involvin'l till' lIi<Jhl'l' r1,'n.,ili,',;, lie s,lid th'lt t.hr; Pr;titioner woulrl be ,111l1'n,llJle t" ~t.lilirl.lt.illlj 11\.\1 !.Ill' h1lilrlin'}s shoulrll\ol exceed ,1 certain height. There Wl't'e no I'el",,;"', I'i"ji"tl'rl'd 1.0 conlllent 01\ the rctltlon, whereupon ['''''IIi 5S i'll"'I' Pi'.t[)f' ll1ovl'd, :,I't'll'ld,'d by COI1Wll1ssioner ^rcher and carried unani- n111usly, th,1t thl' l'ul>lic he"ril\'1 111' closed. Cll1111liS51ClIH'1' f'istol' lIloved th,H Ol'<lln,lnce nO-7l, dS entitled below, be ddoptNl al\d clltcred into Or'J in,1I1Cl' I\ook No, It. pursuant to the St"ff Jnd CAPC stipuldtiol\s, ,15 contdined in the Petitioner's Agreement, and with the additiol\dl stil'uL\tion th.lt. no building in the rezoned are" will be nM)re than JG' in hci<jlil. 1'1'\)111 thc fini<;hed 'l"adc, The lI\OtlOIl was seconded by Commis- sioner i'wchcI' ,ll\t! c.lrt'ied un,ll\illlollsly. Thl' st,lff pII.'I11I"'I''; I'n";"lIt ,11\<1 t.he petitiol\Cf"<; repr'r;5I'nt,ltivl' notr;d lhl'ir 1JI1derstdlllJill<) [)I' till' ,lltiol\ ldkpl\ by the ~lodl'll with re<)ard to the stipuldtioll<;. 1- , . 1 } AllgllS t. 5, t" ,() OIWIN^NCE 1\0-72 HE PETITION CI'-ilO-BC, WILLI^M IlLACK\m,L FOH K. C, 1.JIS1, HEOlJEST- INC; LAND lISE ^~lEN[JMEN1 FROt-l 0-(',22 RESIDENTIAL LAND USE TO INDUSTRI^L I.Al1D USE ON PROPERTY I,OC^T[O IN P^RT OF S15, T~8S, R25E - ADOPTED, PURSUANT TO ST^FF SJ-'J~l~I._AII~N___,______..____ _______,__ '_______,_, I.l'gill notice havin~l hpen [1llhl isl1ed ln the Naples Daily News on July 1\, }<Jr.C ,15 pvidl'ncecl hy Affldilvi I. of I'uhl ication filed wi th the Clerk, plJbl ic I1f'MiIHJ \.,.,1" opf'nNI to con',ldl'r 1'pt.ition [1'..80-8C, filed by HillLlm 1l1,lckl'Icll fOI' K, (, Wi"l'. Trtl"I"I', n"III('stin'l (,lnd Ilsf' ^rnf'ndml'nt from 0-(',;>2 Pe',idpnti.11 1."'111 ihl' l.tl Indtl';I.I'idl 1.,,'1111;';1' on propprty 10r;'lted in part of Sect.ion I'"~ Tm'/Ilship ~n :;01J 1.11 , n"n'II' ;>:, [,1"1. for tin' ctlll',trlletion of a lllnlbl'r Mid tr1JSS COlllP,lI1.Y, 1'1'11)1' to till' p,'p'''',d,1I,loo of !.IH~ proposal, Cl1aitilMn l.Jr'nzel qlJestioop" thr pl'oqrr..,,, hpioq m,ldf' on IIH' "['/llIIinq "pcoIIITll'ndat1ons for tl1e ,1rea alonlJ tl1r ",111 ro,HI fl'om 1.111' I:,'pl1l intj 1'],1111 IIp 1.0 I.hp I.('e (ollnty 1 ine, 1'la,mpr Lpp L,lynf' '"lid !.I1,1t.. il1cl',,<I,'<I in till' ,llInll,,1 I','vi,'\" (01' !onirHI ,1nd C()lIlprellf'nsivr~ rloln C:/1i1l1<11''', tlH'I'1' will Ill' "I'u","1l("1I1,1Iions for cl1,lnlj('~, in UH' "llb.ir~ct ,11'(',1; hO\"['VI'I-, il W,l', 11<"- ''\''Iq''',l.ioll Ih,l1. IIIP nh1!tpr 1.0 be r1i~.c1Js';C" not he defcn'(~d IIIIti1 >,uch lilll(' ,I', 1111' ""{(lllilll'IHlal.ion~; <1'-1' fOl-t.l1cominq, M'., \.1)"'" Ill<."ll'd till' 1"'''1'1'1'1.)' 1,0 be considl'r[~d in Petition (p-BO-Be as th,lt ""(',1 s110\'l1l in .v,'llnw "II 1111' 1I\,1P I','ovid['ci and lyioq 1l0rtl1 of thp Krrl11 inl] (OIlCl'['tf'I'].llll, Sh" JHJII'd Ui<lt till' (011 il'l' (Olll1ty PlanlliJ1~J AI/Crlcy held a ,wi" ie I1P,ll'ill<J Ill' ,llll,v 3. 1'1111) "I 'vlll,:h lilill' tlll'rp 1'1,1', considl'l',lbll' diSCllssion and ol'l'o~iti()n r, :"-(".',,'r1 "nd 111[' c.IJ/",('qlll'Il~, ,-pcolin1f>ndal,ioll 'v,l~, f[}l' dpn;'11 fOI- t.hc to II "W i J1(J ,'[',1 ';011'; : I. The indw,ITi<l1 11';(' i'; ineompatihlp with thc slIrroundintj ,11'(',1, 2, Thl' int'-II~,i()n of indll',II';'11 Ilses into ,J '-esidellli,ll ,1re,l, ), 1hcl-e i~ <,llffici('1l1 I.lnd in Col1 icr (ounty for industri.ll liSPS, It Is tll[' st.aff '-CCOIIJnl'nIL11 i"I1, s,lid ~Is, l..IYIW. Ih,lt thl' Petitiol1 1)(' appiover! wi 111 till' stipul.lliOI1 1.11,,/ ,\ ',0' ,.,jd,' 1.1lIrl<.C,lPl'd IHlffl'" ,1/'(',1 he' pl'ovir!('o, AU,OI'IlI'Y Williallilllacklv['ll, "('I)I'('senl.illlj /:, [, Wisl', TI'I/S:['(', the 1'1'0- posed plll'chclSl'l' of till' site. l'xpl.li/ll'd thai thp propoSf'd IISI' of Ihf' sitf' ,.,oulci l)(~ to rl'l'ct ,1 f"llI'iC:,ltin'l pl.lnt fOI' bui 1din9 wooden tnlSsPs, m,lking liSP of the existing raill'o,ld and "dj,lCPl1t spu,', Not.ing thl' P1.lI111inlJ !\qpncy's ,-e,lson for reconrnendinlJ drn;'11 of tllP I'('t.ition ,15 hring its inCOl11l'cltil>ility with the srl/'rounding rwopcl'ty W'[~~" M", filackwf'll voiced his disdqreel11ent, noting till' existil1l! CPlI\pnt pl.lnt. ,1d.l,H:l'l1t.. Ill' I'n~sl'nt('d .1 set of pictul'es of thl' T't"II"', nr:;l ..,. ?O,~ BO~K 054- PAGE 2.95 August 5, 1900 ,1rea to r,ull~t.lnti,lt.(~ Iii~ opinion for the [Jo,lrd to con~ider, Attorney Blar:kwell explained th,lt wi !.II ,1 bllff[~t. areil, a~ ~tipul,1ted, ilnd with the natural existing 11['1'1115, ,11111 Llw I ik(~, Ill'twel'l1 !.IH' ';ile alld the mobile home sllbdivi<,fon, rloi~e fl'(ll11 !.IH' r,lr:t.or'y wOII!d lint IH' I'xr:l'~sive. [nld, inll illl) \oli I.h hi'; P"'~'d'nt,1t, iOl1, ^tt.orl1ey [Jlackwel1 pointed out the need fnl' (JI.lkirllj 11,(' or rh,' r,lill'O,ld f.l<:iliLy, t.he IIS['S whir:h r:ould l1e made of the pl'OlH"'t.y, ".Olll(' of wl1lell r:nlild Ill' r:nn~idered undrsirable, if the proposal js tlll'nl'd down, 11;'; npinioll Ih,11. 1.11" p,'t.ition r:allnot be objected to on t.he basis nf illC"P,lSpd 1l',I((ic, ,1'; dllt'IJed, <11111 other ,1spects of the pn,lect.. lie said 1.11,11. nlH' o( !.IH' 01"1"'<:1'; in !.IH' [ol(Jpr"III'II~ive P],ll1 is tlw (~Th:ollra<Jemcnt MHI 1'1111<111C1'lIll'llt of !.Ill' 11',1", of vil,dl 11,ll.llr,ll rr~r,Ollrr:es of whfr.h the railroad trar:k io; ol1e ,lrlll which sholild 111' /'n<:nl/l',l'JI'd 1.0 I'rm,) in. Concernil1g the referral that !.IlI~ ,1CC:I'~', "0,111 <:<111101 not I,,' T'il)ht(lilly 11~I~d l1y the peti tioner, Attorney Il !.Id,wl' I I "",,<1 inl,ll 1111' 1'1" ",'d !.Ill' "I1"Or';[~fIIf'ot. for th" proj,'ct from K"ehl irHj 111111I',lrt,,,;, Inc, ,11111,11',0 r:OI1VI'Y1rl1) Inlonnatlon that till' corpol',)t1oo Illlllt. p,li<l r'1I'. ,\lId lid', ,I I Iv,1'('; IlId 1111.01 il1l'd \-li'll)ills P,l~'; RO,ld from it.r, int.pr~pctiOIl "ith II,'" I' ,,, I'i<' 1:",'hli,HII'!.lnt 011111. d'; SIlCI1, I1<lVI~ 110 hl~dI'illq Oil consider,l- linn nf Ill:' l'I'Uti,III, ~~", "id r;,"''''lwl'll, '111110111)11 ""'Ii',ten~d 1.0 ,lddrl'ss the sulljl'ct., W,ls not. pl"'>;I'II I. wlll'n !1 i >; 1101111/' I'd ,; Cd I I I'd hy COlli) ly Mdnll(j(~I' tlOrT1loll1, ~1r', (), Il, ,1011<"" nl N,lpll", I.IJlI1IH'I', prospeclive OWIH'l' of U)(~ property, "xp1.\ltH'd IIl1lv t11<' 'lpl"'oIl.i<'11 01' hi" (1)I1Ip.JI1Y c,)n Iw~t: IJ(~ ~erv('d lly l'l'locatin(j I.hl~ ploll1t, 01', 1"'OIlI),..'d, dl1d which wi) I lle ill the' h(~st illte/'(~sl of lhl' Caunt.y, i\tton1<'.Y ,I, I)llrll"y (;l1orll('tt(~ I"'pl"'>;(~nl.ed Ldl1dnwrk [stat.e's ,lIHI the (,lrilll1<',1Il !'~)hil,' 1I(!ll1l! l'dl'~, l<lcdtl'rl ill clo~e proxirnity to tile <1rea propo~ed f'1r n~lOn in'l, "(~ cOill:n'nl.('r1 <l11 l.h(~ irnl',ICt the p,'oject wi 11 !lIlVI' 01' tile ,1pproxirn,It.,'ly ,1,01lO 111',II'IIY n~sidl'llls of tile two developments rn~l1tiol1ed <1~ well ,IS the I.dke Sdn ~1,ll'ino RV f'.lrk ,HId Il1Iper1.1 1 Gal f Estates. He said th,1t lie W,IS pr'esel1tly ill ';IIPllort o( till' 1'1.111llil1g Agency's recolll11endatian for denial of t.hl' P"t.itiol1 ,lIlll dlso ill ,uPl'orl. of ll1e (ol1lpI'ehensivl' Mastel' P],Hl wl1ich SL1(I'S 1.11,1l. tl1I' Ili'llll",1. ,11101 11<",1. 11';1' of t::1I! l,lnd is residenti,ll. ~1r', ,101111 1;.1"l1il'l', <'Ilt'"kinq ,IS ,1 concerned contl'actor in tile Naples <1T'(',l, SIJPPol't.pd Llll! ,1"lt!l1l1I1lellt to tile "laster Plan ,lnd the Sllbsc[jlJent rCloninrJ of I.he S llllj (ie l p "'11'1' I' (,y ,1Ill I 1 11'<) I'd the n~ tl'll t.i on [1 f t.l1e 1',1 i 1 rOMI in tile (oun ty : J ,",[;gust 5, 19110 And thf' nf'cl'~~ary reloning of pror~rt.lc~ so that It CAn be kept In operation. ^ttorney Rlchud l.ansd,11 e spoke on behal f of the L,1ke San Mar1no flV Park residents who are in oppo~'tlon to thp chAnQp~ heinQ rropoSprl primarily due t.o thf' nnise And ,1ddi t,lonAl t.raffic which, 1n his opinion, wouln he gcn~ r,l ten, ~'r, Lonnie Mut in, rpprc~entpd RO(jPr K, Smith, an adjAc~nt rroperty OWllrr, who ~upport~ I.hp J"l'lnlllllfJ h!'illg proposed and rf'<l(j into thr record UItT(".pnodrncf' from HI', ',mllh r.il.illq hi, rl',l~nn~ for hi~ slJppnrt.. Mr, t~(lrtio "1J(lqP~l.l'd I.h"l, "lnr.f' till' COlml.y W,l~ succ~s~,ful 1n ret,,1Iling t.he railro,1(i, it. i~ only Sf'nsihlr t,n pl'nnit proper I"ezoning for the usp of the far" ty, Mr, Walter \oI,llm'.II'Y, ,llt.houqh reqi"tered t.o speak, neclined the opportunity. ^tt.ornpy Gf'nnJ(' V,Il'n,ldor olppr,lrf'd on heh,11 f of the I.olst [Jay D~vrlopment CO"IH1rolt.ion, OImf'l'S ,lr~d d,'v,'lllpf'r:, of A "1111 t.i-f,llTlily parc~l wHhln ImperiAl (;011 ["t..1l.f'~. ,\1111 voic,'d npl'fl'.ililln to !.Ill' plans for t.he sUhject. ,1reA, cHillg ~1Ir.h rp,l:,Ofl', ,1, UH' rJr'vi,t1,iOIl fnlln the l'lol'.t.rr PlAn, sug~Jesting t.hat permitting till' f.-I'('hllll'l 1'l.lnl W,I" "I'I>!'/llIliIIIJ. <111(1 hi<, fl'e11ng that tile rr~comf1lendation of UH' 1'1.\l1I1ill'l li'l('I1<:Y ',hn"lr1 hI' 111>11(';,;, ^ t 10rllPY [],111 i (' 1 I COllI "Y n'p,',".('n t i Ill) Wh I sper 11l~1 I'i IlCS, I nc., devl'l opel' of imp..ri.ll (;olf 1.',1..111", ,\11(1,11',0 th!' suhdivision's Homeowners' ^s~ociatlon, expJ"f''''.!',; oppo,ition 1.11 1.111' 111,111.1'1' 111111('," discussion, sugCJl'st.in(j t11o1t the mOl.iv,II'on />[':,11\1; till' 1'1'1 i I iOIl \~.t', nile of I'conomic<., which shrllild no!. he a con~id"",ltinl\ />y tlH' l\o,lnl. ,\11<1, ,11so, the fact th,ll there is sufficient industrial 1.lnd ,lv,li1.1111r r]';!'whert' in till' Count.y, ~Ir, Wi]]i.Hll S/1<',ll"',l.on. '"l'pl"psenting t.he rive COllnty Illlildc'rs " Contrac- to,'s ^ssoci<1tion, Inc., ',Ld,('d his Associ,ltion's concel"n for tIle ,'ddition<ll devf'lopment of indW,ll"Y in (('\11 if'r County and ennorsen the statements Illade in f,lVOI' nf tlH' n'ltlni,lll. 1/I''1in'l t.he BO<lrd to consider the proj2ct fdvorably, ^ttonwy fl1.lI:kt.,,,l J .1dd'"''';',I'r1. In pa"t, th~ conrnellts nl<lrlf' by the various dtt.orllC'YS who s!,okl' in opposition, touching upon such matters as the alleged incI"[,<1se in traffic ,1'HI llt1iSI', till' fact Ul,lt the ~lolster 1'1.1n, once formul"ted, sl,t1l1ld never he ,1]t.('J'l'd, <1'. \1<1', SU'J'JI~st.l'd, notinCJ t.hat the Statut.es requiJ'(~ rpdr,l\"ill'l of the f'1.1I1 ['v('l"y fiv(' years, the fact that. some of the subdivisions BOOK 054 rm 2JJ7 Au']us t 5, 1980 represented were bull t ,1 fl.er t.he establ ishment of the Krehl1ng Plant, ~nd othcr topics. /-Is, L'lyne not.ed th,lt., filed with the corre~pondcncc, are sb. lett.ers which have hecn received l'f"J"rrlin<j Ihe Petition - three in surport. ,lnd t.hree in opposition - ',on!e of which wpre rl'fcrred to during the hearing. At.torney Goodlettf' ,11so filpd for the rl'cord a pet.ition ',igncd by 151 persons, ,)11 of whom ,)re In opposition 1.0 t.he 'JI'dnt,ln'J of the request. There beln,! no furl.her persons rcgistered to speak on the Petition, Contnissionpt' ^rr:hf'r n~)ved, sl'cnnded hy Cormllssioner IJrown, that thl' rublic hf'aring I>f' r.losf'd, ^t ContnissioneJ' f'f"lor',. request, Mr, William McGrath, member of the Coast.ll At'ed f'lannin'1 Conllli<,slon, was asked to provide the re,lsonln<] behind the PI.Hlning A,!f'ncy's reconll1f'nd,ltion for den1a1. Mr. McGrath commented that 111' 1'0111,1 only spl"lk fOl' hlmsr] f Mid obscrved that the presentatlon made th1s datI' was <:o,1',;dl'I'"l>ly more t.horoll<)h th,ln th,)t made "t their pllhl Ie hl'"ring. Ill' s,lld it 10',1" f('lt tllolt., in effrr.t, zoning was being imrrovised which would 1<,,)(1 to ,1 b,1r1 llIiXI,llr,' of l<"lin'] IIses, lie stdted his desire t.o sel' d pldn f'volvl'd for ''',!.lhli',h",,'ol. 01 ,In indlJ';tl';'ll r,Jrk with proper access, pl,Jrls for I'otltin') of 1''''llie. ,Ind till' Ilkf', I~ft.f'r havln<] heard the presentation this d,lte, Mr, ~\((;I'.Hh ',,1 id th,lt I If' , PI'T'sondlly. has ,1 1 ittle 1Tl0re symp,lthy for the projl'ct, 1I0t.ir1tJ p.\I't.lclll,lrly the reference to t.he bufferinC] pl,lns, IIpon L.111 11;1' tilt' '1111'sl.inn, 'hI' motion to close the public hearing was (,Irried, Respondin'l to COIl~lIi',sionc~' Wirl11'I"S qUl'ry, County Attorney Pickworth said Llhlt tht'I'1' is no spec!.l! 11"J,llity involved in Instances where the [l'Mrd decides d Il~tter differently than the decision forthcumin9 from the Plannin<j Agency dnd Pldnnlng Conlnissioll, 1If' <,did that if the Board holds d hearing, receives infol1Mtion, and ",,,kes " dechion b"sed 011 the facts, t.he Board Is not bound by the decision of the other board, COl1!nissio!H'r ,I\rchcr ~,t."t',~d thdt, in view of the new testimony and ne~1 infol1l1Jtion "l'crlved this dolt", hI' would move thJt the Ord1nance, as numbered Mid L'ntitled bl'lnw, be ddopted and ent.ered int.o Ordinance [look No, 11, Aug:lst 5, l'hu ~ 1 I pllJ'StJdnt to the Staff Stirll],lt.ion th,lt ,1 50' wide l~ndscarprJ arl") be pro- vidNl, Ihp "~)tion was se(ondpd hy Cormnissionf'r nrown and unanimollsly cilrried, 0101 INANO: no - 7J_____ M~ OI(llltJMWI'; ^~II-:~lIlrN(; OIWIN^IKE 79-32, TIlE CO~lI'\(FIII:N!; IVE PI.!.N FOH COLLIE\( COUNTY, rLOnIllA HI' AMl:tJf)'IIH; Till: LANll U!;J: PLAN wonx STUDY M~E^ .1 flY CIIMJr: rN'; Till: LMlIl IISF OF TilE FOLr,():-IHJ(; 11J-:~;('111 111:11 J'I(()J'I:I!'J'Y I-'H(I,'1 0-(,,22 HFSI nl,:trrJ rd, TO INllll~;'I'\( I AI.: ALL OJ' Till: \'iI:~;T 1/2 01' Till: N(,P'I'II- r:A:;'[' 1/~ Of' ~;l':CTION 1'), T~Il~;, H2"I': LYIN(; Hr:);'!' OF Till.: iI'I'1.1ItI'l'r(' ('O^);'J'[,rIJI: H^rLnO^/) TlTr.IIT OF I"AY, Fxcr:I''I'rN(; Till': NOH'I'JI 2,030 Fr:wr Tllr:HEOJ-'; Mm flY 1'\(()VIlllN(; ^Il J':lTr:C'rrvr,; lJNn: ORDINANCE &1-13 Rr rrT1T10N R-f10-11l(, WIl,llAM Bl^(KWELL rOR K, C, WISE, REQUEST- INr. RrlONING rROM "A" TO "I" rOR PROI'EHlY LOCATrO IN PArH OF S15, HilS, R25E _ ~_[~(U~1J,r~L_5.l~!\_JJrT"TO, .s.r M,I_ r,.T1}~IJI,^-T IOr~') , _, _, ___________ ___'._____________._ 11'<1,,1 nOcilf' h,IVill<J /.('pn pllhlishpd in the /l'lples Daily lIf'wS on ,July~. 1'11\11 .1S f'Vid..nCl'd hy Mfirl,lvil nr 1'liI,1 ;(Jtfo/) filed with UH' Clpri<, puh! ic Iw,lI'inr; W,l', ol'l'n"d 10 enfl', id.,!' I'l'l I t ion R,f10-)gC. fi led hy Wi llleln1 Bl,lckwpl1 I'rpl'[H,f'nt i 11'1 ~, C. \;'1'.". 1"11,1.",. "'f'lI/f".tineJ rploni,1fj fl'[HI1 "it" to "I" for pl'oi'e!'ty 10[',1tl'<1 ill 1',1,'1 (1f ~;"cl ion I',. Town,;hir ~Il SOIJth, Ran'll' 2S [~',t. I'),l))))f'!' 1.['1' 1,,11'n,' notpd th,lt. thl' pptition IJndf'1' di~cI1Ssi(l/) i<; a com- Ihlnion petition to tlH' I'!'('violl" pctitio)) which the Bo,1rd just ,lcted IlrOn, She ',aid t.h,l!. thf' [',,,,,',j))'1 COII,"is~,i(l(l hpld thf'ir pllhlic Ilf.,]t'lng on .Jllly .1, 1f)!\0 ,1nd, dllf' to Ill" [,lcl tI',lt till' CCI'^ h,ld rpCOll'lllc/H!ed df'nLl1 c)f the (oflli'I'ehpnsivr Pl.ln ^1I)('ndfllpnt, tl1[' C!\f'C (ould not recOIl111end .lpprov,11 of thp zoning change Jnd upon ,1 votr of '.1/2 the rrcommeneJation was for denial, COlJnty ~1,1I1,h)r'1' NC)f111,111 110!.,'d th., t thp pC'!'SCHls who spokf' on the r'l'evious petition held !'egist.f't'ed to ~,Pf',l' '''1 hoth, Attornry Will i.lm [Jlilch~ell. rerrC'spntil1fJ thp l'ptitiol1PI', COITllll'nted that thf' subjf'ct h.ld bf'en well coverf'd dnd th,lt 11(' h,ld nothil1lJ !!l'W to "dd, AttOrlll'Y.), ()lldlry C.oodll'ttf', rPI1f"PSf'nting Lelndll1.lt'k [St"t,,,, .lIld thl' C,lI'ihhcclrl Mobilp HOflle Pdrk, reqllpsted thdt the !lo.lrd givf' c.1l'pful rOllsiderdtion ~lith ]'C'gard to the drain,lge concrrns Sf't fCl!'th in thf' 11'111"- dddn'S\I'd to ~Is, L"yne f"(lm J"ci< SLIll)ey, ',Is, l<1.\'))" no tf'c1 t. h,l t thf' 1 e tI" I' h,l S hpp)) I"'rt' i ved ,1 nd fo I'WJ rdcd to tlH' [n9 i 11('(' ring ,.,~, "",.,~ I BO~K 054 PAGE 299 Aug u s t 5, 1980 Deparlment. to Insure that the dcvclopl11~nt plans comply with the drainage patt.erns In lhe suhject area, COl1l11issfor,er Orown moved, seconded hy Corrmissioner !\rcher and unanimously c.,lrrled. tf1,lt th.~ puhl ic hearing be closed, COI1\lnl;;ioner Brown moved that t.he ordinance with reg,lrd to Petition R-fJO-IflC, .]', cjet.lilrd .11,<)ve. he ,1dopted, The motion W,lS seconded by Corrmlssioner Arcl1er with the comn"nt t.11,lt "JlJlrnv'11 Ill' subject to the following staff st.lpul.ltions, ,lS rl'"d hy 1\5, L,lynf'. S,lld dmf'IHlment. to the motion concurred with hy the maker: 1. f1n,11 ~.fte dt'"ln"gl' pl.lns I'll' suhmitted to t.he County Engineer prior t.o !.Ill' start. of ,1ny construction, 2. fin,l! sitl' pl.lns must ',how ,lccess to the property, .1, lIyd",ln t s n''111 i "I'd, 4, ,~I()n'J I,h" <'""!!.iI'I' wl'st,,','n I,olJOd,lry of the property, the land- ',c,lpI'd ,Jr'I',l sh,lll hf' SI) d"signi'd, planted and m"lntalned ',0 .1:' 1.0 be not or l110re opMlue betwecn three feet and eight ff'et o1bove dverage ground level when viewed horizontally, Pl.lntilH}S "h,11 1 be of ,1 :.ile and type which will 1nsure the I1lI'l'tin') of the 1l0t 0[h1City refJu!rement within no longer than \7 months ,lftf't, d,lte of fjrst plantinq. Palm trees shall not ill' Illill;,'d 10 fulfilling more than 30% of the buffer area, S, 1\ Llnd',':"I'" pL,,1 '.11,111 he suhrn1tted for clpr11cation for building ["'I'1nil ,,In<l,/ with [ILws as t.o how huffrr will I'll' frr1g"t.rrl anrl "",lnt.1i",.<I, No hllildio'l pl'nnlt. shall 11(' Issul'd without such d,lt.,l, (" 1h,' "I"I1<1\n<l1'1' or 1.11., 'll)' hufff'r ,HC,l m,1Y he pl.lnted 1n (jr,1SS or ';nml' o !.Ill'" VI'')r'I"ltiOO; howl'ver, no parking or other st.ructures "I,lY I,,' ,lllnwf'd in t.hls ,Ire.l, ^tt()t'I1,~y l;o(\<lI.'Lt." 1','1 tl'l',lt.r'd his c1 lent.'s concern that the existing int.e'Jri ty of the rJl',lil"'J/' "j'"I.I'IllIH' IH'I',;cl'vI'd ,]nd, ff the Oo,]rd feels that thc stllJIJ- l"tions ,11'1' "rJf''1!J.lte, h[~ would be s,lthfled. Corllnissioner ^rcher Solid that s!Jch I'rrc,ltItinn wOIIId hI' t.,lken, lIpnn <:,111 1'01' till' 1j1j(',tiol1, the Ordinance, as ollmbered and entitled below, \0,'.1'; cldoptyd IJlloIIli11l01lSIy ,111d entered fnto Ordinance !look No, II. OHI1I N^NCE fJO - _7..:1,,_ i\N (llWl~I^NCI': MII::NDtNG ORDtN^NCP. 76-30, 1'111,; COi"\I'IU':III:N:; [VI-; ZONING IlI':CUINl'TONS FOR 1'111'; tiN I NCOiU'()H,\TED MU';^ OF '1'111'; COM,TM. Mn:,\ I'I.^NNINC DT:,']'RICr BY AMEN[]lN(; TilE ZmJINC ^TI.M; ~\i'd' NUMU:-:n 48-25-5 BY ClIANGfNC Till; ZON [Nt: CLA:::; 1 nCATION 01" '1'111'; FOLLO\'lING DI':::CHI.IlI-:D l'I\()I'l-:HTY 1"(\OM "AU ^CRICULTURE TO "I" INI111:;'1'liIM,: Al.L 01" 1'11-::,1' ]/2 OF 1'111'; NE ]/.1 01" ::1:l:'1'1.0N 15, TO\'lNSlIll' ~B !;OUTII, P,\NC;I': ~~'; 1':A::'l'; Mm BY PHOV1DtNC AN EFFEC- Tf\il'; DATE ( J August 5, 19f30 rUnLIC r'ETITIn~ RE WYNDEMERE PRESENTED ~y WAYNE SWITZER - NO ACTION l^KEN t~.olI_JJ.!.8.T!lEB..l!l?9L~::~LQJI__L-^-T"EL_lliMTERNOOJ!_ SESS I ON) Mr, Wayne Switzer, Golden Gate Estates resident, recalled that at the end 01 the discussion the previous we{!k wi Lh I'eY<lI'J tu tile pl<l<..cm"nt o( tile W<lLf'r trf',ll.ment f<lcilil.y (or the Wyndemere development it was decided that no ,lction be t"r,en ((Ir " week in order t.o permit the developer t.o work ~Ii th his p['op1e to r1etermillf' if t.he t.reat.ml'nt plant could he moved away from the ori~i~~,l1 p,-opo"cd ~,itl', Ill' ''(J<]'l!'''Led that the noard permit "lr, P[~ter F,lg,ln, rep'"f'Senl..ltivl' of UlI' dev,~loper, 1.0 ,1pp,"i',e the noard of his findings, Mr, F,l(]iln reviewed tlw entire transact.ion involv1ng t.he /last.er ')]"n peLltlon, l.hro rl'l(H1lnq pl'LiLlon, and the p,'ovision"l use f1etition .01' till' developlllent known as Wynder111"-1' from Octob{~r of 1979 to the pl'esent, noting th,lt. till' ,'pproval of UH' pl'LI 1.100', W,lS till' hasis on which the develorment moVf'r1 forw,lrd to t.hl' point whprf' they ,1rf' in a rosition t.o let contracts, lIi)w('ver. h" s"id !.IMt. within t.he 1.1St few months there has been opposition from f1 <jl"OIJp ()f 1nc.ll r(""'.i:~:-,:~!.': li'nn'] rtdj'l("nnt tn tho trrqtm"nt r;it" whirh h,... solid \'1,1', (,'It. tn IH' 1"'(,111',(' of t.llf' County'" potenti.ll use of the site for ,1 '1l'(lllnd \toraqe rl'lcnt.ioll (<1(:llity when Lhe t(~llIpOr,ll'y facility W,l~; no longer re'llJil"f'd, It wa" heli"IC'd t.h,lt tilt' ,1111{'fllirlll'nt t.o the pertinent Agreement, appr(lvl'd t,v t.lH' f1o,lrd, w(lllld <",Us(y th[~ Lonerrn,>, ~,lid fIr, Filf)an, ~,ince t.he sllhject proprl't.y WOllld 1", Cllllvl'l'Lr'd t.o ,1 I'(H,idr'nti.\l hom!'site in the flltlJl'e lIndr'I' U1P ame"rtrnenl.. II"WI'V("-, ~,1 id Mr, 1',](1,111. ,ltt.empts h,lve now bren made to dellY 1.11(' dev" 1 opl'r ,I 1"'1'11I i I. t.o prncr'ed \~ i 1.11 t.llr t.n',l t.lllen t folC i 1 i ty, ~\r-, r,lg,lrl said th,,:, tlll'I'r is Dilly 011(' site on their IlI<1in parcel which could he u';ed for till' "llhjl'ct pUI'pose; howt?vel', the DER has advised thilt they would not hsue" penHit. flll- it because of its rwoximity to the sewage treatment ar('<I, Further, said Mr, r,\gan, a~ter consulting with their at.torneys, th'~re is no ,11 tf'rnat.ive hut to I"('ques( tile nlhlrd to take no action whleh \~ollld be C()lltr<l'-y to the orifJilld I '11 '1"'0 v ,11 , Mr, Willi-1m ll,lrtllll, of Wilson, Miller, llartoll, 5011" Peek, Ille.. the ll:<] i necr's for thc WYlldl'llIel'c projec t. conCllrl'cd with Mr, Fagan's 5 ta tl'men ts 'ut the altern"tc \ite heillg the only site feasible and also with the fact thaI" 1'1j/'<;lJ.lllt t.o hi~, COIlVl'I'S,ltiOIl with ~It-, 11il1iam Reese of OER, th,lt tllis 51 te Cdrll1C1t hI' penni ttl'd, ~'r, fj,lrton desc,-ilJrd the efforts which would be (lCA 1")"'" aOOK G54 rAGE .301 August 5, 19RO made to buffer the t,lnk 5it.e, noting also that the noise generated will be no greater than an airconditioning unit placed ,llongside an 1ndiv1dual 's home. lie alsu said that the tank should only be in the particular location tor less '..hd n rive yea r s . r~r. SW!tl"I' dis,IlJt'ef'd with the 5t<1t(~l1Ients madr regarding the f,lCt that, in lhl' '1110 ,lcr...s illvCllved In the developmrnt, tllrre is only one sltr! crmsidered "tlltable felt' I.IH' pJ.1CI'IlIl'lIt of UlI! t.<lIlk, Among his other corrments, was t.he concern ovel' the' poc,sillk dl't.rirnellt,ll rffrct on his, and other r(!sid'~nts', water suprly. Ml'. !Job Mattsoo, "ffl'cl.l'd property owner, slHJIJested t.h<1t ttw placement of the t,lok 00 t.hr propor,('d sit.l' wOIJld h<1V[~ ,111 adverse I'ffect on the va 1 Ill! of the ,ldjoinilHI pnlpl','t.i,'s ,Jlld Cl(f"I'('d .J fl1rtlH'I' slHl'Jeslion that the df'vI~l(Jp('rs drp. 1l,15inl) 1.1\1';)' dl'l.i',iClI1 on ':l.ol1omic u1f\sider,lt.inlls - t.hat an ,11terrl,lte 5il.e coulet be Cln15l'11 if Un' d,'v,'lop"I"; ',0 dpsi,'pd. M~. :~,,!~,~fl~.,' ,)(~~1:1"',()n. ~:c~~~cn ~~.ltc C::.t.ltC:-. l'r:~idr.nt, oppo~;r.d the location of tlH' sit.e ,11\" ,\150 CnIlJIlI'nl,'d nil lhf' d"structinn of the once 'luiet np.i')hborhood d,"' t.11 <:I1II';I."lIl:l.iOI1 ,Jl,I,ivit,ip'i In cOIH\eclion wit.l! thf' development, ^10;1\ ',p"dkil1q ill l\ppo',it.lnl1 t.o tI\I' lnc,lt,iol\ of tlH! pJ.lIIt WP')'[! Messrs, I),\vid Hi Ill'" ,ll1d ~likl' 11111 icll, ^tIOI'nl'Y 11,1'1111 111'11111"', ';p(',lkinq Oil bl'h,ll f nf U\I' rr!sidl'l1t.S, ,I(Jdt'(!ss('d thf' le'J<ll ,ISpl'Cls 1'[''l,lnlil1l} thl' 11I,lttl'r with thr st,ll.I'IHCnt t.I1,lt the flnilrd lIas no cho;(r bllt !.o .1<]1'('1' l.iUI W'ynd"Il1(~I'e sincr they dr" bound by their' own zoning <lct, c1l1d, h,lVinlJ Llkl'n ,!c1.i'l1l, it is le<],llly bindin<], IIowever, he s<lid that the rersons he l'epl'I'Sl'nt:, IIll no!. feel they wen! p"opl'rly notified of the petition or U1l!y would h,lVC ohj,'cl.l'd w}1(~n tile qtw';!.ion ,1rOS(!, illthoucjll 111' s,1id that the advert.ised noti<~I~ W,\S 11'1),11 .ll1d cOI1';is!.C'nt \'iit.h tile pert.inent urdinc1J1Cr.. He ,lskl'd l.Iw Ho,lrd t.o join l.IH'1I1 ,1nd Ilave tilt' court r[!';olve t.lle 15SUI' ,IS ,1 purely leg,llo'I", Tlll'n, Solid ~It', Ill'llll"r. tile /Jo,lrd would he in d position to t,lke the proper ,1cLiol1 In 1.I\l'il' Ill'>;!. ,jlJdl)rnl'nt, HI' Solid !.hat once d matteI' h<1:; iJe(~n ..:onsidel'ed flllly ,1Ild l'lil'ly in ,1 public hedring, the Board's decision, in his opinion. is fin,ll; l1ow(~vc!I', in the :J<lrtiCIJ1dr C,lSI' under discllssion. it 15 his belief Ulat trlr BOM"1 dd not have the oppor't\lnity to fully dnd fdir'ly consider ,111 of tilt' points of vjew on till' issue, ! 1 August 5, 1'),;0 Mr, nilrtOn connll!ntf'd on many of thr point~ Mldrrs~ed hy r~r, Swi tll,r, amonrJ thrm the 1 ight equipment required to maintain the rlilnt, the fact that thrre will hr no hitckwash efff'ct on wf'11s in the arf'a. the fact that the rlant could hilvr been d,'si(]l1l'd on<.it.f' hut, following appl'oVill of the ru retition, t.he pelr!.iCIJ1ar 10c,ltion W.1S relied upon for the t.ank's lociltion. and othf'r pertinent fe1C ts, (ounty AUonley /)(lr\illrl f'id:worth :..lid that he continuf'S to feel that, if thprr is <1n iSSIlf' ,11. ,111, thf' only isslle is that of the notice ,1nd. if I.hf' COIJl't shollld dl'cirll' 1.11011. !.Ill' 1I0l.iel' WiI', illadeqUelt.f', pl'rhaps t.hon the is\lJe may eventllal1y <jet to thf' I'oillt. wlll'rp tho I1n,ll'<l cOllld properly recons;<;r' thl' matt.rr, ,1t which time Ill[' :"ltn(' i:.sll!' cOlild hI' faced which is whf'ther or not. Ull'I'f' is any suh',l.anti.ll evirlpnc[' 1.0 illdlcatf' t.llrr'f' was an erroneous decision in the fir'st. placp, Ill' '.aid fIlP't.hI'P' t./1:lt. if the nf'ighbors wish to take If'gal cha11pngp. thf'ir c1t.t.onl('Ys ,lrf' ,1W,lrl' t.hat t.hey can request the court for an injllnction t.n Ill,Iilll.lill '.t..ll,w, '11111 alld [,hey C,ll1 ,1sk t.hf' court to illStl'lIct the l.Ollllty not to 1',';1/1' 01 lll/llt/llltl pl'f'lnlt.. ^ttonlf'y "ickl~OT'th ~t,lted that. he would not reCOJT1llpIHI I.h,[(, th,' 1;",\1'01 joill in ',lIch a lelW~uit. and, if such a suit is filpd. UH' ((1I1J11y \~ill Llkl' :t~ i'(t',il.ion ill the liti<jation, alonq I~it.h other P,I"l.iPS whn f"l'l .1fl','['II'<I, in onll'l' I,) '11'1 !.lit! m,ltter rf'solved, lie Selid th,lt he dol'S not. hpli,'vp, ,It. tlli, Iillll'. Ih,lt tll(' l111ard ;1<1:, clny 1e9011 justific.l!.ion hpfon' it to ,'pvo,,' IIH' !"'OVISionill 11',1', Io/ilh ftfrUIPr l'ptf'rf'ncf' to th!' n(lticl'. ^t.t.orlH'Y I'id\</,"'ill ~,I,11<'d hi', CIUICIIIT('IlU' \'Iith Attornl'Y II I"Wl['P" thilt. it i~ " lr~'J<ll 1Il']!.!.l'f' ,1~, !.O \~hl'l/lI'I' sllch notice \~,1'; 1(<(1,11 or not, AttorrH'Y Hob"l'!. 10/, ~',lI.V,(l1l '.t.,lt['d 1/1,11. hp h,lS n~vir\~ed Ihf' entir'f! plJhlic recol'(! \~it.h refer('nc(' t.o L1I1' O!'i'l1n,11 pf'tit!oll cHid lhe rf'solut.ion pel~~!'r1 by the Il(lolrd with r'('spec!. to tlH' 100ilt[T 1'1.1111. alld ql/esti(lned \~hcthr.r 0)' not proprl' filldin~lS were lIl,lrfe. ^t.l.ornry Pickl~orth cOJT1nel1te<! that, ill his opiniol1, "the p,lperw(H'k cOl/ld h.wl' hf'I'11 cle<1lll'l' hI/I. it \~oll1d pass mll~ter", ^tturney M.lt.tSOI1 ~llg~/l'st('d thd!. At.t.nr'Ilf'Y I'idwol"t,h, \~ith his advice, has p'emoved <111 discl'ction ff'OIll till' !l(hll'd bllt thclt Il(~ b!'lievcs the !loard l1<1s the 11'9(11 pl'e- rogat.ive al1d r"espoll~ihi li!.y to I1I,I~e ,1 r1C'cisiOI1 <1l1d i\s~l'd for <1 vote fp'oln the !lOell'll. Attor'l1ey I'ich~orth 1'0il1l.l'd (1\/1 th<11 the nOelI'd Colli choose to 1<11101'1' ne:;-I! " . IJn') /' ;\OGX 054 P^Cf 303 August 5, 1900 their Attorney's. ElIljfll('er's. or ot.lll~r person's <ldvice, Furt.her, s,)id ^Unrnl'Y flf('kwl\r1 h, Ihl' I1n,lrrl (',111 order the llui lding Department 110t to issue the f1l/ildinlj PI't'Tnil ,11HI, if U1PY do and Wynrlemere gnes to court., it Is his opinion the Rnarrl is goinlj lo lose, Ch,~ frm,ln I<Icn1e1 IJI'nIHJht. t.he rliscllssion to a close with the corrrnent that both p,lrtirs h,1Ve 1)['1'11 he,ll'll ,111d UH?re was no 1nrlicat10n that. thl' Iloilrd ml'lIlhel'S ,II'e dc"irous of r.h,uHjifl[j lh[.;r positions with regarrl to the subject. . . . I<[CESS: 12:~0 [J,M, IJnUl i':()'j [J,M. at which time Deputy Clerk f1,'eIHlI'llhlrl W,lS ,'('placed by Deputy Clerk O,widson and CDlJrTlir,s inlll'l"; Willlf'I' ,lnrl ^rcIl('r were absl'nt, . . ^DVEIHI SING Mli 110 III 11: [) rOil !'IIIlU C IIr:AIl J NG Otl 9/9/1l0 flE AI~ENOMENT TO ORD I N^NCE _'iO-,__!~!::_ ~_o..j!. L T 11^1. Y.c_I."I"O~J _N_(~"O!~[)JJ~!,.N~!.L___ ____. COIIl11i '" inlH'I' I'i, I. Ill' 1lI0v('d, "I'COJHIr~r1 by (ol1tniss ioner Ilrown ,1IHI carried .I/O. wil.h C'HIl111';';il1l'l'I''; \~llIlf'I' ,111<1 ^rr.IH'I' .lhselll, th,lt lhe Mlvcrt.isillg lJe ,1lIt.lHll'l/pd fOl' I'IIIJI it: 11I',II"ill'l Oil !l/7.li/nO T'[! an OrrJil1<1nce ,unending Ordinance No, 1]0..1i) (1f'''I'') Y('II(1\"ill'l Ol'dill'lnc[!) by ,1l11el1din<) Sectir,n I (2) of said ordlll,IIlC.. In ,.,(' I"d,' ,III r,'.ll.lY,lll (0,:011111. [J,11ms 1"1'0111 t.lw d[~fillit.iol1 of COUlllllt pdl,w,; by l'I'I'I~,llill'l SI'cl.ioll 2(7.) of s,lid ordillelllCC 1.0 .lllow for the Selle of Jamaico1n Palms. 1..1 lei' ill th,' ,1ft.I'rIl00Il, rlurill<J UH' lIIeeLiIH), Chief OCpllty Clerk Harold Hell! 1'{'<jUt'sled I.h.ll U)[? plllJlie IH!'lrill<) dale fOl' the consideration of the above l'[~ference<l ,11111'1111111('111. Iw ch,lIIl)[~d t.o 9/2/110, unci after' a brief discussion :t was (ke ided !.lId I. 1)/lJ/!l() \O(d~; 1II0re! ,1pp"oprLltc, COlll11issioncI' I'i,;tor moved, sl'collded by (ollwnissiOl1cr Wimel' ,II1d cdrried 4/0, with COIIlI1i<;siol1cr Arr:IH~r (JIlt of the room, that the <ldvcrti~;n<J he ullth- ol'ize<l for pl/bl ic 11l',ll'irliJ 011 ')/'J/IlO, r'e the dmcndmel1t to Ordin,\Tlce No, BO-40, (l.eth,11 Yellowill'J ()nlin,lncl') ,IS dl~scribcd above. . J' ~ ~~.,..I:.,.~:: rr .- 1 ~. " ,~.'. ..... .... ,. q.' '.: '-'0 August 5; 19UO ADVERTISING AUTIIORI7.EO FOR PUBLIC HEARlHG ON 9/9/80 RE PETITION tlZ-80-13C, COUIlTY PLANt! I NG OEP:, ur,lENT, REQUEST I NG Atl ANENDMENT TO SECTI ON 11. SUPPLE- ~IENTMlY DISTfUCT RECULATIONS or ORDINANCE 76-30, PMAGRAPH 12, 1.0(ATIONAL RESTRICTIONS FOR TIlE USE INVOLVING CONSUMPTION ON PRENISES OF ALCOIIOLlC !.1Iv.rJw;J"s_____________, C~j C0I1111iss10ner f'lstor 11\0,;(>(1, seconded by Conll,dss10ner Brolm ilnd cilrr1ed 3/0, with C0l1111iss1oncrs Archer and \,limcr ilbsent, that the ildvertising be illlthor11ed for pI/ill ic hearing on 9/9/80, re Peti tion NZ-80-13C, COl/nty Planning Dep,lrtment, rl'ql/rsting iln ilmendment to Section 8, sllprlementary district regl/lation'. of the 70ning Ordin,lnCl! No 76-30. para(Jrilj1h 12, loc,ltinnal restriction', for the IIse involvin(J conSllmj1tion on premises of GRANT APPLICATION rOR CDr1MIINITY SERVICES TRUST FUNDS RE CHILD I:ARE CENTER OPEllATlONS (REDI.ANOS CllflISTf^N MIGRANT ASSOC,) APPROVED FOR CII!\IR/1MI'S ~H'.!!A1J~r~L~~l!.f1MI.;;.S_LO_N_T_Q._J!~Ui.T.~E OEPT, COMMUNITY A~FAIRS Commiss10nf'r Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ilnd carr1cd 3/0, I~ith COI11ll!sslonl'rr, Archer ,1nd l~ill\er IIllscnt, that tile Grant "j1pllcat1on for (ol1111l/nit.y Service,; TI-w.t. runds re child Cilre center operations for ~edland', Christ;'ln Mi'lr,lIlt. Ar,sociation, Ill' aprroved for th(! Chairman's slgn,lt.llrl' .lnd subll\i'.',ion tn the St"te Oepilrtment of COfTi1llJnity Afrairs. RESOLI1TION NO, 80-1~~, RECOVLRING FUNDS EXPENDED TO ABATE ~ PUBLIC NUISAN(E ~U,P].s..__3.0,.}.l ,_1...3.2,. B!..OCcK.,B"..!'.I.Nf:.. ..Y.!J!'U.LLLAS - jlDOPTEO Commissiolll'r Pistor moved. srconded by COlrmissioner Brm~n and carried 3/0, with r.Ollll1ir,slnnl'l'r, \.JiI111"- and Archer .1bsent, that Resollltlon No, 80-1119, rrcoverinrj funds ('xpC'IH!t,d by tbe County to abilte II publ ic nlllS,lnce on Lots 30, 11, .lrld :17. f110d p, Pill\' Vie\~ Vill,lS, be "dnj1ted. . . . . . . * * . nr-. ',-.,..., if' I Augus t 5, urla TWO WATER WELL PERMITS NOS, 65,32]^ " 65.321B, SECTION 32, Til6S, R29E, CHARLES 'i.~J S I NG..E.B.._-_APf'ROVED ror~ r SSlJANCE 101 ITII ST] PULA T r ONS (Onlllfs~.ioner Pist.or moved, seconded by Convn1ss10ner Brown and cilrried 3/0, \11th C:orrrnl:,'.ionrr; Wimer illld !\r't.ht'I' dU5f~nL, UhlL Permits Nos, 65.J21A and (,5,32111 fOl' two w,lter wellr, to be 10('<lted 1n Section 32, Til6S, R29E, for Ch,lrlf's Wf'i; i'''lf'r, hI' ,'pprov(o(1 for iSSlI,ll1C0 subject to the following r,t.ipulations: 1. That a copy of thl' drillf'r' s log for each well be submitted to t.he COlmty Engirl ,pr. 2. Thilt thro w,ltf'r .Hlillysl:, regilrding wilter qUillity for e,lch well be submi t ted, J, That t.he w('lls be capped and plugged upon abandonment of the drill ing opl'rations. il, Th.ll ,1pproprl.,t.1' rrovi',iol,,1 IISf' ,1rrrOVill be obt,llned prior to c OnlllP n C I'mI' n I. 0 f d I' i 11 j n g 0 per a tf on S , TWO WATER HELL PERr~ITS NOS, G5..122A AND 65,3228. SECTION I. 146S, R28E, T.U_r~N.E.~ .~O_RJ'.O,R.^ T,',O.r' ".,AJ'.r',R,OV_E,OJOF.Ic~S.UAN_C.i;._WJl!~_S_U!'UI.AT J ON...."-_________ Ctm.lli"....i\H,l,.' ri....cul IIIUVl.d. \t'LulrJl::'d lJY CUIIIlIt;::.~illllt:'" Gruwll drlJ Ldrried .1/0, with rOn1lli'sIOIH"", Will\l'r and ^rchf'r ,lbsent., that Permltr, Nos. 65,.122A dlld G~I..Ei'[1 fl" I,,,, Wolr.", w..ll:, 10 hf' locat.ed In Section 1. 1<165, R28E, for Tut'nf'r (orpnr',l t. ion. 11(' ,1pprovf'd for I SSll<lnCf' subjec t. t.o the follow i ng stiPlll.ltions: 1. That ,1 C'lpy of till' driller's log for f'ilch well be submitted to thl' COlHlty Ln'lllll'f'r, 2. Th.H Ulf' w,lti'r' dn,llysfs r!'CJardin'l wilter qUdlity for e,lch well be sulxri tt!'Cf. J, That the wl'l]<; he cdppcd ,\flll rlugged upon abandonment of the drilling oper',ltion, il. That ilrpropriate provisional use arrrovdl be obtilined prior to COnlllenccment of drill ing operations. . . . ConJllissionl'" Wimer entered the meeting in progress, Till1f>: 2:10 P.M, . . . PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or rOREST LAKES HOMES APPROVED; lRREYOCAflLE LETTER OF CREO [T rOR CONSTRUCT ION sEcurn TV flELEASED; MAl NTENANCE SECUR ITY I RREYOC^BL E ,L_E_T...TJB.?_Q.F_C,R..E_Q.U_ !.J.2.2. ,,,_ }}1\.5_Ji.~,( I~]JJ1__._ ___ _,_ __ _ __ __,~_______ Conn1fssioner PistOl' moved, ~,f'condeJ by Conrnissioner Brown dnd carried il/O, with COI1J1liss;onpr ^t'chl't' ,ll>sent, tl1<lt the f'rel illlinary ilCCI'ptMlce of aoox 054 pm 306 WOK 054 PAGE 307 August 5, 1980 Forest Lake'. Homes be <1rproved; t.l1,lt the rrrevocable Letter of Credit for construction security be released; and, that the maintenance security Irrevocable Letters of (redit, Nos. 322 and 3~5. be accepted, NE',[ PHI CE STRUCTURE FOR BUR I AI. PLOTS AT L^KE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS. I~~~O_K!\,LJr _":. ~r..l'B9Y_~!l_,_,ELrrCT_l_V_E_.Sfl)"TIM8~~J-, 1980 COlllnils'.ioner \o/il,,,'r moved, secondeclby C0l11m1ss10ner Pistor and carried ~/o, with (nmrnissioner ^rch!'r ,lh5f'nt. I.h,lt t.he l10ard aprrove the npw price stnlcture for 11\Iri.ll plol.5 ,It L,lke Tr,lfford MemorIal Gardens, lnwnokalee. r lor i rJ'l, ,1 5 f 0 I low,; : IN(RI^SLD FROM TO - '. -.... .---"-_._- I nf,1n t $?5,OrJ $50.00 Vc te,',1IlS $l',,()() $150,00 S i n,)1 f' $lC"OO - $100.00 $150,00 - $2DO,OO LIST 01' U)IJlJ"'i1 tn ';\IP,MI Tl[1l IIY PIJllr.l!^SING DIRECTOR DECLARE!) SUllPLlJS; P(Jr<- C!I,A.S.I!lGnl_REC.T!lll. .^,U}!IO)lI!J:1l ,T.O_ .O.I5!'.0:'i!_Q[-'S-^_ML___' (nlllni',',j,,,lt'" \-lim,'!' IPov,'d, r,f'cnnd,'d by COll~l1issiol1er Pistor and c,lrril'd 4/0, \.;ith Conlnf',sinl1"r ^rche, ,lbsent, that the list of equipment submitted by t.he (punt.)' r!lrch,lSin'l 1l1rl'ctor ,1ct.irH) as the CU5todian of SllrrluS Property, 1\1 ,:,'c1,1I','d ,IS "~llrpllJ';" Mld U10lt the PurCh,lsing Director be ,Iuthol"izcd I." <lisl'''5'' of So1ll1'~ l'quiprllf~nt.. EXTENSION 11' lilN10IlS U^SF IlE Sl\o/rll !\IlE^ "A" SEWAGE TREATMENT PLMH S[TE APf'ROVf. D I'OR (H^ I RMAN' 'j :; I (;N^ TlIR[ .____~~. _'__".._.__ 4'_.__..--...- _._____._____ ____~___ _ _. ___~____. _________~_ Pursuant to Uti I! t.y Oirector Derzon's explanation of why the rentor wishes to extend his 1,',lse wit.h t.he County, ,1nd his ,lssurance that ~ewer Ar"C',} "A" sf:wage tre,ltllTent p1.1nt will not be affected if the site is vacated within the rl'qul'sted (,[) d,IY extension, (approximat.ely October G, 19110) Com- missioner WillTl'r moved to ,1ppnlVI' t.he extension to the Rentors Lease Agreement between the tl'n,lI1t. ,Johnson' '; [',ll1ns, ,1nd the County W,ltcr/Sewer District, COl1lllisSlon.'r G,own s,'colld"d th,' motion which c<lrl'ied 4/0, with Cor.r.nissioner I\rcher absent. August 5, 19t1O CONSUL TI NG ENGI NEER AGREEMENT W ITII POST, BUCKLEY. ~CHUH 1. .1ERNI CAN, I NC, RE SEWER MFA "A" TREATMErIT 1. TRANSM1SSION FACILITIES EXPANSION - AP~OVED J..9B-~IRMAN..'..:UJGN..ATU!!I__ __.__ PIJrsurlnt to Board action of June la, 1980, when the f1rm of PusL, [lllc;,ley, Schuh 1. ,)f'rniq"n. Inc, W,1S selected as the nllmber one firm for rroviding englnef'ring servtcf's rp the expAnsion of the treatment and trans- miss ion f<H:i II ties for Sf'wf'r A,'Pol "A", the agreement for s<1id servir:es was approved for rxecution hy the Cha1r'l11an by a motion from Corrm1ss1oner Wim!'r, seconded hy r.ommi~~iGnrr Ilt'own .lnt! colrried 4/0, with Commissioner Archr'r Absent, * * * . * * * .. ,..,... J ...,"'.... bQ:J\ 054- PAGE327 Augus t 5, 19RO ENGINEERING SERVICES ^GREEMENT WITII POST, nUCKLEY, SCHUH .\ JERNIGAN, INC, R[ D[~,rGN or RAW WATr.R TRANSMISSION MAIN FOR COUNTY WATER SUPPLY - APPROVED r!J_R.S!!.^J~~.'.:)_~\I.r'.~^-T_UBL__________________-.__ _ _.... .__. Pursuant to Utility Dircctor [Jerzon's rccorrmendation, Corrmissfoner [Jrown moved, seconded by (OIT1l11lssioner Wimer and carried 1\/0, with Com- missioner ^rch,.r "hsent, th,1t the rngineering Serv1ces Agreemcnt regard1ng the desfgn and const,rtlctlon of the raw watcr transmissfon main for the County Water Surply wit.h the flnn or Post, [Juckley, Schuh, and Jernig,ln, Inc., previollsly drstqn<1t.rd by the [Jo"rd, be aprroved for execution by the Chairman, ,. . . . t \ I Au~u~ t. ~.. I'iBlJ EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. BO-7~ RESCIND[NG ORDINANCES 79-1 AND 79-104 DELETING !i.UJ.o.U5~lll_Y..iICRES MSJJ~~~.:. .^.O.9'pTE1L-__ ___.___. Irving Ilerzon pre~l'nt('(1 the [1roposed Ordinnnce that will rf'sr;illd (1nllll,lIIC[,S No, 79-] alld 7'J-lO~, lie explained that those rrl'viollsly ado[1ted Onlill,'"CI'S address the crr',ltioll of MST[)'s fot' ~Iater and sewer Impl'ovrments withill thr Willllll'lllhy ^<:n's a "e,l, as well ,lS providing for methods of IOdlls allrl ""I'.lymf'Il(S tl1I'I'l'nf h.1SI'<I 011 <In!.icipated t,1XC'S in those MSTfl's, Mr. flerzon st,l(cd th,lt "ecalls" (hI' r-1I,!I^ if, provjdin~ thr entire fundin~ for the above- referellcNI iJl1prOVl'mf'nts. th(~I'e is no need for the subject MSTD's; (I",t. UH' COllnty At.t.ornry and UH' 1'1"c,11 Off1cer ,1rC l'ecoll1fl1ending that. Or(.;nallccs 79-1 ,1I1d lq-l(J~ 'If' t'C~CiIHII'd I"'{ill/SC ill onll'l' to comply with thr "TRr'~ Bill", t1H' f'ropf'l.ty App,'aiscl' i', ""'1llirl'<I 1(1 rl'corrl ,,11 thf' pl'o[1rrtie~ \~i t.llin thr slIbject. MSlf)'<, Oil IH'opl'rt.y [,11'.-1';, rOt' eventual tax If'vies, if these i'15TD's <lre not rr',nlvl'd; ,"\(1 th,I( II\(' p"np[)',('d Orrlinnnce will <11so o1void till' CM,t of thl' Pr"I'n,"y ^1'1,,',1ispr's "ffil'," frll' 'his rM'nr<lill1) IH-nrMfllrl', Jt W,lS thl' ron_ Sl'Il''(I~; or 11)(' !lo,lnl I.hat ,In f'mer'lf'IlC,y l'xists and (orTlnissioner Wime:' moved, srClllld!'d hv COl1ll1is~iol"'" 111'(lIm and cilrried ~i/O, that the Ordinance as 1l11mbcrl'c1 .11111 "Il( i! )['d hl'lm~. I,,' ,"IIIpl.['d illld ['nt"I'ed int.o Ordinanc(' flook Nllrnhf'r 11, Oil iJ IIUd,n: IW, IW. _/!I" MI 1':i'1EI{(;UWY (IIW 1 NM~C;: RE;'}';,\1.1 jJ(; C01.i.TEH COIIN'1'Y Ol{]) I tMNC'~ NO:; I'J" 1 ;lIld If}- 1 011; DEC1.^Hl NC '1'lI^T M~ Ef1I':I(CI,:r"CY n: 1;;'1':;; I'IWVT Il r NC; fIN EFFECT r VE JWI'E, * * COllntissiOIH'I' ^rclll'i' ('l1t('J'f'd tllf' lIIeetilHj durin~J thl' discussion outliof'd aIH)VI', lilllP: 2: I'. f',I1, * * EXI'UmITlIIU: or UP TO $\,1100,00 rOR COUNTY WATER TREATMENT AND TRA/lSMISSION SYS I.[.M.~l!i!~^}.M.El!.U~,-^rj.1_,_, _L-^!!Jl_ TUIS UJI L 1 TY S WOY - APPROVEO_________ PIII'SII,lnt t.o Ut.ility Ili"['ctor Irvill~1 flerzoo's recolT1T1end<ltion thdt the lJo.lrd .lpprov!' all ('xpl'IHli lurl' of up to SLAOO for .l land frasibil ity study by 01 pnlfl'ssionill pl'OP!'I't.\' ,lpp!',liser' with expel'ience in tile gcnpr<11 subject nr:::tI -:l/lftl (. M~X 054 PAGf.341 ,1rr.,1, 10c"tr.d In t.he vicinity of ~Jection Jil, ne,1I" t.he newly conr,tructed I-/~ for thr. purpose of rletertlllnill'1" suit.able sltr. for the County \~ater treat.ment pl,'I1t., (0l1l11i',siol1cr \.jil1lf'r 'l',kerl why not '.Imrly use t.he services of ,1 local rr,llt.or, MI", f1f'rlon repl i"rl th,lt both the J.lnd cost.s and the construction costs will h,lVe t.o he wl'i'lhl'r1 M)"inst the cnst of lines, pipes, I't.r.. for tr,lnsm1sslol1 of w,ll.l'r, ,In<l that. t.his is best left up to a professional appraiser. II" expJ.linerl t.h,lt ,1 p,ll'cel of '"nd may be priced reasonably, howevel', t.he cost m,ly he t.oo high for ,'r1r''l1J.1l." tr,lnsmi'.sion lil1es from th,lt sit.e, therefore ,1 fln,lnci.l1 fl','5ihility ,;I,lldy I,; rprpJ1rerl, lie expl,'ined t.h"t. t.he first str.[l 10 rp,lchln'1 t.h,lt. 'In"I I,; t.o h,w" ,1 pl"op"rty ,'ppr,l i,;er, f,'mi 1 i,lr t.o ""..t. ,;peci fir. ar,..", compll't.c a t.horOII'1h '1I'pr,,1,;,,1 of proposed -,ites, bot.h east ,lnd west of S,R, 951 hl't.w"en thl" propo';l'r1 1.7'1 ri'lht-of-way and the Golden r,,1t.e Canal. (onw'lis,;ioner Ilr'owl1 movr'd. sr.condr'd by COII1l11i5slonr.r Wimer ,lilt! carried 11I1"nimOllsly S/Il, th,lt. I.he recoll.H('nded cxrr~ndl tllre of up to $1,800, be appnlVe<l for' ,1 (OIIl1t.y ',.J,lt.I'r In',lt.l1lr'l1t. ,1'\11 T",'1151,li55 Ion Syst.em tre,lI.mCI1t. plant land fl"'5Ihilit.Y'.III<ly, r)PF~rNT^T InN nY I P^Nl' ',('1 Nt'" I'tlIIrHY t'nfJ~111 TMIT liF "OOIJf\1 F T^X^TlnN" ISSIIF _ ~I'LCIM ~lIilltil; iii MrI<m I1N ';M\E {<;,llf' (^LLE{) rOI~ FRrDAY, AUGUST n. 19f1O AT 111: ()() ^, ~1, Mr, fr,ll1k "P"I1C,', I1ldrl,' " 1"''''.cnt.,1t.iol1 or his I'q)ort. cl1titlr.d fl.ep~).':.t,~l, O!I.:1L,T.:l;':ltion in, Coil il',I' f~OIH1t..Y., !-,In,t.:..ld~l, d.lf,['r1 "IHJII~t., 1'1110, (opie5 of the I'f'port WI',',' <:in"1I.11.1'<I I.n I.h,' 111f'1ll111'I"; of tile nn,l,'r1 ,lnd 1/pOIl conclll';;on of t.he pl'r.'if'nt"ti.li1 of t.llt' I1ld1.1.'I'i<lI 1,/Il,'I'eitl, illl:lu<lil1'J ,I slidc prl'sf'nt,ltion uf the e~hihils, ~h', SI'f'I1C" l'I'vi,'wf'd I1h rf?COllllll'nd<lt.iOll'; found within the rr~p()rt. ^ftf'r ,1 hril'f di'",II';\iDtl 1"~'J,lrdin'J wheU1CI' Dr not to ,ldopt Mr, Spence's recon.IM'nd.1t1ons, it tJ"Cdlllf' <lpp,lrcnt thJt ol decision would Ilot be timely, therefore, Cl1olirll.ln Wen,'I~l c,llled ., SIJI'cioll Meet'~<J fur Frldolj, AII'JUSt ll. 19BO. for 10:00 A,M. for furth"'l' ,'('vie., ,lnd disCllssioll of the sllbject report .Jnd possible ,1ctiol1 ,11. tl1,lt time, PETlTIG,j N7-1l0-'1-C, PI.^NNINI; nfl'!\JlTMUIT, HE MIUWMENT TO SECTION 31\ 'T' EST^Tf:S DISTRICT, ^LL(J\~ING MOTOR HOME'; OR TI~NJEL TRAIL[f~S AS TEMI'OI~AflY '~ESII)ENCE WlUL I_ C9.~SJI~II!:_~I.r~N..n.'_11!_!l~~~.N,I.N.r_I.S -.!~N,G_OJl1.(',-----.c!,~T).!1~JE ~ Fa R .lO.Jl,^! .L, ________ l.e<J011 notice h,lV;'IIJ 1ll'I'1l pII"lisl1,?d in the Naples 1)'1ily New~ on .July 17, 1980. as evidel1ced by ^ffid,lVi t of Pub1 ic,ltion f1 led \~ith the Clerk. publ ic he.lring was oJ}('lll~d to c()ll~i<ll'l' Petitioll NZ-BO-'J-C, <15 filr.d by the County I .. August 5, 1980 Planning Dcpr1rt.menl, reqlwsling an amendment to Section :3, HE" F.5tates Oistr1ct, ptlr,lgrtlJ1h 20, wh1ch allows motor homes or travel trailers as a temporary resi- dence \~~li Ie a [lCrnl,lnrnt rc;idcnce 1s be1ng constructed, subjecL to cerli, in conditions, Cc ;unit.y Dcvcloptnl'nt ^dministr,ltor Terry Virta exrlained that the pro- po',et! ,1nH'IHIIllI'nt. It,l', hpI'n J1I'r'p,lrcd hy staff at noard direction, whereby a rrovis0 fnr tplllpnr,lt"y hOllsing riuring construct.ir,n in t.he Estatl'<; o1rr~as. pro- viding '.cclIrit.y fnr individlJals while they are c0nstrucling their homl'S, will he incnrpor,ltf'd in tlte County's zoning regulations, Aftf'r a hrief expl,u),ltion of areas thilt. the staff has Jeen concerned with, inc1udilHl 1) tYfHH, of temporary housing, 2) a definition of the word "remote" In rf'fe'-f'nce t.o relative ,11'(',)', wherr the tcmporary housing would be allowed, ,11ld .1) Ihf' length of I imp thf' tClTlpOI',)ry hOIJsing should he ,11 lowed, there was ,1 discussion crnterinq ilrlllJr1d e,lch of these areas of conCf'rn. Aftf'r he,lrln'l sf'vcr,ll Conrnissionprs <;t,lf,e t.h,lt. thf' slJhmittf'd prnpnsAI did not corlt,lin th rlrmf'nt<; tlt,lt. the members of the notlrd h.wr indicated should hr included, such ,1S ,1 pnlVision for removcJl of the temrorary housing p;'ior to receivirl<l Certlfic,llr", of Occup,lncy for the pel'manl'l'l residenc(~s; the inclusion of n10hile 1>0"1('5 ,1<; ,lllow.rhll' for ternpor,lf'y hou<;ing; and ,1 period of perh,lps 90 d,lY" wi t.h till' opt lOll to 11',lpply for ,1n extension of ,ln ,lddi tion,11 90 days, raU)er th,ln till' [lI'op(1',('d 1 ,Yp,lr time 1 imit, Chairnr,ln \oIen1el recoIT'l11cnded con- tiol/irHl the pl/hl ic hr',ll'in'i for a period of 30 d'lYS, dlJring which timE' the st,lff is to incorpor,lle these ch,)nyr<; in the prorosed amendment, (onTllissionrr Willll'r /1loved, seconded hy COl11nissioner Pistor ,lnd carried l/ll.1l1imolJs1y ~I/O, lh,lt l'('titiol1 Nl-HO-9-C br continued for 30 days, 11'~r(' W,lS cl dir,clIssiol1 rr<1'lrding the rossibility of the need to rCcldvertise the clml'l1dl1lel1t ,1fter Uw Ch,ll1fles ,lre il1corpOl',1l.ed as directed by the Board, Ch,linll,ll1 \oI(,l1le1 ';t,lted tlrdt the st.1ff is to ched with the County Attorl1ey ,'egardin9 this ll!clUer, clnd he called for the question; same carried unanimously 5/0, ~~~~ 054 r.~~F 342 f August 5, 1980 Ur.I\ n5~ PArol 343 ORDINANCE NO, 80-75, RE PETITION NZ-80-10C, AMEND[NG ORDINANCE 76-30 SECTIDrI 36, INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT GY CHANCING THE SIDE YARD SETnACK flEQlJ I HEMEtnS ArlO L^NG1JAr.[ RE !\flIJTT [NG RES I DENT! AL LOTS AND STRUCTURES 0!UM~LL9I :_^J~l'}.r:.O_____,____ _.__ l.e'ld1 notice having been published in t.he Nilples Dally News on ,July 17, 19no, ,H evidl'11Cf'd by Affid,wlt or PlJbliciltion filed with the (1erk, fllJblic he,lrin<j was nfll'ned tn consider Pt't.ltion NZ-80-lDC, as filed by t.he (ounty f'],lnnfn') O,'p,ll'tn1f'nt, t'cqlJe.,tin<j ,In ,1I11endment to Ordinance 76-3(), Section 36, IlldL:sLt'i.ll Oi'.trlcL, by Ch,lrl<Jlnq t.hr> side yard setbilck to ,1 1.ot,ll of 201 of lhe Int width MHI includln'l 1.1nrJU'\<j(' concerning abutting re~,identidl lots ,lnrl sLrtJctures on I.hl' S,lm" 101.. Mr, Virt,l exp],lined th,lt. tllr> suiJmftted proposill has been prepared sub- s!'qlJent to f1o,lrd dir~cf.fve given on ~1,lrch 25, 1980, at which time a vilriilnce p"tit.lon W,lS considf'rl'd for Nr. Hor,lce Cromwell, Mr. Virt,l s,lid that the flo,lrd cc,ntinued ~It", Cn1111W1'11's petition until staff could review the ,1rea in quc'.tioll ,lnd Ill,lkf' " n'COIlHllf'Il,l,ltioll regarding Nr, Cron1Wel1's re(]uest to e'p,lnd ,1 1,'lil.lil,C) with ,1 IH1Il-Confnrl1l1rHJ \irle yard in t.he Pine Ridge fndustrlal P.11'k, I,',', ',';"(.1 q,)Vr' ,1 IH'il'f 1"l'lMl"tion of t.he proposed amendment 'lnd stated th,lt it wl11 ,111ow for"IIK1l'!' fl,'xibillt,y l'el.ltive to side y,lrd setbacks, He <;,lid thH it will ,11',0 I't'in'l 1.1,,' side y,lrd setbacks more in line with the Coullty'\ "CnI111)"I"'I.l1" Innin') l'l'IJII1.1Lions; ,lIld fin,l11y, it will 'JIJ,lr,lntee th,lt hui lr1inq~ wi II f'i tI,.'r hdV(' (nl11111011 w,111s or th,lt. there is ,1 "i1ninlum "'P,1I',l(ioll !lrtwe[,1l U1l'tl1, h,lscd Oil fil'cfiqhting needs. lIeM';rll] I.holL t.lH'I'l~ wl'l'e no rcqir,t.ererl speakers who wished to address the suhject pet i lion, COllllliss iOrle,' Will1l'I' moved, seconded by Cormilss10ner Archer and carried unanimollS ly, th,}t the publ ic he,lr1ng be closed, ConYlli 5S ioner ,in:IiI'I' lIxJVt'd, secollded by COIIYllfss ioner Orown dnd carried lJlhlrlimOllsly, tl1.1t thf' Ordin,lnc!' ,IS nlJllloered and enti tled below be ,ldopted and ent.rc<J into ()I'din,\llre floC" NIJIJlIH'r 11. OIWIN^Nn: NO, P') - 75 ,\~ OIW 1 N,\NO: MII-:Nfl I Nt; (JIW I N/\~ICE 76- 30. SEC- T I o~;J(" 1-1 Nlll1S11( J M, D1 srI{ 1 CT, I''''~'\(;I~M'II I,. Mill I'IWVIIIIN(; ^N U'TECTIVE rwn:, Augus t 5, 1980 OROIN^N(E NO, 00-70, RE PETrTION R-BO-15C, OONALD BELLAMY FOR LEONARD SPICER, ~EZO!1J~JOT_I!.,_C9_C_~.Y1-S:_REEK UNIT 2, FROM "A" TO "RS-l" - ADOPTED LrfJal noticr h,winfJ hf'en ruhlished in the Naples Q'lily Nf'wS on .1111y 4, 1<]110, as ~v1d(>nced hy Arfid,wit of Publ1cation filed with the Clerk, rllJblic heMing was orenrd to con~I(\f'r Petition R-80-15C, as filed by Donald BellcllnY rrprf'sf'nting lrnn,lrrl c,piccr, reqursting a rezoning from "A" to "RS-l" for Lot. fl, Coconut. Crrck Uni t. 2, PI a nnpr l.ce Layne I OC,l t.rd the sllbjec t prorerty on an overhecld map and f'xplalnl'd th,lt t.he (olllprchCf1"ivc Plan indicates that the subject propert.y ',hould he rc"ldent.l.llly .'oned, :.hc ",lid th,lt the retitioner wish" to put two (2) hOl/"es on t.hC' <lJhject propf'rty which is two acres in size, thlls, allO\...ill') one hOIl"C' 011 .'.1ch ,Icrc, ConxlIi:;',;OIlf'r ^n,hf'l- fl10Vf'd, "ccondpd hy COIIJni""ioner fJrOl'in and carried un,ll1il1~llJ"ly, th,lt. UlI' l'llbl ie he,ll'ilHl be closed. COlmti',sioner ^nhl'l' IIlnvNI, ',ecolI(\e(\ by Commissioner Pistor and carrier! 1!I1,ll1ir1J(fll"ly ',In, Ul<lf. 11)(' ()rdilldnrr ,IS 1I11n1bpred ,lnrl entitled helow hI' adopted ,1n<l f'l1tl'l-l'd into Ord ill,lI\(P fl(l\lk NlIlllhpr 11, (JIm I ~II\NCI': NO. no - _l,~ M-J ()IWI;,:,\NC!: MII':NI11NC: OHD1N^NCE 7(,-30 '1'111: ('I)"'I'HI:1IUJ~;IVI: 7.()i1r~;r; HJo:CULNr10N::; FOil '1'111,: 1111 I;/\" >[~I'(Ij(i\'I'I':1l 1\IU:,\ ew '1'111': COM;'1'^L 1\HI':1\ 1'T.,\;l::INr: nl~:T'llC'i' ny 1\M!-:NillNG TilE OJ.'I"ICI^l. 7.(l~J[N<: !\Tr.1\~; 11Al' NU~lllEIl 'i0-2')-] Ill' JlI:;',(lN 1"c; '1'111,: FOl.r,()\';r:.;(; [)1"~CInnFn 1'1\01'1-:11'1'1' I'JlO'" "A" ACJlrCUI.TUHE TO "H!;-]" :;11,<:1.1: I'M"ll.\,: LOT R, UNIT 2, COCONUT cln:r':1\ :;UHI)IVl~;J()i,l \'mICll IS LOCATED ON TilE SOU'!'! I ~;111l: 01,' C^Il. 110Ur,J-:VAIlIl 1\'1' '1'111'. 1'~NIl OF J:!;'i'r:1':I~ :;'1';~Er:T ,,\(;n BY rr~rn/rDIN(~ '~N EFFI':( ''!' 1 V:: Il/\'I'i':. RESOLUTION NO, HO-ISO RI r'[TITION CCCL-80-5-C, EDlo/ARD HILLSTROM, APPROVING A COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETAACK LINE VARIANCE ON PROPERTY IN SECTIONS 29 ~ _~2_,.J~J_l.:~,. B.;?ST.,.Y.U-.L^';,or V_^.N.l~E~~fJ.r_L.r_Ju::.MJ( - ADOPT[ D LC~.ll rlotice h,lvin') Iwen published jf) the Naples Daily News on July 20, 19BO, LlS evidenced by Affid,wit of Pllbliccltion filed with the Clerk, public hf'aring was open ,<I tl1 C(lnsider Pclition CCCL-GO-5-C. as filed by Edward Hi 11strom, requrr,t, illll ,\ coast,11 construct ion setback 1 ine variance for propet'ty loc,lted in SrctioflS 29 dlld 32, T,18S, R25E, (Vill,lS of Vanderbilt Ill'dch) , n~A _ ,-:1"A ~/ I AUf)ust 5, 1980 60~K 054 PAGE 345 ConJ1llJniLy Development Administrator Terry Virta explaincd that the val'lance is requested to pcrmi t the construction of a floO] landward of the setll,lck vari.lrlCe previously [Jl',lnlf'd in Resolution 7f1-110, and 1.1ndw,lrd of the const.nJctfon lflle of the cOlldomill f I JIll currently beinfJ built <It t.he subject '.11.[', lie '.aid t.h,lt. I.hc v,lri.1nce will not affcct the public hr~,lch ,1ccess; and, t.h,lt it wfl1 not. cr'~,II.f' ,lilY ,1dditfon,ll beach crosion flroblems, T1H'refore, said Mr. Vlr!..l It ir, t.he staff's n~coITl11endation to ,lflprove the subject vilriance, sullject to cf'rtain sl,ipul.ltions incorpot'at.ed within the rroposed Resolution, Ms, flet.t.fe ClIl.H:sik ';pokr in opposition to thl' subject pel:"on, citinf) lH'r re,lson ,1S beill,! in cOl1currl'nce \-l1th IlNR permit No. 70-1'-15<1, Issul'd May 3, 1'l7'), fn Wllich il. Slll'cific,11ly q,ltes that no other excav,ltion or construction I'xcept that. ineid,'nl"ll 1.0 pl.lc.r~m,~nt nf riling dnd utilitir.s will be pet'.itted S",lw,lrrf of t.lll' contrnl line, She sa Id that the flroposed flool wi 11 be seaw,lrd of the cont.I'oJ I ilH', 1.11I'I'r.f,1I'(" she f,'p.ls that. the (ounty 'ihould not ,lpprove 1.111' v,lri,lIlCI', ~;Il(' SIJ(j')"st.,'d s,~veral ,lltr.rnate sltrs for tile pool, incIud1r1'] 1.111' lot. ,ICl'(\'.~ 1.111' ';tl'",,1. ff"Il11 I.he condOlllinillln, "'r, Virla st.ltcd tll.1t tlH~ .;iLr. ,lU'Il';'; t.h,' ';l.n'C't. fnllll !.Ill' cOI\,:nl1liniIJm cannot be used to build a pool, ,It,cllrdillll III t.hr. /(Jnin') Ordillal\ce, CI1I1J11ir,r,iollC'I'\~il1l('r I'xpl.lilled I.hat thr. pl'titionr.rwil1 have to rl',lpply to t.Il1~ :it" 1.1' fPI'.1 1\1'\, 1'1'111111. if !.II" r':,ll'd qr,lnL" lIlI: 1'('qlJesLed V,ll'i,IIICC, and Mr. Virt,] U1I1CIJrTC'd, ~"', lIill"t.nllll '.t..lt,l'd UI,lt, 11<' 11,1:; concurrr'l1tly applir~d for d permit from the St.lt.l'; ,11Id, ill kl',~pil1'J Wit.ll t.l1e Stat.r. rr~rJlJirr'IIIf?l1ts, the dl?'icllJper illt.ends to cOlIst.nlct t.h,' pool ,It. ';\Jell ,111 rl,~v,lt.i()n thal no I~XC,lv,ltion will be rcquil'cd, lie ~,lid t.hdt. 110 ';,Ind will br? removed to const.ruct subject swillnling 11001, COllrnissiol1r.r' Willl<'I' m()v,~d, s['condcd by COllll1issioner IJrown MId carded ulldnimously, tI),lt the p\J111 ie heM'iny be closed. ConJ1lis:;iOlll~1' \~il\l['r moved, 5l~C[)I1r1ed by C0l1111issioncl' Brown and carried ,1/1, with COIIIII is s i 0111'1' \iel1lC 1 OPI)()51'd, tha t Pc tit i on CCCL -BO- 5 - C be a PIJr'oved , subject to st.,lff ~t.ipul.lt.i()I1S ,lnd th,Jt. Resollltioll No. nO-Iso be adopted. AllCJUS t 5, 1980 * * RECESS: 1if1le: 3:20 P,M. - 3:25 P.M. BO~^ 054 PAGE 349 * PROf'OSALS TO TPAW,fH D!\fA PROCfSSIIIG AND UT[L1TY DEPARTMENTS UNDER TilE COUNTY r,:Mj^GER - OErIlED; OROIUANr.f NO, nO-17 RE (OUNTY MANM,ER'S REsrONSlnILlTlES _ MOrTrO 1.1"1.11 nll!lcl' 11.Ivinq 1)l'l'n pulJli~hl'd In the Ndples Dally Nr:ws on July 17, 1 'JilO , ,1S evidenced b, Mfld,lvit of PIJollciltion flIed with the Clerk, puhlic he,lrfnq W.1~ opf'npd to consldf'r the ,1doptlon of,] proposed Ordindnce rrg,lrdlng the rl'~p()I\',ihi I It.lf", of 1.111' (ounty ~I<lrl,ll)er and the noard of County COllllllssioners for Mlminlstel'ing Ihr 1.1wflil dlll.iCS of the I3CC, and providing a definition of till' Office of till' County ~1,Hl"'I"r MId prescribing the authority, dutfes, and 1'('spon..1 b I I It if'S th"rt'o f, C.1untl tlt1nrrll'y Pid,wol'th pxp],lined that he has rrepared draft number thn',' of lip p""pO~"ll (],'dinM1CI' in rl'co']ni t.1on of the fact that rarallel to 1.111' illl.".",1. III /.rH' 1./1<11"1.('1' (""IV"I'IIlII'~nl. r,. Cuiii"1 CUI/Illy, i.I'Cl't~ 11,15 ,11;0 been ,In inl.l'I',,,,: In ,In inll'rim [0,.,\1 of ]efji<;1.1t.ion whe; ~oy the recognit,ion of cert.,11n pI'f1hl'''1J<, nt 1'1'" I,Illlllty 1;0 v.' 1',lII1t'1II ';'111 perl1<lps he t.,lken CrH'e of hy amendments to lhp 1','rc,"II1. "('r11111t.'1 :.1,111,1'11'1'" O['(lil1,ln(1' (7H-lf1), III' ..aid that the purrose is to ~tr~r~gt~'1"1 ~~Cl'~.i~ll Pi't'Ct';vcd h'c.1knCJ~~C~j in the rrc~cnt OrdInance and. that in talking to v,1rinllS I,,'npll' who h,lve expl'essed interest In this m<ltter, he has fLlund that "n,' uf the 1'f'I'cl'ivcd ",'.\klll'~Ses seems to he t.hdt, if it is Ilot ~pecific,llly "I','II,',j '1111. ill.Hl Ordlll<lrlCe, the County ~"lnaaer serves at the will alld ple,l~ul'f' of Ul<' "o,lT'lI, ,llld could be disch,w<]ed by a majority vote of a quorum at ,lny [;CC I:H".tinq, Ill' <,t,lted thdt a situdtion like this leavrs the County ~1,jn,1l]':r ill ,1 n:l,ltively prpCol!'iolJS po,itioll in which to operate. ConT11issiollCl' i,IITlel' ,lskl'd Coullty M,ln,lger Norman if this is true, and if he thld .lilY pl'ot>ll'~:) wtWkill'J ,11 thl' will ,Ind ple,lsurl' of the members of the flCe? ~lr, N0l111all rt'plil'd lhdL this ,ll<Il'lldllll'llt did not emulate from him; he does not feel any ur'Jl'llt nr,'d r'1T' the pl'opo~l'd all1endl11ent; o1nd he has not offered ,1ny cnCL1U"d<jPl!lI'llt tu ,~1\y'll11' to m.1kl' any (h,1Ilges to the present Ordindllce, e)(Lept fOI' till' ones 1.11,11. C.1I1:1' out ill dr',lft numhcl' threc, Sdme changes are to cle.lr up some millor' tl1in'Js to .ll'oid cOllfu,ion. He said that dS far as he is con- cerncd, the teilure of tl11' CUllrlty ~1.1"<I'Jer is not. dO issue, J ^uyus t 5, 1980 Mr, Pickworth stated that this Ordlnilnce was not dr,lft.pd wit.h 'lny rartiCU],lr individual, f<lctlMl setting. or time period in mind, Conrnissloner Wimer silid th,lt t.hls is his concern; that ilS he sees it, till', i~, intended to ~Jo on for some time; and, he has a real problem with this asrect of the pt'Opo',rrl Orrlln,lnce, He silid that his concern lies with Wh,lt may hdppen In I.Ile flJture if it becomes difficult to change thf' prOl'o~ed Ordlnolrlll' Mld/or t.hl.' County "Ianilgl'r Ordinance at that Umf', should prohl!~m', wit,h I'ithpr ,lrlse, lie t.ermed the rroros'" Irdln,lnce as "extrefnr." "nd s,lid th'lt ,1S he sees It, according to the proposed Ordinilncr, thf' (o"llli~sionf'rs wi 11 not be needed, and the County Mdnager wi II he nmning thp County Govl'rnmrllt totillly, fie sa ld thil t he docs not wish t.0 Sf'f' t.he COllrlt,y h,lVe to go through an unneeded eXJ1rnse in order to fir"1' a (olJnt.y ~1,1rI,Hi"!' ill thf' futllre, if he 1s not doing d good job. lip "lid th,lt ,1nytil11f' ,1 County M.lnagf'r c,lnnot continually please the 111~jurit.y of the nee, thPll, I.Il<lt County I-l,\nager should be fired, Com- mi',siol)('t" Wimer s,lid th,l! if 1.11" intent is to "clean IJ[l the administr,ltion procf",s." lhf'n, wh.1l nf'['d" t.o he done is to tdke all the "fragmentiltion" Mld pill it lJr)(\Pr tlH' ~1,11l"<Jf'1"', pllrview, and leI. him manage, Conrnissiolll'r l\t,()\Yn ,1'ln'f'd ,lnd sug(jf",t.rrl th,lt. rill t.hl' dep'lrtml'nts of County GOVl'rlll11ent 11f' j)ut. IlIldf't" thr LOIJllty ~I,ln,lget'. He sa iel th<l I. he ('g"['1'5 with (O"Jllis.,ioIH'!' Willlf'!' in thdt he i~, also J11e,lsrd with the rresent County ~\dll,l~lf'r, ,lnd t.o show cCllrldence in hilll, he suggestpd that Commissioner Wimer" m,l~f' an .1ppt"ojll'i.1te motion t'e~l,lrcling the Util fly Department., COIllTlissioller Wimp!' moved, <lIlcl L:onJllissioncl' I1rown second,.,d a motion to transfl'l' tlle U~')It.y [)I'p.wtml'nt to under t.he (llJthority of the CO\lnty Manager, COlllnissioner Pi~t~l" st.1tcd that he thinks that right now is the wrong t imc to put thc lit. i 1 i t,Y [)C'p,ll'tment under the County Manager, bec<1lJse each Utility Division dcci,ion mlJsl comr before the (\o,1rd. Chairm.ln Wenzel ,l~k('d the County Attorney if this transfer is reflected in thf' pro\,osrd O'"dill,lncr, r'\r. Pickworth repl icd in the neg,1t ive, ~'r, f"\~' "'....'" r eoo~ 054 pm 35i Aur;ust 5, 1980 Pickworth said that t.he Roard has always had the power at anytime to i1!,lce any [)rpulnll'nt Dlrecl.or under the COlmly r,lanager, includinl) t.hl' ^dminht.r,ltivl' ^irle t.o t.hl' f1n,lrr1 .111f1 t.he (nunty Attorney, if t.his Is the1r wish. Upon c.l11 for Lhl" 'lueslion, t.hr motion to l.ransfer the Utility Depul.lI1f"nt to Imder l.hl' County r'lar1.lger failed 2/3, w1th Commissioner', Archer, Pist.or Jnd Wl'n/el opposl'd. After .1 brief discw,ston, COllvnissloner nrown moved to tr.:.nsfer the f),lt.l Proce~sin(J D<~p,lt'tl11f'nt. to under t.he County ~1an,lger, Conun1ssfoner Wlrnl'r seconded 11.1' mol.inn which (,lrrtl'd 3/2, wit.h Commlsslonl'rs Wenzel and Pistor qpposf'd. !\Ftc'!' t.hl' vot.", (1l11~l>issioner ^rcher ,lsked if the motion was t.o transfer rllj(lIi'li~lf(d.i'tll It.'')I'IJlr"il,ilily 'Jlllj? f'd. ri(.~wl)rll, ~rljJ tll(\l is lh~ ()nly f'I~,P<Hl<,ihilil.v t"" CIl1lnl.y ~1,'I1,l'i"r' (,111 ",lYe. COl1lnissioner Archer ,lsked if till' O,lt,l f'!'(I,y';siIHj CIlI1UIli!.I.I'(' is still responsible to other Constitutional OfriCl'f'S, Iml.il I.h,' d,d,,) iH'I)(I'S',irllJ flil1ctfons <1I'e performed ,lnd completed, !.~~:"~!'1!':."',1(';nl'r ',.i;r'l(~r "~'1)11r(j ,_,ffin'qtill'~ly. (~'Ilnl;,<';.innpr ^rrhnr thf'ln rl,lrfflf\d :>is 'lucst!nn fu,'I,hcI', ,1IHI ,1',,,'d if ,111 th,lt W,lS 'Ioted on is tl1,lt the p~'l'sol1nl'l nf thf' [1,11..1 Pf'ocl'ssin<j [)l'l1'}l.t~ll'nt will be <Hlministr,1tr.d by the County 1-1<111')<]1'1', [111r-irllJ furthf'I' discussion rr.<J,lrdin'J exactly which pol icies the (ounty M,1nagel' will administel', and how this will ,1ffect the Data Processinl) Committ.cc ,lnd the (onstitution,11 Officers, Commissfoner Archer .1sked f.)r " new vote, ,1S hc wished to chanl)c his v,)te to a negativc one, Ill' exrLlined th,lt 11l' ctlllld Ilot vllte tor anylhin'J other th,ln the tr<lnsfer of personnel aclministl'<ltion r'I'Lltivt' to Data Processing, Ch,li"nan IoII'nzl,l asked (Of' ,1 motion to rescind the action just tdken, wtH'reby the D,ltd Process in'] Oep.Jrtl",2nt WdS tr<lnsfc:'red to urjer the County HJ!1dger, ,ll1d (ol1111issionel' PhtOl' so moved, Commissioner Archer seconded the motion which c<HTit'd 3/2, wit.h Commissloncrs Wimer and Ilrown opposed, lIe,l1'in<j th<lt thct'<' wet'<' 110 re<jistered sp,'akCI'S who wished to dfidress the pf'oposf'd ,1111t'IHII1l<'Ilt. to OT'di~<lllCe No, 78-IB, (County ~lclnager Ordilldnce), COl1l11issionel' ristor' moved to close the publ ic hearing. J Augus t 5. 1980 COnlmis>lon~r Archer s~conded the motion, wh1ch carr1cd 4/1, w1th Commissiner Brmold orposed, having stated earlier that he 1s 1n favor of giving the County ~\'lnager more tluthori t.y, (onwnissioner Pistor moved, ^,cconded by Conlllissioncr Archer and ("rrif'dl/?', with ConwniS'.ionrrs Wimer ilnd Brlllm opposed, that the Ordin<1ncl" <1S nlm,t)erf'd "nd rotitled below he adopted and entl"red into Ordinance Book Number II, After thf" vote, Commi5"loner I~imer askf"Cl r~r, Norman if he a150 has a contract with th!! flo,lrd, in addition to the new provisions within the above-refercnc!!d Ordinance, and Mr, Norman answered affirmatively, Conrnhsioner Wirnl'r' askl'd what t.lte t.f'I'l1lin,lt.ion Cl.lIJS!! was within the contract, dnd ~lr, Nonn,ll1 ",lld 1.11,1t. 1)(' is t.o receive six mont.hs wag!!" if he i5 fired W ithoLJ t C,lIJSI', 01Hl I NAr-WE rw, no - LL I\N Ol\!) I IJANU: 'I'() ~a:'I' : '()I\TIl '1'111': liJ':~;I'C"~; 1- 1\!t.l'1'II-:~; OF '1'111': nOlllW OF COUNTY COI"I'll~:- S IONl':I~:: Mill '1'111'; COllin"{ r~ANA(;":H 10'01, ^mlINI:;'n:I\INr: Till,: t.^\'WlIt. [)U'l'll':~; OF TilE nO^HD OF COllN'I'Y cor'11-1 I S~; lONER:;, ^ND I'HOVIIlINC A DEFINITION 01" '1'111': OFFICE OF COllNTY r~I\NA(;I':H ^NI> I'rn:~;CH I III NC: TilE ^lITI10HIT\', DIJ'l'II"; ^ND nr':~;I'ON,,[!lIt.I'l'lr::; '1'I1I,;HI':O/o'; HI-:n:AI,lNC OlmlNANCE NO, '/8-1f1; I'1WVID1NC AN I-:F/o''';C'I'IVF D/\,[,E, &OOK 054 PACE 352. ~o~~ 054 rAGE 353 Auyu:; t 5, 1')80 SHOH C.~lISE HEM I NG RE TERr~ [NAT I ON OF GARBAGE FR^N(II J SF ^GnFFMFNT WITH IL!-_J3._DJ..s~OS_A)____-=-_W).TJ 1)l.l~A_W.N_ _ __ __.__ _______ l.eq,11 not.ir.e h,1vinq bpp'11 pllblir,hp.d in t.hp. Marco Island Eagle on ~',lY n, l'lnO, ,IS evid"llc,~rI by Mfid,lVi t of Publ ication flreviolJsly filp.d \~i1.h thc Cl"l'k, pllbl ie he,ll' iIHj, h,lvinf) bp.p.n continued from 6/3/80, W,lS reoprnl'd to cOllsidpr the t.rrmin<ltlon of the Garbagp. Franchisc Agreemcnt wit.h fl ~ B Disrosal 5ervir.p, for Goodland and Marco Island, P,,111 ir. Work". ^dll1inist.r,lCor (! i fford flarksd,11e rCflorted that pursu"nt to the 8o,lrd's dir['ct. iv!' t.o conl.inlle the plJb] ic hearing regarding (he If'nnin,1tif1n of the G,ll-I1,I<)I' Fl'.lnr.hisf' ^'lrl'emp.nt witb 11 " 11 Di5fl05<11 Se,"vice, ill ordl'I' Co ,1) low t.1l11P fot' Ull~ ownPl', Mr, Kirk, to show that the equ1pment (or Chp. sul1,jpct comp,lnY coulrl 1)(' maint.ained properly, ilnd frequent insp,'r.t.i,)F)'; or ';lIbject 1''1IJipll1ent ,11: tlll~ Marco Transfer StatIon fnrl1c,1te Ih,ll, S,ll1~,' h,I', !>r'I'" rll,lil)l.,lllll~rI 111 ,111 dcr;ept.able mannp.r, lie recollmcnded Ch,lt till' rnnsid"t'olCion I1r till' C(~rmin,lt.ion be wilildr<1wn. I,:", ;;,1,",',<1,11" "";1(ll'I.,~rI Ch,ll. Ih,' impl'l1ding s,11(' of the f,'al1chisp. will 111' <1<1<11"".',,'<1 '...\'<lI',1I."IY ,11. ,1 ].11,'" dol t.1' , ,lS no fl;rt.hl~r .,r;~i<.l11 l1<ls I)(~cn t.a k I'll ,'s I) r :" i.; C i <liP, COI1~I1~i',';il""'I' Arcl"'I' lI1ov,'d to clor", Che pllhl ic hp.lring. COllrni,;sioner Pi,tor ';I'c,'ndl'd till illOl.iOIl 1~I1fch e,llTil'd 1H1"nllllollr,ly, Cf1m'l1issiOlll-" l'io.l.OI' IIJ(lv,.d 1,0 Wi!.lHlt'olW tlnl considp.ration for' the tel'lnindlilll1 or !.Ill' (;<11"1101<)" I'I'dlll:hhl' ^lJI'ppment with 1\ " B Di5pos,11 Service. [nll'lIisSl()I1,~" 1~I'cl\f-" ';"<:011<10<1 I.h,' mot.ion, which carl'ied ulllll1imously 5/0, MODIFIED [,'HEIW1 ^CTION I'IW(;1WI RE GOl.DEN GATE ESTATES AREA -- APPROVED; STAFF ^UTHORIZED TO OllT^IN MO(J!FIEO peRMITS r1lOM OE!l, SFWMO, AND nCIlB; ~..o.'{!:_R_T_I il..:~G_-"_OR_ _~}.(2.S__^_II_T!~OJ3,1 !_E_O.)JfQ.N _R.Eg:JFT OF PERI~ ITS Pub] ic Works Admillislrator C1 ifford Il~rksdale exrlalned that ~UbSe(l\ll'nt to the NIlVI'1I1bf~I' 20. 19/9 Board meeting dnd the initial dppnv,ll of till' Int.el'lm Action P'"O<]I'dlll, the staff was authorized to rrepare the constl'uctlon pJ.JIl'; .111<1 ';p,'cific,ltiolls re same program, to be brought bad tll tI\fl Ilo,lrrl ,lft!'r bidding 11,lS been completed and before ,lilY flll'tl1er' ,1(Lion 1"('<)drdill'J !.Ill~ sl/bject progrdm b(!'l,1n, ;,uyu~ L ~, 1980 Mr, l1arksdille stated that the advertising for bids has been delilyed due to the receipt of a letter from the Corps of Engineers which indicates tllllt an [I:, wOllld be necessilry before final action on tlw permit cOllld he t.,lken. lie said that tlll~ Corps ,11so responded to the (ounty's r('qllc~t. fOt' ,1 det.erlllln,lllon re~'lrdlng exactly which features of the Interim ^ctioll f't'oqrilll1 wOlild rpqllirf' or would not require a Corrs permit. lie s t,llpd Ul,l t the wOI'k Lha twill be done ahove the wa ter 1 i nc ~Ii 11 no t rcqu ire such il permit, Mr', Barksdale eXl'l,lincd tll<1t the Golden Gate [states Study Committee discu~~f'd thp modi f ic,llion~ npcpr,~ar'y to comply wi t.h the Corps' determination ill1d st ill provide tl lII,ljor port iOIl of t.he benefi ts of the Interim Act inn PI'OIW,ll11, III' l'efefTl'd to ,1 l11Pl11fl1',llHlllm d,ltrd MilY 28, 19BO, from Consultant Wi 11 j,11I1 VillPS \"hich ollll ill(". thp Illodi fiC,ll.ions to the Interim Action Pr'OIJl"ll1l, ,1THI 1'/'C[)IIJ11l'llIll'd ill1plerl1f~nt.ation of same ilfter apllroval from the BOilrd ,lluII'1 ,.i th UIIICUITPIIU' ,11111 1I':Jdification of permits frnm the three contribut.ing a'l['ncips, Ihf' lli:lL till' 11(11[;, dlld t.he SFWMf1, Mr, lIarksdale silid that. it should he l1ot.ed t.hat t1w pstilll(lt.,'d costs of the program \"i thin rk, Vin[~s' melllor,llHlum IlilVP hppn revi',cd ,lIld the initial cost will be $120,000 ",ith ,1n Mfditionill cost. of t.l(,,~,[)[) fOl' l'ipl',lP slJpport slr'uctun~s on thp dOl'lOstrei1fn sidp of the cxistin'l ",[~ir~;, if ,1nd wlwn t1IP Corps pet1nit is issued, TIH're was SOI11P discus',ion rpgardillg UH' EIS that the (orps is preparing, and UIPir' I'PCOI1lIIP1Hlilt10Ils that ,lre to he subsequent to that ElS, and ~lr. fl,wksdalp st,lt.r!d that the only objections that the Corps 11<lS raised re~ard;ng t.he I'nlgrall1 rcl,ltes to the e<lt'th plu~s, ,.hich helve beell el imin,lt'!cf ill till' IIKHli fil'd prO[]t',lll1, Mr, B'lrksdillc said that the Corps an.' still 90ill:1 dhc,ld \~itll their prcp'lration of the ElS, In <lI1SI~er' to ('lail"!l1<Hl Wenzel, MI', 1\,11'~'.d,11e s,lid Uldt the proposed modifications to subject prO[jrdlT\ will h,]y[! 110 ,l(fect Oil the reCOlllllendations of the Corps after they compleLe t.heir' [IS, COlIsultant Vines stIlted that the Golden Gate Estates Study COllrnittre spr..::; f i c1Ill y rcques V. t.1I,1 t the 1\0,1 I'd i nd i C,l te tile i r agreemen t ,11ld (lrll"OVn 1 ~l:. tJ54-~,.3'5A- I' ~O~K 054 PAGE 355 August 5, 19nO to the modHlc,lliol\s to Lh~ 1M; that th~y be auUlOrizcd to ,1dvise th~ DEfl, thp. snnm, ,lnd tile IlCIlIl ,lnd s~ek their concurrence; ~nd to seek ,1 1'01'111.11 ,1C)rC'emf'nl for finolncioll polrl.lcip,ltlon in the modified pl.ln's illlp I ernen t,l t ion, MI', Vinf'S Solid lll,lt lie rf"Jards the nr.ar flltur~ installation of ,1 fl.lshbnanl -,yst....m ,15 t.!lf' first ph,lse of tll~ ~lOrk to be done, ,1nd assumin'l that thr. Cor'ps pet'mit will I)(~ forlhcoming, then, at that time, the ,<1st ll<1rt of thl~ pL1n wi 11 I)(~ cnrnpll't.f'd. In answer 1.0 Conmi ,sioner ^rchrr, /'\r, V1nes said that t.he whole purpose of the PI'O(jl',ll1l al\d its rr.l,lt.lve l'xllf'ndit.ure is intended to reduce the extent ,lnd thf' 5evel'ity of t.l1e drying-out of the Golden Gate Estates ,1re,1 by th,~ I'x;st.inq 1:,\11,11 syst('1II durinq the montl1s during which little 01'1\0 r,lin (.111-" III' s,lid that it is intended that ~fter the rainy sr.ason whf'1\ till' SlId,lCI' floodinfj In t.!H' ,It'l'~ s,J!>sidr.s, tlH~ f1ashboilrds will be 111';1..111,'<1 0I1111 III,' r,lll.' df 'lllt.:'l(m from t.hose c,'l\als will be slnr.'i'd by !.IH' fl.lshbo,,,.d Sy<;t.f'II1, ^l',o, 11f' s,li<l tll,'t. the clo<jged conditiol\S from oV'~I'growtll of VI",jl'Lllion ill till' (,11\,11s 1<; contributing t.o the surfilce floodin<j cnl\r1i tiol\s dll icl1 occlJr ;1\ till' sllbjcct ,lre,1, ,lnd thrrCl is I\othing il\ the propor,t'd f1,lshboard <;ystelll tll~t. I,d 11 help thilt. ThI~I'e W,lS ',IlIllP. dlscII';siol\ rf'qarding t.he flood problems in tl1r. <jr.neral ,lrC<l, durin<j which I~r, Vil1l's I'mph~siled tlwt t.he Interim Action ProlJram is desiglH'd to address only tlll~ ovcrdr,linage problem ~nd th~t tht.l flooding problellls relative to flJtw'e d~veloplllr.nt of subject area are not part of the PI'ogr.lIll' ~ area of concern. Another lI1atter di~cIJSsl''' was fut.ure maintenance of the flashboards. during which Mr, Villcr, '>,lid Lllat i:li tial responsibil ity for maintenance \~ill fall IIIH1cI' the COllnty I'ublic l'!orks Division, and that eventually he thinks the !'csponsibil ity will !'(~VCrt. to the Wilter M,lnagernent District. COlnnissionel' f1rOlm <;t.,ltrd th,lt he is constantly he,lring the Sdll1e cDmplaints !'el,ltivp tu floudinfj conditions in certain areas of the Est~tes, ,111<..1 Ultlt he bel icves that some property is located in ,1 "bow" ^"gus t 5, 19fJO re 1 ,1 t. i V!' to some of the weirs In the canal system, and tha t he 15 in favor of having all th!' s,lndba9S removed, or ,1t least the ones reliltive t.o the loc,ltior> of ~lr. lIancot.te's [lroperty, ~lr , [J('rnie Yokr.1, (h,ll"miln of the GGESC, s t a ted tha t removal of the sandbag~ will help flOOding In the area, and he urged the Ooard to remember tlwt the lAP wi 11 hcnefi t not only the subject area but a"',~ the area" (1S f,lr downr,treilm ,1" t.h!' Ten Tholl~and Islands, He s,lfo th,1t the sandb.1gs are to hc rernovf'r! as P,lrt of t.he lAP, and thus there wi 11 be " fr('e flow of tll!' Willero, dlll-ing lhe rainy S(',lo,on, He said that undpr thc l^P, the fl,1o,hhoMds will hr ino,tal1['[J, ,lnd the water will be conserved with(llIt callsi"g undu,' flooding, Ill' said th,lt this program is a publ ic- awar!'ness eXf'rrio,e as wel: a~ an !'ngfnl'l'rtng I'Yl'rrisD Anrl t~at the public nlUS I. unders t.,lnd th,l t. the I ^P i ^, the bl's t. th i ng tha t the Coun ty can (Jo to insut'e thelll th"t thp COllnty is not gOilHJ to flood them in the sun'mertirne alld th,lt t.hf' (ounty i" C)oing to CCIl"el"Ve the water in order to kpep the subject <It'e,J sOIllf't.hin<l likl' il', ""flll""l rnndition year-round, Pl.lOning Dit'pctol" lJ,l"lIy (,-pw st.l!.ed that ,1 lot of the proppr.ty in the Golden Gat.e EsLI!.!H, arecl is SlIhject to flooding because development is takin'l place in low-lying M"r,lS t11i\t \~ere a part of cypress sloughs, etc., dnd he s.11d that. i'. thr. C,lse regarding Mr. Hancotte's property, The following people "roke in opposition to the arproval of the Illterim Act ion Program: Herman Verre t t, 3<)26 N, E. 6th Avenue Pclul and ~\ary-rr.lnccs Kruse, 1021 ~th St.reet, S,W. O.lVid (;'"01 h,l111 , represf'ntin'l N.1ples ^rra Goard of Redl tor"s Gary H,lncotte. 1<)01 12th Avenue, N,E, Mr, Hancotte asked the Buard to consider removing all the sondb'~'Js. and COIl'missiooer AI chC'r Ilxlvl'd th.lt all or the sandbags In the canal system in the Golden (;,11.1' Eslil!.I'S .H"ea be removed by the Engineering Oepar"tment. After" a brief disclJssion during which COl11llissioner Wimer stated that the .;andb,lgs have to be rl'moved from most of the canals anyway if the Interim Action Program is approved, the motion died for lack of a second, '~DOK 054 PM:F 356 {'-:.-----.---- BO~:( 054 PAGE 357 August 5, 1980 Aft.f'r ~ di-,r.ussion req.1rdlnq the Intcr1m Action Program and the cost of m~intainlng the growth of vegf'tation in the canals as suggested by many of the re~lstf'red spe"kcrs, Commissioner Wimer moved to ,'rprovc the Interim ^ctiol1 Progr,lm ,1nd ,1CC'~rt the staff's recorrrnendaUons re same, Commissioner [1rowl1 seconded the motlol1. Mr. Lam,lr Richardson, rerresent.ing Addie Hughey who owns rroperty that will he affected by the lAP, 5rokc in oppos1t10n to t.he lnter1m Ac t i on Pro'Jram, Conlllissioner ^rr.her asked th,lt. the staff give h1m an estimate of the cost of renmvill<] all of the vegf'tation and the earth plugs that rresently exist In the C<1rl,11s ,1I1d a deflnlt.ive statement of who will be responsiblr. fDr t.he mol intenanCl' of t.hl' c,ln,11s in the future as well as the maintf'nance of ellf' fLl'.hho,lrd sy<;Lem once I t. Is inst"lled, ~Ir, [1,lI'k<;d,llf' st,lt,~d th,lt the b,1Sic rhllosophy of the Board needs to I", df'rinitiv!'ly \I"lL['d; 10 U,,'y whh to IlIdintdin the ,>uuject I>"ol>crl.ies ,1'. dr,lil1f'd ,Ind d,'Vi' 1 ()1',lh If'; do f.hf'Y wi-,h to budgp.t t.hp. re'luil'ed fund.; to m,1\nt,lln the C,111o11 systems to keep Lhp. w,lters flowin~ (rp.ely; do they wish to COIl<;I'I'VI' th,' W,I tel' in Lhl' ,1r'[~,l as wi 11 be done v I a the J AP? He s,liJ that Ill' Lh(\()'J1,1. 1.111' f1o,\I'd h"d hl'f'n clear in tho; past in that tl1ey wishrd to h,lVt' th,' w,\L!'I' lOIl'if'rved <lIld not diverted, Conllllss ioner Wi,ller c,111ed for a 1'011 call vote: Conrnf<;s ioncr WinH~r' Ayr Conln is s i oner Brown Aye Conrnissioner Pistol' Aye Conrnissionc,' Archer Aye Conrnissioncl' Wenzel No, ~.i,!.!.L~. E....!JLL .L.L!\I~f..Il.O.R.l J E)l.L O~_.r.. ~M..E.!JJ. (ofllllissiDnrl' ,Iim.,,' lIIoved, seconded by COll111issioner Archer and, carr'led un"nifllously 5/0 th,lt the routine bills hdvinC) been processed through est,lbl ishcd proceuur'f'S with fllflus .lVdildble, be approved for payment dS witnessed by thl' following checks issued from July 30, 1980 through August 5, 1980: ACCOUNT - - ---- fl.lLCK NO, 14227 - 14692 10700 - 11027 BCC p"yr'o 11 County Checks J ('llQUS t 5. 19RO BUDGET AMENDMENT flO. 80-145 FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO RADIO BASE ST!\T10NS MW ONE REMOTE UNIT Fon CIVIL DEFENSE ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF li'-.Q.Q.rL____ __ Corm:issioner Archer moved, seconded by Corrrnissfoner Brown and carried u""nirn()u~ly 5/0, th,lt Bud<Jet Amendment No, 80-145 for the purchase of two r~dio hase ~tati(lns and onr remote unit for Civil Defense be .1d(1pted in the ,ll110unt of $6,000, 110^HIJ OF COUNTY COMM ["SlONE1'~ COT.!.H:H COUNTY, rr,OJUDlI B II n (; E T ^ MEN D MEN T [}.j: Hr''J\1in'H no,'J'(1 ^PIHOIJ"l C/ !?_<2-':~_~J: T<cq\llr<' llonrd lIpprovi11 (tri1nHfcr within object code rnngc) r-'-. ,,- - . - -,,-- FUND Cr:NI:PM, DEi'T, ,CIVIL OF:FEN~;E m':~;CHT I'TTON: " Tp Ir',lnrd"l' f\lnd!; 10 Cnll1fl\llldciltions Equipment 1i,nc item to pllrch..1s(~ t\~0 [;ill'll,' "),,,nn,,1 l'"din h,-,~,,' "Iali.ons lln<1 one remote unit, I'HI':VI(I\l~:1.Y ,\!'!'Ht1VI':/l II)' TilE !\()^TlD OV COUNTY Co'MMISSIONI::PS JULY 8, 1'J00. '1'0 (1'1\' 1'(',] ra') : Co",",uniCi\l.lonr; E(l'lirJITll..~llt 001-525-1-13-30-010-644 UJ 000 -- FHOM (SO\lI'C(' of 1'\\11<1::) Cont i.nq.'nel"" 001-519-1-00-05-010-990 ~ G .t.J',,0~ .. - ._..~---_.. --~ ,-_.- ..~. . COllnty ~lqr/lliv, ,Ill' lIppro,\',](l:,(( 11', ( ,(. (" ( , 1<. '.. ; (l( 1~~~=':.._.l..:""!i~..L}~__.._ " ~'Ji'~;~::~~-~,~~~}?~~~~ '~~~~:::~v~~ : (~~~~ y ~(~lH"'--II\lI[)('I':'l:'-;~ll:~~:' . 1f,1f/:! y.:< . , .\),d.I' ~1 ~'w_kt) O<llc-: ''.uf" 5, 19(\0 INo.eO-lll~ --..------I-..-L------- ----....---...-.-----.-..----- ------- l>lS'l'HTlltl'J'TON: L/11l'"nl "<'coI,I" (Origin,',l) L-l 1\(,(,ollnti'''J (l('p"~lm""t 1:7 l'i,,,,,11 OffiCI'I' V :'lIrd"";\I1'J ([;'l"'l'"l'l1t Only) D [)"I'"r l ""'111 (::) I\Cr"ctC'll D !llI<I'Wt, 1\11,11y"t -.--=-----..- ,- '-0_'-'-'--- -.-- Rl'v.17/17/'1911I,Il- l't".., nt:;"tf '0 r:: 0 I" ~DOX 054 fACE 359 August 5. 1980 ~UDGET AMENDMENT NO. HO-l~6 PROVIDING FOR PERMANENT PLACEMENT OF MR, IlREW('1 ON GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF -- ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT .Qf..JJ..J22-L-____. Conrnlssionl'r Archl'r movC'd, seconded oy Conrn1ss10ner Ilrown (lnd carried unanimously 5/0 that Budget Amendment Nc, 80-146 providing funds for pC'rnMnf'nt p1.1Cf'rn"nl. of r~r, [\n'w"n on l.hl'! Gold"n GiltI' Conlllunit:y Center stdff, be ,1doptl'd in l.he ,11J10unt. of $1.764, 1I0^lW at,' COlJN'I'Y CmI/USS:rONF.!l.'; COI,r, [1m COt7N'l''i ( l~LOH:rI)^ n lJ n GET ^ MEN D MEN T ''1!7 J{el}uire!; l1()ilT,l ^1'1'l'(IVill 1.7 !)!?(>,'1~..!'!.D~ )<('l}IJ1 r[~ 110i1r.(1 ^ppn1vi11 (t' rn 11 n f,n: wi 1:11 i. no)).i cr; I: r.od(, r.1I1(10) FliNn COWEN (;,1\'1'1: Cml~'"N! TY CI:NT1':1l I1ET"I'. (~O_~'~::~Y/~1~__<:':~~~~~J~Yl'!._~~~TER. ____.__ . _ ._TIITJ::I{l\..l.'lN,,~.- - _ _. ,_ .._+..... ~.._ __._ ___._,.__._ __._.___ ~_.___....__ __ .._____. UI':SC H T l'T I ON: 'I Tr",'1l3f('r of flllld~; to Pl.ovidc on Community ('I'll!"" :,:1:,,('[ (('I':'I'il i.lC'V 1 !;Ol'Y C()1Tl1il iLL l'('. tor p,'rm"ncnt pll1cemC'l1t: (I[ ML, BU.'Wt!11 f\llld ill') C'xpj red) ,,5 L\ppruv(~d by I'HI';VIOllSI.Y ^!'I'i{[)VI-:ll IIY 'l'lli'; }1<l^IUl l.lI' COUNTY COH~lr,';:;rO:~Ei{:; ..lllLY 21), 1980 TO (Incn~,H;(,): He<]ulilr S,,1<lrie5 Soci"l S,'cur:iLy M"l:chi,,'l Hl'L ircmt'nt Con Lr' il>111: illll Life & lIcillLlI rl1~;1I1'olIlC" WOl'kcr-s COl1ll't'Il~;,' t lOll I~O-~72-1-15-80-010-120 1~"-572-1-1S-88-010-210 1~O-572-1-1S-~8-010-220 1~8-S72-1-15-U8-010-230 1~R-572-1-1S-RD-OIO-240 Totill $ 1, ~ 29 93 130 21 <)] --_.~--- .$ I( 7(~1 FHOM (Sourc(~ of Fllnd:;): H & N Buildill'js C()llt~'''ct. 1.18-S72-1-15-8[l-010-~Gl J..-Jl-'?..CU, ~7~~~~Z(~:;,~~~';C~~:~:~~" ~iYT~~~~:~~~i , c"", l ;;c ("",;;=-[;~~~~;~.;~~-;;.;:~ ~)-'~~.~_~2~'lJ)~1.o__..._..__ ~.:~~: :)::}~- ff~__ tl'l.l:=.=.._~~.:.~-,-_~~~__ Nn.f1O- ~~____ 111~;T1UIl111'.lON: '/7 Ill'," ,1 Hpcon1" {(111"l"OI1) 1-7 lIccollnt-In'.! I1cpill"lm,,"t /..-7 \"i:",..l Orfiee," D 1'1Irchi\~il1(J (1:<]Il.iI'",,,,,t ()nly) 1_7 D"Ilill'l en,'n!. (!O) ^ff<'cLed L.7 1lu<l<Jct lI".~~~;t __ -------. .-- - -".' -"---'-- --, "------,.----.--- - }{<,v. l?'/17 /'J')jILll August 5, 19BO BUDGET AMHIDMENT NO, BO-I~7 CORRECTLY REFLECTING DIVISION ACCOUNT NUMBER rOR U NE I HM~ SIIOWN 1 fl BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-17 WITlIl fl LI BRARY !.!J;AQ.qUARTE RS _flJ.!.Dr,E_I_~_=--.AOOrT{D-1!~'!lIl.. ^MOUfi,L9Ltli,.!l..Q.L___ (ollmissioner Archer moved, seconded by C0rTT111ssioner []rown <lnd c"rrled un,lnimou-.ly S/O, that nud~et ^mendment No, 80-147 correctly reflecting d1vision <1ccollnt numbers for those 11ne 1tems shown 1n nudget Amendment No, 80-17, within the Library lIeadquarters budget, be adopted 1n thf~ ,lm<1l1nt. of SlS,Il',I, ]J()l\H)) OF COUNTY C01W,lSS.rOlvEH" COLLI Ell CO\JN'rv, l'LOrUDl\ 13 lJ n (1 E T ^ 1'1 r: N D M r: N T L7x Ill''111 i ,'cr. HOd I c1 ^1'P,'ovil1 L7 !~'c. ~-'2!. Tlc<]\li rc ]Joilrcl llppr.ov;11 (Lr.-lnnre:t- \~it,hi.11 objeT!: code r.ill1<W) -.--..-- - -.. ..-.-. -~~.~~ ---'" ------.---------------..----------.-----.----- FUN))CHMlT~:_,.~:IF'!':; [, '1'lm:'I':; DEI''!', ._~~In2~J\nY..!~,~~QQ~!^~~r.!~.I.l'.;_._ -. - .~. ._--.'-- '_.~- ---.--.----.-------.---.--.-.-----.-- -. .-.----,.-- [)1,:~;c H I 1 ''I'I (IN : 'I T I .111.l.; r t" l' r r \1 '1\'1:, ,i II tIt \11.' J (01- I hoc.(' 1 i rH' i f ("I1~; ~:I1()Wn in ilpprOV('<l by I h,-, 11"01 r rJ, Lu u'[l,:<;l. (;ULtl~(;L n.ivih.lUII u(;t:UUlIl. 111IInb,~r fllHlrjel' ^T11"IHlmCllt (00-]7) previollS]y I'HI,:VIOUSI.Y ^I'I'HUVI:I) 11\' TIlE I\O,\HD 01' COUNTY COMM [!;S,WNEIC J^Nlli\HY B,' 1900 TO (lllcrc,lse): RC'vc~n\10 Cilt'l-Y ForWilnl 601-]-1:'-06-010-399,999 1-.12t..Q2.1.. FHOM r SOli reI' 0 f FUI ICL;) : HCV01lllC Cnrry Forw<ll.ll 601-1-16-06-010-]9~,999 $ 1 ~;. B::; 1 =-=='_~_-:-rI 1'0 (I n ere il [; c) : 'l'cilnn f,'r to ""!lei-oil FU!ld 601-571-1-15-B6-010-911 L_~:),~2. Fllor" (SulIn:,' (If 1-'111,,1:;): 1'1-,111~3("r to C"Il"I'oIl FU!ld 601-571-1-16-06-010-911 $ IS/Br'l -------,._-~-_.._- .-."-. - ---. ----------_.~--_.--==--=----...:.::.:~-:--=.:==.=:.=:--====~..: -~(;~~~~::~...;I~fl~~;'~~..~ ,. .'I)'i ~'. l~.';~~~~)rg.~ ~ ~-~~iJ~;--~H~~~~-~-V~; : COU n l y Cumm, b)[lJ)GET MiE:. I {J..ILL (--LLVu . (1..,' 4- (., ~~:"(':"='_1~~___.._. I~..~~' ..::!o .::.~~___ .Dil te: ~\!.e..~..J. 980 __ ~o SO-1I17 nl~'j'HII'\I'J'lON: rl Jl,'..n1 HI'con1:; ((origin,'1) L-I lIcconnt~"'l n~I",~.tm"l\t , o l"i""il1 Officer "L7 l'urChil!UI'J (~'<JlIll'mQllt On1)1 Zi Dq'artm(Ont(!>) lIff"ctcl1 D llul1rJct-, lInn1)'!1\'. - , ...... ,.,..-ftt:\~t----'-?~rr---' '-- Hr'v, 17/1'/ n'l~lf,!1 ,- BO~~ 05"4 pI.GE361 August 5, 1980 flUlJG!.I Af.'lNlJ~\I:IH NO, nO-14n TR!\NSFERRING FUNDS IN BUILDING INSPECTION 10-.!'BOVI DE...i.QI~ TEMPORAB1_JMPLQ.Y,EE -- ADOPTED I N TilE AMOUNT OF $3,000_ COl1l11issioner ArcheI' moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried l1nan1mOllsly 5/0, t.hat [Judqet Amendment No. 80-148 transferrinq funds withIn Ilul1din<j Insp[~ction's fllJdget to provide for a temrorary employee Iw ,1dnpterl in the ,111l011nt n( $1,000. nOMm 0'.' COl)N'f'Y CO~l;-'\T!;~;ION)';n~; COLr.Trm COUNTY, [o'f,OHIIl^ n [J n GET AMENDMENT 6 Hcqu t J'C!l nOd nl ^ppU1Vill 'L7 Do(>~ Nol: nnrJl1\,r.n Bonn.l 1\ppr.ovill .- (i:rii-JwJ'i~ wi thin objcct: c:odC'! r.nn<JC) -------.------- - -.--.,... -..-.---.----.-- - _._--._._--._._----~---_._--_.__.~--_._.._---------- FUND ..GL:;NJ.:.:HL\l,; , Imp']'. .h.....:.D,U.ILDING. ~m,l'J~cT.lON.......___ . .... -- ----..-----. ----- --.--.....-.--.-----.---------.--.....------ D)'::;CllTl"[' rON: " TJ'iln~;rr'I' "r r\ind:; I" 011".'1 C"/ILI:,1ctUill Ser.vice,'] line item to r.etain t'11I' ,,"I'V if"':> or ;, P"I"1()J1 to Lrmpnr.ilr.i ly rr'p:,1cc ,111 CIl1ployc0 who Wil!l ill j\ll,,'d .lnd \4i 11 11,' Itn,,111., to wOI.'k ror IH~vCr.,] months, TO ([ncLI',IB,'): Ot11C't" l~ont-r,l(.tll.ll :~('lvi(.f\~_; OOl-5~~-1-lJ-J5-010-J~9 i,}k,9.22. FHO~I (:3011 rc(' or 1"1111<1:;) HC<]\l ].1 t. S.l.1 ,1 r i " ~1 OOl-5~4-1-1J-J5-010-]~O J ~.~900 - -'. .. -..- .--------------------.----------..--.--..-----------... 'fr~;;;:X:~Ff,7ic:;i ;~,~;;~:/IJc;J;:;- ~~;;;~~;:; , c;,,;;;i;;- C<;';';J-- nllJ)C;I~r-Mll: ~~.~~;~.~~ _..-~!...~,~IL. _.. ..._ .. '.}.'~~~::') JJ!.:. ~~__ !~~l_:~.:..__~~~:_'_~~_~~.~_ No, 8Q.~'~ n:J~;'I'll.rIIlITJON: 1.7 Ilpolnl 1l.L'r:nl,h (Ol';'r,illill) L7 I\cr.O\lIlLiIH) Th'I'"r!.n",nt 7"7 l'i,;(:,,1 orf.iCI~r D l'\lrChnnitHJ (l:q\llpmullt. Only) L7 lJl'jlllt!.rn,'nt:(,;) I\rr"ct:(~,l D 11\l(!rJoL 1\1l111~'''L ------ --- ..... .---..--...-.--...---.....-----..., '-----------. H('v, J 7/17/7l)Jll.!1 J I ^ugu~t 5, 1980 IlUDGET Ar~EtWMENT NO, 00-149 TllAtlSFERR I NG GAC TRUST FUNDS FROM FUND 601 (GllANTS ^NO GIFTS) WlTlllN TR^,~SrORT^TION BUDGET -- ADOPTED IN TIlE AMOUNT OLJ.L..4,:,_0.,))?_____________ COrT1nission['r Archer moved, sccondl'd by Commiss1oncr Brown and carried 1H1ilnimow;ly 5/0, th,1t, Blldget ^mf'ndmp.nt 110, 00-149 transfcrr1ng GAC Trust Funds from Fund 601 (Grilnt:; and G1fts) within Trilnsrortation Department's burlgf'l. hI' ,1dopted in tlH' llrnoullt of $1,450,332, nOlllH1 OF COUNTY CO;'lMISSIONEI1~; COT.I.U:1l COUNTY I FLOHIIll\ n [J D G r. T ^ 11 END r1 F. N T il HC'fJu i J'(':O; !1oilnI lIpprc'Vi\ 1 D ~{)r~!; l!ot HC(Ju.1.l'e l10ilnl lIpprovil1 (tl'nnr.fer within ob:ioct: co<1r~ J'ilnqe) FtJr,J) CHM,'!':;, ,(:11-''1':; /. 'l'lnJ~;'!','; DI:PT, TllllN:;POHTlIT10N ~----_._-----_.'- --.---------- D"~;CIlII"1' I (li\: 'I '1',-i\]1!;( ",. ('( fl1]1<1~: \ n !:h(,,~ (;,1\, C. t.runl, funrl!1 ilnrl i nt,0-r,,!>f- i nrnmn foJ' Coldc]1 i:;1t (' l(llld~; "'1<1 ("illlill~; in new fund (iO(, (Expcl\rlnblc 1'r\lr.l Fund) 1'('1: <jell('!''\1 I)' iWCI'pl.r,r) ,l('COl1ntillIJ principl(~n <1~Hl to c1o!;(' 011t r.rantfl, (;i f t!; .111d Tnl!: l~; 1''11\<1 ((,I) 1) , TO (TI\Cl-r'il~;c): 'l'1-illl11f,'!' to Expcl\rli1h I (~ '1'1'1111 I. FUII!l 601-~~1-1-]2-(il-0(,O-91G $1,4:~!_~~G, FHO~l (~;(l\ln:l' of 1.'III1<1::): 'PrilPsfpt~ to !;p{~ciill HC'V('Jlllt' 'l't-ill1!JrCl- t.o Cilpit:i11 I'l'()jl:cl' 601-~41-1-12-GI-0GO-912 601-541-I-I2-GI-0('0-91~ $ , 70,332 1,380,000 $1,450,332 'rot"l ~;:;;;-l::~::;;~;/~i~:-:/:)I~~~=-~~;~(:]~~ill~-~;,-~ c(C' l' j-~~:~::~:~ f~(:()~~.', Com;n, I I. ( ,. - - , l,,, (t(1 N -I:'<'~ - J,)~:::__:!_ _-'___._.:.!:____ !'-,!_.(L):...Z/:-.8...'l) __ Dille: ^ug, 5. 191\0 No,!10-1/,9 lJI:;TIU!IlI'J'lUN: /-1 nOllrrl. Hf'"ol<1,; (Ol'i~lil1'll) B lIcC(l'1I1tilHI n<'l'/lrtrnrnt" n f'i:;c,l1 O[(lclIr l'urChll!lill9 (r-;<jltJl'mcllt Ooly) D lJ"pllrt,rn,'''I.(,,) lIf1pctccl l1uc1'1cl: lInlllYHt .-'----'-'--------. '-'-'-' llf'V l?I,'/I?<1l1f.l1 IllJD,;ET M1ENfl'I I " - J '-f I _I MOX OH4- PAGE 363 AU\Jus t 5, 1980 "UOG~r AMENDMENT NO. 80-150 ^PPROPRIATING GAC TRUST FUNDS IN NEW FUND 606 (EXPENDABLE TR1~T FUND) !\ND ESTABLISHING A BUDGET FOR GOLDEN GATE CANALS ~.Q...fO^QL::::__'l.Dgl'.T.EJ2 )iUlir.~!I_MPJillJ OF $1."50,332 COllrnissloner ^rr.llf'r moved, seconded by Comm1ssloner Brown 'lnrl carried 11l1<HlimolJsly 5/0, 1.I1,lt BlJdg(ll Amendment No. nO-150 aprropr1i1tln'] GAC Trust Funds In N~w 606 Fund establ tshing a budget for Golden Gate Canals and RO.1rlS he M10pted In tllf' amount of $\,"50,332. !HJ^IU1 or COUNTY COt~:.Jr;;:;TONEll:; COr.r.ll.;n COUNTY, rr.ORTD^ B [I n G F T ^ f1 END M F N T I..Y7 H,'rjllin',- nO,ln! ^l'l'nJv;lI ~7 1l9!~"~!_~I;.~ HN]I1iLr'. f10llnl ^[Jpl:0v;1l (tr<1l1!l "r~l' w.i thin oh:J0.cl: code r"IlCJc) FI1ND F:XPl':ND^nI .!.; '1'HU~~T:~ DE 1''1' . 'pH^N;;l'OrnA'l' [ON l)E:~r:H II'TTnN: 'I To .'::1,11>1 i ::11 1>11<1<)"1, \n tll<' [':xp"IHli\bl(~ 'l'1"lwL FlIl1c1 [Ol" ".^.e, rUlld: h,'"'ld fl..11 Wlll k (Ill (,()ldr'11 {;(It'(... C.lll,11n l,nd HOilCln. Thin ifj rl~ql1it.n{' by 'JL'1l1'1.111y ''''''''1'1.('11 ,1<:<:'''1(\1 inq IH ilwil'd]:, .In 1,"'~()llllllL'lltll.tl liY ()II( i\1(c.lit()1 to ('In:;l' 0111. FlIlld r,OI (<':1":11.::, Ci[l~; ,~Tnl!il"q. TO (tncrl',\~;"), Hcr;rrvC' rOl' rl11.111'" ,'xp(,lld i I.lln~r; (, 0 (, - S -1 1-1 - I? - G 1- 0 G 0 - (, -18~~ 50, ,\D1) TO HEVENlJE: 'I'1'.1Ilsf,,1' from (;1'.1I\I~; ,11lcl c;i f 1::; T r il 11 5 f ,'r F I' om r. r;, n 1::; "11 cl (; i F t" 606-1-12-GI-0GO-381.001 $ 70, 60G-I-12-61-0GO-3Bl,OOI ~)fJO, ToLll ~_1,SO , ~~~~~~~r;17;-(/~::-':{~7:i',~,':~Y~;~j~}); ri'C;(T I~'~~;~;:~v~-~: ~O\llllY C;:Il1Il1']Ull!)C;l~';'-^;:; ( ,Ll d ' .' l ..., 'Nil IV-~(..J!- ~~lle~_~L~:...__".____, ~'ltr':2.::2!::..J.v ~~'..:....~llr~, 5, 1980 ,Nn,[lO-150 lJISTHIllll'l'HlN: 1:7 "..,nd neconl" (Ot'i'llnill) j-l/lccollntlll<j DCl'llt'tment 7:.71";"";11 Officer n p1Ir{'h""in'j (E'l"il'me"t Only) D D,'p.1rlmcllt(!') /lff,'elc,1 U n1ltl'J"t IInlllY!lI: H"v,12/17/7'l1l1.1I J August 5, 1900 nUDGer r.M[~iDMHIT riO, 80-151 APPROPRJAT I NG CASH CARRYFORWARD AND PRnv I D I Nr, FOR LINE ITEM EXPENDITURES FOR LIBRARIES BUDGET -- MOPTED 1:1 THE ^MOU~lT Q!_Jl,)56 _____. Commissioner Archer n~ved. seconded by Comnissioner Brown and carried linanimously ~)/(), th,lt !ludgct Amendment No, 00-151 appropriating cash c,uryforward <1I',d I'r0vldln') for line item exrend1tures for L1hrarlf's Illldget be ,1dapted in thc amount of $3.156, J\OllHrl Of" COIJN'J'Y C()~I."1I f;f;JONrmS COI,T.JI,:n COUNTY, FI.ORTDlI B II n [I E T ^ 11 E tl D !1 E N T {x7 Hf'rJlI i rf"~; 1\0;\ r <1 lIpi' r('V" 1 D !2.o...'::~!'<_r:'l ncqll ire HOil nl lIpprovill (tr;\nsfcr wilhin object code r'1ngc) FUND GJ-:NErH\1. FUND (;HlINT!;, c r F'i'!; i. 'r'UII"'i',, FUND IlET''!' , t.IBRlIRI ES .h _.__ ~____._._ _______ _._._______~___.._._ ,_,_.__",__. _~________ DJ-:f;C H r I''/' I ON: " Tn ,ll'l'I'(lI'r i.II (' .11'(1 11',11\r.fcr t'('rnajnclcr of c,1nh CiI r'r\, fon'/,lnl from olc F\ln<1 (,(11 ((;1 ill 11 ", (;i ft!; i. 'i'rllr.l.n) cOn".lnLin<] or r.ihri1ry Gift.!>. ro (In C I' (' .1 !" .) : 'rrflll!.rf" to l;C"H'r-" 1 l"lIf1d h U l - :, I l - L - 1 ), -II'(, - 0 10- 'J J I . L:!.. linn TO rn:VENIJI';: C,l r l'y f O"W.lld f,O 1-:)71- I '-15-8f,-O 10-)99. 9'.l'J ~H~.!- TO (111 C r 1 ',1 !" ,) : ,1!,i.L~"'l,I..)',_,nl'''Hl(l\t.' r "'1':; (lul of COllilll' 'I'i.ivrl 00]-57]-1-1(,-86-010-<102-09202 $ 1I00K " , Public.lt iOI1:; f, !.,ih,~1<1t..001-571-1-15-B6"010-660-B9202 1, ~~_L(~f'_n_,_C.i1. le',_ .1) 1~1'" 'y Chern ic.1l }o'(,I'L. i. 1..1 II c1nc.1P i 11'J 001-571-1-15-86-030- 522-B'J020 lIucl.l0/Vil1\lil] !:1/lril'mf'l1t 001-571-1-15-B6-030'-665-89020 H,l t',~:9L!':.~!l~~_~i_h!:'1 "1' Chemic,11,I'f'rl. f, -!.ilnc1nc,lping 001-571-1-15-06-050-522-89020 Tot"l $ ~'= MlD TO HEVENUE: T r.l 11!; f C I' f n Jill (;,,, Il ,,, F. (; i f L" OOI-571-1-15-BG-OIO-1Rl,OO] ~ -cc;~~, ~;~~':=;7C~:)~~'/1:~ ~',-i;i"~"j" ;::i.~~-t-=~)l r i'~~-;'-]-~~;~f-~.F~~~\~~~).'(~-C~;-;;;~'~':-l~~~~,j, ;,,: ^))?IPV,'l~' "P:1I-(1v,,1 : lI::)111'OV,11 : ( . W I.. _ ~f1^~-- - I),,(c': ' -/-rD I),de: Dillc': Au'" 5. 1TJf,O Nn.SO-151 ______'..__.._,_____ ,,_,__ _.. _, _.._ ___. __.____._ ____._,___L.___ ,____,..___._...., _____ III :;'J',U 1III'I'jON; 1._7 IIn,ll!! 1:"I'n"1,, ((l. i'l i "ill) /-7 I'i "'id (l!f i ,,('\' 'L/II"I"...llnl',,1 C!;) ^'fccl,'<1 1...-7 ^ccO\ll1l i IHJ n,,'p.tl.lllll';\~ CI 1'1Ird,;t.;i IHJ (1:'1"; ["""Ill (l"lyl !...~7 lIu<lqot ^"<11yc;t -----,---..-------..----..,...---, ,-----------,-.. --.--------.-,-.--- H"II. J 2/I'l/'/'lilLI 110::... 054 PAce 3B4 r,D~X 054 rm365 Augus t 5, 19110 nUDGET A~\ENDMENT NO. 80-152 FOR TWO BOOKC^S~S FOR JUDGE TRETTIS' OFFICE - ADOPTEQ.,..IJ.l..J!.lE AM.9U~_QLJ.3_80 Comnissioner Mcher moved, seconded by Comn1ss10ner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0. ttMt nudget ^"lCndment No, 80-152, to cover costs for two bookc,lSCS for ,)IJdrje Trettis' nffice, he adopted in the amount of $380. TlO^lHl (W r.OllN'l'Y CO~liHSf;JONEH,;, CO!.T.TJo:ll COUNTY, FLORIDA nUDGET ^r1ENDi1ENT I!Y llcCJ\1ir('~ Iln.-nd Apl'rOV,ll 1....7 !?..9::..~;_~lot TlI~(lt1irc .JO,lru ^prrov'll (trnnnfer within object CO~~ rnnge) FUND G!':rn:p 1\ 1. m:p'1', _COUN'l~ C_Ql!Wt~mPJlrL.1!3uf::'r!'J}L flEf;CnTPTT()N: '1 Tr,ln:;fr'l "f fUnd:; (0 OfficI' Equipment [, Fur:nltuTr> line item to cover C()~t of l)1.lt'('IL1~;(' or !'wn hookCil!l0S. TO (Incr,-."sP): Offie(' f':lJuiprr."IlL [, Fllrnilul.e 00l-515-)-OO-22-0l0-6~2 ~---=~~ FRON (;,ourel' of 1'\111(1:;): PriVdLe VC'hic\(' H,'illl!JUlf;"l1l('nL 001-515-3-00-22-010-401 1_:L~ - ~~;~~1., ;~~ ,/,~;~:c; ~ C,: ~~~;~~:z.~~~;::::~ ~; , ~-;',;,;; i-~C-co",,, J-- ;'~'~)G~o'" ~l :':' n'l-=-c:.~._.___.__ _... ._._, l_)~~(.(~:':'l-_:=J_L tt-?_~~L_~_:__~~___~~~ 9_~_ ~':..:.~,~ Illl:'I'I1TI111'J'lUN: I-I n",II,l It"('()t,l:; (O";'l!n.,]) D ^ccolll1l.i1l9 (l"!,iltlmL'Olt 1'7 I'i"""l Off \ ("(',' Ll 1'1ln:hllnlll'J (I:'lllil''''''"\' Only) /'::1 (ll'j>.Hlm('1l1 (,,) ^ffl:cl,',l ,0 IlI1U'll'! ^n.11)':1t - Rrov.17/1'1/7'l1lI.1I - I August 5, 1900 llUDGET AMENOMENT NO, 80-153 FOR COST OF REPAIR OF CLEANING MACHINE FOR GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER - ADOPTED Ifl THE AMOUNT OF $500 Conmissionp.r Archer moved, seconded by COnlm1ss1oner llrown nnd carr1ed unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment No, 00-153, for the cost of repair of' " cle"nlng machine for the Golden G"te C'llnmun1ty Center, be adopted in the amollnt of $SOO, l\Ol\HIl OF COUN1'Y CO:,\I-lI,;SrOI~EHS COT,T.l fm COUNTY I FLOIUDl\ BlIDGET AI1ENDf1ENT hi7 Hcqll i ren l1o;1rd lip!, rcWill D po"s_Jcl.(~:. J'{CCjll.i rc Board l\ppr.ov.ll (tr.Dnnfcr. within object code rnngQ) GOl.DEN GATE COH'11IN ITY CI':NTf';r. FUND ~~'.::.'.<!~~~____"__"_" IJEPT ,GOl.DI::N GNT'E COMt1UNI'rY CENTER ....---.-----...--.-.----.-.---.-. nI':SC In ] ''I' r ON : 'I Tl.lnr.f('I" ('f f\lllt\,; to COV"l" cost of rcpil.ir of t.wo r.pcc'(] t;cr\lbbcr/ buff"1 molcllin" ['Dr ('O:l1l'l\l,1.ity ccntt'[, " TO (lnc n',l'-l') : H f, H [-;(!I1il'!n,"'nl. Cord,r'olclt'rl 140- 5 72-1-15 - 80-0 10--4 6 J $ 5_0g FHOM (~;lll1l'C(' of F\lnd:;): Olllel' /']dcllinet"y I. r:qllil'I11I'lll 14B-572-1-15-08-010-G,lJ $ 50.Q COIlIl l Y ~l(p Illi' v (" IJ i I' lIPP)'<>Vd 1 (' ( " ( U L ( 'I'( ~~l_('.: _LJi::,},\:,(>" ~,i,;~:'::li;J~;;~::~.:;~~~~r~~~\;I;~~~--:~~~'~;'=:r~~~Gl:~'~"~~~': I_~.lt, ~~.=)j=I~:__" !_)'"1.~_~_:~:_}_.__:9 80 ____ ~!~..:."_~~~:. 1J.l ~;'r1, r HllT I ON: /'./ )\p.\ld I\{'l'ur(l~; (oriqintl1) /1 Fi,,(','] Off ic:l'r l-; J,I"]'oI'Il<,..nl (,,) l\((('cll'll 17 ^r..:C(IUllt'll(J J)':"l'.tt'{l,H:i,1 Tl 1'1ll"chll'dll<J (!:qll;I'<''''lll Only) 17 ll11dcWt l\1l"ly"l. H"v,l//l'I/,J~il1.!1 - M[1j 054 rA~r 38R /' BOOK 054- PAGE 367 Augus t 5, 1980 13U()(il! AMlNPMLNl NO. Ull-l~4 !IiANSFERIUNG FUNDS W!TIUN SOCIAL SERVICES nUDGET USTING CONSECUTIVELY ALL GRANTS FOR MONTHLY REVENUE REPORTS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $)1., 827 Comm I S5 i oner Archer moved, seconded by Con1111 SS i oner Brown and c.lrri ed un,ln1mously 5/0, that nud<jet ^'~I'nr.mer.t No, 00-154, tr<1nsferring funds w1thln Social Services budget, 1n order that all Federal Homemakers Grants mAY be 11sted cOllseclJLively 011 computer based monthly revenue reports t.o departments, be adopted In t.ill' amount of $13,027, nOTllm OF COUNTY co,'I~n,;;,TOHEnS COLI. 1J"~ COUNTY, l"LOPT D^ n II n GET ^ f'1 END !1 E N T , tis.-7 Hell \ Ii 1"(' ~ 110,. nJ ^I'P r ()V,l] Cl !?.<!!?.::..~I_<:J.:. J1p.qll i n~ non nl ^pprov,ll (I.ri1n:;f:cr \oI1t:ll1n objet;t co(le ri1n~le) FliNn CI':NI'~HI'i r, DET''\'. ,_ J;Q<:.lIlL..S.rmY.ICES._ ___'_____ Dl':,;C HI PT I ON : 'I T)'.ln~;r(lt. nr l~I'V('''\Il' I in" .iLI"", [160m ~;()ci.l1 ~;erv.i.ccs, l;'Jm(~mt.lkl~t~!3 Seetinf'. to ;-;oci.,1 .',("'ViCI";, !\drnilli,;t:l.'i1l'lon Sf'ct.ion in ordor th.l!: ,11.1 1"edor,ll ll()mcrn"k<'J'~ Crolll! ,; I1I.lY hl~ 1 inl,',] L'()n'H~clJt.iv,'ly' o'n complll:r'r )),1",;<1 monthly r('v("'n\lp l'11l'nr.I!. to 1)I'polrtTllPl1ln. '. TO (Tncrc.1""): lItlminislt',lt lOll l.t'ilnts - lIonll'lil,lkl)!'" (F,'d) OO]-1-1~-80-010-JJl.(,70 ~ . ',027 FHO~I (Source of Fl\nd!.): 1I0mt'm.lkl'rs Gt'"nLs - Homl'milk';r:,; (Fl'd) OOl-1-1~-OO-OJO-JJl.670 ~-\i!:' ,1~22 .---------.-----. .-.-..'- ...-.-.._....-..........__._.,--~-_._------- --.-.-..---- ---_.,---_._.__.~-_._-- ~l(~~'~f~:~l;c:;;i.);/i ~Ili~',' ~;:;:/~:;-~w~)P~i :~]- ~~;~;::~~~f~cOl\n LY"Com~n-'-'-" iilji)(;l~ M1E;: I {.V \, (, ,,'l V" ( , , U ^ N ?t...P ..!:.:1:~,:_L1C\ ~_,,'>.._____,_._'~.(~~--2.1! -- /b n" t-=.: ^ur, ,~l CJ8D .._____ ~.:'_='1~-15/f IllS'l'H1J\lITION: L~/ 110",,1 Hl.'cx'nl,.. (o\';'li"al) 17 /lCCOllllti11<J D<,pilrlnH'lIt /.-7 1"ine,11 Orrie<,r D Pllrchi.l!..\,,<) U;qllll'm"nt Dilly) 'D DCl'iIYlml'lIt(!l) /lff,.'cleu 1..7 IhlllrJ<,t lInnlYGt _.___...________._..__.___,_________.__ Hl.'v,17/1'l/'l'lIlI.t1 ( _ J ) August 5, 1980 r,UDGET AMENOMENT NO, nO-I55, PROVIDING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR SUPPORTING I\MnlJLMCE SERVICES OPERATIONAL AND CAPITAL OUTLAY COSTS FOR TilE CURRENT .'!I.!\R - AnOPTED I N THE AMOlJNT OF lSll.LODD Conunlss10ner Arch('r moved, seconded by COIrmissioner Brown and carried un.lnlmously 5/0, that flur1get I\mendment. No. nO-155, rroviding funds for supporting al1lul>ltlnce services orer,ltional and capital outlay costs for t.il(' current year, hp ,'dopt.('d in till' IlInOllnt of $231.000. nOM!!) 01" COUNTY COj.lilI [;[j:WNlmS cor,r, r J':1I COllNTY, F'LOlU f)l\ n lJ D GET ^ 11 END 11 E N l I!!I n(~(llli rC~1 HOilnl 71 l'f' 1 OVil 1 D j)or~r~ l\ot HC1CJtd r~ BOiln1 lIpprov,-\1 - ,(Cr~,')i'i;-r(';r w:i t:ld Tl nb:j N: t: r.oclc Til n~w) FUND ._,t';ENEJi..r1.1L " DJo:l'T, ...J\Hli\Jl,^NCE SERVICES ))1::"CI\Tl"['TON: " '1'r,ln"r"l' or rlllld:; I.n pl'ov,ir1c "d,litioll.,l [undr; for IJUpPoJ:tir.l) i1mhuLlllc,' H('I'vic(':, npcJ'it1.iollil1 und cilpitil] outlilY co"!:,, for the? ctll'I'I:n t )'(,;1)', !;EE T\'['TM:m:n - ~~~'~~;~l~;I~~-~~::-;;\.:;~-::':: ..~ ::~t:~',: ~~.~::~;?~[- ~~:~~~ ~~r~'('~: ~~\~.~~~;;~.: -'k3~~ ~~::-J' ^~I~:~~": l . wdX~. ~lY-<- '- .'- Ifi\.l~ V ; Jlo te: y. 'I. J 0 Dit I: ( , ~ ~ . ~(... C' 0 I)il Lc': ^ \11'" 5. 191\ 0 No, , ') , __.___.. _.._,____.____ _ ..., ._..., ....____.,_..., _.____ _____..__.._....._,_..__..__...._8(1:=.1,:1, _' '-, /JJ ~:'1'Il r 11\ \'1'.1 ON: f.-:;. 1':; 11(',11(1 )("('(",1,, (oli'.lillil1) Fi!ir-ill O! 1.\cC'r 11l.'1 hI I' I In(:n l'. ( ,,) TI r r (", t (,,1 !~7 ^Gc:o\llll.iIJt] fl\'I'i1rtlnf~lI: Cll'lIn:hilnllllJ (1:'.IIIII',IIl'I1l. Only) L7 llIHlIJ<'t. Tlnil1)'nl ___. __.________..__..____ ...__.._______"_4_______... Il(:v ,17./17 j'1!11l1.!1 --- r l- I I II I J I\U(lUS t 5, 19BO BUDGET AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING 1977 TRUST FUNDS FOR I\VAILABILITY FOR COURTIWUSE EXP^NSION PROJECT - DEFERRED Upon a reconmcnd,ltioll by FisC011 Officer Harold Hall, to defer a port10n (If the Clerk's Report regarding a Budget Amendment transferring 1977 Trust Fund', for av,lilabilil.y fCll' ([)\/I't.house Exp,lnsion Projects. it was the con- sensllS of the Bo,lrd t.o defer thi s ma tter 1n order to have it rresented when the Carital Improvement Program is completed, RESOLUTION NO. flO-151 APPOINTING MEMBERS TO HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY; ~_QY_IJ!.r NG l[RMS ~~^_r:!l!!.~_~_g~.! RMAN - ADOPTED Cormlis',ioner fll'OIm moved, seconded by Commiss1oner Wime?; to appoint the following mel1llH'rs for I.hr df'sl'Jnated nllmber of years, S<lme motion fail in(l 213, with (Olllllissioller', ^rclll'l', Pistol' and Wellzel opposed: 1. Robert[,Talley-ilYrars 2, Peter F,lg,lll - 3 Yell rs 3. (h,lrles TU!'llc,' - 7. Years 1\, ,Jack (OIlI'Oy - 1 Year 5, LIHjCf\C 1\1'1 ',',all - 1 )'eM Aftf'I' ,1 hrid d;';ClIS',;O/l re~l,lrding the appointments that were motioned fOl' ,111(1 f.lil,'r1. COllll1i "', inllt'" 1\,'rIH'r .1sl:cd th,lt the matter be deferred, Chairman Wcn/['l COI1CI/lT['d, COllTllis,;OIIl'I' Wimer ohjectrd to deferr'ing tile appointmellts, citill(j t.h,'t. Chl'l'(' 1101'; ,lll'l'"dy 1>f'(,11 .1 two week delay, <lrld that there has been an all out. effnl"t to g"UH'I' n,ll1lPS of il1terested people, He insisted that (lny delay be vot.ed 111..111. (Ollll1issi'lIIl'1' Pistol' felt that names should he offerr~d from the variollS COlTll1issiol1(~r'5 Dist.rict. and County Attorney Pickl~orth exrlained the critC!';,l f(lI' IIlcl11hl~!'ship to thc 111>1/5 ing Findl1ce Authori ty, Mr, Pickworth stated that t.llr law does rcqlJirr' th"t 'f' 111'::'l1bcr represent the field of 1,lbor; one represent COIlJllCrCe; ,111(1, that. Orll' melll:,er sh<111 have experiQnce in thQ field of finance, COllJnissioner Himel' moved, seconded by COlTll1iss10ner Archer 11nd carried un- anirnously SID, t.h<lt ~lr, f{o!l(,!'t r,llley h~ appointrd to the Housing finance Au tho r i ty, ConlllissiollP!' Willll'" IlKlved, seconded by COlT1lT1issionQr Brown and f,li1ed 2/3, with C0l1l11;Ssionc!'s Archer. Pi~,tor .1nd Wenzel opposed, that Mr, Peter Fagan be olppnintrd t.o the lIousing f'in,lnce ^uthority, nM' nS4 rw.370 I MO~ 054 rm371. Auyus L 5, 1900 Conlllis,ioner Wimer moved, seconded by Cormlissioner Brown and carr1ed 3/2, with COMn1ss10ners Plstor and Wenzel opposed, that Mr, Charles Turner be appointed to the lIous1ng Finance Authority. Conmissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Comm1ssioner Brown and carried 4/1, with Conmissioner Wenzel orposed, th,lt ~Ir. Jack Conroy be ,lppointed to the Housing Fin<lnce Authority. (Ollll1issioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rried 3/2, with COl1lnis',loners Pistor ,wd Wenzel opposed, that Mr. Eugene Brisson be arpointed to the HOlJs fng r Inance Author! ty, Cormlissloner Wenzel moved, seconded by Conmiss10ner Brown and carr1ed unanimously 5/0, U",t. Mr. Ch,lrles Daur,lY, ,Jr. bp appointed to the Hous1ng Finance Authori ty, COMnfss!oner Wimer moved, seconded by Conlllissioner Archer and carried unanimolJsly, 5/0, th,lt t.he following terms be design,lted for the members of the Holl'. i nIl r i n,1I1Ce AIJt,hor Ity: I, Mr, Rohert T,111 ey - " Years 2, Mr, (harles D.J uray - J Years J. Mr, Charles Turner - 2 Years iJ, ~lr . .),lck Conroy - 1 Year 5, Mr, EU'lcnc Brisson - 1 Year COlllnlsr,ioncr ^rcl1cr moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and r.llrried unanimously ')/0, th,lt Mr, Robert Talley be named as Chairman of t',,~ HOlJsing Finance Attlhori ty. Upon completion of the above-referenced actions, County ^ttorney Pickworth requested authot'ization from Chairm~n Wenzel to draft all the appointments, tenns, ,lnJ '" 11'<~~natfo'Jn of Cha1rmanship in the fonn of a Resolution for the Chairman's exel.ution, as well as Certificates of Appointments for each member of the Housing Finance Authority, Chairman Wenzel authorized Mr, Pickworth to do so, and, by virtue of the above-referenced motions, each crH'rying by majority vtJte, Resolut on No. 151 was adopted. . . . . . . BOOK 054 PAGE 373 Augus t 5, 1980 PRESENTATION OF EIS RE ST^TE ROAD 951 BY WrLSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL " PFF_~l!ir;:.,-..A_IiD_..B..EPRJ"gtll~U.VES_JJ_OM H.W, LOCHNER, INC. " F,D.O.T. Mr, Wa(fa Assaad of Wilson, ~1111er, Barton, SolI" Peek, Inc, intro- ducd several gentlemen who have worked together to prepare the slide present<ltlon for today, dl'picting Information relative to the f~vironmental Imr,lct Study being condlJCt.ed 111 reference to the w1dening of State Rllad 951, including two rf'rresentatlves from the Florida Department of Trans- port(lt i on, Mr, Assaad rxpl<lllled that. today's presentation and the one schpJ led for tonight ,1t the TOfllnle fJ.lrflcld School on Muco Island are both designed .1$ public information mf'l't.lngs, and that as the work progresses toward the completion of the US, then, publ ic hearings will bc scheduled and ,ldvert1sed. '~r, Hershel Connors. of II, \<I, Lochnl'!r, invited the Board to att.l'!nd the mcctirlCl tonirJht Mid ,1S sl ides were sho~m. he I'xplaincd t.he work donc thus far tllwdrds thr' POT Inili.ltf'rI sludies of a ten mile segment of St,lte Road 951. from State Road IJ? nn ~1.1J'(.() Isl,lnrl, ~)nrth to II, S, 41. He explained t.hat the \nlti.l1 CCHlstnll:tinn will fl1ut'-ldne the I'xisting two-lane road, in order to prcscrvr ,;"f!'ty, ,lnd. ,11, 111l' ';,1111<' tlrne, preserve the n(ll.ural hablt,lte alonq the roadw,1Y, The 51 Idl' ~'rl'scnt.1Lion cllrlsist,f'd of back9rounu IIhlterial, statistics regard- inQ traffic pn'sl'ntly USifHj the subject roadway as well as futurp project10ns for traffic ,Ind, outl incd ill uet.,lil, four al ternative methods for the con- struction or the proposrd four-lanru highway, Aftcr 1,- ,,'t:sentallon U1Cr"[~ was a brief discussion, during which Com- missioner Pistor expressed his concern that the entire process is scheduled to take over a YCdr, and qllest ioned the need for such a long time frame, Mr, Connors rxpLlined that the pL1ns are being formuldted at this time. as is the ([S. '1e s,lid thdt dr,1fts of the proposed plans will be circulated by mid October, of this Yf'.Jt'; th,1t publ ic hearings will be SCheduled to begin by l<1te Jdnuar'y; th,lt the fin,11 [[5 should be completed by mid October of 1981; and that, hopefully, thf' pr'oject COrl<;truct ion call begin by January of 1982. lie said the "C',lS0rl for" such ,1 time frdme is becduse t~ere dre so many Agencies at different levels of government th<1t have to scrutinize the program, MI', Assa<1u th<1nked the Cornnissiollers for the opportunity to make the presentation, and ct1<lirmdll Wenzel thanked all the gentlemen for their efforts, l _ J Augus t 5, 1980 * * * Co~nl' 5ioner~ Archer, Brown, and Wimer left the meeting during the sl Ide presentation - Time 4:45 P,M, ::ommissioner Archer ret.urned at 5:00 P,M" while sl ide presentat10n wa~ taking rlace. * * .0:'J:Q.IlLT!:1E.!'.T~ TO-..cOA~, T r~L,N3.r~^-.rl-flmll IIG COl1/m ~ I Drl - COIIT IrIUE D TO 8/12/ no Conmissloner Archer IlKJvcd, seconded by Commissionel' Plstor and carried 3/0, with Co~n1s510ners Brown and Wimer out, that the aproin~mnnts to the Coast,11 Area Planning Commission be continued to August 12, 1980. RE(OMMENDATION fOR NOTlfr(ATION PROCEr,URE RE PROPOSED GOLDEN GATE ESTATES ~LOJj} NG-=.. CONT I NUED TO__lllL~L~.Q._____ COITIlllss10ner Archer movl'd. seconded by Conln1ssioner Plstor and carr1ed 3/0. wlt.h (ollllliss1oners flrrwn and Wimer out. that the recommendiltion for notlfh.rltioll plliU~dllJ'I' I-r thf' propo~ed Golden Gate Estates rezoning be continlJed to August. 12, 1')[10, CONSIIlEHATION or Po~;r,r!ll.E WNTllOL OVER DISPOS!\BLE IlEVERAGE CONTAINERS - ~.9~l)~~,[)..r..o_J1!J?j..no..........,..... ......______ Co~nissionpr Archer Illovcd, second,.,d by Comm1ss1oner Pistor and c,wried 3/0, with C(J~llissionf'rs flrrMn ,"1(1 Wimer o lit. , that consideration of possible co ~rol OVf'r dispo~clble bever,,')!' cont/liners be continlled to AuglJst 12, 1980, ~~~JLO!_!l!l?l.NCE..L().!l..!'.9.!.Q~. ~l!J.Tl-SB..,S.i~ j,Q.LJ I LDUi!i..9EPT. - APPROVED C,'!;,'1issioner Arcllcr moved, seconded by Convnissioner Plstor and cilrried 3/0, wi t:~ 'T,issionf'rs Brown ,111(1 Wimer out. tlhlt the leavc of absence for Mr, Nolen Butle!", Sr. of the Ruilding Der,wtment be arproved. * * * Conlnissioner Wimer rl'tllrrled to meeting.. Time: 5:03 P,M. LOllrnissionC'r IlrOlYn retul"Ilcd to meeting - Time: 5:05 P,M. * * * MRS, KAY STEIGERWALD APPOINTED AS ALTERNATE MEMIlER TO GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ,Q!i..^_G..UiG.______.. -......---.- COII1T1issioner Pistor moved, seconded by ConVllissionpr Archer and carried unclnimollsly 5/0, th,lt Mrs, Kay Steigerwald be aprointcd as al ternate m~nhpr to the Governor's Conference on Aging, 800~ 054 PAGE 374 :1 BOOK 054 p^GE'375 August 5, 1980 COM~IUNITY DEVELOP~IENT ADMINISTRATOR PRESENTED FINDINGS RE CEr6US FIGURES - DETAILED REPORT T~ BE PRESENTED 8/12/80 Conmunity Development Administrator Terry Virta explained that there are apparently some areas of question related to the figures in the 1980 Census, in comparison to the figures that the Planning Department have calculated. lie said that he has been notified by the Census Bureau that the County has to respond within ten working days as to whether or not the County is in agreement with the Census figures, and that a detailed report will be presented during next week's meeting, on August 12. 1980, for Board I'~view, FURTHER DISCUSSION RE PROVISIONAL USE FOR WYNDEMERE - NO ACTION TAKEN Commissioner Pistor stated that he feels that he may have overlooked some of the backup material presented to him as part of the agenda packet rega rd i nf) the prov is i onill use approved by the Boa rd for Wyndemere, He suqgested that the COlJnty hold up f'1n issuing any building permits for the water treatment plant for Wyndemere until the County Attorney has had ample time to study the matter and decide if the notification notice was improperly written, and jf the Board should reconsider the action taken to approve the subject provisional use, Chairman \~enzcl asked County Attorney Pickworth to give the Board a legal opinion ref)arding the notification letter, and asked him if he found it to be faulty or lacking in proper notification that a provisional use was to be considered for the location which was subsequently approved, He specifically ~skpd if the residents concerned have a good case if they go to Courts to fight the 'ssuance of the pt'ovisional use in question? Mr, Pickworth said that he did think they have a good case, but could not say whether or not they have a "winner", Regarding the notification of the public hearing, he said that he feels that the entire case will be based on it and, that in his opinion, if it is found that the notice was adequate. then, the Board granted the use at a public hearing, and there were no people to object at that time, He said that as far as he can see the notice complies with the regulations regarding who received them; however, the question at this time is whether the particular language in that notice is so misleading r\l.'~JllsL 5, lqf\O as to not even put a reasonable person on inquiry that something was goiny to happen that might af ' ct his rights, He said that his position is that the notice was sufficient, and County ~1anager Norman a 1 so sa i d tha t the notice does say tha t property with i n 300 feet of each recipient will be affected and, therefore, those peopl~ receiviny a notice were notified that somethi~g was happening near them. Mr, Pickl-lOrth stated that a property ol-mer has to protect himself to a reasonable degree, and that it is his opinion that the notice in question is reasonable notice, lie said that he feels that all the law require,> is sufficient notice, and that the County has met that obligation, During the discussion, Commissioner Pistor asked Mr. Pir.kworth if there was anything that he felt the Goard could do at this point in time and Mr, Pickworth reminded the Roard that the developers of Wyndemere have spent large sums of money based 011 the Board's decision to approve the provisional use, and that they l'(~ly on the Roard's decision, He said that there is no way to be ~urc how the Doard woul!1 have acted if the concerned persons had appeared at t.he public he,ll'ing ,1I1d. that in view of the fact that the pro- visional use is only temporary, he feels that the County should not take any action at this time, STAFF TO PREPARE RELAfrVE DOCUMENTS FOR CREATION OF BOARD or ZONING APPEALS -----------.--------.---- . After the discussion regarding the provisional use for Wyndemere, Com- missioner Wimer asked Mr, Pickworth when the lloard of Zoning Appeals will be created, Mr. Pickworth stated that it is planned to be incorporated in the nel'iest Zoning Ordinance that is presently being drafted and, if the Board wishes, it could be formulated separately, Convnissioner Win)(~r moved, and Convnissioner Brown seconded the motion, to begin preparation to institute the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. During the discussion regarding the motion on the floor, COI!;llIunity Development Administrator Virta explained that there is a proviso within the Adley Report for a separate and distinct Board of Zoning Appeals; however, he rointed out that provisional uses in Florida tend to go through Plilnning Conrnissiolls and the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Himer agreed, and noOK 054 rAGE 377 f\ugus L 5, i 980 noted that this has been contributory to many problems, and that his motion is on the floor to adopt an Ordinance setting up the Goard of 70ning Arr~als, and then they can review provisional use applications. County Attorney Pickworth stated that he believes that the Board could adopt an Ordinance that puts the handl ing of provisional u:es under the purview of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and make it stand up, He said that there is a counter-argument, however, that says that this is not something that can he delegated, After a brief discussion, Mr, Pickworth agreed to begin prer- ,;tion of this matter for presentation to the Board as soon as possible. The time required was discussed, and Mr, Virta said that any proposed Ordinance relating to zoning matters will have to go bcfon~ the Planning Commission. Mr, Pickworth agreed, and said that this should be considered very carefully, as it has both advantages and disadvantages that need to be weighed. Because the staff agreed to prepal'e the necessary documents, relative to the creaLion uf d [)ol'<Id uf Loning Appeals, the motion was withdrawn, OISCU~~IOrU\J::G^RDliiG_(l1L~_STI()NS RE Vj\RIAt.ICE REQUEST - NO ACTION TAKEN Conmissioner Brown asked the Board to give him some idea of the trend of thought the [loard members might have regarding a Chokoloskee resident, Dr, Glen, Ph.D., who is considet'ing filing cl petition for a variance from the elevation requirements in order to connect several trailers on a lot, He explained that Dr, Glen is some 80 years old and has limited funds to spend for the petitiol if the trend of the [loard is negative, Chairman Wenzel stated that such variances from the Flood Elevation Require- ments in the FOrO have been granted previously, Mr. Virta explained that Dr. Glen has a single-wide 12 ft, mobile home, with a double-wide mobile home on either side, He said that he does have some argument that would merit consideration at the time of considering approval of a variance, and it was staff's reconnendation last week to Dr. Glen to file a petiti for the variance. Auguc;t 5, 19R() There was some discussion as to the required height for residences in the general locatior, of the subject lot, as well as other variances that have been granted. County Attorney Pickworth asked Mr. Virta if, knowing what he knows about this particular situation, would he suggest that Or, Glen go ahead and apply for the variance? Mr, Virta said that he thinks that Or, Glen has some fairly persuasive arguments, I'lr, Pickworth told Commissioner Brown to relate this information to Dr, Glen, LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEEDS NO. 231 and ~v~-RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to action of the Board on January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds No. 231 and 232, were recorded and filed for the record: * * * * * * * * * * * *