BCC Minutes 06/10/1980 R Naples, Florida, June 10, 1900 LET IT BE REME'~BERED, that the Board of County Conmi ss ioners i'1 and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Buflding "F" of the Courthouse ~omplex with the fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas r. Archer John A, Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO fl~ESENT: \~i11 jJ;;'1 J. ReJgJn, Clerk; Darlene Davidson ilnd Jean Swindle (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. William Norman, County Manager; John Walker, Assistant County Manager; Gene Willett, Administra- tive Assistant to the County Manager; Donald Pickworth. County Attorney; Thomas Hafner, Public Safety Administrator; Terry Virta, Community Develop- ment Administrator; Danny Crew, Planning Director; Lee Layne, Planner; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director; Frank Wilcox, Purchasing Director; Irving Berzon, Util ity Director; Cl ifford Barksdale, Publ ic l~orks Administrator/ County Engineer; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Mary ~'organ, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. 8DD~ 053 PAGt 502 I WORKSHOP AGErlDA (immediately after conclusion of the above agenda) A. Outline of possible alternatives reo Mobile Home Districts in Coastal Area of Collier County. B. Proposed new County Charter Commission. 1 'l. RECESS ~_~. - Engineering Consultant Selection List: Adair & Brady, lnc. & Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. Bristol, Childs & Associates, Inc. Craven, Thompson & Associates Gee & Jenson Hole, Montes & Associ~tes, Inc. Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff Kunde-Driver-Simpson & Associates, Inc. Post, Bllckley, Schuh & Jernigan Reynolds, Smith & Hills H. J. Ross Associates Watson and Company W i 1 son, ~, ill cr. Bar ton, Sol 1 & Pee k 20. ADJOURr~ _.-.,-- AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the agenda be approved with the following additions: 1. Consideration of Resolution re Agricultural Center in Irmlokalee - added to 5B. 2. Authorization for advertising for Petition CCCL-BO-4, Stanley Hole, for puhlic heariny June 17, 1980 - added to 9F. 3. Emergency purchase re Immokalee Stockade kitchen equipment - added to 10E2a(I). 4. Bid #416 re kitchen hood; fire suppression device - added to 10E2a(2) . 5. Emergency purchase re air conditioning equipment re Immokalee Health Center - added to 10E2b. 6. Consideration of Resolution re Willoughby Acres Hater/Sewer projecf - added to 12A2, subparagraphs a; b; C;. MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1980 - DEFERRED Conlnissioner Pistor requested that the approval of the minutes of May 6. 1980 be deferred until he receives the requested clarification from Mr. Berzon regarding an item within the subject minutes. BDD~ 053 PAGf 506 eOGK 053 PACE 507 June 10, 19BO ~~UTES OF MAY 13, 1980 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and cat'ried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of May 13, 19BO be approved as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 80-109 RE DON^LD W. LANDER AGRICULTURE CENTER _ ADOPTED Chairman Wenzel read Resolution No. 80-109, which designates the huilding located at 310 ^lachua Street, Inmokalee, Florida, that houses the ^gl-iculture Department, as the "Donald W. Lander Agriculture Center". ^fter the reading of same, Commissioner Brown mov&d, seconded by Conmissioner Wimer and carried unanimoUSly 5/0, that the Resolution be adop ted. M,'. Lander was congratulated by all of the Commissioners and Com- missioner Brown stated that he has been proud to work with Mr. Lander, for the last 28 years, and that Mr. Lander has served Collier County in a supreme manner. Mr. Lande,' thanked the Commissioners and said that he is honored to nave a building designated in his name, and that he appreciates I.he Cvlll,ty's gesture. Chairman flenzel was joined by all the Commissioners in their expl'ession of gratitude and appreciation for r~r. Lander's service to the County. * * * * * * * * * * I ! I I BOQK 053 PAGE 509 June 10, 1980 RESOLUTION NO. 80-110 PROCLAIMING JUNE 15, 1980 AS "BEEF FOR FATHER'S DAY" - ADOPTED After Commissioner Archer read Resolution No. 80-110, which proclaims ,June 15, 1980 as "Beef for Father's Day", he moved for the adoption of same resolution. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried lIni\nimoll~ly 'i/O. Representatives of the "Coll ier County CowBelles" expressed their thanks to the County Commissioners for the adoption of the subject resolu- tion, and urged all the citizens of Collier County to enjoy beef on Father's Day, June 15, 1980. * * * * * * * * * * * * * eo:)~ 053 PACE 511 June 10, 19BO SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-71BB; W-6770; W-6980; W-1697 & W-66ll - APPROVED Pursuant to Social Scrvices Director Martha Skinner's explanation regarding the charges re Social Services Cases Numbers W-718B; W-6770; W-6980; 11-1697; and W-66ll, and a brief discussion regarding same charges, Commissioner Wimer moved, scconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously to approve thc aforementioned cases. Ms. Skinncr stated that, since the radiology treatment facilities havc bcen complcted here In Naples, patients that would have to be referred to trcatment ccnters outside of Collier County can be referred to the local trcatmcnt center in the future. PETITION R-79-IJ-I, IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING COMMISSION RE REZONING OF LOTS 2-6, BLOCK 27, NEW MARKET SUBDIVISION FROM "I-MF-I" TO "I-C-2" _ WITHDRAWN AS PER STAFF REQUEST regal notice having been published in the II11T.okalee Bulletin on October 25, 1979 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publ icatlon previously filed with the Clcrk, public hearing, having been continued from November ?7, 1979. was opencd to consider Petition R-79-l3-I, Immok,llee Area Plan,oin<] COfmission. This petition is a request for the rezoning of Lots 2-6, Block 27, New Market Subdivision, from "I-MF-l" to "I-C-2". Zoning Director Jcffory Pcrry stated that Planning Department staff - is requestin<] that Petition be withdrawn. Commissioncr Archer so moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, and carr'led unanimuusly 5/0. PETITION R-80-2-I, LABELLE BUILDING SUPPLY, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "l-C-3" TO "I-I" OF LOTS 7,B,9 AND 10, BLOCK 1, AND All OF BLOCK 9, EASTOVER SUBDIVISION - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Nlples Daily News on May 9, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-BO-2-I, as filed by LaBelle Building Supply, requesting a rezoning "I-C-3" to "I-I" of Lots 7,8,9 and 10 of Block 1, and all of Block 9, Eastover Subdivision. Zoning Director Perry pointed out the location of the subject property on an overhead map and explained that the petitioner is requesting the subject zoning change to allow the construction of a concrete plant on June 10, 1980 I same property, located in Imnokalee, east of Jefferson Street and west of 11th Street and lying on both sides of First Avenue South. Mr. Perry said that the subject property is surrounded by "I-C-3" zoning; is made up of approximately four acres; and, the existing land use is "vacant". He explained that the existing "I-C-3" zoning is com- mercial/light industrial; the Comprehensive land Use Plan prp.sently designates the subject property as "Industrial Use", and that the staff feels that the requested land use and zoning would be compatible with the uses in the surrounding area. Mr. Perry said that although no one appeared to speak in opposition to the subject petition at the IAPC public hearing, the IAPC members expressed concern as to the amount of dust that will be generated from the proposed concrete plant and its effect on Main Street in Immokalee, and IAPC's t'econmendation is for denial of the petition. The exact location of the proposed site in relation to other business ventures in Immokalee was discussed as well as how the dust generated from the proposed rlant will affect these businesses. Mr. Perry pointed out that any dust that is generated by the proposed plant would be regulated by the Environmental Regulations of the State, and the County. Owen Luckey, Jr., Attorney representing LaBelle Building Supply, stated that what the petitioner is proposing to do is to remove In existing "Redy-mix" facility, located approximately four blocks from the proposed site, and establish that same facility on the subject property. He said that the area in which the present facility is operating is in- consistent with the designated land use as set forth within the Com- prehensive Land Use Plan; the proposed site is designated as compatible to the proposed use within the Comprehensive Plan; and that if requested rezoning is approved, all of the County's environmental regulations will be complied with by the petitioner. He said that the petitioner is prepared to work with the County in any way they can to eliminate the environmental problems that may exist, pointing out that the proposed pldnt is to be the same type of operation that presently is in operation, therefore, the so called "problems with dust" will not be created by establishing the proposed plant, or by approving the requested zoning. pnn< 0;:)3 P~r,F 512 Bac~ 053 PAGE 513 June 10, 1980 Commissioner Brown stated that he feels that the problem lies within the Comprehensive Plan, referring to the designated land use of the subject area. He said that he feels it is a "degressing plan"; that this type of use Is not optimum for the area located at the entrance to the town of lmmokalee. The prevailing winds, which are southeasterly, will cause the dust from such a proposed plant to go directly into town, he said, adding that he does not think this use is "good planning" and that he is or~osed to the Comprehensive Plan as it reads regarding this s itua t i on. Further discussion took place regarding the situation of the proposed plant on the proposed site and Mr. Luckey said that the present location of the plant is right in the middle of town; that it is not the optimum place for such a plant; and, that the intent of the petitioner is to move out farther, and be able to secure the proper means for containing dust by making better use of more space at the new site. ~lr. Luckey stated that the petitioner has a similar plant located illllllediati'ly adjacent; to an elementary school in La Belle, and that there have bccn no environmental pro!Jlems in that location. He said that the County is planning to build a health facility immediately adjacent to the plant in La Belle, and that the petitioner has worked very hard with the La Belle officials to maintain a minimal of environmental concerns. In answer to Chairman Wenzel, Mr. Luckey said that he has received no complaints from anyone in the lmmokalee area regarding such problems. Commissioner Brown said that he is going to have to oppose the subject petition, citing the defects in the Comprehensive Plan as one of the reasons. Following a discussion regarding the concerns of the IAPC as addressed earl ier by ~lr. Perry, and their recommendation for denial, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Co~nissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, to close the public hearing. Following Mr. Perry's explanation regarding the Community Development Division's recent proposal to rezone certain lands in the area of the subject property to "I ndustria I" and the subsequent withdrawal of tha t June 10, 19BO petition due to a great deal of opposition to that proposal, Commj~sjoner Brown moved to deny Petition R-BO-2-I. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5/0. ORDINANCE NO. 80-52 CREATING THE KINGS LAKE UNIT 2 STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT - ADOPTED. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on t.lay 21, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publ ication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the creation of the Kings Lake Unit 2 Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing District. There being no one registered to speak regarding the subject item, as related by County r~anager Norman, Commissioner Wimer moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Cormniss,uner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adorted and entered in Ordinance Book Number 11. OROINANCE rlO.._JtO-52 AN ORDIN.I\NCE CREATING THE KINGS 1.AKE UNIT THO STI~EET LIGHTING r1UNICIPAL SERVICE TAY.I!IG DISTfUCT: PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNIll(; BODY OF Till DISTRICT; AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIOEn OY LAW; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE PETITION CP-BO-5-C, WI LUAM HUNT, REQUESTI NG A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMEND- MENT FROM 0-6.22 RESIDENTIAL LAND USE TO OPEN SPACE LAIID USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 3/4 MILE SOUTH OF US 41 AND 1~ MILES EAST OF SR 951 - ADVERTISING AUTHORiZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 7/29/80 COllrnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition CP-BO-5C, William Hunt, requesting a Com. prehensive Plan Amendment from 0-6.22 Residential land use to Recreation Open Space land use for property located in the SE~ and the SW~ of Section 11, f51S, R26E, and located 3/4 mile south of US 41 and 1~ miles east of SR 951, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on July 29, 1980. PETITION R-80-12-C, WILLIA~' HUNT, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "RO" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 11, T51S, R26E - AUTHORIZED FOR ADVERTISING FOR PUBLIC HEARING 7/29/80 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Corrrnissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-BO-12-C, William Hunt, requesting M9K 053 m. !114 BDQ~ 053 PACE 515 June 10, 1980 a rezoning from "A" Agricul ture to "RO" Recreation Open Space for property located in Section !1, T51S, R26E, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on July 29, 19BO. PETITION R-BO-13-C, PHIL CUBINE REPRESENTING MYRTLE COVE ACRES PROPERTY OWNERS, REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-1A" TO "RS-3" ON LDTS 1-22, BLOCK A AND LOTS 1-23, BLOCK B, MYRTLE COVE ACRES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 7/29/80 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Corrmissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition R-BO-13-C, Phfl Cubine representing Myrtle Cove Acres Property Owners, requesting a rezoning from "RM-1^,' to "RS-3" on Lots 1-22, Block A and Lots 1-23, Block B, Myrtle Cove Acres, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on July 29, 19BO. PETITION SMP-80-1-C, DONALD BELLAMY, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS MENTOR PINES, LOCATED IN SECTION 24, T4BS, f<25E, WHICH IS LOCATED EAST OF WILLOUGHBY ACRES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 7/29/~v Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition SMP-80-1C, Donald Bellamy, t'equesting Sub- division ~1ilster Plan ap[.oroval for property known as Mentor Pines, located in Section 24, T48S, R25E, which is located east of Willoughby Acres, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on July 29, 19BO. PETITION :lZ-80-3-C, PELICAN BAY REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE PELICAN BAY PUD TO ALLOW FOR GARDEN TYPE APARTMENTS IN THEIR GROUP 2 AREAS _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 7/29/BO Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, ttlat Petition NZ-BO-3C, Pel ican Bay, requesting an amend- ment to the Pel ican Bay PUD to allow for garden type apartments in their group 2 areas, be authorized for advertising for public hearing on July 29, 1980. PETITION CCCL-80-4C, STANLEY HOLE & ASSOC. REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOq THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT WIGGINS PASS STATE PARK, SECTION 20, & PART OF SECTION 17, T48S, R25E - ADVERTISING REQUIREMENTS WAIVED; AFTER-THE-FACT APPROVAL GIVEN RE ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED 6/9/80 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 6/17/BO County Manager Norman related that the Department of Natural Resources has proceeded with construction of boardwalks and a bathhouse at Wiggins ru55 ~tute rurk Jild 'nere under' the imprc~~icn that they had rec~iv~tj approval of a variance to the Coastal Construction Control Li~~ regulations as part of a previous Board approval of the subject project. Mr. Norman stated that such is not the case and, even though staff sees no problem . June 10, IgaO regarding the approval of such a variance for the State, no formal variance has been granted by the County to date. Referring to the indication from the DNR that they are willing to comply to County regulations, and in light of the upcoming summer recess that the Board is about to take, he requested that the Board waive the normal 15 day requirement regarding advertising for public hearings, and give an after-the-fact approval of the advertisement published June 9, 19BQ in the Naples Daily News as adequate notice of a public hearing scheduled for June 17, 1980. He said that the Board will consider the State's request for a variance to the Coastal Construction Cont~ol Line at that time. Commissioner Archer moved to waive the advertising requirements and give an after-the-fact approval for the advertising for a public hearing on June 17, 19BO to consider Petition CCCL-BO-4C, as filed by Stanley Hole & Assoc. for the State, for a variance to the Coastal Construction Control Line, for property at \~iggins Pass State Park, Section 20, and part of Section 17, T4BS, R25E, as per the County Manager's request. PETITION TO CHANGE PORTION OF ESTEY AVENUE LOCATED WITHIN FLAMINGO ESTATES TO "FLAMINGO DRIVE" - CONTINUED Community Development Administratol" Terry Virta explained that staff has received a petition signed by residents along that portion of Estey Avenue that is located within the subdivision known as Flamingo Estates; that the staff has studied the matter pursuant to Board direction given May 13, 1980; and, that the staff recolll11ends denial of this petition for the following reasons: 1. According to Article X, Section 19 of the Subdivision Regulations, streets are required to bear the same name of any existing street to which they are in alignment with; the subject street is a portion of an existing platted street (Estey Avenue) 2. According to Article X, Section 19 of the Subdivision Regulations, no street shal i bear the name that dupl icates or phonetically duplicates an existing street name, regardless of the addition of a suffix, i.e. avenue, drive, boulevard, etc.; there is an existing "Flamingo Drive", and it is presently not officially named, however, staff is in the process of correcting this name to coincide with an aligning street, Mr. Virta said that based on these two existing County laws, they I hJ~'c tc rccc=cnd denial at this time; hc)\~ever, there is thl' rn~~;hil ity that the interested parties can circu'1te a petition, and secure 50% plus 1 signatures of those residents that live along the entire stretch of Estey Avenue, and come back to request that the entire street have its I eos'f. U5:3 PACE 01'/ June 10, 1980 In answer to Commissioner Wimer, Mr. Virta said that he has not spoken rlirect1y with any of the people who signed the petition. Commissioner Winler moved that the consideration of the petition to change a portion of Estey Avenue located within Flamingo Estates to "Fldmingo Drive" be deferred until such time as staff has met with the residents who signed the petition regarding alternative methods of answering their request. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried unanimously. CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT NO. 80-6 FOR WILLIAM J. CONRAN - APPROVED Pursuant to County Manager Norman conffnning that all provisions within Ordinance 78-15 have been met regarding the application from William J. Conran for a Concealed Pistol Permit, and that a records check has determined that the applicant has no past criminal history, Commissioner Brown moved to approve the issuance of Pistol Permit No. 80-6 for Wi 11 iam J. Conran. COlrmissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (Permit for 6-10-80 through 6-9-82) CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT NO. 80-7 FOR WILLIAM J. CONRAN, JR. _ APPROVED Pursuant to County Nanager Norman confirming that all provisions within Ordinance 78-15 have been met regarding the application ,from ~Iilliam ,J. Conran, Jr. for a Concealed Pistol Permit, and that a records check has determined that the appl icant has no past criminal history, Commissioner Brown moved to approve the issuance of Pistol Permit No. 80-7 for Will iam J. Conran, Jr. Con~nissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (Permit 6-10-80 through 6-9-82) CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT NO. 80-8 FOR PATRICK J. CONRAN - APPROVED Pursuant to County Manager Norman confirming that all provisions within Ordinance 78-15 have been met regarding the application from Patrick J. Conran for a Concealed Pistol Permit, and that a records check has determined that the applicant has no past criminal history, Commissioner Brown moved to approve the issuance of Pistol Permit No. 80-8 for Patrick ,J. Conran. Convnissior1er Pistor seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (Permit 6-10-80 through 6-9-82) June 10. 1980 RESOLUTION NO. 80-111 AMENDING THE BCC'S PERSONNEL PRACTICES AND POLICIES BY ADOPTING AMENDED REGULATIONS RE CLASSIFICATION PLAN; COMPENSATION PLAN AND OVERTIME - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer said that he and the other Commissioners have read the Collier County Position Classification and Pay Plan Study and, in the interest of time, moved to approve it and adopt the relative Resolution amending the BCC's Personnel Practices and Policies. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Hearing no further questions from the members of the Board, Chairman Wenzel called for the question and the motion to adopt Resolution No. 80-111, amending the BCC's Personnel Practices and Policies by adopting the amended regulations regarding classification plan; compensation plan; and overtime. and approving the Collier County Position Classification and Pay Plan Study prepared by the Collier County staff, with consulting assistance from VI.C. Parker, U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * * .. .,. BD~~ 053 PAGE 518 .. t June 10,' l~lJ J CREATION OF POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATOR - CONTINUED TO 6/17/80 After the presentation of his request for the approval of the creation of the position of Administrative Secretary for his Division, Public Safety Administrator Thomas Hafner answered several questions regarding the need for such a classification rather than one of Secretary [I. After a lengthy discussion regarding the duties that will be part of the subject employee's jOb description; the possibility of consolidation of secretarial duties with other departments; and the apparent lack of enough material presented in the Executive Summary to substantiate the request, Commissioner Wimer suggested that Mr. Hafner prepare a more detailed summary for consideration next week. Commissioners Archer and Brown expressed their feeling that some sort of assistance is warranted in the subject office to enable Mr. Hafner to operate efficiently, while Chairman Wenzel expressed his belief that there is no need to employ more people to accommodate Mr. Hafner and favors consolidation of secretarial services as more appropriate. Commissioner Pistor said that he favors hiring a lower classification of secretary, and if the need should arise for more qualified assistance, then, the BCC could consider that at a later time, and he also feels that the alternative of consolidation of secretarial services may be appropriate. Following the discussion regarding the subject Division as being approved for creation on a trial basis; the possibility of additional duties being relieved from Mr. Hafner's purview; and the possible need for "1 ine item reconstruction" regarding the subject Division, Commissioner Pisfor suggested that the matter be deferred until such time as the County Manager has finalized the respective duties of the Public Safety Administrator. Commissioner Wimer moved to defer this matter until next week, at which time he wishes to see a finalized Organizational Chart for Mr. Hafner's Division. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion and it carried unanimously, 5/0. WATER WELL PERMITS NOS. 65.314A & 65.3148, EXXON CORPORATION, SECTION 22, T50S, R33E - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS County Engineer Clifford Barksdale, presented the request from Exxon Corporation for two (2) 12~ inch water well permits, Nos. 65.314A "'~'> r::on BDJ~ U;j..) PACE ~I...J.. June 10, 1980 & 65.314(\. He said the wells will be located in Section 22, T50S, R33E, approximately 4 miles south of Alligator Alley and approximately 6 miles west of the Broward County line; that they will be used in conjunction with oil drilling opera~jons; and that they ~lill have a 9-5/8" steel casing. He Jdded that the depth is 40' to 60'. Mr. Barksdale explained that one of the wells will be used as a "backup" in the case of the firs t we 11' s fa i 1 ure. Mr. Barksdale stated that he is recommending the issuance of both of thp. ,1fol'emcntloned water well permits with the stipulations listed within the Executiv'! Summary. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the aforementioned ~Iater well permits be approved for issuance with the following stipulations: 1. That a copy of the driller's log for each well be submitted to the County Engi neer. 2. That the water analysis regarding water qual ity for each well be submitted to the County Engineer. 3. That the wells be capped and plugged upon abandonment of the drilling operations. 4. That Petition PU 80-10C is approved. RIGHT-OF-WAY ilPPRAISAL AGREEMENT WITH THEODORE M. MORGAN RE PINE RIDGE ROAD PROJECT - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE County Engineer Barksdale stated that in accordance with prior approval fl'cr:1 the Board regarding four fee appraisal firms for use in Jcquisi tion of rights-of-way, he recommends that the Board approve the fee appraisal agreement with Mr. Theodore M. Morgan re the proposed Pine Ridge Road widening project. Mr. [3arksdale said that Mr. Morgan will be dealing with approximately 27 parcels of land that lie between Goodlette Road and US 41. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Right-of-way Appraisal Agreement re Pine ~idge Road project with Theodore M. Morgan be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to execute same agreement, as recommended by the County Engineer. June 10, 1980 FINANCIAL CONSULTANT AGREEMENT RE NINTH CENT GAS TAX ROAD CONSTRUCTION BOND WITH THE JOINT FIRMS OF FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN & BURKE, INC. AND SOUTHEASTERN MUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. - AUTHORIZED FOR THE CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE County Engi~~er Barksdale requested that the Board approve the Financial Consultant Agreement with the joint firms of Fischer, Johnson, Allen & Burke, Inc. and Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc., pursuant to the approval of said firms on May 20, 1980 as the Financial Consultants re the ninth cent gasoline tax road construction bond issue. There was some discussion regarding a criticism that Commissioner Wenzel reported receiving via telephone alleging that said firms \~ere selected without interviewing other firms. Mr. Barksdale assured the Chairman that such is not the case, and he reviewed the procedures that the Board has undertaken over the last month or so, including the sub- mission of subsequent review of several other proposals, prior to making their ~election. In answer to Chairman Wenzel, Mr. Barksdale said that he feels that the Board made their selection after properly reviewing the proposals and that this matter has been made public, Chairm~n W~nz~l asked Mr. Barksdale if he would say that the matter was "done out in the open" and ~1r. Barksdale replied affirmatively. Commission~r Wimer confirmed that several proposals were submitted to the Board for review regar~ing the contract for a Financial Consultant. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Conmissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Financial Consultant Agreement with the combined firms previously selected by the Boar~ re the ninth cent gas tax road construction bond issue, be authorized for the Chairman's signature. * * * * * * BOOK * 053 PACE 524 June 10, 1980 * * . RECESS - TIME: 9:50 A.M. - lO:OO.A.M. * * * STATUS REPORT RE FEDERAL BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS & RELATIVE COURT ORDERS REGARDING IMMOKALEE CATV FRANCHISE GIVEN BY ATTORNEY PETER P. MURNAGHAN REPRESENTHlG BANKRUPTCY INTERIM TRUSTEE ARTHUR GERSTL Attorney Peter P. Murnaghan representing the interim Trustee, Arthur Gerstl, in the Federal Bankruptcy proceedings in Connecticut, explained that he is here in Florida for the purpose of identification, location and seizure of pr'operty owned by John Peter Galanis; Jack Issacson; Phoenix Communication Corporation and Lake Telecommunications. He said that it is his understanding that the Immokalee Cable Television located in Irnmakalee is ~i1e property of Mr. Galanis, or at least one of the bankrupts. He added that there are numerous corporations involved with this pdrticular bankrupt, and may include in excess of 10 or 20 different corporations. He said that not all of these have been sued in bankruptcy, but, all probably spring from the same individuals at the same addresses in Connecticut. Mr. Murnaghan said that he has located and reviewed the subject property in Inmokalee, eX[1lained that he has Federal Court Orders that do two things; first, the Trustee is now seiZing the property, through Federal Marshals. later this week; and second, the order speaks directly to the Collier County BCC in that the Trustee has basically elected to stay any proceedings regarding not only the property but also the Franchise, which is outstanding. Mr. Murnaghan then referred to four Federal Court Orders, and said that he intends to file them with the Clerk and will ask that the Clerk make certified copies to be filed in this County and return the original Orders to himself. Mr. Murnaghan read the application and the Court Order into the record, stating that he is doing so in order to allow the BCC to under- stand the Trustee's position and in order to allow the Board to ask questions of himself when finished. BODK 053 PACf 530 eoDK 053 PAGE 531 June 10, 1980 *The following documents were read into recor;J: 1. Application for order directing debtor to turn over property to Interim Trustee - dated May I, 1980. 2. Order requiring debtor to relinquish possession of it's property to Interim Trustee - Dated June 3, 1980 *Filed with thc Clerk, were four sets of copies of the above referenced documents directed ~rith thc following names and case numbers: 1. Phoenix Communications Corporation 5-80-00299 2. Jack Isaacson - 5-80-00300 3. Lake Telecommunications, Inc. - 5-80-00301 4. John P. Galanis - 5-80-00302 Chairman Wenzel asked what action f1r. 11urnaghan is requesting of the Board? He asked him if he is requesting the Board not to revoke the subject Franchise? /1r. Murnaghan said that he is not asking for any action because, at this time, it is his understanding that the Board is stayed from taking any action at all by the Federal Court. Mr. Murnaghan said that they have attached the tangible property and are attempting to attach the intangible Franchise rights as well. Il~ said that the rcason for this is because a Franchise has property value, and it is the duty of the Trustee to seek to protect any property that the d?btor's cstate may have. He referred to the many.problems that the Bec has had to deal with regarding the subject franchise including the many reassignments; schedules not being kept; and the like. He said that it is not the intention of the Trustee to in~erfere with the Com- mission's work, and that the Trustee does not intend to assign the Franchise without working very closely with the Board. He said that he understands that the Board was in the process of revoking the subject Franchise an~ that what the Trustee will probably do is sell the assets to a new purchaser and then the BCC could then negotiate a new Franchise on its own, under its own terms. Chairman Wenzel asked again if there is any action required, or if this is just a report and Mr. Murnaghan stated again that the BCC cannot take any action, either at this meeting or at any subsequent meetings, without the approval from the Federal Bankruptcy Court. I June 10, 1980 County Attorney Pickworth reminded the Board that they have only heard Mr. Murnaghan's side of the report; that he is not sure he agrees with all that Mr. Murnaghan has said; and that he will consider the information brought forth today and discuss the matter further next week during the 6/17/80 meeting. Conndssloncr Plstor stated that he questions who is going to do the "selling"; that he is concerned that this bankruptcy case could go on for years; and, that his concern is with the people in Immokalee who are still '.~aiting for good television reception. He said that the Board is in favor of an expedient finalization of this matter in order to give the Immokalee residents this service as soon as possible. He asked Mr. Murnaghan what the Trustee's next move is going to be. He also said that to his knowledge therc is only a matter of 2 months work or so before the systcm would be ready for use in Immokalee and referred to the lengthy process of bankruptcy proceedings as hampering the BCC's efforts to serve the people of Immokalee in the proper manner. He said that the BCC has the right to canccl the Franchise and see that a qualified person properly serves the people in Immokalee; and, that he cannot see the BCC just "sitting here" and further hurt thc people concerned because of financial difficulties of someone else. Mr. /1urnaghan s ta ted tha t he understands the Corrvni ss ioner' s concern for the people in Immokalee, however, his job is to protect the creditors in this bankruptcy case, one of which is the Chase Manhatten Bank, which has lost millions of dollars. He said that he has viewed the subject system; that some components have been "unlawfully removed"; and that it is his opinion th0t it could not be put into service for months, and not without encountcring great expense. Regarding the time involved in the bankruptcy proceedings. he said that it is not in the creditors nor the Trustee's best interest to stall the proceedings and that they will be expedited to the best degree possible. He added that although he can sympathize with the Corrvnissioner's concern, his intent is to obtain title to the property; to then transfer title to an appropriate buyer, who represents a viable and capable cable company; and that he does not think the Chase Manhattan Bank will be pumping any funds into the system. BOOK 053 PAGf 532 BOOK Uoj PAGE OJ~ June 10, 1980 He sa i d tha t the Trus tee will seek to work with the BCC in any way possible, but, under the Court Orders as he reads them, if any action towards the property is tilken at this time, it would be a "contempt" in Federal Court. He said that as far as the "stay of administrative proceedings" are concerned, that would have the same ~ffect. r()nrniss !n1er Himcr said that rather than discuss this further, he favors deferring the matter to the County Attorney and if he should reconl~lend any action, then, the Board wfll be guided by its legal counsel. Commissioner Pistor concurred and asked Mr. Pickworth to look into the time frame regarding obtaining proper equipment and install ing same, bccau"e as he sees it, it would not take months. Attorney f'ickworth stated that he will have to study the matter of the subject fran~hise regarding whether it is or is not exclusive; that the County will take the position that it will do whatever is needed to protect the interests of the people of Immokalee. He explained that if the Inmokalee residents' interest is best protected by working with the TrusteE] as alluded to by Mr. ~lurnaghan, then that will be the direction taken. He added that if, after he studies the matter, it is decided tilat the best way to protect those interests is to get involved in a challenge to the purported orders, then, that may have to be entered into; however, at this time, he is not sure of the direction that the County will have to take regarding this matter and said that he has not had the time to study the options thoroughly. He added that he did feel that it is not in the best interest of those people in Immokalee for the County to sit back and ~Ia i t until a lengthy bankruptcy proceeding is compl eted. Mr. Murnaghan stated that he will file the Orders; ask that Mr. PickvlOrth notify himself and the Trustee if any actions are taken by the BCC; and that he wishes to make it clear that the Orders that he is presenting are not to be considered as "purported" Orders, and that he hopes the Board will act accordingly. Mr. Varnadoe, Attorney for the Franchisee, was asked by Chairman Wenzel if he had anything to add before closing the matter and Mr. Varnadoe dnswered negatively, saying that the Bankruptcy Trustee has taken over all the assets of the Immokalee CATV Franchise. June 10, 1980 r BID '418 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL RE SR 84 & SHADOWLAWN DRIVE - AWARDED TO MIKE HUNTER, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,020 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 21 and 23, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until May 7, 1980 for the installation of a traffic signal at S.R. 84 and Shadowlawn Drive. Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox recommended that the Board award the contract for installation of the t.raffic signal at S.R. 84 and Shadowlawn Drive to Mike Hunter, Inc. in the total amount of $35,020, which represents the lowest bid received. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0, that Bid '418 for the installation of a traffic signal at the above-referenced location be awarded to Mike Hunter, Inc., in the amount of $35,020, as recommended by the Purchasing Director. BID #416 FOR A KITCHEN HOOD AND FIRE SUPPRESSION DEVICE RE IMMOKALEE ?TOCKADE - AWARDED TO CONDITIONED AIR OF NAPLES IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,306.00 Leqal notice havir.g been published in the Naples Daily News on April 28 and 29, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until ~lY 21, 1980 for a kitchen hood and fire SUPpl"cssion device re Immokalee Stockade. Purchasing Director Wilcox explained that Bid #416 is for a kitchen hood and fire suppression device which is a new ventilation system inside the kitchen that is being required by the Correctional Department. Commissioner Wimer moved to award Bid #416 to Conditioned Air of Naples in the amount of $13,306, as recommended by the Purchasing Director. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion which carried uMnimouSly 5/0. EMERGENCY DECLARED; BID PROCESS WAIVED; PURCHASE OF A RANGE, TILTING SKILLET, AND OVEN RE COUNTY STOCKADE FROM Cot~~IERCIAL FOOD EQUIP~'ENT OF NAPLES APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,212.00 Purchasing Director Wilcox explained that an emergency purchase of certain kitchen equipment has been made to replace the equipment that was damaged during an explosion and fire on June 2, 1980 at the Immokalee Stockade. He said that the Public Safety Director instructed the Purchasing Department to make this emergency purchase after Mr. Hafner investigated the :;ituJticr. Jnd determined that the damaged equipment was beynnrf re['ilir. 6OJ~ 053 PAGE 534 I eoa~ 053 PAGE 535 June 10, 1980 Commissioner Archer moved that in view of the events at the In~kalee Stockade an emergcncy be declared. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried unanimously 5/0. Conmissioner Archer moved that the bid process be waived and that the aftcr-thc-fact purchase be approved for a range; tilting skillet; and oven for the I~nokalee Stockade from Commercial Food Equipment of Naples, in the amount of $7,212.00, as recommended by the Purchasing Director. Commissioner Pistor seconded the motion which carried unan imous ly 5/0. EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF AIR CONDITIONER COMPRESSOR FOR IMMOKALEE HEALTH CENTER AWAROEO TO CONDITIONED AIR IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,150 - BID PROCESS WAIVED PlJrc~lasill'l Director Wilcox stated that the air conditioning uni t at the Immokalee Health Center, which serves the dental section of the Center. ceased to function. Upon inspection of the unit, it was determined by the Maintenance Department that the compressor is beyond repair and needs to be replaced. Mr. Wilcox said that the County's purchasing policy under Section 9, Subsection G, "emergencies" that are acknowledged by the Board in a special or regular meeting can be made for items that normally require the~',o~.~;'i;,:'. scaled bid process. He said that based on the provisions of this policy, three propoSdls were obtained from various vendors as follows: (all quotes are for 15 ton Trane unit) 1. B & I Contractors ...................$4,893.00 2. Johnsons Air Conditioning ...........$4,893.00 3. Conditioned Air .......... ....... ....$4,150.00 After Mr. Wilcox explained that the County is intending to install a heat-recovery type device on this unit in the future, but that the planning is not finalized at this point in time, he requested that the Board approve the purchase of the air conditioning unit from Conditioned Air in the amount of $4,150.00 under the circumstances alluded to earlier. Following a brief discussion related to the resultant problems at the Hea 1 th Center bee.'use of the aforementioned inoperable air conditioner and the fact that there <ire no windows for ventilation at the Center, Commissioner Brown moved to accept the recorrmendations of the Purchasing Director. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried Ilnilnimnll';l V 'i/n. June 10, 1980 CONSULTING ENG:NEtRS SELECTED IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR SEWER DISTRICT "A" TREATMENT AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES EXPANSION After Utility Director Berzon explained that during the meeting of 6/3/80 the Board cou1d not come to a majority decision regarding the selection of the three firms they wish to enter negotiations with to become the consulting engineer for the District "A" treatment and trans- mission facilities project, he conducted the balloting for same again. The following arc the results of the balloting, same conducted according to established procedures and each firm receiving a majority vote for its place on the list according to preference: HI - Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan After the ballots were counted, and results reported by Mr. Berzon, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanin~usly, tha+. thp firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan be the first choice on the list of three firms for the Engineering Consultants re Se~ler District "A" treatment and transmission expansion. #2 - SmallYLl/ellford & Nalvin, Inc. After the ballots were counted, and results reported by Mr. Berzon, Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unaniinously, that the firm of Smally, Well ford & Nalven, Inc. be the second choice on the list of three firms for the Engineering Consultants re Sewer District "AU treatment and transmission expansion. #3 - Kris Jain & Assoc., Inc; Greeley & Hanson; Source, Inc. (joint venture) After the ballots were counted, and results reported by Mr. Berzon, COloolissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the joint firms of Kris Jain & Assoc., Inc; Greeley & Hanson; Source, Inc., be the third choice on the list of three firms for the Engineering Consultants re Sewer District "A" treatment and transmission expansion. BOOK 053 PAGE 536 CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AMENDED LETT[K OF CONDITIONS AND APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS RE IHLLOUGliBY ACRES WATER/::;C:wtR IMPROVEMENTS; RESOLUTIONS ~IO. 80-112 RE WATER LOAN & NO. 80-113 RE SEWER LOAN - ADOPTED Util ity Director l3erzon stated that he has learned via telephone conversation with a representative "f the FmHA, that they are sending out d new "Letter of Conditions" prior to authorizing the County's commence- ment of construction in the Willoughby Acres area re Water/Sewer project. He said that although he has not received the letter as of thi~ dilt~t h~ has been informed that contained within the letter is a request that the County agree to the following: 1. Providing evidence that the assessments to the property owners in the Willoughby Acres area will be equal to at least the amount of the bonds issued. 2. Providing evidence that the new loan resolution must be adopted in the following amounts: a. Water.., ...$485,000 b. Sewer .....$1,305,000 3. That an acknowledgment that the current water rates are as follows: a. $4.50 for the first 3000 gallons or any part thereof. b. All water consumed over 3000 gallons will be $.75 per thousand gallons or any part thereof. Mr. Berzon said that the assessments to the subject property owners will equal at least the amount of the bonds that will be issued; that a statement to reflect the above-referenced rates will be given to the FmHA; and he recommends that the Board authorize the Chairman's signature on the appropriate documents; the amended Letter of Conditions; and that the new loan resolutions be adopted in the aforementioned amounts both for the water loan and for the sewer loan. Regarding the Letter of Conditions, Mr. Berzon stressed that the FmHA has emphasized that this letter only shows their intent to make the loan; however, at this time, they do not state that all of the funds are available. He explained that the FmHA is presently looking for an addi- tional $93,000 in order to come up to the total figure of $1,790.000, which is presently in the budget for the project. He said that amount includes interest for t:,e first year; interest during construction; and other project.costs. He said that there is no reason to believe that the project I June 10, 1980 will go that high because there are some arbitrage advantages to be obtained In the Investment of the funds during the interim of construction. lie added that he was told by FmHA, yesterday, that they are not gOing to hold up the project; they only want to make certain that everyone understands the situation; and, that they are on record as saying that as of this moment, they do not have the $93,000, but that they have every reason to believe that they will get it. He clarified this by adding that he Is speaking of "loan funds" and not grants or the like. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to execute the appro- priate documents and the amended Letter of Conditions re Willoughby Acres Water/Sewer Improvements as requested by the FmHA; and, that Resolution No. 80-112 re Water Distribution System Loan in the amount of $485,000.00 and Resolution No. 80-113 re Sewage Collection System Loan in the amount of $1,305,000.00, both resolutions regarding Willoughby Acres Water/Sewer project, be adopted. * * * * * * * BO~~ 053 PACE 538 June 10, 1980 COUNTY ATTORNEY PICKWORTH RECOGNIZED AS THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION Chairman Wenzel stated that it was his pleasure to announce that County Attorney Pickworth has become the new President of the Collier County Bar Association, Commissioner Pistor motioned that congratulations are in order and the Commissioners all joined him in offering their best wishes and congratulations to Mr. Pickworth. COUNTY ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO RETAIN PART-TIME :ECRETARY FOR THAT PERIOD OF TIME THAT HIS REGULAR SECRETARY IS ON V^CATION Upon Attorney Pickworth's request for authorization to hire a part- time secretary for that period of time that his regular secretary is on vacation and his assurance that the funds are available within his budget, Conmlissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, tnat he be authorized to do so. ANNUAL PAY INCREASE OF $1,000 FOR ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED County Attorney Pickworth requested that the Board consider approving ~n annual raise of $1,000 for the Assistant County Attorney. He said that Mr. Pires has done a fine job and has received no raise in salary in the yea~ he has been with the County except for the cost of living raise received by all of the County employees. He requested that the raise be effective May I, 1980 and when asked why this request is not part of the new budget preparation proceedings, Mr. Pickworth said that the funds for this increase are in the budget at this time. He explained that there is an excess of funds in his budget due to the fact that he had budgeted for hiring a part-time legal intern this summer, and is not going to follow through with that. Commissioner moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that an annual increase of $1,000 for the Assistant County Attorney be approved. BOOK 053 PAGf 546 BOQX 053 PAGE 54-7 June 10, 1980 MR. WILLARD AOOERLEY APPOINTED AS ALTEf~ATE ON THE IMMOKALEE AREA PLANNING COMmSSION Conmiss10ner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Mr. Willard Adderley be appointed as an alternate member on the Imlllokalee Area Planning Agency, as recommended by the IAPC. ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Conrnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the routine bills be app:-oved for payment as witnessed by the following checks issued from June 4, 1980 through June 10, 1980, same having been processed following established procedures, with funds available: FUND BCC Payro 11 County Checks CHECK NOS. 12386 - 12838 8613 - 8947 CERT[FICATES OF CORRECTION FOR THE 1979 TAX ROLL AUTHORIZED FOR CHAIR~~N'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried u.lanimous ly 5/0. that the follovting Certificates to the 1979 Tax Roll be authorized for the Chairman's signature, as submitted by the Property Arrr~iser's Office: 1979 TAX ROLL NOS. 336 427 556 562-580 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1979-193-199 .. .0' .._ _. . ~ ...-........--- DATED 5/22/80 5/12/80 5/2/80 5/14/80 - 5/23/80 GAIN TIME FOR 20 F.XTRA DAYS FOR INFlATE IDA #34721-APPROVED 6/2/80 - 6/6/80 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that 20 days of extra gain time be approved for inmate lOA H34721, in accordance with Florida Statute 951.21 and Collier County Ordinance #74-24 and as recommended by the Sheriff. June 10, 1980 COMMISSIONER PISTOR DESIGNATED AS BCC REPRESENTATIVE TO WORK WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE RECRUITING MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL TEAM SPRING PRACTICE IN NAPLES Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Commissioner Pistor be designated as the BCC's representative to work with the Naples Chamber of Commerce in their efforts to bring a major league baseball team to Naples for their spring training. COMMISSIONER ARCHER TO ATTEND 6/12/80 ~'EETING RE DOUBLE TAXATION IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, N^PLES, PER INVITATION OF MAYOR ANDERSON Commissioner Archer responded to Ms. rlorgan's reporting that an invitation has been made to the acc to uttend a meeting on June 6, 1980 in the Council Chamber re Double Taxation. He said that he will attend as the BCC's representative. RESOLUTION NO. 80-115, CREATING A CHARTER COMMISSION FOR COl.LIER COUNTY _ ADOPTED After a brief discussion regarding the need for adopting a relative Resolution prior to appointing a screening committee for membership to a Charter Commission, Commissioner Pistor moved to adopt Resolution No. 80-ll5, creating a Charter Commission for Collier County. Conrnissioners Archer and Wimer asked him to be specific as to whether he wanted to adopt a resolution that creates a Charter Commission or whether he wants to adopt a Resolution that creates a Study Commission. Commissioner Pistor read the title of the subject Resolution that he wishes to adopt and that he is indicating adoption for in his motion as f 011 ows : "A resolution establishing a Charter Conmission pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes" Corrrnissioner Wimer seconded the motion and Commissioner Archer called for a roll call vote. The following is the results of the roll call vote, called by Clerk Reagan: Conmissioner Pistor.....Aye Commissioner Wimer......Aye Corrl11i ss ioner Wenzel.... .Aye I Commissioner Brown......Aye Conrnissioner Archer.... . Aye BOOK 053 PAGf 548 eQQK 053 pm 55f June 10, 1980 AL TERNATIVE AMENDNENTS TO ORDINAflCE 78-18 RE ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSI- BILITIES OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS WITHIN COUNTY TO BE DRAFTED BY COUNTY ATTORNEY FOR CONSIDERATION 6/17/80 Commissioner Pistor brought forth the topic of an amended Or-dinance that would modify Ordinance 78-18, which he feels is needed ilS an "interim measure", while the finalization of the Charter Com- missIon's selection 15 taking place. He added that Mayor Anderson has submitted to him a proposed Ordinance with certain amendments that he feels are in order. He said that he would like to propose that the Board consider the adoption of such an Ordinance that would modify Ordinance 78-18, along the 11nes of those suggested by ~'ayor Anderson, with one exception. He explained tnat he is in favor of inserting a section within the proposed Ordinance that specifically gives the Board sole discretion regarding the County ~1anager, the County Attorney, the Data Processing Center and the Uti 1 ity Division. He wishes to have the proposed Ordinance reflect that these four department heads be directly responsible to tllP. Board of County Commi ss ioners. Commissioner Wimer said that he is in basic agreement with "beefi:1g up" Ol'dinancc 78-10, dnd suggested that the staff be directed to look into the matter of drafting an appropriately amended Ordinance for presen- tation. Commissioner Archer reminded the other members of the Board that this will have to be advertised properly prior to making any final decision, Mr, Pickworth said that in light of the fact that the Board is about to take a lengthy vacation recess, he will redraft an Ordinance along the lines of that which the Mayor has submitted, with the exception of certain sp.ctions that he feels are not appropriate. and present it at next week's meeting; and. after the Beard c~nsiders it, they may authorize the advertising for a public hearing on the return of the Board from their vacation. COMI1ITTEE APPOINTED TO SCREEN APPLICANTS RE CHARTER COMMISSION AND SUBMIT THE NAl~ES OF 11 TO 15 PROPOSED MEMBERS TO THE BOARD - COUNTY ATTORNEY TO RESEARCH SUNSHINE LAW RELATIVE TO SAME COM~IITTEE MEETINGS Chairman Wenzel suggested that the following people be appointed to a Screening Committee re applicants for the Charter Commission: June 10, 1980 1. Lyle Richardson, Naples Civic Association 2. Gilbert Blanquart, Collier County Voter's League 3. James McLaughlin, Naples Chamber of Commerce 4. Current President or her designee, League of Women Voters ^fter a brief discussion, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the above-referenced people be appointed to the Screening Committee to select 11 to 15 names of applicants that wish to be members of the Charter Commission, for submission to the Board. Chairman Wenzel askerl that these four appointed people review all applicants and submit prospective members from all areas of Collier County. Comnissivners Wimer, Pistor, and Brown, offered their interest in sitting in 011 the scrpening process and County Attorney Pickworth stated that he would recommend that the Committee wait to meet until such time as he has investigated the meeting process of this Committee as it relates to the "Sunshine Law". Commissioner Wimer stated that his intent in suggesting the adoption of a Charter for the five Commissioners is to give the Commissioners better legislative and administrative powers and duties. He added that it is not his intent to have the Charter interfere with the other Constitutional Officers; nor the City of Naples. He said that the Charter is to be relative to just the five Commissioners and is to be directe~ to the benefit of all of Collier County. He asked that only this kind of Charter be addressed, in order to facil itate Article 8, of the State Constitution, which gives the people the powers of local self-government. He said that any of the Commissioners who wish should be allowed to sit in on the interviews, and stated that the only people that he intends to vote for, to sit on the Charter Commission, will be those who share the same philosophy that he has outlined. ^ttorney Pickworth said that he must emphasize the need to "hold off" any discussion between the Committee persons and the Board until he has eO:JK 053 PACf 552 OOOK 053 rAGE 553 June 10, 19SO researched the application of the "Sunshine Law" and Chairman Wenzel asked Lyle Richardson to act as Chairman and to meet with Mr. Pickworth regarding any applicable regulations rel/ltlve to Mr. Pickworth's concerns. Mr. Richardson agreed. County 11anager Norman said that the following three persons have registered to speak on the subject of the Charter Commission and they were called on to offer their respective comments: Mr. Gil Blanquart offered his congratulations to the Board on their decision to adopt a Charter Commission. He said that he is concerned with the "collateral activity" just discussed by the Board, speCifically the "be,.fing up" of Ordinance 78-1S. He suggested that the Board should consider the past experience that the County has had with Charters that were submitted to the electorate for their approv~1. They have not been successful. said Mr. Blanquart, because the previous Charter Commission attempted to accomplish too much at once by including all of the Constitu- tional Officers. He said that another problem in the past is that the Charter Commission's "product" was not "sold" to the public-at-large, con- sequently, the uninformed voter placing his ballot, naturally, voted against the subject. - - ..- f1r. Blanquart pointed out that he feels the Commissioners will "run'~di~~~~- some risk" by revital izing Ordinance 78-18, in that the publ ic may feel that it is sufficient; and, therefore, a Charter form of government is not necessary. He suggested that rather than "revitalize" 78-lS, that the Board use it in its present form for an "interim" period because it is "usable" as it is written. He said that if the Board "beefs it up", Ordinance 78-18 could become too strong to allow the people te feel that a Charter is needed and this would be a "negative" move away from the direction of the acceptance by the people for a Charter form of Government. Commissioner Wimer said that while he understands what Mr. Blanquart is saying, he would compare the "beefing up" of Ordinance 7S-18, to "putting ones finger in a hole in a dike", and that it will not remove the basic flaw from the present form of government of Coll ier County; it will not June 10, 1980 facilitate the people's having the powers of local self government. He said that he favors the education and u~derstanding of the people regarding this matter and, thcr., there will be no problem having them 'accept Charter Government at the polls. Mr. Blanquart said that he feels that one reason that the Board seems to want to amend Ordinance 78-18 is because they feel it will take a lengthy time for the Charter Commission to prepare a Charter; he feels that they will not be involved for 18 months, or so, as has been suggested in the past. He referred to the former Charter Commission that was chaired by Al West, and their final 10cument, and said that as he sees it, the new Comnission can use this document and need only address those areas that need correction, father than have to start at the beginning and have to develop a new one, citing the enormous amounts of reseafch that has been completed towards this document. He said that he sees no real need to amend Ordinance 78-18. Chairman Wp.nzel stated that if any of the members of the Screening Committee wi sh to offer their own names as prospective members of the COITll1ission, then, that would be acceptable to him. Mr. Blanquart declined this offer, stating that he does not wish to serve in this capacity, as he feels that some people consider him to have eafned a con- troversial reputation, and that may have a negative reaction to the acceptance of a Charter. He added that he is strongly in favor of a Charter being accepted by the people, and he, for one, thinks that it may not best serve this interest if he were to sit on the Commission, although he said, he feels that he can contribute by sitting on the Screening Comm it tee. Mr. Lyle Richardson stated that as a representative of the Naples Civic Association, he wishes to thank the Commission for their action this morning, feferring to the adoption of Resolution 00-115, creating a Charter Commission. He said that the move towafds better government is appreciated, and that he and the Association will do everything that they can to help the County Con~issioners in this effort. WI n~~ Dlrr ~fi! &OQ~ 053 PACE 555 June lU, 1 ~bU Mr. James A. McLaughlin stated that, on behalf of the Naples Chamber of Commerce. he wishes to express thanks to the Commissioners for their action this mornln~ referring to the adoption of Resolution 80-115, and offered any help that the Chamber might be able to give. He also stated that he thinks all meetings, including those of the Screening Committee, should be held according to the "Sunshine Law". DISCUSSION REGARDING ESTABLISHING A MOBILE HOME DISTRICT It! THE COASTAL AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR TO FURNISH THE BOARD COPIES OF PALM BEACH COUNTY'S ORDINANCE RE SAME; TOPIC TO BE DISCUSSEO FURTHER AT A LATER DATE Community Development Administrator Terry Virta presented five alternate methods by which the Board may decide to amend the pr0sent Zoning Ordinan(e and allow fur the use of mobile homes as residences and/or the r.reation of Mobile Home Districts or Subdivisions. There was a discussion regarding a recently adopted Ordinance in Palm B~ar.h County which allows for mobile homes as provisional uses under certain restrictions and he outlined the eight restrictions for the noard's consideration. Also discussed was the present use of a "point system" for granting zoning changes; the problem of obtaining the required amount of points if a developer wishes to ohtain a rezoning for a MHSD in the outlying areas of the County versus one that is closer in; and where the respor~ibilities of services would fall in the event that a MHSO of this type were developed in an outlying area, away from the services offered the areas closer In. Another matter discussed was provisional use versus permitted use for mobile homes as residences in certain areas and, after a brief discussion regarding other related problems with these uses of mobile homes, it was the consensus of the Board that they wished to be furnished with copies of the recently adopted Palm Beach Ordinance, on which to base their considera- tions. It was pointed out by Commissioner Archer that the Board will not necessarily adopt an Ordinance 1 ike the Palm Beach Ordinance, rather, they wil I use it as a basis for their considerations and that further changes may be requested. Other topics that were discussed briefly were the accrued point system used to determine qualification for a rezoning in relation to June 10, 1980 proposed mobile home subdivisions; th~ proposed rezoning in the Golden Gate Estates area relative to the 701 study and the permitting of mobile homes in that area; the amounts of acreage necessary for MHSD developments; and relative matte~s regarding mobile home residences within Collier County, bl"h in outlying areas, and closer in to town. Commissioner Wimer suggested that there be a two-fold approach to the problems of mobile homes as residential uses in Collier County; one through provisional uses as in the Palm Beach County Ordinance; and the other, through the amending of the MHSD regulations as they read within the Zoning Ordinance with regards to points, etc. MISCELLi.NEOUS CORRESPONDWCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the fOlloWing corresponderu! be fil ed and/or referred to the vari ous departments as indicated: 1. Letter dateu June 5, 19BO, from Harry S. Smith, Attorney repre- senting the Glades County Club Apartments Assoc., requesting a publ ic heari1lg contesting the existence of a nuisance re Lethal Yellowing inoculation re Hubschman Assoc. properties, Filed. 2. Resumes from the following re Charter Commission: I) Thomas reek, 1330 Lastrada Lane; 2) Walter W. Orebaugh, 118 Penny Lane; 3) Earle F. Davis, 6 W. Pelican, representing the Collier County Civic Federation. Filed. 3. Copy of letter to Mr. George Hermanson, CH2M Hill, dated 5/28/80, from the Army Corps uf Engineers re Interim Action Program imple- mentation, stating that an EIS is necessary prior to their giving approval to the County's application No. 30K-0030. X~ Engineering Department; Golden Gate Estates Study Committee Chairman William Walters; County Attor~2Y. Filed. 4. Copy of m~urandum dated 6/8/80, from County Manager Norman to Museum Director Mary Manion, stating that the County is to be the recipient of a painting and a piece of sculpture from the Fine Arts Festival and requesting recommendations of placement for both. Filed. 5. Letter dated 5/29/80 from M. G. Iles, Chairwoman, Historic Site Committee, City of Everglades, expressing appreciation for the adoption of BCC Resolution designating old courthouse as an historical site, also thanking Mary Manion and Clerk Reagan for their help. xc M. Manion; Clerk Reagan; Filed. 6. Letter dated 6/3/80 from Operations Manager J. Bridenthal, Ameri- can Ambulance, Inc., responding to questions regarding trar;sport service within the Immokalee area; Petition containing 26 pages of 474 names Objecting to the transport service and procedures for ambulance service in the Immokalee area by American Ambulance. xc Letter to Public Safety Administrator; Petition Filed. 7. Memorandum dated 6/2/80 from Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins re double taxation, notifying the County that be~duse uf the anticipation for a friendly settlement of the issue, considera- tion regarding legislation re same issue is temporarily being deferred, and commending the County's efforts in this matter. Fn ed. 8DO~ 053 pm 55R June 10, 1980 23. Letter dated 5/28/80, from William and Gail Krause, stating that they favor a change in zoning that would eliminate provisional uses for non-residential applications in residential areas. xc Planning; Filed. 24. Letter dated 6/3/BO from State Representative Bobby Brantley, requesting information regarding the new state-mandated independent County audits. xc H. Hall; Filed. 25. Various NACO publications and notices as follows: (Filed)... 1. Voting IInd Credentials Handbook, including by-laws. 2. Letter dated 5/30/80 announcing NACO annual Conference - June 29th - July 2, 1980 in Las Vegas. 3. County News publication, dated May 26, 1980. 4. Copy of article from County News, f1ay 5, 19aO. 5. Registration Form for annual Conference in Las Vegas. 26. Marco Island Civic Association Association, Inc., News Letter #19 dated June, 1980. Filed. 27. Flyer from Naples Park Voters League re Street Lights, also boiloting samples re voicing opposition to same lighting, xc Enginee,'ing; Filed. 23. Public Service Notices Issued 6/3/80, Volume 4-80; re docket Nos. 80"287-LCT, ,lose C. Diaz; 800466-UHGC, Marta E. Lopez; 800471-UHGC, Lynn's Moving and Storage, Inc.; 800465-CCT, Austin Tupler Trucking, Inc.; B00239-CCT, Ward ~'oving & Storage Co., Inc. Filed. 29. ~bnthly Departmental Record re Museum, March 1980. Filed. 30. Minutes of City of Naples Council Meeting, May 20, 1980. Filed. 31. Spring Issue of "The Revie\~" Vol. 1, No.3, from College of Law, Florida State University'80; Original to County Manager; xc Cover Filed. 32. Journals of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Filed. * * * RECESS: 11:10 A.M. The Board reconvened for the afternoon session or the regular meeting, with Chairman Wenzel absent, at 1:30 P.M. * * * VICE-CHAIRMAN ARCHER cm~MENDED FOR HIS SERVICE AS CIVIL DEFENSE CHAIRMAN BY COMMISSIONER BROWN - APPROPRIATE RESOLUTION TO BE PRESENTED AT BCC MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1980 - APPROVED Prior to any of the scheduled presentations, Commissioner Brown asked for a few minutes of the Board's time in order that he might commend Vice-Chairman Archer on the splendid progress and planning that has been shown in the Hurricane Preparedness Program since Vice-Chairman Archer's appointment as Chairman. Commissioner Brown stated he had attended the "Hurricane Trial Run" yesterday evening and was so pleased with the results that he would like, at this time, to make a motion that an appropriate resolution be drawn and during the meeting of June 17, 1980, be presented to Vice-Chairman Archer in a show of appreciation. Commissioner Wimer seconded the motion and it was carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. r June 10, 19BO eo')~ 053 PACE 559 ENGINEERING CDNSULTANT SELECTION LIST FOR FOUR (4) ROAD PROJECTS INTERVIEWED - FIRST, SECOND ANO THEIR CHOICES SELECTED - COUNTY ENGltlEER AUTHORIZED TO BEGIN m.,EDIATE NfGOTIATIONS WITH FIRST CHOICE SELECTIONS Due to Chairman Wenzel's unavoidable absence, Vice-Chainnan Archer presided over the afternoon session of the Board's regular meeting, calling for presentations of those engineering consulting firms as shown on the agenda. County Engineer llarksdale presented each member of the Board with a packet that identified the four road projects and listed each consultant with space being provided for the commissioner to make his notations regarding the individual presentations. Each of the twelve chosen consult- ing firms thanked the Board of County Commissioners and the Seler.tion Committee for allowing them the opportunity to present their proposals and each stayed within the allotted time limit. Their individual presentations were as follows: ADAIR & llRADY, INC. & COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. - WEST PALM BEACH/NAPLES ~Ir. Kris Dane of Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. and Mr. John Adair of Adair & Brady, Inc. made the presentation and addressed the Goodlette Road (U.S. 41 to Pine Ridge Road) project in particular but advised they would be available for any of the four (4) proposed constructions. Using charts, Mr. Adair reviewed the organizational structure that \~fll be employed; the work schedule; enumerated the steps that will be taken by the firm in relation to permits, surveys, drainage plans, rights-of-way; signalization, emphasized that all deciSTons would be made through open 1 ines of cOnlnunicationas shown on the -- organizational chart. Both Mr. Adair and Mr. Dane stated that there is available, under their auspices, a ready source of qualified personnel in every area of the proposed projects. BRISTOL, CHILDS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. - CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA Mr. Walter Childs, of the Miami-based firm Bristol, r.hilds and Associates, Inc., introduced, from his firm, Mr. Mcqueen who will be the project manager if their firm is chosen. Mr. Mcqueen reviewed Bristol, Childs & Associates' familiarity with the kinds of expertise needed for the four (4) road projects and ~tated the firm has assisted the County on previous occ:asions regarding Airport Road and Pine Ridge Road. He reviewed related areas such as surveys, permitting, ~ignalization, drainage plans, etc. and expressed his first choice of assignments as being the Pine Ridge Road project but said the firm would be equally comfortable with any of the construction. CRAVEN, THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES - NAPLES, FLORIDA Ik. Ed Kant, V.P. of Craven Thompson & Associates, stated the firm would be available to schedule the work on all four (4) of the projects and stay within the time frame suggosted with the entire scope of requi rements to be done "i n-house" - 1. e. survey, des i gn, testing, construction. He introduced Mr. Lawson who covered the firm's ability regarding utility relocation, rights-of-way, signalization, permitting, etc. and stated even though he had addressed no one project in particular, Craven Thomp~on was interested in working on any or all of the proposed road constructions. June 10, 1980 GEE t. JENSON - LEHIGH ACRES, FLORIDA Mr. Walter ~tey~ns of Gee & Jenson stated that if his firm is chosen for any of ~he four project5, dll the work will be done by Gee t. Jenson solely, with the exception of aerial photos, as the firm has a branch office in Coral Springs and will always be available. He introduced Mr. Harvey Strauss, office manager, who, with the use of charts, reviewed time schedules, open communications between client and the firm, past completed works, and the availability of competent staff to complete the Job to the County's satisfaction. Mr. Stevens reiterated the firm's desire to work on any or all of the four road constructions. HOWARD, NEEDLES, TAMMEN & BERGENDOFF - CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA ~lr. Richard Nelson presented a brief review of the firm's history, stating that they have enjoyed II repeat business with clients in the past and would like to work for the County on any of the four (4) proposed road projects. 11r. Nelson introduced Mr. Harry Bertossa, Associate-in-Char~e, ~ho reviewed the time schedule that would he used. the ability of the firm to handle all areas - i.e. drainage plans, signalization, traffic flow, rights-of-way, survp.y, etc. Mr. Bertossa concluded thJ, if chosen, they would open a constructiun office in Naples and verified that all work would be done "in-house". HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. - NAPLES, FLORIDA Mr. Stanley Hole of Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. made the presenta- tion and revie\~ed, by the use of charts, the firm's capabil ities and qual ificatiolls for doing the required work on the two projects, Golden Gate Parkway and Pine Ridge Road. Mr. Hole stated they are familiar with both areas and because his people are not only technically qualified but are locally situated, the work progress will be smoother, quicker, more continuous and in the long run, a saving~ will be real ized. RECESS FROM 2:45 P.M. TO 2:50 P.11. KUNDE-DRIVER-SIMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. - BRADE~'TON, FLORIDA Mr. Walter Simpson reviewed all four (4) projects, pointing out those areas of each road construction that will be correctly accomplished by his firm - i.e. - survey, drainage, utility relocations, traffic main- tenance, permits, time schedules, etc. He stated the firm ha~ personnel available for immediate assignment and would work vigorously with the County for an early proper completion of any or all four of the proposed projects, if chosen. Concluding, Mr. Simpson complimented Collier County on its pursua 1 of a network system of roads fOl" the county, sayi ng the County has been farsighted and progressive. I POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN - FT. MYERS, FLORIDA Mr, Fred Biery, Regional Manager of PBS&J, gave a brief review of the firm's background in transportation and stated they have done work locally - i.e. Pelican Bay's DRI. He introduced Mr. Dave Cranston who, through the use of charts, explained the timing schedule that wi 11 be employed emphasing "qual i ty control" through "good conmunications". Mr. Cranston spoke on all four of the projects, pointing out the areas of concern that will be efficiently covered _ i.e. - permits, drainage, traffic maintenance, rights-of-way, etc. and suggested that there could be a savings realized with the reduction of time involved. Mr. Biery concluded that even though they had looked at all four projects and were capable of handling the entire "inrkln~rl, thpy wnl/lrl hI' receptive to doing anyone of the four. 8oa~ 053 PAGf 560 BOCK 053 PACt~Y~OLDS, SNITH & HILLS _ FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA June 10, 1 ~(jO Mr. Timothy Edmonds. manager of the South Florida regional office of Reynolds, Smith & Hills, made thl! presentation using charts to review the organizational climate that will be employed to insure open communi- cation between the firm and the client. He stated that on the firm's staff are qualified and competent engineers in the areas of transportation, civil, environmental and planning together with the necessary staff to start to work on any or all of the four projects immediately. H. J. ROSS & ASSOCIATES - FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA r~r. Sam Reynolds, Vice President of H. J. Ross & Associates, gave a brief history of the finn's background and made the presentation that covered all four (4) of the proposed road projects. Mr. Reynolds stated their responsibilities would include drainage, rights-of-way, permitting, cost estimates, relocation of utilities, specifications and signalization among other areas. USing charts, he explained the work schedule that would be used, commenting that "open communications" would be in effect through the entire construction process. Mr Reynolds concluded that all work would be done "in-house" and they were eager to do anyone or all of the projects. WATSON & COMPANY AND MARCO ISLANO ENGINEERING - TAMPA AND MARCO .!il~ FLORIDA ~lr. ,John Wright and Mr. Dale Lester identified as being a firm that has done work in Pinellas, Hillsborough, Brevarrl and Seminole counties and has enjoyed a good reputation with DOT for the past 25 years. Mr. Jim Carter, who will be the project manager if the dual firms are selected, stated they have the expertise and qualifications to do a "first class" .lob on any of the four (4) projects and will, as a matter of company policy, keep an "open door" in the area of communications. Charts were displayed which explained the SCheduling of tile firm's work process and Mr. Wri!)ht concluded the presentation with the statement that his firm wants to do any or all of the projects as proposed. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK - NAPLES, FLORIDA r.~~. Bill l3arton of WMBS&P made the presentation and, with the use of milps, identified those projects that his firm has completed and their physical relationship to the proposed Goodlette Road construction. He stated that W~mS&P addressed themselves to not only the Goodlette Road project hut also the Golden Gate Parkway Extension (Coast1and Blvd.), saying that the firm could handle easily both jobs and were prepared in every area of construction to do a good job. He reminded the Board that hi! is a local firm, employing some 70 people and their selection would be keeping the tax dollars spent "here at home". Following the completion of ballots for the selection of first, second and third choice for each of the four (4) projects, mot:. 'IS were made and choices were selected as shown below: GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY (AIRPORT ROAD TO SANTA BARBARA BLVD.) First Choice: Hole, Montes and Associates - Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. Second Choice: Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff - Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. June !U,'.,vv" Third Choice: Watson & Co. and Marco Island Engineering - Commis- sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY EXTENSION (COASTLAND BLVD.) First Choice: Post, Buckley, Schuh ~ Jernigan - Commissioner Wimer moved, s2:onded by Commissioner Brown an~carried 4/0, with Ch~irm~n Wenzel ~bsent. Second Choice: Watson & Co. and Marco Island Engineering - Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. Third Choice: Craven, Thompson & Associates - Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. GOODLETTE ROAD (U.S. 41 TO PINE RIDGE ROAD) First Choice: Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek - Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenz21 absent. Second Choice: Gee & Jenson - Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by C.ommissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. Third Choice: Reynolds, Smith & Hills - Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. PINE RIDGE ROAD (U.S. 4~ TO AIRPORT ROAD) First Choice: Hole, Montes & Associates - Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commi ss iOller Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairm~n Wenzel absent. Second Choice: Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff - Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. Third Choice: Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan - Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent, that County Engineer Barksdale be authorized to proceed with negotiations with the first choices for the individual road projects as referenced above. RESOLUTION NO. 80-114 - AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $6,000,000 IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION, ETC. - TO BE FINANCED FROM THE 7T1I AND 9TH CENT GAS TAXES - ADOPTED Following County Attorney Pickworth's presentatfon of the proposed resolution that will authorize the issuance of not more than $6,000,000 improvement revenue bends for the road projects shown in Exhibit A and defining the payment of principal and interest on such bonds to come from the 7th and 9th cent gas taxes, Commissioner Pfstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0, with Chairman Wenzel absent, that ( .. t~ 'I I) BO~~ 053 PACf 585 June 10, 1980 There beIng no further busIness for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 4:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~ ", , ',. 0" 11 _.. .---.'- "-.-- ... ..-.... . -'''-. .-...... '. '. ._._...~_.-