BCC Minutes 05/27/1980 R l _ ___ J, Naples, Florida, May 27, 1980 LET I r ilL r(EI<IEI.IGEr~ED, that the Board of County CorlllnissioIH'I'S in and for the COIlIlty of Collier, and also acting itS the Governing Board(~) of such sfJc'cial disCr'icts as have been created according t.o la\'1 and hilvin') conducl.cd bus incss hf'l'cin. met on this dat.e at 9:00 A.M. in R('(JlJl,'" S,'s"iol1 in lJuilding "F" of the Courthouse! Complex Ivith the fo11o\vin'.l I1lclllbcc". p:'escnt: VICE-CHAIRI'!Ail: Tnornas P. Arche)' John A. Pistol' Dilvid C. Brown I\BS~~IT: Clifford Henzel - Chail'man C. R. "Russ" I~imer ALSO PRESENT: l~illialll ,J. Reilgan, Clerk; Edna L. Brennf'man, Deputy Cle,'k; C \.lill iam Norm,ln, County I.:a..as..:r; Donald A. Pickwol'th, County Attorney; Irving Br. on, Utilities Division Director; Terr-y Virta, fJir-ector of COIllIll!Jr1ity Development; Clifford Barksdale, Public Wur-ks Adlllinistratclt'/County Engineer-, ThomilS Hafner, Public Safety Administriltor; Danny Crew, Plilnning Dir-ector; Mary Mor-gan, Administrittive Aide to the Board; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Bal'nett, Sheriff's Depal'tll!cnt. BO~K 053 pm344 BDJ~ 053 fACE347 17 . N~ ~.l3..V?l!'tE.S..s_ lB. ~~J!l.l:I,CJ'!.TIT IONS 19. AD,)OUR~1 May 27. 1980 AGJJLDA ,-, APPR_O'{,c9, YIE!I"A,D.DJJ)orIS~N1LQ!_~JJtlUANCE COlllmissioner' ~)i"t(jr llIoved, ser.onded by Commissioner Bro~m .lod carried 3/0 "i th COII:II'i',S i()n'~r~, I.'onzel and Wimer not prcsent. that the agenda be .1pprov,'d \~iLh Ih,~ f0110"ing additions and continuance: 1. Report by COlllmunity Ocvclol1ll1cnt Administr.ltor on proposcd llIor,ltorilllll tln lJuild:'lQ p,mnits for construction of bOdL dock'; in Vandorbi 1 t 1..1'Joon - Fldded. 2.. CnlJ<llJcmcnt letter f,'olll Peat, ~lJnlick, Mitchell [. Co. clarifying sr;ope of audit of financial rccords of American Ambulance, Inc. - Added. J. Sho',v C,1'I~e 1I"Min'] re termination of Garbage Franchlse Agreement "iLh B & B Dis~osal Service - Public Hearing continued until Juno J, I,]BO. .1. Discussion of COllllllissioner Pistor's Illemorandum dated ~lay 27, 1980 rr~ (~oodj,lnd Weltcr Systclll - Added. 5. I\L'C)'lest for rescission of Bo,lrd ilcticn re Petition IZ-BO-I-I, IAPC, re bufferil''] of certain zoning districts in Illllllokalee ,1I1d I'or' ,1lItilorizdtion to re-advortise same for public hOilring ,Jllly 2'), I'JnO - ~,ddod. ;.' r i:i~IS, Or,'I!1'!. (,.1 <J130_-:..S.9!~TI NUI~~!J.1.L,--,JUi~-.-UleO At :.I,,! I ,11'st ,)1' Cl""mis';ioncr Pistor, Vice-Chainnlln Archer directed Lh.lt. Lhf' ,1I'P'-0'1111 of Lhrc minutl:s of U'e H,lY 6. 19<30 n:eeting be continued until JL,ne 3. :980. rUTRoDliTlor; 0/' LDD1F. Hi\rNEP., FOI~11ER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR THE STATE J\S~:i)CI/,: :(m OF CIJUiHY Wi;.I! IDtIERS, MW FATHER OF PUBLIC SAfCTY ADI.IINISTRATOR TO:., iii',: ':R .C-Clhlinl:,'n ;\!'cllCr- ':.'1)]" .sed the pleaslH'e u; the BOd,'d in having [,j~ie 11.ll"nor, fonne'- Exccutive Director of the Stelte Association of County CO:J:illi':';ioners, in Jl.tc"dclnce. ~Ir. Hafner has been very active in the SL1:'! ,'ssocieltion, said the Vi,:,>ChJirJi1an. a'ld was partially responsible for Uw 1I'~n:0 r~L11e po',-;crs that the Commission presently has in the State, ~nd has heen I1l!lpful in (lilt,lining p,lss.1ge of legislation establishing tho r~STD's ilnd t!~.c St,lLC'. I!e also notC'~ thJt ~'r. Hafner- is tl,,~ fdther of the Cuunty's I'ubl ic '~(]f('t./ I\':::linistr,ltor TOIII 1I,1fner. D'S )ll:)lO I Lt RECORD T ULI ., 1 .a wridAlo 1P uu. . ~\D ",.... ...-- J'lil,/ 27, IS SIIO\~ CNISE HU\Rli~G RI: HRi.tIN/ITION OF GARBAGE r-RAi~CHISE AGREEI'iE~1T \I1TH 11 r. II nfSPOSAI SEf<'JICE, 11ARCO ISI.~IIO AiID GOODLAtlD - CONTHIUm UlnIL JUI:E 3, 10~n AT I~r.rl.ll[ ,'>f_ 51LJ.f(.^II.,:III.Sr: .^J1D_.!J..1.S.NJOI1JJ.fJ----- '. ___._ ,_____,_ __.., _.__ LCrJ~l nMicc hilving IJ~(,II puhl ished in the r~arco Island [':~Ilc on 1,:".1 B, 19no ,1, evirl('ncl~r1 by Affidavit of Publication filed \-lith the (1,1'1', plli,lie hcaring '"dC, opcned to con,idcr the tCI'minaf.ion of the Franchise Agre(iill,nt with Il f. I, Dispo,,,11 Sel'vice on ~\arco Island and Goodland. (olll1!1issionel' l'i5Lol' II'(wl'd that, pursuant to the request of A. P. Kirk, Fr~nchi5er, ~nrl Mr. Kirk's atl.orncy. who was unable to 118 in attendan(~, thr pl'lll ic he,lrinlj llr crlntinued until Junc 3, 1980. Commissioncr flrOlvn sl"~onded thc ,notion lihieh (,l'Tied 3/0 \'Iith COlllllissioncr, \'Jcnzel ilnd \.Jim!')' not p:"esent. STAFF OfRECTEn TO ^CCEI'r NO REQlIESr,) OR APPLICATIONS FOR oOln DOCK P[[(;::TS UN-:-I L ,\FT,-R THE I'U"l.I C H[r\IW~G ON l'i1DI'0SED Ai,,:,NDI.:Er:TS TO PERT j IHI:T aim;, :,,'~E ~CJ~E!~I" ED..FC.!~_.'HI.NSJ,. J",<J,: " .__.______ CU"il"unity Devcloplllcnt I'.dlliinistratol' Terry Virta recillleu tl1at at tlIC! lasL 1Io,ll'd 'llf~('Lill'l tl1r'I'C Ivas il discuss'ion as to whethcl' or not II!".,: ~;!lol1lrl I,,: ,1 11101'" Ifl" illlll on the constrllctiDn of bOlt docks imr,oscd pend i H.' OUtC01llP. of t.he plJlJI ic hearing on the rlel'i ol'dinoJnce pertaining to bO,lt dULi.:. \'lhic:I, is sclll:dIJlr'r1 Lo bl' 11I',II'rJ ,hl11e 3, 19f1D. As dircctcd by the l3odl'd, Sd id 1.lr. Virt,l, ,1~ invc,;t.i\Jatioll IV~S m,lde to detcnninc the status of pendin'j appl iCiltions and it I;JS found that there have b'!en no pel'mit appl ications sllbIl1i tted sir,:r: Fel)I'lIary 1930. Thc mJtter \'Ii\'; discussed with County Attol'ney Pickl'lol'th, contin~lccl I'll'. VirtJ, V1ho 5uCJCjP-stcd that tile safest COIll'se of action Ivollld be to consiuer a moratorium on such permits until the nel'! ordinilnce takcs efrc~t. ;\espulluill'j t.v 'Jice-ChilinOlo1n Archer, 1.lr. Virto1 said that the mnratol'i,1I11 would affect all of Coli icr COllnty bJsic(l11y. During the brief discllssion \'Ihich follovld, Comr.lissiollCI' BrUl'in voiced his COflcel'n over establishing a moratorium V1ith Vice-Chairman Archc,- concurring l'li th the Cnmmissioncl'; however, it Vias the cnnsensl1'; that since sllch ,1 mOl'atol'ium Ivould be in effect for only one deck, tlH'rc would be no hilrdship involved. COII,;issionc1' I'isto" moved, seconded by Vice-Chairman ArcheI', th,lL the staff be dil'ected to accept no requests or applications for permit, to constr'uct boat docks until aftel' the public hearing on the !lel'i proposed ordinallce is held June 3, 1980. The motion carried 2/1 ~lith COlmllissiulle,- [JrOI'il1 voting in oppoSItion, and Commissioners 1~E'nzel ,1nd \.Iimer not present. n~ ~ ',," ''lAO RECORDER'S MEMO: L-t ",r _:.t..."". T.",l"1l' or PI ~~~.~ 053 rAGE :348 May 27, 1980 ORDINANCE eG-~G RE PETITION IZ.80-1-1 ADOPTED MAY 20. 1980 - RESCINDED; I~E./~D'IElnISIIIG OF Cl1RRECHD OIWINMlCE AI'T[lilRIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING ,J.UI.Y, 2.9.,. ,I'.lill).,.. ._, _., ___.. ._______.__'' ___.______. Pl.\nnjn'J llil'l'ctor Danny CI'CI'I explained that the advertised ordinance re Petition ]Z-80-1-1 with rc~ard to establishing buffer areas in certain I.nlliil'J Ji:;Li'icts in 1llnllokall~e Y/.1S substdntially different frolll the final onlindnu' "ncl. LlII'r,'fo\"C~, it j'; being recomnended that the Board action taken HilY 21J, ]'JnD, \,,.!1en,in 1.111' subject ot-dinance was adop~ed, be rescinded and the corl'C'ctcd ol'llinan,.e be jOe-advertised. COl1l1l1issiOIH'r fll'l",1f1 moved, seconded by Commissioner- Pistol' and carried .1/0 '>lith COlllnlissinn'~'-\; !,Ienzel and ylimer not present, that the adoption of Onlinolnce 130-'16 re f'etition !!.HO-I-1 be rt~scinded and the cOl'rected ordinance ill' l'c-ildvcl'l.ised fOl' ,1 'ubl ic hedring July 29. 1980. PI.IJTIOtI 1(-:10-10-(, IIILLlMl S. D. PATTISON. REQUESTlNr; REZONING FROM "j'IIII~I'" TO ",'Ull" H'I< PROPERTY I:~ S33, T50S, R26E - ADVUnISINC AUTHORIZED ror~ ," ': l!I!'0' :;!~.~LUI.:!J'l_>-.l2~3_L-__ C,)I:lIllis:;ilJl:',,' PisLol- moved, second,'tJ by COlllllissioner 131'own and <:'\ITil'lI J!O \'Iil.ll C')I"i1li,,',ionl~rs ','''nzel dlltJ \~imer not present, that Petition R-:3:].i(],:~, filf'd :).1 '..Jill i,lll1 S. D. Pattison, : ,'questing l'clOning from "i''dl!~;'' :',.;,i I:: I:o!!)(' I(Cllt,11 Park to "PUD" Pldntled Unit. Developmrnt for r))'OP"l'l.y I (]("l !.lieI 0 f f :1. S. IJ 1 d tn" ,,'foo t Will i dms Road in See t i on 33, : ".11',';:, ill ',ll ';':III.!1. Ral"Jo 2G [,1St, be aovertisrd fOl' public heill'ing '. II Y 2'), 19i1ll. PETITION :IZ-HO-SC, COUNTY PI.ANNING nEPARTMENT, REQUESTING AMENn~E~T TO 1011;'; 01~I)I:;,'I,'~C[ 7c;;n, /\11(111)[::0 ';EUlON ') - SPECl^L TREAT/o1Un [)ISP n - ;rSI :1~;.'\:JT'iO.I,~1 i,' ') '''I ".,,;: r,I~.JIU~ WG.JIJ.I:'y_?<J., .L9!3,o_______, COllllllissiol1l'r Pistol' moved, secon,i"d by Con~nissioner BrOlVl1 and ClllTicd 3/0 "Ii th COllllllissioner'; '..Icn;:el ilnd Willler not pl-esent. that Petit.ioll ru-eo-sc, filed by th(~ County Planning Department, re'1uestinf) all umcndmcnt to Zonillg Ordinancf' 76-30 by amentJing Section 9, Special Tl'eo1tllll:nt Distl' <:t, ,111m'ling "ST" designiltion on land having ,I gl'ollnd l~l'2Vl1tion 11[ t-? fe,'t iir;Vn, ,1I1d excluding subr.lCrgcd mangrove al'OilS f)'om the T,'.\j,:;!'cI' uf Ikv.:lIlPllwnt I(i',::ts, be advertised for publ ic I:",lring July 29, I'lBO_ I I RECORDltR'3 MEllO. r _......::- . of lnitilac. T....:- . _to , ,--, or Pool-.l_ --."'-7 '- drI. ~- "'... ........... ~- '.IJY 27, 19BO PETIT IOU ::, -[So- GC, COUNTY PLAU:WtG DEPARTI~dlT, REQUEST I UG Ar-IEIID:':~rITS lC ZO;;lNG orW'ilAIICL 70-30 flY CIIAI,GJNG TilE orr-STREEr PARI~IIIG REQI!IRHlnW; FOR SEVEI{/\1. 7otll:IG IlISTIUCTS - AOVElnISJlHJ AUTIIOfnZED FOR PUBLIC IIEI'Rlt/C ,JJJ.1}_?'9",l(Jr.,O,_ ''__ ..______.. ,_____ _..___ __ ..., .,_. COllllllisSlUlll'r I'istor 11111\' seconded by Corllni ss i oner Brm'lI1 iI nd CillT i cd 3/0 l'li th COlTIllIissionprs Hl'TlLel ,lIld Himer not present, that Petition NZ-i,O-GC, filed by tile (nllllly PlallTlinq Di'I'i11'tmcnt, requpsting amencl:r.nnts to Zonir:) OI'din,lTlCP !G. iO by cl1,ll1(]ir"l till' off-street pJrking rpquil'emcnts for SPVi'I'ill lOl1ilH) dl;;t~'ict.';, bl' ilclvel'li,;('r! for pulllic hearing ,July 29, 1980. I'UITION FI'I'().I\O-V-', fWIlErn D. AND I{OSF n. fJROVO REQUESTING APrr.OV,'I. 01 I~ VAfUN,"I: FIWI.1 :IIE r.lrrnr'IUi.', Ilf\SE FLOOD ELEVATL" flEQUIHE,' ~;Y FDf'O j')-G? - ~[1.\~EEr", 111,(; "1 '-TJ~()I~l /f.Jl,F0.1~1IIHIC1JYiB)11~'-,)UJ'.F.._1 ?,..J..2.8D,__ .___...,__ COlllllli';~;i()l1(!r Pistor moved, ';c'concl('d by Cannllissioner [)ro','in and CMi'if'ci 3/0 Vii th COIII'lIi"sionel'; \'Il'nZf~1 "lid \.Iimer not present, th;lt Pet' ',ion FDrO-i' " ( . , -. filpd by l\oh~I't D. ,lIld Hose II. I'rovust, requesting apfll'oval of a v,lri,lllc,' fran till' t,lilli""i:1I 1\".;1' flood Elcvill.lIIII "eqllil'cd by the Flood DamJ9C [','ev(/Ill i(", O,'c1ill,lIlC' 19-['?, 1)[' adv('rtise,1 ('JI' publiC hearing June 17, 191\0. nllAI\[) M'I'::OVI.S AI'I'OlIIHl!:in 01 :i r. Cllr<i~LES lJ. IIAOLEY f,S \,IMWCII OF Till Jr-li.l()}:^l LI~ SJOr:Yf\l1f: YI:l1'.YlCI_'YI ,,"tYl.:\,J.~",n CoulILy 1'\Jna')el' C, Hi11i,lir' (((Il'man. referrin'" to lhe Executive SU;;:II: '). d,ltl'd 1.1;:/ 19, 1')i!O, ,1', 1'1', ,',Hi',: hy Pulll ic S.1fdy Administrator Ilafnol'. said !.Iwl he COIICIJl'S Ivith t1r'. l'drIlC)"s re((Jllinlendation for the appointlllellt of I\ctil ,'lardl'l1 Captain Chill'Ii", 11. H,ldley as l'laden of the Irll'l1okalee SI.ock,\(lc. rk. Norrlldn said tlldL Ik. Hafner hils screenec1 all of the applicutions rOI' lhe p,,:,itiol1 ,;.I,icli were received, intervie','le" ;.JLent..:1 candidates, rlnd h..;; cletenlline,j Lllat Captain lIadley is the l;lost qUill ifit'd 1)[~rSCIII fOI tI" posi liol\. COIII"li~;sion<:r III'Ul'i1l movcd, :.econded by COII~T1issioljer Pistor and C,ll',';cd 3/0 wiLli COlllillis"iolll"", \,lr'l1zcl ,::1:1 \,lil1ler not present, that tl1e :,t,lff recunml(.ll1datioll be approver! and chat Captain C. B, lIadlcy be appoint:! Hardi!n of tlie IIII:JlOkalee C).Oek,l'!" )'[itruactivCl to /-lay 19, 1980. 1l0AlW APPIWVI.S "SIIOrn-LlSr" OF cunSULTANTS FOR FaUll vr\RIOUS RO,!d) 11'''''lw\'r- r:~~i.I.J),I~Q-,J [r 1 S;_l~R[ SF !~~ T,I OIi..:r.O .! \.I:"HA1LGLUNE_lQ.,-l1il.0_1~{Cillil~ IJI.0" :f\,I...1 :),0, _I' .l:!.:. Pub1 ic \,c)I'ks ,,'I'ilinistl'ator Gdrksdale explilil1ed that the Consul tant Selcction (,)mnillcl' I'evic\'icd ill'i','oxilllati!ly 40 pl'oposals from ell',lillCeril1l! r'\.rlo"\-, D5~ ^'O"q~n RECORDER'S MEMO. LetIW ., lnitt..,. TypinG! or Pri.t _11II-...., '" ""ia "- BOOK U5:3 rAGE Jo1 May 27, 1980 finns for providing consulting serviccs for the following road improve- mcnt projccts: 1. Gulden Gate Parkway (Airport Road to Santa Barbara 13oulevard, less 1-75 overpass) - 3lnfles. 2. Golden Gate Parkway (Coastland Boulcvard) - .5 milc. 3. Pine Hid')!! Road (U. S. 41 to Airport Road) - 2 mllcs. 4. Goodlette Road (U. S. 42 to Pine Ridgc Road) - 4.75 miles. Hr. llarksdale explained the criteria uscd to compile the "short-list" of fil'iils to 1)(' considered, said fit'ms listcd alphabetically. as follo~ls: 1. Adair F, flrady, Inc., and Coastal Engineering Consultants. Inc. (joint venturc) 2. flristol, Childs 1. Associatcs. Inc. 3. Craven Thompson & Associates 4. Gee & Jenson 5. 1101 e 1'1ontes E. l\ssociiltcS. Inc. G, lIol'la rd, Iked 1 es, Tillnmen & Bergendoff 7. K'lrlcle-Dl'iver-Silnpson & Associates, Inc. 11. Post, Gllck1ey, Schuh & Jernigan ). Reyr,olds, Smith & Hills 10. II, ,J. Ross Assor:ia'cs 11. :.:,ltson and CO!lIpany 12. :'iil'.H1, ['liller, Barton, 5011 & Peek :'lr. l'cI:'k:;J,ll..: .lskr.d tllat the (loanl approve the "short-list" of firms. ilnd that IG-mil1llte pl'escntations bl~ ""1de June 10, 1980 beginning <,t 1:30 p.r~., f011r.;;.,il1'J \.,hich the lloal'd WI: I indicate their #1, 1/2, and 1/3 choices for c,~ch of the fOUl' l'oad porjects. He said that it is reconunended that a ui ffcl'ent consul tant be selccted for each improvement to minimize the ri':k of delay ill design and construction, noting that it is hopeful to go to contract s(mlcti/lle hetl-.'een March and June. 1981, depending on the job. Comlllissioncl' Bro\'/I1 moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and carried 3/0 \'Ii tll COin:!, ssiofll:rs \.Ienzcl and Uimer not ~rcscnt, that the staff l'ecOn1ll1el1diltion detailed above. be approved. RECORDER'S ilium, Lot!W ., wrfdq, TnriDI or Pril.t -'If-' 11>.., .. tId.t cI.- ....... ......... May 27. 1 <)80 CO~lrLETION or TilE SlD[\'IALKS Itl LAKEI-IOOD UNIT 4 - ACCEPTED; BOlIO CN^ ~__5,q___!, l,~~,6,._IJi.,l'.!IE_}I~O,U.!!LF . $)l.LLflli,-=-.!\ELrcA.i~.__._ _. _____ Public Works Administrator/Engineer Barksdale explained that LakC'w(Jod Unit ~ ~ldS !Jr~nted "Findl Approvdl" by the Board on October 30, 1979. with the C,'CI'lty retaining subdivision bond to guarilntee completin:, of thc.: s i c1ew<lll; >. Ill' >a i d tha t the Cnun ty En'] i nccri ng Departll1!':'~. hi! 5 inspect.ed tile satisfactory completion of the sidewtlks within Lakewood Un 1 t. 4. Commissionel' Brown moved, seconded by Commi~,:;ioner- Pistor and carried 3/0 with C0ll11,lissioncrs WCl1I.el dnd vii~er not present, that the completion of the sidew,11ks in Lake~lfJod Unit 4 L accepted, and thilt the Subdivisiu" Gond, CNA No. ~)(7-41-26 in thf! amount of $17,186, re same be rcleclsed. EXCAVATlO~1 PLR~'IT ':1'1.104, DONAI.D T. c.LJrININGIIAI~, rOR EXCAVATIOlj 01/ r[WPlIITY li!._~z.,_T~!..S_,_r~2S)L:'-^r:f.'3.9JJD. lilT:! ST}PULATIONS ._,___ Publ ie \~orks Administrator/Engineer Bilrksdall) e1.I,lained that Donald T. Cunnin'Jh.111l has appl ied for an Excavation Permit for the CXCilV,' tior, of ar'proxil11c1tely 1[,2,000 c.y. of material to create a lake sYStC::l totclling approxillldtcly 24.4 acres on propcrty located in Section 12, To~mship 51 South, Range 26 East. Mr. Barksdale noted that the Water Managel1:ent ^dvisol'Y Doanl rt:!viewcd the request and recommended ilpproval with the lInG~r:;t.dfldin'J that the renllit aprlies to the excavation of the lakes only and not to the overall site plan or water management system, dnd imposed the fullOl'lin!J stipulations: 1. ApplicanL shall SIJI:;:]it the bond in accordance with Ordi"ance No. BO-26. 2. All applicable provisions of County Ordinance No. 80-26 shall be adhel'~d to. Commissioner f'istor m,'ved, seconded by Commissioner BrOl'll1 ,;l1d cart'icd 3/0 with COIl:rnissioners Wt:!nzel and Himel' not prescd, that Excilvation Pennit 39.104. requested by Donald T. Cunninghillll, as detailcG above, be ar[lroved, Plll':;u"nt to stipulations. EXCMATION PERi.11T C,9.107, JOSEPH P. \,IOLFE, FOR PROPERTY IN 534, T4B5, R 2 6.E, .-, ^.J~P JWYE.D. Y LI.!i_S} I P U L A TI ON S ____ _ . Public Works Administriltor/Enginecr Barksdale reported that Joserh P. Wolfe has requested an Excavation Permit dig ponds for a fish fanil on a J'o: ~: io)' '''' n Z;~ "' ^c .~~? \1 BECORDER'S HEMOI Ltotl' .. writfDlIo 1'ypU18 .... . Pria BO~~ 053 p^cE353 May 27. 1980 20, o1C1'l1 ~I tc In Jt1cLion 31\, TOVtn5hlp liB Sout.h, R,lngc 26 East, as dcLrliled in the EXl,'cutive Summary :1repared by him dated r~ay 15, 1980. lie said that LllC j/a tel' :,tllhl']cment Ad'J i sory floa rd recommends approval of the reques t with the follo'ding stipulations: 1. Th,lt the 3:1 slope be waived and that the slopes are not greater than 2:1. 2. T11,1t tile project be totally fenced as indicated in the dpplicant's letter. 3. AI.' 1 ic,lnt shall submit the bond in accordance with Ordinance 80-26. 4. ,'Ill ,1ppl ic,lble provisions of County Ordinance 80-26 shilll be adhered to. 5. Exca~ation clcrth shall be limited ~o that at the eXflectecJ minilHIJI11 water level of the year, there VI: be 3' of water in ponds. ~()n;i;lissioller Rrown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and C,llTicd 1/0.,;ith COl1lmissioners \~enzel and Wimer not present, that Exc,JvJtion Permit 59.107, requested by Joseph P. Wolfe, be approved, as c1etailel auove, ami pursuant to the above-referenced stipulations. '([!: ';r Il'l ';I:\lf rOR IIIrnNG Of P:'OfESSION/\! LAND SURVEYOR AT STARTING ~~,.L!1J.1J__I' !fl '\:"_01' .1.5;(.l~,flOVE MI_N.I~iUl'L.!'AY I~~.QE .~~PRO'JED :"lbl it: ','J,nks t.dlllinistrator-/Engineer flar-ksdale approdched the eOdrd \,Ii th ,I r""i::"',t fot' .1PPr'O'Jal to hit'e a pl'ofessional land surveyor at a slarlin'] s.J1Jr'y ill excess of 15~1, above the minimum pay grade. He expldined the difficulties bcin'J encountered in retalning such employees because the pay <calc is not 'ldeqlldte and informed the Board that the Eng'ineerin'J Dep,lrt!ll,"nt has an applic,ll'ion from ull ',:'fividual, highly experienced and qualified, to fill the:, ':t position ~Iliich is now vacant. ~lr. Barksdale requcstr:cJ tilc :>o,ud's "I'proval to hire the appl icant at a starting salary ilf $19,007, und, altliouS:1 such salary is the top of the pay grade, it is still belm; the c;,)inq rat,) in the ilrea for ~uch r;ositions. County ~lanJger C. ',Iill iam i:onn.ln SLlllp'Jrted the recommendaticn and said that the parti..:ul;;r position has been identified jn the wJge survey work nearing cumpletion as the kind of cJdjLl~tl1lent nl?cessary bl'cause of the market-place. Vice-Ci:Jir:ilal. :i1er inquired if a budget amen:.!ment \1ould be rcquil'ed 'dith :,Ir, Gilrkscale ,,:plying that there are sufficient funds available in the pertinent uud'J,~t. BECORDER'S HEMO: Le,o.wl , col wtidJat, TTPIA. err PriadI ~""1 .. tw. ....... May 27, 1980 COllmlissioner Bro~1I1 moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistol' and carried 3/0 with Commissioners Wenzel and ~Jim0r not present, that the reco;mlc'lId,) t ion sr:t forth ilbovp. be approved. [lID #I\J9 FOR PURr.IIASE OF CUSHMAN TIIREE--\~HEF.L TRUCKSTER FOR PARI:S ~, RECREATION OEPARTl-IENT - AI~AROED TO ZAU;I EQUIPj,\EIIT C0i1PANY, FORT ,.\1 i!{:, , .Il.QI~~n,A,_ }~J!l.f:M:I,9_Uii.T_OL r~L~2J_ ____'_ . Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Arl'il 29 and t"ay 1, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed Ivlth the Clc'rk, bids ~11th rcg~rd to [lid #1\19 ~/ere received until 1'I,lY 11\, 1980 for thc: purchase: of a Cur..l1miln Three-Hhe,' Truckster for use by the Filrks and Recreation Department at the County Complex grOt' -Is. Follo~lin(J brief expla".ltion by County Manager t'/orlllan of the I.c:ucssi I.y for the SUllJ"ct pUI'cl1<1se, Purch~sin9 Director Frank Wilcox adv;s,_j thilt I" !hicle WilS sp ifically budgeted with funds available in the Equipmr:nt ~ount for the Department. t , Commissioner Pistol' moved, ser;,_.ndcd by Commissioner BrOYtn and (arrj ,I 3/0 with Conl'l,ssio"er-~ I~enzel ancll~imcr not preseJ't, thJt Bid #419, for the purcha'..' of a Cushman Thrce-Hheel Truckster for the PJrks and Recre" I' Oep,wtll'ent, be <lw,1rclcrl to Zilun EqlJirr;1ent Company, Fort Myers, Florida i" the all; <ilnl of $'.,!;G;', as reco/l'dllendl!d in the ['xecutive Su:.,::I,1rY diltc(~ :':,1Y j' 1980, and that the Chairm,ll1 and tile Clerk be authorized to sign and attr',' resul t ing Agreement. STAFF RECO~1:'I[~:DATION FOR ESTAI3i,ISlIf.1ENT O~ SURC::\RG[ ON FUEL SUPPLY - ~iI' :, DRPWI; nOARD APPROVES CENTRALIZATION OF AormlISTRATlON FOR FUEL rt.C fUTl:', QP_[i~-0.~[J2_..l1..Y....lIII ___ ____ ,___ _____ ___ County f'iandgc:i' C. \-fill ialll Norman report ,; that the matter of illlfJo~ i,U a surcharge on the gase' '0 supplies ~sed has been before the Board twic~. the latest d'te being MdY 20, 1980, Ivith no action being Ld~en, Jing further rev icw of the matter. He said Purchasing Director frank I'ii lcox discussed the proposal further with representatives of the Sheriff's Deportlllent and that it is their opinion that it is not fair to ask eilch of the users to pay a surcharge for facil ity dcpreciiltion. ~lr. NOI'lilJn stilted his opinion that it Ivould be better cost-accounting to do so; BD~K 053 PACE354 RECORDEll'S rafllOI .. wridq. TypU>f or _._ .._........._ '.... t"'a 053 PACE 355 May 27. 1980 however, it is not the desire of the staff to demand such paymcnt that the SIH't'jff's n":"Jrtl'lent fccls is unreasonable, Therefore, he contiJ1lI~d, ~h'lt ;1" '.ion of the recol1lmeno,1tion addressed previously is being withdrawn bill Uldl lhe cen!:"d1 ildtion of administraUon of the fuel program, as cun- t,lined in the b,ll,111ce of the recommendJtio'., is still beina recommended \"'. 1l0MrJ ,lpprov,11, This proposal would affect only those facilities opcrdted by till' lJoard of County Commissioners, he continued, and would 11,lve 110 effect on thc Sheriff's Dcpartment operation directly. At the rcr,llI)st of Hr. ~1ike Ze~lcllk, Mr. Wil ,,I, explained the controls ('C'!:,lblished for thc usc ,1nd chargcs of the fuel supplies from the CO'Jnty's fdcilities. C,,,missior,;r Pi,tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried .J/O \'Iith COll\lllissionel"S Wenzel and ~I;mer not present, that the accounting Illct11odolol]Y cst.lbl ished by : he stilff for t~,e various departl11l~nts under L!'i(; din~ct control of the l10Md of County Commissioners, be approved, with I'c~ard to the c~ntrdlizdtion of the administration of the fuel program, "','!l1IH-L1ST" OF CiJliSlll.TArITS FOR PROVISION OF FNGINEERING SERVICES RE SE~IER ,11,'11\ "/\" ~'Il[/\T:,[in MID Tf1MIS~l1SSION FACILITIES EXPANSION - APPROVED; 1::.'!S.r:l,:J_!\T_I_Cil,S__~(), .l;L~~\P.E 'LIJ:;:,J.,_1_9!lCL.!3EG IJWr N,c,-J1.LJ.:3_Q.P. ~'f,,-___ !Jl.il iti"s Division Llil"l:;ctor Il'ving rlcrzon l'cported that the Con- :;~jl ~.,1r1t S"lcction COli:::IiI'.LCC for the selection of a consulti ! firm for p,'oviding C:'l'Ji"eeriIlIJ s",'vices in r:oll~'~ct;on ~lith the Sewer Area uAu r"".il:;:ent ilnd TI"olll~lllission fdcil iti,"; "xpilnsion has reviel'/ed the qua fica- l.j"'ls of the ';'c\"ious finns \'1110 ~ubniLted tl~c~r proposals for the project. It is the rccul::'!',cr:r!atioll of the COlllll1i"tf~e, s'lid r'lr. [lerzon, that the Goard ,1<Jf'pt the "short-l ist" of f1rllls for further consideration, l-isted ,!lllhilbeticollly, "s fo110lvs: 1. C1I2~1 II ill 2. Gee & Jenson .1. Kr is ,Jain ,., Associates, IllC ,/Source, Inc./Greelcyand Hansell (Joint Venture) 4, Post, rtJckley, Schuh & Jerni']an, Inc. 5. Slllally, ~lcl1ford & Nalven, [nc. 6. :'latson ,1nd [;Ji;lpany I I llECO.fU).o., IfEMO: L.~ar ., wridDf, TTPiRf or Priad., -"'f'Jl_r .. .... '"'--' .... ........... I~ay 27. 1980 t.lr. ner7.on pointed out thdt the remaining 13 firms submittin~ propo~ills be certified as qualified, which is consistent with the Act under which Bo,: n! is 0[1['1',1 t i n9. It 1..lS furtlit:l' n:collUllended by I,ll'. Gerzon that oral presentations be Inade by eilch of the appl icants on the "short-list" to enable the Board of County COllllllissionel's to make its final designation of the 1. 2, and 3 selectees. Commie.sioner Pistor mO'Jed for aCe i"ptance of the staff recorllillendiltions wi th resi'nct to the "short-l ist" of firms for provi<.: :'::J engineerinf) services in connection with the aforementioned project, and that 15- minute oral presentations by each of the firms be made June 3, 19BO besinning at 1:30 P.~1. The motion I.,as seconded by Commissioner- [JrOl'II: and carried 3/0 with Com:"issior,2rs Henzel and Wimer not present. CHAIR~WI f,UTHORIZED TO EXECUTE UTILITY EASEMENT TO PERI.lIT CO; lTHUCTIOI~ OF ADDITIONAL AIR BLO\oJEf\ STATION FOR THE ~'ARCO SE\./ER PHASE I lI'lIJf<OVElm:TS, !\,Ul'I.0R,1.nS .r~L'.cnnnATrOtl.._Or. !10C_Ul'~[!LL___ ___.. PU1'suant to brief explan.'tion of the Utility Easement presented fOJ' Board approval IlY Utilities Division Director Irving l3r.rzon, COlli::lis',ionl f'istor moved for acccptilnce of the Utility Director's recommendation that the Boal'd authorize the Chairman to execute the Utility Easement to the ~'ilrco Watnr and SCI'll'r District to pel'1l1it the construction of an addi tional Air Blowf'r Ste1tion on a portion of Tract "Il", "larco Beach Unit III I.,it.h rcg,lr'd to the r':,lrco Sel./cr Phase I ImprovemE'nts; and that th(' recordinq or t.he doculIlcnt bE authorized. The motion II . seconded by COllOllissionCl 13"(;''';:1 ilnd carried 3/0 1.1i tll COlllmissioners \';'-n7.el and l~imer not present. * * * * * RECORDER'S MEMO. L ell wridnf, T7Pi.a, fir 1 _li"--r .. uu. 010 .... ............ * BO~K l]53 PACE 356 _J ..---.... May 27, 19BO .'l.QJ~~)JjE [J LlJ,~.:.-^IJ,DIOG.lJ:IQJ..cLR...P; ."I'IEliT COllllnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0 l'lith COl(lInissioners ~/enzel and Wimer not present, that the bills, havinG been processed following established procedures with funds available, bc arproverJ for p,'yrn(:nt as witnessed hy the follOl.ling checks issued from 11dY 21, 1980 throlJ~Jh May 27, 19BO: ACCOUNT CHECK NOS. 8204 - 81\01 11927 - 12385 County Checks BCC Payroll BUDGET AMEllDl.ifNT :\0-111\ RE TRAnSFER OF FUNDS TO COVER COST OF REPLAC[t~E:iT HATER COO:J'R (SOLIIJ ~,:',STE CONTfWL-1'IARCO 15LAlm TRANSFER STATION) - ADor.: ED lll..lUJ_!\t':Ol,:r Q~_t,-lfj>_ .____ uu_ .____ _ .. _~'_ Commissioncr Pistor n,oved, seconded ~.: Commissioner Brown and carried 3/0 wi th COIllII';SS ionet's \'/enzel and 1.lin:,~r not present. that Budget Amendlllent 80- 111\. triln:;fening funds to cover cost of replacement water cooler for the Solid ~!ast(' Control ("arco Island Transfer Station), be adopted in ttle amount of $165. * * I" ,s .JC. j< ':',~ li;d ~' ".;,. * * * * May 27. 19iW flUDGET M\rND~'Ern 30-115 RE TRANSFER OF Furms TO COVER COST OF CALCUL/\TOR .(l~ILI !"ILJriC;. ~~A,1Jnr.N^llrE). :.A_D..OPTED I N.. T!lL~lQ!J.NT _'OiJ.l?'O_.______..''_ Commissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by Commissioner [JrOl~n and carried 3/0 I;ith COlllmissioners \~(:nzel and ~lilller not present, that P,uJ~et Adlllenchllcnt 80.115, transrerrlng funds to cover the co~,t of the purcllilse of a calculator for the Building Maintenance Department, be adopted in tile clIIlO\",t or $170. DOl\!~lJ OF COUNTY CO:-l.HSSIO:-.lEHS CClI,LII':n COUi'I'fY, FLORIDA BUD GET ^ MEN D MEN T ;y';,J Hc:q"i!:es BC>,ll:c'l l\pPl'OV21 D Do'(~'~" l'!ot ncgllirc DOilel1 lIpf'rovi11 (trilnsfer Hi thin bb"1 He t code: l"i1n 1-' [I i'll) GStFHi\T. . DEPT. ~UILDING HAINTSNMCJ:. 11~.:~_;CnJPTION : 'l"'illl!;f01' of fund:; from SmGll '1'ools to Office Equipment lo 1'" ",:hi cil\cuLILor for \}olkilHJ 011 l\uilding ~1[lintcni1ncc Cost Rcir-,buJ:S("W'", i\11oCiILi.c'" Sy:cLcln. 'J'1I,') $170 purchase priee .i~ tl._ StCltJ' COnl1'i1cL 1'1:.' for iln Ildl"1 ~h)..JcJ 17.11' electronic 'calcu1iltot-. TO (Incrcilsc): Office Equipment & Furniture 001-519-1-11-00-010-642 L) FHOI<j (Source of Fund:;) : Smilll tools & lrnplclllC'llts 001-519-1-11-08-030-528 .L) C()\lIlty ~J~jl'/':J)i if nir. j' ",Ci1l Ollic('r )'.(l,lI'c1 of County CO;:1I0. fIJ1'tCJ)'i)l; 7;. It 'J,;wovdlfl 1/ lIflD)'oval: I (I{VLI l:'~ 't'(;'i_ 'J({}IL<':' .1),'.',<, :_-2.. LI l.l~___ __.._ ~=(J: _~,J::t~ ~:~~=:..~~_~~~~~~~,_ I P,':.';'l':UJ\i.jT:rO~~: -/-/ }Ipdul r:.\'c(lJ:d~; (Ol:i~Jil\i\l) D J\CC()\1Tlt..-ill~j n(.,i.,....n:tl;l~.;)t" I 17 F.i.~;c\,l or L~Cf'l~ T! l'ln'cha5in~1 (Eql1i1J;n~II\ , L7 llc,p.,:r:llO{,"t(:;) ',[({'c['e,,(1 !- 7 J'''''\Wt J\11illy!;l nUDGE No. 81 (lill y) REO, 'RDER'S MEMO: ~ty ~f ..,-i~n., TTrln. M' Pri~"ll (l,..-n ,...,.,~ May 27. 1980 BonK 053 PACE '363 LETT[fJ. OATEO ~IAY 23, 1980 FRor~ PEAT, MARl-lICK. mTCHELL & co. CL^RIFYING SCOPE OF ENGAGEMENT I{l AUDITING iHE RECORDS or M1ERICMI l\r~BULANCE, TNC, - APPROVED__.._" _'_ _ _, Clerk Williillll Reagan noted the receipt of a letter dated May 23, 19BO from D. K(~itll Cobb, Pilrtner in the firm of Peilt, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.. which lists a group of procedures which will be used to conduct the com- pI idnce dud i I. \Jf tile filldllCldl records of Americiln ;' ,bulance, Inc. I'e noted tllilt t1H' Board has already approved tile firm's engagement ilnd that the subject letter is for the Board's acceptilnce of how the audit will be p,'rforlnod. Ill' noted that representatives of the firm ~Iere in attendance to respond to CjIJestions, if any, from the Board and, 'n ans~ler to Com- llli';sionc'r Brmvl1, I'll'. Reolgan said that he recemmends acceptance of the lette Ct)L,-ry l\Ltorllry Pkk\>lOrl:h expressed tile opinion tlwt, as "thinljs stand nOl'/", the scope is ildequilte; !.')'dever. he added that it may de'lelop later tll,lt tlH~ scope has to be expill:Jed. Cwmissioncr Pistor asked for clarification of the follf)'t/ing verbil']e as conta ini" in the letter: "TilO fillJl pdld')r'lphof n,- reportlvill reildas follows: 8~cause tllese procedures do not constitute an ,c:':,Jm i IlJ t i 011 in ar;cordance with genera lly accepted ,1'1',litill'J stanuar<h, 'Ie express no opinion on any " I.IH' 'iI'CC i r ied ,JCCollnts referred to above. The :,I","<:il 3\, l'JlllJ fillancial statements do lIut accompany dlld du not consti tut(: ,1 part of this report." r-Il'. Rt~,l'J,ln pointed out that the matter under discussion is not the ;inanr:ia 01 ,:Ilun JIHJit - but ratlll:r the r.ompliance iludit. II,~ ';aid that an upinion wi 11 :)e r()l'thcoltlin~ l'Cljal'lling the "financial end". CUlllllli'i'iioner GrOl-1I1 1Il0ved ffJr Board acceptJl1ce of tile reconuTIenrlation of Clerk RC'lg,)OI Mld flttorn(~y Pickvlorth, and for approval of the letter ilfO'"CI:1C'iltioncd. The motion \-/as seconded by r;lmmissioner Pistol'. Mr. Mike l~walk inquired if "we are putting a fence around the size 0' the scope thdt thrcy do or just S)ivinlj thelll the authori ty that they should do as the publ ic is askinS)?" Vice-C!, linnan Archer responded that there is dbsolutely nl1 "fence" be:'I'] pLi<.:ed around th,;;cope of the audit, \'Iith Clerk RCc\lJJll l'lllph.1Sizing that the audit is not being 1 imited at ,111. UpOIl call for the question. the motion carried 3/0 vlith CUII..,,;s',ioners ,ienzcl <1nd '..Ii(::f~r" not present. .RECORDER'S )lEMO, Lel,ll>l .c writlq, TyplDI OT Prla4 _IW...,. III t1Da ...... BD:JK 053 PAt,E367 May 27. 1980 CLERK PROVIDES STAfUS REPORT ON ESTAOLISHMENT OF CENTRAL ACCOUNTING ~.::'.sJ.~~~ ::__J]J.R.T)lS:~_p_I_S.c.U.S_S.rONLl<LBE HELD DUI~JNG FUTURE ~IORKSHDI'.s,ESS IQ!i Clerk William Reagan advised the Ooard members present that, financially, it is hi-; opinion, tln'ough the budgets. thdt the County is moving tO~I,,,.d a central accounting system, which \~oll1d Include gasoline allocations, as previollsly menllclIIed earllel' jn the Session. He suggested that the matter be \'lOrkshopped in the: FutlJre Sf) that "we knr'lw where we're going" because his staff is ullde:, thc impl'cssion that a cost accounting sysli::m is desired, which t.lle 1'1"n,")I'I' 11,1S rC'lllested, and which he is of the opinion is necessary - ~hcthcr it's a COllstitutionill Officer, or an individual under the Board of County Commissioners. County nlnagcr Norman expressed his agreel','~nt to schedul ing Uw flHtter ()n r1 FutlJre Workshop Agenda. ~DJJCJ"f3.I:,l.r"I~I}i:!.E.r.~}5_J,Q....0.Q.YJ:nRl.JlOARDS - ^?PROVED~' ~mED lJice-CiI,l i Imall I\rchcr observed that, pursuant to discussion during ,'ecent '"jorkshop Session, the GOMeI Policy pertaining to Advisory Goards 1d 1\;'poinl1,cll::S, Iw; beell rc-typcd and rCildy for Board action. He said thdt the Pol icy illcludes adding back to each of the Goards one Al ternate :"::,:bcr, \'lith t1:e exception of the Coastal A!',.:a Planning Commissioner ~Ihicll ','Ii 11 h,lVc tl'IO Altcl'nJtl~ ~1,'mbcrs. COIIIII.; i'IJlhlgC'r Nonllan commented that he has rea,' through the revised pol icy st.dtrll"'lt dllrl said that, in his opinion, it r.onstitutes what the !lOell'oj discussed d'.iI'ing th,! \.Jorkshop. Administrative Aide to the Board Mary ~'organ advised the Board t:l,lt. the <:I1Jinl!drl uf Lh,~ Co,'tstJl .I\rea P1.1rming Commission, I~illiam WalLers, revic'ded tl.c Policy and 1",01 s('vera1 con~ments to make. One suggestion being to add thc f'ollo','1illg UIl(:t:rS(QI cd ver'bage in Section III POLICY - Paragraph A: ^dvhol'y boards are advisory in fact without legal authority of I'espollsibil ity for binding actions, except for ,t!~ CAPC 0)' the If,PC. -- -- ---- f'ol1c'.linr) b,'ir.< discu,sion, it ~Io1S the consensus that the Policy not be d;,1!]f.ied dl:C to t!;e f,IC~ that the actions of the t~1O subject buar,ls are r;ot binding. A fu,' thr~r COIllIllell t from Hr. \.1011 tel'S concerned the s ta temen t Vii th rC'Jd rd to the nUlllber of 'ld,rnbcrs on each board, as contained in Paragraph F of ...._._.J. May 27, 1980 Section III Policy. It was the determination of the Boar~ that the ~tate- mcnt is not in conflict and no ch"nge Has ne('ded. PurslJant to the suggestion made by Ms. Morgan, Commissioner Pistol' 1II0ved, seconded by Cornmi S5 ioner [lro~/I1 and carricd 3/0 wi th Commi ss 1 One,'s \'!enzel and Hillier not prcsent, that the word "senior" be inserted, \',h"re t1ppropriilte, in Par,'gtilph r, Section III POLlCY, and in Paragrilph K, Sectio" IV PROCEDURE FOR APf'OINHlENT PROCESS, both para'Jraph" pertililling to A 1 t.erna te f'lelllile)'s. Convnissioner Pistol' moved, seconded by CorTlllissioner [lro\.:n and carried 3/0 I.lith COllIl!lissiollers Henzel and Wimer not pres,.'at, that the Pulicy l'lith regc1l'd to Advisory Boards & Appointments be approved, as amended * * * * * * * * * * 80~~ 053 PACE368 BO~K 053 PAGE 373 May 27, 1980 AIINourlCEHENT flY UORTII ~jAPLES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT OF OISCONTIrIUAi~CE OF FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE IN CERTAIN AREAS FORMERLY SERVED GY THE 1J1STRICT; STAFF DIRECTED TO DRAFT PROPOSED ~r,RE[1.\ENT HITII E!THEII/OR GGFClJ 0;< NNFCIl TO "ROVIDE SERVICE UrlTIL PEIH.IANENT SOLUTION CAN [IE Irl:'IF0.ENTID__ -, ',-,- ---,- ------- Adminir,trativc ALJc to ttle Board r1ary r'lorgan revlc~/ed the ldt.er d,lt['d :1,1Y n, 1'1110 from Chief ,lames L. Jones, of the North Nilple5 F1)"(~ ClIlt.rol District, '.vhct'ein it is announced that, effective June 1, 1980, the Ilir,tt'ict \'rill dLcontinue fit'e and rescue service in Sedion 9-16 illld 21-2~, R,lll'l~ 26 East, TOl-lI1ship '18 SouH" and to Sections 7 and 8, and li-?O, in R'"HJe 27 Ea"t, Tm-lIlship 4!J South. The letter expresses the hope th-H n eqllil.,llllf~ ~;ollltiflr, can be found so t/1<lt the property Oy/l1ers and resid,>t:LS will not hilve an intel'ruption in a much-needed set'vice, said ,", ,'lorg,ln. PlIlll ic S,lrr'ty Administrator Tom Hafner said that the I/ltilllilte solution 1.0 !:lIe pl'olllem in the six-mile area, now ttldt there are fifteen or twenty hOllie, involv,'d, \'IOIJld Ile, as suggested by the Golden Gate Firc District "IIj,~f, 1:0 includ(~ the al'I2a jn the pertinent ordinance, making the ilrea part or Firl' lJistl'ict il" ,111<J then contr'act the service out to either Golden (;,11.1> or ::nl.th N'lplf~s firc Districts. Cnlll,ni:;r,i[)I"~I' Pistor expl'cssed his concern over tile lack of time 1":ill<linill'J, I.lith County rl.lrhlgel' NC:l'r;)an advising th.1t the particuli\r arca is 110 diffel'C'lIt t/hlll otlwr Vilst ar-eas of the ')unty and said that he ~lOlIld be I'cll" Cant to l'I'COIllIllf'lId ,lilY specific action until a solution can be developed due tCJ tile precedent ',Ihich might be set with regard to the other ,ll'cas \':!Iicll do not have >1 gllar,llll:ef' of service. Vi. "--[h,, inlldn 11" ':hCl' inqllircd if any cOllsideration has been given to cst,1bl ishing a r,ISTD to rJl'ovirle fire service to areas \'Ihich a)'e not cl.ered clt tile pl'csellt tirne or if ther'e has been a general plan :'lOrked out. ;,11'. r:Ol'man said 1:II<1t the area und",' discussion l'las to have been part of the mastel' plall ".Ilich lias nut prolJI'flr,sed as rapidly as y/as ilnticipated. The difficulty is, ';aid 1'1r. NOf';",lI1, th,lt the vast reaches of the Count:;, sp,ll'~,,:ly POPll],1I:CJ, could not '.li'POI't a 'epc: .lte district; hO~ievcr, he r,,lid t!:at the./' (:0;.1;: 0t.:: U.lJL:l~d Lu e"I:);~illY JisLric.:ts. Hesponding to Ole V1CC- Clh1inllan, f.1r. lIafllel' said thdt the Golden Gate Fire District, even though ]I: IS on the [)lIt(~I' reacfles of tile area, has ,1greed to I'espond, adding that ; ,e)'f~ is no IlIl'ch.1llisrn fal' payment for such service. May 27, 1980 Vicc-Cha irman Archer directed th,1t an agreement \1ith Golden Giltc Firp l"lepal'1.,nr:nt 0" N(','th Narlcs Fire Department be drafted for covering the subject area until there is a permunc:nt resolution to tlw pru!Jlcln \,'i :.h I'CSp,;ct t.o fii''; COV,;,'<1gP with this and other like areas. He Solid that ~o,"e- thin') IIIU:.t he donr. to providc protection and a method of funding for pilying for the sCi'vicp:; of <1nothCl' fire district, REQUEST BY B 1\ B DISPOSAL FOIl TfW,SFER OF GMlIlAGE FMflCHISE TO STATHiJ'IE ENV 1 RON:~ENT/\L COlm~^Cl 0[(5 - RErERRED TO STAfF FOR PREPARATION OF APprW, ,r ATE LEDi.~___ _. _'. '._____ ____, Adllrinistl'ativ(' t,ide to the Board "lary 1"or~"'1 noted the receipt of ,1 Cel'tifiecl l.ettf'i' from Attorncy Paul C. Schryver, reprr.senting fj " B [)ispo~al 51"'vicc, inclicat'ng thilt a fonl,Jl l'equest is be'ing mude to thc 80ard to transfrr thf' fJill'ba'Je fl'i1nchisc to :,tatCl'lide Environmental Contractors. ~Is. ~Jol'gan said Lhat information ie, being requested as to what further steps ll1ilY he necessilry t" consummate approval of p~rchasel' and subse'lucnt t i'i1 n s f(~l' . Vice-Ch" irllldn Md" t1ir,:c'ced the County f"anager and his stoff to p'-c'poln: <11' ,1PP"olwiilte let.tei' lIf rcsponse. REQUfsr Wi J i:llrllJ'J u: CATV FI(AUCHJ Sr.E TO Pr-ESENT PROGI(ESS REPORT FOH SUPPLYING CNlLL TELLVISIOj~ SERV1CE5 TO TilE lioil.iOKi\LEE AREA - /l,Pi'ROVED; PJ3.F,,snJ!Ji.!.r.OJi J,Q_Jl.F"S_CJ.~l:.DII.I:l.D rQJUJ~:;L1.. 0,_ -'980 ___ "___ COlllmissiDllcl' Pistol' lI:oved. secolldcd by Commissioner f3rm'!Il illld (,In-ied 3/0 \vith COlll'lIissiollers l'/elllcl and l'limer not present, that the 'rJllcst by thc fro1nchi:;e-holdcl' for Jn~lIok ,lee CATV for an appearance bcfol'c lhe floJrrl to "cport on the p"ogress being Illade in sllpplyinC] call1,, telcvision scr'vices to tll,' imillGk<llce ilrea, be ilpproved, and that the prcsentation be lIlarlo Juno 10, 1980, as requested in the letter dated ~iuy 23, 1900 f"OIIl AttOJ'I1t:y Georgc Varnadoe, I'cpresenting the television firm. "EQUEST flY I'IILLL" L. SLOCUH fI'l 11lLLIAi-l P. HILT FOR HEARING R!: ACTIOIJ T AKF.N f1 Y Tilt.: !lOt\:!" OF [;!JI LD J lie. i\OJU5 Tr-iEIHS f,ND APPEALS - HEAR":C ?.C~~E,D,V_L!:.D_,FOf~JtJilL~,.X::W____ '_____,___,_ ____ ,_ , ^dliJirllstrc1tive Aide to the Boal'd I"~r-y r'\Ol'gan noted the receipt of <1 letter' datcd Hily 20, ]9110 fr-olll riessrs. l~illiam L. Sloculll and I'Jil1iam P. Iii] t "eqlJesti/lg that: tlH'Y be illlo\';ed to install windO\~s on the nOl'th Cllle! ","!llh ,ide [1f i1 huilding to be built on Lots 35, 36, and 37, Block 18, Alllendl~d 1,Iap of Coll ier Ci ty, "1al'CO Is1.1nd, Floridit, \vhich has been dellied BO~K 053 PhCE 375 May 27. 1980 by the [loard of Adjustments and Appeals. Vice-Chairman Archer directed that the matter he researched by staff and scheduled for a hearing on June 3, 1980, If prc[1ared. ACTION RE GOODLAND WATER SYSTEM - COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO WITHDRAW APPLICATION FOR ORDER OF TAKING (GUT NOT CONDEMNATION ACTION) RE SITE FOH CONSTRUCTiOn OF STORAGE TANK; I\HORNEY AND UTILITY DIIlLCTOR It) i)~WVlf)E BOARD ~JlTiI MiALYSIS OF !,'h'ILAOLE ALTERNATIVES; PU8l.IC HEARING TO ::.._.s!:.!~~_D,uglU'.; !~G.A.li~-^.l~_E.B..TArNO,E~JRES or AFFECTED PRc;'[RIX Oi-oNERS COlml;ssioIlC" Pistol' read In its entirety the memorandum dated ~!.lY 27,1980, prl'lhll'ed by him, \vith regard to the Goodland Water System, copies of Sdllle h,lving heen pl'uvided to the Ooard members. Among the rOlllllcnts conta illec! in the subject memoralldum, as read, is that the con- l.r'OVCl'S,V sW"'OUIlU i n<) the d,:ve 1 op:ncn t of the sys tem has reached the 1 eve 1 of inteJlsity \'llIicll, in the o[Jinion of the Commissioner, justifies the Ilu,\rd of County COlllllissionel'S to re-examine the entire project to determii',c \'illdhrr contilluing ~lith the dC'/elol'lllcnt of the project Is in the best interest of the [Joill'd. Ill' said that during the re-examination period a nlJlllber of optio/ls could br explored by the Ooard, illllong such options, the fu 11.1'l'/i nlJ: 1. The Board could ueterllline to continue the purject as cU'Tcntly planned. 2. The l1o,1n1 [()'lld dctl'rllline to hold another referendum on the isslle. 3. The [Jodr<l could, by ordin,lnce, charter an independent special district with the power to provide the water system. Ihe stiltell1ent ClJllClllded with the rccOl11l1:endation, and subsequent motion by COIl:lIlissioll[~( PistOl', that tbe Goard direct the Attorney to withdraw Uil~ dppl ~cotion fo,' Order of Taking, but not to \~i thdrdw the cOlld('ml~'1tion ,1Ction i tscl f (l'li th regill'd to the site for the construction of a storage (,1 Ilk) , and, in the 1J:(',llllillle, the Baud should further direct the Attorney ,:m) Util ity Director' to r'~~;:Jrt back to the Board with a more cOlllplete dll,\lysis of '/<1l'iollS altet'rlotives. The motion was seconded b~' Com:'lissioller 1;\'0\>'11. County Mtorllcy Pirkworth observed that the memorandUIll read is sel f- "\pl.ln.ltory alld th,1t ci, ,;lIlllstallces have t'cached the stage where the 130,1)'(1 hdS to "really sel'iollsly taken a look Jt this PI"ijCCt". He pointed out May 27, 1980 the similarities bctl./e": the project under' discussion and the JmmokalCf "siluiltl(Jf1" Ivh(:reln Lill' cOfnlnun1ty did not support the project. in Lhe f( proposed - i.e. for the Board of County COl1'lT1issioners to be the Govel'f1i Board for th0 District. fie said that the Board recognized this and '~/; lecJislation for an independent district and the project is no'" in pro~1 Attonlcy :'ickl-/orth said he was unsure of what the peOple of Goodiand n want; i1nw~vcr, he doubted If they want the same thing that th~ [loard Wi whicil is a decent system at the 1m/est possible price. Attorney Pickworth said that the withdrawal of the application fOl the Ordcl' of Llking will only have the effect of assuming that th,~ cou, will grant the Order of Taking at the hearing which would place title 1 the property in the hands of the County at that time. He said that the cond('flIn,1t.ion suit I'till proceed and a trial on the issue of valuation I'Iil1 he' hc:JcJ at a later date. Attorney Pickwortll emphasized the feet that tile: costs 0; t::" project keep going up and will continue to escale dUI j'HJ t.he:,,:, peinJs of delay, commenting that "whe., the: final bill com( the f'l'asons for the addition"' co:.ts '..Jill be forgotten and the blame ~Ji he p],lced (If: :',e: [lJMd for building ~ r-I'oject costing more money than I', orilJindily I'opresen' J. Uti litics Division Director Irving Serzon voiced his concul-rence w the Sl,1tl'lflc'IlLs rnM1c by Commissioner Pistol' and by the County A:t.ol'ney. rc~callod tI,,, l ill 1975, I'lhcn the District \'Ias formed, the peaple I':el'e gi a (C':,t In,11ysis of U::' vat'ious altel'natives and that the alter ,tivl.' wh \'/as recolllilfcnood, and tl. one which is being pursued, comos out to alllios the sallie cost this oate itS I,/as estir.1atcd in 1975. fl<. said that U,e cos havo been held down during the five-year period, with the grant helping maint"in the ['rice. ~lr. Berzon suggested that all the criticisl:ls which have I,con voiced, such as hO\./ exrensive the project is, hol'! unn'asonabl (HId unhC,1l',il>lo it is, (lnd the like, are, in his opinion, self-sc,'ving statelllents frolll d Sill a 11 , but vocill, minority. lie said that it is IlL'.' to hear frolll those people \'Iho voted for the system. COllllllissioner PistOl' inquired if it \~ould be possible to obtdin a f ~tatl'lII('nt fnllll t.he: rlflll^ at the time of the hearing as to \,/hethrr or not t.he 10iln and grant Cilll be transferred or if these funds are only availa as 10"'1 uS the County is involved. r,:I'. Serzon said such statell:e:llt can May 27. 198C ~1~1~ 053 PACE3n rcr]IJested; hO\'lever, in his opinion, it is highly '1uestionable whether t.he fUflus C,lr1 be transferred. It VlilS Attorney Pickworth's opinion thilt such d finn answer 'dill not bc forthcoming and, if "they want to go it. alone down there" it will be with t~2 risk that there will not be a loan and grant ,lVa i] a b 1 e. nlscussion followed concerning the design of the system which Mr. ~erzon e'~lained W1S designed on the basis of what good engineering juduelllent arid pl'actice dictates. The proposed site for the storage tank was also .\rldresscd \lith ~Ir, r,erzon stilting that the proposed site is thc only property \,hlch rneets all of the requirernents, adding the COITlllent that there have bcen offers, rn-omises ,lnd threats forthcoming but as yet no one has COIlIC fOrY/ard \.t1th ,1n <11 U'r'rl,1f.e :;it.e. C'lmmlssionl:r Brown noted his d, like for particip,lting in cnl1dernnation rvoceedings. Attorney Pickworth agy'eed with the s Ll tcrnen t tha I. it wou 1 d be pre ferab I e to nego t i a te with the owner for a r",ls"ndl.l~ price. Ik~ salrl for the Board to pay the asking price for a piece of CiJII111lerC 1,11 property, r;i ting an example of $100,000 for one parcel, to s,ltisfy sOI11,'one's illten' ;, would not be responsible action on the part of tile [' i,lrd. '/ice-Ch,lil'ln,ln Arcil(!r reltel'dted the motion on the floor, adding that follm./il1g ti)(' flreselltiltiol1 of al ternatives, a publ ic hearing would be held to as':el't,l;n tile des ires of . he Goodland residents. There was no ohject ion to tile Mid i t. ional verlJ,lgt? to the motion by the maker or the ';,'collder' all,l, UpOIl call for the question, thc motion carried 3/0 Witfl Con:lllissioners l'!onzel arid l~illler not present. In conclusion, Hr. lJCI'zon st,:ted that there is no doubt ,.hat, wit.h the possible exception of maybe six peolJle, the people on Goodland V1ilnt and neorl potable \'1,1 ter ,'cld fire flrotection and that it shc'ild be made vel'Y clear 'hat the Goud is not abdnacning their rcsponse to the peoplc's ;eeds. Hr'. C. E. Smi th, n'presenting thc Goodland Civic Association, stated thJt "they ',/Ould love to have the ,.Iater" and that they are not complaining too 11)1" cver, ,'Ii'. SlIIi h pointed out t~IO di:;crepc1nc:es i, the loan Jppl ic;Jtion - one of which stJtes that the pl'oject would benefit 2,000 people, vlh<e,'cas tilerc are less than 600 persons living on Goodland; th" other discrepanlY being a request for 13,000 feet of 10" line. whereas it will .,ctu,llly t,lken 19,000 reet. noting this is about a $80,000 mistake. II RF~OJWE1\"- MEMO: ~ Hay 2/, 1900 SJ.AXILUJP.O?J.,O !LE..LACJ!:~sh.T..,0L C!)YJiT Y.J"Q.QQ....Q:l.A':'.'").LANCE VEil I S:.I,.E.S_ . ~Ir. MHe Ze\'lall: noted thH the North Naples Civic Association [loard of Directors asked that he inquire as to \.hen the County ambulance:; ~lOuld have the County logo affixed so that the people will know they arc the property of Coll ic!' County. Vice-Chairllliln Archer said that the sign~; "T1,'/or letters h,wc lwen rr,rr..ived ilnd t.hat it is just a matter of gcttin~ tll"I" placed on the vehicles. LAKE TRMFOPlj r'lU.:OfnAL GAROEUS CE/-1ETERY DEED #223 - RECORDED MlfJ Fil.EI; For.LI!.IJ_.BJ! .:D__________ .______.___ . ____ , ,______ rllrSU,ll1t Lo act.ion of thc floard January 10, 197B Whcl'cin ti,r~ Ch,l inJli!l1 was illltlHlI'il.ed t.o o;i~ln Voll'iollS dccds to Lake Trafford Memorial Garden:, Cemetelj lots as the need arises, the following Deed No. 223 W0S recorded and filed for till' l'reurd. * * * .. * * * RECORDER'S MEMO: LeaII ., 1n'ltiq. TrPin, or Pri. --<$" 1 1 .. &We __ ...... ........ BD:,( 053 rm378 May 27, 1980 ?l. Letter ddtrd 5/20/80 from Aler-ta & Aloysious Kuhl, 707 Bamboo Ct., indlcatino their pleasure re m0t.or vehicle inspection station and attendilnts. xc Personnel; Engineering; Filed. 22. I3rochul"C from Dur-a [land Co., re Dur-A-Quarts. an epoxy flooring. xc PUl'ch ,~,ing; County '~()nagel'; Filed. %3. Public Service Comm;ssioner Notice Issued 5/20/00, Volu: . 2-CO re Docket Nos. 000370-CCT, Chr>lllical Lime Carriers. Inc.; 800436-CCT CrO\'/I1 '.Iotor Line'" Inc.; 800i\40-CCB, Empire Bus Lines. Inc.; BOOVIO-CCT, fllaclhllrn's Transfer & Storilge, Inc.; 800290-CCI\, Gravc~5 Viln Poole. Inc.; ,1:1d 8D0314-CCT, RIJsh r1es~enger Service, Inc. Filt,d. 2'1. ~:ont"ly Depal'lmelltul r.eports as follCl'IS: (Filed) iI. Golden G,lte Community Center Advisory Board and I~inutcs of ~larcl1 25, 1980 and Apl'il 29, 1980 meetings. b. Golden Gate Fire Control Distr-ict Mvisory Committee. '.1inutes nf Al'lil 15, 19<10 Sp'.ciai meeting and "lay 13, 1980 meeting. c. f1uildil1'J [)rll,lrtlllcnt.: April, 19BO. 25. Journals of the !louse of Rrprcsentative and Senate. Filed. There being no furthr>r business for the good of the County, the meetinq h'as adjolC11H'd by lll'c1el' of tile Vicl~-Chilirman - Time: 10:20 A.N. BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(~) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~ ____~~~:~;L4 t:/Ja,-LU1-J/ ~- - --.---,.,--- ..._, -- I!OMAS P. ARCHE.I{, V ICE-CHAlk'IAN fITTEST: 1,!IJ.li\i~ J. REAGI\:I, CUR" . I~~(' . .f '.C~ 1:0~l/!:u~ j__-:c-_~(}.,_. '-~.Z!t. RECORDER" HEMO: ~ty ., wridq, TrpIq or Pibrda, -lW<! -'-7 .. IWt --... .... ......... 80J,~ 053 PACE 382