BCC Minutes 05/20/1980 R Naples, Florida, May 20, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commi~- sioners in and for the County uf Collier, and also acting as the Governing DoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F' of the Courthouse Complex with the following members prer-ent: CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer John A. Pistor C. R. "Russ" Wimer David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Office~; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk; C. Nilliam Norman, County Manager: Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Clifford Barksdale, Public Works Administrator, County Engineer; Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmentalist: Thomas Hafne: p' ~lic Safety Administrator; Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator: Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director; Jeffory Perry, Zoning Director: Dr. Danny Crew, Planning Direco Lee Layne, Planner: Gene Willett, Administrative Assistant to County Manager; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to Eoard of County Commissioners; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sherif: Department. ~OOl( 053 PACE 282 May 20, 1980 AGENDA - APP~OVED WITH DELETIONS AND ADDITION Upon motion by Commissioner Archer, seconded by Com- missioner Pistor and unanimously carried, the agenda was approved with the following addition and deletions: 1. Petition FDPO-V-7, William Slocum, requesting a variance from the minimum base flood eleva- tion, as required under FDPO 79-62 (continued from 4/22 and 5/6/80 agendas) - Withdrawn. 2. Petition R-80-4-C, Thomas Kraus, requesting rezoning from "A" to "PUD" for property located in Section 1, T50S, R25E - Withdrawn. 3. Petition CP-80-4-C, Bruce Green and Associates, requesting Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Lot 104, Naples Grove and Truck Company's Little Farms No. 2 - Withdrawn from agenda (scheduled in error). 4. Petition R-80-8C, Bruce Green and Associates, requesting rezoning on Lot 104, Naples Grove and Truck Company's Little Farms No.2 - With- dravm from agenda (scheduled in error). 5. ~ward of Did3 for construction of Willoughby Acres Water and Sewer Improvements - Added under Utility Director's Report. MI!'-IU':'ES OF ~IEETING OF APRIL 29, 1983 - APPROVED Commissio:ler Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and unani:nously carried.. that the minutes of the meeting of April 29, 1980 be approved as presented. PETITION R-79-30C, KINGS LAKE (SOUTH), WAFAA F. ASSAAD FOR POWER DEVELOP'E:~T CORPORATION/KINGS i,l\KE, LTD. - WITHDRAWN AT REQ0E3T OF PETITIONER Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 25, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of P~blica- tion previously filed with the Clerk, Petition H-79-30C, filed by Wafaa F. Assaad for Power Development Corporation/Kings Lake Ltd., w~s withdrawn upon request of the Petitioner, public hearing having been continued from February 26, 1980. PETITION CP-80-4C, BRUCE GREEN AND ASSOCIATES, REQUESTING COMPREHENS;:VE PLAN AMENDMENT RE RESIDENTIAL LAND USE ON LOT 104, NAPLES GROVE AND TRUCK COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS NO.2 _ REMOVED FROM AGENDA (SCHEDULED IN ERROR) It was noted that Petition CP-80-4C was inadvertently scheduled on the agenda in error, public hearing to be held June 3, 1980, as advertised. ~"". n~1 N.., ?~R c:J~~ 053 pm 287 May 20, 1980 PETITION R~80-8C, BRUCE GREEN AND ASSOCIATES, REQUESTInG REZONING FROM VARIOUS ZONING DISTRICTS TO "PUD" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED (IN LOT 104, NAPLES GROVE }',ND TRUCK COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS NO. 2 - WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA (SCHEDULED IN ERROR) It was noted that Petition CP-80-4C,was inadvertently scheduled on the agenda in error, pUblic hearing to be held June 3, i980, as advertised. PETITION A-80-1-C, MARVETA SHAW, APPEALING ZONING DIRECTOR'S DECISION RE KEEPING CHICKENS IN RESIDENTIALLY-ZONED DISTRICT - APPEAL DENIED; STAFF DIRECTED TO REVIEW PERTINENT ORDINANCE TO CLARIFY TYPE OF ANIMALS PERMITTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 4, 1980, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider Petition A-80-I-C, filed by Marveta Shaw, appealing the Zoning Director's decision with regard to the keeping of chickens on residentially-zoned property located at 1202 Trail Terrace, Naples, Florida. Zoning Director Jeffory Perry referred to the Executive Summary dated May 5, 1980 to point out the facts considered when making the determination which resulted in the appeal under dis~ussion. Among the relevant facts, said Mr. Perry, are: I) Ms. Shaw was found to be keeping approximately II chickens within a fenced yard: 2) The appellant was told by Zoning Department authorities that the keeping of chickens was not permitted in the "RM-IA" District; and, 3) While the keeping of fowl is specifically listed as all accessory use in the Estates and as a principal use in Agricultural Districts, it is not liste~ in the "RM-IA" ~r "RS-4" resi- d~ntial dictricts. Ms. Marveta Shaw explained that the chickens in question are her pets and added the following information upon which her appeal is based: l) She is not running a farm or any kind of commercial business; 2) There dre not enough chickens to cause a smell, noting that letters to this effect have been submitted: 3) There is no rooster among the chickens to create May 20, 19(10 a neighhorhood disturbance, 4) The chicken3 are confined within a 50 x 80 foot fenced area; and, 5) The chickens, being penned, do not cause as large a problem as the dogs in the area being permitted to run loose and creating a nuisance. The letters referred to by Ms. Shaw and filed for the record, are as follows: 1. Jackie F. Cail 2. Mrs. Audrey E. Henlay 3. Sheri J. Shaw 4. Ru~sell W. Hemming Speaking in support of Ms. Shaw's appeal, were the following persons: 1. Willard Hedden - 4506 Normandy Drive 2, Jackie F. Cail - 1200 Trail Terrace 3. Arvena Iledden - 1235 Cypress Woods Drive During the discussion which followed, Ms. Shaw present pictures of two of her "pets" which she said are permitted the kItchen 0 f h"" ,10me and which she spec i f ically reCjueste she be allowed to retain. The provisions of the pertinent ordinance were discuss with e".,rcssions of sympathy toward the petitioner forthcon and with County Attorney Pickworth pointing out that 7.oainS laws are not only for the protection of the health and welt of the County, but they are also d0$igned to protect the aesthetic ilnd economic values of property. Mr. Perry reite ated that the c.ecision was based on the fact that "A" and "E" DistrIcts mention the keeping of fowl or poultry for co mercial or accessory uses to residents; however, since such use3 arc not rr.entioned in other districts, it was felt that such Gmission was intended to disallow the keeping of such animals on residential property. It was suggested by Chair Wenzel and Commissioner Wimer that possibly the ordinance w not sufficiently explicit in stipulating which animals may' m~y nnt hp pprmittpn. eOOK 053 PACE 288 B~ax 053 p;cr 289 May 20, 1980 There were no additional persons indicating a desire to address the subject, whereupon Commissioner Archer moved, seconoed by Commissioner Pistor and ~~animously carried, that the puhlic hearing be closed. Conmlissioner Brown moved that the appeal filed by Ms. Shaw be granted. Commissioner Brown agreed to the sugqcsted amendment to the motion, as voiced by Commissioner Wimer in his seconding thereof, to the effect that the staff be instructed to draft an ordinance covering the keeping of animals, noting that the subject needs clarification. Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3 with Commissioners Pistnr, Archer and Wenzel voting in opposition. ChairnlLln Wenzel dixected the staff to "look into" the question with regard to being more explicit on the type of i'lnimals that peoplE" may keep, suggesting the possibility that more flexibility is needed with regard to small pets such LIS the type discussed. PETITION CCC L- 80- 2C, EDWARD JlILLSTROM - ARCHITECT, REQUESTING COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE VARIANCE ON PROPERTY IN SECTIONS 29 AND 30, T4BS, R25E, VILLAS OF VANDERBILT BEP.CH - DEN. ED; P1WPOSED l\MENDMENTS TO PERTINENT ORDINANCE TO BE ORAL-TED r:JR FUTURE PRESENTATION TO DCC Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 4, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with tile Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCCL-80-2C, filed by Architect Edward Hillstrom for Union Properties of Southwest Florida, Inc., requesting a variance to the Coastal Construction Control Line for property in Sections 29 and 30, Towrship 48 South, Range 25 East. As noted in the petition, the purpose in requesting the variance is to permit the construction of a seawall, backfill, and provide access boardwalk to the bea,h area in conjunction with the construction of the villas of Vanderbilt Beach. Dr. Jay Barmic, County Environmental Consultant, located the subject property on the map displayed, explaining in further May 20, 1980 detail the proposed seawall construction which h~ tidid will conform to the seawalls immediately to the south. lie pointed out that a previous variance was granted for construction of the condominium building which is underway. Dr. HP'1~mic ad.- vised thilt he received a telephone call from Bernie Yokel, local environmentalist, who expressed the thought that the proposal would be an improper use of the beachfront, and that an additional call was received from an opponent, and stating that she would be in attendance at the public hear- ing. Dr. Harmic called the Board's attention to Condition No.4 of the proposed resolution, as follows: If, in the event, shoreline erodes or is washed away from the proposed wall, so as to preclude public passage on the beach, the Community Devel- opment Administrator shall have the authority to require the owner of the varied land to restore or provide such beach pedestrian passage. Plans a~d specifications for such provision shall be approved by the Community Development Administrator. Dr, lIilrmic said thilt the above-referenced Condition was imposed in an attempt to alleviate future problems, also noting that he transmitted a copy of the resolution, containing all of the con- ditions, to the petitioner but that, as yet, there has been no response. Lengthy discussion followed the presentation by Dr. Harmic which included such matters as the use of riprap rather than seawalls, the fact that the vegetation line is not well-defined, the location of the seawall from the m.h.w. line and the eleva- tian, the fact that it has been recommended that variances such as the type being considered be avoided so dS to prevent erosion of beache3 and natural areas of the coastlines, and other per- tinent topics. Dr. Harmic, responding to Commissioner Brown, said that on the basis of the existing seawall in the particular area, ann also because of the conditions imposed, he is recom- mending that the petition be approved. Mr. Edward Hillstrom, representing the developer, offered I no additional comments other than expressing his concurrence BOOK 053 PACe 290 eO~K 053 PACE 291 May /.0, 1980 with the statements ml'lde by Dr. HarTJ1ic. It was Commi&dioner Archer's suggestion that, before the petitioner ~grees to the condition referred to by Dr. Harmic, it should be considered carefully since the restoration contained therein would be a costly mi1ttcr. ^ further comment by the Commissioner was that, although he does not like to disagree with the County's staff, in this case he cannot "buy what they are proposing". The following persons were in att~ndance to voice opposi- tion to the requested variance: 1. George F. Keller, Chairman of the Zoning Com- mittee of the Collier County Civic Federation 2. Betty Gulacsik 3. Arndt L. Mueller, President of the Collier County Audubon Society 4. Mike Moore, Director of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' Association 5. Ci1rl Gilzow, President of.the Vanderbilt 3Ci1ch Property Owners' Associa~ion "ead and filed for the record waG a letter of opposition dated May 13, 1980, signed by Andrew Gulacsik, Jr. and Mrs. Bettie L. Gulacsi~, wherein it is stated that the natural beauty of CJllier Cnunty's beaches and coastlines are rapidly disappear- ing due to uncontrolled and indiscrimate buildinq ~nd variance allowances, and that seawalls and backfills of the type requested disturb the delicate balance of sea life. All opponents and proponents having been heard, r:mnrnissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Petition CCCL-80-2C, filed by Edward Ilillstrom, Architect, be denied. It was suggested by Commissioner Wimer that the ordinance regulating variances such as the one acted upon be brought back to the Board for possibl~ amendments with the Director o[ Cl.'IIUlIUllity Development Terry Virta advising that work has already been started on the ordinance and that a proposal to May 20, 19!10 the Bonrd will be made shortly for strengthening of the pertinent ordinance. RECESS: 10:10 A.M. until 10:l7 A.M. OkDINANCE 80-46 RE PETITION IZ--80-I-I, J.APC, REQUESTING DUFFER F'OR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ZONED PROPERTY ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES - ADOPTED, PURSUANT TO STAFF RECOM- MENDATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 13, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of PubJicatior previously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from April 1 and April 15: 1980 for consideration of Petition IZ-80-]-1, filed by the Immokalee Area Plann1:,g Commission, req\\E':H.ing il buffer for Commercial and Industrial zoned property ildjacent to Residential zoned properties. Zo~ing Director Je~fory Perry recalled that the Board requested the Planning Staff to prepare for consideration dn amendmpnt to the Immokalee Zvning Ordinance to provide buffer and setback requirements for the above-referenced zoning districts, noting that the directive was pursuant to a public hearing regarding the rezoning of certain Immokalee property. The IAPC originally denied the proposal; however, it was reconsidered by the IAPC and at the April 30, 1980 meeting of the Planning Commission they agreed to recommend approval to the Board upon the conditions that: I) the ordinance require yard setbacks to be provided by the property proposed for rezoning which would abut existing commercial and industrial zoned land; and, 2) the ordinance apply to rezoned properties a~ter the effective adoption date of the ordinance and not to properties presently zoned. The provisions are in- cluded in the ordinance being presented, said Mr. Perry. There being no persons to address the issue, Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. BOOK 053 PAGf 292 BQa~ 053 rAcE '293 May 20, 19130 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and un&nimously carried, that Ordinance 80-46, as entitled below, be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No. II. ORDINANCE 80 - ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 74-15, ARTICLE V, GENERAL PROVISIONS; ARTICLE XI, SECTION 11.11, IC-I, COMMERCIAL DIS- TRICT, ARTICLE XI, SECTION 11.12, I-C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; ARTICLE XI, SEC- TION 11.13, I-C-3, COMMERCIAL-LIGHT IN- DUSTRIAL DISTRICT, ARTICLE XI, SECTION 11.14 I-C-4, COMMERCIAL-LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT; AND, ARTICLE XI, SECTION 11.15, I-I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. C"'.OINM'Cr: 8 0-4 7 ESTABLISHING PARKING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED Leg;)] notice haJing been published in the Naples Daily News on May 1, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed comprehensive ordinance establishing parking regulations for the unincorporated area of Collier County. Administrative Assistant to the County Manager Gene Willett recalled that in October, 1979 the Board directed the staff to establish a $25.00 fine for parking in a fire zone and, to accomplish the task, it is desirable to change the present Parking Ordinance from a permitting system to a traffic fine and enforcement system. He stated that the changr is recommended ~~imarily due to the unenforceability of the current ordinance and that the ordinance presented basically tracks through Chapter 31ti FS, to determine parking violations, and establishes the administrative procedure to be utilized by the Clerk of the County Court and the judicial system. Furthermore, said Mr. Willett, the proposed ordinance hu3 beeo review~u uy the County Attorney, the Clerk, the Sheriff, the Publi~ Works Division, a~d by Judge Hayes. May 20, 1980 Mr. Willett pointed out the various minor changes which have been made to the draft copy, provided as backup material to the Executive Summary, and the final ordinance. There was a brief discussion regarding parking on bikp.- paths, a matter of concern expressed by Mike Zewalk which is prohibited under the term~ of the ordinance; parking on narrow streets; whether or not signs are necessary; and other pertin- ent matters. There being no persons registered to address the Board, Cormnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. It wag noted that Ms. Delor.is Jackson and Ms. Nancy Bisbee, having registered, declined the opportunity to comment. Deputy Chief Barnett observed that it will be necessary to "put one more man on" to serve warrants and, possibly, a clerk, at an estjmated cost of somewhere between $25,000 and $45,000. ~lr. Willett replied that it is hoped that th(' ad- ditional revenues generated will offset those expenditures. Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer that Ordil~rtnce 80-47, Establishing Parking Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Collier County, be adopted and entered Ln Ordinance Book No. 11. Upon call for the question, the motion was unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO, 80 - ~ AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE PARKING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNTNCOHPORATED AREAS OF COLLIER COUNTY; PROVIDIr:; A SHORoC TITrE; ESTABLISHING JURISDICTION; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; PLACE- liENT OF OHICIAL PARKING SIGNS; AUTHORIZING THr: BOAlill OF COUNT'" COM!iISSIOl'{CRS BY RESOLU- TION TO REGULATE PARKING; PROVIDING PARKING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC PARKING SPACES FOR CERTAIN llAHTlICAPFED PERSONS; ESTA8LISING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF PARKING REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF COUNTY PARKING CITATIONS; ESTAB- LISHING PROCEDURES GOVERNING PAYNENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AND PROCEEDINGS TO ENFORfE PAYMENT tOOl{ COUNTY PARKING VIOLATIONS; DEFINING TIlE LIABILITY OF A VEHICLE'S OWNER FOR THE PAY- ~ffiNT OF P~(lNG VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF FINES AND FORFEITURES; AUTHO- RI ZING TlfE TOWING. STORAGE. AND ATTACHMENT m' LIENS FOR HOTOR VEHICLES PARKED ON REAL PARKING PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR TIlE REPEAL OF rf"'rT l'rp "","",~,..,...~? ,.,t"1"T"~"r~' -.r "1"l^",,.........,.,.. ""1' - - ; eoox' 053 PAGE MQK 053 rIr.[ 295 May 20, 1980 PETITION FDPO-80-V-7, SLOCUM/HILT, REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED BY FDPO 79-62 - WITHDRAWN AT REQUEST OF PETITIONERS Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 6, 1980 and in the Marco Island Eagle on April 1980, oS evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with thE Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition FDPO-JD- filed by wi.1liam Slocum and William Hilt, requesting variance from the Minimum Base Flood Elevation as rp.quired by FDPO 79-( for property located on Lots 35, 36 and 37, Block l8, Amended Plat of Collier City. Earlier in the Session, during the Approval of trle Agend< it was noted by County ~\anager Norman that the Petitioners have notified the Board, by letter dated May 12, 1980, that they are withdrawing the petition due to the fact that it is their intent to conform with the requirements of the Corps of EnCJin'~ering Flo0d-Proofing Regulations. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the request for withdrawal be accepted. PETITIO" R-BO-4C, THm1.AS KRAUS, REQUESTING REZONING PROM "An TO "PUD" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN 51, T50S, R25E - WITHDRAWN M REQUEST OF PETITIONER; STAPP DIRECTED TO PROVIDE RECOMMENDATI< REGARDING APPROPRIATE REZONING FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April IB, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicatic filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition R-UO-4C, ~iled by Thomas Kraus for Theodore G. Harve} and Fred G. Strom, r~qu~sting rezoning from "A" to "PUD" for property located i;l Section l, Township 50 South, Range 25 Eaf Mr. Thomas Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soli and Peek, Inc., represented the petitioner and, earlier in the Session, during the Approval of the Agenda, explained that a letter dated May 19, 1980 has been received from one of the owners ot the property, ,t'red G. StroIn, wlthu1.<1wing the pctitic and requesting the oppcrtunity to have the rezoning plans f.or the property addressed during the meeting this date. Hay 20, 1900 Mr. Peek said that several of the residents in t.l1e arert of the subject property approached the owners asking them to consiJer Commercial-Professional zoning of the parcel which 5.s felt to be more compatible for that particular location. The owners, wishing to be "good neigh- bors", are giving serious consideration to the request and, in addition to withdrawing the petition at this time, are requesting t.hat the Doard consider waiving the fee when the petition is refiled as "P-C", Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by CommisHioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Board accept the withdrawal of Petition R-80-4-C. Commissioner Archer inquired as to how much of the fee submitted with the original rezoning request has been ex- pender;, includincr an estimate of the amount of time in- volved in proce3sing the petition. Community Development Administrator Terry Virta said that the fee of $750.00 has been expended at this time, adding that there has been the usual staff involvement in the review process. He also poin~ed out that the new zoning request will necessitate an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, as well as addres- sing the rezoning. He said that he could not support iI waiver of the refiling fee. Mr. PeeK stated that he was not aware that the fees have been expended apd withdrew his request for the waiver. Mr. Tqd 8elow, representing the residents of Coconut CreeK and himself, asked the Doard to consider changing the Plan to either "p-e" or Residential, noting that there has been opposition to the original proposed rezoning. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the staff be directed to make a change in the PI"n to ei ther of the two sllhjpcl: 7.(mi ng rHstricts and come back with their recommendation. Mr. George Keller, Golden Gate Estates resident, "r-"" n, p'O~K 053;:f 297 May 20, 1980 stated that it is his un~erstanding that the Comprehensive Plan i8 not 0 zoning ordinance and, therefore, questioned ~hy a change to the Plan is necessary. Planner Lee Layne pointed out that the Plan must be changed before any re- zoning can be made and, if a "P_C" District is requested, the Plan will have to be amended to Commercial and, if residential rezoning is requested, an amendment to resi- dential use will be necessary. Dr. Danny Crew, Planning Direc~or, addeG the comment that there is no such zoning category i) ,; "p-C" in the Plan - strictly "CD Commercial, noting thol: the motion on the floor is a recommendation for a change in zoning to either residential zoning or IIP_cn.. Commissioner Archer clarified his motion to request a rp.zoni ng recommendi,tion from staff, to be brought back to the Board, in order for the rezoning to be done properly ann follow!nq th(~ "letter of the lal.". The motion, having bel~n stocondcd by Commissioner Fistor, ci'lrried unanimously. There were ~everal interp.sted persons registered to address the petiti0n but, due to its withdrawal, were not heard. Approximately twenty letters were filed for the record, all of which were in opposition to the rezoning petition. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 78-67 TO AMEND BOUNDARIES OF THE PELICAN BAY LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JUNE l7, 1980 Commissioner wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, ".hat a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 70-67 to amend the boundaries of the Pelican Bay Lighting Municipal Service Taxing District be advertised for a public hearing June 17, 1980. May 20, 1980 ACTION R~ TRAFFORD PINES ESTATE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT: BUILDING MORATORIUM FOR UNITS 1V!'1'IUN TRAFFORD PINE ESTATES CONTINUED; COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO USE LEGAL DISCRETION TO SOLVE TilE PROBLEM, INCLUDING THE PREPARA'rION OF LETTEH, ["on CHAInMAN'S SICNATUHE, TO IMMOKALf.E win DISTRICT CIIAIHMAN FOR ASSUMPTION OF FIRM'S OPERATION Pursuant to Board directive of May 13, 1980, County Attorney pickworth advisAd that a letter h~R been written by his staff, dated May 14, 1980, to Mr. Roger Dick, Operator of Trafford Pines Estate Sewage Treatment Plant, expressing the Board's concern over the operation of the Plant and notifying him that the matter would be addressed again by the Board this da::e. He r,oted that the letter was sent by Certified Mail and that a Return Receipt, signeri by him, has been received. When asked to provide a recommendation, Attorney pickworth said that he would advise that the Board continue its action, taken May 13, 1980, thilt there be no further bUllding pennits granted for the affected area. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the recommendation be followed. Continuing, Attorney Pickworth recalled that the Board has previo~sly given him authorization to do whatever is necessary to ~c30lve the matter, including litigation which he said might, at some point in time, becor.w necessary. He reported that he has talked with the Tax Collector's office and been informed that seizing the plant is under discussion; however, Attorney Pickworth stated that he is net sure that is r.ecessary - other properties owned by Mr. Dick can be seized fo_ the taxes owed. He also said that it is his under- standing that whcever seized the plant will have to operate it and called 'JpOn Mr. Langley Adair, Enforcement Officer, of the DER, to provide further input. Mr. Adair said that the situation under discussion is rather "awkward" in that it is the DER's duty to insure that the sewage treatment plant is operating and kept operating so that it meets the requirements for sewage treatment as "'....,.." b~~K U53 PAGE 299 long as anyone 1s living in houses connected to the subject system. He noted that there have been ca8e~ in the State where the permit-holder has wanted to stop operation of a plant, walking off and leaving it, but that the DER has been successful in preventing this by injunctive relief. He explained the general conditions of a permit, once such permit is accepted, including the particular Legula- tion that Btates that within sixty dayo of the expir~tion of a permit "You shall apply for a new Operating Permit". Another regulation, said Mr. Adair, states that when the responsibility for the operation of a plant is transferred, either by sale or other methods, the person who assumes control of the plant 1Jhilll apply for a transfer of the per!:li t. Mr. Adair explained the health hazards involved in the levent- the plant is shut down which he said would not only be within the DER jurisdiction but also the County Health Department. The posture the DER would have to take, he continued, in order to fulfill their obligations, would be, if the plant WilS seized, for the DER to look to the Tax Collector, or someone designated by him, to operate the plant. Mr. Adair said that, hopefully, the matter car. be resolved by some nther means and that the owner can straighten out his problems and continue to operate the plant satisfactorily. Attorney pickworth referred to the letter from the Farmers Home Administration which basically Gtates that, as far as FmHA is concerned, the County has guaranteed the operation of the facility and that the FmHA will "look to the County". He soid that it is unfortunate that the FmHA has allowe": the situation to exist for many years and no'''', at the last, is looking to the County to take care of an obligation that was partly the FmHA's problem to begin with, especially considering the fact that the problem arose because the immokalee Utilities, Inc. failed to live up to its agreement May 20, 1980 with the developer. He said that the firm is a quasi- public corporation funded by the FmHA which will be taken over, upon construction of the sewer !lystem by the Irrmokalee Water and Sewer District, which is also a FmHA-funded entity. It w~s Attorney pickwo.-th's suggestion that the Soard direct that a letter be writt"n by the Chairman to the Chairman of the Imrnokalee Water and Sewer District requesting that they become involved in the situation and, if necessary, take over the operation of the plant from Mr. Dick, which was the Immokalee Utilities' obligation upon lOa connections. He pointed out that the County is not in a good position to begin running a sewage treatment plant in Immokalee, com- menting that the residents requested their own independent district and that a bill to this effect was supported in the Legislature. Now, he said, it is their desire to ignore the situation, ,'.s the FmHA has chosen to do. Commissioner Brown moved to approve the Attorney's u.'cUI1J1\e'l1<ldLiun thaL a 10tter, as detailed above, be drafted by hi~ for the Chairman's signature, and that the Attorney be directed, since the problem is a legal one, to proceed at his legal discretion to solve the problem. Co~~issioner pistor secanded the motion which was carried unanimously. ~\ENDMENT TO CO~~UNI'rY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROG~I PROVIDING FOR DSMOLITION AND SUBSEQUENT NEW CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE Ti\RKET AREA I!'lMES IN IM.'10KALEE - APPROVED Ms. Sondra Yates, program Coordinator for the Il;lmokalee Block Gr~nt Program, addressed the Board to request approval of an amendment to the Community Development Block Grant Program which would provide for replacement housing rather than the renovation of five target area homes. She said that the homes in question are in such a dilapidated condition as to requiLe nlajuL bLJ:u(..Lu.ral rc-building which "-auld co::t excess 0: $18,000 each. Since replacement housing would cost .....-..... BC~K U53 rAGE301 May 20, 1980 approximately $15,000 per unit, Ms. Yates said that the Hun representative recently suggested that the proposed amendment would b~ the most cost-effective approll.ch to the problem and noted that the amendment would not require ~n increase in the amount of funding - merely a transfer of funds from one category to another. The natllre of the structural repairs required was dis- cussed, along with Ms. Yates pointing out that the home- owners have owned the homes for between l6 and 22 years and that the homes represent their only resources. For the interim periud, M!l. Yates said that there are "temporary relocation funds" for the estimated 60 days required. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by COITUllissioner Archer, th~t the Board approve the proposed amendment to the Community Block Grant Program, as requested. Commissioner Wimer voiced his viewpoint that the project presented goes heyond his original conception of the Program and inquired if there are other programs for the purpose of completely building new houses. Ms. Yates said that, to her knowledge, there are none in Collier County. She said that the proposal is within the province o~ the Program; however, she agreed that the original intent was to repair homes and not for replacement. She said that the only alternative is to leave the people in the housing condition they are now in or to replace the houses. Commissioner Wimer said that there are other Federal programs available and that it might be wise to pursue them for the County. Ms. Yates agreed with the Commissioner that additional funding should be sought so that there are other alternatives. To further explain the problem, Ns. Yates said that the families involved are in such condition and at such an age that living else- where wo~ld be difficult. Also, said Ms. Yates, since some u[ Lilt' pel SUlltl dn, 8..+ Yt'a.l"S of age, waiting until other funding is available would not be expedient. Commissioner May 20, 1980 Brown pointed out that even if there are other programs thp funding is from t.axpayers I monies ultimately. Responding to Commissiuner Wimer, Ms. Yates said that there is l' five-year "forgiveness clause" in the Program; i.e. the owners must retain the homes for five years and, at the end of this time, they become an outright grant. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/l with Commissioner Wimer voting in opposition. PETITION PU-80-4C, NAPLES BRIDGE CLUB, REQUESTING PU(6) OF "E" DISTRICT FOR SOCIAL CLUB ON TRACT 75, UNIT 30, GOLDEN GATE ESTA~ES - DEN:ED; STAFF DIRECTED TO PROVIDE RECOM- ME~DATIONS F'OR POSSIBLE RE~mUNG OF SUBJECT AREA FOR USAGES SUCH AS PROPOSED Planning Director Danny Crew explained that Petition PU-80-4C, filed by the Naples Bridge Club, is a request for provisional Use (6) of the "E" Estates District for the establishment of a bridge club on property located on the cast 150' of Tract 75, Unit 30, Golden Gate Estates, further described as being on the north side of Golden Gate Parkwaj, north~Ast of the Mess~ah Lutheran Church. He said the peti- tion has been reviewed and recommended for approval by all County agencies, with certain stiuplations, and that the Coastal Area Planning Commission has also reco~~ended approval subje~t to the staff's stipulations. The particular area, in its entirety, was discussed with expressions of concern forthcoming with regard to the pro- liferation of provisional uses which are eroding the residen- tial zoning character of the roadway. Commissioner Archer moved for denial of the petition with the comment that the pertinent ordinance is being vio- lated by turn~ng the district into a commercial strip. Com- missioner Pistor seconded the motion, adding the suggestion that a report be forthcoming from the CAPC and the Planning Staff and that, if there is a recommendation for some type of a change in zoning along the strip, the petition can be presented again. '0'" nr;~ ~I^t":m? BO~~ 053 rACE 303 May 20, 1980 Commissioner Archer restated his motion that the petition be denied without prejudice and, if the recommenda- tion from the st~ff is to consider the entire area for the suggested type of usage, and if it is subsequently approved, the petition can be approved. Commissioner Pistor seconded the Amended motion. Mr. Robert Clark, President ~f the Naples Dridge Center, Inc., voiced his appreciation of the Board's positior and explained the urgency involved in locating a place for the organization's activities. Mr. William Walters, Chairman of the Coastal Area Pla:lniJIC] Commission, explained that the petition complies wit~ the requirements for a provisional use - it is not a commercial operation, nor is it noisy, the hours are rela- tivcl.y infrequent -. in shor.t, it is a perfect provis=.onal use for the subject area, in the opinion of the CAPC. Further, said Mr. Walters, it is his opinion that a four- l.ane highway should not be a residential street. Mr. Cl.ark was asked to explain the reasons why their facilities must be relocated and also the amount of traffic that will be generated. Mr. William 11cGrath, CAPC member, added his comments to Mr. Walters' with regard to the recommendation which was forthcoming from that ent~ty. He said that to try to pre- serve Golden Gat~ Parkway as a residential area is unrealis- tic; therefore, he said that public service operations ouch as churches, and the like, are not too bad for the area and should be continued as provisional uses. He said that the traffic problems can be analyzed and maybe resolved by the use of another access road, concluding with the comment that the CAPC is very much in favor of permitting the use being requeoted. Commissioner Pistor voiced his agreement with Mr. McGrath with the suggestion that ~he area be rezoned in such May 20, 1980 a way that previsional use petitions will not have to be continually addressed, such ~oning to specify what can and cannot be considered appropriate uses. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Brown voting in opposition. Chairman Wenzel instructed the staff to review the area in question for possible zoning change. County Manager advised l:h,~t it ah0uld be recognized that to rezone the pl'Qperties will take more than the usual time because of the controversial nature along Golden Gate Parkway. C~NERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CONCERNING FEES OF AND SF.RVICES RENDERED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT _ APPROVED Dr. \Hlliam i'i. Cox, Collier County llealth Director, addr0ssed the Board for the purpose of requesting approval of the Fce Schedules submitted, as attached to his Memoran- dum dated May 7, 1980, and entitled General Policies and Procedures Concerning Fees of the Collier County Health Depart:.ment. He said that th~ present schedule is obsolete and inatlequate, pointing out that the fee schedule for the Environmental Health Section was approved by the Board in 1975. Responding to Chairman \'lenzel, Dr. Cox said that there will te no hardships with regard to the County having to pick up some of the charges through welfare, and ':he like, noting that one phase ':If the Schedule is a req'lest for the authority to use discretionary judgement regarding fees in unusual or hardship cases. Commissioner Wimer moved for approval of the document presented by Dr. Cox. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. Fo:lowing brief comment regarding septic tank fees, Chairman Wenzel called for the question with the motion carrying unanimously. abnx 053 PACE 304 Jnx 053 PAC; 31j May 20, 1980 RECOMMENDED CIIANGr,S IN ADMINISTR1\TION AND ACCOUNTING OP rUEL COSTS l\ND SUPPLIES - CONTINUED UNTIL MAY 27, 19BO Purchasing Director r. Il. Wilcox reported that, pUrf'lUilnt to BOllrd directivr> of April 29, 1980, the details for the administration and accounting of fuel costs and supplies have been worked out. With regard to tl,e proposed surcharge, Mr. wilcox said that, since fuel dispension is an internal service, it lH felt that any expenditures related to this service should be charged out to the users 01' the service, commentin'} that a 2C per gallon surcharge is beinC] proposed. These monies would be deposited in a separate reserve account in the Internal Services Fund for deprecia- tion and maintenance, concluded Mr. Wilcox. l\ further proposal, said Mr. Wilcox, is that the r~sponsibility for all maintenance, operations, record- keepinC] and fuel allocation for all facilities under the jurisdiction of the Board be consolidated and assigned to one department - that bein'l the Motor Pool. He noted that this consolidation i~ most essential when gas short- ages occur and fuel allocations are necessary. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissjoner Wimer, that the recommendations outlined by Mr. Wilcox be approved. Deputy Ch~ef Raymond Barnett voiced his opposition to the proposed 3urcharge, suggesting that 2C per gallon is extremely ~igh. Mr. Wilcox said that if the Sheriff's Department was to build its own facility it would cost between $60,000 and $10,000 per facility, whereas, under the propo"i11., i.t would cos~. the Department only an additional $3,000 per year approximately. Deputy Barnett also pointed out that the County's facilities are not built so that a determination can be made as to how much fuel is used in Pilch C'lr. County Mflnilger Norman said thi'lt it is envisioned that one of the items that the subject funds would be used May 20, 1980 is the installation of an automated dispensing system in the future whereby rCRd-out9 could be obtained. Noting that there appeared to be some differences of ',pinion, and the like, Commissioner Wimer withdrew his ""conding of the motion witn the comment that the staff should "sit down and wo.k out" the differences - at least try to do so - before the matter is brought to the Board. Having made the original motion, Commissioner Pistor withdrew the subject motion. It was moveJ by Commissioner Wimer, seconded by commissioner pistor and unanimously c<'\rried, that the subject matter be continued until May 27, 1980. ufD #417 FOR PAVING AND DRAINAGE OF PARKERS HAMMOCK - !,'.,,\RDED TO llIGllWA Y PAVERS, INC., NAPLES, FLORIDA, IN THE :-;\1>1 OF' $87, ,52.75 t.cqal notice having been published in the Naples Daily I;c\...s on April 16 and 18, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of ['u<-)lic<ltion filed with the Clerk, bids were received until ~\,IY 7,1960 with regard to Bid #417 for the paving and c],ainage of Pa,kers Hammock. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and unanimously carried, that Bid #417 be awarded to Highway Pavers, Jnc., Naples, Florida, in the amount of S87,752.75, the low bidder, as r2commended in the Executive Surrmary cl,) ted May 9, 1980, as prepared by the Purchasing Director and approved by the County Manager; and, that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest tte resulting Agreement. Ri;COMMENDATION TO WAIVE BID PROCESS AND AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF SPRINKLER AND SOD FOR THE MARCO ISLAND BALL FIELD - ~ONTINUED UNTIL MAY 27, 1980 Purchasing Director Frank Wilcox reviewed briefly the Executive Summary dated ~ay 8, 1980, as prepared by him and approved by the County Manager, wherein it is requested that the bid process be waived and for the Board to authorize the BO~K 053 pm 315 May 20, 1980 purchase of 80,000 Aqu~re fe~t of Bermuda '419 Turf, and fifty-four (54) sprinkler heads for use at the new ball field loc'lted on Marco Island. He said that, because of the simpli flcation of the specifications, written quota- tions were requested from potential suppliers in lieu of using the s~aled bid process and noted that a tabulation of the quotations is attached to the Executive Summary. Mr. wilcox said that the Parks and Recreation Departm~nt staff has expressed a preference for purchasing the sprink- ler heads from the local vendor, D.lthough not the lowest bidder, in consid~ration of the co~~ribution the dealer has I"ade by his help and assistance in preparing the blueprint: and design for the system, plus the fact that he has offered his services and tim~ to the Department personnel during Lhe installation of the system by the County staff. Commiss.i.oncr Wimer, noting the absence of figures showing the costs involved in laying the sod and instal- ling the sprinklers, moved that the matter be continued until MClY 27, 1980 at I'hich time figures should be, fur- nished upon which an intelligent decision can be made. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried. CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR WILLOUGHBY ACRES WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - AWARDED TO MITCHELL & STARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., MFnORA, INDIANA; WATER LINES TO BE INSTALLED AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 15, 1980, in The Fort Myers News-Press on April 16, 1980, and in The Tampa Tribune on April 18, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received antil May 9, 1980 with regard to the construction of the Willoughby Acres Water and Sewer Improvements. May 20, 1980 Utilities Division Director Irving Berzon said that the bidg w~r~ tabulated by the Consulting Engineer and "came in" within the revised esti~ates that were prepared. lie said that, after the Consultant has provided th(~ Board with his recommendation as to the materials and the con- tractor, it ig hin (Mr. Berzon's) rocommendation that the Eng i neer' S recolnmenda tions be accepted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contracts on behalf of the County Water-Sewer District with the apparent low hidder. Also, said Mr. Berzon, it should be stipulated that the authorization is contingent upon approval of the bids hy the Farmers Home Administration and an increas~ in the amount of the loan by the FmHA to meet the financial needs of the project. Mr, Thoma~ Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI & Peek, Inc., Consulting Engineers for the project, said that seven bids were received f~r the project with bids ranging from $1,360,000 to $1,900,000 - two bids being within $2,000 of each other. Mr. Peek said that a com- parison of the prices submitted by the two low bidders, together wi th an analysis and rE!c:ommendation, have been furnished to Nr. Berzon, same being attached to the Memorandum dated May 19, 1980 prepared by Mr. Berzon. He revieweG briefly the contents of the attac~nents including the ~lalifications of the apparent low bidders and his .Mr. Peek's) recommendation with regard to the use of PVC in lieu of Asbestos Cement Pipe for the water line construction. When asked by Commissioner Wimer when the water line could be installed, Mr. Peek responded by stating that the bid specified 365 days at the outside. It is anticipated that the project will take no more than 300 days to complete: however, it must be recognized that the paper work must be Max 053 PACE 318 ~o~~ 053. pm317 M'\y 20, 1980 pr.ocessed and that it will probably be early in July before the contractor can proceed which" Mr. Peek pointed out, is ~~ the bey~nning of the r~iny season. Commissioner Wimer observed that ~his presents a problem since the resi- dents were desirous of obtaining the water, which is the only thing requested in the first place, and that the sewer has consistently caused delays. He said it was their understonding that the water could be installed in a few months, with the sewer system continued for the estim- ated time of approximately a year. Mr. Peek said that the recommended contractor has indicated that it is his desire to complete the job with the least amount of disturbance, noting that he would like to work both system~ together, and that, if the water system can be completed sooner than the sewer, the contractor would probably work toward that goal; however, he is not making such commitment. During the ensuing discussio~, such matters as the reasons for bidding the projects separately were discussed, along ,..>ith t.he roctO restoration work involved, and other pertinent factors. Since both lines will not be installed on the same side of the street, it was suggested by Commis- sion~r pistor that perhaps the w~ter lines will go in quickzr than the sewer lines and, if necessary, the con- tractor could be requested to give priority to the water lines. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unaoimously carried, that the staff recommendation be accepted; i.e. that the Construction Bids for the Willoughby Acres Water and Sewer Improvements be awarded to Mitchell & Stark Construction Company, Inc., Medora, Indiana, in the amount of $1,JIl,15l.06, using PVC pipe for both systems; that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contracts on behalf of the County Water-Sewer District: that it be May 20, 1980 stipulated that the authorizatipn is contingent upon approvnl of the b1dR hy the FArm~rB Home ~dministration and an increase in the amount of the loan by the FmHA to meet the financial needs of the project; and that the concern be expressed that the Board would like the water line to be installed as quickly as possible. RII;TINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the bills, having been processed according to established procedure with funds available, he ap- proved fo= payment as witnessed by the following checks issued from May 14, 1980 through May 20, 1~80: ACCOUNT CHECK NOS. 7951 - ('203 7 1864 - 2007 County Checks General Fund BeC Payroll - CETA The motion car=ied unanimously for all bills with th~ exception of Check No. 8052 for Vines and Associates with Chairman Wenzel voting in opposition to the payment of l:his bill. * * * * * * * * * * * M~K n!i~ "IO~~" Q BD~K 053 PACZ '3J 9 May 20, 1980 BUDGET A!olENDMEN'r 80-107 RE TRANSFER I"ROM CONTINGENCIES TO COVER COST 01" CONVERSION OF AMBULANCE UNIT (AMBlJLANCE SERVICES) - ADOPTED IN TIlE AMOUllT OF $3/030 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by COmmiS6..l0ner Pifitor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 80-107, as follows, be adopted: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T C~ Requ~-es Board Ap?=oval - D DO'e's' Not Require Board Approvi'.l (transf:er within object code range) nlND GENEAAL . _ AMBULANCE SERVICES DEPT .- )I':SCRlr"l'ICN: Tr_lI:..i . UC iL:nJ:.; [I:om' C01ltiJlgencies to cover c:)st of convert: th~ modular ambulance unit previously leased to Zippo Ambulance Service. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI9NERS 5/6/80. TO (Increase): M0tor Vehicles 001-526-1-13-40-010-640 S 3,039. FROM !Source of Funds); Contingencies 001-519-l-00-05-0l0-990 S 3,03C '. .. ::oun ty !>lgr jDi v 'fitma ~,,~~: ~-I2-So ~~;~~~f}YJ:;1 Dateifr/1 Boord of County Comm. A:?proval: BUDGET J Date~ May 20, .1980 No.80-lC DTST!'-.!!lUTION=_ - 'D Board Hecorcls (Original) D Fiscal Officer - L:7 Department(s) Affected - -17 lIccounting Department 2:7 purchasing (Equipment Only) ;-? Budget Analyst May 20, 1900 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-108 RE TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCIES TO ~OVER COST OF INSTALLATION OF FUEL PUMPING STATION AND EXPANSION OF TANKS AND PUMPS (INTERNAL SERVICES-MOTOR POOL) ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $38,750 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously Curried, that Budget Am~ndment 80-108 as follows, be adopted: BOARD OF' C:)UN'tY COHMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T ~7 RequLre~ Board Approval . D Do'es' Not Require Board 1\pprova (transfer within object code ra . .. .' .' .... . ., .. .,. ..... . FllNU -'; C I? - O'I'HER :rll.Al~ f,.OADS. .' DEPT.: . INTERNAL SERVICES .MOTOR .POOL ' DESCRIPTTOCl: Transfer of fniids from Contingencies to Improvements Other than Buildings for the Installation of a fuel pumping station on Marco Island (Project NO.'lOOOl); and the expansion of tanks and .pumps at Naples Darn (prrject No. 10002) and the Immok~lee Barn (Project No. 10003). PREVIGt;SLY APPROVSD BY THE BOARD OF -COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 4/29/ B( TO (Increase): Improvements Other than Bldgs. Improvements Other t...'1an Bldgs. Improvements Ot...~e~ than Bldgs. 303-519~l-OO-99-610-6)0-1000 303_519-l-00-99-0l0-630-l000 303_5l9_l_00_99_0l0_630_100C Tota 1 FROM (Source of Funds~: con<::ingencies 303-5l9-l-00-05-0l0-990 Fiscal O~,fice APpro'fJf Kr D"l".(>:f/~.-/~ ....r I Board of County CO:llm. Approval: DI Date: May 20" 1980 . Nl O:rST)UBUTrON: . ./7 DOilrd Reco:ds (Origin"'J.) P",rcJ.co.J'"",",,' ) r7 Fiscal. of!:1.cer f..M.c'LJ"rlc.r -U DePitJ::tmen~fected 'il.. J\ccounting Department D purchasing (Equip;n"nt 01\ ;-? Buuget Analyst """_....". lK 053 freE 321 May 20, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-109 RE TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FOR VEHICLE PARTS AND PAINT (OCHOPEE FIRF. CONTROL) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000 CommissJoncr ~rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and unanimously carried, that Budget Amendment 80-l09, as follows, be adopted: BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T 3' Requires Board Approval , D Do"e"s. Not Require Bo~rd Approval (transfer within object code range) "UNO C. .c. F];iU) -I;:ONTROL DISTRICTS DEPT.:9CH~P~~,~~RE CON1'RO~ 'ESCRIPTION: -, Transfe~ of funds from Reserve for Future Expenditures to Mi~cellaneous Supplies o~Materials for vehicle maintenance parts and paint for two cars and two trucks. 'l'u (Increase): Misc. Supplies or Materials 12l-522-1-l3-28-040-529 .$ 2,OOC FROM . (SoQr.ce uf Funes): ReserEe - Future Expenditures l21-522-i-l3-28-040-648 -'$ 2,00C ollnty ~19rl pfi'[J): 'ate: 6 Fiscal o-:=,-Jlicer APpro;aj!pft~ oate)I5//l{-- ru Board of County Co~m. J\pproval: BUDGET, Date: ~ay 20,l980 No. 80-1 lISTRIBUTION: . -il Boitre) Records (Original) L:7 Fiscal Officer 2:7 De~rement{s) Affected . .n 1\ccounting Department z=7 purchasing (Equi~~ent Only) L:7 Budget Analyst May 20, 1980 RUDGET AMENDMENT 80-1l0 TO TRANSFER FROM GOLDEN GATE CON- TINGENCIES FOR REPLACEMENT OF WATER TANK AND ADDITIONAL TRAVEL FOR NEW EMPLOYEE (GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,38l Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistOl: lInd lIni1nimously carried, that Budget Amendment SO-lID, as follows, be adopted: DOARD OF COUNTY CONMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET ~l Re<.l ui.re 5 Doa rd J\pprova 1 AMEtlDt1ENT , D Do'lo!'g' Not Require Doard Approval (transfer within object code range) . .... ........ ........... 'UND ::~:.... FI.RE. CONTROL DISTRICTS . DEPT.: . ~~,o~!'i. ~!,-TE FIRE CONTROL ESCRIP't'ION: Transfer of funds from/Contingencies to replace water tank on fire truck; and to cover cost of additional travel costs to send new em?loyee to certification school in Ft. Myers. TO (Increase): OllL of County Travel Other ~ach & Equi?I:lent 121-522-l-13-28-030-402 121-522-l-l3-2B-030-643 $ 600 781 Total $1381,. FROM (Source of Funds) : Contingencies l2l-522-l-l3~2B-030-990 $1381 Fiscal o~tfce Appr~vf) Nt DatPJ; /r DISTlunUTlON, . "B Board Reco:dS (Original) Fiscal oftl.cer DepartmentCs) Affected IBoard of County Co~m. J\pE>roval: InUDGET I Date:~ay 20, 1980 1'10.80-11 " .n J\ccount.ing Department D Purchasing (Equipment Only) L:7 Budget Analyst ,...,;,? " 717<\" nr.::n ""1')1) BOOK 053 PAGE 323 May 20, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-11l TO APPROPRIATE GRANT RECEIPTS AND TO PROVIDE EXPENDITURE LINE IT~.S RELATED TO FEDERAL FUNDING (SOCIAL SERVICES-HOMEMAKERS) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,827 Comminnioncr pintor moved, seconded by commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 80-111, as follows, be adopted: BO~~ OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T ;g Hegu.i.=-e.s Board Approval . D Do"e's' Not Require Board Approval (transfer within object code range FUND GENERM. ----- DEPT.' _: SOC~AL"?ERVICES-HOMEMAKEF DESCRIPTlmJ: . To aPl-'ropr ia t"e grant receipts to the proper revenue code and to:provide (or correspondinq expenditures related to the additior Federal funcl[; i'lwardcd in F~bruary, 1980. TO (Increase): Regular Salaries social Security Matching Retirement Contributions Life & Health Insurance Worker's Compensation Private Veh. Reim!J. 001-564-1-14-80-030-120 001-564-1-14-80-030-210 00l-564-l-14-80-030-220 OOI-564-l-14-80-030-230 001-564-1-14-80-030-240 001-564-l-14-80-030-40l $ 9,250 569 842 1,280 I,OR5 801 Total $ 13,827 ADD TO Rc.-vENUE: Grants-Homemakers (Fed) OOI-l-14-80-030-331.670 $ 13,827 Coun ly 1~1?i~/Oil r j'" Oi r. l\ff?W~ ~_,"\tc: c:;-, L-&o Fiscal Officfr Board of County Comm. ^p~r11Jl ~ Approval: DatJr;r~...../ '1,p Date: Xay 20,.1980 . BUDGET No.BO-I: nrSTRIBUTIC'N: " '0 noanl Records (Original) L:7 Fiscal Officer L:7 Departmen~(s) Affected . 'g Accounting Deparl.ment: Purchasing (Dquiprn~nt Only) L:7 Budget Analyst: , \ '"\. '",:1'" , '" "'- . . :. " "' ----...:...' --.,..-.....-,--...... May 20, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-112 RE TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCIES TO CREATE I,INE ITEM BUDGF.T FOR NEW PROGPAM IN COlJNTY COUR'rS AREA (~LCOHOL INFORMATION CLASSF.S) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $300 COlTunissioner Archer mO-/ed, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ond carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 80-112, as follows, be adopted: DOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T /i;jf Requires Board Approval , D poe's' Not Requiro Board Approval (transf.er within object code ran FUND 'GENERAL, DEPT.: ,ALCOUOL.INFORMATION CLAS DESCRIPTrml: To create a line item b~dget for a new pro~ram to be entitle Alcohol Information Classes in the County Courts area in an amou which will be co~?letely off-set by revenue. ,; TO (Increase): Other Contractual Se=-ices OOI-5l6-3-00-22-040-349 ~_ 300 FROM (Source of F~ds) : Con tingencie s OOl-Sl9-1-qO-OS-OlO-990 $ 300 = DClte: Board of County Comm. BUDGE Approval: County Mgr/Div. Dir. Approval: 1'.1 It Date: May 20 ~ 1980 , No.80 DISTRIBUTION: ' 'D Board Records {Griginal) L:7 Fiscal Officer D Departlnent{s) Affected . .n 1\ccounting Dcp.u:bnent, 2::7 purchasing (Equipment Only) L:7 Budget Analyst . 1 ~ -,".. .~.;,~." -"~~ " R~v ..1.2/.\.7.1 BO~K U53 PAGE 325 May 20, 1980 BUDGET AMENDMENT 80-113 RE TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCIES TO COVER COST OF RADIO TOWER RENTAL (AMBULANCE SERVICE) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $465 Commisr,ion~~ Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Budget Amendment 80-113, ns follows, be adopted: BOARD OF COUNTY CO:1MISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BUD GET A MEN D MEN T L:r Req~ires Board Approval ," D Do"e's' Not Require BO<i.rd Approval (transf.er within object code rang. FUND GENERAL: . DEPT.: . : : ll.MBULANcE SERVICE. DESCRIPTIO>l: Transfer of funds from Contingencies to Rentals - Non-equipmen , to cover cost of ra~io tower rental. TO (Increase): Rentnls & Leases - Non Equip. 00J-526-1-l3-40-010-440 $ 46, FROM (Source of Funds): Contingencies 001-S19fl-00-0S-010-990 $ 46: Board of County Co~m. n~DGET Approval: filf~tlf/I:P;~ . ~ /:-/.r-~ Date: May 20, 1980" No.80-J DISTRIBUTION, ' '0 Bob.-cc1 Reco-cds (Original) ;-T Fiscal Officer L:7 Dep~rtmentCs) Affected , ';'1 "-, ,:.7, .~- }. 1;.., :.', . ';-7 ~ccountiny Depnrtm~nt "L7 Purchasing CEquip;nent. Only) ;-? Bud~et Analyst ---- ~_. - -. .\. \- I r R.!"'_:P0.21.L<J May 20, 1980 BCC APPROVES SELECTION OF FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN & DURKE/ SOUTHEASTfRN MUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. AS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION BOND ISSUE PLEDGING THE 9TH-CENT GAS TAX FIscal Of f leer Harold L. Ifall noted thl\t information has been received by the Board from Leedy, Wheeler and ^lleman setting forth their proposal for serving as Financial Consultants for the Road Construction Bond Issue pledging the 9th-Cent Gasoline Tax, together with the information submitted by ~IL Fischer, of Fischer, Johnson, Allen & Burke for joint proposal with Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc. He said that both firms offer the same service, the latter firm presently pe,fnrmi~g work for the Board. The first-named fi:-:n, said Mr. Hall, has not done any work for the Board; however, he said that the Orlando-based firm has mOB t recenUy completed a bond issue pledging gas tax revenues. Mr. Hall noted that a proposal was also received from Il. G. Nix, Ilillsborough CO\lnty, presently working on a "ilS tax bond Issue for that county. It was pointed out by Mr. Hall that Fischer, Johnson, Allen & Burke, et aI, was not originally listed because there was no information on th~~ having wo~ked on this type of issue recently; however, at the request of the Commission, the firm was contacted and they state~ that they would like to submit a proposal, which has been provided to the Board. Comnissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and unanimously carried, that the firm of Fischer, JOhnson, Allen & Burke, and Southeastern Municipal.Bonds, Inc. be ap- pointed to serve as Financial Consultants on the Road Con- struction Bond Issue pledging the 9th-Cent Gasoline Tax. Commissioner Wimer noted his satisfaction with the firm's per formance. BODK 053 PAGE 326 053 PACE327 May 20, 1980 CHAIRMAN AU'rHOIU7.ED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TilE 1979 TAX ROLLS Commissioner Arch0;:" r:1oved, Reconded by Commissioner pintor nnrl unnnimously carried, thl1t the Chl1irman be "uthorized to siqn the following Corrections to the Tax Rolls: NOS. DATED 1979 Tax Roll 555 557-56l 38G 389 396 4/2/80 5/5-5/13/80 2/15/80 2/15/80 2/20/80 Intangible Personal Property 1979-192 5/l6/80 TAX COLLECTOR 1,UT~IOHI ZED TO ISSUE DUPLICATE OF TAX SALE CERTI1"ICA7E 660 1"1<011 1974 SALE TO HAROLD FEENEY Comml.!,sioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner l'istor and unanimously carried, that the Tax Collector be authorized to issue a duplicate of Tax Sale Certificate 660 from the 1974 Sale to Harold Feeney, original Certifi- cilte having been lost or destroyed .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* * .* * .* *. .* .* BO~~ 053 rm329 May 20, 1980 BCC AUTHORIZES PURCHASE OF 20 ADDITIONAL VOTOMATIC VOTING MACHINES PURSUANT TO REQUEST BY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS; APPROPRIATE BUDGET AMENDMENT TO BE PREPARED Commissioner Brown muved, seconded by Commissioner Wlm0r: 11I1L: _nanimously carried, that authorization be given for the p\Jrchils'~ of 20 additional Votomatic Voting Machinell, as requested by the Supervisor of Elections in her request to the Board dated May 12, 1980, with an appropriate Budget Amendment to be forthcoming. REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS FOR BOAT DOCKS PLANNED FOR VANDERBILT T~GOON - NO ACTION TAKEN PENDING STAPF REPORT ON MAY 27, 1980 It was brought to the Board's attention by their Administrative Aide Mary Morgan that an additional copy of their April I, 1980 letter has been received from the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owner's Association re- quesL'..nq a moratorium on buildi.:--.c; permits in the County for non-conforming boat docks. She said that the original letter WetS referred to the Planning De)?artment for staff revie.... of the matter on April 8, 1980. Corrunlssioner Wimer said that he has been "taken to task" for not bringing the subject up before this, expressing his apology for not doing so. He noted that the President of the Association was in attendance to offer comment. Mr. Carl Gilzow, President of the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owner's Association, explained that the purpose of the request for holding building permits for dock con- struction was to perrni~ sufficient time for the pertinent ordinance to be revised and ~ut into effect. He pointed out that the County has done much to control the density of pop_ ulation in the area but that nothing has been done to con- trol the density of boats, gradually turning what is a limited space -. a small waterway - into a large parking lot for boats by extending. the docks and permitting large num- bers of docks. Essentially, said Mr. Gilzow, the Association is asking that the density of the boat population be con- trolled. May 20, 1980 Com~issioner Wimer said that he was unsure as to the statu,,; of the stdff's investigative report aL this time; however, he suggested that the work on the report be com- pletcd an quickly as possible. Conununity Development Administrator Terry Virta explained that there is a draft ordinance before the Coastal Area Planning Commission which will be discussed at their June 3, 1980 meeting. lIe said that it probably will not come before the Board until after the Doard reconvenes following the July rece3S. h'hcn asked :JY Chairman Wenzel whether or not he would recom- mend a moratorium, Mr. Virta stated that he was not in a position to know the legal ramifications of such a decision. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and unanimously carried, that Mr. Virta review all aspects of the matter and report back to the Board on ~lilY 27, 1980. REQUEST FOR REPP.ESENTATION ON CAPC FROM COMMISSION DISTRICT 5 _ NO ACTION TAKEN PENDING DISCUSSION OF THE POLICY WITll REGARD TO ADVISORY BOARDS AND APPOINTMENTS TO TAKE PLACE DURING WORK- SHOP SESSIml THIS DA'l'E Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a letter dated May 15, 1980 from Joyce Hancotte expressing concern that the eastern part of Golden Gate Estates, since it was changed from t.he IAPC to the CAPC, has no representation on the Planning Commission and volunteered to serve as the representative for that area which is located in Commission District 5. No action was taken at this time due to the fact that a discussion of Advisory Boards and Appointments is scheduled on the agenda for the Board's Workshop Session to be held this date, as pointed out by Chairman Wenzel. CHAIRMAN AUTlIORIZED TO SIGN LETTER OF OPPOSITION TO HB-1298 AND SB-I030 RE PUBLIC HEALTH FOR SUBMITTAL TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Max 053 P,\GE '331 May 20, 1980 Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter of opposition to proposed legislation with regard to Public Health (HB-1298 and SB-I030) for submittal to the Legislative Delegation, said proposed bills having been reviewed in the emergency m~mo dated May 6, 1980 from John P. Thomas, Executive Director (,f SACCo CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER OF OPPOSITION TO 58-505 (TRIM BILL) FOR SUBMITTAL TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the Chairmar. be authorized to sign a letter of opposition to proposed le<)islatiGr. Hit)) re<)ard to thc spending cap to be levied by local governmcnt (SB-505 Trim Bill), as suggested in the memorandum dated May 9, 1980 from Frank B. Smith, Jr., Secretary-Trcasurer, SACCo CHAIRMAN TlUTHORIZED TO SIGN LET'fER TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION URGING ADOPTfON OF LEGISLATION LIMITING THE STATE BUDGET TO NO ~!ORF: TIU\N 1\ 5% INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR'S EXPENDITURES Commis s ioner l.rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Pis tor and unanimously carr::'ed, that the Chairman he authorized to sign a letter to the Legislative Delegation urging the adoption of a measure which would limit the State Budget to no more than a 5% increase over last year's expenditures, as suyge~ted in the letter dated May 9, 1980 from County Attorney Devitt J. Adams, for the Board of County Commissioners, St. Lucie County, Florida. REQUEST FOR PLACL'IENT OF MOBILE HOME ON GOLDEN GATE ESTATES PROPERTY TEMPORARILY WHILE CONSTRUCTING HOME - REFERRED TO STAFF FOR CONSIDERATION FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF REDRAFTING OF PERTINENT ORDINANCE Administrative Aidc to the Board Mary Morgan advised that a request has been received from Jean A. Whipple, dated May 9, 1980, reque~ting that a hearing be scheduled for consideration of pennitting a mobile home to be placed May 20, 1980 te~porarily on her property on Golden Gate Boulevard while her rcnidence is being constructed. Corrur.unity Development Administrator Terry Virta c^plained that an amendment to the pertinent ordinance has been draft~d which would allow for the temporary use of travel trailers, and the like, in the Estates; however, he said that the ordinance has yet to be advertised for public hearings by the CAPC and the DOdrd. Commissioner Archer moved, that the request be turned over to the staff to be brought back to the Board at the completion of the redrafting of the subject ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried. COUNTY ATTORNEY INSTRUCTED '1'0 DRAFT PROPER RESOLUTION ~~POWERING THE DOARD TO APPOINT A CHARTER COMMISSION CHARGED \-IIT!I DRAFTING A PROPOSED CHARTER SPECIFICALLY GOVERNING 'HIE BCC Commissioner Wimer reviewed briefly his memorandum to the Boarc dat.ed May 19, 1980 regarding "A Different Charter for Collier County", following which he moved that the County At~orney be instructed to draft the proper resolution, as required by State law, to be brought back for Bec consideration, as a regular scheduled agenda item. He said that such resolution would empower the Board to appoint a Charter Commission which would be charged with drafting a proposed Charter specifically governing the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Chairman Wenzel said that he has advised the various citizens' groups which have approached him on the subject to make such request on their official letterhead, expres- sing his preference to wait until such letters have been received before takin~ any action. Upon call for the question the motion carried 4/1 with Chairman Wenzel voting in opposition. nr::n '<"l,",~ Mn~ 053 rm333 May 20, 1980 commissioner Archer moved that resumes be submitted by persons interested in serving on such Committee as soon as possiblc. The motion was seconded by Cornmis- sioner Wimer and carried unanimously. CII^JHM^N MJTHOHIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF BURGLARY ENFORCEMENT GRANT #80-AA-09-CGOS SUBMITTED BY TIlE SHERIFF' 5 DEPARTMENT commissioncr Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and unanimously carried, that the Chairman be authorized to sign ~he Certificate of Acceptance of Burglary Enforcement Grant #80-AA-09-CG05 submitted by the Sheriff's Depar tmen t. HISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following co~respondence be filed and/or referred to the respective deparLments as indicated: 1. Memorandum dated 5/12/80 from William D. Cox, M.D., Health Department, transmitting the monitoring report, Naples Bay Study, Fehruary, 1980 - xc Utility, Engineering, County Manager; and filed. 2. Memorandum dated 5/15/80 from Chairman Wenzel regarding recent news article that indicated problems re smoking outside of the Boardroom dnd temperature control in the Complex, and qUestioning the enforcement of County ordinances re same - Filed. 3. ~10110randllm dated 5/9/80 from Area Agency on Aging noting a delay in advance payments for July re grant funds for July - xc Social Services, H. Hall; and filed. 4. Letter dated 5/14/80 from J. McGregor, Chairman of Naples Waterway Council, re con- cern of pollution of Naples Bay and requesting Utility Director to transmit schedule of East Naples sewer collection system - xc Utility Director; and filed. 5. Letter dated 5/12/80 from Mrs. Kuhn registering complaints re "high speed chases" by the Sheriff's Dept. - xc Sheriff; and filed. 6. Letter dated 5/9/80 from Roanoke Iron & bridge Works Inc., inquiring about the construction of a new jail and requesting information re the Cuullty':; [Jlan:> for an architect - xc County Manager, Sheriff; and filed. MC\y 20, 1980 30. Circular Letter 80-31 from the Dept. of !lousing Ii. Urban Development, regarding Women's Business Enter- prine Program, requesting a renponse to certain date. xc County Manager and filed. 11. Letter, dilted 5/12/80, from Lee County Electric cooperative, Inc. indicating the new street lights and those removed from Marco District. xc Mr. Barksdale and filed, 32. Copy of Rig Cypre9s Basin Board Agenda for 5/23/80 meeting. Filed. 33. Letter, dated 5/9/80, from Harlan Engineering Labora- tories, Jnc., .egarding their interest in performing soil investigation and materials testing fOL the Willoughby Acres Water/Sewer System, and trannmitting a copy of a Scope Sheet. xc Utility Director and filed. 34. Letter dated April, 1980 from Moyer Assoc. Inc., inviting inquiries regarding planning the needs of County cor- rectional facilities and transmitting a copy of pamphlet entitled "Planning Update 10" re same. xc T. Hafner, County Manager., Sheriff Rogers and filed. 35. Copy of Depacunent of Community Affairs' pamphlet No.3 date~ May 19RO. xc W. Walker and filed. 36. Public Service Commission Notice, Volume l-80, i~sued 5/13/80 re hearing schedules. Filed. 37. DER Notice of Public Workshop, dated 5/9/80, re meeting for. 5/29/80 at 10:00 A.M., Tallahassee, FL. re soliciting comments regarding revisions to Chapter 17-l, Florida Administr'ltivp Code. xc Utilities, Public Works and filed. 38. Copy of letter, dated 5/12/80, to Corps of Engineers from Doug ~cGoon, Copela.ld, requesting the Corps to allow him to continue to mine and lifting the cease and desi.st order that has been imposed on him. xc Planning and filed. 39. Copy of Collier County !listoria1 Commission minutes of Ma~ch and April 1980. Filed. 40. Deparboental Monthly Reports ad follows: a, Lib::ary, April 1980. b. Golden Gate Fire Dept., April 1980. c. purchasing, April 1980. d. Building Maintenance, April 1980. 41. Copy of Senate Journals and !louse of Representative Journals. Filed. I~KE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEEDS NOS. 221 AND 222 - RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD Pur~uant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memorial Gardens Cemetery lots, the following Deeds Nos. 221 and 222 wpre recorded and filed for the record. BG~~ 053 PACE'336 BOOK 053 PACE 339 May 20, 19!10 There being no further business for the good of the Time: 11:55 A.M. County, the Meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - ATTEST: W:~LIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK - / - /. ;/' , --2:;-u~/.~_'__:'--f/;;/~ / I ) _ /'. .~ (/ - /~/>-..../ _. . -,/ I t BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL