BCC Minutes 04/29/1980 C
Naples, Florida, April 1'9, 1980
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and
for the County of Collier and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such
special districts as have been creJted according to law and having conducted
husiness herein met on this date at 11:05 A.M. in Conference Session in
fJuilding "F" of the Courthouse Comrlex with the following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Clifford Wenzel
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer
John /t. Pistor
C.R. "Russ" Wimer
David C. Brown
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Jean Swindle, Deputy Clerk;
County Manager C. Wi 11 lam Nonnan; Publ ic Safety Administrator TOIl1 Hafner;
Sheriff Au~rey Rogers; Community Development Administrator Terry Virta,
Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan and Deputy Chief Raymond
Barnett, Sheriff's Department.
*1. Discussion re Budget for County and so-called
"Double T~xation" - Continued at request of staff
2. Discussion re County Jail
Deleted during Regular Session thic date.
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Apri 1 29, 1980
Sheriff Aubrey Rogers l~ported on the problems that have resulted from
recent court decisions regarding jails throughout the State and more
puticularly tile Collier County jails. lie said because of the great
incrcase in prisoners, just since last budget time, there has developed
an "cvercrowding" in the present County jail which could produce an
"explosive" ~;i tllation If it is allowed to continue. In his review,
Sheriff Rogers enumerated the following areas that demand the Board's
1. N(~w rul(!s Mid regIJl"tion~; that /lave come out of recently
rewritten State laws regarding the operations of all ~1~ls.
2. The in(l'e,ls0. in the liability of the individual law enforcement
offiCCI" to $50,000 where there had been none Jefore.
3. The continued County growth th~t has resulted in a number of
felony prisone;'s tfjat is equal in number to that of Lee County.
'1. The ];Jck of courtnoms, judges, correctional personnel, space
for not only hOUSIng but for the classification of prisoners;
proper kitchen focil ities; segregated housing for male and female
pt"i SOnel", ilnd the need for an i nCt"ease in the pay scale for
Stich corn>ctional personnel.
Tn '.livitlf] c.O/llC backlJ,"ound infomation, Mr. Rogers explain~d that the
County j,]il was approved by the State Department of Corrections when it WilS
originally built but now, due to the increase of prisoners with a correspond-
in') lack of correctional personnel and under the new rules and regulations
~doptcd by the Department, there has to be the initiation of not only
t(~ll1pcrary l:mer'.lency measures but the development of a long-range solution
to the prOblems as referenced above.
Assistant County Attorney Tony Pires concurred with the Sheriff's
l"pm,lt"ks, s.lying that he had attended a seminar concerning the operation of
jails ilnd had become acquainted with the new rulings that have come out of
the Courts - i.e., t:,e protectiotl of the prisoners' civil rights such as
medical and health provisions; training of correctional personnel and
guards; physical condition of jails - that allow the U. S. Attorney
General to sue the county in the name ot the prisoner and his civil rights.
Mr. Pires also 3tilted that the Courts have ruled that either the jails are
operated according to the recent mandated rules and regulations or they
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April 29, 1980
will be closed with no alternative being given the directive. He reiterated
Sheriff Rogers' statement that something must be done to alleviate the
present "explosive" situation.
In answer to the q\/,"stion from the Board, Sheriff Rogers stated that
the quality of carr> in the County jail is not the question but rather it is
a question of additional space and approximately 20 more correctional officers
to meet the reCjuirements. Discussion followed which touched upon the
efficient ()periltion ilL the lnrnokillee stockade; the use of the Irrrnokalce
jilil for overflow; the number of people that are booked under the Myers
Act with no follow-"~) therapy dvailable and no monies in the Sheriff's
budget for Slleh bookings (approximately 400 a month); the uneasiness of
every depllty and/or correctiona 1 officer regarding the possibil ity of
bein~J ..ued by ,lrl ir,lte inmate; where SllCh funding will come from for the
construction of ,1dditional buildings and the pilyment of sal.lries for ilddi-
tional personnel; and the floor possibil ity of Collier County taxpayers
pa';sing ,1 referendllll1 to float a bond issue that would cover such a
construction/maintenance flroject.
Public Safety Administrator Tom Hilfner said he and Sheriff Rogers have
begun a tempurary solution to thr> nced of additional personnel by having
the prescn' officers work overtill1e at the County jail (such payments for
overtime sa 1 dries to be covered wi th a budget amendment pt.epared by
Fiscal Officer' Hall) and hy llsing the Inrnok~lp.f' stockade for already
convicted felons. It was Hr. Hafner's opinion that such measures are
tem~)orary at best anu a long-range plan must be put into motion.
Mr. Paul Sheffield, Inspector fr~m the Department of Corrections,
recoun ted hi s inspect i on of the Co Iii er County ja il, whose max imum caoacity
is 133 people, w~lcl-e he found 142 people housed, nine of whom were sleeping
on the floor. He stated this could not continue and space must be made
availahle in order to meet the minimum requirements, And, when asked if
the State would make any contribution to the needed project, he replied
in the negative.
Following discussion which :overed the need of separate quarters for
worn n pt'i soners; a ilia tron fo)' sllch qua )'ters; a proposed cos t of approx imd te ly
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$190,000 annually for the additional personnel; the employment of prisoners
on the highway wi lh an armed guard in attendance; the question of the
Haiti~ns and the gratuit.y of $13 from the federal ogvernment for each one
housed; anrl Deputy Ch;ef rlarnett's statement ~hat the Mental lIealth people
want, to encoura9'~ the Board und the Sheriff to provide space for the
emotionally disturbed, Co~missioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner
Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Emergency Plan as stated previously
by Mr' Hafner and Sheriff floger's continue to be in effect; that a budget
amendment to cover the expenses of over'time for the Current correctional
personnel be prepared by Fisca 1 Officer Ilall and that the Staff be
directed to WOI'X .,d th County Manager Norman, Sheriff Rogers and Publ ic
Safety Administrator Tom Hafner in the development of a long-range solution
to the problems that have been reviel',ed in this workshop session, bringing
back to the rloard their recommendations.
There Lei ng no further bus i ness for the good of the County, the
mee:'ing was adjourned by order' of the Chair - Time: 11:55 A,M.
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