BCC Minutes 03/25/1980 C
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Naples, Florida, March 25, 1980
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners 1m
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing
BoardCs) of such special districts as have been created according ~
law and having conducted buoiness horoin, met on this date at 3s00
P.M. in Conference Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex
with the following members presents
CHAI&~: Clifford Wenzel
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Thomas P. Archer
John A. Pistor
C. R. "Russ" Wimer
ABSENT: David C. Brown
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall,
Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Off~cer; Edna Brenneman, Deputy Clerk;
C. William Norman, County Manager; Gene Willett, Administrative
Assistant to County Manager; Robert Best, Budget Analyst; and,
Anthony Pires, Assistant County Attorney.
1. Discussion of BCC Fiscal Policy for
FY 80-81
County Manager C. William Norman recalled that Commissioner
Wimer requested the staff to provide input as to how the previous
year's Fiscal Policy was implemented and advised that both he (Mr.
Norman) and Utility Director Berzon have submitted reports in this
regard. Chairman Wenzel expressed the opinion that the Policy
was, in his viewpoint, a good one, although it is possible that
it might not have been complied with in its entirety. Commissioner
Wimer commented that that was the reason he made his request. He
said that memoranda in this regard have been presented by Messrs.
NOrffi~~, Hall and Berzon and expressed his appreciation for the
work put forth. One of the concerns, pointed out by the Commissioner.
was the lack of depth with which the Policy was implemented and
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March 25, 1980
voiced his hope that this area will be corrected when working on
next year's budget. Other concerns, said Commissioner Wimer, are
in the areas of Contracted Services and Data Processing which he
said "showed up badly" in the reports. However, he continued,
the information which he needed was forthcoming and expressed
hope that, with the additional personnel hired, pursuant to requests
for same, a "better job" can be done.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor,
that the Board of County Commissioners' Fiscal POlicy for FY 80-81
be approved.
Chairman Wenzel not~d that the schedule submitted does not
call for reviews of the new budget until July 3lst, suggesting
that this date might not provide sufficient review time since,
for example, the Sheriff's budget must be approved by August 1st.
Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised th~t the schedule being proposed
parallels the previous year's schedule, adding that the tentative
budget is presented July 15th, providing the Board approximately
one week for its review, following which departmental reviews
by the Board will begin the third week in July. Mr. Norman
stated that he was unaware of any problems the previous year in
terms of review and said that the staff is attempting to provide
more time "at the front end" in order to perform more in-depth
staff reviews, pursuant to the request made by Commissioner Wimer.
Mr. Hall brought to the Board's attention the proposed
new legislation which he said will very likely be passed this
session and, if so, will change the entire approach to advertising--
the budget. For example, said Mr. Hall, the change will require
combining the budget and millage information and said that they
will not be handled as two public hearings, as has been done in
the past. Further, said Mr. Hall, the legislation will require
the mailing to each taxpayer a complete statement of his proposed
taxes from all taxing entities. Returning to the matter of the
schedule, Mr. Hall said that, under existing statutes, the proposed
schedule is realistic and will keep the budget process on the
schedule which has becn followed in the past.
March 25, 1980
Commissioner Archer commented on other legislation which
has been proposed which could have a drastic effect on the way
the Sheriff's budget, and those of the other Constitutional
Officers, is handled and which includes the possibility that
individual budget hearings may be required.
Chairman Wenzel inquired about the "dual taxation business"
and whether this year's budget will have to be worked out to
make sure this is considered and thus change the millage com-
pletely between the two governmental bodies - the City and the
County. He pointed out that this would require additional work
in order for the Count.i to raise the necessary funds.
Commissioner Pistor offered the suggestion that a prOfes-
sional analyst be hired, as was done in the City, to review the
situation, with Commissioner Wimer concurring, adding the comment
that there should be a factual, impartial report compiled listing
the duplication of services in the City. He noted that he repre-
sents residents in the City who are being taxed double because
the City refuses to make use of the services provided by the
County. It wa~ Mr. Hall's observation that it might be wise to
have the County Attorney ond the County Manager provide a recom-
mended approach to take following their meetings which have been
scheduled for the purpose of reviewing the City Consultant's
report. Commissioner Wimer emphasized that he was not "talking
about dual taxation" but rather the City's duplication of services
which, he said, is a separate subject.
Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor,
that the employment of a professional analyst be considered to
review the subject under discussion.
Upon call for the question on the floor with regard to the
adoption of the Fiscal Policy, the motion carried 4/0 with Commis-
sioner Brown not present.
Additional brief discussion followed concerning the motion
pertaininy tu the eli,ployment of an analyst, with Chairman Wenzel
subsequently calling for the question. The motion carried 4/0
with Commissioner Brown not present.
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Chairman Wenzel directed the staff to look into the feasibility
March 25, 1980
of employin9 a consultant to provide the information requested,
following which a recommendation can be brought to the Board with
regard to the type of firm desired.
Mr. Hall advised the Board that the County has the mechanism
within the accounting system to respond quickly to whatever
speoial needs the Commission might have pertaining to the subject
matter under deliberation.
The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair _
Times 3:25 P.M.
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