Immokalee Beautification MSTU Minutes 02/27/2019 Enclosure 2 1 MINUTES Meeting of the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee on February 27, 2019. CareerSource SWFL 750 South 5th Street Immokalee, FL 34142 239-658-3000 A. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Norma Garcia, MSTU Chair at 9:06 a.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silent. Norma Garcia led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. C. Roll Call and Announcement of a Quorum. Christie Betancourt opened roll call. MSTU Advisory Committee Members Present: Norma Garcia, Andrea Halman, Bernardo Barnhart, and Peter Johnson. MSTU Advisory Committee Members Absent/Excused: Cherryle Thomas. Others Present: Frank Nappo, Armando Yzaguirre, and William (Bill) McDaniel. Staff: Debrah Forester, Christie Betancourt, David Berra, and Kayla Boney. D. Introductions. All board members introduced themselves to the members of the public. All public present introduced themselves. E. Approval of Agenda. Staff presented the agenda to the board for approval. Action: Mr. Bernardo Barnhart made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Andrea Halman seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0. F. Approval of Consent Agenda. 1. Minutes i. MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting for January 23, 2019 (Enclosure 1) 2. Budget. i. Current Budget (Enclosure 2) 3. Operations Manager Report (Enclosure 3) 4. Community Meetings (Enclosure 4) Staff presented the board with the January 23, 2019 MSTU Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, Budget, Operations Manager’s Report, and Community Meetings. Action: Ms. Andrea Halman made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Peter Johnson seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote. 4-0. 24.A.4 Packet Pg. 609 Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2019 (signed) (8468 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - March 27, 2019) Enclosure 2 2 G. Announcements. 1. Communications Folder Staff reviewed the communications folder with the board and members of the public. The folder contained the public notice for this meeting, CRA/MSTU 2019 Calendar, and flyers for upcoming community events. 2. Public Comment speaker slips Staff reiterated the public 3-minute speaker slip policy. The board will give more time if they feel it necessary. 3. 2019 Joint Workshop between the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Local CRA Advisory Boards at 9:00 a.m. on April 2, 2019 at BCC Chambers Staff announced that the Joint Workshop between the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Local CRA Advisory Boards will be held at 9:00 a.m. on April 2, 2019 at the Board of County Commissioners Chambers. Staff encouraged MSTU members to attend. Staff played a draft of the Immokalee promotional video being produced by Marketing Alliance. The board gave their thoughts on the video and suggested that more focus be put on other organizations. At the time of the meeting filming had concluded, therefore, no other organizations would be included other than those that had already been filmed. Ms. Debrah Forester informed the board that the video’s focus on the Seminole Casino and other businesses was due to the video’s goal of promoting economic development in Immokalee. H. New Business. 1. Advisory Board Vacancy Update i. MSTU Committee (Enclosure 5) Ms. Christie Betancourt announced that Mr. Peter Johnson was approved for membership on the MSTU Advisory Committee. Ms. Norma Garcia welcomed Mr. Johnson to the board. Mr. Johnson thanked the board for welcoming him. ii. MSTU Creating Ordinance 2002- 52 (Enclosure 6) Staff announced that a suggestion was made by a member of the board to expand the number of board members to seven. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Bill McDaniel announced that he would support the board in expanding the number of members to seven. Staff and board agreed to revisit the matter at the next MSTU meeting. Ms. Debrah Forester announced that she will be informing the attorneys’ office of Ms. Cherryle Thomas’s status on the board, as she is no longer a resident of Immokalee. As a result, an exception may be required in order for her to remain on the board. 2. Beautification Area Decorative Enhancements i. MSTU Chair Items 1. Seasonal Decorations Dr. Frank Nappo requested that Mr. David Berra continue to investigate placing a kiosk at the Zocalo Plaza that would display upcoming community events for each season. Board also wants staff to look into types of seasonal decorations that can be added in the beautification area. 24.A.4 Packet Pg. 610 Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2019 (signed) (8468 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - March 27, 2019) Enclosure 2 3 2. Seasonal Banners The board and staff discussed possibly adding another holiday to the roster of banner decorations. Currently, the MSTU has three banner designs that are rotated annually- a Christmas banner, an Immokalee banner, and a cornucopia banner. Staff distributed sample designs for a new banner to the board. Mr. Bernardo Barnhart suggested that the Fourth of July become the new Holiday banner. Mr. Barnhart announced that the Zocalo Plaza and the Immokalee Pioneer Museum could be used to create a new Fourth of July celebration. After brief discussion the board and staff agreed that the new banner would represent a summer holiday. 3. Median Landscape Improvements Options. The board discussed the use of Sabal Palm trees in medians on Main Street. Commissioner Bill McDaniel requested that the board use natural plants. He also requested that the board and staff develop a system to test different segments of the road with different species of plants to compare how attractive and expensive each would be. After comparing the costs of maintenance, he would like staff to bring the findings to the board for final approval. Ms. Debrah Forester announced that staff will move forward with beautification on Main Street following the completion of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) project. 3. 2018 CRA Draft Annual Report (Enclosure 7) Staff reviewed the 2018 draft Annual Report with the board and announced revisions that were made. The board discussed the demographics section of the Annual Report. Ms. Debrah Forester informed the board that including demographics can attract retailers and industry. Staff announced that the final Annual Report will be brought forward to the committee at the March meeting. The final report will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on March 26, 2019. 4. 2019 CRA & MSTU Work Plan Priorities (Enclosure 8) Ms. Christie Betancourt reviewed the Work Plan with the board. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner McDaniel requested that staff increase the detail in the work plan to include backup documentation and estimated costs for each priority. Ms. Betancourt agreed, and asked the board to provide feedback regarding the Land Use Planning section of the priority list. The board also discussed land use and the improvement of housing. Staff will bring a revised work plan spreadsheet to the board at the next March meeting. I. Old Business. 1. MSTU Project Manager Report (Enclosure 9) Staff reviewed the project manager report with board and provided then with updates on current projects. Regarding light poles, Ms. Debrah Forester informed the board that the MSTU will be responsible for paying for the light pole replacements for the poles that are down on 1st Street and Main Street. Total cost for the temporary lighting of 13 poles was $7,946.81 which will be paid to Growth Management Department with an interdepartmental transfer from fund 162. Regarding trash pickup, there was overflow on Main Street on Friday. Staff contacted Waste Connection regarding the issue and are now in contact with the new Immokalee site Manager, Jeff Earl. We will do our regular checks and coordinate with business, A&M Property Maintenance, Waste Connection and staff to make sure trash is picked up. 24.A.4 Packet Pg. 611 Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2019 (signed) (8468 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - March 27, 2019) Enclosure 2 4 Staff informed the board that they are attempting to relocate a population of homeless individuals from the Immokalee Zocalo Plaza. Mr. Peter Johnson suggested that staff contact Mr. Mark Davis from the Friendship House to assist in relocating the individuals. Staff announced Zocalo Plaza updates. Zocalo holiday decorations are scheduled to be removed and stored in the CRA pod at the Immokalee South Park within the upcoming week. At the board’s request, staff agreed to investigate the power issues with the Zocalo holiday decorations. 2. Contractor Reports i. Revised Sign Engineering Proposal Update Staff provided board with an update on the two monument signs ii. Maintenance Report 1. A&M Monthly Report (Enclosure 10) Mr. Armando Yzaguirre provided a monthly Landscape Maintenance Report for the board to review. He provided an update ongoing maintenance and announced that three banner arms are still broken and a controller at the triangle area was burned out. There was also a light pole knocked down on 1st Street and sprinklers had been damaged. Staff discussed options to lower the amount of damages being caused. Ms. Forester informed that board that the FDOT Safety Project will include the installation of a traffic light to slow down traffic on Main Street. Regarding the remaining broken banner arms, David Berra said that he is looking into getting a quote to have them melded by a local professional. 2. Project Manager Observation Field Report (Enclosure 11) Mr. David Berra reviewed the Project Manager Observation Field Report with the board. 3. TIGER Grant Updates Ms. Debrah Forester announced that CRA staff is participating in biweekly calls regarding TIGER Grant project updates. 4. Code Enforcement updates There were no updates from Code Enforcement 5. FDOT Updates Ms. Forester announced that staff will be attending a meeting in the afternoon with Victoria Peters of FDOT regarding funding and priorities for sidewalk projects. Staff will inform the board of the outcomes of that meeting at the next advisory committee meeting. 6. Other Agencies None. J. Citizens Comments. None. K. Next Meeting Date. The next MSTU meeting will be on March 27, 2019 @ 9:00 A.M. at CareerSource SWFL. 750 South 5th Street, Immokalee, FL. L. Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned @ 10:43 A.M. 24.A.4 Packet Pg. 612 Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2019 (signed) (8468 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - March 27, 2019) 24.A.4Packet Pg. 613Attachment: MSTU Meeting Minutes - February 27, 2019 (signed) (8468 : Immokalee MSTU Advisory Board - March 27, 2019)