AHAC Minutes 02/06/2019MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 6, 2019 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida LET tT BE REMEMBERED that the collier county Affordable HousinS Advisory committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in a WoR(r/v6 sEssrO/V in the Health Building 2"d Floor conference Room in Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby, Chair carlos Portu Joseph Schmitt Mary Waller Christina Apostolidis Gary Hains Denise MurPhY Unexcused: John Cowan Excused:Sheryl Soukup Litha Berger Justin Emens ALSO PRESENT:Kristi Sonntag, Director, Community and Human Services Cormac Giblin, Mana8er, Housing & Grant Development - CHs Barbetta Hutchinson - Operations Coordinator - CHS lason Rummer, OPerations Analyst oTHERS PRESENT: George Danz, Citizen; Gabriela Molina, clerk of courts; Harrison Langle, Boxvana; Gerald LeFeibvre, Naples Properties 1 2. CALL To ORDER it " grorp norlnated Joseph schmitt to run the meeting in the absence of steve Hruby. Joseph calle; the meeting to order at g:40 am and led in the pledge of Allegiance. cormac read the procedures to be iollowed. Steve arrived at g:41 am and took over the running of the meeting. Rou CAtt - CoMMlrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF There were Tactive members present, therefore a quorum was established' 3. APPRovAt of AGENDA Al{D MINUTE A motion was made to approve the agenda by Carlos Portu seconded by Mary Waller' The a motion passed by a vote of 7-0- 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - February 6, 2019 (signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019) b. A motion was made to approve the minutes from the meeting of January 8,2019 by Mary Waller and was seconded by Carlos Portu. The motion passed by a vote of7-0' c. Steve welcomed new members to the group and said he was looking forward to working with them. 4. INFoRMATIONAL ITEMS a cormac reviewed the upcoming grant cycle timeline. He said that the application closed on February 11th. He discussed the spreadsheet that was in the packet listing all of the applications thus far including the agency, what they were asking for and the dollar value requested. we have about s4 million available and so far we have requests for around s12 million. The ranking and review committee will meet at 7:30 a.m. on March 1,2019 in the GroMh Management conference Room 509-610 located at 2800 Horseshoe Drive North, Naples, Florida 34104. Mary waller will be the representative from the AHAC at these meetings. cormac recapped what will be on the agenda for the Bcc meeting being held on February 12, 2019. Commissioner Taylor made a motion to put a reconsideration of the proposed land development code on this agenda. The two items of main issue are the new definition of affordable housing and changing the density bonus ftom 8 to 12 per acre. This item requires a 4 out ofthe 5 votes to pass. At the previous meeting the vote was 3 against and 2 for. The BCC wants to hear from the public and main employers in the county to find out if affordable housing is still a need in Collier County. This will be a time certain item and Cormac will send out an e-mail to the members stating the time so that everyone may attend. steve Hruby encouraged all members to attend to voice their opinion that we do indeed need affordable housing. cormac gave a recap on all of the existing grant projects and their completion. our guideline is that we want the project done in one year, however that time frame would need to be extended if an environmental needs to be done. lt could take up to a year just to get the environmental portion completed. cormac told the group that Joe schmitt invited him to the meeting of the Planning commission to discuss the Allura rental development. cormac said he would state that there is not a need for 80-120% rentals (2 bedroom for 52,025), but would sugSest that the rentals be targeted to 80% or less (2 bedroom for $1,350). Mary Waller asked about the Bembrid8e project. cormac told her he would send out the link to the proposal when it Sets released later this week. steve Hruby asked about the rule that all property sales or purchases incorporate affordable housing in relatlon to the bus barn on Randall. b c. d e f. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public speakers for this meeting. 2 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - February 6, 2019 (signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019) a 6. DrscusstoN trEMs AND PRESENTATIoNS 7. ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, after a motion by Joe Schmitt, a second by Mary Waller and a vote of 7{ in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 by Chair, Steve Hruby. NExr MEEflNG: THE NExr MEETTNG wlLL BE HELD oN MARCH 11, 2019 AT 8330 A.M' Location: sth Floor Training Room, Administration (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiami Trail East. CoruER Cou rY AFFoRDABTE HouslNG ADvlsoRY rman 'r Iq 2079, " osThe foregoing Minutes were approved by committee Chair on submitted' L) OR "os omended' L) hen 3 1.A.3 Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - February 6, 2019 (signed) (10263 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - September 9, 2019)