PSCC Minutes 03/29/2019March 29- 2019 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING Naples, Florida, March 29, 2019 LET IT BE REMEMBERED the Public Safety Coordinating Council in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at l0:00 a.m. in the County Manager's Office Conference Room, 2nd Floor of Building "F" of the Collier County Govemment Complex, Naples, Florida with the following members present: Chairman: Vice Chairman: Burt Saunders, Board of County Commissioners (Excused) Kevin Rambosk, CC Sherifl, Chief Correctional Officer Michael T. McHugh, Chief Circuit Judge (Excused) Rob Crown, County Court Judge (Excused) Kathy Smith, Public Defender Nicole Mirra, State Attomey's Office Terri McCall, State Prob. Circuit Court Administrator Jeff Nichols, Director, Collier County Probation Scott Burgess, Executive Director, David Lawrence Center Joe Paterno, Executive Dir., SW Ftorida Workforce Dev (Excused) Also Present:Mike Sheffield, County Manager's Office Crystal Kinzel, Collier County Clerk of Courts Chief Chris Roberts, Sherifls Office Kevin McGowan, Sheriff s Office Dareece Canady, Sherifls Office Katina Bouza, Director, Correctional Support Division-CCSO Rex Darrow, Public Defender's Office March 29. 201 9 I. Introduction A. Call to Order - Vice-Chair, Sheriff Kevin Rambosk Sheriff Rambosk called the meeting to order at l0:00 a.m. C. Nominations and Selection of a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2019 o Sheriff Rambosk moved to nominate Burt Saunders as Chair. Second by Mr. Nichols Carried unanimously 6 0. o Ms. Smith moved to nominate Sherilf Kevin Rambosk as Vice-Chair. Second by Mr Burgess. Carried unanimously 6 -0. B. Discussion: Pros/Cons of establishing an Adult Pre-Arrest Diversion Program in Collier County An Adult Pre-Arrest Diversion Program would allow certain adults who.fulfill specified intervenlion and community service obligations lhe opportunily to avoid an arresl record. Ms. Smith gave an overview of the Adult Pre-arrest Diversion Program. stating that the program allows certain adults who meet strict criteria to avoid an arrest record that may prevent them from obtaining future employment and housing, while at the same time ensuring that they receive seruices and fulfilt their community service. Ms. Smith stated the Prearrest Diversion Program is working well in Pinellas County, and a pilot program will soon begin in Charlotte County. a Chief Roberts stated that there are mixed reviews about the program in Pinellas County. The statewide lracking systems currently in place may not accurately identifr and track those that are perhaps slipping through the cracks. Chief Roberts stated that there are 240 inmates currently incarcerated in thejail for non-violent misdemeanors. Sheriff Rambosk stated the Chief Roberts and Ms. Bouza will need to do a complete evaluation ofthose 240 inmates, and identify how many would even be eligible for an Adult Pre-arrest Diversion Program. If there are too few, there may be no point in initiating such a program in Collier County. Ms. Smith stated that such a program in Collier County may benefit those in jail who are there because they camot make bond. Ms. Mina expressed concem about the inability to properly track people who are diverted into the program because there is no record to track, as the offender stays out ofthe criminal justice system. She also questioned how the program deals with Marcy's Law, which involves victims' rights. 2 II. Old Business A. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from December 18, 2018 Mr. Nichols movedto approve the minutes ofthe December 18,2018 Meetingas presented. Second by Mr. Burgess. Carried unanimously 6 0. March 29, 201 9 Mr. Nichols stated that county probation could increase caseloads in order to provide diversion supervision to more people. Ms. Kinzel stated that Clerk's budget is already stretched, and fees would be an important component to the success of the Clerk's involvement in the diversion program. Ms. Kinzel will find out how the clerk in Pinellas County manages. Mr. Burgess noted that much olthe incarcerated population, who may be eligible fbr the program, involve possession of marijuana, and the David Lawrence Center can assist in treatment. Sheriff Rambosk stated that the plan going forward at this time should be to observe the pilot program in Charlotte County to determine how well they progress. to review current inmates in Collier County 1o determine how many might be eligible, and obtain more information from Pinellas Countv. The consensus of the Council is to obserye the pilot progrom in Charlotte Counly, lo determine how well they are succeeding and what their problem areas are, review current inmales in Collier to determine how many might have been eligible.for a diversion program, and obtain information and statistics from Pinellas County. Chief Roberts and Ms. Bouza distributed and reviewed a handout ofa Jail Occupancy Snapshot taken 3 125 I 19. Ms. Bouza stated that there are currently 813 inmates in the jail, 240 of whom are currently incarcerated for non-violent misdemeanors. Ms. Smith and Chief Roberts submitted that within this snapshot, 200 of that population mostly likely could not make bond. Ms. Smith stated that she would like to see non-convicted inmates go to trial sooner I [[. -r-err I]u siness \onc VI. Public Comments None J VI. Mcmber Comments C. Review ofthe Jail Occupancy Snapshot taken 3/25119, Katina Bouza, Director, Corrections Support Division - CCSO March 29, 201 9 Mr. Sheffield inlbrmed the group that in 2009 the Collier PSCC hetd a joint meeting with the l,ee County PSCC. He asked the council to consider holding anotherjoint county meeting with I-ee County, if members think such a meeling would be benelicial. Sheriff Rambosk stated that the council should look to those Florida counties that are innovative and progressive in their thinking, to leam what things those counties may be doing differently that might be effective in Collier County. or as euncndcd Adjournment Next Meeting date TBA - Remember to send Agenda topic ideas to Mike Sheffield. There being no further busincss for thc good of the Countx", the meeting was adjourned by order of the Vice-Chair at I0:45 a.m. COLLIF],R COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COORDINATING COUNCII, Vice-(lhair, Sh in Rambosk These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on ils rescntedp 4