Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Minutes 02/19/2019AMENDED
Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
February 19, 2019
Naples, Florida
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc
Committee met on this date at 8:30 A.M. at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 5th Floor
Training Room, Naples, Florida with the following Members Present:
Also Present:
Mental Health Committee
Not Present:
Dale Mullin
Lt. Leslie Weidenhammer
Dr. Thomas Lansen
Scott Burgess
Honorable Janeice Maitin
Reed Saunders
Christine Welton
Janice Rosen
Dr. Michael D 'Amico
Russell Budd
Pat Batton
Ge1Ty Godshaw
Dr. Paul Simeone
Dr. Emily Ptaszek
Susan Kimper
Michelle McLeod
Dr. Pam Baker
Bruce McAndrews
Sean Callahan -Executive Director, Corporate Business Ops
Heather Cartwright-Yilmaz -Sr. Operations Analyst
Jim Morton -Project Manager, Facilities Management
Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee Meeting I Meeting M inutes Page 1
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman, Scott Burgess, called the meeting to order at 8:34 A.M. and led the pledge of
3. Roll Call -Committee Members
Thi1ieen (13) members of the Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee were present
representing a quorum.
4. Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was distributed to all present. Ms. Barton made a motion to approve the agenda
which was unanimously adopted.
5. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
6. Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Following discussion, a motion was made, and Minutes from previous meeting were
7. Staff Reports
Mr. Callahan introduced himself to the Committee as the Staff Liaison. Mr. Callahan then
explained the makeup of the committee and gave an overview of the establishing resolution
and goals of the committee to create a strategic plan for the County.
8. New Business
8.1. Review of Committee Membership
The Committee discussed the appointments made during the February 8, 2019 meetings and
noted that the process was different from other County committees because the Board of
County Commissioners made the initial appointments, but following those, the committee
present was responsible for filling the remaining spots on the Committee.
Mr. Burgess noted that the Committee left one vacancy for the purpose of filling any gaps in
the existing capacity of knowledge on the conm1ittee should it be identified.
Committee members present then introduced themselves to each other, highlighting their
backgrounds and different interests in serving on the Committee.
Mental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee M eeting I M eeting Minutes Page 2
8.2. Committee History and Adopted Priorities Presentation
Mr. Burgess gave a presentation of past BCC Mental Health Workshop priorities and the
future goals of the committee, including the priorities that were adopted at the Committee's
January 18, 2019 meeting for delivery in the strategic plan under development:
1. Centralized Receiving System
2. Permanent Suppmtive Housing
3. Behavioral Health Data Collaborative
4. Increased Use of Evidence Based Practices
5. Increase Capacity of Problem-Solving Courts
6. Baker Act/Marchman Act Transportation
7. CJMHSA Reinvestment Grant Sustainability
During the presentation, Committee members discussed the central receiving system -and
how 8 cunently exist in Florida. Mr. Godshaw asked if it should be considered a facility or a
system, and committee members discussed that the answer was both.
Committee members discussed the Senate bill that established the original facilities and that
a request was pending before the Florida Legislature to add more. Funding contained in
previous proposals required a local match of 50%. Mr. Burgess added that he thought the
sales tax funds could be used to satisfy this local match should additional funding become
available from the Legislature.
Lt. Weidenhammer spoke about the Baker/Marchman Act transportation issue in the
committee priorities and noted that the Sheriff's Office and other law enforcement agencies
are the primary transportation network for mental health issues . Lt. Weidenhammer noted
the negative stigmas associated with being transpo1ted to a mental health treatment facility
by law enforcement but that the problem was always how to pay for another service .
Committee m embers discussed that Florida was the worst funded state in the country from
mental health issues.
The Honorable Janeice Martin commented that the Marchman Act was almost exclusively
confined to alcohol and not drugs, and discu ssion ensued about the challenges this
Mr. Saunders asked if there are holis tic systems like those being developed in other states.
Dr. Simeone spoke about his experiences in Massachusetts and noted that while they had
so me of the aspects being described in the Committee priorities, it was different from
Ms. Welton discussed the priority of permanent and supportive housing and what the
definition of that phrase should mean. Ms. Welton also commented on the lack of
availability ofthis type of housing in Collier County. Discussion ensued from Committee
Mental Health and Add icti on Ad Hoc Committee Meetin g I Meeting Minutes Page 3
Mr. Mullin asked what types of data should be considered by the Committee in the
development of these priorities. Committee members discussed the data associated with the
original draft strategic priorities that were developed for the last community workshop. Mr.
Godshaw commented on the need for robust sets of data to make decisions, and the many
sources that were available to the Committee.
Dr. Simeone offered that Lee Health was currently in discussion with their attorneys about
how to develop a data collaborative. Dr. Simeone advised that they had discussed the
concept of a universal release for providers to secure from patients so that they could
analyze and develop greater sets of data.
The Committee then moved on to discussion more specifically about the centralized
receiving system.
8.3. Priority 1 -Centralized Receiving System (CRS) Discussion
The Committee fmthe r discussed the centralized receiving system. Mr. Burgess noted that
staff from Manatee County and their facility would have the opportunity to Skype in for the
next meeting on March 1 and answer questions of the Committee. Mr. Burgess also
informed the committee that he and Commissioner Andy Solis would be taking a trip to
Tampa to visit facilities in the area to hopefully inform the top priority of the Committee in
defining the needs of a centralized system in Collier County.
M s . Barton as ked if it had been decided where the facility will be located in Collier County.
Mr. Burgess commented that the David Lawrence Center h ad five acres available adjacent
to their site that they have always thought would be good for the facility. Ms. Batton noted
that prope1iy was subject to a legal challenge and asked ifthere was any timeline for
resolution. Mr. Burgess answered that they hop ed resolution would be s oon. Mr. Callahan
clarified that nothing in the Sales Tax Ordinance and project list plac e d the facility on the
David Lawrence Center property, and that other l o cations could be considered.
Dr. Lanse n asked about the facility being stratified and the security associated with it.
Committee m embers discussed that those issues would likely be pmi of the design of t he
9. Old Business
9.1 Future Meeting Schedule
• March 1 at 2:00 pm
• March 19th at 8:30 am
• April 2 nd at 8:30 am
• April 16th at 8:30 am
• April 30th at 8:30 am
• M ay 14th at 8:30 am
• May 28 th at 8:30 am
M ental Health and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee M eet i ng I Meeting Minutes Page 4
9.2 February 25 Veterans Workshop
Mr. Mullin informed the Committee that he will host a Veterans workshop on February 25,
that will survey veterans and family members about the effectiveness of ser vices.
10. Announcements
11. Committee Member Discussion
Committee members discusse d further evaluating the priorities of a centralized receiving
system at the next meeting and noted again that Manatee County staff would be available to
answer questions. Mr. Callahan asked if there was any information that staff could provide to
Committee members to h e lp facilitate the discussion. Committee members commented that
the list of data sources the original priorities were based on would be helpful, as well as
examples of what has worked or not for other facilities.
12. Next Meeting Time, Date and Location
The next meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. in the F ifth Floor Training
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 A.M. w ith nothing further to discuss.
Collier County Mental Health and Addfotions Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
Scott Burgess -Chairman
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on March 1, 2019, "as submitted" []
or "as amended" [ ]
Mental Heal th and Addiction Ad Hoc Comm ittee Meeting I Meeting Minutes Page 5
9.2 February 25 Veterans Workshop
Mr. Mullin informed the Committee that he will host a Veterans workshop on February 25,
that will survey veterans and family members about the effectiveness of services.
10. Announcements
11. Committee Member Discussion
Committee members discussed further evaluating the priorities of a centralized receiving
system at the next meeting and noted again that Manatee County staff would be available to
answer questions. Mr. Callahan asked if there was any information that staff could provide to
Committee members to help facilitate the discussion. Committee members commented that
the list of data sources the original priorities were based on would be helpful, as well as
examples of what has worked or not for other facilities.
12. Next Meeting Time, Date and Location
The next meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. in the Fifth Floor Training
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 A.M. with nothing further to discuss.
Collier County Mental Health and Addictions Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
Scott Burgess -Chairman
The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on March 1, 2019, "as submitted" [
or "as amended" [ ]
Mental Hea lth and Addiction Ad Hoc Committee Meeting I Meeting Minutes Page 5