Bayshore Beautification MSTU Minutes 01/09/2019
Agenda Item 4a-January 9, 2019 meeting minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman
Maurice Gutierrez at 5:00 p.m. at the CRA Office, 3750 Bayshore Drive, Unit 102, Naples, FL 34112.
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Chairman Maurice Gutierrez, Robert Messmer,
Sandra Arafet, James Bixler, George Douglas, Sheila Dimarco. Excused absence, Susan Crum.
MSTU Staff Present: Sean Callahan, Executive Director of Corporate Business Operations; Debrah
Forester, CRA Director; Tami Scott, Senior Project Mgr; Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator;
Megi Roko, Executive Secretary.
II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Chairman Maurice Gutierrez.
III. Adoption of Agenda: Sandra Arafet made a motion to accept the Agenda. Second by George
Douglas. Passed Unanimously.
IV. Election of Officers -Chair and Vice-Chair- Sandra Arafet made a motion to keep Maurice
Gutierrez as Chairman, Bob Messmer second the motion. Passed unanimously. Maurice made the
motion to keep Sheila Dimarco as Vice Chair, Bob Messmer second, passed unanimously.
V. Adoption of Minutes: Sandra Arafet made a motion to pass the Minutes as written. Second by Sheila
Dimarco. Passed Unanimously.
VI. Community/ Business Presentations:
A. Update on Landscaping—Aaron Gross, Ground Zero Landscaping— Mr. Gross with an
update on the irrigation system, the pump on south end was not working and it was patched
together just to get water on the plants until the new motor was ordered and put in. There was a
half a case of heads that was replaced, plants were trimmed back on South Bayshore off the
sidewalk and on the light poles. The holdiay banners will be taken down and replaced with the
Creativity in Bloom banners. He asked if we wanted mulch to be put down in the medians but not
on the sides of the sidewalks. The committee agreed to put mulch in the medians only. Jim Bixler
recommended not to use red mulch just to replace all the plantings with ground cover in the future,
he felt it would be less maintenance and improve the overall appearance.
VII. Other Agencies:
A. Stormwater Dept. – Richard Orth, Collier County Stormwater made himself available for any
questions or concerns. Maurice Gutierrez asked if the Board was still looking into the stormwater
tax, and Richard replied they are still looking into the fee as directed by the Board of County
Commissioners. Maurice Gutierrez was concerned about being double taxed for the areas that
Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: Item 4a-BBMSTU January 9 Minutes (Unsigned) (8221 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU - February 6, 2019)
already pay into a stormwater drainage like all the property owners that live on Haldeman Creek
which act as a stormwater drainage creek. Everyone that pays into the Haldeman Creek MSTU
in essence pay into a stormwater drain basin. Richard Orth stated he would bring the committee’s
concerns back to his Director. The Director of the division will be attending the next CRA
meeting and hopefully can provide an update on the fee.
B. Collier County Sheriff’s Office: Cpl Gibson attended and provided the updates on some of the
citizen’s concerns raised regarding Celebration Park. She has been working with the General
Manager to address the parking, noise and boat traffic. She updated the Board on the graffiti issue,
stating that some of the spraying on the bridge was from the public utilities department and the
other graffiti was repainted over by Road Maintenance. Debrah Forester asked the question about
the transients and homeless camping on properties and if the signed trespass notices could be
enforced and Cpl Gibson said that they no longer were able to use them. The State Attorney does
not want to use a pre-signed trespass warrant and they have requested that the property owner
must see the person at the time of the trespassing in order for them to be removed. She encourages
the Community to call the non- emergency number for the Sheriff’s Office 252-9300 to address
any concerns.
VIII. Old Business:
A. Bayview Park: Debrah Forester, briefly reviewed the status of Bayview Park parking item and
introduced Barry Williams, Parks and Recreation Division Director, to further discuss the
updates. Mr. Williams discussed the project at Bayview Park on Hamilton Avenue and that they
plan on bringing forward an item to the Board of County Commissioners Agenda on February
12th to get approval to move forward on the design of the alternative parking plans for Hamilton
Ave. Dwight Oakley asked if they public could view the project with the parking schematics
because he wanted to see some landscaping somewhere in the parking spots. Staff will put the
concept plan previously presented on the CRA agenda and include it in the packet. Another
concern is a community member wanted to get the agenda packets with the concept plan before
the meeting, so she can review it and be informed for any questions. Ms. Forester noted that they
would post the concept plan on the CRA website.
IX. New Business:
A. February 19, 2019-Joint Workshop- Debrah Forester had asked if everyone would be able to
attend the February 19 at 5pm, this will be a CRA/MSTU’s joint workshop for goals and priorities
for next year, since we are all working together to stay within the same vision as we go through
the redevelopment plan process. Board members will confirm their attendance.
X. Staff Reports:
A. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott, Senior Project Manager, highlighted several projects.
Fire Suppression Phase II we have received 100% drawings and is probably going to start in
June. The office space for the CRA has received the revised plan layout and will be going
through the permitting process. There is a master pump station pump project that will start at
Thomasson Dr and Thomasson Lane and wanted to let everyone know it is a county project and
there is a contact information if anyone needed it. The CEI services will be going on the Board
Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: Item 4a-BBMSTU January 9 Minutes (Unsigned) (8221 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU - February 6, 2019)
of County Commissioners Agenda on January 22, to get approval to start negotiating with the
contractor. Race Trac was approved, permitting should begin soon. Sara Bay Marina will be
coming in the February CRA meeting. Food Truck parking lot has submitted their second round
of revisions including the crosswalk and other revisions. Debrah Forester wanted to remind
everyone about the neighborhood informational meeting that will be held soon, the neighboring
properties will all be notified. The CRA parking lot has hired Trebilcock Solutions to do the
Site plan for the lot and see what existing trees they can leave on the lot. Courthouse Shadows
has submitted plans to redevelop that plaza into residential. Compass Pointe has a new contract
on the property and keep the existing site plans already approved in the County.
B. Financials: The financial report was provided for review.
C. Maintenance report: The maintenance report was provided for review. Debrah Forester noted
there was paver repairs done in the tune of $7,000 and that is something we need to revisit to
see if ongoing maintenance was worth keeping pavers. The other issues Ms. Forester noted was
the continuing lighting fixture repairs that are not updated. We no longer can get replacement
parts for the lighting fixtures and there are always issues.
D. Code Enforcement November Report: The Code Enforcement Report was provided to review.
XI. Correspondence and Communications:
A. 2019 Meeting Calendar Updated* – (Attachment)
XII. Public Comments: Trish Dawson had brought up some concerns about the traffic light on US41 and
Bayshore Dr. noting there have been a number of vehicles running the red light because there is so
much more traffic and the light does not adhere to the amount of traffic that is actually on the roads.
Richard Orth volunteered to mention the issue to Traffic Operations to look into.
Dwight Oakley congratulated the Committee on the number of projects that they are doing. He brought
the improvements completed on South Bayshore several years ago and noted that today the area is not
in very good shape. He requested that the Committee consider revisiting the area and consider some
improvements. His concerns include the appearance of the palms and asked if some of them have
been removed and not replaced. He also mentioned the markings on the street and noted several of
the reflectors are all gone and he is not sure if it was vandalism or theft. He asked if Committee knew
that the Minto Group was developing a construction access on South Bayshore and stated they are
bringing heavy trucks down south Bayshore from Thomasson. He requested staff to reach out and let
them know they were not allowed to drive construction vehicles down Bayshore Drive for access.
Tami Scott will follow up on both. She will reach out to Mike McGee and ask him to develop a
proposal on what the current situation is and what could be completed to enhance the appearance of
South Bayshore Drive. She will also reach out to Minto and get more information on their project.
Packet Pg. 96 Attachment: Item 4a-BBMSTU January 9 Minutes (Unsigned) (8221 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU - February 6, 2019)
A community member mentioned the Blue Zone concept and if the CRA was doing anything with that
concept because she loved it. Debrah Forester stated that many of the concepts are include in the
redevelopment plan update.
XIII. Staff Comments: Debrah Forester reviewed the Sabal Shores Neighborhood Focus initiative that staff
and other agencies are holding on January 26th, topics include street lighting and waste management
and neighborhood watch. She noted that everyone is welcome to attend and since there is no parking,
staff is encouraging everyone to walk or bike ride to the event. Real Macaw is allowing the public to
park at her restaurant if anyone drives to the event.
XIV. Advisory Committee Comments:
XV. Next Meeting Date: February 6, 2019
XVI. Adjournment: 7:19 pm
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez
Packet Pg. 97 Attachment: Item 4a-BBMSTU January 9 Minutes (Unsigned) (8221 : Bayshore Beautification MSTU - February 6, 2019)