AHAC Minutes 10/22/2018M IN UTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE october 22,2018 8:30 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:00 A.M. in a VVORKI/VG SESS/ON at the Human Resource Building Conference Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Present:Steve Hruby, chair Sheryl Soukup Mary Waller Joseph Schmitt Christina Apostolidis (arrived 8:50 a.m.) Carlos Portu (arrived 8:45 a.m.) Excused:Litha Berger Unexcused: John Cowan ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant - Director, Operations and Veterans Services Kristi Sonntag, lnterim Director, Community and Human Services Cormac Giblin, Manager, Housing & Grant Development - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. crants Coordinator- CHS Susan Golden, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Lisa Carr - Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Don Luciano, Grants Coordinator - CHS Barbetta Hutchinson - Operations Coordinator - CHS 1, CALr ro ORDER The Chair, Steve Hruby, called the meeting to order at 8:35 am, read the procedures to be observed during the meeting and led the group in the pledge ofAllegiance. 2. Rorr CArr - CoMMtrrEE MEMBERS AND STAFF With only 4 members in attendance at the start of the meeting, a quorum was not established. However, by 8:50 a.m. a quorum was in effect. OTHERS PRESENT: Gabriella Molina, Clerk's Office; Suzanne Boothby, Clerk's Office; Shannon Benedetli; Margaret Buck; Michael Buck; George Danz; Sherry Greco; Alan Leuffen 1.A.c Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2018 (8158 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 6, 2019) 3. APpRovAL oF AGENDA AND MTNUTES Motlon to approve the agenda was made by Mary Waller, seconded by Carlos Portu and carried by a vote of 6-0. b. Motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of September L0, 2018 was made by Mary Waller, seconded by Carlos Portu and carried by a vote of 6-0. a. Cormac reviewed the upcoming housing related public hearing items. i. Regal Acres: Approved by CCPC 9/6 - going to the BCC LOl23. Habitat is asking for a density bonus and a rezone to add 20 acres and an additional 160 units to the development. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public speakers for this meeting. 6. DIscussIoN ITEMs AND PRESENTATIoNS There were no objections for making affordable housing at the Bembridge property. Sheryl Soukup motioned to fully support building on the Bembridge property and Mary Waller seconded. The group voted 6-0 in support. The sub-committee asked for a split for the Manatee property with acres remaining park land and acres being made available for housing. Joe Schmitt stated his concern regarding the shallowness of the report in regard to environmental impacts and costs. Sheryl Soukup said there will be environmental costs no matter what will be built (park or housing). Carlos Portu said that he feels there is enough affordable housing in this area and suggested the land be sold and look for a property somewhere else. Christina Apostolidis said that since Manatee has a lot of issues maybe it's not the right time now. Mary Waller said since the park is at least 10 years away from getting funding for the build, maybe it wlll include affordable housing at that time. The opinion of the memebrs regarding the Manatee site was as follows: Totally Opposed: Carlos Portu andJoe Schmitt Generally Opposed: Mary Waller Generally Supportive: Christina Apostolidis and Steve Hruby Fully Supportive: Sheryl Soukup Cormac said he would forward the results to the BCC and ask for a time certain for the item on the upcoming November 13, 2018 meeting. a 2 4. INToRMATIoNAT ITEMs a. Cormac reviewed the Sub-committee Report from September 27th about the Manatee and Bembridge properties. The findings of the feasibility study were that there are no significant issues preventing development of either site. 1.A.c Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2018 (8158 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 6, 2019) b. Cormac reviewed the Triennial Report with the group. He talked about all of the existing incentives that the county is currently using - expedited permitting, impact fee waivers, density flexibility, parking and setbacks, flexible lot configurations, street requirements, ongoing oversight, land bank inventory and proximity. Joe Schmitt motioned to accept the report and forward to the BCC, Carlos Portu seconded, and the group voted 6-0 in support. The group discussed filling the vacant positions on the committee. Each application was reviewed and discussed. Sheryl Soukup motioned to appoint Barbara Melvin into the banking position and Mary Waller seconded. The group voted 6-0 in favor. Carlos Portu motioned to keep Joe Schmitt in the Planning Commission spot and Sheryl Soukup seconded. The group voted 6-0 in favor. The group agreed that no other applicant had the qualifications to fillthe remaining open positions and Sheryl Soukup motioned to continue to advertise the open positions - Carlos seconded and there was a vote of 6-0 to approve. 7, ADJOURN There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was motioned to adjourn by Carlos Portu, seconded by Mary Waller and with a vote of 6-0, the meeting was adjou rned at 10:07 a.m. NExr MEETTNG: BECAUSE THts MEETTNG wAs AN ADotIoNAL MEETtNG, THE GRoup AGREED To cANcEL THE MEETING THAT WAs SCHEDULED FoR NoVEMBER 5, 2018 AT 8:OO A.M. AND HoLD THE NEXT MEETING oN DECEMBER 3, 2018. Location:5thFloorTraininBRoom,Administration(BuildingF) located at 3299 Ta mia mi Trail East CoLU CoUNTY HousrNG ADVTSoRY c a R CoMMr Ste The foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on submitted' l_l OR "os omended' l_1. E an I 2018, "os 3 1.A.c Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - October 22, 2018 (8158 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - February 6, 2019)