LAB Minutes 12/12/2018Naples, Florida, December 12,2018
LET lT BE KNOWN that the LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD met on this date in regular session at 10:00
a.m in the Headquarters Ljb.ary with the following members present:
Loretta Murray - District 'l
Connie Bettinger - District 3
Joy White - Diskict 4
Marjorie H. Gagnon - District 5
Lynne Nordhoff - Distract 2
ALSO PRESENT:Tanya Williams, Library Director
Karen Tibbetts, Administrative Assistant
Louise Franck, Vice-President, Friends of the Library
Mrs. l\rurray asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of October 17, 2018. One minor
correction was noted. Mrs. Nordhoff moved to approve the minutes with the correction. Mrs. Gagnon
seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously.
REPORT OF THE FRIENDS. lvlrs. Franck reported that tickets are still available for the Nick Linn Lecture Series and the Non-
Fiction Author Series, however, they are getting close to being sold out.. l\rs. Williams stated that the Library purchased three sets of tickets for both series. Branch
managers and staff will be selected to attend and represent and promote the library.
REPORT OF OFFICERS. l\rrs. lvlurray reported that she received a complaint from a South Regional Library patron who was
offended that there were no Hanukkah decorations displayed among the Christmas decorations.. Ms Williams will look rnto the matter.. Ms. Bettinger reported that the LocalAuthor Event held at South Regional on November 10 was
well organized and well attended.. 45 authors participated and 358 patrons attended the event. 158 books were sold during the event
according to the Friends.. Best-selling authors, Nathan Hill and Ben Bova spoke.. Ms. Williams stated that the Library is collecting responses from a survey conducted at this event
and will present the information to the Friends of the Library, who sponsored the event.. The Friends also surveyed the authors to provide feedback on the event.. Ms. Bettinger stated that she provided event guides and information on Mango, LEAP and mobile
printing to members of the Golden Gate Civic Association at their November meeting.. She also attended their December Christmas party, and was thanked for providing Library updates
She gave the President David Chalick's business card so they can coordinate a time for him to
attend and speak at one of the meetings.. Mrs. White reported that her sister visited the Everglades City Library last week and will be visiting
the lmmokalee Library soon in order to complete her goal of visiting each location.
Packet Pg. 510 Attachment: LAB Meeing Minutes Approved - December 12, 2018 (7809 : Library Advisory Board - January 16, 2019)
UNFINISHED BUSINESS'l) Room Use, Rental, and Fines/Fees Schedule - Update. Ms. Williams distributed draft copies of the updated room use, rental and fines/fee schedule.
. She reported that staff surveyed other libraries regarding computer use fees for non-patrons.
Statistics have shown a decline in use, and many other library systems have eliminated the
fee.. Ms. Williams stated that there will be no changes to the fees in Exhibit A. However, staff
identified areas that were repurposed into small study rooms. These new areas will need to be
added to the room use list.. Ms. Williams clarified that Rose Hall use has fees that were a part of the agreement when the
room was built.. South Regional Library has additional charges for after-hours room use for security.. Ms. Williams explained that the Computer Sofiware fees at the bottom of Page Two are no
longer relevant since the Library migrated to the County's computer network.. Patrons cannot load software onto Library equipment.. Ms. Bettinger pointed out that Golden Gate Library's computer lab needs to be added.. Ms. Williams will review this information with the managers and bring the final draft to the LAB
for board action in January.
2) LAB District 3 Seat - Revote Required/Motion Requircd. Ms. Wllliams stated that she spoke with the County Attorney regarding an application she
received for the District 3 seat after the October 17 LAB meeting.. She clarified that the LAB can extend the application review date past the genera 41 days
due to the fact that there is no meeting scheduled for November.. The applicant had originally submitted her application in August, however, the position was
not open at the time, and she was informed to reapply in October. The County attorney's
office received the application on October'16, but needed to confirm that she resided within
District 3 prior to forwarding the application to the LAB for consideration resulting in the
application not being received in time for the October meeting.. lvls. Bettinger left the room while the applications were reviewed.. lvlrs Nordhoff reported that the other applicant is a friend of hers, and has since pursued other
interests and projects.. lvlrs. Gagnon commented that lvls. Bettinger has been a LAB member for a long time and has
the background to potentially become the new chairman upon l\rrs. Murray's retirement.. [,Irs. Gagnon made a motion to accept lvls. Bettinger's application for District 3. Mrs. Nordhoff
seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.. Ms. Williams stated that she will provide the most current County Resolutions pertaining to
Advisory Boards and term limats at the January meeting.. lrrs. Nordhoff suggested for clearer instructions pertaining to applying for the LAB to be put on
the Library's website.. Ms. Williams stated that NIs. Bettinger will stand in as the LAB'S chairman until the May
meeting when officers will be elected.. Discussion ensued regarding who would fill in for Ms. Bettinger in the event of her absence.. Ms. Williams will add this item to the January agenda so it can be discussed with the new
District 1 member.
1) Expanded Hours oI Service - Discussion/Motion Required. Ms. Wiiliams shared a presentation of the survey results pertaining to expanded hours of
service.. Ms. Williams stated that the survey was conducted over a four week period, targeting Estates,
lmmokalee, East Naples, and Vanderbilt Beach branches, although some responses came
from other locations.
Packet Pg. 511 Attachment: LAB Meeing Minutes Approved - December 12, 2018 (7809 : Library Advisory Board - January 16, 2019)
. The majority of the 282 respondents wanted Saturday hours over evening hours.
. 207 respondents felt that their prefened library location needed more hours.. 107 respondents indicated that they find out about changes in the library from staff; 89 find out
from the Library's website.. '136 respondents indicated that additional library hours would be more convenient and
accommodating for them to pick up materials.. Ms. Bettinger commented that many staff she spoke with did not want to expand hours,
however, they agreed that the hours should be standardized among most locations.. 9'!% ol those taking the survey are satisfied with the Library's service.. 79% would promote the Library to others.. Ms. Williams stated that each location's square footage and the number of full-time equivalent
(FTE'S) staff needs to be analyzed to determine what expanded hours can be supported.. The presentation showed proposed hours for each location, which would add four hours to
Naples Regional & South Regional; nine hours to Estates, East Naples & Vanderbilt Beach;
one hour to l\rarco lsland; and twelve hours to lmmokalee.. The proposed hours would provide consistency at the three regional locations, and the branch
locations would also be the same.. l\rs. Williams stated that peak hours at each location were reviewed, and door counts will also
be reviewed.. She will be requesting feedback from managers regarding hourly circulation statistics.. Ms. Williams stated that she will also look at other library systems.. Mrs. Gagnon stated that the lmmokalee community would be more interested in after school
hours instead of Saturday hours. The last time the lmmokalee branch had Saturday hours was
'12 years ago.. Ms. Williams will also review the changes in statistics since Ave Maria was developed.. She would also like to determine if area college students may need additional evening hours.. Nils. Williams will put this item on January's agenda for review and approval.
2) 2019 LAB Meeting Schedule. Members reviewed the draft for the 2019 LAB lueeting Schedule and would like to know which
library locations were visited in the past. A list will be sent for review and the schedule will be
confirmed in January.. Mrs. Nordhoff requested having a tour of the libraries where the meetings are held.
DIRECTOR'S REPORTl) Staffing Update. [rs. Williams distributed the updated staff email list.. She reported that seven new employees have come on board since the last tAB meeting.. lmmokalee has a new Library Assistant, Leslie Flores.. Two new Library Assistants have been hired for Headquarters, James Corrao began at the
end of October, and the other will begin in January.. Marco lsland has a new LEAP student.. There are seven positions posted and/or pending interviews.. The Program Specialist position forthe l,Iail-a-Book program has been tweaked to be a
Senior Services position, with i,IAB being one ofthe duties in addition to outreach services to
seniors-. The FOL has agreed to sponsor the MAB program by allocating up to $8K to cover the return
postage for patrons that do not meet the free service for the blind postal regulations.. The South Regional Youth Services Librarian position vacated by Ellen Tanner has been
restructured so that the person selected will go to Everglades City one day each week.
Packet Pg. 512 Attachment: LAB Meeing Minutes Approved - December 12, 2018 (7809 : Library Advisory Board - January 16, 2019)
. There were three resignations this past week, and the positions will post on Friday. Evelyn
Hunter in the Children's Department at Headquarters received her MLIS and will be going to
the new library in Bonita. South Regional's LEAP student will be leaving due to increased
school obligations. A part{ime Library Assistant at Naples Regional has taken on full time
employment elsewhere.. Carey Hunt resigned as Naples Regional's Branch Manager and moved to Colorado to be
closer to family. Joanne Gardner from lmmokalee also resigned.
2) Naming Rights & Sponsorship Valuation Services. Ms. Williams reported that the County has retained The Superlative Group to handle namtng
rights for the County. All naming rights to new construction or renovations will be handled
through this vendor going forward.. Ms. Bettinger stated that South Regional and Golden Gate library locations never received the
Board of County Commissioners or Library Advisory Board Members plaques.. Ms. Williams will look into this matter.
3) Award of Recognition Plaque. Ms. Williams presented Mrs. Murray with a plaque in recognition of her'15 years of service
and advocacy as a member of the Library Advisory Board.
Mrs. Murray asked if there was any more business to discuss. There being no further business to come
before the Library Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1 1:30 a.m.
The next LAB meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at the Headquarters Library, 2385
Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109, (239) 593-351 1 .
J oy White, lnterim Chair
Library Advisory Board
Packet Pg. 513 Attachment: LAB Meeing Minutes Approved - December 12, 2018 (7809 : Library Advisory Board - January 16, 2019)