Citizens Corp Advisory Minutes 10/16/2018Collier County
Citizens Corp. Committee
October 16, 2018
Members present: Walt laskiewicz, Coast Guard Aux
Melanie Collins, Collier County Emergency Management
Barry Gerenstein, C.E.R.T
Dawn Whelan, Collier County RSVP
James Cunningham, Collier Fire Chief Association
Carl Alvarez, Department of Health, MRC
Rick Zyvoloski, LMS Chair
Mark Senda, Civll Air Patrol (CAP)
Reg Buxton. Chamber of Commerce
Excused absence:None
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jaskiewicz at 10:00AM.
Roll call conducted. There was a quorum.
No meeting minutes to approve. The minutes from the August 22, 2018 meeting will be sent out for
Dawn Whelan will return to Secretary duties
Old Business: Chief Cunningham brought up the sharing ofvolunteers. Each agency has their own
database ofvolunteersand all agency are competing for the same volunteers. lt was suggested that
each agency come to a CERT alumnus meeting to share their agencies mission and possibly have them
sign up for their agency as well as CERT. Chief Cunningham will head this committee up.
Melanie wlll send out a list of all members and agencies to everyone.
New Business:
Lee Henderson will be removed from the Letterhead.
A motion to approve Reg Buxton to the positlon of Vice Chair was made by Chief Cunningham, seconded
by Walt Jaskiecicz. The motion carried.
lndivldual Reports:
CERT classes to start at the Red Cross.
Civil Air Patrol has flown over the area damaged by Hurricane Michael.
Packet Pg. 190 Attachment: October 2018 Minutes (signed) (7713 : Collier County Citizen Corps - January 8, 2019)
Melanie collins reported that box trucks, ambulances and county employees have been deployed to
assist in Hurricane relief.
LMs meeting on Friday. Grant money in the amount of S24 million was awarded. Tier 3 money will be
available soon. Richwill bethe point of contact for food, waterandtarps.
CPR training was completed by the Medical Reserves Corps.
Chief Cunningham indicated that 5 strike teams, engines, light and urban search and rescue, water and
CERT Teams have all been deployed. collier county will be deploying for 7-day misslons. Teams from
Broward, Charlotte and Lee Counties have also been deployed.
The Salvation Army trained 13 RSVP volunteers for disaster preparedness.
Coast Guard entered a new Coast Guard Cadet Program. Marco lsland wlll be getting a new building in
Faith Based agencies Melanie to follow up.
Background checks, who is dolng them? what level? who is paying for them? Funding is needed as they
are expensive to have performed on all volunteers. Funding is possible available through Volunteer
Florid a.
The Salvation Army will be sending a representative to this meeting.
CERT volunteers will be assisting the Salvation in the Bell Ringing for the holidays.
The next meeting is December 4, 2018 at 10:0OAM
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00AM with a motion by Lee Henderson and seconded by chief
Cunningham. The motion carried.
M inutes ly submitted by Dawn Whelan for approval.
Packet Pg. 191 Attachment: October 2018 Minutes (signed) (7713 : Collier County Citizen Corps - January 8, 2019)