DASAB Minutes 11/20/2018Norcmber 10. 2018 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples. F lorida. November 20, 20 l8 LET IT BE REMEMBERED. that the Collier Countv Domestic Animal Services Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier. having conducted business herein. met on this date at 6:00 PM in RECULAR SESSION at Domestic Animal Sen,ices Training Room. Davis Blvd.. Naples. Florida, with the tbllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Daniel Rheaume (excused) VICE CHAIRMAN: Jim Rich SECRETARY: Sarah Baeckler Davis (late) Mary Baker Marjorie Bloom Dr. Michael Gordon James Spartz ALSO PRESENT: Darcl Andrade. Director. DAS Kvra Lvnch. Shelter Operations Manager. I)AS Jaime Whiring. Animal Services Program (loordinator, DAS Kellie Canoll. Administrativc Assistant. DAS I. Call to Order Vice Chairmen Jim Rich calltd the meeting ro order ar 6:00 p.nr. II. Attendance A quorum uas established. III. Approval of Agende 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2018 (signed) (7827 : Animal Services Advisory Board - January 15, 2019) Norember 10. l0l8 Malorie Bloom mude a notion to upprove the agcnda. there v'us a seutnd und the motion passed 5-0. James Spart mu.l.: u molion to upptoyc the minutes of the September I tl. 201 8 meeting. there was a seutnd and the nntion passed 5-0- V. Director's Report Drrcy Andrade informed the Board that there was a delay in the arrival ofthc neu' marquee sign that is shipping liom Orlando. but it is expected at an)'time. She shorved the Board a mock-up ofthc graphics tbr the sign. u'hich include the uords 'Adoption Cenler.' Ms. Andrrde advised the Board that the sales tar increase passed and that means $6M in t'uture f'unding for neu buildings at DAS. A hid is alreadl out for design oia neu' prolot)'pe building and the plan is to build a new building. rhen rear doun one of the old ones and replace until allol'the kennels are replaced. She also advised that she and Kyra Lynch sat on the sclection committec thar chos€ the design firm. The company that uas chosen has experience u'ith animal shelters and undersEnds lhe unique challenges. Mrrjorie Bloom asked ifa date has been scr for the groundbrealiing and was advised that it is likely to be 2020 before the projecr gers starled. DAS has applied tbr t\o grants recentl). One isa Hazard lVlitigation Grant ro geta generator that can provide po$'er to the entire lacility when needed. The second is for a spay/neuter bus. Commissioner Solis *'ill be speaking at the annual Legislative Delegation Meeting on I l,'30/18 al 9:00a.m. ar rhe North Coltier Regional Park in suppon of rhe bus. Ms. Andrrde reported on the Communit) Cats'['oun tlall Meeting that was held on October 16. 1018. There sas a good tumout and anendees asked great questions aboul the program. DAS ofi'ered spav neuler vouchers ro the attendees and several oithe vouchers have already been used. She also advised the Board rhat DAS is working ren hard to rerurn stra).s to their owrc'rs and ha'e pannered u.ith t_ost.Animals olCollier County. lo post on Facebook anv animals that arrive al lhe shelter as strays. If DAS has nor be,,'n in contact wirh lhe o*'ners ofa srral'animal. it is posted on Facehook: if DAS has been in contacl $.ith the o\\ner. that animal is not posted. Jim Rich asked what percentage oi animals arri'ing as str.r!'s are microchipped and r.las advised b1' Drrcy thal those stats are not available but did reporr that the reclaim rate lbr dogs is currenily ar 5l%. Its. Andrade announced ro rhe Board rhat rhe nexr Adopr-a-rhon wiI he held Decemberl'' and 2 . The shelter uill open on Saturda' ar 9:00 a.m. and remain open until 6:00p.m. on Sunday tbr adoptions. ') IV. Approval of Minutes 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2018 (signed) (7827 : Animal Services Advisory Board - January 15, 2019) l\ovember 10. l0l8 A stat'ling update uas provided. and Drrcy inlbrmed the Board that there is a ne$ Shelter Veterinarian uho began norking a couple ofueeks ago. She also stated lhat there is no Field Operations Manager on board 1et. but an olTer has been made to one of the candidates that uas inten'ieu'ed. Krrta Carlisle has lett her employment *ith DAS and the 'kaining Coordinaror posirion is now vacant- Ms. Andrade introduced Jrime Whitiog. uho uas recently promoted to the fx)silion of Animal Sen'ices Program Coordinator. Kyra Lynch discussed the Community ('at Program and srated that 58 cats were Shelter-Neutered-Rr.turned. and IJ cats wcrc sterilized tirr Trap\leuter-Return lbr thc public. I'hat is nearl1 75 cats that *ould hare otheru,ise ended up at the shelter. Ms. L1-nch also advised the Board that inten'icus \\ere recenll) held for open Animal Care Specialist positions. otltrs u'ere nrade to scr c'ral candidales. and inten'icus for lhe Senior Animal Care Specialist vacancl' will bc held next week. Jeime Whiting inlbrmed that Board that lhcre are currentll' 46 animals in lbster care and that nearll- 400 animals *'ere in tbster care last year. She also provided an updale on several upcoming events rhat DAS will be panicipating in. including several Yappy Hours events, Pets on Third and the Senior l:xpo. Yl. \err Business A. Multi-Year Statistical Revien' Darq Andrade presenled a slide shou ol'DAS statistics. including intake figures. outcome ligures. sterilization statistics. Ollcer activities. Volunreer stalistics and thc' live release rate. DAS' overall live release rale tbr fiscal year 2018 is 93%. The live release ftrte for dogs is 9796 and lbr cats it is 89%. Ms. Andrade explained to the Board that in previous y'ears. \'olunteer statistics included hours lbr fosrer care that werc not calculated and distributed in a consistenr manner. Il is not possible lirr those hours to be corrected and so the total volunteer hours in previous ).ea$ is skewed. For this fiscal year. onl)'hours volunteered at the shelter are included in the count. Jim Rich asked it DAS uses te\t messaging ro help increase the numbcr of animals that are retumed to o*ner. Ms. Andrrde explained DAS has not previousll. been aulhorized to do so and that rext messaging using county cell phones was only recentll, approved. Ms. Andrsde brielll discussed citalions and advised rhat a slide uith citation statislics is nor in the current ktulti-Year Statistical Re'ierv. but it ma1.be added in future years. She stated that in tiscal year 2018. oflicers issued 785 Norices to Comply. that 9i citations *'ere paid. l7 citarions u.ere dismissed after rhe recipient anended the Responsible Pet Ourership class and that.l80 cirations uere ieferred to Code Enltrrcemenl for collections. She also stated thal officers issued I 4l Formal trVritten Warnings lbr animals Running-At-Large and that there are 39 cirarions pending. Old Business 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2018 (signed) (7827 : Animal Services Advisory Board - January 15, 2019) November 10. l0l8 A. Or*'ner Requested Euthcnasia Darcy Andrade informed the Board that a large percentage ofthe ouners thal requesl euthanasia are referred to DAS by the animal's Veterinarian because the clients are not able to at'lbrd the cost charged bl the Vererinarian. Ms. Andrede advised the Board that she believes DAS should accept oured animals for euthanasia to prevent animals that are ill from being le.ti to suller and stated that DAS does not accepl healthy animals fbr on-demand or convenience euthanasia. She advised that Board lhat although this uas a praclice in the pasr. she ended it uhen she became fie Director. Ms. Andrade inlbrmed the Board lhat there are members of the public that do not believe that DAS should provide this sen,ice to the public because oltheir beliet's that DAS should not euthanize anl animals. Drrc!- noled lhat in the pasr. there \^as no language in the Animal Control Ordinance lhat allo\aed DAS to accept the surrender ol'any ouned animal. but DAS has alwal's done so. When the Ordinance was revised in 201 8. language uas added to allo! for ouner surrender. including owner surrenders tirr euthanasia. Ms. Andrede explained thal o*ned animals surrendered for eulhanasia that are unhealthl'd0 not counl as part ofthe sheher's euthanasia stalistics. but owned animals surrendered lirr euthanasia that are treatable-rehabilitatable or treatable-manageable are counled as pafl ol'the shelter's euthanasia statistics. as per thc Asilomar Accords. Kyro Lynch provided the example ofa cat u,ith diabetcs that requires daily insulin injections. Diabetes can be managed. bur the shelter does not hare the resources to eflectivel]' manage the care ofthat cat and the cat rvould need to be surrendered tbr eurhanasia. That ty'pe ofowner requested euthanasia lvould be counted in lhe shelter statistics. Jim Rich stated fiat he believes that rhis is a sen.ice lo rhe public. Mar.v Brker asked if DAS contacts rhe Veterinarians u.ho refer clients to DAS to perlbrm euthanasia and K1're L;-nch adr ised thar if it is clear b.v looking al the animal that it is ill. lbr example. the animal is unablc' to rvalk. rhen DAS does nor conlacr rhe Vet. Hor.r'ever. if the animal appears healrhy. rhen DAS would contacr the Ver. Dr. Gordon asked * hat part of the communit) is not in lhr or of pror iding this sen'ice and *'as advised bv Ms. Andrade that i1 is otien posted on social media platlbrms and lhal there are people r*.ho believc thar the senice is being used to skeu.the euthanasia stalistics lbr the shelter. Mary Boker nude u motion thut DAS continue to o.fftr ov,ner rt,quesletl eulhunusia sertices lo tha public. there u'at u .seconel und the motion passel 6-0. VII. Public Comment 'l here u,as no public commenl. VIII. .{dviso4 Boerd Member Comments 4 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2018 (signed) (7827 : Animal Services Advisory Board - January 15, 2019) Novemb€r 10. l0l8 Sarah Beeckler Devis stated that she uas srill absorbing the inlbrmation liom the Multi- Year Statistical Review but commended DAS lbr its good work. Dr. Gordon stated that he is proud to be associated with Domestic Animal Services. Mrrjorie Bloom said that she believes that cvcry DAS volunleer voted tbr the sales tax increase. She also stated that the statistics are great and that she believes that the rvording on the ne\l marquee sign will trc very helpful. Ms. Btoom also said the volunteers are grateful to have Jaime as rheir lrusled leader and she thanked Petq. Teulet tbr all the hard uork she did * hile rhe Volunteer Coordinaror position $as \ acant. Jim Rich slated that no one is happier than hc is about the current sratistics and thanked DAS. Jomes Sporli nade u ntttion to a.liurn. therc y.tt.t u secorul und lhe nurlion lrussed 6-0. The nexl regularly schcduled Advisory Boerd Meeting will be on Tuesdey, Jaouaqv 15, 2019 at 6:00 in the Domestic Animrl Training Room, Davis Blvd,. Neples, Floride. There being no further business for the good ofthe Counq, the meeting wes conctuded at 7:07 p.m. COLLIER COL}-A\I}IAL SER\'ICES airmsn Daniel e 'fhese minules approved b1. Board/Comminee on amended t as presented or as 5 3.A.3 Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2018 (signed) (7827 : Animal Services Advisory Board - January 15, 2019)