BOAA Agenda 01/31/2019 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS AGENDA January 31, 2019 2:00 p.m. Conference Room 610 NOTICE: Persons wishing to speak on any Agenda item will receive up to three (3) minutes unless the Chairman adjusts the time. Speakers are required to fill out a “Speaker Request Form,” list the topic they wish to address and hand it to the Staff member seated at the table before the meeting begins. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and speak into a microphone. State your name and affiliation before commenting. During the discussion, Committee Members may direct questions to the speaker. Please silence cell phones and digital devices. There may not be a break in this meeting. Please leave the room to conduct any personal business. All parties participating in the public meeting are to observe Roberts Rules of Order and wait to be recognized by the Chairman. Please speak one at a time and into the microphone so the Hearing Reporter can record all statements being made. I. Call to Order - Chairman II. Approval of Agenda III. Public Speakers IV. Agenda Item A. Interpretation of the Florida Accessibility Code advisory 604.8.1.6 Lavatory and 604.8.1.7 Water Closet V. Committee Member Comments VI. Adjourn