Agenda 02/12/2019 Item #16D 5Proposed Agenda Changes Board of County Commissioners Meeting February 12, 2019 Continue Item 16D5 to February 26, 2019 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to authorize expenditures for subscriptions to Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO Industries, Inc. (EBSCO), for Library patron use in an amount not to exceed $150,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted, through FY2021. (Commissioner McDaniel’s request) Continue Item 16D6 to February 26, 2019 BCC Meeting: Recommendation to authorize expenditures for the subscription to Hoopla streaming service from Midwest Tape, LLC (Midwest Tape) for Library patron use in an amount not to exceed $200,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted, through FY2021. (Commissioner McDaniel’s request) Note: Item 11B title to read: Recommendation to defer a decision on the offer received from Reginald Kreilich, Jonathan Jensen and Andrew Phillips in the amount of $600,000 for the purchase of the County-owned parcel, known as Randall Curve, pending a full review by the Board of all offers received on this parcel at the April 23, 2019 BCC Meeting. Time Certain Items: Item 9A to be heard at 9:30 a.m., immediately followed by Item 11A Item 10A to be heard at 11:00 a.m. 2/12/2019 8:40 AM 02/12/2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize expenditures for subscriptions to Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO Industries, Inc. (EBSCO), for Library patron use in an amount not to exceed $150,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted, through FY2021. OBJECTIVE: To subscribe to EBSCO software products for library patron use. CONSIDERATIONS: EBSCO is the provider of electronic magazines for its Flipster software platform. Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select are proprietary software subscriptions of EBSCO and EBSCO is the only vendor that completely integrates with the Library’s current Integrated Library System (ILS) Sierra for electronic reader’s advisory services and integrated catalog searching. EBSCO is a leading provider of electronic reader’s advisory and electronic magazine access for public libraries. Access to EBSCO’s electronic resources and discovery tools allows the Collier County Public Library to provide patrons with easier access to all County library resources and holdings along with access to proprietary electronic magazine holdings. There are other eMagazine vendors on the market; however, access to Consumer Reports online is proprietary to EBSCO, providing library patrons 24/7 access to this valuable resource. EBSCO, through its Discovery Service software platform, is the only vendor to offer a tool that aggregates all the library’s content of databases, magazines, and print materials into one integrated search result. NoveList Plus and NoveList Select provide library patrons with 24/7 access to virtual reader’s advisory services. There are currently no other virtual reader’s advisory products that integrate with the Library’s ILS. The Library anticipates maintaining our subscriptions to Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO, through FY2021, if funds have been budgeted. Procurement Ordinance No. 2017-08, Section 8, provides that subscriptions, books, electronic information, and similar material in printed or electronic format may be eligible for exemption from the competitive process based upon the determination of the County Manager or his designee, the Procurement Services Director, that approval of such an exemption is in the best interest of the County. The Ordinance further requires that purchases exceeding $50,000 in annual expenditures be approved by the Board of County Commissioners (Board). The required exemption form approved by Procurement Services, along with staff’s business case memo in support of the exemption is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for FY19 will not exceed $150,000, which is budgeted in Library General Fund (001) and Library Grants Fund (709). Future years will be dependent on subsequent budget year approvals. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item is approved as to form and legality and requires majority vote for Board approval. -SRT RECOMMENDATION: To authorize expenditures for the subscription to EBSCO software products for library patron use in an amount not to exceed $150,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted with Board approval, through FY2021. Prepared By: Tanya Williams, Director, Library Division 16.D.5 Packet Pg. 808 02/12/2019 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. EBSCO Business Case for Exemption from Competitive Process (DOCX) 2. FY19 Exemption Request 116 - EBSCO (Board Approval) (PDF) 16.D.5 Packet Pg. 809 02/12/2019 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.D.5 Doc ID: 7800 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize expenditures for subscriptions to Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO Industries, Inc. (EBSCO), for Library patron use in an amount not to exceed $150,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted, through FY2021. Meeting Date: 02/12/2019 Prepared by: Title: Administrative Assistant – Library Name: Karen Tibbetts 01/16/2019 12:14 PM Submitted by: Title: Assistant Division Director - Library – Library Name: Tanya Williams 01/16/2019 12:14 PM Approved By: Review: Library Tanya Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 01/24/2019 5:35 PM Procurement Services Sara Schneeberger Additional Reviewer Completed 01/25/2019 8:50 AM Procurement Services Opal Vann Level 1 Purchasing Gatekeeper Completed 01/25/2019 9:11 AM Procurement Services Catherine Bigelow Additional Reviewer Completed 01/25/2019 12:08 PM Public Services Department Kimberley Grant Level 1 Reviewer Completed 01/25/2019 3:54 PM Procurement Services Ted Coyman Additional Reviewer Completed 01/28/2019 1:40 PM Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 01/28/2019 1:48 PM Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 01/28/2019 2:55 PM Grants Carrie Kurutz Level 2 Grants Review Completed 01/31/2019 3:25 PM County Attorney's Office Scott Teach Additional Reviewer Completed 01/31/2019 5:04 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 02/01/2019 7:50 AM Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 02/01/2019 8:49 AM Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 02/01/2019 10:30 AM Grants Therese Stanley Additional Reviewer Completed 02/01/2019 2:25 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 02/04/2019 1:53 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 02/12/2019 9:00 AM 16.D.5 Packet Pg. 810 COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT, LIBRARY DIVISION Page 1 of 1 BUSINESS CASE FOR: Recommendation to authorize expenditures for subscriptions to Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO Industries, Inc. (“EBSCO”), for Library patron use in the amount not to exceed $150,000 per Fiscal Year, as budgeted, though FY 2021. Ease of use, aggregation of content access, and 24/7 access to digital magazines and reader’s advisory makes EBSCO’s proprietary software subscriptions the best choice for Collier County Public Libraries. EBSCO, through their Flipster software, and RBDigital are currently the only two vendors offering digital magazine collections and software platforms to public libraries for patron use. The Flipster platform does not require separate account log-ins for easier access to digital content. And EBSCO is the sole provider of several unique titles, including Consumer Reports and People, highly sought after by library patrons. Discovery Service is an aggregation software that is compatible with a variety of integrated library systems (ILS) including the Library’s current ILS, Sierra. The software aggregates all the library’s content of databases, magazines, and print materials into one integrated search result. This renders the Library’s collection more “discoverable” and provides the patron with an expanded view of all available information in all formats for their search. EBSCO Discovery Service is the only discovery service to offer full-text searching. NoveList Plus and NoveList Select are software that allow the Library to provide patrons with reader’s advisory completely integrated with our library catalog. When searching for titles and at check-out, patrons are provided with recommendations for series titles and additional readings, or read-a-likes. These features greatly enhance the patron experience, increases circulation, and provides patrons with 24/7 access to reader’s advisory services. Library subscriptions and electronic content are exempt from the competitive process due to the limited availability of competitive sources. Flipster, Discovery Service, NoveList Plus, and NoveList Select, proprietary software offered through EBSCO, provides Collier County Public Library patrons 24/7 access to exclusive digital magazines, aggregated search results through our library catalog, and digital reader’s advisory. This, in turn, showcases the Library’s collection as a useful, contemporary tool benefiting both the patron and the Library. Tanya Williams, Division Director, Library Division, 12.03.18 16.D.5.a Packet Pg. 811 Attachment: EBSCO Business Case for Exemption from Competitive Process (7800 : Authorize expenditures for EBSCO subscriptions in an Instructions The following procurement categories may be eligible for exemption from the competitive process based upon the determination of the County manager or Designee that approval of such an exemption is in the best interest of the County. Purchases greater than $50,000 will require final approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Requester Name:Vendor Name: Division:Item / Service: Budget Year:1RWWR([FHHG per Fiscal Year: One time purchase:Multiple purchases:Requested date range:_________________ Is there an agreement associated with this Exemption? Yes No 1. Government Agency/Non- Profit 2. Registrations/dues/ training 3. Subscriptions/periodicals/ printed materials 4. Advertisements 5. Utility services –subject to government control 6. Education/academic programs/trainers, speakers 7. Legal services 8. Purchases required by grants/gifts 9.Compatibility/proprietary with current systems 10. Shop estimates on disassembled equipment 11. Personnel/recruitment services 2. Works of art for public display 13. Direct purchases 14. Financial instruments 15. Entertainment services for County sponsored events 16. Management studies as directed by County Manager 17. Resolution/BCC direction (Indicate resolution number and approval date): Description of Purchase:Enter a description of the item(s) items that will be purchased under this exemption. Purpose:Describe in detail, the purpose of the requested item(s). Requester:Signature: Date: Division Director: Signature: Date: Procurement Strategist: Signature: Date: Procurement Director: 2UGHVLJQHH Signature: Date: For Procurement Use Only: One time approval One year approval Multi-Year Approval: Start ____________ End ____________ Exemptions from the Competitive Process Kim Spina EBSCO Library Flipster, NoveList Select & Plus, Discovery Service / Subscription Services FY2019 $150,000 10/01/2018-09/30/2021 For subscription to the following EBSCO software products: Flipster, NoveList Select & Plus, and Discovery Service. Flipster provides downloable (electronic) magazines, all through an easy to use app for devices; making it the most accessible platform in the library industry, that does not require separate accounts logins. Flipster also offers "Consumer Reports" which our patrons frequently ask for. Novelist Plus database provides Collier County Public Library patrons with reader's advisory, including similar title suggestions for further reading, journal and reader reviews, and more. Novelist Plus also integrates with the Library's online catalog to assist with finding additional titles in a series along with the reviews and other reading recommendations. Novelist Select integrates with the library's online catalog to provide enhanced title information including book jacket covers. EBSCO's Discovery Service integrates the content through our catalog (databases, e-content, newspapers, magazines, books, videos, etc.) in a streamlined, integrated fashion so that the patron can search once rather than multiple times through various vendor portals in a more efficient and effective way. This will allow patrons to explore the library catalog with ease and optimizes the returns on searches in order to fully exploit all the materials and information that the library offers. Kim Spina 10/22/18 Tanya R. Williams 12/03/2018 Sara Schneeberger Catherine Bigelow 01/09/2019 09/30/2021 SpinaKim Digitally signed by SpinaKim Date: 2018.10.22 16:30:24 -04'00' WilliamsTanya Digitally signed by WilliamsTanya Date: 2018.12.03 16:00:25 -05'00' SchneebergerSara Digitally signed by SchneebergerSara DN: dc=net, dc=colliergov, dc=bcc, ou=Divisions, ou=ASD, ou=ASD Purchasing, ou=Purchasing User Accounts, cn=SchneebergerSara, email=Sara.Schneeberger@colliercountyfl.gov Date: 2019.01.09 12:31:44 -05'00' Cat Bigelow Digitally signed by Cat Bigelow DN: cn=Cat Bigelow, o=Collier County Government, ou=Procurement Services, email=catherinebigelow@colliergov.net, c=US Date: 2019.01.11 11:05:49 -05'00' 16.D.5.b Packet Pg. 812 Attachment: FY19 Exemption Request 116 - EBSCO (Board Approval) (7800 : Authorize expenditures for EBSCO subscriptions in an amount