Resolution 2005-228 Retn: CLBRl TO THB BOARD INTBROPPICB ITH PLOOR BIT 1210 3640502 OR: 3823 PG: 1038 RBCORDBD in the OPPICIAL RBCORDS of COLLIBR COUNTY, PL 06/16/2005 at 10:43AM DNIGHT B. BROCK, CLBRK ~~. j 3655686 OR: 3840 PG: 2749 RBCORDBD in the OPPICIAL RBCORDS of COLLIBR COUHTY, PL . 07/11/2005 at 09:35AM DWIGHT B. BROCK, CLBRK RBC PBB coms 41.00 5.00 Retn: CLBRK TO THB BOARD INTBROPPICB 4TH PLOOR BIT 1210 / RBC PBB coms 52.50 6.00 RESOLUTION NO. 2005- 228 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR PETITION A VROW2004-AR6443 TO DISCLAIM, RENOUNCE AND V ACA TE THE COUNTY'S AND THE PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN A PORTION OF THE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR CHURCH AVENUE WHICH WAS DEDICATED TO THE COUNTY BY THE PLAT OF "BAY PARK," AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I, PAGE 61, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND TO ACCEPT A 15 FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. LOCATED IN SECTION II, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST. WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 336.09 and 336.10, Florida Statutes, George de los Reyes, from Regnum Development Group, LLC, does hereby request the vacation of a portion of the road right of way for Church A venue and to accept a 15 foot wide Drainage Easement; and WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating a portion of the road right of way for Church Avenue and to accept a 15 foot wide Drainage Easement as more fully described below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient access of other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County's right' of way interests over and across the following portion of the road right of way for Church A venue are hereby vacated, extinguished, renounced and disclaimed, and this action is declared to be in the Public's interest and for the Public's benefit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. Page I of2 OR: 3823 PG: 1039 ~OR: 3840 PG: 2750 ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the 15 foot wide Drainage Easement, more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby accepted as a drainage easement for the right of way vacated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution, the proof of publication of the notice of public hearing and the proof of publication of the notice of adoption of this Resolution in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida. This Resolution is adopted this /</1---1 day of ~,7U?7< . 2005, after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATED: b-/6-DS A TrEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk . L~ ~ r ," .~5".~ .~::':-',..',,' . '.'.~: .~.~'~ ~:&~~~'.Je. D uty Clerk :':'. . .'J~ : : Att"t,~'~~'i; sfgnatwrt 6ltJ~':"".";~.<.F' if. GU'!\\'" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: '1uLW. ~ Fred W. Coyle, Chal Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Jennifer A. Belpe:tio Assistant County Attor ey , ,. , Item # /rj6 P,genda I _ r 't . 05 Date /CLi,_ Dat~ fI- 'b-oS Reed ~ Page 2 of2 / OR: 3840 PG: 2751 / SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION EXHffiIT "AU SHEET 1 OF 1 A VROW2004-AR6443 P.D.C. SlrIuwJen 'Co.. Not Plflttod Not1hIlMt. eom.. of th. plot of Boy Pont round 5/8" ,." p., No Id I, I~21' N.B9'2I'.n"E. I:J5.21' PDB -,_-_od !!l .. ... FTEP~..J.o:""WIdtI Utl1ttl~""'~t ~ Sf _on)' 1M of CIrun:h A_. '" ~ I CHURCH AVENUE ~ :10' _ - Unmp/'o'lod Found 05""- CGocnrt. _..t Noldl I _~Ii, ~Ii I I I I :J" ~ '" ;;~ i>:iiil '-1i: ~ ....~I S.B9'2,'42"W. 1:J5.21' ~ .... I Norlhorly ,.,. of ut 1 ~ t1::l -.... NortItfltlfi t:t:Jmr l:1 I ~,. I a NtJrlh...t earn.. f'7'::":l Lot 1. t!Mot:Jt '8" ~i ~I~!~I_ Lot 1,_'8' ~ &1: I Ilfll3 it> !!= ~ r--+---t-! "U.L- ~d I II hi .... :< I "'/'" t .. UJ , B 1~1!lj ~ I 15,"1 III I .ll1~1 ~-~t,~ I I ~ 1:1l lunl' I I I I ! I III b~ "'l'l S ~ I III . I' I. ; I Ii! I' [ljl ~i :fl~ ~I :iLo.j I S! I I -m II' I I I Lot 21 I Lot ~ '''AI Endl.f Legal Description C> :::0 of 0 30 f..t wid. port/on of Church A_u. to b. ""coted and being more porllcuJorIy deet:f!bed o. follow", Commenc. at the Norlh.",...t com", of the plot of Boy Porlt, according to tM plot th_f RM:Ofd.d In Plot BD<>k I, Pog. 61, of the Public Records of Colli", County. Florida: th""c. N.B9'21'42"E., oIong the North~y 11n. of Church A_u.. 1:J5.21 "",t, for 0 PoInt of Boglnnlng of the h_ doscrlb.d land; th""c. contlnu. N.89'2I'42"E, oIong .old NorthrJrly 11n.. 1:J5.21 '"I: th""c. S.OO'20':J8"E., oIong the oxtenslon of the IMo.ot~y Rlght-of-Woy Une of Carter Street (60' wide), .JO.OO '"t to the Northoost com",. of Lot I, Block '8: of th. oforomentlOlled plot of Boy PorI<: th""ce S.B9'2I'42"W., o1011g the North~y line of sold Lot I, 1:J5.21 feet to the NorthWeM comer of sold Lot I: thence N.00'20':J8"W., oIong the oxtension of th. Westerly IIn. of .00d Lot I, 30.00 '"to to the Point of Boglnnlng. Con tolnlng 4,056 square feet more or Iesa. Subject to '..trlct/ons, oos"".,,,,,ts ond res.,..,t/OII. of record. GENERAl NOTES: 'l P.O.C. Indlcattlll Paint of Commencement 2 P.O.B. Indicales Palnl of B.ginning 3 All distances are in feet and decimals thereof. 4 B..ring. are bo..d an the Northerly right-ot-way line at Church Avenue, being N.89'2" 42"E. (Anumed). .. A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFES8IlINAL LAND SllRVE'lORS " PLAlOIERlI 2223 TRADE CENTER WAY NAPLES. FLORIDA 34109 LAND SURVEYING BUSIlmlS I 3984 <..0..> ClO "-> <..0..> ""'<:I ~ >-> c:::> .- c:::> :f:. gAt ~ ~7~;j+ NOT A SURVEY Revised July 21, 2004 DATE : March 28. 2003 DRAWN BY: EDK SCAlE: SHEET ..L OF -L FlLE NO. N.T.S. 03.0056 ~ 'I:l - ,,~ ~;; ~ tl-l 1Z1E-t1 ~~I 1>:001 elll!l ~~ ~- 00 -/ OR: 3840 PG: 2752 v. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "B" SHEET I OF 1 A VROW2004-AR6443 P.D.C. NorlhflUt CDmer af 1M p/fIt of Boy PorIt Found 5/l1" Iron PIn No Id' I 1~2" . , , , , , , , Found r.r f Canaet. I __Wlt\ ! No Id ~___)j .J' JaOO' I I Ijj II~ I I I I 5mugg/.. eo.. Not P1tJtt"" 10' WIde UtHlty Co.emf1llt N.B9'21'42"E. IJ5.27 , _~-_od -~ .!!d~.Jln1in5! ..J!.ftf"ent CHURCH AVENUE :J/J'_-I/n 'Iod___ I !!I ~I JaD'---l I 1-15 Ii ii , ~ iJ. I R If lU - ~I .. ,~ l' Ii j '2 I~ - ILotall( (I_ I! !I! ill - - , . IIII~ .. .. .. i' .. IlAt., If flj ~ 1,(/ ll' III I~!~I I~!~I I uI10 II I I I ! I NorlMtIy ,.,. of Lat , Norlh.,.t comer r:::-:l Lot,.8Iot:It5" ~ I_A I I Lot 2 , I 11 I I DIdio' I Lot J I Legal Descrip tlan c::> ::c of 0 15 foot wide Drainage Easement being more particularly described os foIlo_ Commence ot th. North..."t comer of th. plot of Boy PorIr, oct:Ort/lng to th. plot thereof R.corrhId in Plot Book I, Page 61, of th. Public Record. of CD//I",. County. Florida; thence N.B9'21'42"E., olong the Norlht1rly lin. of Church A_ue, 135.27 ""'~ for 0 Point of BIIg/nnlng of th. h"""" d.scrIb<<l lond; thenc. contlnu. N.B9'21'42"f:., along sold Norlht1rly 11n.. IJ5.21 ""'I; thence .s:oo'20'JB"E., along th. extension of th. ~.tt1rly Rlght-of-Woy LIn. of Corter Strnt (60' wid.). 15.00 ""'t; thence 5.B9'21'42"W. for IJ5.27 f..t; thence N.00'20'JB'"W., along the exten.Jon of the _tt1rly line of sold Lot I. 15.00 f..t, to th. Point of BIIglnnlng. c.....> CO r--.> c.....> ...", G") ~ <:::> .- ~ Containing 2,02B squore ""'t, more or l.slI. Subpct to restrictions, .."""'ents and reservotlons of record. GENERAL NOTES: 11 P.O.C. indicates Point of Commencement 2 P .O.B. indicate_ Point of Beginning 3 All distances are 'n feet and decimals thereof. 4 Bearing_ ore based on the Nartheriy right-ot-way line at Church Avenue, being N.89"21'42"E. (Assumed). ..~ P.LS. DAlE tll tJ-C:: P .s." W. No. LS: ... 63 Eric O. Ku NOT A SURVEY ~ A TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS It PLANIIERS 2223 TRADE CENTER WAY NAPLES, FLORIDA 34109 LAND SURYEYIJI'G BUSINESS , 398... DATE : February 01, 2005 DRAWN BY: EDK SCALE: SHEET ..L OF..L FILE NO. N.T.S. 03.0055 o NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, who on oath says that they serve as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida; that the attached copy of the advertising, being a PUBLIC NOTICE in the maller of Public Notice as published in said newspaper timers) in the issue on May 29th, 2005 Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily ~ews is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida. each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office i~ Naples, in said Collier County, Florida. for a period of I year next preceding the first publication ofthe attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pUrpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper" /1' .-1 ( Signalure of affiant) Sworn to and subscribed before me This 30th, May 2005 F"" .~ C C - *** OR: 3823 PG: 1042 *** 178 'c:~ . ~Wlo~~ NOtiCE Of PlIlliJc HEAliJNG Notlc. Is hereby.., thai the IIoIiil Of c&,ven 1i:rmg:1Ssloner. 0' C~ RUbllc ;:::" Will hOld a ~ '''''''I t1Qon Tues. Boardr ~ {OOS. In the Admlnl::~o.:r:.,r,~,or. Collier County ng, m.nt Cent.r ",sgol v5:ern. raml~, r,.a, - t W1F1.~. The":'?"e.. U....lnetl:GO.ut ng J'he~ "t,.;",<_ I P.tltlon A~OW-2.'der ~R_ to d""c ... nounc. and -..Im. rea cou~..:'J~t. the '.... II> -.. PUb- Y' the ~ ",.: :r'"" ~bChurc~. w:: the Cow., to ot .8a~"lr. lr.. Pllt Corded Iii 'faE ~ r.. PI"" 61, Pub'1c. ~Ok I, 0' COllier CoUftk. d., and to ..;:;.::.!.o.. . toot WId ~. J' ....m.nt. .~- - r.~aG' , Section II. ,.d In : South; RlII1ge >uaot: . . NOTE: AI,~l. ~ ':::ak on ~ te;Wlththe-_ Mln/.lrl.., .:i:.ur:: Ad- !'ntatlon Of the -4' 1~~'l:,J~alb:~I'd. b. limIted to S rrmt will on eny _ ,;1""= tlon an IndMdua speak on b.ha,., of otgen'Zetfon or lII'ouo encouraged. If raCog.. nlzed by the Ch,'r. SPOkesperson fOr' a groug.or oraanlzatlon may allotted JO mI,.. H!~s t~sp~ak.on an .-.. . "l:$. ' .,'~l(",..",. ! .'l~.J~ Persons WiShing to have 'Ifrltteii orlll'lDhlc materials InClUded In the Board _nde PIdc:. ets must Submit said material a minimum or 3 we.ks prior to the re.. " Pectlve . pUblic hearing. n en. cue. _ .... terlalS: Intended to be considered by tho IIoenl shall be SUbmitted to the appropriate County staff a mInimum Of sev. en days prIor to the pUblic _!IQ, All.... te/orlal uled In _ presents.. t ns before the 80aid will become a P'rma.. nent PArt of the record. ' ''-'''-',"__flC-__.!.-, \ Any person who dIClda es to ~pe.' a deciSion OI""'IIoenlWl/'_1 record of the proceed. ~s _ pertainIng thereto' therefore, may need to ensure that a Verba.. tlm record of the pro. ceedlngs Is lTtIde. WhIc:h I record Inclu~.. the .... I tlmony and evidence ~P~.hlCh the\ appe~l . , Any qUestions' or "cona cerns shourd b. dl. rected to Rick GrlgD Collfer County Commu= nlty DevelopmentlPl.. nn!rta ServIces S.c:tfon et l239) 66/105731, .' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISISONERS . , I COllIER COUNTY: FLORIDA . .' C'l9 W. COYLE. CHAIRa ' DW'GHT E. BROCK I CLERK ' !!: LInda A. Houtzer ~Clerk . Mav ~ <::) ::a c..,,> ex:> .- c::> '""" G") I'--> -..:J ...., c..,,> ~ o NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority, personally appeared B. Lamb, who on oath says that they serve as the Assistant Corporale Secretary of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counlies of Florida; that the attached copy of the advertising, being a PUBLIC NOTICE in the maller of Public Notice as published in said newspaper timers) in the issue on June 23rd, 2005 Affiant further says that the said Naplc~ Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples. in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in :'\laples, in said Collier County, Florida. for a period of ] year next preceding the first publication oflhe attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or rdimd for the purpose of !lccuring this advertisement for publ ication in the said newspaper. /3_ ~ ( Signature of affiant) Sworn to and subscribed before me This 23r<1. June 2005 ~-)~ .f(;IAIi2~ ( Ignature of notary publIc) y HOmEtt Busnong MY COMMISSION # DD2'4689 ,XPIRE~ July 24,2007 -".J~DEI) :r-:PI_' '~m ~.\.;jI; '~'~llliAt)r, ." *** OR: 3840 PG: 2754 *** .'NOnCEOFADoPT'ON~ -~-- Notice Is hereby 0/ June, 2005 the ~ ven that on the 14th da of f~er County, Florid:f ~~commlsslo~eJ of to s~fo re:,,~tftlon AVROW=AJ!~12'utlon No. eI / ns __09 and 33610 FI n~, pursuant a mlng, renouncing d" orlda Statutes, dls- ~~ the Public's I~ar In V:CU'ng the County's ''V''~.of. way for Church A pOrtfon of the road catecl to the Cou-- by th venue Which was dedi- recorded In Plat ~k i. e plat Of "BaY Parle" Collier County, Flor:fda. . :a~ 61, Public RecOrds ~ ~~~~:O.~eRment L~ted J~~5-,f'oo, 'rwlde "UI, ange2SEast. . Own- ResOlution No 2005 228 flee of the Clerk' to the D!'.!~!:' be viewed In the Of. Department, 4th FI !'U<Ull, Minutes & Reeo ds ller County Govem~ ~~.!.'!tratlon Building, ciOI- TraU. Naples, Florlda. ,-,..."., 3301, East TamJanU BOARD OF COUNTY COM COLLIER COUNTY. FLORI~SSIONERS ge.,~;rr ~~B~L5~~H~~N ' (sl.1~n JenneJohri, Deputy Clerk Junp'1 Nt'\ 11 nnns. ~~ ~~ -~ ~ ... ...~ ...... - '-...... ~~ '7 ...u ... ... ........ ...- ........ ... ... r-- "" C".:I B.. ... ...... ... IKI_ C):;u C... C; W'" UU c::::::> .....~ __ C>... -~ . ~"'... CW"') ~... U'" -. :: ~ Q:::: -~ os!:! r---~ ...~ COIlo.oH '-OO~ .~, ~ -. .c ~ ........ ~... '-0 '" ~ CW"') --: "'~ '> ~;::; "'- a_ u_ -~ '" ~'" a a ... ... .. "'... ...- ~ "" - .. - ...u - a...~ ......- a~ '.WIlZlt-- ",...- .willi...... cu....... =- ""'I a.:u__ Retn: CLBRK TO THB BOARD IKTBROPPICB 4TH FLOOR BIT 7240 3640503 OR: 3823 PG: 1043 RBCORDBD in the OPPICIAL RBCORDS of COLLIBR COUNTY, PL 06/16/2005 at 10:43AH DWIGHT B. BROCK, CLBRK 27.00 .70 3.00 RBC PBB DOC-.70 COPIBS GRANT OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT The 15-foot wide Drainage Easement(DE) is granted and conveyed this 5th day of May. 2005. by Regnum Development Group. LLC. a limited liability company. GRANTOR. to the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT. its successors and assigns. GRANTEE. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10,00) and other valuable consideration paid by Grantee. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by Grantor. hereby conveys. grants. bargains and sells unto Grantee. its successors and assigns. a perpetual. non-exclusive easement. license. right and privilege to enter upon and to install, relocate. repair and/or otherwise maintain drainage system(s) and drainage facilities. and/or portions thereof. in. on. over. and under the following described lands located in Collier County. Florida. to wit: . See attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this same unto Grantee. its successors and/or assigns. together with the right and privilege to enter upon said land to excavate. relocate and/or take and/or introduce materials for the purpose of constructing. operating. relocating. repairing and/or otherwise maintaining the subject drainage facilities and/or system(s) or portion(s) thereof. in. on. over. and lor under the easement area. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural. as the context allows. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year above written. WITNESSES: GRANTOR: REGNUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a Florida Ii _ ~ --~ eorge A. de los Reyes Managing Member FRED ('C.k.f6eJ::> (Type or Print Name) Wit~J1iJJ~ -rre...+ #;/1.,. ,,.or (Type or Print Name) Its: RECEIVED MAY U 5 2005 , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER OR: 3823 PG: 1044 ~R: 3840 PG: 2756 ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~th day of May. 2005 by George A. de los Reyes, as Managing Member of REGNUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a Florida limited liability companY.~/She IS personally known to me70r has produced (type of identification) as identification and eIiS @id noil take an oath. NOTE: If a type of identification is not inserted in the blank provided, then the person executing this instrument was personally known to me. If the words in the parenthetical "did not" are not circled. then the person executing this instrument did take an oath. (SE1.t~ FtId _ . . My 00mmIuI0n llO23ll234 '...~ ElqRoAuguotOl,2l107 +: +: +: Lr') -- <= ........ ~ p... m C"..:I 00 m ~ o +: +: +: EXHIBIT 'A' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION P.D.C. Norlh...t ctJm. of ~""'t of BoyAn Found """ ".", I'tt No Id I ~ eo.. Not PItIttod 'J5.2" ~ 'tl - ..~ ~il '-'li: Iii E!] I~ _ &i1Ol I! !I] ]I. ~~ ~-1 IllsI': ild I IJIJI~ ~ ;j B li1ilI 0 101 011" III ,,l!IS, ,- I- ~I~ , I'" 10 I' ! I 1 i I NortMrly IN of Lot I NDrlhw.t com.. r:::-:l 1M',_lr'~ I '. 1_15 Ii Ii I FL I III T Iii - ~! 15 ! I i I I", - B B 10 11 I I Legal DescriptIon , , , , I , , FtNlldJ-.I'r' I Canc:ntht I lIonum..t\J Holdl : , S. ,.---- I I ilIa Ii .JO.o'--l I 1--1 Endlof of 0 15 foot "Ide OI'r1lnoge EaSflltn""t billing mOrfll particularly dellCribed In folIo"", Comm.,,~ ot the North"..t cam", of the plot of Bay Park, occordlng to th. plot th_f RM:.. _ In Plot Book I, Pag. 61, of th. Public Record. of CollI", County. Florida; th.,,~ N.B9'21'42"E., dang th. Norlhorly 11n. of Church A","uIII, 135.21 fN~ for 0 PaInt of BlIglnnlng of the h.-eln dncrlb-' land; th""c. centlnu. N.B921'42"E.. deng IIDId Norlhflrly 11n.. 135.21 fNt; thtln~ .s:oo'20'.JB"E:, deng tb ut."slan of th. Klostflrly Rlght-of- Way LIn. of Cart", Stret (60' WIld.), 15.00 fNt; thtlnCtl 5.B921'42'W. for 1:J5.21 f..t; th.,,~ N.oo'20'.JB'w', deng the uttmslen of th. _tflrly line of said Lot I, 15.00 f..t. to th. Point of 8l1glnning. Containing 2.028 _.,. fNt, mOrfll or ,..& SubjlJct to ratrlt:tlens, eanmtlnt. and .....ervotlens of r.cord. GENERAl NOTES: 1! P.O.C. indicates Point of Commencement 2 P .O.B. indicates Point of Beginning 3 All distances are In feet and decimals thereof. 4 Bearings are based on the Northerly rlght-ot-way line of Church Av.nue, being N.8!l'21'42"E. (Assumed). I I &11 JI1IlO' E, a 17.1,- ~ Ii: B I z........ >4 >4 >4 o :::c <...J co ..,.. = '"'" ~ r--...> -.J c..n -.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D !ffts. DA~ 016/ Eric D. Kurt' PS.~ II. No. L.:5. 163 ~ A. TRIGO & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYllRS 6: PLANliERS 2223 TRADE CENTER WAY NAPlES, FLORIDA 34109 LAND SURVEYING BUSDiESS , 3984 NO'],' A SURVEY DATE: February 01, 2005 DRAWN BY: EOK SCALE: SHEET -L OF -L FILE NO. N.T.S. 03.0055