Resolution 2005-205 RESOLUTION NO, 2005,. 20~__ A RESOLUTION OF TilE BOAIUl OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORI\)A, AMENDING SCIIEDULE TWO OF APPENDIX A TO TIlE COLLIER COUNTY CONSOLIDATED IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, TO INCREASE TIlE CURRENT WATER .\ND SEWER IMPACT FEES IIY 3.8 PERCENT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE IHTE OF JIILY 1,2005. \VlIEREAS, un ~/larch \3,::001, the Board of County Commissioners ("I3l)ard") auupted ()rdinal1L'~ No. 2{)()I-l3, th~ Collier (\lllllty ('ullsulidatl.:d Impact Fee OnJinance (CIFO). repealing and superceding all Dr the County's then existing illlpiKI fee regulations, and ClHlSolidalmg all of the COllnly'S impact h~e reguL.ltions inlD that Ordinance, codified in Chapter 74 ur the ('oilier COllnty CUlk ul Laws am! UrdlnanL'cs (COlic llf Law'S); '-11)(..1 \VIlEREAS, oil December 14,2004, the Huard adopted Ordinam:e NIL 2U04-7lJ 10 ,11m~JlJ the CIFO and Chapter 74 of the Code ul" Laws by adding a Ilew Subsection "(g)" 10 Seclio1174-303 (in Article Ill) or Ordinance No. 2001-13 (Th~ ('ollicr ('(lun!y (\msillldalcd Impact I:~(; Urdinancc) tn require annual mid.. cycle indexing adjustments to the water and scw'el' impad fees; and \\'IIEREAS, Ordinance No. 2004-79 sets forth indexing methodologies in Code nf Laws Section 74-303{g) to make annual indexing adjustments to the \Vater and Sewer ImpaL't Fees cill1trolkd by the percentage changes in the then most ren:nt "'ConSlIlIler Price Imkx Mwmi-I'L Lauderdale MSA. 1'1.. All Items" as reported hy the United States Bureau or Lahor Statistics, compared to the index in the prior year for the same time period; and \VIIEREAS, Collier Coullty uses Water and Sewer Impact Fees to fund, or partially fund, the Collier Cuunty Water-Sewer District's necessary water and sewer system capital improvements necessitated by growth in Collier County; and WHEREAS, application of the indexing adjustments in this instance results in a 3,8 percent increase in the Water and Sewer Impact Fees; and WHEREAS, these recommended rate increase increases these Impact Fees at the maximum level allowed in accordance with equity tests established pursuant to Florida law; and WHEREAS, staff has thoroughly reviewed the calculations and findings, and staff concurs with the recommended 3.8% increase to the Water and Sewer Impact Fee rate schedule, and staff recommends that the Board adopt this Resolution to implement these recommended impact fee increases; and WIIEREAS, the Board accepts staffs recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Page I of 2 The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares, aftcr advertised public hearing, that the Water and Sewer Impact Fee rates set forth in the revised Schedule Two of Appendix A (attached hereto as Exhibit "A") of Ordinance No. 2001-13, as am~nJed, the Cllullty's CUllsolidated Impact Fee Ordinann:, as increased by 3.8llr, are fair and reaslJllable and effective un July 1, 2005, are to be assessed within the geographic boundaries uf the Collier County Water-Sewer District to individual who, or entitles that, receive or will receive benefits from Water and/or Sewer capital improvements necessitated by increased population and related growth driven development within those geographic areas. liE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these revised Water and Sewer Impact fees wtlltake effect as "I' K:OO A.M. "n Wednesday, July 1,2005. This Resolution is adopted after motion; second and majority vote favoring adoption this ~l (~,~_day __1..1 tt"i ' 2005. ATTFS'\', Dwight E. BrOck, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (,OLl.IER COUNTY, FLORIO A BihUA'~~,L.LH - DC! ty Clerk AtUft!: II to C1l4t 1 nean ' '$fg~jtwrt cn'. S By: )\~JL lJ-1. ("''''~ ~( FRED W. COYLE, Chairman T~ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: \?;M rJ~/ Thomas C. Palmer Assi~tant County Attorney Page 2 of 2