BCC Minutes 12/09/1980 R Naples, Florida, December 9, 1980 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the C0unty of Collier, and ~lso acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at g:OO A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VI CE CHAI RNAN: Cl i fford Wenzel C. R. "Ru~s" Hir.:cr Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; lIarold l. lIall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Edna Brenneman and Elinor Skinner (2:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerk~; C. ~illiam Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utilities Division Director; Clifford BlIrh.uale, Publ ic \4ork~ lidrninistrator/Engineer: Terry Virta, COfiTiiun1ty Development Administrator; Thomas lIafner, Public Safety Administrator; Lee Layne. Planner; Richard lIenderlong, Planner; Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Goard; and, Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. f.~;' 058 rACE 120 I It-at/on Jr.110tClt 1',(CIIIIJ t:'II1(. will'Vl~ l~(~(lli(!II(cd to va cldJ(!J i.v ,,,j I1rJc,:da att7Inlw(j't.llllino ullde J' /1~l'Pl'QI'(1 L or lI(1r:/ldall. BOI\RD OF COUNTY COMI11SSIOIIERS 05 C;;\ . B PACf 121 AGENDA December 9, 19BO NOTICE: ALL PERSONS SPEAKIIIG ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO TilE ITEI1 BEING IIEARD. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS TilE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WIIICII ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLA- NATION TO TilE COUNTY MANAGER AT LEAST l3 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETIIIG AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIOIIS" AT 11 :00 A.M. ANY PERSOII WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A OECISIOII OF TillS BOARD WII.L IIEED A RECORD OF TilE PKOCEEDIIIGS PERTldlllllG THERETO, AND TIIEREFDRE MAY IIEEO TO ENSURE TIIAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF TilE PROCEEDIIIGS, IS 11/,OE, "HICII RECORD IIICLUDES THE TESTIMOIH IdlD EVIDElICE UPOII \IIIICII THE APPEAL IS TO BE 'ASEO. 1. INI'OCATIOII 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE 3. APPROVAL OF AGE~DA 4. APPROVAL OF M)~UTES 5. PROCLAMATIOII AIID PRESEIITATION OF AWARDS ^. Naples ^rca Chandler of Commerce Presentation to the Board, of works of (lrt fror.] the "Sumnlcr of '80" Fine Arts Festival. 6. SOCIAL SERVICES 7. ADVERTISED punl.lC IIEARlilGS A. Petition nD-DD-ll-C. Collier Marine representing Bonny $010n10n: rcqllcsting boat dock apP,'oval on Lots 442, 443 ,nd ~'H. 110. 2, Isles of Capri Subdivision. (Community Development) B. Petition BD-00-l2-C. Tony Fe/'l,,,o, represented by Collier Marine: reQuesting bo.t dock 'pproval for Lot 16, Glock E, Unit 2, Little lIickory Shores. (Community Development) C. Petition CP-00-17-C, Deltona Corpor.tion: requesting a comprC'llcllsivc pltln lund use amendment for liork. Study ^rc~ 14 fronl recI-cation opcn SpJCC and institutional to commercial on tIle corner of El~canl Circle Jnd !lortll Call ier DOl/lcvard. (Community Development) (Tllis is a comp.nlon petition to R-BO-35C) O. P~titiDn R-00-35-C, Tho Deltona Corporation: r~qu~stlng r~zoning from "NS-4" stnnl~ family to "GRC' G.n~r~l N~tall COnul1c'I"cL,l ('Ill Tl'ilClS "R-^" ~Ild lOR-II", H~rco Oc.,ch Uni\, il. loc.tod un tile northwo~t corner of Elkcam Circle and Collier nOuln,,'t'd. (Cnll'"111111ly Il~velop",ent) (Thls Is ~ cO"'I'~nion petitlnn to cp-nO-ll-C) I , Agendo Page 2 DecclIIlJer 9, 1 9BD , . E. Petition FDPD-80-V-17, Williom J. Ryan: requesting approvol of variance from the minimum bose flood elevation required by {he Flood Domoge Prcvention Ordinonce on property located at 853 West Valley Drive, Gonito Shores SulJdivision. (Plonning) F. Pctition NZ-8D-l8C, Pelican Bay: requesting on amcndment to the Pelicon Boy Site PIon by relocoting the neighborhood commercial area ond Group 1 & 2 areas (single family and attached single family areos) and relocating Gulf Park Orive. (Community Development) G. Petition NZ-8D-l9-C, Boord of County Commissioners, requesting: an amendment to Section 24, PUD-Planned Unit Developmont Section of Zoning Ordinance 76-30, by .dding language making the Entry Level Rental Housing Section ineffective until Apri iI, 19B2. (Community Development) II. Petition R-BD-36-C. County Planning Department Annual Rcview of the follnwing properties: rezoning from MHSD to IHI-lA of Lots l-lO Cre"ls Suhdivision located at the east end of Lunar Street off Kelly Road and adjustment of an "ST" area located SOtJth of Glades Boulevard and NE of ~ill Gallrnan Pontiac. (CGrnmunity Development) B. OLD [!USIIIESS 9. COUIITY MANAGER A. COUNTY MANAGER (1) Rccomnlrne!ation for approval 'of amended Travel Expense Resolution. B. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIIT (1) Petition PlI-80-l4-C, Al Fayard represented by Sergio Montes: requesting provisional use (2) of the ^~ricultlll.C District for cartll nlinin~ and excavation for J,rorCr"ty lOCJtcd at tIle nOI-th cn~ of Rigas Road. (This is a componion petition to Item 9D(1). (2) Resolution to recover fund~ cxpcndrd 1)1 the County to abate a puhlic nnisonce (weeds and vegetotion) on Lot lO, Glock l2l, Uilit 4, Marco lolond. (3) Petition C-BO-3-C, Collier County Agricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc.: requesting a permit to ~on~uct the Annual Collier Counly r"i... Mel 058 1AGf 12.2 Agel1d~ Page 3 December 9, 1980 BOOK 058 PAGE 123 I . C, PUOLIC SAFETY (1 ) Request by Or. J~mes W. Gover, DDS, to obtain a conce~led ristol permit. (2 ) Signing of Eligibll ity Application for Public Agencies Feder~l Surplus Property Utilization Program Form. D. PUOLIC WORKS (1) Recommend~tjon for deni~l of Exc~vation Permit Application No. 59.115, Al Fayard, Sr.--Section 8. T51S, R27E. (This is a comp~nion petition to Item 90(1). (2) Rccomn,end,1tion to ~ccept property dedicated to Co1l ier County by Cardamar, Incorporated for road construction purposes. (3) Recommendation to approve lease agreements with the City of lIaples Airport Authority for the Naples MVI and Transfer Stations. (4) Recommendation to approve agreement to exchange lots as rig /I t - 0 f - \./ ,1 Y a c '1 u i s it ion for G I' a n a d a Co u 1 c val' d Connection to Goodletle-Frank Road a~d accept said right-of-way. (5) Recommendation to approve and execute agreement~ to provide material testin~ s~r.ices and ~pprove purchase of nuclear dnn<ityjmoisture meter. (6) Recommendation to approve ~greement with Mary Folan to purc/l"se lilnd for Pub1 i~ Railroad Terminal. 10. DATA PROCESSING MAIIAGER'S REPORT 11. UTILITIES MANAGER'S REPORT A. COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT (1 ) Arca "AU - 201 Step 11 Application (Expansion of Sewage Treatment F~cilities) (2 ) Exransion of Sew~ge Trcatment Plant Facilities; Glades, Inc. . t '.~l"'~' .. . .. .1 .--.-..,1 Auendn pugc ~ Deccmber 9, , gOO I . D. MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT (1) Marco Sewcr Phasc I, Construction - Change Ordcr No.1; Pipc Line Material Substitution. (2) Marco Sewcrs Phasc I, Construction - Resolution authorizing condemnation of Lift Station Sites. (3) Marco Sewer Phase I, Construction - Authorization to do video toping of thc existing conditions. 12. COUNTY ATTORIIEY'S REPORT A. Furt}ler cO/1$idaratiorl of omergancy ordinal1CO 1'0. requirement for nnwage diapo8aZ facilitios an condition of buitdin~ pprmit. innuar1ca. 13. CLERK TO TilE BOARD'S RE~CRT A. Paymcnt of bills n. Oudgct amcndll\cnts C. Othcr 1 ~. BOMl~L_C~~Y_ COI:I::LS_S I OII[H.5_ A. OffieR nl1ncn fOl' Stata SerlatorD. 15. M J_~ C ~ 1l ~~~~:~QRfl [S rO!~O[ tl CE 16. NEW HUSINESS 17. PUBLJ.~.i.uITIONS 18. ADJOURN bDO! 058 rheE 124 eoc,\ 058 rAG(;1~ --, ;---j December 9, 1980 ~GENDA - APPROVED. AS REVISED, WITI! ADDITIONS/DELETION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, that the agenda, as revised, be approved with the following additions and deletion. 1. Expansion of Sewage Treatment Plant Facilities re Glades, Inc. - Continued until December 16, 1980. (Utilities Manager's Report) 2. Request by Attorney Vega to address the Board reQarding ~~ples Cay property - Added under Public Petitions. 3. Discussion of proposed Bill for banning no-deposit, no-return beverage contal~ers throughout the State - Added to Board of County COC"_cUssioners' Report. MIJ{l.J:r:F..s_j)LMF~UJr,y OF NOVnmroR 4. 1980 - APPROVED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded ty Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously cGrried, that the minutes of the meeting of November 4, 1980 be npproved as presented. CHAIRMJ\N AUTiIOR; ZED TO SIC'! IJECESSfd,y DOCUr~ENTS FOR ACCEPTN1CE OF WORKS OF tdn Fhem TilE "SUI.U~EH OF '80" FINE ARTS FESTIVAL; lIPPROPRIATlO;; IN 1'111: N.\OV"T OF $752.69 FOR EXPENSES INCURRF:D - !lE.L1< OV LD_____________ COllnty Mana~lcr C. Willinrn Normnn cxpl~incd that, ns port of the Summer of '80 Fine Arts Festival, the Fine Arts Comml tt(". of the Naple:; ,\rea Chamber of Conunerce purchased nnd donated to the County and the City of Naples various works of art. He Sal(~ thut, in order for the County to accept title to the art object:;, it is necessary for the Board to authorize the Chairman to siQ" appropriate dOCllmcnts and, nlso, to appropriate funds to cover tho final bills for movinQ costs ns part of the County's contribution. HcpreBenting the Naples Area Chamber of Conuncrce, Mr. Claude Haineo was present to express the Chamber's appreciation to the County for support of the Festival and stated that without such oupport the venture would not have been deemed successful. December 9. 1980 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the above-referenced appropriation. in the amount of $752.69. be authorized. Commissioner Wimer moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown end unanimously carried, that the chairman be authorized to siqn the appropriate documents pertaininq to the followinq art objects. 1. Ank-Her-Three - by Chestor Willi~~ 2. Key Island - by Melissa Berry 3. Jazz - by Bernard Salander Mr. Norman voiced his appreciation to the Chamber of Commerce for enrichinQ the life of the community in this manner. and also to the Museum Director Mary Manion for her assistance in servinQ as his representetive to the Committee meetinQs. and the like. Chairman Pis tor also acknowledqed the assistance of Commissioner Wimer on the project. ~. ,~ .~ ..., ~' '~ l ., ~ '00<< 058 rACE 126 I 1- ~- i , f 'l, '. J j f 'f , . lit . . . .',' !r: Decembor 9, 1980 RESOLUTION 80-274 RE PETITION DD-80-11C, COLLIER MARINE REPRESENTING DENNY SOLOMON, REQUESTING DOAT DOCK APPROVAL 9N LOTS 442, 443 AND 444. NO, 2, ISLES OF CAPR~ SUDDIVISION - ADOPTEQ Leoal notice havino been published in the Marco Island Eaole on November 20, 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicstion filed with the Clerk, public hearino was opened to consider Petition DD-80-11C, filed by Collier Marine, representino Denny Solomon, requostino a Boat DOCK approval on Lots 442,443 and 444, No.2, Isles of Capri Subdivision. Planner Lee Layne explained that the petitioner wishes to construct a boat dOCK exlendino 6S feot into Johnson Day, the lenoth ocino 4S [eet over the allowed lenoth of a dOCK without Board approvol. The recommendation from the CAPC, soid Ms. Loyne, i5 for approval which is olso the staff reco~nendotion. To identify the location of the dOCK. Ms. Loyne submitted three pictures, D.B presented durinQ the CAPe pubH c heo ri no. There beino no persons to spenk on tho subjoct, Commissioner Wimer moved. ficcondcd by CommlsAloncr Drown nnd unllnimously carried, tllat tIle publiC hearine be closed. In response to Chairmnn Pistor's concern over whether or not the boat dock will extend out far cnouQh to interfere with boat traffic, Ms. Layne said that it will only stretch out far onouQh to avoid the mud DrOD. - otherwise tho area would hava to be dredoed. Commissioner Wimer movcu, seconded by Commlos1oncr Drown and unanimously corried, that Resolution 80-274 re Petition BD-80-11e be adopted. M~~ 058 fACE 128 ~o:' 058 I'm 135 Docember 9, 1980 1. Dr. Charles O. Sah10r - Marco Island resident and member of tho Marco Hospital Committee. )'unong the reasons expressed for supporting the "swap" were the fact that the exchange is ono way to acquire sufficient land for an eventual hospital on Marco Island at almost no cost to the hospital. 2. Joseph Oliver - Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Nnp1es Community Hospi tal. Voiced support for the site being proposed as being the most desirable location for a satellite hospital on Marco Island, which was the original intent for che parcel. 3. Dr. Louis Nightingale - Chairman of the Marco Island Sntel1ite 1I0spital Steering Committee. Provided information on th~ type of hospital being con6idcred. approximate timetable for obtaining Certificate of Need, which is required, the abundance of pnrksite6 on the Island with insufficient funds for development. nnd expre6sed urqency for i1cquirinq npproprinte site, as contemplated. 4. Ms. .Jane lIittler, ropre6entinq the Marco Women'6 Club, as well as other orqanizations. Suggested thnt the current site for a park is not the optimum aren for a park due to the commercial 86pectc. of the parcel and voiced support for the hospital drIve and "to qet the ball rol1inq" as soon as possible. 5. Ms. June Norri6 Auqust - five-year resident of Marco Island and active in many civic and community affairs. Statpd her beliof that it would be in tht> ht>~t interpst of the conmwnity if the proposed rezonina is approved so that the community could have a satellite non- profit facility and that approval would facilitate an early beqinning. The follOWing persons spoke in opposition to the petition under consideration: 1. Thomas Rnrnard - repre6entinq individual property Owners who have purchl1scd homes in the vicinity of tho pre,,,,nt park/government site. Ob6erved that the proposed change would adversely affect not only the purchasers' invcatment but also their livability. 110 also voiced concern over the tremendous windfall profit to tho developer because of the rezoning to commorcia1 property, if approved. 2. I. E. Evans - Marco Island Taxpayers ASSOCiation. Objected to trading a dosirab1e parcel for proporty worth 1/3 its value and which will doublo in value if rezoned to "GRC". Also stated that thero is no noed to acquire title to tho hospital site at tho present time, commentinQ that rezoninQ tho property December 9, 1980 will not aSSure a hospital for the Island. He said that the transaction undar discussion is not in the best interests of the people of Marco Island or of the County. 3. Albert Tripp - President of the Marco Island Taxpayers Association. Felt that the developer should honor the present commitments regarding the park/government area so that the residents may enjoy a park until such time, if ever, a hospital is permitted on Marco Island. Suggested a better site for such facility might be in the area of US, 41 and SR 95l. At the request of Mr. Tripp, a letter from Marvin Needles, Past President of the realtors group on Marco Island was read into the record by Chairman Pistor. Mr. Leonard Llewelyn, current President of the Board of Realtors, stated that tho opinions set forth in the subject letter are not opinions of the Board of Realt0rs and said that he disagrees with the porsonal opinionF. contained in the letter. Other persons registered to speak in opposition to the proposal, but declining the opportunity, were as follows: 1. c. A. Outz 2. Dolores Ehlen 3. Sally J. Dutz 4. Gladys Schultz Ms. Avis Dour, resident ot Marco Island Sllle..:", 1972. pointL0. out that the Woman's Club on Marco Island, consisting of 350 members, donated a sizable amount of money for dopos' ~ to the hospital fund and are making additional contributions to the fund. She suggested that if the matter under discussion was put to a vote of the residents there would be an overwhelming vote for the rezoning, with the additional comment that, in her opinion, Borne of the positions being taken have nothing to do with parks, and the like, but rather have to do with the matter of incorporation of the community. She urged the Board to approve the rezoning being requested. During the discussions, Commissioner Wenzel addressed the referenccs modo regarding the difference in values of the ~OCK 058 rACE 136 r';:;;::J 1....._1 nJ:' 058 rAG[ 13'7 ~ December 9, 1980 properties ond suqqested that maybe some eppraisals should have been provided.. Chairman Pie tor said that the explanation he received from Property Appraiser was thet the parcel that is dosiqnated as the hospital site wes not assessed at the seme market value es it miqht have been becauso of tho desiqnation. The other two piecos of property, continued the Chairman, have not boon on the tax rolls for several years because of the possibility of the land beinq qiven to the County. Concorninq the sale of the hospital site, it was pointed out by Mr. Evans that it 1s hiD undcrstonding that there 15 a purchase agreement but not an actual sale as yet. Mr. Evans emphasized that the property is at this point restricted to a hospital site for which Q permit cannot be obtained and, therefore, ~as no commercial value. However, he continued, l,f the "swap" 1S made and rezoned to "GRC" the property becomes extremely valuable. County Attorney pickworth explained that the fact that, a1thouqh the subject property is desiqnated as a hospital site, it aoes not mean that tho 20n1n9 cannot be chanQed to a different use. He said that the zoning cannot bo "frozen" merely because the~e is no current mnrkct for a hospital si~o. All proponents and opponents having been heard, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown nnd unanimously carried, thnt the public henrinQ be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Ordinance. 85 numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance BOOK H12. Commissioner Wenzel stated his intent to vote for the motion because of the acreaoe the County will receive in place of the 9+ ncre. beinq foreqone by the loss of Tracts "R_^" nnd "R-D". Upon call for the qUQ9tion, tho motion carriod unanimously. ORDINIINCE 80-107 AN ORDINANCE hMENDING ORDINIINCE 79-3~, TIlE COMPREHENSIVE PLlIN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDII. BY hMENDING TilE LlIND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY llJU:1I Mill' 14 FROM RECREIITIONIIL AND OPEN SPliCE IIND INSTITUTIONAL TO CONM~:RCIIIL. ON TilE FOLLOWING DESCRIDED PROPERTY, TRACTS "R-II" AND "R-D" OF REPl~T OF II PORTION or MIIRCO nEIICII. UNIT EU:VEU. IIND DY December 9, 1980 commerc:"l property and it is her undorstandinQ that the develo;',,'''; have aQreod to puttinQ in the buffor. She said that the l''/o Cl\P'c members who voted aQoinst the petition have been cont,,,cted and have advised that if the 1000 buffer is put in they would have no objoction. Mr. charlos E. Turner, Director of PlanninQ and oesiQn for Coral RidQe-Collier Properties, Inc., the developers of Pelican Bay, explained that th~ rationale for the chanQe is as Collows I 1. AliQnment of Oulf Park Drive which is necossary ~ue to enQineerinQ considerations. 2. conCiQuration of Water ManaQement System. J. [,ound Land Use PlanninQ Practice. Mr. Turner explained in detoil, as set forth in the Application for 0 ru;) ;~endment, why the chonQes are required and, by referring Lo the blueprint displayeC, illustrated the Sito Plan altcruli Dno. FollowinQ additional comments with reQard to the a(; lanLo'J''"' oC the contemplated chanQea, Mr. Turner said they arc Cull,' In keepinQ with the spirit of the Pelican Day PUD and rCI'..c'"cnt refinrments that brinQ the PUD into line with sound englnellrinQ practices and actual site conditions. AtLorncy OeorQe Varnadoe, representinQ the petitioner, said thoL Lhe request is not for a nnw commercial arell - there have alwoys boen 21 acres identified for this uso - and that relocotlnQ it is not a new idea. He sllid that for over two years the proposed land use maps has shown the commorcial aroa where it will be - next to the Trail - and a split parcel. He explained that the site for the commercial area will be the center entrance and that it will be a "nice-looklnQ" area, referrlnQ to the Naples Fedoral buildinQ, recently constructed. to illustrate what can be done to buffer the property and diffuse the view for a plellsinQ appearance. Attorney Vernadoe ,00<< 058 /'At[ lU J . .. 800~ 058 rACf1450Gccmbcr 9. 19BO commented on the additional bufforinq which the developer has aqreed to install and which will help the imaqe from the Trail I , , I I .1 to Pelican Day's "front door". The followinq persons reqistered opposition to the proposed amendment. 1. J. P. Gunther-Moore - Pine Ridqe Civic Association. Expressed the opinion that a commercial area on us 41 breakinq up a residential section is undesirable. Presented a petition with 36B siQnatures indicatinQ opposition. 2. lIenry W. Maxant - Pine RidQe resident. R~quested assurance that additional commercial zoninq won't be requested in the future. 3. John Veneknmp - Pine RidQe Civic Association member. Slnted his concern over the type of establishments to be located in the commercial area. 4. Marian Koebnick - Pine Ridqe resident. ^~reed with previous speaker. 5. Nanc.,. L. Murray - Pine RidQe resident. Concurred with previous statements. 6. Paul Psathas - Pine RidQe property owner. 100' buffer "doesn't do much" to pr.,tect visability or commcrci~l prorortl~.. 7. Mrs. Paul psathss - Pine RidQe property owner. AQreed with previous speaker. 8. Ms. Grace Kistler - Trail Blvd. resident. Indicated there would be an acceleration of traffic because of the three traffic liqhts planned. 9. John R. Kistler - Trail Blvd. resident. Commented that a decision has probably already been mada for approval. 10. Robert DeVille - Trail Blvd. resident. Observed that it is possible some of the chanoe. have already been made prior to obtainino approval to amend the PUD. Objected to the location of a .hoppinq center acro.. from hi. re.idence. 11. Hike Zewalk - North Nap1e. Civic Aa.ociation. , :T " " Decomber 9. 19AO Joined the Pine RidQe Civic Assooiation in opposinq the petition. Should remain atatua quo. 12. J. L. Dutton - Pine Ridqe resident. Asked that the Board respect the residents who pay taxes, vote and live in the community. 13. James Conrad - Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church adjacent to the Pelican Bay property. ShoppinQ Center would disrupt Sunday worship service and its estsblishment could set a precedent for com- mercial strip all alonQ the Trail which would not be beneficial to the entranc~ to Naples. 14. Georqe F. Keller - Collier County Civic Federation. Objected to relocating the commercial area for the purpose. presumably, of attractinq other-than Pelican Day residents which wss the original intent. A "good" PUD which has received Qeneral approval should not be radically changed and. in the subject petition. permitt~d to affect the surroundinq area. 15. Mrs. Ann Dalch - Resident of Pine RidQe. 100' buffer beinQ offered is not sufficient and aSKed that the commercial orca remain as !n the oriQinal design. Commissioner Kruse referred to the commonts torthcominq fr.~m the residents across the highway that the placement of the commercial center will diminish their property values and inquire' if there ir a perceptible difference in the home prices for the properties directly to Lh" llorLh and "djacent to the commercial property as opposed to tho property to the south. Mr. Ross Obley. President of Coral Ridqe-Collier Propertios. said that th" enqineerillQ phase is beinq completed now for the Group One properties to the south and that their pricinq intentions arc that they will not be any lower than in the Pelican Day Woods portion. lie said that the Group One properties above the commercial area are a number of years off and that the pricinq structure is not known at the present time. commentinq that they have no intention of havinq any diminished property values in thoir dovolopment or in any of the surroundinq arees. lie edded that the subject aroa will be the "front door" to Pelican Bay and will continue to be done in a first-closs mennor. 1- ~o~ 058 rAcr148 C:J ~_1 :::::J &OOK 058 rACE 147 December 9, 1980 commissioner Wenzel referred to the comments with reqard to the encroachment on the residential zonin9 by commercial zonin9 and inquired if the developer could almost commit themselves that there will be no further commercial zoninq alonq the Trail other than what is in the Master Plan. Mr. Obley responded by statin9 that "I have no intention now. nor do I foresee any in the future, of asking for additional commercial. acreage". Regarding whether or not the landscaping on the 100' strip will be heavy enough to conceal the shopping area, Mr. Obley said that the answer is yesr however, it is his fundamental desire to use native vegetation, when possible, and expand on it rather than replace it. Further responding to Commissioner Wenzel, Mr. Obley said that the development will adhere to the 35' maximum 11mi t on hei <,Jht. Communi ty Development .\d,,,inistrator Virta replied to some of the comments which hove been made throughout the hearing by stating that presently the Zoning Ordinance limits developers to 5. of the total land area for commercial and that the petitioner is at thl'j r "I'i11no now; that the ouLler strip was ori9inally put into the pun at the request of the Plannin9 Commission to be placed alon9 the residential areas abuttin9 the major roadways to protect tho residences within Pelican Bay from the impact of the roads: and that the road relocation. brou9ht up by ono of tho speakers, has already been approved through the planning process by the County. Rev. Conrad asked for clarification with regard to the limitation on hoight of 35' which he aaid would permit more than on. or two stories to be built. Commissioner Wenzel said that it is his understanding that the developer said that the buildin9s would be one or two storie.. Hr. Virta .xpr....d the opinion that the answer 9iven was not "V.., they would be December 9, 1980 limited to one or two stories", notinq that he does not know what the desiqn considerations arel however, he said that the stated limitation is the same limitation that is placed on sinqle-family districts. Rev. Conrad asked, in the event the requested chanqe is approved, if the developer would consider "berminq" the parkinq lot. Mr. Obley said that one problem with this practice is that, in order to do it, trees would have to be removed. He emphasized that it is their intent to buffer it in a first- class manner as has been done in the rest of Pelican Bay. All proponents and opponents havinq been heard, Commis~ioner Wonzel moved, secondod by Commissioner Kruse and unanimously carried, that the public hearinq be closed. Mr. Oblcy, in response to Commissionor Wenzol, said that, in respect to height, 35' is the controllinq number. He noted ttat the preliminary plans for the commercial area on the north are all for one and two story buildinqs and on the south, which IIlay be built for offices, and the like, there may be three story bui1dinqs. He pointed out that additional heioht will permit more oreen spa~~ on the qround which is their intent. Commissioner Wimer moved, sec~nded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, that the Ordinance, as numbered and entitled below, with reqard to Petition NZ-80-18C, be adopted and entered into Ordinance nook H12. ORDINANCE 80-109 All ORDINANCE AMENDlUG OROINAlICE 77-18 THE PELICAN BAl' PLAWIEO lIIlIT DEVELONI(NT DOCUMENT: OY DELETING THE PRESENT EXlIlOIT "CO SITE PLAN AND SUOSTITUTING A NEil [XIIIOIT "CO SITE PLAN AND OY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . &OO! 058 rAt[ 148 ._ J ~-l ~ bOOK 058 rACE149 December 9, 1980 REQUEST BY ATTORNEY VEGA, REPRESENTING PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER OF NAPLES CAY PROPERTY, FOR WITHDRAWAL OF PROPERTY FROM REZONING CONSIDERATION PENDING PREPARATION OF PLANS - DENIED Attorney GuorQe YeQa advised that he was sppearinQ before the Board reQardinQ the project known ~s Naples Cay and that accompanyinQ him waS Mr. Harper Sibley representinQ First MortQaQe Investors, said firm havinQ purchased the riQht to buy Mr. McIlwain's position in Naples Cay, i.e., he is the stockholder and controllinQ interest in that particular project. It is the intent, said Attorney YeQa, to completely redo the plans for the property, rncetinQ wit~ the SeaQate residents immediately followinQ the meetinQ. He said the purchaser intends to comply with all County ordinances and construct a first-class development which everyone will be happy with includinQ the County. Attorney VeQa recalled that on December 18, lQ80 there will be a meetinQ of the CAPC at which time preliminary considerat"on will be Qiven to downzoninQ the property which, if approved, could folaktl it unattractive for development. What ia beinQ requested, he said, is sufficient opportunity to prepare plans for the property whl ch wi 11 take tlnti 1 the end of January, at '(hJ eh time their proposal would be brouQht back to the County, followinQ a discussion of the matt~r with the SeaQate people. At this time Attorney VeQa introduced Mr. Sibley with a brief comment concerninQ hia association with other projects. Mr. Sibley observed that his firm is very attracted to the Naples community, havinQ investiQated other places throuQhout the State for continued development, and said that they have a different idea as to what should be done than perhaps what has been presented before with reQard to the Naples Cay property. Their staff is workinQ on information for presentation to the Board. ha continued, which will be ready by the 1st of February. Mr. Sibley said further that it is felt they can "live" with the restrictions that exist at the present time and that the problem8 that the Seaoate people are concerned about can be solve~. December 9, 1980 Community Development Administrator virta said that the ataff is working, in response to a directive of the Board, to review all "RM-2" properties that are presently vacant that have ever had any question or concern raised about them or which is felt re-examination was necessary. The staff has identified 23 sites, which fall into the category, and have set a public hearing before the CAPC on December 18, J.980, said Mr. Virta, and pointed out that the site under discussion is included in the properties. Mr. Virta expressed concern over the request being made, noting that in excess of 800 affected property owners have been notified of the hearing with regard to all of tne various properties - his point being that to single out one property for continuance could set a precedent. Commissioner Wimer clarified the request as being a request for the County to withdraw its anticipatcd or proposed rezoning until a new proposal is ready and said that if the proposal is 'lot an acceptable solutlon, the County can always rezone the property. With the comment that he would like to see the subject propert:' developed properly. Commissioner Wimer moved that the request be granted. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. County ManaQer Norman explained for the record that, since the Board of County COIM\issioners is the petitioner, the Board has the right to withdraw the piece of property from the petition which would not upset the balance between the responsibility between the Doard and tho CAPC. Commissioner Kruse commented that, by exempting ono p!ece of property from the process that the other 22 are being subjected to, does not, in her opinion, scem equitable. Commis.loner Wimer emphasized that the motion is not to exempt anyone - merely withdrawing the subjcct property from consideration at the present time. He added that if an acceptable plan ia not presen~d. he would bo the first porson to mako a motion to "do it aqain". A roll call vote was requested whlch resulted in the mot1on failing 2/~ with Commissionors Kruse, Wensel and Piator yot1nQ 1n opposition. f,n":~ 058 "ACE 150 ....~ eo~~ 058.,..151 December 9, 1980 COmmissioner~use then moved that the rezonin~ of all of the properties be continued for two months. Commissioner Wimer expressed the opinion that such continuance would be self-defeating regardin~ the intent of the proposed rezonin~s. The motion died for lacK of a second. . . > There was additional discussion regarding whether or not there could be a postponement of the hearing due to the effort which has been put forth. and the notices which have gone out. It was also pointed out that there will be a considerable period of time before the public hearin~ by the BCC. followin~ which Chai~man Pistor stated that the public hearing will go forward with the Coastal Area Plannin~ Commission as planned. RECESS: 12:10 P.M. until 1:45 P.M. ORDINANCE 80-110 RE PETITION NZ-80-19C. BOARD OF COUNTY C0MMISSIONERS. REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 24. PUD DISTRICT. OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING LANGUAGE RE ENTRY ~EVEL RENTAL HOUSING SECTION - ADOPTED Legal notice havin~ been published in the Naples Daily News on November 19. 1980 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk. public hearing was held to consider Petition NZ-80-l9C. filed by the Board of County Commissioners. requestin~ an amendment to Section 24-PUD. of Ordinance 76-30. by adding langua~e to Para~raphs 6D(2) ftnd 6F maKing the Entry Level Rental Housin~ Section ineffective until April 1, 1982. community Development Administrator Virta explained that sometime ago the Board raised concerns over the Entry Level Moderate Rental Housing provisions in tho subject Ordin~nee and at that time a moratorium was put in place. An amendment was requested. continued Mr. Virta. that would put a le~al. fraa an ordinance standpoint. moratorium on such projects. The ~". ~ '{l':..r~ . ,~...: '::.;{~f.;.\ ;~~-it~ ~i:-'~;\"" '. >.",,;,t ", ~,,~- December 9. 1980 amendment was drawn up and presented to the CAPC and the CCPA, aa well. said Mr. Virta. and both of those bodies are recornmendinQ that the amendment not be adopted, their concerns beinQ that there is a need for the Entry Level Housing, and that adequate controls and safeguards can be imposed that would call for a reexamination of the sites should the projects not occur as planned. It was also felt that the proposal would not be in conformance with the comprehensive Plan which recognizes the need for housing for all of the citizens of the County, Mr. Virta concluded. Chairman Pis tor said that he docs not recall the Co~mission ever settiJ.g the date of April 1, 1982, with regard to the matter. suggesting that the Board would like to stop approving these for a period of time. It was Commissioner Wimer's viewpoint, although he personally has no problem with the date" that setting the date added confusion to the issue. He pointed out that the best move the County made. with ~egard to complying with the Compre- hensive Plan, was to establish a Housing Finance Authority enabling people to purchase homes. He said when the particular zoning category was voted on, it was stated that it would be tried for a time to see what would happen becau~e Il euablc~ the development of substandard units on the theory that, because of the lower square footage, the lower construction costs would be reflected in lower rents to the renter. He said if it was determined that the only person benefiting from the zoning was the investor, rather than the renter, they should be stopped, I I I allowing the ones which have been approved to be built, rented, and see if they are rented at lower than the market price for a comparable housing unit and is not substandard. Commissioner Brown agreed that a "stop date" was never placed on the directive. Mr. Virta said that the oriQinal direction of the Board was to delete the provisions for such districts which was subsequently modified with tho placement bC~~ 058 rACE 152 aoo~ 058 PACE 153 December 9, 1980 of a moratorium and a request that an amendment be brought pack with a date certain, noting that there was not a date given, but the date specified was developed instead. There were no persons present expressing an interest in addressing the petition. whereupon Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved to delete the amendment in its entirety per the original direction. He said that will do away with the date and if. at some future date. if so desired. it can be reinstated. County Attorley pickworth inquired if it is the intent to remove the zoning classification from the ordinance with Commissioner Wimer responding in the affirmative. commenting that it can be replaced with a revised and better category. and adding that that was the intent of his motion. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The motion was restated by the Chairman by saying that the motion is to remove the classification from the zoning book and. upon call for the question. the motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out by Attorney Pickworth that the w>JY the petition was advertised was to amend certain paragraphs of the ordinance, not to repeal the zoning classification. It should be readvertised. he said. as an ordinance to repeal such zoning, noting that the projects already authorized would be "grand- fathered". Chairman Pistor pointed out that without classifi- cation there is nothing on the books to describe what is being done - referring to those projects which have been approved. Planner Lee Layne explained that the subject projects are PUO'. and, therefore, appropriate language is written in pertaining to setbacks, and the like. Following brief additional discussion, Attorney pickworth stated that evon to repeal a soction from an ordinance it has December 9, 1980 to be done by an amendment to the ordinance, whereupon Commissioner Wenzel moved that the staff be authorized to prepare the necessary paperwork for advertisinq the removal of that certain portion of the ordinance pertaininq to the zoninq cateqory being discussed. Commissioner Wimer voiced his concern over the position the Board is beinq placed in and also to the fact that. even though his instructions were straightforward. the matter ),as been left to "drift" which he does not appreciate. Commissioner Brown seconded Commissioner Wenzel's motion. Commissioner Wimer inquired if the action taken prior is now null and void with County Manager Norman statinq his assumption that the prior motion would be rephrased to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance that would accomplish the Board's objection with Commissioner Wimer interjecting that that was tre original dire~tive from the Commission. Commissioner Wimer asked for clarification as to how t~;e public hearing this date was advertised with Ms. Layne responding that it was advertised to place a moratorium on the zoning until the date specified - not to remove it from the ordinance entirely. C~airman Pistor said that by placing a moratorium, removing the date, would accomplish the desired purpose. Attorney Pickworth reitera~ed his previous advice that if it is the int.ent to "get rid" of the zoninq entirely the proper approach would be to advertise an ordinance to amend the pertinent ordinance by removinq the classification. Commissioner Wenzel said that was the intent of his motion on the floor. It was the suqqestion of Commissioner Kruse that, by adoptinq the proposed ordinance which has been presented, an effective moratorium would be accomplishcd and that when a new ordinance is draftcd which the Board is more .comfortable" &O~( 058 rACE 151 ....,. 4 - MOK 058 p~~155 December 9, 1980 with that would, if adopted, take precedence over the one . under discussion. Attorney pickworth said that lenquaQe could be included in the new draft to this effect. Mr. Virta noted that there is a new proposed zoninq ordinance beinQ reviewed at the present time and that it would be within the proper sequencinQ to strike the appropriate pro- visions in the new ordinance and, in the meantime, an effective moratorium has been placed. Commissioner Wenzel and commissioner Brown withdrew their motion and secondinQ thereof, respectively. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, that Ordinance, as numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 12. commissioner Wimer asked to be advised when the proposed ordinance revisions are considered by the CAPC sO that he can be present and set forth his views in order to Qet a balanced viewpoint. ORDINI\NCE 80 - 110 AN uKi.JIN;~NCE ;"'j.i;:;~u~,~G v:i.:):::.'\~:-:E 7E-3fJ, TUF. COMPHEIIENSIVE ZONING REr.ULIITIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORI\TED I\P.EI\ OF THE COASTI\L I\IlEA PLANNING DISTllICT BY AMENDING SECTION 24 PUD-PLIINNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, Pl\lll\GllAPHS 60(2) AND 6F ENTRY LEVEL HOUSING WHICH WILL TEllMINATE ITS EFFECTIVENESS UNTIL . APllIL I, 1982, I\ND BY PllOVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE 80-111, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PETITION R-80-J6C, ANNUAL REVIEW OF VARIOUS DESCRIBED PROPERTIES - ADOPTED LeQal notice havinQ been published in the Naples Daily News on November 7, 1980 as eVidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, publiC hearinQ Was held to consider Petition R-80-J6C, filed by the County PlanninQ Departme~t. .s part of their Annual Reviow, roquestinQ rozoninQ of Lots 1-10. . - - December 9, 1960 PETITION PU-80-14C, AL FAYARD, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (2) OF "A" DISTRICT FOR EARTH MINING AND EXCAVATION FOR PROPERTY 9N RIGGS ROAD - DENIED Planner Lee Layne explained that the petitioner, with regard to Petition PU-80-l4C, is proposing to use property located at the north end of Riggs for earth mining and excavation of the 86 acres involved, locating same on the map provided. She said that the coastal Area Planninq Commission held their public hearing on the petition on November 20. 1980 with considerable objections raised by several residents in the area and by 17 letters of opposition received. Most of the objections, she said, concerned the possible deterioration of Riggs Road and drainage problems in the area. Therefore, the CAPC recommended forwarding the petition to the Board with a recommendation of denial, said Ms. Layne, for the following reasons: 1. Too much heavy traffic on Riggs Road. 2. Denial recol1UTlended by the WMAB because the effects the pit would have upon the existinq major flowway and its effect on the groundwater. The petitioner, .0.1 Fayard, addressed the Board and said that the County standards call for the construction of a 6' berm around the proposed lake so there should be no flooding. He further pointed out the helpful effect the lake would have on the aqUifer in the subject area which is needed badly. Chairman Pis tor pointed out the efforts that are being made to improve Riggs Road and the possible damaqe to these efforts, in the event the request is approved, due to the heavy truck traffic. County Manaqer Norman noted that the Staff Report has a recommendation concerning the participation by the petitioner concerning road construction if the request is granted. Public Works Administrator/Enqineer Barksdale stated his con- currence with the WMAB concerns with regard to the water quality ~O~! 058 rACE160 - :^~::] . ',,,. J .._.J BOO~ 058 "AGE161 December 9, 1980 and flowways in the area which he said is the most important consideration, pointinq out the additional con~ern that there would have to be chanqes made in the construction of improvements to the road - such as increasinq the depth of limerock layer. Mr. James Code, RiQqs Road resident, said that he resides about 600' from the proposed site for the excavation and voiced his concern over the water at some time runninq over the berm mentioned.. He aqreed that the petitioner should be able tc use his land for his own purposes but not at the expense of the people livinq there. also cor.mentinq on the effect on the road- way which he said will be adverse. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Board follow the staff report and recommendation and deny the petition. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kruse. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present at the time of the vote. RESOLUTION 80-278 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 10. BLOCK 121. UNIT 4. MARCO ISLAND - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Drown not vre~ent, that Resolution 80-278. to recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuisance on Lot 10. Block 121, Unit 4, Marco Island, owned by James R. Coleman. be adopted. ~ .............1 ..~...J BOOK 058 rAGE163 Oecember 9, 1980 CARNIVAL PERMIT H80-5, RE PETITION C-80-3-C FILED BY COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION, INC., REQUESTING A PERMIT TO CONDUCT THE ANNUAL COLLIER COUNTY FAIR - APPROVED p,URSUANT TO STAFF RECOMMENDATION Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown absent. that Carnival Permit H80-5, requested by the Collier County Agricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc.. be approved for the purpose of cond\'cUnl/ the Annual Collier County Fair at the Swamp BUI/I/Y qrounds on ~anuary 10 throul/h January 17, 1981, pursuant to the staff recornnendation for the waiver of the followinq: 1. A Surety Bond in the penal sum of $2,500.00, cC'lditioned upon the operator complying with each provision of Ordinance 75-11. 2. A non-refundable fee of $50.00. 3. A current occupational license issued by the Collier County Tax Collector. (Se~ Exhibit 3E(l) "Tax Exempt Certificate"). 4. The name. identification and social security number of each per~on accountable for the operation of each activity. S. The duration of the permit shall ~ot exceed five (5) calendar days. ~"l' :1 ;r.I' >. 'J. .\J "-;,;l'. , I I l J a.........JH!II ..._"..........1 ---' BOO~ 058 PAGE 165 ... December 9, 1980 CONCEALED PISTOL PERMIT H80-16 - APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE TO DR. JAMES W. GOVER Pursuant to brief explanation by Public 'Safety Administrator Thomas Hafner, as contained in the Executive Summary dated November 25, 1980, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present, that Concealed Pistol Permit H80-16, requested by Dr. J~1es W. Gover, be approved, as recommended. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTYUTILIZATIO~ PROGRAM FORM As recommended by staff, CommiQsioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Eligibility Application for Public Agencies Federal Surplus Property Utilization Program Form. * * * * * * * ., .r" 'J ,,:',.. '.';~': ,,', '.::~ ,"l~. L:::J r:::::l -.4 8ob~. 058 pm 167 December 9, 1980 EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 59.115, REQUESTED BY A.F. FAYARD. SR.. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN S8. T51S. R27E - DENIED "~" . Commissioner Wimer m~ved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present, that the Excavation Permit Application No. 59.115, requested by A. F. . Fayard, Sr., for excavation on property located in Section 8, Township 51 South. RanQe 27 East, be denied, pursuant to staff recommendation contained in Executive Summary dated November 25, . . 1980. RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY DEDICATED TO COUNTY BY CARDAMAR. INCORPORATED TO COMPLETE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION FOR GOODLETTE ROAD EXTENSION (GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY) - ACCEPT~D FOR EXECUTION BY CHAI~~ Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Brown not present, that the RiQht-of-Way Agreement for property dedicated to the County by Cardamar, Incorporated, and whict consists of 623.87 square feet, for the purpose of completing the acquisition of riQht- of-'.'ay for Goodlette Road Extension (Golden Gate Parkway) be accepted and that the chairman be authorized to execute the document. as recommended by staff. ',~ 1';1 ,\;r:~~ December 9, 1980 LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES AIRPORT AUTHORITY FOR THB NAPLES MVI STATION AND NAPLES TRANSFER STATION _ APPROVED TOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Co~issioner Brown not present, that the Lease Agreements with the City of Naples Airport Authority for the Naples MVI and the Naples Transfer Stations b~ approved for the Chairman's siQnature, purusant to staff recommendation dated November 26, 1980. * * * * * * * * aOOK 058 PACE172 ------- " ....... , -...... ...._~,-...... Deccmber 9, 1980 AGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE LOTS AS RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION FOR GRANADA BOULEVARD CONNECTION TO GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD - APPROVEO' FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE: RIGHT-OF-WAY DOCUMENT ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION Commissioner Wimer moved, with Qrateful thanks, for the approval of the AQreement to exchanQe lots as riQht-of-way acquisition for Granada Boulevard connection to Goodlette- Frank Road, and for the acceptance of the riQht-of-way document for recordation, pursuant to s~aff recommendation dated November 26, 1980. The motion was scconded by Commissioner Wenzel and unanimously carried, Commissioner Brown havinq returned to the meetinQ. At this time - 2,jO P.M. - Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Elinor Skinner. * * * . * * * BOOK 058 rACE 182 - ........ -.j _.-./ December 9. 1980 AGREEMENTS TO PROVIDE MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES AND APPROVE PURCHASE OF NUCLEAR DENSITY/MOISTURE METER - APPROVED FOR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE. SEALED BID REQUIREMENTS WAIVED Public Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale explained that the Transportation Department has assumed responsibility for inspection of all road construction which requires both services of testinQ firms and equipment for County personnel to conduct on-site tests to assure conformance with contract specifications. This action plus the purchase of a nuclear density/moisture meter will result in a savinQs of approximately $35,000 to the County, he said. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that agreements be approved for the Chairman's signature to provide material testing services and to approve the purchase of a nuclear density/moisture meter, with scaled bid requirements waived as recommended by staff in the Executive Summary dated 11/~6/80. . . . . . . . &OOK 058 rACE 184 -- ~ ~ L., J c::::J MO~ 058 fm217 ;;, December 9. 1980 ,. .'~~ CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MARY FOLAN RE PURCHASE OF LAND REQUIRED FOR ACCESS/LOADING AREA AT NEW RAILROAD TERMINAL. LIMITED WARRANTY DEED FOR BALANCE OF LAND REOUIRED FROM RICHARD L. VOSS. ET AL - ACCEPTED Public Works Administrator Clifford Barksdale explained/ as part of the agreement with the Railroad/the County was required to provide the access/loading area at the new railroad :.;;~ ~:v. ~:~ .,~ ';:j:i ,.r;~ j .~. t,,4 ,~~ ~} .~.. ,. terminal. County Manager Norman noted the cost to purchase the land required for this access/loading area will be paid from the Goodrette Road right-of-way f~~d and because of the recor.~nded agreement and the deed as co~tained in the Executive Summary dated November 26. 1geO. th~s cost will be substantiallY reduced. Commissioner Wimer moved that the Real Estate Agreement with Mary Folan, to acquire lands required for acces,,/loading area at the new railroad terminal site, be approved for Chairman's signature; that payment in the amount of $15,750 be approve~: that a limited warranty deed from Richard L. Voss. et al for the bal~nce of the land required be accepted; and that the documents be approved for recordation. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously. * * * - JIlI!~ JI1.....IJII.LlJILkL.JJ1.!lJI~lj!fI.'.. . .__.._.". ,I. ., ." . - t:::J ... L__J &OOK 058 PACE 225 December 9, 1980 UTILITY DIVISION DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO SIGN APPLICATION FOR A STEP II GRANT UNDER THE 201 PROGRAM FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE AREA "A" (NORTH NAPLES) SEWAGE TREATMENT TRANSMISSION AND TREATMENT FACILITIES Commission~r Wimer moved that the Utility Division Director be authorized to sign and submit the application for a Step II Grant under the 201 ProQram for the expansion of the Area "A" .ewaQe treatment facilities as recommended in the Executive Summary dated December I, 1980. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 RE PIPE LINE MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION FOR MARCO SEWER PHASE I Utility Division Director Berzon explained the ChanQe Order No. 1 as contained ~n the Executive Summary dated December i, 198~ is to permit the substitution of alternate materials for use in the construction of sewaQe force mains in the Marco Sewers Phase I only ana not as a Qeneral condition. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown t~at the Chairman be authorized to siQn ChanQe Order No. 1 to Southeast UnderQround Construction, Inc., reQardinQ pipe line ma~erial subst'tu~ion for the Marco Sewers Phase I, and the motion carried unanimously. This decreases the contract by $4,650 for a total contract of $1,739,812.89. ,>~; ","" ,:;.~~iit: . ,.ill! ';;'>.>,~~ j., o:b,<" . ,;\{Jo' ,~~~ ,~. ).~~ ,," .\1,+';: , ".' ~(, .,1 ,~:t ,;~ " .<;t.. " ,~ >"^' ',. . 1 . LJI:"'wJ .--,,, 600K 058 PACE 227 December 9, 1980 RESOLUTION MWS 80-5 RE CONDEMNATION OF LIFT STATION SITES, MARCO SEWERS PHASE I - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved for the adoption of Resolution MWS 80-5 to authorize the condemnation of specific pr~perties for the location of sewaqe lift stations required in the conatruction of Marco Sewers Phase I as recommended by the Utility DiVision in the Executive Summary dated December 1, 1980. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * ~ .;..", ,:;~ "'~'''::I~:;' :. ,,~<,,: "/>.," ;'1' '. ~ ; :'~~I~ '....', .', '''., - .:;~:.? . .f~ :.~.''"':' ,'.,'" --, ~" ' . ):". .,... .;' .f"ff;' -:."~~ . "if. . December 9, 1980 EXPE~DITURE OF UP TO $2,000 RE VIDEO RECORDI~G OF THE CO~STRUCTIO~ AREA OF THE MARCO SEWERS PHASE I - AUTHORIZED Commissioner Wimer moved for the authorization of the expenditure of up to $2,000 to have e video tape made of the existing surface conditions in the construction area of' the Marco Sewers Phase I as recommended by the Utility Director in the Executive Summary dated December 1, 1980. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 80-112 RE REQUIREMENT FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AS CO~DITIO~ OF BUILDI~G PERMIT ISSUANCE - ADOPTED UNDER EMERGE~CY PROCEDURE l ';.1 . 1 1 Having been declared by the Boprd that an emergency exists. j . j 1 , j CommiSSioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rried unanimously that the emergency ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance BOOK No. 12. . :j . '. ORDINANCE NO. 80- 112 , . AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE A.'lENDING SECTION 14 Lot ::ri'iE) COLLIER COUNTY CODE, CREATING A NEH SECTION. 14-2.2., r- OF SAID CODE: REQUIRUJG APPROVAL OF. SEHAGE DIS-' I.. " }>OSAL SYSTEM PRIOR TO THE ISSUAt;CE OF BUILDING PERl-lIT; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; DECI..\RING':IIl:l' EMER-. ~"/ CENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Cl:.... :-~.~ i0l.U,r: ~ "I~"',' . .... l , . >"'~...~ ..~~ ] <;It , , , , I I I I UCOIlDD'S MEllO. l~ ., wrldat. 'fyplI'I - l'lbor' . ...,...., .. ... I - ..- .-- ' ..' ~ r,/t2,.] 800K 058 rAcr231 ~ . December 9, 1980 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedure and that funds are available, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unani- mously, that the subject bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following checks issued from December 3, 1980 through December 9, 1980: ACCOUNT BCC Payroll CHECK NOS. 18390 - 18849 2673 - 2987 '.l~ " / ,:~ ~~ County Checks >. BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 81-1 TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE HAND IQgLS. SEWER SERVICE AREA "A" - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.500 'j .~ Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 81-1, transferring funds to provide hand tools for Sewer Service Area "A", be adopted in the amount of $1,500. * * * . ;-~ '. * * '-<I , * ~ c::D BOOK 058 PAcr239 December 9, 1980 ~ ~ SUFFICIENCY OF CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS' BONDS - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that in January and June of each year the Clerk to the Board.is required to review the sufficiency of Constitutional Officers' Bonds. Following Mr. Hall's statement that this review has been made, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconaed by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously that the sufficiency of the Constitutional Officers' Bonds be approved. CHAI~~ AL7HORIZED TO SIG~ STATE~~T OF ASSUR~~CES FOR FrDERAL REVE:;;;E SHARI:lG Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by CO~~lssioner Brown and c~rried unanimously that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Statement of Assurances for Federal Revenue Sharing in the amount of $650,000. BOARD ACCEPTS COMMISSIONER WIMER'S OFFER OF USE OF HIS OFFICE ON MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS BY STATE SENATORS Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimOUSly, that his office be used by the State Senators on Mondays and Wednesdays; that a phone line be installed [or the Senators if needed, and that there be no smoking in his office. BOARD INSTRUCTS COUNTY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A BILL TO PRESENT TO THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION BANNING NO DEPOSIT, NO RETURN BOTTLES IN TnE STATE OF FLORIDA Following a discussion, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Board of County Commissioners instruct County Attorney Pickworth to draft a bill to present to the legislative delegation banning no deposit, no return bottles in the State of Florida. liQ... DATE " . December 9, 1980 BOARD DECIDES TO DISCONTINUE RECEIVING THE JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DURING LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, and carried unanimously, that the Board of County Commissioners discontinue receiving the Journals of the House of Representatives during legislative sessions. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE CERTIFICATE FOR CORRECTION TO THE 1979 TAX ROLL Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously, that. the Chairman be authorized to Sign the following certificate for correction to the 1979 tax roll: Tangible Personal Property 1979-221 12/2/80 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the vacious departments as indicated: 1. Copy of letter dated 11/21/80 from Donald R. Barber, Boran Craig Schreck Construction Co., Inc. to David Davenport, Bu;lding Department, indicating that East Bay Development Corp., which is developinQ The Island at Imperial Golf Estates, is paying Systems Development fee for water in protest of the increase as a result of Ordinance 80-94. Filed. 2. Letter dated 11/21/80 from Robert Dorolek, Manager, Turtle Lake Golf Colony Assn., transmitting copy of letter dated 11/10/80 from Richard L. Klaas, Quail Run Country Club, flOOding problems 1n their areas. xc Mr. Barksdale; County Manager Norman; filed. 3. Copy of letter dated 11/25/80 from Heinrich O.E. Schmid, M.D., District Medical Examiner, to Dr. William Cox appointing him as Associate Medical Examiner for District Twenty. Filed. 4. Copy of letter dated 12/3/80 from Lyle S. Richardson, President, Naples Civic Association re Association's Board meeting on 11/20/80 and discussion of financial backqround of proposed transit system plus a copy of questions requested by meeting speaker, Mr. Barksdale. xc Mr. BarkSdale; filed. &OO~ 058 PAC{ 2to BOOK 058 PACE 24J December 9, 1980 5. Copy of letter dated 11/26/80 from Jeffory Perry, ZoninQ Director to Reed & Associates, Inc., responding to a memo from County ManaQer Norman confirminQ aQree- ment by Mr. Michael D. Carter, acting aQent, re Public Nuisance Notice U8065. Filed. 6. Letter dated 12/4/80 from E. Glenn Tucker, attorney for the Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' Assn. transmitting copy of letter from Mr. Tucker to County Attorney Pickworth dated 12/4/80 re Beach access _ Conners Vanderbilt Beach Estates. xc County ManaQer Norman, Mr. Terry Virta; filed. 7. Letter dated 12/+/60 from Ronald L. Meserve, Executive Director, Collier County Mental Health Clinic, Inc., re The Myers Act/Alcoholic Program. xc Sheriff Rogers; County Manager Norman; filed. 8. Letter dated 12/2/80 from R. C. Bramham re zoning of acreage in Golden Gate Estates; xc Mr. Virta, Planning for response; filed. 9. Letter dated 12/1/80 from Carl Fruechtemeyer, Manager Marco Villa, re health permits and parking spaces needed for Storage Highlands, located on Front Street, Marco Lake Drive & 6th Street, Marco Island, Florida. xc Dr. Cox: County Manager Norman; filed. 10. Letter dated 12/3/80 from Lee E. & Myrna A. Barnes p~otesting approval of Pet. R 80-37C addressed to CAPC on 10/15/80. xc Mr. Terry Virta; filed. 11. Five letters dated 12/2/80 from Mr. and/or Mrs. James P. Flynn protesting approval of Petition R 80-37C addressed to CAPC on 10/15/80. xc Mr. Terry Virta; filed. 12. Letter dated 12/4/80 from Senator J. W. "Bill" ~tevens re Collier County Courthouse Office Space. Filed. 13. Letter dated 12/3/80 from Commissioner Jim Martin of Columbia County, Florida (District 2) re overcrowding of prison facilities. xc County Manager Norman, Sheriff Rogers; filed. . 14. Copy of Minutes of Naples City Council dated 11/5/80. Filed. 15. Economic Impact of the Florida Army and Air National Guard report dated 11/12/80. Filed. 16. Copies of Collier County Social Service reports for the months of September and October 1980. Filed. 17. Public Service Notices as follows: (Filed and/or referred) a. Docket No. 790996-PU re extension of time on Answers to Interrogatories. (Filed) b. Docket No. 790847-EU re amended notice of hcarinQ for complaint aQainst Florida Power and LiQht Co. (Filed) . December 9, 1980 c. Docket No. 800414-GU re application for rate increase by Florida Public Utilities Company for gas divisions. (Filed) d. Docket No. 800595-EU re amended notice to Tampa Electric and all other interested parties - applica- tion by Tampa Electric Co. for certification of proposed 417 Megawatt llet Coal Fired Big Bend Unit No.4. (Filed) . 18. Copy of HUD report dated 11/20/80 re local achievements in Minority Business Enterprises and ~omen-~~ed Business Enterprises. (xc Community Development and filed) 19. Copy of CPD and Progra~ Related Hun Staff Directory dated 11/19/80. (xc Co~nity Development and filed) 20. Report from Mr. M. Dan Nickel regarding C.T. zoning in Golden Gate Estates. (xc Co~unity Development Director Terry Virta and filed). 21. Memo dated 12/2/80 from Roland Eastwood, Executive Director, SWFRPC, transmittine Council membership list dated 12/1/S0, re restructing Council membership. (Filed) , 22. Letter dated 12/5/80 from Paul Gunther-~ohr, President, Pine Ridge Civic Assoc., protesting approval of Petition IINZSO-1SC requesting amendment to the Pelican Bay Site Plan. (Filed) 23. Letter dated 11/29/80 from Mr. Walter Diem, President, Florida Association of Railroad Passengers, trans- mitting a copy of a letter dated 9/18/78 from Congress- man L.A. "Skip" BafaHa to Alan S. Boyd, Pres., National Railroad Passenger Corp., plus a copy of Lee County Commission Resolution 80-10-91 and requesting amendment to said resolution to in~lude servie. to Fort P.yers and Collier County. (xc County Manager Norman and filed) 24. Letter dated 11/24/S0 from Sandra M. Whitmire, Bureau Chief, Deparament of Community Affairs, Division of Public Safety Planning and Assistance, transmitting copy of highway safety erant for $36,200 plus instructions for submitting quarterly progress reports. (Filed) 25. P.emo dated 12/4/80 from Community Development Administrator Virta re complaint regardinp. Collier Bay Apts. (Filed) 800.< 058 /'ACE 242 IiiiiN BOOK 058 PAGE 243 \. p':1<~41'1 ~ December 9, 1980 There being no further business for the good of the. COunty, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 3:50 P.M. ATTEST: WILLI ,~: I II .,' .. <-c A . .- ~ , , ,. . ,.. ... .,' Jo.. , 'I ., ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL (). iJ1:f; "."" ~,',~' . "", . ~;;.si- ,.',: :';~1 ,...; , ''''''' '.!:.:'W~~' \ .~ ;': , .' 111.- .' ,'-,;i\ . .~;:t~i .',Ui, T't'- . ,;".. " '<I'. '#' .,'~ ?:-J' ,~ .(tJ:' ):t: .',., i~;