Minutes 11/12/2018 MINUTES OF MEETING
The meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community Development District
was held on Monday,November 12,2018 at 1:00 p.m. at Cedar Hammock Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar Hammock
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Thomas Cook Chairman
Quentin Greeley Vice Chairman
Norman Day Assistant Secretary
Gary McClellan Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Justin Faircloth District Manager
Tom Read Cedar Hammock Golf&Country Club
Todd Legan Cedar Hammock Golf&Country Club
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 12, 2018 Cedar
Hammock Board of Supervisors meeting.
Mr.Faircloth called the roll.
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Ranking of Audit Firm Proposals
o The Supervisors gave their rankings.
o Berger,Toombs,Elam,Gaines&Frank received 363 points.
o Grau&Associates received 360 points.
o Carr,Riggs&Ingram received 292 points.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. Day with all in favor the
Audit Committee Meeting was adjourned.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
Mr.Cook called the meeting to order and Mr. Faircloth called the roll.
o Mr. Faircloth distributed handouts including an email discussion with Bridging Solutions with aerial
photos; a proposal from Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club for planting of littorals; and a
proposal from Superior Waterway Services for stocking carp in select lakes.
On MOTION by Mr. Greeley seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
the agenda with the additional handouts was approved as amended.
There not being any,the next item followed.
A. Golf Course Bridge Repair
o Mr. Faircloth noted after the last hurricane, an engineer inspected all bridges with recommendations
for short term and long term repairs so the bridges could continue operating for several more years.
The proposals were presented in May. The Board decided to table them until today.
o Proposals were received from Artistic Structures,JTM Bridge and A.U.E.
o Mr. Day would like to postpone all the repairs and replace them with a brand new, heavier bridge, as
we put that into the budget and make only emergency repairs. He felt money was being thrown away
to make repairs on these bridges now when we are seriously talking about replacing them with
stronger bridges.
o The Board will discuss Items A arid B later in the meeting.
B. Artistic Structures Proposal to Repair Bulkheads#4 and#5
o This will be discussed later in the meeting.
A. Auditor Selection
i. Discussion of Audit Ranking Recommendations
ii. Authorization to Enter into a Three-Year Contract with Selected Audit Firm
o Ranking from the Audit Committee was 363 total points for Berger, Toombs,Elam,Gaines&Frank;
292 total points for Carr,Riggs&Ingram and 360 points for Grau&Associates.
Mr. Greeley MOVED to select Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank to
be the District Auditor for Fiscal Year 2018 with a two-year renewal option
and Mr. Cook seconded the motion.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Discussion ensued.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
B. Supervisor Cook Proposed Bridges and Bulkheads Base Plan
o Mr. Cook noted in previous meetings, we tried to lay out how bridges and bulkheads may look in the
next taw years.
o At the last two meetings, there were suggested changes. He was asked to prepare a base plan with
those changes. That base plan would supersede the motion made by the Board to make repairs to the
bridges and bulkheads going forward.
o Mr.Cook noted the District will periodically review the timing,scope of work and financials required
to maintain bridges and bulkheads and will review the base plan accordingly.
o In 2019,we will repair bulkheads on holes#4 and#5 with bridge repairs on#7,#10 and#18.
o In the agenda package are base plans for the years,2020,2021,2022 and 2023.
o Mr. Day advocates for replacing problem areas rather than doing repairs on them, which in the long
run will cost more money. His projection is to do all of the work on Hole#5.
o To come up with the cash, he proposed an assessment to the community of$1,200 due in April of
2019. That would give the money to do the project on Hole#5.
o In 2020,we could do the bulkhead on bridge#16,which has had multiple failures.
o In 2021,we would have cash to do the bulkheads and the bridge on Hole#4.
o In 2022, we would be able to do bridge #10. For Bridge #18 we could do the top of the bridge,
stringers and some pilings as necessary and Bridge#7. Bulkhead#17 will be done in 2022.
o Mr. Day noted we can keep a cash flow and have most of these projects completed by 2023. We
should hold off on all road paving until the projects are completed.
o Mr. Faircloth noted at the January 2019 meeting the Board will approve the design for bulkheads and
the bridges,assuming you are in agreement and do not make revisions to those.
o At the February meeting, the Board will approve the Engineer's Report, which would be the next
thing required. Then we have resolutions to adopt provided by the Attorney.
o To speed things up, the Board will continue this meeting to January 7, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. so
engineering firms can get plans to the Board sooner.
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor the
District Engineer was authorized to develop an Engineer's Report for a
Special Assessment for installation of new bridges and bulkheads
throughout the District in an amount not-to-exceed$4000.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
C. Forge Engineering Geotechnical Report
o Mr.Faircloth noted the report will be included with upcoming bridge and bulkhead bids.
o The Board discussed Mr.Verrastro's comments in his email.
o Bulkheads should go before bridges. Wooden bridges versus metal bridges was discussed.
o Mr. Day noted per State bylaws and most attorneys strongly suggest bids should be received at one
location,time and date stamped,sealed,and opened publicly at one time.
o Mr.Faircloth noted you must have a public bid opening,announced with the proposal.
o Mr. Day stated if we are concerned with Sunshine Laws, we should be very concerned with bids
coming in that are not sealed bids and opened publicly.
o Mr.Marshall stated if they are not sealed,they will not be accepted.
o Mr. Faircloth noted we will have a mandatory pre-bid meeting, when we determine the date for the
question and answer period, when the packet is due and when the public opening will be. Then you
have a CDD meeting only for opening the bids.
o Bids should be received at the offices of Banks Engineering. District Manager and District Engineer
will have a meeting with Bridging Solutions for discussion.
o Mr.Faircloth noted we are tabling Items 4A and 4B.
D. Bridging Solutions Change Order#1
o The Board agreed to keep the same alignment of the current bridges.
o Irrigation, concrete work, electric and any landscaping changes will be done by others and not
included in the bid for the bridge replacements. Bid specs should allow for alternative
E. Golf&Country Club Invoice
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
paying an invoice in the amount of $4,348 to Cedar Hammock Golf &
Country Club for cutting, removing and replacing downed trees in the
Preserves per SFWMD guidelines,was approved.
F. Triploid Grass Carp Proposal
o The Board discussed triploid grass carp.
o District Engineer will verify the grates to be installed.
Mr. Day MOVED to approve a not-to-exceed amount of$6,000 for Superior
Waterway Services, Inc. to have carp added to the suggested lakes along
with any necessary grates and Mr.McClellan seconded the motion.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Discussion ensued.
Ln VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
G. Golf&Country Club Proposals for Littoral Installation
o Mr. Todd Legan discussed littorals and irrigation to be installed on the homeowners' side of the
suggested lake as a test project.
Mr. McClellan MOVED to have littorals and irrigation installed on the
homeowners' side of the suggested lake as a test project and Mr. Greeley
seconded the motion.
o Discussion ensued.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
o Mr. Legan noted at the expense of the Cedar Hammock Golf& Country Club, they will do another
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
allowing the Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club to complete a lake
beautification program and install littorals at their cost on any desired lakes,
was approved.
H. Rear Gate Camera System Proposal
o Mr.Faircloth contacted two firms. He followed up with them,but never heard back.
o He then contacted New 1Q, LLC. He reviewed what they offer including a functioning camera at the
rear gate. The camera can capture both the entry and exit gates and one covering the Barcode Reader
and incoming traffic.
Mr. Greeley MOVED to approve the proposal by New 1Q, LLC for the rear
gate camera system installation in the amount of $11,715 and Mr. Day
seconded the motion.
o Mr. Cook asked staff to find out how many days the data will remain on the NVR before being
recorded over and the possibility of additional long term storage options.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
A. Approval of the Minutes of the October 8,2018 Meeting
o A minor correction was made to the October 8,2018 minutes and will be incorporated.
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
the minutes of the October 8,2018 meeting were approved as amended.
B. Financial Report
o There being no questions or comments,
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
the financial report was accepted.
C. Motion to Assign Fund Balance as of 9/30/18:
o Operating Reserve $43,617
o Reserves-Bridges $120,190
o Reserves—Bulkheads $135,928
o Reserves-Lakes $32,153
o Reserves-Roadways $157,725
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
assigning Fund Balance as listed above was approved.
D. Field Management Report
o Mr. Faircloth noted there is a dead palm tree on Cedar Hammock Court. It is on the lake bank and
may be on CDD property. We may want to have the tree removed.
o There are issues with bulkheads, which should be treated on a regular basis to keep organic material
from growing.The vendor should spray out berms in order to ensure longevity of the walls.
E. Follow Up Items
i. Roadway Damage
o Mr. Faircloth noted a check from K. Simon Construction was received. He is working with the
financial accountant to move the operating account over. He already gave authorization for that to
take place as the Board authorized at the last meeting.
o Veranda II is still outstanding from the last paving project we did. We allowed them to pay us on a
contractual basis after one-year free interest. We sent them a reminder statement about Veranda 1I on
October 11,2018.
o The District Attorney sent a demand letter to Tekram Services regarding damage to Cedar Hammock
Circle with no response. The next step would be to send a letter by certified mail. If still no
response,we should file suit.
o Mr.Faircloth discussed the FEMA application.
November 12,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
A. Levy of Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments
o Mr. Cox's report on the process for the levy of non-ad valorem special assessments was in the agenda
o Mr.Marshall noted we talked about an Engineer's Report for the assessment.
o He will look at the lakes interconnects.
NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Communication to Master Board
There being no report,the next item followed.
o Mr. McClellan and Mr. Cook both thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve and welcomed the
incoming Supervisors.
o Mr. Faircloth welcomed the new supervisors who will be sworn in at the January 7, 2019 continued
meeting. He suggested the Board think about who they want to nominate for Chairperson and Vice
Chairperson. We will conduct a New Supervisor Orientation Training probably the second week in
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr. McCllellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in favor
the meeting was continued to January 7, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cedar
Hammock Clubhouse.
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