CAC Minutes 02/09/2006 R
February 9, 2006
Naples, Florida, February 9,2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Coastal Advisory Committee in
and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this
date at 9:00 AM in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building F, 3rd
Floor Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Ron Pennington
John Arceri
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel - Absent
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Tony Pires
John Sorey, III
Paul Sullivan
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Project Mgr.
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
2-9-06 Regular Meeting
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THURSDAY, February 9, 2006- 1 :00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. January 12, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
2. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
3. Reserve/Grant Discussion - Gary McAlpin
4. Parking Lot Financing - Mark Isackson
5. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Gary McAlpin
6. FDEP/FEMA Funding Update - Gary McAlpin
VII. New Business
1. Channel Marker Discussion - Bill Lorenz/Doug Suitor
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
2. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
3. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project
4. Clam Pass Update
IX. Public Comments
x. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. March 9, 2006- 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to
the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213.2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost
to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East
February 9,2006
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
Roll call was taken with Tony Pires absent at time of rail call and a quorum
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
A report of the "Sunshine Law" given by Ms. Greene will be added under item
"VI. Staff Reports". Information documentation was distributed.
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Camiener.
Motion carries unanimously 7-0.
IV. Public Comments
Captain John Findley, had brought up the subject of the ebb tide shoal at
Wiggins Pass. Some areas are now at three feet. The Collier County Manatee
Plan requires the waters to be maintained at six feet. It is his understanding that
the maintenance of this area is under the charge of the Coastal Advisory
Mr. Pennington replied that the primary concern is with the ebb tide shoal at
Mr. Sorey had suggested setting up a special taxing district.
V. Approval ofCAC Minutes
1. January 12, 2006 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the minutes for January 12, 2006. Second
by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carries unanimously 7-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Sunshine Law - Colleen Greene
Colleen Greene gave a review of the Sunshine Law noting for the Committee
that when two or more members of a committee corne together it is considered
a meeting. She mentioned that the Committee has been invited to attend the
Estuary Conservancy Association meeting; if members do attend they should
not sit together or address any questions through the meeting in order to create
February 9,2006
a liaison. She also reminded Council members not to email another member
and receive a response. Information can be distributed but not replied to.
Mr. Pennington added that he and Ms. Kulpa will probably be the only
attendees at the Estuary Conservancy Association meeting.
Anthony Pires joined the meeting at 1 :20 PM.
2. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2005-2006" and
"Greater Naples, Marco Island, Everglades, Convention & Visitors Bureau
Tourist Tax Collections History" (see attachments).
3. Project Status Report - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed "TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects"
(see attaclunents) including the following points:
Lowdermilk Park has been extended to March 30th
"Incremental Beach Maint Activities 2002", "Beach Emergency Response
Plan" and "Annual Dune Structure Maintenance 2004" will be closed out.
The City of Naples needs to bill Collier County for invoices.
Mr. McAlpin will find out about the current status of Tiger Tail beach
"County Beach Monitoring" for 2004 can be closed out.
4. Reserve/Grant Discussion - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed "195 Fund Reserves - TDC Grant Discussion
2/8/2006" and "TDC Category "A" Projections" (see attaclunents) including
the following points:
Mr. McAlpin believes there is a significant opportunity to run out of funds
in the "195" due to the delay and uncertainty of receiving FEMA funds.
Reviewed Staff Recommendations.
Mr. Sorey recommended putting the artificial reef on hold.
Mr. Pires suggested changing the wording to permit compliance instead of
regulatory compliance.
Mr. Camiener would like more details on the incoming funds.
Mr. Arceri does not believe there is a problem because there are about 4.5
million dollars ofFEMA projected funds and there are about 4.5 million
February 9, 2006
dollars going into the Catastrophic and Major Renourishment reserves. He
suggested postponing funding the reserves instead of deferring beach
maintenance and turtle monitoring. Mr. McAlpin replied that the reserves are
Mr. Pires suggested informing grant applica1ions that funding may not be
Mr. Sorey was very disappointed in the TDC/BCC meeting that Mr. McAlpin
did not make a presentation. He will recommend in the future to the TDC that
he makes a presentation. He thinks that the Committee needs to look at the
entire fourth cent and the Board of County Commissioners needs to look at
Parks and Recreation and garages.
Mr. Pennington feels it is a prime responsibility of a manager to recognize
potential problems, so it is appreciated that Mr. McAlpin brings the subject
before the Committee. Options will need to be addressed. Grants can be
given a tentative approval.
s. Parking Lot Financing - Mark Isackson
Mr. Isackson reviewed "Debt Analysis for Vanderbilt Beach Parking Garage
(I 0 Year Term)".
Mr. Pires suggested adding asterisks demonstrating the interest rate.
6. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Gary McAlpin
It has been suggested to have a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Hideaway
Beach Project. It has been tentatively set for March 16th at 2:00 PM. Mr.
McAlpin reviewed emails (see attachments).
7. FDEP/FEMA Funding Update - Gary McAlpin
Mr. McAlpin reviewed "FEMA PW Cost Summary Vanderbilt, Park Shore
and Naples Beaches" (see attachment) including the following points:
FEMA is not accepting the mobilization and engineering costs.
He will bring regular updates on FEMA requests.
Open discussion ensued on the probability ofreceiving funds from FEMA
from the hurricanes.
Additional funds should come from FDEP.
VII. New Business
1. Channel Markers Discussion - Bill Lorenz/Doug Suitor
February 9,2006
The meeting was recessed at 2:28PM reconvening at 2:35 PM.
Doug Suitor, Environmental Services Department gave a Power Point
Presentation on "Collier County Waterways Managemen1 Program" including
the following points:
A program overview was given.
Review of various waterway jurisdictions.
Review of damage and FEMA proceedings from Hurricane Wilma.
Review of derelict and abandoned vessel procedures.
Mr. McAlpin will continue to work with Mr. Suitor to notify the appropriate
people to have needed channel markers replaced.
Collier County Environmental Services can be contacted for missing
Missing markers are being manufactured in order to be replaced.
Mr. Sullivan, and Mr. Arceri complimented Mr. Suitor.
Captain John Findley demonstrated photographs of shoaling; he suggested
temporary markers.
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - Vanderbilt
Beach Parking Garage progress" (see attachment) noting that the garage
should be completed shortly.
2. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - City/County
Beach Renourislunent Project" (see attachment) including the following
Weather permitting pumping should begin sometime next week.
Another dredge can be added if necessary.
3. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - Marco
SouthlCaxambas Pass Project" (see attachment) including the following
February 9,2006
Sub-Aqueous agreed to execute 1he project in November for the bid price.
The project will go out for bids again before the hurricane season starts as
the Board directed.
4. Clam Pass Update
Mr. McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - Clam Pass
Study" (see attachment).
Mr. Pennington would like to move forward quickly with the permit
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Camiener is concerned about Clam Pass.
Before 1here is discussion on the budget Mr. Arceri would like to get a feel from
the Board of County Commissioners as to the possibility of deferring the 4.5
million dollar reserves.
Mr. Sorey would like to have an agenda item addressing 1he summer schedule of
Mr. Minarcini would like to revisit the distribution of the fourth cent funds.
Mr. Pires would like to make sure the correct message is sent to those 1hat may
apply for permits.
Mr. Camiener made a formal request that the budget show a detailed listing of
expenses and reimbursements.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. March 9, 2006 -1:00 PM - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F,
3'd Floor
February 9, 2006
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by the order of the Chair at 3 :44 PM
Chairman Ron Pennington