2009/2010 rn - <65500 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires: 2009-09-01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name: John R. Musser, P.E. Date: 2009-10-01 Business Address: Weston and Sampson Engineers, Inc. d/b/a VanasseDaylor 12730 New Brittany Blvd. Suite 600 Fort Myers. FL 33907 Business Telephone: +1 (239) 437-4601 Email: .:T.A1 U S5/:- ~ ~ (/A.t,. D~ J. c...t1 ~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: l.See attached list PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY X ~~0 Lobbyist gnature State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this 1st , by John R Musser day of October, 2009 ,whoiG~e or has produced ... T -....... ........E...&..........,..~ : M.JAYN B UKY : : ",,\1""",+ Com"" 000759123 : : ~." '%. . . \ . : If. . - ExpInta 31812012 : i \~....~ FIoltd8 NcDry~..lnc i :t. ........~......... .............................. as identification and who did take an oath. BY:'P1 ~~ h~j/~ D~pu y Clerk/Notary Pu ic The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier county Ordinance No. 2003-53,as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to:Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). Receipt# 007026294 10/12/2009 12:10:39 PM Dwight E. Srock Clerk of the Circuit Court Co)GaDc~D@D ~~@@@D[?)U Customer MUSSER, MITCHELL, & NINO V ANASSEE DA YLOR 12730 NEW BRITTANY BLVD STE 600 FORT MYERS, FL 33907- 4682 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER MinutesandRecords@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $75.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 1004 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $75.00 $75.00 ($75.00) $0.00 ~@OOo@rr~O@rr!kD ~@[f[f[) Page 1 of 1 _ _~~Il!pany ___ ____ ________ _ E3Cirron_c;ollier Comp~~y '___ u_. _-12600 G()lden Gat~~C1r~way__ CEMEX 4425 Wiggins Pass Road g_oastal ~n9.ineering gc>ns.LJ.ltal!t~ _ -i~-.1 06 ~_Horseshoe [)riv~ Engle Homes(TOUSA) ,2271 Bruner Lane -Mr.&Mrs~TSm-ael-Gonzalez -tr441 GOlden Gate-SoulevarcH:-ast :~~m~:~6~urc:- iE~::!~~~;;;~~y - - ---- ---- --- ---- ------r-:-.--....-.--..~_._--.--.-~--.. ___ ..__ ()_rJ1~gClCo~su Iting_~ro~p~3_65\IVOod_s_ Ecj[egir".cle-U n~1 Q? Pe.~c_an_l?C1y_[)evelop~ent___126~~~._IamiarJ1~ Trail,~e ~OO_ Nacj~shal3ana_si~9he__ ____145o~e..nley Drive.____________ Signature_Commu.!lites,_ln~. _ ___800La~r~Oak[)~\f~,_Suite 300 Southlands HOA 124957 Fairwinds Lane -.- ---- -.-----....--.-.- --- ---- --.-- ________ ____----1-__________.._..._ ______.___ ~..!littfaith Missi~nal}'_B~tist ChU~Ch_.-.W62.0~.~..!tJ....~. t.r.e~. t.-.S. \fIj Vanderbilt Surf Colony Two __ I~ 5 Blu~~~l ~ven.~e ____ WCI .J_4?g1\f1jal.c!e.nf_el'}!~r I)~ive Waterway Homes 151??_Summit P!C1ce Circ:;le Woolbri ht 9130 Galleria Court Conflict of Inrerest Spread-3rdQtr09 Address ~___rNClples -=-~=--=-TFI6rida~-+--=-}41 b~ _IRap!es_ ____l~lor~~a _. 34110 - ~~~I~~ers-~_~=-~~~:~:_=~~~~~ 1 Naples r F!orida _ 34120 --.- _m If'" '--- Naples Florida _I _ 33102 -- - -- -.._-- ---... -- _n____._ t----- ..--..-____ - -=l~~i~ i;rings-=-~~:-]~' ~E -t-------- --)--- ... _____ _ ~;~::s ~ri~gs--l~:~~:~:-=i~~: -ft\J.apl~~___ Florida __ 34108 i~onitCl_ SPI"i.r19~_ __tlorida__~1135 ~_t-.Japle~_ _____1 Flori.c!a_~~117 Naples . Florida 34108 -- . -----.----- ---- --'-r--- -- --- --- lE3()nitCl_Spl"i.n~_ __ .If.lo~ic!a_ _3<1134 ---I ~:P::~- -n-~l~~:~~ -~-1~ ~~ 12730 New Brittany Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 tel: (239) 437-4601 fax: (239) 437-4636 www.vanday.com Vanasse _ Daylor A Weston&sampson@ COMPANY TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM To: Collier County From: Jayne Bradbury Clerk of Courts Administrative Assistant 3301 Tamiami Trail East jbradbury@vanday.com Naples, FL 34112 Date: October 6, 2009 Cc: Re: 3rd Quarter 2009 Lobbyist Statements We are sending you via US Mail the following: Copies Date Description 1 Annual Registration Fee $75 - 3 Lobbyist 1 Lobbyist statements for the below listed employees Remarks: John R. Musser Robert M. Mitchell Ronald F. Nino E!2rJs!I Sarasota Fort Myers Ma.....chus.tts Peabody Foxborough Wobum Bourne Connecticut Rocky Hill T: \Library \Lobbyist Info\Transmiltals\2009\Collier I 00609. doc Rhod. Island New Hamoshlr. MII!!I ~ New J....v ~ Coventry Portsmouth York Waterbury Edison Poughkeepsie Company !larron Collier Company CEMEX CoastaIE_ngine~ing C()r1sultallts Engle Homes (TOU~A) __ Mr. & Mrs. Ismael Gonzalez HTD Investments Jasmine Lake HOA KRG Developmen~ LLC Messiah Luthern Church Omega Consulting Group Pelican Bay Development Nadesha Ranasinghe Signature Comll1unites,lng. South lands HOA Starwood Land Ventures __ __u_ ______ Unity Faith MissionaryB~etist ChUIGh Vanderbilt Surf Colony Two WCI Waterway Homes Woolbri ht Conflict of In Ie res I Spread-4thQlrtJ9 .2600 Golden Gat~_Parkw~ 1425 Wiggins Pass Road tr~~~~ii~~~S~~h()e Drive '1441 Gold-en GateBoulevard East r--" - ____nun, -------- 568 9th Street South - , ---.. --- _____ ______ n___ 3919 Jasmine Lake Circle ---- ------- ------- ------ ,_l~~-~~%~~~;J~~~i~~a~ 100 ,_ n~365 VVoods Ecjg.E' Circle~LJnit 102 fr.,2, 63,8, ,1, S. Tam"iam,i Trail, St,e3.oO H__11~0 Henley Dri\ie ___on' n_~.QO Laurel.oak Drive, Suite 300 24957 Fairwinds Lane ----- ---- ---- n_~6310C8Pita,1 Dr, ~te 130 1620 39th Street SW ----- ---- 15 Bluebill Avenue ---- --- 24301 Walden Center Drive ____ __n ____ 15122 Summit Place Circle ------ -..----- 9130 Galleria Court Address - J~~~:: - Naples j~~~~{_Clty Najl~s. I Naples _TiriCiianSopolis , N<iples__ Bonita Springs _1~~~i~~pringS _Naples, , __ Bonita Springs -lt~~~~OOd Ranch Nae.les_ Bonita Springs "'I Naples " , Na les I Florida j.Florida_ I Florida I Flonda Florida lFI()rida _ Florida ---.... --- Indiana Florida [Floricj8 Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida 34102 34110 +- ~~~~: 34120 33102 34119 46204 34116 34134 34134 34104 34108 34135 34202 34117 34108 34134 34119 34109 Martha S. Vergara From: Sent: To: Subject: Martha, Bradbury, Jayne [jbradbury@vanday.com] Monday, April 05, 2010 12:41 PM Martha S. Vergara Lobbyist Update Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc d/b/a VanasseDaylor - No changes to companies or employees for the first quarter 2010. Jayne Bradbury Administrative Assistant VanasseDaylor A WeslOl/&S'UI/II'SOI/@ Company 12730 New Brittany $Ivd" S!e, 600 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 T 239-437-4601 ex! 3206 F 239-437-4636 ibradbury@vanday,com www.westonandsampson.com 1 ~~ \2 0 \JJ.. ~ ~ ssif ~~~