CAC Minutes 01/12/2006 R
January 12, 2006
Naples, Florida, January 12, 2006
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal
Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted
business herein, met on this date at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in
Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
Ron Pennington
John Arceri - Excused
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel
Heidi Kulpa
Ronald Minarcini
Tony Pires
John Sorey III
Paul Sullivan
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Mgr.
Gail Hambright, Administrative Assistant
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
1-12-06 Regular Meeting
Page 10f2
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2006- 1 :00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. December 8 , 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report
2. Project Status Report
VII. New Business
1. *TDC Funds to City of Naples for Doctors Pass Dredging
2. *Humiston & Moore Work Order for Maintenance Dredging of Clam Pass
3. *Lowdermilk Park Parking Lot Extention of TDC Grant Deadline
4. *Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project - Contract
5. *Category "A" Grant Applications
6. *1 st Amendment GLDD Contract
VIII. Old Business
1 . Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
2. County Beach Renourishment Project
3. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
4. 10 Year Plan Quarterly Update
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. February 9,2006- 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to
the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost
January 12, 2006
I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
A quorum was established with Mr. Pires absent at roll call and John Arceri
having an excused absence.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. McAlpin noted that a correction to distributed information has been handed
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carries
unanimously 7-0.
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAe Minutes
1. December 8, 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Ms. Kulpa noted the following changes: Page #2- Mr. Sorey joined the
meeting at I :06 pm; Page #3 Ms. Kulpa would prefer the word use
"indicating" instead of "demonstrating"; Page #4 under item VIII., 1. the
word "at" should be added; Page #5 under item VIII, 2. she would like the
word "if' added, with Mr. Pennington declaring that it is correct as
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the minutes of December 8, 2006 as
corrected. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carries unanimously 7-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report
Mr. McAlpin reviewed handouts (see attachment) noting that revenues
have picked up and continue to be monitored on a monthly basis.
Anthony Pires joined the meeting at 1 :07 PM.
2. Project Status Report
January 12, 2006
Mr. McAlpin reviewed report hand outs (see attachment) addressing
clarifying questions including the following points:
Dr. Bauer will check with the attorneys iflegal matters have been worked
out with Sub-Oceanic.
. He will look into Beach Emergency Funds.
. A quarterly update will be given on the 10 year plan.
. Lake Trafford funds will go through in 2006.
Mark Isakson, Management and Budget addressed the parking garage
expense; he will review the subject and return to the Committee.
Mr. Hendel complimented Gary McAlpin on his work of the reports.
VII. New Business
1. TDC Funds to City of Naples for Doctors Pass Dredging
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
an $118,663.86 cost increase in TDC funds to the City of Naples for the
dredging of Doctor's Pass, Project No. 905501 and necessary budget
amendment." (See attachment)
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the $118,663.86. Second by Mr. Pires.
Carries unanimously 8-0.
2. Humiston & Moore Work Order for Maintenance Dredging of Clam
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend approval of
Work Order #HM-FT-06-03, under Contract 01-3271 with Humiston and
Moore to provide engineering services and construction engineering
inspection (CEI) for maintenance dredging of Clam Pass for a not-to-
exceed, Time and material price of$59,820 and approve a revised project
budget (90028) totaling $265,000 which includes $205,180 for
construction dredging and approve all necessary budget amendments."
(See attachment)
Mr. Hendel moved to approve ""Recommend approval of Work
Order #HM-FT-06-03, under Contract 01-3271 with Humiston and
Moore to provide engineering services and construction engineering
inspection (CEI) for maintenance dredging of Clam Pass for a not-to-
exceed, Time and material price of $59,820 and approve a revised
project budget (90028) totaling $265,000 which includes $205,180 for
January 12, 2006
construction dredging and approve all necessary budget
amendments" Second by Mr. Sorey.
Mr. Pennington noted that more sampling might be necessary. Some of
the ebb tide shoal was moved due to hurricane Wilma. Mr. McAlpin
added that the project should be completed around March or April 2006.
Motion carries unanimously 8-0.
3. Lowdermilk Park Parking Lot Extension of TDC Grant Deadline
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend approval of
the City of Naples request to extend the TDC Grant deadline for the
renovations of Lowdermilk Park Parking Lot from December 31, 2005 to
March 30,2006." (See attachment)
Mr. Hendel moved to approve "Recommend approval of the City of
Naples request to extend the TDC Grant deadline for the renovations
of Lowdermilk Park Parking Lot from December 31,2005 to March
30,2006." Second by Mr. Sorey. earries unanimously 8-0.
4. Marco South/Caxambus Pass Project - eon tract
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Review project and obtain
recommendation from CAC to proceed with contract to renourish Marco
South Beach/Dredge Caxambas Pass Project 905001" (see attachment)
including the following points:
. All permits have been issued except the notice to proceed from
DEP. Nothing is holding the project back at this point.
. Twenty-eight bidders were notified, fourteen purchased plans, with
only one bid returning from Subaqueous.
· There was an increase in cubic yardage.
. The DEP permit allows renourishment up until turtle season May
1 st. Fish and Wildlife National Marine Fisheries would not allow
the May 1st date due to concerns with Snook Spawning; April 1st
was the permitted deadline.
. Subaqueous assured him that they would like to perform the
project having the dredge on site on February 1 st. They proposed
to perform the job on time; if they do not complete it by the given
time then they will remobilize at their own expense.
. Mr. McAlpin's opinion is that it will not be completed by the
. February 14th would be the earliest the contract could be approved
by all necessary parties.
January 12, 2006
It was suggested to appeal the Fish and Wildlife Nation Marine Fisheries
deadline. It was noted that by the time the appeal came through the
necessary time would have passed.
Mike Treadneck, Taylor Engineering has the understanding that Marine
Fisheries are trying to get tighter with restrictions. An extension of one
week was granted.
Options on how to execute the dredging in February were discussed. It
was mentioned that no shoaling is occurring, and that the City of Marco is
not willing to do any projects during turtle season. It was suggested to
postpone the project until November, but have channel markers replaced
for safety.
Mr. McAlpin advised the Committee that there are three options:
1. Do the project now.
2. Accept bid, ask for commencement in November and negotiate
mobilization price.
3. Re-bid within the next two months and commence in November.
His recommendation is to move forward with Subaqueous in November.
Mike Treadneck brought out that the current winning bidder is
Subaqueous who is known to be a reputable company. Ifbidding is
reopened all other companies will know the current bid price and come in
lower. The lowest bid would then have to be taken regardless of the
company. He also feels it is wise to put the project off until November 1st.
Ms. Kulpa moved to request the staff to renegotiate with Subaqueous
to commence in November 2006. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carries
unanimously 8-0.
The meeting recessed at 2:31 PM reconvening at 2:37 PM.
Mark Isakson reviewed the pay schedule for the parking garage, he will
return with further information.
A consensus was reached that the staff should go back to DEP and the
Fishery Board to discover how the April 1st date was arrived, and any
future impacts.
Mr. Sullivan suggest following up on channel markers and to pick a date
to have the BCC approve the Caxambus contract.
Mr. McAlpin will contact each Committee Member for any information
on missing channel markers and then work with Doug Suitor to get the
status on each one. He will return with the discovered information.
January 12, 2006
5. eategory "A" Grant Applications
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator reviewed Executive
Summary "Recommend Approval to implement notification procedure for
Category "A" grant applications". (See attachment)
Mr. Hendel moved to approve "Recommend Approval to implement
notification procedure for Category "A" grant applications". Second
by Mr. Pires. Carries unanimously 8-0.
6. 1 st Amendment GLDD Contract
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Update CAC on progress
of Collier County Beach Renourishment and obtain approval on
Amendment 1 to Contract (05-3854) with Great Lakes Dredge and Dock
Company, LLC". (See attachment)
Mr. Pires suggested additional language in paragraph seven to specify
completion dates. Mr. McAlpin replied that he will work with Great
Lakes to nail down a time of completion after November 1 st if not
achieved by May 16th.
Mr. Hendel moved to approve "Update eAC on progress of Collier
County Beach Renourishment and obtain approval on Amendment 1
to Contract (05-3854) with Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company,
LLC". Second by Mr. Sullivan. Motion carries 7-1 with Mr. Pires
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend Approval of
CP&E proposal of$8,800 for a one day hard-bottom investigation of hard-
bottom to determine if Hurricane Wilma cased sand to shift on the hard-
bottom". (See attachment)
Mr. Pires moved to approve "Update CAC on progress of eollier
eounty Beach Renourishment and obtain approval on Amendment 1
to eontract (05-3854) with Great Lakes Dredge and Dock eompany,
LLe". Second by Mr. Sorey. Carries unanimously 8-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update -
Vanderbilt Beach Parking Garage progress". (See attachment)
Photographs were demonstrating. Certificate of Occupancy should be
issued in around a month.
January 12, 2006
2. County Beach Renourishment Project
3. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update -
Hideaway Beach Renourishment Project". (See attachment) This project
is essentially complete. It has been a good job from a quality point of
4. 10 Year Plan Quarterly Update
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
Mr. McAlpin has received word that the funding request from FEMA for
Vanderbilt, Park Shore, and Naples Beaches for hurricanes Katrina and Wilma
have been authorized. They still have to go to Washington. An application was
made to the Florida Boating Association for $100,000 which will have to be
matched with $25,000, with the Association providing $75,000. This will create a
reef area.
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Pennington noted that there is a meeting for Naples City Council Candidates
at the Hilton at 5:30 PM tonight.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. February 9, 2006 - 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administrative
Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County of Collier the meeting
was adjourned at 3:30 PM.
ehairman Ron Pennington