Agenda 12/15/2009 Item # 6B
Office of the County Manager
Leo E. Ochs, Jr.
Agenda Item No. 66
December 15, 2009
Page 1 of 4
3301 EastTamiami Trail' Naples Florida 34112' (239) 252-8383. FAX: (239) 252~010
December 1, 2009
Mr. Roberto Millet
4990 Golden Gate Parkway
Naples, FL 34116
Re: Public Petition Request to Discuss Permit for Car Wash on Property Located at
4990 Golden Gate Parkway
Dear Mr. Millet:
Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of
Commissioners at the meeting of December 15, 2009, regarding the above referenced
Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes.
Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting.
However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the
Board's discretion. If the subject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going
Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after it
has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of
your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting.
The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W.
Harmon Turner Building (Building "F") of the government complex. Please arrange to be
present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members.
If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this
Leo E. Ochs, Jr. ""o.-.c.
County Manager
cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney
Joe Schmitt. CD&ES Administrator
Nav 30 09 10:47a
Millet Ino
Agenda IRiin No. 68
December 15, 2009
Page 2 of 4
Reauest to Soeak under Public Petition
Please prim
Name: ~b to 'f'f'- I l \Lf-
Addrew: L.{~~V (rtJIA~, (C)~L i)~rl(U(Llr
-1J ~eg I .J.-l ,34 J/ ( "
Phone: d:29 - ~ rq -l'f) ~~
Date of the Board Me.tina vou wish to soeak:
lJ. -\ ~ - ;]. 000,
Must circle yeti or no:
1& this aubjec:t matter under litigation at thia time?
Yes , No
I. this subject matter'an ongoing Coda Enforcement cue? V_I No
Note: If either arteWer is "yesP, the Boerd will hear the item but will have 110
discussion regarding the Item after It Is presented.
Please eXDlain in d9ta/1 the ......en., yOu are reouestino to soeak (attach additional
Daoe If necessarvl:
~ .
&..fL' J.1U/.i?L-- {L-
Please exelain in detaH1he action vou ale ssklna the Commission to take (attach
additionsl oaae if ....".......rvl:
H:\D,-.T A\O:FFICE FORMS\PUbIC petmgn Requa&. Fcwm 2COa.dcRi
Noy 30 09 10:478
Milia! Inc
Agenda Item No. 68
December 15, 2009
Page 3 of 4
November 24, 2009
RE: Request to speak wuIer Public Petition
The 1i>l1owing is the explanation of the l'ClIS()D we are requesting to speak
bet"ore the Board ofeounty Commissioners and what action we are asking
tile CcnrnnUssion to take to assist us.
We'.'owned the property 10Cllted at 4990 Golden Gate Parkway, City of
GolIIiraa G8Ie since 2001. It was a drive thru beverage sales and car wash.
Weoperall:d it as such until such time that due to the: C8DCcr illness of my
mother and all the after effects of said illness, (whom aside from nmning our
6uniIy flooring business was also e. main ptIl1 in nmning the: drive thru),
prevented her from doing so. We were forced to close it down for a couple
of yeazs but did not know that if we did not renew the: licenses we could not
reopen without another full inspection and a number of changes that were
going to be needed due to new zoning laws. At the time we were able to pay
for the mortgage on the property because our flooring business was doing so
well that that wasn't an issue.
When the construction business here in Naples starting to go down we
decided that we would reopen the drive th1u and had to go through a Site
Improvement Plan with the county. This took us over 8 year and all the
savinp we bad. At the time due to a "reductioD in parldng spaces" we could
not open the car wash so we went through whatever the Cowlty told us we
~l'd to do in order to open the drive thru, at this point we bad no option
but to open the drive thru as all OlD' money was tied up in this property and
we had to try and make a go of it
The worse the economy got the worse the: revenues from our flooring
ho,";':"'" became and before we knew it all we bad to support our fiunilies
was tbe pWfit we could make from the drive thru. But it has not been
making what we know it bas in the: past especially since we do not have the
car wash. I even got a job in another company for extra income, then come
and tBke over for my parents at 7 pm so they can go home; we do this 7 days
a week.. We are used to woridng bard and this is oot B problem but even then
we are not making enough. We tried for a couple to months and starting
washing au:s on the: property and it looked like this is what we need to boost
the income and attract customers to our business, but we were told by rhe
Zoning Department that we could not have a car 'l'liash on that property
Nov 30 09 10:47a
Millet Inc
Agenda Item No. 68
December 15, 2009
Page 4 of 4
M): ~. "'(who are in their fifties and have a number of illness issues such
as heIrt, diabetes etc..,) for which this business is now the only means of
support. IIavc been and are still in danger of losing their home which they
.lIIIMei.wcl' in fur ov<< twelve years and this property. They need the extra
, "-' ~ . ". ,lblit 1IIe car wash can briIIg in in order to save their home and by and
. "';:~" .,.1iIc mortgage of the drive tbru property which is now in the bands
OfaD ~ for fOftlClosure. In the past year my patents have even gotten
oc..,.,....nuaJ licenses to sell :!lowers in order to bring in income for
1bemseIves. They have tried gettingjobs in other places but due to the
employment problems we are going through as a Country it has not
bappeaed.. Being self-employed they can'l even ask fur assistance anywhere.
1bey have even tried to sell the flowers on the roadside but as soon as the
police see them they are asked to leave becanse that is nol allowed in
We are respectfully asking that the Commission assist us in getting the car
wash permit so that we will be able to save and preserve my parem's home
and business.
cuYOU ti~Yo...urtime.
!~. .
\ .
\. J .
, .
Roberto Millet
Cc: Elio Millet 239-5~135
Marleoe Millet 239-537-4778