Agenda 01/08/2019 Item #16D 401/08/2019
Recommendation to approve the Pepper Ranch Preserve Final Management Plan 5-year update
under the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program.
OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners (Board) for the Peppe r
Ranch Preserve Final Management Plan (FMP) 5-year update.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Conservation Collier Ordinance, No. 2002-63, as amended, Section 14(3),
requires that a Final Management Plan be prepared for each property and updated every five (5) years,
with review and input by the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC).
This plan updated management activities necessary to continue to preserve, enhance, restore, maintain,
and monitor the property. Additionally, the plan outlines the number of visitors to the preserve since it
opened in 2010 as well as a breakdown of the types of visitor uses.
Pepper Ranch Preserve is comprised of 2,512 acres and is located at 6315 Pepper Road, west of the town
of Immokalee (Exhibit A). The preserve was purchased by Collier County in February 2009. The Interim
Management Plan was approved by the Board in September 2009. The final management plan was
approved by the Board in June 2011. Staff initiated the update in late 2016 with the CCLAAC Lands
Evaluation and Management subcommittee, hired a consultant to assist with the update in early 2017 and
in March of 2017 held public meetings in Immokalee and Naples so that both year-round and seasonal
residents could participate. The CCLAAC subcommittee met on three (3) separate dates throughout 2017
and 2018 to review and request changes to the plan. The full CCLAAC unanimously recommended
approval of the plan update at its December 3, 2018 public meeting (Agenda Item V.A).
FISCAL IMPACT: There is no new Fiscal impact associated with approving this management plan
update. Project funds for ongoing amenity projects, developing an RV pad for a caretaker, demolition for
the cottage, and assorted building repairs have been approved through either the FY19 budget process or,
in the case of the cottage demolition, by Board approval on September 25, 2018 (Agenda Item #16D3).
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Management of Conservation Collier lands to support
appropriate public access is consistent with and supports Policy 1.1.6 and Objective 1.3 in the Recreation
and Open Space Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. There is no specific Growth
Management impact associated with this Item.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Conservation Collier Ordinance (No. 2002-63, as amended), in
Section 14, provides a legal framework for development of management plans and for use of
environmentally sensitive lands. This action requires a majority vote. -JAB
RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Final Management Plan 5-year update and directs the
County Manager, or his designee, to implement it for the Pepper Ranch Preserve.
Prepared By: Christal Segura, Senior Environmental Specialist, Conservation Collier Program, Parks and
Recreation Division
1. Exhibit A - Map (PDF)
2. (linked) PRP_FMP_5 year revision (PDF)
Packet Pg. 1367
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.D.4
Doc ID: 7557
Item Summary: Recommendation to approve the Pepper Ranch Preserve Final Management Plan
5-year update under the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Program.
Meeting Date: 01/08/2019
Prepared by:
Title: Operations Analyst – Parks & Recreation
Name: Matthew Catoe
12/17/2018 11:42 AM
Submitted by:
Title: Division Director - Parks & Recreation – Parks & Recreation
Name: Barry Williams
12/17/2018 11:42 AM
Approved By:
Parks & Recreation Ilonka Washburn Additional Reviewer Completed 12/17/2018 11:46 AM
Parks & Recreation Barry Williams Additional Reviewer Completed 12/18/2018 2:49 PM
Public Services Department Kimberley Grant Level 1 Reviewer Completed 12/18/2018 5:16 PM
Public Services Department Todd Henry Level 1 Division Reviewer Completed 12/19/2018 10:29 AM
Public Services Department Steve Carnell Level 2 Division Administrator Review Completed 12/19/2018 11:34 AM
County Attorney's Office Jennifer Belpedio Level 2 Attorney of Record Review Completed 12/20/2018 8:49 AM
Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 12/20/2018 9:17 AM
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 12/20/2018 9:25 AM
County Attorney's Office Emily Pepin CAO Preview Completed 12/20/2018 11:14 AM
Budget and Management Office Ed Finn Additional Reviewer Completed 12/20/2018 6:02 PM
County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 12/27/2018 3:19 PM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 01/08/2019 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1368
Exhibit A. Pepper Ranch Preserve Map
Packet Pg. 1369 Attachment: Exhibit A - Map (7557 : Pepper Ranch Preserve Final Management Plan 5-year update)
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 1
Pepper Ranch Preserve
Land Management Plan (5 Yr. Revision)
Managed by: Conservation Collier Program
Collier County, Florida
May 2011 – May 2021 (10-yr plan)
Prepared by:
Johnson Engineering & Conservation Collier Staff;
Collier County Parks and Recreation Facilities Management Division
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 2
G:\Conservation Collier\Land Management\PepperRanchPreserve\Land Management Plans\FinalManagementPlan\PRP_5 year revisionFinal_FMP_April11.doc
Pepper Ranch Preserve
Land Management Plan Executive Summary
Lead Agency: Conservation Collier Program
Properties included in this Plan: Pepper Ranch Preserve
Preserve lands consist of fiveten contiguous parcels located within Sections 22, 26,
27, 28, 33 & 35, Township 46 South, Range 28 East, in Collier County. A property
survey and full legal description is provided in Appendix 1.
Parcel Folio Numbers
Original Acreage Breakdown:
Natural Community Acreage
Improved pasture 619.64
Depression marsh, disturbed 311.29
Upland mixed forest 270.92
Slough 243.38
Bottomland forest 241.63
Upland mixed forest, disturbed 160.59
Mesic flatwoods 149.95
Strand swamp 82.41
Mesic flatwoods, disturbed 77.20
Improved pasture, hydric 47.70
Dry prairie, disturbed 45.09
Wet flatwoods 43.66
Depression marsh 42.60
Ditches 35.15
Upland mixed forest, burned 34.65
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 3
Shell road, graded and drained 20.63
Slough, disturbed 14.17
Prairie hammock 11.22
Spoil, exotics 9.49
Natural Community (continued) Acreage
Wet prairie, disturbed 7.99
Bottomland forest, disturbed 6.27
Prairie hammock, disturbed 5.88
Oil field 5.63
Wet prairie 5.21
Primitive trail 4.90
Brazilian pepper, hydric 4.26
Dry prairie 3.53
Borrow pond 1.43
Spoil 1.24
Australian pine 1.15
Brazilian pepper 1.15
TOTAL 2510.01
Management Responsibilities:
Agency: Collier County - Conservation Collier Program
Preserve Manager: Designated Collier County Environmental Specialist
Designated Land Use: Preservation
Unique Features: Largest Conservation Collier acquisition to date with frontage on
north side of Lake Trafford
Archaeological/Historical: The Pepper Ranch Preserve is within an area of historical
and archaeological probability. One prehistoric and archaeological site has already
been discovered near Lake Trafford and the Lodge/visitor center is considered a
historic structure. Other historical and archaeological sites are most likely present on
the property. The County will notify the Division of Historical Resources
immediately if evidence is discovered to suggest that any additional cultural resources
are present.
Management Needs:
Monitoring of biological resources;
Exotic plant removal and maintenance
Conduct a hydrological analysis of the preserve to better determine restoration needs;
Possible rRestoration of select areas after exotic removal;
Implementation of a prescribed fire management program;
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 4
Habitat management to enhance protection of native and listed species populations;
Monitoring Planning for public use.
Public Involvement:
Community involvement in the review of this management plan and all future updates are
coordinated through the general public via public meetings. The community at large will
be contacted through direct mailing notices to residents, other preserve managers and
businesses within 1,500 feet of the preserve boundaries. Official public notices will be
posted on the County website. Staff will seek to coordinate management actions, such as
exotic removal and prescribed fires with managers/owners of adjoining public and private
The off-road cycling group representing Southwest Florida, the Florida Mudcutters, have
been active partners since May 2012. Members have volunteered over 2,000 hours to
develop and maintain biking trails in designated locations along the western portion of
the preserve.
Over 20 Boy Scouts have volunteered time and materials to improve the preserve and
trail systems such as building picnic tables, kiosks, hitching posts, campground design
and development and campground fire rings, marking trails and installing bat boxes. Each
achieved their Eagle Scout status as a result of their contribution.
Staff wWorking with Immokalee Civic Group(s) including the Immokalee Community
Redevelopment Association, Collier County Sheriff’s Department and neighboring
property owners to discuss public use and access issues. Two public meetings were
held (January 28 and February 11, 2010) to provide the general public an opportunity
to review and comment on this Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan.
Specifically, these meetings gave the general public an opportunity to learn about the
Conservation Collier Program, future land management plans and potential for public
use at Pepper Ranch Preserve. This forum also allowed the public to voice any
concerns or objections they may have had with any of these issues as presented here
in the Final Land Management Plan.
Conservation Collier and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
held two workshops (February 18 and March 18, 2010) with outdoor sportsmen’s
clubs and hunters to develop a Hunt Program for Pepper Ranch Preserve. Over 20
people attended the February 18th, 2010 meeting, including representatives from the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Commissioner
Colletta, to discuss how best to create a Hunt Program for the preserve. A significant
amount of information was collected from this meeting to incorporate into a Hunt
Management Plan for the preserve including how often to allow hunts, how many
hunters, what types of weapons, check station and registration logistics etc.
After the February 18th, 2010 meeting, the first draft of the Hunt Management Plan
was created and posted for public review. During the March 18th, 2010 meeting,
approximately 10 local hunters attended including Commissioner Colletta , to review
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 5
the draft Hunt Management Plan. The consensus at this meeting was to divide the
ranch into sections and each hunter would have to stay in their section during the
hunt. The use of rifles was also discussed as well as safety zones and parking areas.
Over the weekend of April 16-18, 2010, the first Annual Youth Hunt was held at
Pepper Ranch Preserve. FWC and volunteers ran managed the hunt and it was a huge
success. There were 15 kids Fifteen youth hunters that participated, aged 12-17, and
4 hogs were harvested.
At the April 27, 2010 Collier County BCC meeting, the draft Public Hunt
Management Plan for Pepper Ranch was brought for BCC approval. At this meeting,
Conservation Collier staff was directed to hold two (2) additional public meetings to
determine if hunting should be limited to youth hunts only or to the general public.
These meetings were held on May 12 and May 19, 2010. The results of that meeting
were to hold at least 2 youth hunts per year and leave the remaining hunts open to the
general public.
Two additional public meetings w held to public an opportunity to give input on the
required 5-year plan update.
Public Use
The amount of public use the preserve receives during open season is increasing
every year. Several different user groups utilize the preserve for different recreational
opportunities. The table and graph below provide a snapshot of the increase in
visitor use and the breakdown of use by the different user groups.
Total Pepper Ranch Preserve Visitation 2010 - 2017
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 6
Pepper Ranch Preserve Visitor Use by Category 2014-2017
Management Goals:
Goal 1: Maintain high quality habitat with limited disturbance for the benefit of native
flora and fauna
(Old Language to remove- Eliminate or significantly reduce human impacts to
indigenous flora and fauna)
Goal 2: Develop a baseline monitoring program
Goal 3: Remove or control populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and
fauna to restore and maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Create a Prescribed Fire Management Plan
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation as needed
Goal 6: Monitor Develop a plan for public use
Goal 7: Facilitate uses of the site for educational purposes
Goal 8: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Goal 9: Provide preliminary panther habitat unit (PHU) calculations and a draft
monitoring plan per U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) requirements
for an onsite panther conservation bank
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 7
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management
Authority ........................................................................................................10
1.2 Purpose and Scope of the Land Management Plan ........................................10
1.3 Location of the Pepper Ranch Preserve .........................................................10
1.4 Regional Significance of the Pepper Ranch Preserve ....................................11
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources ................................13
1.6 Public Involvement ........................................................................................14
2.0 Natural Resources ......................................................................................................14
2.1 Physiography .................................................................................................14
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology ......................................................14
2.1.2 Geology ..............................................................................................14
2.1.3 Soils....................................................................................................16
2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management .........................................................18
2.2 Climate ...........................................................................................................18
2.3 Natural Plant Communities ............................................................................19
2.3.1 Uplands: Upland Mixed Forest ..........................................................25
2.3.2 Wetlands: Depression Marsh ............................................................26
2.3.3 Wetlands: Slough ..............................................................................27
2.3.4 Wetlands: Bottomland Forest ............................................................28
2.3.5 Uplands: Mesic Flatwoods .................................................................29
2.3.6 Other Natural Communities ..............................................................30
2.3.7 Altered Communities ........................................................................32
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species ..................................................................33
2.4.1 Plant Species .....................................................................................33
2.4.2 Animal Species .................................................................................33
2.5 Listed Species ...............................................................................................37
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species ..........................................................................37
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species ......................................................................41
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem Species ..................................................43
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species .................................................43
2.6.2 Invasive and Problem Animal Species ..............................................46
3.0 Previous Conditions of the Preserve; Current Use of the Preserve and
Adjacent Land Uses ...................................................................................................47
3.1 Previous Land Uses of the Preserve ..............................................................47
3.2 Previous Land Uses of Adjoining Properties .................................................50
3.3 Current Land Uses of the Preserve ...............................................................51
3.4 Current Land Uses of Adjoining Properties ..................................................52
3.5 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection ........................52
3.6 Major Accomplishments since Acquisition ..................................................53
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 8
4.0 Future Use of the Pepper Ranch Preserve including Management Issues,
Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................54
4.1 Management Plan Framework .......................................................................54
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information ............................................54
4.2 Planned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts .............................................54
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation,
Enhancement, Restoration, Conservation and Maintenance of
the Resources .....................................................................................54
4.3 Desired Future Conditions .............................................................................56
4.4 Goals for the 10- year period 2010-2020 .......................................................57
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve ......................82
4.5.1 Maintenance .......................................................................................82
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources ..................................83
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management
Activities by Private Vendors ............................................................87
5.0 Literature Cited ..........................................................................................................88
Table 1 Acquisition History and Status of Pepper Ranch Preserve ..................................9
Table 2 Public Lands Located near the Pepper Ranch Preserve .......................................13
Table 3 Extent of Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System
Designations from 2009 on the Pepper Ranch Preserve ......................................20
Table 4 Summary of Natural Communities on the Pepper Ranch Preserve .....................23
Table 5 Faunal Species Observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve ...........................................34
Table 6 Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Corkscrew and Immokalee
Quadrangles Encompassing the Pepper Ranch Preserve .....................................36
Table 7 Listed Plant Species Detected at the Pepper Ranch Preserve ..............................38
Table 8 Non-Indigenous and Invasive Plant Species at Pepper Ranch Preserve ..............44
Table 9 Major Accomplishments during previous years ..................................................53
Table 10 Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve
FLEPPC Category I species .................................................................................60
Table 11 Panther Habitat Unit Calculations excluding SSA 7 – Pre- Restoration .............7881
Table 12 Monitoring and Reporting Schedule for Panther Conservation Bank .................83
Table 13 Estimated Annual Land Management Budget .....................................................87
Table 14 Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities .....................8788
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 9
Figure 1 General Location of and Directions to Pepper Ranch Preserve. .......................11
Figure 2 Conserved Lands in Collier County, Florida Including Lands Owned by
Conservation Collier. ........................................................................................12
Figure 3 Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Pepper Ranch Preserve .......13
Figure 4 Aerial View of the Pepper Ranch Preserve .......................................................15
Figure 5 Soil Units on the Pepper Ranch Preserve .........................................................16
Figure 6 Distribution of Natural Communities and other Land Uses on the Pepper
Ranch Preserve; 2009 FLUCFCS Layer ...........................................................22
Figure 7 Extent of Natural Plant Communities Currently Found on the Pepper
Ranch Preserve..................................................................................................24
Figure 8 1940 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve ...................................................48
Figure 9 1953 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve ...................................................49
Figure 10 1963 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve ...................................................50
Figure 11 Pepper Ranch Easement and Overlay Map .......................................................56
Figure 12 Total Pepper Ranch Pepper Ranch Visitation…………………………80
Figure 13 Pepper Ranch Visitor Use Log by Category 2014-2017………………81
Figure 14 Conceptual Site Plan for Pepper Ranch Preserve .............................................82
Appendix 1 Pepper Ranch Preserve Legal Description
Appendix 2 Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System Designations
for Pepper Ranch Preserve – (2’x3’ map)
Appendix 3 Florida Natural Areas Inventory Designations for Pepper Ranch Preserve
– (2’x3’ map)
Appendix 4 Floristic Inventory of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Appendix 5 Management Unit Map of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Appendix 6 Cattle Lease
Appendix 7 Pepper Ranch Preserve – Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program
2010 and 2011 Brochure
Appendix 8 Pepper Ranch Preserve – Land Use Compatibility Matrix
Appendix 9 Parcel Folio Map of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Appendix 10 Wildlife Camera Photographs
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 10
1.0 Introduction
The Pepper Ranch Preserve is 2,510.01 acres of natural and agricultural lands located
along the north shore of Lake Trafford in north central Collier County, Florida. The
preserve contains various native plant communities, including bottomland forest, upland
mixed forest, strand swamp, slough, pine flatwoods, depression marshes, and improved
A site assessment to determine compliance with the Conservation Collier initial screening
criteria was conducted in September, October and November 2007 and the Conservation
Collier Program purchased the property in February 2009. The County holds fee simple
title to the Pepper Ranch Preserve. The Conservation Collier program manages these
lands under authority granted by the Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002 -63 as
amended (2007-65) (available from Initial acquisition activities
are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Acquisition History and Status of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Year Benchmark
2006 FLUCFCS mapping of a portion of the preserve conducted by Scheda
2007 Property nominated to the Conservation Collier Program
2007 Initial Site Assessment by Conservation Collier Staff
2007 Acceptance of Initial Criteria Screening Report by the Conservation Collier
Land Acquisition Advisory Committee
2008 Phase I Environmental Assessment Conducted by Environmental Consulting
and Technology, Inc. for Collier County
2008 Approved for purchase by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
2009 Purchase of the Pepper Ranch property
2009 Developed Interim Management Plan
2009 BCC approved the Interim Management Plan
2010 Completed Final Land Management Plan
2018 Land Management Plan 5-year update and approved by the CCLAAC
The preserve consists of approximately 43% (±1087.15 acres) wetland plant communities
and approximately 57% (±1422.86 acres) upland plant communities. Conservation,
restoration and natural resource-based recreation are the designated uses of this property.
Management activities allowed include those necessary to preserve, restore, secure and
maintain this environmentally sensitive land for the benefit of present and future
generations. Public use of the site must be consistent with these management goals.
This is the Final Management Plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve. This 10-year
management plan was approved byill be submitted to the Collier County Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) for its approval on 6/28/11. T When approved, this plan
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 11
will replaced the Interim Management Plan. Changes made to this plan during the 5-year
review process will be brought before the BCC for their approval in 2018.
1.1 Conservation Collier: Land Acquisition Program and Management Authority
The Conservation Collier program was originally approved by voters in November 2002
and subsequently confirmed in the November 2006 ballot referendum. Both voter-
approved referendums enable the program to acquire environmentally sensitive
conservation lands within Collier County, Florida (Ordinance 2002-63, as amended 2007-
65). Properties must support at least two of the following qualities to qualif y for further
consideration: rare habitat, aquifer recharge, flood control, water quality protection, and
listed species habitat. The BCC appointed a Land Acquisition Advisory Committee to
consider any selected or nominated properties that an owner has indicated a willingness
to sell. The committee recommends property purchases for final approval by the BCC.
Lands acquired with Conservation Collier funds are titled to “COLLIER COUNTY, a
political subdivision of the State of Florida, by and through its Conservation Collier
program.” The Collier County BCC established the Conservation Collier program to
implement the program and to manage acquired lands. As such, Conservation Collier
holds management authority for the Pepper Ranch Preserve. Conservation Collier is
therefore established to acquire, preserve, restore, and maintain vital and significant threatened
natural lands, forest, upland and wetland communities located in Collier County, for the benefit of
present and future generations.
1.2 Purpose and Scope of the Land Management Plan
The purpose of the plan is to provide management direction for Pepper Ranch Preserve
by identifying the goals and objectives necessary to eliminate or minimize any threats to
the resources and integrity of the preserve. This text is a working document that
establishes the foundation of the ten-year plan by identifying the appropriate management
techniques necessary to preserve and/or restore the resource.
This plan will balance resource restoration and protection with natural resource-based
recreational and educational use while looking at restoration needs, listed species
protection and maintenance of the site free of invasive, exotic plant and animal species.
This plan is divided into sections that incorporate an introduction, descriptions of the
natural and cultural resources, projected uses of the property, management issues, and
goals and objectives.
1.3 Location of the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Pepper Ranch Preserve is located at 6315 Pepper Road just west of the town of
Immokalee, Florida (See Figure 1; legal description in Appendix 1). It is in north central
Collier County, along the north shoreline of Lake Trafford within Sections 22, 26, 27, 28,
33, and 35, Township 46 South, and Range 28 East.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 12
Figure 1: General Location of and Directions to Pepper Ranch Preserve.
1.4 Regional Significance of the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Ecosystem services such as the protection of water resources, flood control, maintenance
of nutrient cycles, preservation of biological diversity, carbon sequestration, and the
availability of recreational lands are imperative for the well-being of the citizens of
Collier County and may be achieved through the preservation of natural areas. As of
February 20173,April 2008 approximately 686% (over 880,980 880,980 acres) of all land
in Collier County were protected in conservation areas (Figure 2) and managed by
private, local, state and federal agencies (FNAI 2008). Collier County’s Conservation
Collier Program manages the 2,510.01-acre Pepper Ranch Preserve; it contains upland
mixed forest, strand swamp, slough, prairie hammock, pine flatwoods, improved pasture,
dry prairie, freshwater marshes, bottomland forest, and wet prairie.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 13
Figure 2: Conserved Lands in Collier County, Florida Including Lands Owned by
Conservation Collier.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 14
1.5 Nearby Public Lands and Designated Water Resources
Pepper Ranch Preserve shares its western and a portion of its northern boundary with the
Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed or CREW Trust conservation lands. The
closest Conservation Collier Program property to Pepper Ranch Preserve is the Caracara
Prairie Preserve, which is approximately 1.23 miles directly to the west. Other preserves,
in order of increasing distance, are provided in Table 2. Figure 3 shows the locations of
these preserves.
Table 2: Public Lands Located near the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Name Distance
(miles) Direction Type
CREW 0.00 W State
Caracara Prairie Preserve 1.23 W Conservation Collier
Corkscrew Swamp
Sanctuary 2.03 SW National Audubon Society
Red RootLimpkin Marsh
Preserve 5.26 S/SW Conservation Collier
Imperial Marsh Preserve 5.63 SE Lee County Conservation
Figure 3: Preserves and Protected Lands in the Vicinity of Pepper Ranch Preserv e
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 15
1.6 Public Involvement
Community involvement in the review of this management plan and all future updates
arewill be coordinated through the general public via public meetings. The community
at large will be contacted through direct mailing notices to residents, other preserve
managers and businesses within 1,500 feet of the preserve boundaries. Official public
notices will be posted on the County website. Staff will seek to coordinate management
actions, such as exotic removal and prescribed fires with managers/owners of adjoining
public and private lands.
Staff worked with Immokalee Civic Group(s) including the Immokalee Community
Redevelopment Association, Collier County Sheriff’s Department and neighboring
property owners to discuss public use and access issues. Two public meetings were
held (January 28 and February 11, 2010) to provide the general public an opportunity
to review and comment on this Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan.
Specifically, these meetings gave the general public an opportunity to learn about the
Conservation Collier Program, future land management plans and potential for public
use at Pepper Ranch Preserve. This forum also allowed the public to voice any
concerns or objections they may have had with any of these issues as presented here
in the Final Land Management Plan.
Conservation Collier and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
held two workshops (February 18 and March 18, 2010) with outdoor sportsmen’s
clubs and hunters to develop a Hunt Program for Pepper Ranch Preserve. Over 20
people attended the February 18th, 2010 meeting, including representatives from the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Commissioner
Colletta, to discuss how best to create a Hunt Program for the preserve. A significant
amount of information was collected from this meeting to incorporate into a Hunt
Management Plan for the preserve including how often to allow hunts, how many
hunters, what types of weapons, check station and registration logistics etc.
After the February 18th, 2010 meeting, the first draft of the Hunt Management Plan
was created and posted for public review. During the March 18th, 2010 meeting,
approximately 10 local hunters attended including Commissioner Colletta , to review
the draft Hunt Management Plan. The consensus at this meeting was to divide the
ranch into sections and each hunter would have to stay in their section during the
hunt. The use of rifles was also discussed as well as safety zones and parking areas.
Over the weekend of April 16-18, 2010, the first Annual Youth Hunt was held at
Pepper Ranch Preserve. FWC and volunteers managed the hunt and it was a huge
success. Fifteen youth hunters participated, aged 12-17, and 4 hogs were harvested.
At the April 27, 2010 Collier County BCC meeting, the draft Public Hunt
Management Plan for Pepper Ranch was brought for BCC approval. At this meeting,
Conservation Collier staff was directed to hold two (2) additional public meetings to
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 16
determine if hunting should be limited to youth hunts only or to the general public.
These meetings were held on May 12 and May 19, 2010. The results of that meeting
were to hold at least 2 youth hunts per year and leave the remaining hunts open to the
general public.
Two additional public meetings were held to provide the public an opportunity to
give input on the required 5-year plan update. The meetings were held on March 21,
2017 in Immokalee, and the second was held at the Collier County Extension office
on March 28, 2017.
The off-road cycling group representing Southwest Florida, the called of the Florida
Mudcutters, which represent southwest Florida have been active partners since May
2012. Members have volunteered over 2,000 hours and to haveto help developed and
maintained biking trails in designated places locations along the western portion
ofthroughout the preserve.
The Caloosa Saddle Club, a local horseback riding group, has also expressed interest in
bringing groups to the Preserve to ride on designated trails. Both groups have
gaveprovidediven County staff input on the conceptual plan for the existing trails.
Several Eagle Scouts and Boy Scouts Groups have volunteered to assist in projectstime
and materials to improve the preserve and trail systems such as building picnic tables,
kiosks, hitching post, campground design and development and campground fire rings,
marking trails and installing bat boxes.
Staff will seek to coordinate management actions, such as exotic removal and prescribed
fires with managers/owners of adjoining public and private lands.
2.0 Natural Resources
2.1 Physiography
Pepper Ranch Preserve lies within the Floridian section of the Coastal Plain. The Coastal
Plain extends from New Jersey to Texas and was formed mainly from sedimentary rocks
deposited in marine environments (U.S. Geological Survey, USGS 2004).
2.1.1 Topography and Geomorphology
The site is located in the Southwestern Slope region of the South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD). According to the Florida Geographic Data Layer
(FGDL), taken from the USGS Quadrangle Map, the topography of the area is relatively
level with an average elevation of twenty feet above sea level and slopes gently
southwestward toward the Gulf of Mexico. Surface water percolates directly through the
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 17
pervious ground or it collects in natural depressions and man-made ditches onsite. In
natural areas, when the ground is completely saturated the accumulated surface water will
drain offsite through sheet flow.
2.1.2 Geology
The geology of northern Collier County, where the Pepper Ranch Preserve is located, is
characterized by complex sequences of interbedded sands, clays, and limestone. Closest
to the surface is the Holocene aged Pamlico Sand Formation, approximately ten feet thick
and composed primarily of unconsolidated quartz sand and some silt. The Pamlico Sand
unconformably overlies the Pleistocene aged Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee
Formations, which vary from a few feet to more than twenty feet in thickness and are
characterized by shelly and sandy limestone with vugs and solution cavities (Miller
Below the Fort Thompson and Caloosahatchee Formations are the Ochopee and
Buckingham Members of the Pliocene aged Tamiami Formation, which are at least 200
feet thick in the surrounding areas (Oaks & Dunbar 1974). The Ochopee Limestone
unconformably overlies the Buckingham Limestone and/or the equivalent Cape Coral
Clay. This unconformity marks the bottom of the surficial aquifer separating it from the
brackish underlying aquifer below. Then the Hawthorn Formation, rich in phosphate and
other heavy minerals (Scott 1988), overlies the Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone and
Eocene age Ocala Limestone that form the Floridan Aquifer System in Southwestern
Florida. The Pepper Ranch Preserve is located within the Southwestern Slope.
Geologically, this is the dominant feature of Collier County (Campbell 1990). Figure 4
provides a current aerial view of the Pepper Ranch Preserve.
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Figure 4: Aerial View of the Pepper Ranch Preserve
2.1.3 Soils
Mapped soils on this parcel were identified by the Natural Resource Conservation
Services (NRCS) as Riviera Copeland fine sand, Oldsmar fine sand, Riviera fine sand, Ft.
Drum and Malabar, Chobee Winder and Gator soils, Boca Riviera and Copeland
depressional, Tuscawilla fine sand, Winder Riviera Chobee soils depressional, and
Pennsuco silt loam (Figure 5).
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Figure 5: Soil Units on the Pepper Ranch Preserve
The following soils descriptions comprise the six hydric or depressional soils at Pepper
Ranch Preserve. Winder Riviera Chobee soils underlie 17.6% of the Pepper Ranch
Preserve and are very poorly drained soils, or depressional soils; they are typical of
marshes. These soils under natural conditions remain ponded, i.e. have standing water,
for 6 months or more during most years. Examples of natural vegetation found on these
soils include: sawgrass, maidencane, pickerelweed, fireflag, willow, and other wetland
plants (Liudahl et al. 1990). Riviera Copeland fine sand, which underlies 13.3% of the
Pepper Ranch Preserve, is another hydric or depressional soil found on the preserve.
They are a poorly drained soil and are typical of sloughs and cypress swamps. During
times of high rainfall, the soils are covered by shallow, slowly moving water for about 7
days. Otherwise during most of the wet season, under natural conditions, the seasonal
high-water table is within a depth of 12 inches for 3-6 months; and for the remainder of
the year the water table is below a depth of 12 inches receding to 40 inches or below
during extended dry periods (Liudahl et al. 1990). Chobee Winder and Gator soils
comprise 7.4% of Pepper Ranch Preserve. They are very poorly drained soils found in
depressions and marshes. Under natural conditions these soils are ponded for 6 months
or more of the year, for most years. The water table recedes to within 12 inches the
remainder of the year and down to 12-40 inches during extended dry periods. Natural
vegetation consists of pickerelweed, maidencane, rushes, fireflag, sawgrass, willow, and
a few cypress trees (Liudahl et al. 1990). Pennsuco silt loam is a poorly drained soil
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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found on low prairies and it comprises 4.1% of the soils found at Pepper Ranch Preserve.
Under natural conditions, the seasonal high-water table is within a depth of 12 inches for
4-6 months during most years. A few inches of water is above the surface during
extremely wet periods. Natural vegetation typically consists of sawgrass, reeds, scattered
areas of cypress, maidencane, needlegrass, sedges, wax myrtle, and other wetland plants
(Liudahl et al. 1990). The Boca, Riviera and Copeland map unit is a hydric soil that
comprises 2.8% of the soils found at Pepper Ranch Preserve. It is found in depressions,
cypress swamps, and marshes. Under natural conditions, these soils are ponded for 6
months or more each year. During the remainder of the year the water table is within a
depth of 12 inches, and it recedes to a depth of 12-40 inches during extended dry periods.
The natural vegetation consists mostly of cypress, pickerelweed, rushes, fireflag,
sawgrass, and willow (Liudahl et al. 1990). Only a small percentage of the soils at
Pepper Ranch Preserve are Riviera fine sand (0.1%), which is a poorly drained soil found
in sloughs and broad, poorly defined drainageways. Under natural conditions, the
seasonal high-water table is within a depth of 12 inches for 3-6 months during most
years. During the other months, the water table is below a depth of 12 inches, and it
recedes to a depth of more than 40 inches during extended dry periods. During periods of
high rainfall, the soil is covered by shallow, slowly moving water for about 7 days.
Natural vegetation found on these soils consists of scattered areas of South Florida slash
pine, cypress, cabbage palm, wax myrtle, sand cordgrass, gulf muhly, blue maidencane,
South Florida bluestem, and chalky bluestem (Liudahl et al. 1990).
The following soils descriptions comprise the three non-hydric soils found at Pepper
Ranch Preserve. Tuscawilla fine sand underlies 30.5% of the Pepper Ranch Preserve and
is a non-hydric or non-wetland soil association found in areas typical of flatwoods and
hammocks. Under natural conditions, the seasonal high-water table is at a depth of 6-18
inches for 1-6 months during most years. The remainder of the year the water table is
below 18 inches. During times of drought, the water table can recede to a depth of
greater than 40 inches. Natural vegetation consists of oak, cabbage palm, red maple, red
bay, South Florida slash pine, wax myrtle, maidencane, and chalky bluestem (Liudahl et
al. 1990). Oldsmar fine sand underlies 18.2% of the Pepper Ranch Preserve and is als o a
non-hydric soil. Oldsmar fine sand is a nearly level and poorly drained soil found in pine
flatwoods. During extended dry periods, the water table may recede to a depth of 40+
inches, but under natural conditions, the seasonal high-water table is between a depth of
6-18 inches. Flora typically associated with this soil type includes South Florida slash
pine, cabbage palm, saw palmetto and wax myrtle (Liudahl et al. 1990). Fort Drum and
Malabar fine sands are non-hydric soils typically found on ridges adjacent to sloughs.
These soils comprise 4.6% of the soils at Pepper Ranch Preserve. Under natural
conditions, the seasonal high-water table is at a depth of 6-18 inches for 1-6 months
during most years. During the remainder of the year, the water table is below a depth of
18 inches, and it recedes to a depth of more than 40 inches during extended dry periods.
Natural vegetation found on these soils is generally South Florida slash pine, saw
palmetto, live oak, cabbage palm, wax myrtle, chalky bluestem, creeping bluestem, low
panicum and pineland threeawn (Liudahl et al. 1990).
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2.1.4 Hydrology/Water Management
Near the surface, the aquifer is highly permeable and the groundwater flows toward the
west. However, permeability decreases downward from a porous limestone into poorly
indurated sandstone cemented by micrite. The aquifer grades from freshwater downward
into brackish water due to the proximity of the Gulf of Mexico to the west and the
brackish water in the intermediate aquifer made primarily of Miocene aged sediments.
Below that, the Hawthorne formation typically marks the upper boundary of the Floridian
aquifer, which is contained within the underlying Oligocene age Suwannee Limestone
(Lodge 2005).
There are numerous ditches and berms at Pepper Ranch Preserve that are associated with
the former agricultural activities. There are also elevated roads with associated ditches
that run through the center of the preserve, initially in an east-west direction, then running
north-south all the way to the southwestern portion of the preserve (see Figure 6 for land
use and cover map). These ditches and berms are likely affecting the hydrology of the
wetlands in which they connect.
The Surficial Aquifer is an aquifer close to the surface and unconfined, typically
associated with the groundwater table. This aquifer is generally limited to smaller uses
such as household or small agricultural uses. The Lower Tamiami aquifer is below this
aquifer and is recognized as being useful for long-term water needs. According to the
SFWMD’s technical publication 95-02 (Fairbank & Hohner 1995), the Surficial Aquifer
recharge capacity on the Pepper Ranch Preserve is moderate at 43 to 56 inches annually,
with parts of the eastern portion of the preserve exhibiting a recharge capacity of less
than 43 inches annually. The Lower Tamiami Aquifer recharge capacity on the preserve
is relatively low ranging from less than 7 inches and up to 14 inches annually.
2.2 Climate
The Pepper Ranch Preserve is located in an area of Florida where humid subtropical and
tropical savanna climatic patterns overlap, with temperatures moderated by winds from
the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Sharply delineated wet and dry seasons and
average monthly temperatures greater than 64º Fahrenheit characterize a tropical savanna
climate. Monthly rainfalls may exceed ten inches during the wet season. On the other
hand, humid subtropical climates typically show less extreme rainfall fluctuations
between wet and dry seasons and average monthly temperatures are less than 64º
Fahrenheit in some months.
The average annual temperature for the coastal portion of Collier County is
approximately 75º Fahrenheit. The warmest months are usually July and August. The
humidity is high during these months but frequent afternoon thunderstorms prevent
excessively high temperatures. Two-thirds of the annual rainfall occurs in the wet
season from May to October. Thunderstorms are frequent during the wet season,
occurring every two out of three days between June and September. Rainfall records for
the area indicate that there is not significant variation in the annual rainfall throughout
much of the county; however, large variations often occur during a single year. The
Atlantic hurricane season extends from June through November with peak activity
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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occurring in September and October when ocean temperatures are highest.
2.3 Natural Plant Communities
A plant community refers to the suite of floristic species that form the natural vegetatio n
of any place. In addition to anthropogenic influences, the combination of factors such as
geology, topography, hydrology, underlying soils and climate determine the types of
plants found in an area. These plants, in turn determine the animal species that may be
found there. The description or classifications of these floral communities differ by
agency and are based on an agency’s goals and objectives for identifying plant
communities. As some categorizations are broad (e.g., forest) while others are specific
(e.g., mesic pine flatwoods), determining how each organization classifies a community
may be difficult. The plant communities observed on the Pepper Ranch Preserve are
presented using the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System
(FLUCFCS) created by the Florida Department of Transportation (1999). This system
classifies all land uses including plant communities. These classifications were then
translated to the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) classifications. The Guide to the
Natural Communities of Florida (1990) was utilized to convert from FLUCFCS to FNAI
In the fall of 2009 Johnson Engineering ecologists mapped the vegetation communities
and other land uses found on the Pepper Ranch Preserve using the FLUCFCS
designations. There are 25 distinct plant communities/land uses on the preserve. Some
of these land uses are further described as disturbed and/or by the level of invasive exotic
plants they exhibit. The number 9 qualifier in the FLUCFCS code represents a
disturbance in the plant community, generally due to a hydrologic impairment and in
some cases the disturbance is from a cleared understory. The letter E qualifier represents
the level of invasive exotic vegetation present by percent cover. Table 3 summarizes the
plant communities mapped for the Pepper Ranch Preserve in 2009. The table also
provides a brief description of each FLUCFCS code. Figure 6 visually depicts these land
cover designations from 2009. Due to the size of Pepper Ranch Preserve, a 2’x3’ map of
the land cover designations for 2009 is provided in Appendix 2.
Table 3: Extent of Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS)
Designations from 2009 on the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Code Description Wetland
Status Acreage
1641 Oil field N 5.63
211 Improved pasture N 619.26
2111 Cattle pen N 0.38
3109 Upland prairie, disturbed N 3.73
310E1 Upland prairie, disturbed, exotics 5-24% N 37.35
310E2 Upland prairie, disturbed, exotics 25-49% N 4.01
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Table 3: Extent of Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS)
Designations from 2009 on the Pepper Ranch Preserve (continued)
Code Description Wetland
Status Acreage
3209 Upland shrub, disturbed N 3.53
411 Pine flatwoods N 149.95
4119 Pine flatwoods, disturbed N 40.80
4119E1 Pine flatwoods, disturbed, exotics 5-24% N 1.44
4119E2 Pine flatwoods, disturbed, exotics 25-49% N 27.45
4119E4 Pine flatwoods, exotics 75-100% N 3.69
422 Brazilian pepper, non-hydric N 1.15
427/428 Oak/Cabbage palm N 11.22
427E1 Oak, exotics 5-24% N 1.57
428E1 Cabbage palm, exotics 5-24% N 3.82
428E3 Cabbage palm, exotics 50-74% N 4.31
434 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm N 270.92
4349 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed N 1.99
4349E1 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed, exotics 5-24% N 149.74
4349E2 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed, exotics 25-49% N 8.86
434B Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, burned N 34.65
437 Australian pine N 1.15
743 Spoil N 1.24
743E4 Spoil, exotics 75-100% N 9.49
8145 Shell road, graded and drained N 20.63
8146 Primitive trail N 4.90
512 Ditches OSW 34.49
512E4 Ditches, exotics 75-100% OSW 0.66
742 Borrow pond OSW 1.43
211H Improved pasture, hydric W 47.70
Table 3: Extent of Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS)
Designations from 2009 on the Pepper Ranch Preserve (continued)
6151 Red maple swamp W 76.56
6152 Pop ash swamp W 15.05
6162 Pond apple depression W 0.71
6169E1 Pond apple, laurel oak, cabbage palm, disturbed, exotics 5-24% W 0.83
6189 Willow/shrub wetland, disturbed W 5.44
6192 Brazilian pepper, hydric W 4.26
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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621 Cypress W 82.41
624 Cypress, pine, cabbage palm W 2.51
624E1 Cypress, pine, cabbage palm, exotics 5-24% W 41.15
630 Wetland forested mix W 145.46
630E1 Wetland forested mix, exotics 5-24% W 3.85
631 Shrub wetland W 243.38
6319E1 Shrub wetland, disturbed, exotics 5-24% W 12.26
6319E2 Shrub wetland, disturbed, exotics 25-49% W 0.56
631E1 Shrub wetland, exotics 5-24% W 1.35
641 Freshwater marsh W 42.60
6419 Freshwater marsh, disturbed W 44.83
6419E1 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 5-24% W 70.99
6419E2 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 25-49% W 26.19
6419E3 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 50-74% W 5.92
641E1 Freshwater marsh, exotics 5-24% W 135.72
641E2 Freshwater marsh, exotics 25-49% W 26.37
641E3 Freshwater marsh, exotics 50-74% W 1.27
643 Wet prairie W 5.21
6439E2 Wet prairie, disturbed, exotics 25-49% W 7.50
643E1 Wet prairie, disturbed, exotics 5-24% W 0.49
Total 2510.01
W – wetland
N – non-wetland
OSW – other surface water
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Figure 6: Distribution of Natural Communities and other Land Uses on the Pepper Ranch Preserve; 2009 FLUCFCS Layer
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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The vegetation classification scheme of the FNAI and the Florida Department of Natural
Resources (FDNR) (1990) are presented in Table 4. This table is based on the natural
plant communities observed on the Pepper Ranch Preserve. The following subsections
(2.3.1 - 2.3.6) provide information about the natural plant communities observed on the
preserve according to their FNAI designations. Subsection 2.3.7 describes the altered
communities found at Pepper Ranch Preserve. Figure 7 visually depicts the FNAI
designations for the preserve based on the 2009 field verifications. Due to the size of
Pepper Ranch Preserve, a 2’x3’ map of the FNAI designations is provided in Appendix 3.
Table 4: Summary of Natural Communities on the Pepper Ranch Preserve
FNAI Natural
Bottomland forest G4 S3 9.87% Also called bottomland hardwoods and mesic hammock
Depression marsh G4 S4 14.09% Also called isolated wetland and ephemeral pond
Dry prairie G2 S2 1.94% Also called palmetto prairie
Mesic flatwoods G4 S4 8.97% Also called pine flatwoods
Prairie Hammock G3 S3 0.83% Also called palm/oak hammock and hydric hammock
Slough G3 S3 10.25%
Strand swamp G4 S4 3.28% Also called cypress strand
Upland mixed forest G4 S4 18.56% Also called upland hardwood and mesic hammock
Wet flatwoods G4 S4 1.74% Also called hydric flatwoods
Wet prairie G3 S2 0.53% Also called savannah and coastal prairie
1 70.06% of Pepper Ranch Preserve is comprised of natural communities. The remaining 29.94% is
comprised of altered communities as described in subsection 2.3.7.
Definition of Global (G) element ranks:
G2 = Imperiled globally because of rarity (6-20 occurrences or very little remaining
area, e.g., <10,000 acres) or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable
to extinction throughout its range;
G3 = Either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally (even abundantly
at some of its locations) in a restricted range or because of other factors making it
vulnerable to extinction throughout its range, 21 to 100 occurrences;
G4 = Apparently secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range,
especially at the periphery.
Definition of State (S) element ranks:
S2 = Imperiled in state because of rarity (6-20 occurrences or little remaining area) or
because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extinction throughout it
S3 = Rare or uncommon in state (on the order of 21 to 100 occurrences);
S4 = Apparently secure in state, although it may be rare in some parts of its state range.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 7: Extent of Natural Plant Communities Currently Found on the Pepper Ranch Preserve.
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2.3.1 Uplands: Upland Mixed Forest
The upland mixed forest community comprises approximately 18.56% of the Pepper
Ranch Preserve, the largest acreage of which is located primarily in the southwestern
portion of the preserve but also occurs throughout the preserve in smaller acreages
(Figure 7).
Upland mixed forests in south
Florida are also known as upland
hardwoods, mesic hammocks,
prairie hammocks, xeric
hammocks, hydric hammocks
(FNAI 1990) and mesic
temperate hammocks (USFWS
1999). This plant community at
Pepper Ranch Preserve is
characterized by live oaks
(Quercus virginiana) and laurel
oaks (Quercus laurifolia) (both
hardwood species), south Florida
slash pine (Pinus elliottii var.
densa), cabbage palms (Sabal
palmetto), and some cypress
(Taxodium spp.) and strangler
figs (Ficus aurea), that together
generally form a closed canopy. The midcanopy includes myrsine (Myrsine guainensis),
dahoon holly (Ilex cassine) and wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). The plant species found in
the understory are mainly native species including blue maindencane (Amphicarpum
muhlenbergianum), foxtail grass (Setaria sp.), carpet grasses (Axonopus spp.), slender
goldenrod (Euthamia caroliniana), musky mint (Hyptis alata), chocolate weed (Melochia
corchorifolia), swamp fern (Blechnum serrulatum), capeweed (Phyla nodiflora), wild
coffee (Psychotria nervosa) and varying densities of the invasive exotic torpedo grass
(Panicum repens). Originally in theIn the disturbed portions of this community,
Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) compriseds up to 24% of the midcanopy
otherwise it is present at less than 5% coverage. In the herbaceous layer of the disturbed
areas of this community there wereare significant levels (26-50% coverage) of
caesarweed (Urena lobata) and some (1-5% coverage) dogfennel (Eupatorium
capillifolium). These areas have been treated several times since acquisition, however a
significant seed source exists. Ongoing maintenance is being conducted on an annual or
bi-annual basis.
The closed canopy and abundant hardwood mast provided by this plant community
attracts a number of wildlife species seeking food, cover, roosting, and nesting sites.
Additionally, these areas are ideal stopover areas for migratory passerines. Since these
communities occur on relatively well-drained sites, they are also attractive for human
habitation and recreational uses. These anthropogenic uses have increased the number of
Upland Mixed Forest Community within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
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Depression Marsh Community within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
invasive plant and animal species in these areas and have resulted in degraded hardwood
forests throughout the state (USFWS 1999).
2.3.2 Wetlands: Depression Marsh
Depression marsh, also known as freshwater marsh, isolated wetland, or ephemeral pond,
comprises approximately 14.09% of the Pepper Ranch. Even though these wetlands are
present throughout the preserve, they are more prevalent in the central portion of the
preserve and eastward to the property boundary.
Freshwater marshes are often scattered among upland, pine flatwoods communities as is
the case at Pepper Ranch Preserve. Only 12% of this plant community at Pepper Ranch
Preserve appears to be
hydrologically undisturbed.
This determination was
made solely by observing
the plant composition in
the disturbed marshes,
which consisted of varying
levels of upland and
transitional species,
nuisance and invasive
exotic species, as well as
by noting the relatively low
water levels or lack thereof
in comparison to the
seemingly undisturbed
marshes. Further
hydrologic investigations
would be necessary to
determine if hydrology was
the actual cause of the
noted disturbance.
Native plant species found within this plant community included maidencane (Panicum
hemitomon), Southeastern sunflower (Helianthus agrestis), blue maidencane, American
cupscale (Sacciolepis striata), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), alligator flag (Thalia
geniculata), swamp fern , sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense), narrowfruit horned beaksedge
(Rhyncospera inundata), southern beaksedge (Rhyncospora microcarpa), pale
meadowbeauty (Rhexia mariana), bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia), musky
mint, Virginia buttonweed (Diodea virginiana), common buttonbush (Cephalanthus
occidentalis), lemon bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana), spikerushes (Eleocharis spp.),
American white waterlily (Nymphaea odorata), broomsedge bluestem (Andropogon
virginicus), sand cordgrass (Spartina bakeri), redtop panicum (Panicum rigidulum), and
corkwood (Stillingia aquatica). The nuisance and invasive exotic plant species observed
in this community include torpedo grass, dog fennel, caesarweed , Southern crabgrass
(Digitaria ciliaris), tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum), alligator weed (Alternanthera
philoxeroides), Brazilian pepper, melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia), Peruvian
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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primrosewillow (Ludwigia peruviana), and valamuerto (Senna pendula var. glabrata).
In Florida, these marshes are influenced by their subtropical location, fluctuating water
levels, frequency and intensity of fire, organic matter accumulation and hard water
(Kushlan 1990). These factors, combined with the dominant species found within a
marsh, dictate the category within which the marsh is placed. Six major categories of
freshwater marshes are recognized in Florida. The marshes in the Pepper Ranch Preserve
are generally within the “flag marsh” category. These marshes usually have a moderate
(flooded 6 to 9 months) hydroperiod, a moderate (about once every ten years) fire
frequency and moderate to high (usually less than one meter deep to over a meter deep)
accumulation of organic material (Kushlan 1990).
2.3.3 Wetlands: Slough
Sloughs are generally abundant throughout Florida and at Pepper Ranch Preserve this
community comprises 10.25% of the preserve. It is located almost entirely in the western
portion of the preserve, and most of this community extends onto the adjacent CREW
According to the FNAI Guide to the
Natural Communities of Florida
(1990), sloughs are characterized as
broad shallow channels, inundated
with flowing water except during
extreme droughts. They are the
deepest drainageways within strand
swamps and swale systems. The
vegetation structure of sloughs is
variable but at Pepper Ranch Preserve
it is characterized, in general, by
Carolina willow (Salix caroliniana),
which is dominate, Carolina (pop) ash
(Fraxinus caroliniana). Sawgrass,
bog hemp (Boehmeria cylindrica) and
climbing hempweed (Mikania
scandens) were some of the
herbaceous species observed in the
The canopies formed in these sloughs,
especially in south Florida, are ideal
moist, warm habitats for rare and
endangered tropical epiphytes. Many
Caribbean species that occur in this
community are virtually never
encountered in other Florida habitats. Pond apple branches are often heavily loaded with
epiphytic orchids, bromeliads, and ferns. Typical animals include ribbon snake,
Slough Community within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
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cottonmouth, opossum, gray squirrel, black bear, raccoon, mink, otter, Florida panther,
and white-tailed deer (FNAI 1990).
Sloughs often occur over the lowest part of linear depressions in the underlying limestone
bedrock. The peat soils found in sloughs can be destroyed by catastrophic fires that often
occur during droughts. The typical hydroperiod in this community is at least 250 days per
year. Sloughs are often found in association with cypress swamps and may also occur in
floodplain swamps and basin swamps (FNAI 1990).
Sloughs are extremely vulnerable to hydrologic disturbance and must have a reliable,
quality water source to persist. The lack of invasive plant species observed in this
community at Pepper Ranch Preserve is indicative of a high-quality system.
2.3.4 Wetlands: Bottomland Forest
This community at the Pepper Ranch Preserve appears in association with Lake Trafford
along the southern perimeter of the preserve, and with the large slough occurring on the
western portion of the preserve. This natural community covers 9.87% of the preserve.
Bottomland forest is characterized as a
low-lying, closed-canopy forest of tall,
straight trees with either a dense
shrubby understory and little ground
cover, or an open understory and ground
cover of ferns, herbs, and grasses (FNAI
1990). At Pepper Ranch Preserve the
latter is most often observed, with red
maple (Acer rubrum) as the dominate
canopy tree, some buttonbush in the
midcanopy and sawgrass, alligator flag,
swamp fern, and cinnamon fern
(Osmunda cinnamomea) in the
The canopy of these forests is dense and
closed, except during winter in areas
where deciduous trees predominate, as
in Pepper Ranch Preserve. The air
movement and light penetration are thus
generally low, making the humidity high
and relatively constant. Because of
these characteristics, bottomland forests
rarely burn. This is also a very stable
community that requires a hundred years
or more to mature. Nearly all
bottomland forests in Florida have been logged, which often leaves long-lasting scars
from soil disturbance (FNAI 1990).
Bottomland Forest Community
within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
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2.3.5 Uplands: Mesic Flatwoods
The pine flatwoods community comprises approximately 8.97% of the Pepper Ranch
Preserve. This plant community is located predominately in the central and eastern
portions of the preserve. Pine flatwoods are one of the most wide -ranging terrestrial
plant communities in Florida and consequently one of the most influenced by
anthropogenic activities (Abrahamson & Hartnett 1990). Fire strongly influences the
community structure and composition of this community. The term pine flatwoods is a
general categorization of areas that are dominated by various species of pine (Pinus spp.)
trees. Pine flatwoods may be found in mesic flatlands where the landscape is made up of
flat, moderately well drained sandy substrates with a mixture of organic material, often
with an underlying hard pan layer. An open canopy forest of widely spaced pine trees
with little or no understory but a dense ground cover of herbs and shrubs characterize
natural, mesic flatwoods that have been burned regularly (FNAI 1990).
The U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) NRCS
classification system refers to
these areas as South Florida
flatwoods. South Florida
flatwoods are typically savannas,
a type of plant community
intermediate between forest and
grassland. Mesic pine
flatwoods are also called mesic
flatwoods, pine savanna,
cabbage palm savanna, and pine
barrens. The flatwoods at
Pepper Ranch are characterized
by a south Florida slash pine
dominate canopy with some live
oaks, wax myrtle and saw
palmetto (Serenoa repens) in the
subcanopy, and a myriad of herbs and forbs forming the ground cover, such as: swamp
fern, grape vine (Vitis rotundifolia), American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), tall
elephant’s foot (Elephantopus elatus), greenbrier (Smilax sp.), caesarweed, and tick-
trefoil (Desmodium sp.).
Mesic flatwoods provide essential forested habitat for a variety of wildlife species
including Neotropical migratory birds, wide-ranging large carnivores, mid-sized
carnivores, ground-nesting vertebrates, tree-cavity dependent species, tree-nesting species
and non-aquatic plant life. “At the current rate of habitat conversion, the mesic pine
flatwoods, once the most abundant upland habitat in South Florida, is in danger of
becoming one of the rarest habitats in South Florida” (USFWS 1999c).
Mesic Flatwoods Community within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Steven W. Woodmansee
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 33
2.3.6 Other Natural Communities
All other natural communities (strand swamp, dry prairie, wet flatwoods, prairie
hammock, and wet prairie) at the Pepper Ranch Preserve collectively cover less than 9%
of the preserve.
Strand swamp is most commonly known as cypress
swamp and it is strictly found in the western portion of
Pepper Ranch Preserve in association with the slough
natural community. The typical vegetation found in this
community at Pepper Ranch Preserve includes: cypress
(Taxodium ascendens) in the canopy, Carolina (pop) ash
in the midcanopy, and the understory is mainly open
water with some alligator flag, pickerelweed, and
The dry prairie community at Pepper Ranch Preserve is
located in the extreme southwest and eastern portions of
the preserve. Portions of this community exhibit no
canopy, but where a canopy is present it is at less than
10% coverage and is made up of south Florida slash pine
and cabbage palms. The midcanopy appears to have
been cleared at one time and now consists
mainly of saw palmetto and wax myrtle.
The understory is dominated by
bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), and other
grasses and herbs present including: blue
maidencane, torpedo grass, knotroot
foxtail (Setaria parviflora), big
carpetgrass (Axonopus furcatus),
chocolate weed, tall elephant’s foot, tick-
trefoil, musky mint, netted pawpaw
(Asimina reticulata), slender goldenrod,
wire grass (Aristida stricta), and a variety
of sedges. The disturbed portions of this
community located in the eastern part of
the preserve exhibit less native plant
diversity, which has been replaced by
cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus), Peruvian primrose
willow, Caesar’s weed, and Brazilian pepper. The disturbance to the portions of this
community located in the southwestern part of the preserve appears to be due to a cleared
canopy. The invasive plants in these areas have been treated several times since
acquisition, however a significant seed source exists. Ongoing maintenance is being
conducted on an annual or bi-annual basis.
Strand Swamp Community within
Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Dry Prairie Community within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 34
The wet flatwoods of Pepper Ranch Preserve are
exclusively found in the western portion of the preserve
and they exhibit cypress, south Florida slash pine and
cabbage palms in the canopy, little to no midcanopy
and an understory similar to the adjacent strand swamp
The prairie hammocks at Pepper Ranch Preserve are an
upland community comprised of predominately live
oaks and cabbage palms in the canopy and a
midcanopy and understory similar to the upland mixed
forest as described above.
There are only four small areas of wet
prairie at Pepper Ranch Preserve
located in the southwestern portion of
the preserve and they exhibit the
following plant species: blue maidencane, sand
cordgrass, corkwood, broomsedge bluestem, haspan
flatsedge (Cyperus haspan), spadeleaf (Centella
asiatica), cypress witchgrass (Dichanthelium
ensifolium var. unciphyllum), southern
umbrellasedge (Fuirena scirpoidea), maidencane,
narrowfruit horned beaksedge, narrowleaf blue-
eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium). Portions
of this community also have the invasive exotic
torpedo grass, up to 50% coverage, and the
remaining portions are free of invasive exotic
vegetation. These invasive plant areas have been
treated several times since acquisition, however a
significant seed source exists. Ongoing
maintenance is being conducted on an annual or bi-
annual basis.
Wet Flatwoods Community within
Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Steven W. Woodmansee
Prairie Hammock Community
within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Wet Prairie Community
within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 35
2.3.7 Altered Communities
The most common community at Pepper Ranch Preserve is the improved pastures, which
is an altered community; they comprise 26.57% of the preserve. The majority of the
pastures exhibit upland grass and forbs species dominated by bahiagrass with a mixture
of the following species: limpograss (Hemarthria altissima), ragweed (Ambrosia
artemisiifolia), dogfennel, smutgrass,
bushy bluestem (Andropogon
glomeratus var. hirsutior), tick-trefoil,
capeweed, creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis
corniculata), rabbitbells (Crotalaria
rotundifolia), flatsedges, torpedo grass,
purple thistle (Cirsium horridulum),
knotroot foxtail, big carpetgrass,
woodland false buttonweed
(Spermacoce assurgens), and crabgrass.
Most of the pastures at Pepper Ranch
Preserve are rimmed with large
Brazilian pepper trees associated with
ditch/berm and fence lines. In the far
western portion of the preserve there is a
hydric pasture that exhibits more
wetland species than the other pastures and the underlying soils are hydric soils. There is
a midcanopy in the hydric pasture of pop ash, Brazilian pepper, and Carolina willow.
The herbaceous layer consists of southeastern sunflower, torpedo grass, bushy bluestem,
spadeleaf, Virginia buttonweed, blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum), musky mint,
and southern beaksedge.
Three oil fields are located adjacent to the hydric pasture at Pepper Ranch Preserve, two
of which are currently in operation. An elevated, graded shell road traverses the preserve
and provides access to the oil fields in the western portion of the preserve. There are also
numerous primitive roads and trails that provide access to the pastures and to the lodge;
the latter is located in the southeastern portion of the preserve. Ditches are typically
associated with the roads, trails, oil fields and pastures of the preserve. A few borrow
ponds are scattered throughout the preserve, usually located within pastures to provide
water for the cattle. These borrow ponds typically have spoil piles, some of which are
covered with Brazilian pepper.
There are only a few areas where exotics have formed a monoculture. The largest of
these areas is located at the southern end of a large depression marsh in the north portion
of the preserve where there is a hydric Brazilian pepper monoculture (4.26 acres). In the
southeastern portion of the preserve there were two small pockets of mature suckering
Australian pines (Casuarina glauca) totaling 1.15 acres. These areas have been treated
several times since acquisition, however a significant seed source exists. Ongoing
maintenance is being conducted on an annual or bi-annual basis. This area has been
treated and ongoing maintenance is being conducted on an annual or bi-annual basis.
Improved Pastures within Pepper Ranch Preserve
Photo taken by Johnson Engineering, Inc.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 36
2.4 Native Plant and Animal Species
The Pepper Ranch Preserve is composed of several upland and wetland natural
communities as well as altered communities such as the dominant feature, the improved
pastures. This section discusses the flora and fauna observed within these communities
and the next section (2.5) discusses all listed species in greater detail.
2.4.1 Plant Species
To date, 416 plant species have been recorded at the preserve (Appendix 4). A
comprehensive plant survey was conducted in September 2009 by botanist Steven W.
Woodmansee of Pro Native Consulting. An additional survey of Pepper Ranch Preserve
was conducted in May of 2010 to capture species in bloom that might have been missed
during the fall survey. Of these 416 species, 334 (80%) are native to Florida and 82 are
non-native (20%). Of the 82 non-native species, 32 are listed on Florida Exotic Pest Plant
Council’s (FLEPPC) 201709 List of Invasive Plant Species (243 Category I and 8nine
Category II).
2.4.2 Animal Species
When this original plan was written, Due to the there were limited surveys conducted
specifically for the occurrence of animal species (in contrast to plants) and the lack of on-
site staffing, little wasis recorded for actual occurrences of animals at the Pepper Ranch
Preserve. Occurrences of fauna at the preserve wereare based on direct visual and aural
observations made by staff, Johnson Engineering ecologists, and Pro Native Consulting
biologist during site visits or evidence of activity such as spoor, scat, or burrows, and
from the site information available in documents such as the site’s initial criteria
screening report, the property’s interim management plan and anecdotal information from
persons with knowledge of the site. Since acquisition, numerous wildlife cameras have
been deployed throughout the preserve and to give us a more complete list. frog and bird
surveys have been conducted to give us a more complete list. Table 5 provides a
comprehensive list of animals, both native and non-native, recorded on the Pepper Ranch
Preserve thus far.
Table 5: Faunal Species Observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name Protection Status
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus
American Kestrel Falco sparverius
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla
American Robin Turdus migratorius
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga
Audubon’s Crested Caracara Polyborus plancus audubonii T (FWC, USFWS)
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Delisted (USFWS & FWC)
Barred Owl Strix varia
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 37
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptula caerulea
Table 5: Faunal Species Observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve (continued)
Common Name Scientific Name Protection Status
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Common Bobwhite Colinus virginianus
Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus
Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens
Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna
Florida Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis pratensis T (FWC)
Black-Bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis
Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias
Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus
Great Egret Ardea alba
Green Heron Butorides virescens
Limpkin Aramus guarauna SSC(1)(FWC)
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea TSSC (1,4)(FWC)
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Northern Parula Parula americana
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus
Pine Warbler Dendroica pinus
Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Roseate Spoonbill Ajaia ajaja TSSC (1,4) (FWC)
Snowy Egret Egretta thula SSC (1)(FWC)
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor
Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor TSSC (1,4)(FWC)
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
White-eyed Vireo Vireo griseus
White Ibis Eudocimus albus SSC(2)(FWC)
Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 38
Wood Stork Mycteria americana TE (FWC), TE (USFWS)
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Nyctanassa violacea
Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata
Table 5: Faunal Species Observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve (continued)
Common Name Scientific Name Protection Status
Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus
Big Cypress Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger avicennia T (FWC) –not observed by staff
Bobcat Lynx rufus
Coyote Canis latrans
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus
Feral Hog* Sus scrofa
Florida Black Bear Ursus americanus floridanus T (FWC)
Florida Panther Puma concolor coryi E (FWC); E (USFWS)
Grey fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis
Opossum Didelphis virginiana
Raccoon Procyon lotor
River otter Lontra canadensis
Round-tailed Muskrat Neofiber alleni
White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus
American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis TSSC (FWC); T (USFWS)1
Black Racer Coluber constrictor priapus
Brown Anole* Anolis sagrei
Brown watersnake Nerodia taxispilota
Coral Snake Micrurus fulvius
Cottonmouth Snake Agkistrodon piscivorus
Diamondback Rattlesnake Crotalus adamanteus
Florida Box Turtle Terrapene carolina bauri
Florida Softshell Apalone ferox
Gopher Tortoise Gopherus polyphemus T (FWC)
Green Anole Anolis carolinensis
Pigmy Rattlesnake Sistrurus miliarius
Florida Softshell Snapping
Apalone feroxChelydra
Three-striped Mud Turtle Kinosternon bauri
Yellow Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata
Cane Toad* Rhinella marina
Cuban Tree Frog* Osteopilus septentrionalis
Eastern Narrow-mouthed
Toad Gastrophryne carolinensis
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 39
Greenhouse Frog*-ed Eleutherodactylus planirostris
Southern Toad* Anaxyrus terrestris
Green Treefrog Hyla cinerea
Oak Toad Anaxyrus quercicus
Pig Frog Lithobates grylio
Southern Cricket Frog Acris gryllus
Southern Leopard Frog Lithobates sphenocephalus
Squirrel Treefrog Hyla squirella
List of Abbreviations:
FWC = Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
USFWS = United States Fish and Wildlife Service
E = Endangered
T = Threatened
*- Invasive Exotic Species
The Florida Breeding Bird Atlas (FWC 2003) lists 49 avian species that have been
recorded as confirmed, probable, or possible breeding in the vicinity of the site (Table 6).
The Breeding Bird Atlas documents breeding distributions of all bird species in Florida
between 1986 and 1991. Due to the size and diversity of natural communities found at
Pepper Ranch Preserve, it is likely several of these species may breed at the preserve.
Pepper Ranch Preserve is adjacent to the 5,000 acre Corkscrew Marsh, a freshwater
wetland system home to the most historically productive wood stork nesting colony in the
nation. The wetland components of Pepper Ranch Preserve provide vital foraging habitat
for nesting woodstorks and successfully fledged chicks who utilize the preserve
throughout the nesting season and beyond. In addition to contributing to wood stork
nesting success in the area, Pepper Ranch Preserve is a priority nesting area for migratory
swallow-tailed kites who utilize the property from February-August. In cooperation with
FWC CREW WEA biologists, Conservation Collier staff conduct nest search and nest
monitoring surveys of swallow-tailed kites on the preserve from February-June. FWC
CREW biologists monitored 3 nests on the ranch during the 2016 nesting season, 6 nests
in 2017, and 15 nests in 2018 in cooperation with Conservation Collier staff.
Pepper Ranch Preserve wetland habitats provide nesting habitat to the Florida sandhill
cranes, a species designated as state-threatened by FWC. In the spring of 2018, 5 nesting
pairs were noted utilizing the property’s freshwater marsh habitats to nest and feed their
Other wildlife species that have not yet been recorded undoubtedly occur at t he Pepper Ranch Preserve.
During migration periods, transient bird species would be expected to utilize this area for short periods of
time such as the swallow-tailed kites. Kite nests were recorded on the preserve in 2017 and 2018 and were
monitored by FWC and Conservation Collier staff. The developed character of the adjacent areas may
inhibit transient use by many mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, thus limiting the utilization of the
preserve to resident individuals or inhibiting the dispersal of many species to and from the preserve.
Pepper Ranch is a keystone portion of the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed and provides vital
connectivity and dispersal corridors for wildlife traveling between CREW, Corkscrew, Camp Keis, Panther
Refuge, and Big Cypress.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 40
Table 6: Breeding Bird Species Recorded in the Corkscrew and Immokalee
Quadrangles Encompassing the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name
Green Heron Butorides virescens Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis
Nyctanassa violacea Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus
Wood Duck Aix sponsa Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus
Mottled Duck Anas fulvigula Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus White-eyed Vireo Vireo griseus
Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata
King Rail Rallus elegans Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Purple Martin Progne subis
Limpkin Aramus guarauna Northern Rough-winged
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Tufted Titmouse Baeolophis bicolor
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus
Common Ground-Dove Columbina passerina Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptilia caerulea
*Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
Barn Owl Tyto alba Northern Parula Parula americana
Eastern Screech-Owl Megascops asio Pine Warbler Dendroica pinus
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Prairie Warbler Dendroica discolor
Barred Owl Strix varia Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Chuck-will's-widow Caprimulgus carolinensis Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus
Melanerpes carolinus Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna
Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula
* = non-native species Boat-tailed Grackle Quiscalus major
2.5 Listed Species
Official lists of rare and endangered species are produced at the federal level by the
USFWS and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and at the State level by the
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Florida Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). FNAI produces a list of rare and
endangered species, and maintains a database of occurrences of these species in Florida.
The Institute for Regional Conservation (IRC) also ranks native plant species by
conservation status in the 10-county area of South Florida. The following subsections
(2.5.1 and 2.5.2) discuss the listed, rare and protected plant and animal species found
within the Pepper Ranch Preserve in detail.
2.5.1 Listed Plant Species
The Florida State Statute titled “Preservation of Native Flora of Florida” (Statute
581.185) provides the following definitions:
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 41
• Endangered plants mean species of plants native to the state that are in imminent
danger of extinction within the state, the survival of which is unlikely if the causes of
a decline in the number of plants continue, and includes all species determined to be
endangered or threatened pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended, Pub. L. No. 93-205 (87 Stat. 884).
• Threatened plants mean species native to the state that are in rapid decline in the
number of plants within the state, but which have not so decreased in such number as
to cause them to be endangered.
• Commercially exploited plants mean species native to the state, which are subject to
being removed in significant numbers from native habitats in the state and sold or
transported for sale.
There are fourteen (14) plant species at Pepper Ranch Preserve that are listed by the
FDACS, three (3) as endangered, eight (8) as threatened, and 3 as commercially exploited
(Table 7). One species, Tillandsia x smalliana is listed in Table 7 because it is a hybrid
between two endangered species but is not itself listed by the FDACS. A brief
description of the species listed in Table 7 and their status is included in the following
Two (2) additional plant species found at Pepper Ranch Preserve are designated as
critically imperiled in South Florida (SF1) by the Institute for Regional Conservation
(IRC). IRC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection, restoration, and
long-term management of biodiversity on a regional basis, and to the prevention of
regional extinctions of rare plants, animals, and natural communities. This designation
refers to the extreme rarity (five or fewer occurrences, or fewer than 1,000 individuals) of
a species, or its extreme vulnerability to extinction due to some natural or human factor.
E: Endangered, T: Threatened, CE: Commercially Exploited
SF1: Critically imperiled in South Florida (as designated by IRC)
Table 7: Listed Plant Species Detected at the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Common Name Scientific Name Status
Cardinal airplant Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica E
Giant airplant Tillandsia utriculata E
Meadow jointvetch Aeschynomene pratensis E
Catesby’s Lily Lilium catesbaei T
Everglades palm Acoelorraphe wrightii T
Leatherleaf airplant Tillandsia variabilis T
Long strap fern Campyloneurum phyllitidis T
Needleroot airplant orchid Harrisella porrecta T
Northern needleleaf Tillandsia balbisiana T
Simpson’s stopper Myrcianthes fragrans T
Twisted airplant Tillandsia flexuosa T
Florida butterfly orchid Encyclia tampensis CE
Royal fern Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis CE
Cinnamon fern Osmunda cinnamomea CE
Oak mistletoe Phoradendron leucarpum SF1
Quillwort arrowhead Sagittaria isoetiformis SF1
Reddish wild pine (native hybrid) Tillandsia x smalliana
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 42
Five (5) of the fourteen listed plant species found on the Pepper Ranch Preserve are
classified as bromeliads. Bromeliads are members of the pineapple family
(Bromeliaceae). While some of these species may be found growing terrestrially, most
native bromeliads found in Florida are found growing attached to tree trunks and
branches and may therefore be referred to as epiphytes (a plant that lives upon other
plants; from Greek “epi” = upon “phyte” = plant). The leaves and/or roots of these
airplants (depending on the species) absorb the water and nutrients they need from the air
and from the rain that falls through the canopy of the tree on which they are found. Since
epiphytes use their roots only to anchor themselves to another plant, they are considered
Even though the 5 listed bromeliad species found on the Pepper Ranch Preserve are fairly
common in the state, they are listed due to illegal collecting and the destruction of the
habitats in which they are found. Additionally, infestation by the introduced Mexican
bromeliad weevil (Metamasius callizona) has been implicated in the decline of many
airplant populations around the state. Currently, there are no control measures in place for
the Mexican bromeliad weevil however, close research and monitoring is taking place.
Cardinal Airplant (Tillandsia fasciculata), is also known as common wild pine and
stiff-leaved wild pine. T. fasciculata is listed as an endangered plant by the State of
Florida and has been recorded in 24 counties throughout Florida (Wunderlin & Hansen
2008). This epiphyte was frequently found in South Florida before the introduction of the
Mexican bromeliad weevil. Today, it may be found in hammocks, cypress swamps and
Like most of the other bromeliads in Florida, this species is often referred to as a “tank”
bromeliad because the leaf axils and central stems form a “tank” or reservoir at the base
of the plant. These reservoirs capture and hold water, dead and decaying plant matter
(leaves, seeds, twigs, etc.), and dead and drowning non-aquatic insects; these trapped
items provide nutrients for the plant (Larson et al. 2006).
Giant airplant (Tillandsia utriculata) also known as the giant wild pine, is the largest
epiphyte and is relatively common in hammocks and swamps in South Florida. It can
reach 12-30 inches in height and its flower spike may be more than six feet in height. It
is also listed by the State of Florida as endangered.
Meadow jointvetch (Aeschynomene pratensis), is endemic to Florida, meaning it occurs
nowhere else in the world. It is a State endangered species that has been recorded in only
four (4) southern Florida counties (Wunderlin and Hansen 2008).
Reddish wild pine (Tillandsia x smalliana), is a hybrid orchid derived from the crossing
of two State endangered native orchids T. balbisiana and T. fasciculata var. densispica; it
is not itself listed by FDACS. This species has been recorded in only seven (7) southern
Florida counties (Wunderlin and Hansen 2008).
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 43
Catesby’s Lily (Lilium catesbaei) is an herb endemic to the U.S. southeastern coastal
plain and is listed as a threatened species in the State of Florida. It is found nearly
throughout Florida and has been recorded in 50 counties (Wunderlin and Hansen 2008).
In Collier County, it has only been recorded at Wet Woods Preserve, Railhead Scrub
Preserve, Big Cypress National Preserve, Collier Seminole State Park, Florida Panther
National Wildlife Refuge, Picayune Strand State Forest, and Pepper Ranch Preserve.
Johnson Engineering found it on the preserve on October 8, 2009 in the mesic flatwoods
located in the southeastern portion of management unit 8 (see management unit map in
Appendix 5).
Everglades palm (Acoelorraphe wrightii) is a State threatened species that has been
recorded in only three (3) southern Florida counties (Wunderlin and Hansen 2008). This
salt-tolerant palm is at the northern limit of its range in southern Florida. It was once
common here but many plants were taken for the nursery trade (Bush and Morton 1969).
Leatherleaf airplant (Tillandsia variabilis) is a State threatened species that has been
recorded in ten (10) southern Florida counties (Wunderlin and Hansen 2008). Like other
airplants described in this plan, leatherleaf airplant is typically found in hammocks and
cypress swamps.
Long strap fern (Campyloneurum phyllitidis) is a State threatened species that is
epiphytic in hammocks and swamps and can sometimes grow on rocks or on walls in
limestone sinkholes where it is reduced in size (eflora – flora of NA).
Needleroot airplant orchid (Harrisella porrecta) is widespread in the central and
southern counties of Florida and is considered a threatened species. This airplant’s
flowering period is between August and November. Other common names are the jingle
bell orchid or the leafless orchid (Brown 2002).
Northern needleleaf (Tillandsia balbisiana) also known as reflexed wild pine, is an
epiphytic, “tank” bromeliad and is listed as a threatened plant by the State of Florida.
Wunderlin and Hansen reported this species in 22 counties throughout Florida as of 2008
(Wunderlin and Hansen 2008). Reflexed wild pine is an occasional species in South
Florida and is usually found in scrub, pinelands, strand swamps, hammocks, mangrove
swamps and on shell ridges/mounds.
Simpson’s stopper (Myrcianthes fragran) is a State threatened species found in
hammocks. The red flaking bark of this tree can confuse its identification with the
invasive exotic guava (Psidium guajava).
Twisted airplant (Tillandsia flexuosa), a State threatened species, is less common in
Florida than the other Tillandsia species listed in this plan, but still frequent, especially in
coastal ecosystems. It has been recorded in ten (10) southern Florida counties
(Wunderlin and Hansen 2008).
Florida butterfly orchid (Encyclia tampensis) is locally abundant in central and
southern counties of Florida; it is commercially exploited. They grow on a wide variety
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 44
of trees including live oak, red maple, bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), pop ash and
pond apple. They normally flower in June or July but may also flower at other times of
the year (Brown 2002).
Royal fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis) is not in danger of being extirpated in
Florida because of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation or attack by an exotic, invasive
pest, but because of commercial exploitation. According to Nelson (2000), the fibers
from the stem of royal fern have been used as a growing medium to grow orchids as well
as to make ropes and nets. Additionally, this species is believed to have medicinal
benefits; other parts of the plant may have been used to treat wounds and broken bones,
relieve sprains and to help alleviate coughs and diarrhea. In Florida, this species is found
in hydric areas such as wet flatwoods, cypress swamps, floodplains, stream banks and
Cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) is widespread in swamps, wet woods and wet
meadows throughout North and South America (Cobb et al. 2005). Its status as
Commercially Exploited as listed by the FDACS makes it illegal to collect it in the wild
but it is commercially available for native landscaping.
Oak mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum)
Oak mistletoe is a parasitic evergreen subshrub and despite its name it can be found
growing on other broadleaf trees such as red maple (Acre rubrum). This plant is not listed
by the State of Florida but has been recognized by IRC as a critically imperiled species for South
Florida. This is a temperate species at the southern end of its range, and it is possible it has
always been uncommon in South Florida (Gann et al. 2002).
Quillwort arrowhead (Sagittaria isoetiformis)
This plant is not listed by the State of Florida but has been recognized by IRC as a critically
imperiled species for South Florida. As with oak mistletoe, this is also a temperate species at the
southern end of its range, and it is possible it has always been uncommon in South Florida (Gann
et al. 2002).
2.5.2 Listed Animal Species
Table 5 in section 2.4.2 indicates which of the wildlife species documented for Pepper
Ranch Preserve are protected by the USFWS (2009) and FWC (2009). Listed wildlife
species that have been observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve to date include: Audubon’s
Crested Caracara, Bald Eagle, Florida Sandhill Crane, Limpkin, Little Blue Heron,
Roseate Spoonbill, Tricolored Heron, Snowy Egret, White Ibis, Wood Stork, Big Cypress
Fox Squirrel, Florida Black Bear, Florida Panther, American Alligator and Gopher
Tortoise. The following is a brief description of the conservation status for those species
occurring at the preserve that are currently listed as threatened or endangered by the State
or federal government.
Audubon’s Crested Caracara (Polyborus plancus audubonii)
This State and federally threatened species nests predominately in cabbage palms where
it will lay 2-3 eggs in late winter. Agricultural development for improved pastures and
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 45
citrus groves, as well as indiscriminant killing has contributed to the caracara’s decline in
Florida. It was officially listed on the federal list of threatened species in August 1987
(Kale and Maehr 1990).
Southern Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalusHaliaeetus
On June 29, 2007, the bald eagle was officially delisted and removed from the federal
Endangered Species List in the lower 48 states. However, according to the USFWS
Division of Migratory Bird Management, this bird of prey will continue to be protected
by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Lacey Act and the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act.
Florida Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis pratensis)
Sandhill cranes occur in pastures, open prairies and freshwater wetlands in peninsular
Florida from the Everglades to the Okefenokee Swamp. They build large nests in thick
patches of vegetation in freshwater wetlands where they will typically lay two eggs.
Nesting lasts from January through June (Kale and Maehr 1990). They are listed as a
threatened species in the State of Florida.
Wood Stork (Mycteria americana)
This bird species was firstsighted on the preserve by staff in 2008, and on multiple
occasions since then, is listed as endangered by both FWC and USFWS. Also known as
the wood ibis or flint head, this species is one of the largest wading birds found in Florida
and the only stork in the United States. The wood stork is a tactile feeder and may be
found in fresh, brackish, and saltwater ecosystems. Because of its dependence on
naturally functioning hydrologic systems, the National Audubon Society refers to this
wading bird as the “barometer of the Everglades”. For this reason, the wood stork is an
excellent environmental indicator of wetland health (Mazziotti 2002).
Big Cypress Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger avicennia)
Also known as the mangrove fox squirrel, the FWC lists Big Cypress Fox Squirrel as
threatened in Florida. This species was first observed at Pepper Ranch Preserve by
Wilson Miller in 2005 during a listed species survey however, none have been observed
by staff since acquisition in 2009. While the species is widespread in eastern and central
North America, the subspecies is endemic to sou thwestern Florida – specifically in the
Immokalee Rise, Big Cypress Swamp, and Devil's Garden area in Collier County. Some
areas of this range have become vacated, while many other suitable areas are being
altered or becoming isolated through development. The subspecies uses most types of
forest occurring in its range. However, dense interiors of mixed cypress-hardwood
strands seem to be avoided by Big Cypress fox squirrels due to dense populations of gray
squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) occupying these areas. Big Cypress fox squirrels have
been reported in cypress swamp, pine flatwoods, tropical hammock, hardwood hammock,
mangrove swamp, and suburban habitats including golf courses and residential areas in
native vegetation. Big Cypress fox squirrel densities appear to be quite low, and on this
basis the subspecies can be considered inherently rare (Humphrey & Jodice 1992).
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Panther kitten photo taken on boardwalk in
December 2016
Florida Black Bear (Ursus americanus floridanus)
The Florida black bear is a subspecies of the black bear found throughout North America.
Black bears have been observed on several occasions at Pepper Ranch Preserve, on
neighboring properties and on Pepper Road, by staff and neighbors. Florida black bears
in south Florida are listed as threatened by the FWC. Because of its large home range
and low population density the black bear is particularly vulnerable to habitat loss. Even
though their population is affected by illegal killing and road kills, habitat loss is the
major cause of concern (Humphrey 1992).
Florida Panther (Puma concolor coryi)
This large cat is a year-round resident of undeveloped lands in South Florida including
the Pepper Ranch Preserve. It is listed as endangered by both FWC and USFWS.
Panthers prefer hardwood hammocks and pine forests with numerous saw palmettos for
resting, raising kittens, and stalking prey. Panthers are losing their habitat in South
Florida and males require a large range. Increased development and traffic are another
reason why this species is listed as endangered. Telemetry data from FWC demonstrates
Florida panther frequently use the adjacent CREW lands and have used the Pepper Ranch
Preserve on a few occasions (current Florida panther telemetry data obtained from FWC
staff by Johnson Engineering, Inc. on 09/28/09). In their third revision to the Florida
Panther Recovery Plan the USFWS (2008) states that there are three priority zones
identified as important for panther habitat conservation: (1) Primary Zone – lands
essential to the long-term viability and persistence of the panther in the wild; (2)
Secondary Zone - lands contiguous with the Primary Zone, currently used by few
panthers, but which could accommodate expansion of the panther population south of the
Caloosahatchee River; and (3) Dispersal Zone - the area which may facilitate future
panther expansion north of the Caloosahatchee River. The Pepper Ranch Preserve is
entirely within the Primary Zone for the Florida panther. Wildlife cameras have been
installed throughout the preserve and have taken hundreds of photos of panther on the
preserve since 2010. In 2016 and 2018, panther kittens photos were captured on the
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
The American alligator is listed as threateneda Species of Special Concern (SSC) by
FWC and as threatened by USFWS for its similarity in appearance with the endangered
American Crocodile. Alligators are seen throughout the preserve on a regular basis and
they are quite numerous in Lake Trafford that borders the Preserve to the south.
Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus)
This medium-sized, native land turtle is listed by the State as a threatened species.
Gopher tortoises are typically found in dry, upland habitats including scrub, xeric oak
hammock, sandhills and dry pine flatwoods. Burrows are created for protection from
weather, fire, and predators; they also provide refugia for more than 300 other species of
animals. Active burrows may exist in the pine flatwoods communities at Pepper Ranch
2.6 Invasive, Non-native and Problem
In an ecological context, an invasive species is one that is aggressive in growth and
expansion of range and tends to dominate others; its establishment and dominance can
cause widespread harm to an ecological system by altering a plant community’s species
composition, susceptibility to fire and hydrology. Non-indigenous species (i.e., non-
native or exotic species) are those that have been introduced purposefully or accidentally
to an area outside their normal range. The characteristics of some of these species (high
rate of growth/reproduction, no natural predators, easily dispersed, able to out-compete
native species) make them invasive. Some indigenous species (a species whose natural
range included Florida at the time of European contact circa 1500 AD or a species that
has naturally expanded or changed its range to include Florida) may also become
invasive. Invasions by native and non-native species often follow an alteration to
ecosystem function, disruption of the food web, large-scale fragmentation of an
ecosystem and/or disturbance (e.g., clearing, fire, drought, etc.) of an area. While some
native species may become invasive, the establishment and dominance of non-native
species is of particular concern. The exotic plant and animal species documented within
the preserve and those that have a potential to occur within the preserve are discussed in
the following sections.
2.6.1 Invasive and Problem Plant Species
FLEPPC maintains a list of exotic plants that have been documented to (1) have adverse
effects on Florida’s biodiversity and plant communities, (2) cause habitat loss due to
infestations and (3) impact endangered species via habitat loss and alteration. To date, 82
non-indigenous or non-native plant species have been detected within Pepper Ranch
Preserve (Table 8), accounting for 20% of the plant species recorded there. Of the 82
exotic species, 32 are listed by FLEPPC (23 Category I and nine Category II). FLEPPC
defines Category I plants as those that alter native plant communities by displacing native
species, change community structures or ecological functions, or hybridize with natives.
Category II plants have increased in abundance or frequency but have not yet altered
Florida plant communities to the extent shown by Categor y I species. These definitions
Panther photo taken by wildlife camera on the preserve
in January 2016
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do not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but rather on
the documented ecological damage caused by these plants (FLEPPC 2009).
Table 8: Non-Indigenous and Invasive Plant Species at Pepper Ranch Preserve
Scientific Name Common Names FLEPPC
Ageratum conyzoides TROPICAL WHITEWEED
Albizia lebbeck WOMAN'S TONGUE I
Alternanthera philoxeroides ALLIGATORWEED II
Alysicarpus ovalifolius FALSE MONEYWORT; ALYCE CLOVER
Alysicarpus vaginalis WHITE MONEYWORT
Amaranthus spinosus SPINY AMARANTH
Asclepias curassavica SCARLET MILKWEED
Blechum pyramidatum BROWNE'S BLECHUM II
Casuarina glauca
Citrus x aurantium
Citrus x jambhiri ROUGH LEMON
Commelina diffusa COMMON DAYFLOWER
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata SMOOTH RATTLEBOX
Cuphea carthagenensis COLOMBIAN WAXWEED
Cynodon dactylon BERMUDAGRASS
Cyperus rotundus NUTGRASS
Eichhornia crassipes COMMON WATER-HYACINTH I
Eragrostis atrovirens THALIA LOVEGRASS
Eragrostis ciliaris GOPHERTAIL LOVEGRASS
Eugenia uniflora SURINAM CHERRY I
Eulophia graminea (no common name)
Ficus microcarpa INDIAN LAUREL I
Hedychium coronarium BUTTERFLY GINGER
Hemarthria altissima LIMPOGRASS II
Hydrilla verticillata WATERTHYME, HYDRILLA I
Hyptis verticillata JOHN CHARLES
Imperata cylindrical COGONGRASS I
Indigofera hirsute HAIRY INDIGO
Kigelia pinnata SAUSAGE TREE
Leucaena leucocephala WHITE LEADTREE II
Lygodium microphyllum SMALL-LEAF CLIMBING FERN I
Macroptilium lathyroides WILD BUSHBEAN
Mangifera indica MANGO
Medicago lupulina BLACK MEDIC
Melaleuca quinquenervia PUNKTREE I
Melinis repens ROSE NATALGRASS I
Momordica charantia BALSAMPEAR II
Murdannia nudiflora NAKEDSTEM DEWFLOWER
Murdannia spirata var.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Scientific Name Common Names FLEPPC
Nephrolepis multiflora ASIAN SWORD FERN I
Oldenlandia corymbosa FLATTOP MILLE GRAINES
Panicum maximum GUINEAGRASS II
Panicum repens TORPEDO GRASS I
Paspalum notatum BAHIAGRASS
Paspalum urvillei VASEYGRASS
Phoenix roebellini PYGMY DATE PALM
Pistia stratiotes WATER-LETTUCE I
Pouzolzia zeylanica POUZOLZ'S BUSH
Pseudelephantopus spicatus DOG'S-TONGUE
Pseudogynox chenopodioides MEXICAN FLAMEVINE
Psidium cattleianum STRAWBERRY GUAVA I
Psidium guajava GUAVA I
Sacciolepis indica INDIAN CUPSCALE
Salvinia minima WATER SPANGLES
Schinus terebinthifolia BRAZILIAN PEPPER I
Senna pendula var. glabrata VALAMUERTO I
Spermacoce verticillata SHRUBBY FALSE BUTTONWEED
Sphagneticola trilobata CREEPING OXEYE, WEDELIA II
Sporobolus indicus var.
Syzygium cumini JAVA PLUM I
Thelypteris dentate
Thunbergia grandiflora SKYVINE
Tradescantia zebrine WANDERING-JEW; INCHPLANT
Trifolium repens WHITE CLOVER
Triumfetta semitriloba SACRAMENTO BURRBARK
Verbena brasiliensis BRAZILIAN VERVAIN
As of the February 2009 acquisition of the Pepper Ranch Preserve by the Conservation
Collier program, the most problematic non-indigenous or exotic, invasive plant species
were torpedo grass, Brazilian pepper and cogon grass. To date, exotic plant treatments
have taken place on approximately 1,750 acres of the preserve, the remainder of the
preserve is open wetland and pasture. within the northern SSA 7 area, a total of
approximately 50 acres. The focus was primarily on small-leaf climbing fern, otherwise
known as Old World climbing fern. Contractors also mowed and treated the Brazilian
pepper growing along the main road within the preserve that leads to the oil fields. The
control/removal of invasive, exotic species is discussed in detail in section 4 of this
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 50
2.6.2 Invasive and Other Potential Problem Animal Species
Although Florida does not have an official exotic, invasive animal species list, at least
400 exotic fish and wildlife animal species have been reported in Florida, and
approximately 125 species are established.
Two non-indigenous, invasive animal species have been documented on the preserve: the
brown anole (Anolis sagrei), the feral pig (Sus scrofa), and the cane toad has been heard
calling near Lake Trafford (Rinella marina). One potentially problematic species is the
coyote (Canus latrans). Based on the natural communities found within the preserve,
proximity to residential areas and geographic location, several more species (native and
non-native) have the potential to impact Pepper Ranch Preserve to varying degrees and
may yet be observed on site during future visits and wildlife surveys. Brief descriptions
of documented, invasive, or potentially problematic species are provided in the following
Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei): documented within the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Also known as the Cuban anole, the brown anole is native to Cuba, the Bahamas, and
neighboring islands (Schwartz & Henderson 1991). Like other anoles from the islands,
this species is a small, tropical, diurnal, arboreal, territorial, and insectivorous lizard
(Campbell 2001). The brown anole was first documented in the Florida Keys in the late
1800s (Lee 1985) and has since spread throughout Florida, into Georgia and into two
other southeastern states (Campbell 1996). It feeds on a wide variety of insects,
amphipods, and isopods. Brown anoles also prey on other small vertebrates including the
hatchlings of the native green anole (A. carolinensiis; Campbell 2000). Campbell (2000)
showed that, in the absence of the exotic brown anoles, native green anoles occupy
perches from ground to the canopy of vegetation. However, in the presence of the exotic
anole, native anoles move higher in trees, occupying only the trunk and crown of trees.
Dietary overlap is high between both species, but the overall affects of the brown anole
on the green anole are still undetermined.
Cane Toad (Rhinella marina): documented within the Pepper Ranch Preserve
The cane toad is an invasive exotic species in south
Florida. It is tropical species native to the Amazon
basin in South America, and its range extends through
Central America to extreme southern Texas along the
Rio Grande River. They were used as a control agent
for insects that damage sugarcane and consequently,
are one of the most introduced amphibian species in
the world. In 1936, an attempt was made to introduce
this species into Palm Beach County, FL. This
attempt failed as did two subsequent efforts. Ironically, in 1955, an accidental release by
an importer at the Miami International Airport in Miami-Dade County, FL proved
successful. Many of this species’ characteristics enable it to do well in south Florida.
Beetles, bees, ants, winged termites, crickets and bugs are a large part of the diet of the
adult marine toad. Additionally, they consume arthropods, mollusks, small vertebrates,
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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plant matter, pet food, carrion, household scraps, marine snails, smaller toads and native
frogs, small snakes, and even small mammals. Marine toads are prolific breeders and
females can lay tens of thousands of eggs in a single breeding season. They prefer
forested areas with semi permanent water nearby (Churchill 2003). The cane toad looks
very similar to the native, southern toad, but there are some distinct differences. The
most obvious difference is adult body size (length of body not counting the legs). Adult
marine toads can reach lengths of 6 -9 inches while the native southern toads only reach a
length of 3.6 inches. Like other true toads, both possess poisonous, parotid glands. The
parotid glands of the cane toad are angled downward behind their head to their
shoulders. The southern toad has a kidney-shaped parotid gland behind each eye
positioned close to the spine. The southern toad also possesses cranial crests that start
between the eyes and often end in big knobs. While the parotid glands of all toads
contain bufotoxins (poisonous, milky fluids exuded as a defense mechanism), the
chemicals released by the exotic, cane toad are much more harmful to wildlife, pets and
people (Brandt & Mazziotti 2005). Adjoining residents of the preserve should be
encouraged to keep pet food and water containers indoors or empty at night. Dogs are not
allowed on the preserve unless they are service dogs. Owners of service dogs should be
warned that they could be present.
Feral pig (Sus scrofa): documented within the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Hogs were first brought to Florida in the mid 1500’s to provision settlements of early
explorers. Their high rate of reproduction and their ability to adapt to Florida’s natural
areas has led them to populate every county in the state. Today, Florida is second only to
Texas in its feral hog population (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). While feral pigs are
able to survive in a variety of habitats, they prefer large forested areas interspersed with
marshes, hammocks, ponds, and drainages; cover in the form of dense brush; and limited
human disturbance (Giuliano & Tanner 2005b). Dense cover is used as bedding areas and
provides protection from predators and hunters. Feral pigs are omnivorous, opportunistic
feeders consuming grasses, forbs, and woody plant stems, roots, tubers, leaves, seeds,
fruits, fungi and a variety of animals including worms, insects, crustaceans, mollusks,
fish, small birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and carrion. Their propensity for
digging for foods below the surface of the ground (rooting) destabilizes the soil surface,
resulting in erosion and exotic plant establishment. Additionally, this behavior uproots or
weakens native vegetation (Giuliano & Tanner 2005a; 2005b). Due to the natural
communities that are found within the preserve, this species has the potential to thrive
within the boundaries. As these animals are highly visible outside of natural plant
communities, adjoining residents of the preserve may be useful in the early detection of
this nuisance animal. Several large families of feral pigs have been observed on the
preserve since its acquisition. The feral hog population on Pepper Ranch is managed
through the Pepper Ranch Preserve Adult/Youth Hunt Program.
Coyote (Canis latrans): documented within the Pepper Ranch Preserve
Coyotes may have potential to become a problematic species. Coyotes were introduced
in very small numbers to Florida during the 1920’s for sport hunting with domestic dogs.
This introduction did not lead to the establishment of coyote populations in Florida.
Concurrently, these canids expanded their range eastward across the United States and
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Canada as a result of nonspecific needs in habitat and food, decreased competition from
other predators, large litter sizes and anthropogenic changes to the landscape. Since many
species naturally expand or change their home ranges in response to climate and resource
availability. The coyote may be considered naturalized or native to Florida based on
fossil records and natural range expansion (FWC 2007). This crepuscular (active mostly
at dawn and dusk) species is elusive and may travel individually or in groups of two or
three (Coates et al. 1998). Coyotes commonly enlarge burrows made by other animals
such as armadillos or gopher tortoises to use as dens or use dense vegetation for cover.
Coyotes will kill smaller predators (e.g., foxes, opossums, etc.) and will help control
rodents, which can be beneficial to turkey, quail, ducks and other ground nesting birds.
Because their food habits are diverse, coyotes are unlikely to significantly affect the
population of any single species. Coyotes are not reported to interact with bobcats and do
not appear to influence bobcat home range size. Coyotes may prove beneficial in
controlling potential problem species such as feral cats and hogs (Thornton, Sunquist, and
Main 2004). Coyotes may attack calves (FWC 1999-2010), however this is relatively
uncommon in Florida.
3.0 Previous Conditions of the Preserve; Current Use of the Preserve
and Adjacent Land Uses
3.1 Previous Land Uses of the Preserve
The earliest aerial photographs obtained of the preserve were taken in 1940, 1953 and
1963 (Figures 8, 9, and 10). Digital images were downloaded from the U.S. Department
of Interior USGS historic aerial photo web page (USDI 2004) and the Florida Department
of State Aerial Photography of Florida web page (FDOS 2006) and georeferenced in
ArcGIS 9, ArcMap Version 9.3. Aerial photographs (1975 – 2009) from the Collier
County Property Appraiser web page were also reviewed.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 8: 1940 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Review of the historic aerial photographs revealed Lake Trafford Road and Pepper Road
(both inside and along the edge of the preserve) existed in 1940. In 1940, the majority of
the preserve was natural with the exception of one agricultural field in the southeast
portion of the preserve in Section 26, Township 46 South, Range 28 East (identified as
Folio Nos. 00052680009 and 00052640007 on the Collier County Property Appraiser
web site) and one agricultural field in the northernmost central extent of the preserve in
Section 22, Township 46 South, Range 28 East (identified as Folio No. 00052360002 on
the Collier County Property Appraiser web site). Two areas cleared for homesteads
appear on the 1940 aerial photograph in the southeastern extent of the preserve, one of
which is the area surrounding the current caretaker house located at the main preserve
entrance on the south side of Pepper Road. A trail from the homestead to Lake Trafford
is evident on the 1940 aerial photograph. The other homestead appears on the 1940 aerial
photograph east of the current caretaker house near Pepper Road along the northeast
boundary of Section 35.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 9: 1953 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Between 1940 and 1953, no further development was evident in the preserve. Between
1953 and 1963, the majority of the site agricultural fields and associated ditches were
created. Between 1963 and 1975, a crescent shaped agricultural field was added at the
central western extent of the site agricultural fields. Between 1975 and 1980, the east -
west portion of Trafford Oaks Road was constructed, dividing the marsh and forested
wetlands through which it was constructed.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 10: 1963 Aerial View of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Prior to 1995, the only additional development in the preserve included the construction
of three oil fields adjacent to the hydric improved pasture at the central western extent of
the preserve and the construction of two agricultural fields in the most eastern extent of
the preserve (in the northeast corner of Section 35). Two of the three oil fields are
currently active. The two agricultural fields have been fallow since approximately 2006
and are currently overgrown with shrubs (i.e. Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, etc.).
3.2 Previous Land Uses of Adjoining Properties
Based on review of the 1940 aerial photograph, the lands that adjoin the preserve were
natural. In 1953, canals were excavated from Lake Trafford and agricultural fields were
constructed around them. Natural plant communities were converted to agricultural
fields on lands southeast of Lake Trafford and south of Lake Trafford Road east of the
preserve. Adjoining lands west and southwest of the preserve, the majority of which are
now part of the major wetland slough on CREW lands, remained undeveloped.
By 1963, agricultural fields and residential properties (±2.5 or ±5.0 acre properties north
and south of Lake Trafford Road) were constructed to the east between the preserve and
the town of Immokalee. By 1975, a large agricultural field was constructed northeast of
the preserve. The wetland slough (currently on CREW lands) and natural communities
immediately north and south of the preserve remained undeveloped. Between 1980 and
1985 Trafford Oaks Road was extended from its western terminus to the south. Estate-
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 56
sized residential properties along the south extension of Trafford Oaks Road were
developed with homes and borrow ponds. These properties adjoin the southwestern
extent (Section 33) of the preserve. By 1985, agricultural development surrounding Lake
Trafford had increased, however, the major wetland slough to the west and northwest of
the Lake and the wetland slough south of the Lake remained undeveloped. Throughout
the 1990s and early 2000s, residential development continued along Lake Trafford Road
east of the preserve and agricultural uses remained on lands northeast of the preserve.
In 1990, SFWMD purchased the lands that encompass the major wetland slough located
west and northwest of the preserve. These lands are referred to as the Corkscrew
Regional Ecosystem Watershed or CREW. Through its adjacency to CREW project
lands, the preserve is connected to several thousands of acres of preserved land in
southeast Lee County and Northwest Collier County, including diverse systems located in
Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Panther Island Mitigation Bank, other CREW lands, the
Southwest Florida Regional Airport 7,000-acre mitigation site and Conservation Collier’s
±367-acre Caracara Prairie Preserve.
3.3 Current Land Uses of the Preserve
Currently, there is a cattle lease with Lake Trafford Ranch, LLLP and a mineral rights
lease with Newport Oil on the Pepper Ranch Preserve (appendix 6). The current cattle
lease started in May 2014 and encompasses 2,012.10 acres of the preserve. The lease
and is for a fivethree year period with option to renew for two additional terms of one
year. It brings in revenue for the program each year. If the current cattle lease is not
renewed, the County will publicize a request for proposal (RFP) to the public to ensure
that the current lease is replaced, in order to ensure a fair process for bidding on cattle
leases. The oil drilling lease covers the two quarter sections in which the oil wells exist
(southwest quarter of Section 28 and northwest quarter of Section 33, both in Township
46 South, Range 28 East). The rights reserve all minerals below 250 feet. In addition,
staff will consider inviting beekeepers by publicizing a request for propos al (RFP) as a
permitted use on the Preserve.
Previously, Conservation Collier staff has held two public outreach events per year at
the preserve. The initial outreach event was held on May 9, 2009. The guided hikes
offered to the public during the initial outreach event were completely filled. The
second public outreach event was held November 21, 2009. Over 300 people attended
the event and participated in the guided hikes and van tours of the preserve as well as
the historical presentation about Pepper Ranch. Since then staff has partnered with the
Immokalee One-by-one foundation to hold an Earth Day Festival in 2016 and 2016.and
2017. This event was a huge success and brought hundreds of people from the town of
Immokalee to the preserve. As evident from the public outreach events, there is strong
public interest in Pepper Ranch Preserve.
The preserve will be open every Friday and non-hunt or holiday on Saturdays and
Sundays from November through the end of June April . each year until adequate staffing
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 57
or security is allocated. Then, additional days will be added. When open,The public will
be able to utilize the lodge hiking trail, walk out to Lake Trafford, and picnic next to the
lodge. The public will also be allowed to obtain a daily permit t hat will allow them to
gain access to all areas of the preserve that are open for public access. drive through the
northern portion of the Preserve staying on the main road only until safe trail systems can
be created. Public use of the preserve must be consistent with the preserve management
goals and is discussed in section 4 of this document.
3.4 Current Land Uses of Adjoining Properties
The Pepper Ranch Preserve is bordered on its west and northwest boundaries by the
CREW project lands. These are lands purchased by the SFWMD under the Save our
Rivers program. Adjacent to the west are CREW project lands known as the CREW
Marsh; to the north are SFWMD lands, agricultural lands and orange groves; to the east
are SFWMD and residential lands (town of Immokalee); and to the south are Lake
Trafford, estate-sized residential properties (Trafford Oaks), and agricultural and
undeveloped lands owned by Baron Collier Investments, Ltd.
Directly south of CREW project lands and connected to them are private conservation
lands owned by the National Audubon Society (Corkscrew Swamp), more conservation
lands owned by the SFWMD (Bird Rookery Swamp) and various private mitigation
lands, all together encompassing 60,000 acres, of which over 42,000 acres is currently
held in conservation. The SFWMD makes certain capital improvements to its lands such
as fencing, access roads/trails, and may provide basic public facilities on lands.
Additionally, habitat management such as exotic plant species removal and prescribed
burning may be conducted. Florida Statutes (F.S. 373.59) also require the SFWMD to
develop appropriate public use.
The organization most frequently associated with CREW project lands is the CREW
Land and Water Trust, Inc. (CREW TR), a nonprofit environmental education
organization established in 1989 to coordinate the land acquisition, land management,
and public use in the 60,000-acre CREW project area. The CREW TR does not own the
land but operates in partnership with the SFWMD.
Approximately 180 acres of conservation land exists along the central eastern boundary
of the Pepper Ranch Preserve. A 625-acre impoundment that serves as a dredge disposal
site for nutrient-laden muck from the bottom of Lake Trafford is located east of the
conservation land. The Lake Trafford hydraulic dredging restoration project is being
conducted by SFWMD in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) and through the cooperative efforts of various local organizations and
state and federal agencies. Phase I of the restoration project, completed in 2006, removed
over three million cubic yards of muck from the deeper portions of the lake. Phase II and
IIIis projected to removed several million additional cubic yards of muck from the
lakeshallow littoral zone. The project was scheduled to be completed in in November
2010. 2007, but has been delayed due to lower than expected water levels.
Eight sections of land owned by Turner Grove Citrus LTD Partnership located to the
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 58
northeast of the ranch, and extending into Lee County, currently have citrus groves on
3.5 Cultural, Historical and Archeological Resource Protection
The Pepper Ranch Preserve is within an area of historical and archaeological probability.
Before conducting any development near Lake Trafford, County staff ordered a Phase I
Reconnaissance Cultural Resource Survey which was conducted in November 2010 by
the Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. The survey was conducted in the
area surrounding the lodge/visitor center. Prehistoric and historic archaeological sites
were found and the lodge/visitor center building was deemed historical. Recovered
cultural materials included artifacts and faunal bone. Prehistoric remains included three
sand tempered pottery sherds. One test hole uncovered a prehistoric midden site that
included a component of historic refuse. Additional historical and archaeological sites
are most likely present on the property. Before conducting any additional development,
the County will obtain Archaeological Surveys within the area(s) to be developed. When
possible, the County will refrain from building in areas identified as potential
archaeological sites. If development is unavoidable in areas identified as potential
archaeological sites, the County will develop improvements under the guidance of an
archaeologist. In addition, the County will notify the Division of Historical Resources
immediately if further evidence is discovered to suggest any archaeological or historic
resources are present in areas that were not identified in the Phase I. If such resources are
identified on-site, a professional survey and assessment shall be instituted. The
archaeologist shall prepare a report outlining results of the assessments and issue
recommendations to County staff about management of any sites discovered, per
provisions of the Land Development Code Section 2.2.25. This report shall be sent to the
Division of Historical Resources. The County shall cooperate fully with direction from
the Division of Historical Resources on the protection and management of archaeological
and historical resources. The management of these resources will comply with the
provisions of Chapter 267, F.S., specifically Sections 267.061 2 (a) and (b).
The lodgevisitor center is now may be considered a historical structure in Collier County.
This designation was granted by the County’s Historical/Archeological Preservation
Board. Retaining this one or both these structures and their designation as historical
structures may provide benefits to Conservation Collier in terms of obtaining future grant
funds for restoration. Staff will work with the County’s Historical/Archeological
Preservation Board to identify options associated with designation of the lodge as
historical structure and provide these options to the Conservation Collier Land
Acquisition Advisory Committee (CCLAAC) for recommendation to the Collier County
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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3.6 Major Accomplishments since Acquisition
Collier County purchased the Pepper Ranch Preserve in February of 2009. The table
below lists the accomplishments since acquisition of the property.
Table 9: Major Accomplishments During Previous Years
Accomplishment Year(s)
Exotic vegetation treatment in North Stewardship Sending Area (SSA) (50 acres) 2009
Cattle Vat Cleanup 2009
Removal of Old Structures 2009
Creation of a New Trail by the Lodge 2009
Two Public Outreach Events 2009
First Youth Hog Hunt Held 2010
Public Hog and Small Game Hunts Began 2010
Initial Exotic vegetation treatment and maintenance began completed in SSA (720
4.0 Future Use of the Pepper Ranch Preserve including Management
Issues, Goals and Objectives
This section describes the main management issues, goals and objectives for the Pepper
Ranch Preserve as well as the overall management framework. Central to the
management of the Preserve is the mission of the Conservation Collier Program, and the
goals and objectives set forth in this management plan.
4.1 Management Plan Framework
Each property purchased by Conservation Collier shall have its own management plan.
At the time the Pepper Ranch Preserve was purchased, the Conservation Collier
Ordinance required that an “Interim” Management Plan be developed within 60 days of
closing. Interim plans include basic items such as removal of invasive, exotic vegetation
and trash, establishing site security, developing management partnerships and planning
for public access. The interim plan for this site was officially approved in September
2009. The ordinance then requires a “Final” ten-year management plan be developed
within two years. Subsequently, the property management plan must then be reviewed
every five years. Final management plans, however, are considered living documents and
can be updated at any time. Review of all management plans start in the Lands
Evaluation and Management subcommittee and must be approved by both the CCLAAC
and the Collier County BCC.
4.1.1 Preserve Manager: Contact Information
The site manager for Pepper Ranch Preserve will be a designated Collier County
Environmental Specialist who may be contacted through electronic mail:
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 60
4.2 Publiclanned Uses and Assessment of their Impacts
While visitor attendance increases every year, Future planned public uses will be
consistent with the primary goals of conservation, preservation, restoration and
maintenance of the resource. Official public use of the entire preserve will not be possible
until safe public access trails can be created. However, citizens that desire to visit the
northern public use area may do so by signing a waiver or by obtaining a daily use permit
on days that are open to the public. These will allow them access at their own risk and
releases the liability of the County until safe access is established. Details of publiclanned
uses for the Pepper Ranch Preserve and an assessment of their potential impacts are
provided in the following sections.
4.2.1 Identification of Public Uses Consistent with Preservation, Enhancement,
Restoration, Conservation and Maintenance of the Resources
The Conservation Collier Ordinance 2002-63 constrains the use of this property to
“primary objectives of managing and preserving natural resource values and providing
appropriate natural resource-based recreational & educational opportunities.” Natural
resource-based recreation shall mean all forms of uses, which are consistent with the
goals of this program, and are compatible with the specific parcel (Ord. No. 02-63, as
amended§ 5, 12-3-02). Additionally, no dumping, use of unauthorized vehicles, or
removal or destruction of natural or historical/archaeological resources will be permitted
within the preserve. The goal is to allow limited, non-destructive public access to native
plant communities and animal species. Currently, the preserve rules are those identified
in Collier County Ordinance 76-48 (available from, as amended.
The following are consistent uses for this particular site: hiking, nature photography,
camping, horseback riding, bird watching and hunting. Inconsistent uses include off-
road vehicle use (ORV), cell phone towers, shooting ranges, and the recreational use of
There is one lease and a number of easements existing on the Pepper Ranch Preserve, as
identified below (see Figure 11):
A cattle lease held by Lake Trafford Ranch LLP for Two Thousand Twelve point One
(2,012.1) acres of property, as described in Appendix 6, for the sole purpose of cattle
grazing and incidental activities that are directly related to beef cattle production for a
term of three (53) years, commencing on May 27, 2014, with two 1 year renewal
optionsFebruary 2, 2009, with payments, terms and provisions as set forth in Cattle
Lease, attached as an Exhibit to the Pepper Ranch Purchase Agreement. This lease
brings in revenue for the property management. Staff also obtained a range management
study from Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS ) to further direct cattle lease
operations at Pepper Ranch Preserve. The current lease and every lease thereafter should
abide by the best management practices outlined in the current NRCS range management
plan for the property.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 61
• Access Easement entered into on February 6, 2009, with Lake Trafford Ranch LLP
for a 30’ wide strip of land running along the main interior ranch road, following an
overall east to west directional track, and leading from the main ranch gate to the oil
wells situated along the western side of the ranch. Recorded in O.R. Book 4425 and
Page 3302, Public records of Collier County. The grantee is responsible for
maintenance of this easement.
• Access Easement entered into February 2, 2009 by Lake Trafford Ranch LLP in fav or
of Baron Collier Investments (BCI), Ltd., a Florida Limited partnership, over a 15’
wide strip of land running over the same main interior access road as the above
easement but before arriving at the oil wells, turning south to facilitate access to a
parcel adjoining the southern boundary of the Pepper Ranch Preserve. Access is
granted solely for purposes of ingress and egress to serve specific activities on the
BCI lands, which are cattle grazing, ranching, hunting and forestry. Recorded in O.R.
Book 4425, Page 3263, Public Records of Collier County. The grantee is responsible
for maintenance of this easement.
• Stewardship Easement Agreement recorded in OR Book 4089, Page 3837, Public
Records of Collier County.
• Drainage Easement for 40’ along SE corner of property in Section 35, recorded in
O.R. Book 49, Page 147, Public Records of Collier County.
• Access Easement in favor of Trafford Oaks for 60’ as for portion of Trafford Lakes
Road that traverses Pepper Ranch property, as recorded in O.R. Book 907, Page 1383,
Public Records of Collier County.
• A Conservation Easement over portions of the property associated with panther
and/or wetland mitigation will be granted to the South Florida Water Management
District (SFWMD).
Conservation Collier staff will maintain an open line of communication with the oil well
operators to develop operational protocol where needed and to ensure this operation
continues in a safe and clean manner at the preserve. This level of coordination will also
be extended to the cattle lease holder on land management activities at the preserve. Staff
will also obtain a range management study from NRCS to further direct cattle lease
operations at Pepper Ranch Preserve.
An apiary lease ismay being considered in the future for the preserve. This will be
advertised for bid to the general public and will be approved by the BCC before
implementation. A minimal amount of hives will be allowed to be placed on the property
away from public use areas.
No other easements, concessions or leases exist on Pepper Ranch Preserve or are
proposed for the future, unless they further conservation objectives, such as a
conservation easement.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 11. Pepper Ranch Preserve Easement and Overlay Map
4.3 Desired Current and Future Desired Conditions
This section includes a description of the current and proposed future conditions for the
site’s natural areas. Management techniques to achieve these conditions are outlined in
section 4.4.
After managers complete recommended management actions, Pepper Ranch Preserve
will consist of upland mixed forest, strand swamp, slough, prairie hammock, pine
flatwoods, dry prairie, freshwater marshes, bottomland forest, and wet prairie. These
communities will have a similar structure and composition to those that existed before
non-indigenous people settled the region and before the exclusion of fire. Through
restoration efforts the site will be vegetated with appropriate native flora that will provide
suitable cover for a variety of wildlife species.
4.4 Goals for the 10-year period 2010-2020
A set of goals and objectives for Pepper Ranch Preserve were developed in conjunction
with the drafting of this Management Plan. The goals and objectives in this plan are
tailored specifically for Pepper Ranch Preserve based on the purposes for which the lands
were acquired, the condition of the resources present, and the management issues for the
property. On-site managers should be familiar with this entire Management Plan. Goals
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 63
and objectives from the Interim Management Plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve were
reviewed to determine whether they should be included in this plan. The goals and
objectives presented here reflect programmatic goals and ideas of Conservation Collier
personnel in charge of managing and protecting the area. These goals shall not be
modified, but specific application of management techniques may take into consideration
input by user groups and other stakeholders from outside the program, accommodating
user needs and desires where practicable and where overarching management goals are
not violated.
Management issues are discussed below in separate sections. Within each section,
approaches for dealing with these issues are described. The ability to implement the
specific goals and objectives identified in this plan is dependent upon the availability of
staffing and funding sources. The following goals have been identified for Pepper Ranch
Goal 1: Maintain high quality habitat with limited disturbance for the benefit of
native flora and fauna
Eliminate or significantly reduce human impacts to indigenous flora and fauna
Goal 2: Develop a baseline monitoring report
Goal 3: Remove or control populations of invasive, exotic or problematic flora and
fauna to restore and maintain natural habitats
Goal 4: Create a Prescribed Fire Plan
Goal 5: Restore native vegetation
Goal 6: Develop and monitor a plan for public use
Goal 7: Facilitate uses of the site for educational purposes
Goal 8: Provide a plan for security and disaster preparedness
Goal 9: Provide preliminary Panther Habitat Unit (PHU) calculations and a draft
Monitoring Plan per USFWS requirements for an onsite Panther
Conservation Bank
Action Item 1.1 Maintain the existing boundary fence and access gates on the
Pepper Ranch Preserve as needed.
Currently, a fence is present along most of the Pepper Ranch Preserve boundary with
the exception of the western boundary which this preserve shares with the adjacent
CREW lands, also there is no fence along the southeastern boundary along the Lake
Trafford shoreline. Under the existing cattle lease the lessee is responsible for the
installation and maintenance of all fences on the preserve necessary for retaining
cattle on the property. Firebreaks will be installed along fence lines that exist along
upland areas. This will also allow for better access for fence line patrolling and
Action Item 1.2 Install signs encouraging people to stay on public access trails
situated on the preserve.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 64
Signs will be posted along public access trails to remind visitors to remain on the
trails for their safety and the protection of the natural resources of the preserve.
Action Item 1.3 Identify locations of rare and listed native plant species.
The location of these species has been identified using a global positioning system
(GPS) device and mapped to allow staff to monitor them. All future sightings of such
plants will be GPS-located and mapped accordingly. Public trails will be constructed
to avoid areas where rare and listed species exist. These locations will not be shared
with the public to protect these rare plants.
Action Item 1.4 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash or dumping in or near the
Staff will monitor the preserve on a regular basis and if dumping occurs, enforcement
actions will be sought through the County Sheriff’s Department.
Action Item 1.5 Identify actual and potential locations of resident animal life and
take steps such as locating visitor amenities away from animal nesting sites.
An inventory of sensitive areas, such as location of listed plant species and animal
nesting sites, will be maintained based on existing knowledge and to be built upon
with all future protected species surveys that are conducted at the preserve. During
the development of public use facilities this inventory will be utilized to locate the
amenities away from known sensitive areas.
Action Item 1.6 Avoid non-target damage to native plants and animals,
especially rare species, during invasive, exotic plant treatments.
If the use of herbicides is appropriate during the treatment of invasive, exotic plant
species, decisions on the types of herbicides utilized will be made on the best
information available at the time of exotic removal. Staff has prohibited the use of
herbicides containing Imazapyr (e.g., Arsenal) due to reports that these herbicides
have potentially caused a great deal of non-target damage throughout the state.
Licensed County or State contractors will be monitored closely to ensure the proper
herbicide applications are being utilized while treating the site. In addition, close
attention will be taken to identify listed species (Table 7) that may be attached to
invasive trees being cut down or removed. Individuals of these species will be
relocated prior to removal. Special attention will be given to avoid damage to native
species in the vicinity of exotic removal activities.
Action Item 1.7 Note, research and provide input as to all site development
occurring adjacent to Pepper Ranch Preserve to determine that the proper site
development permits have been obtained and that the site development complies
with the permits.
Activities on adjacent and neighboring properties may have an impact on the
indigenous plant and animal life on the Pepper Ranch Preserve. As such, all existing
local, state, and federal regulations should be strictly followed and enforced during
any site development adjacent to the preserve. It shall be the responsibility of the
developer to establish erosion control measures and vegetation protection measures
(i.e., protective fencing or barriers). If any site developer working in areas adjacent to
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 65
the preserve does not take the necessary control measures, construction shall be
immediately halted until control measures are put into place and mitigation and/or
remediation will be the sole responsibility of the developer.
Action Item 2.1 Establish a long-term biological monitoring program and
conduct additional wildlife surveys.
Long-term management of the preserve should be based on biological data. Changes
following baseline conditions should be assessed as negative or positive, and
management strategies changed appropriately. This section discusses information
needs and long-term monitoring needs.
Pro Native Consulting has conducted a floristic inventory of the Pepper Ranch
Preserve; these findings will comprise the baseline floristic data on which future
actions will be based. The site should be inspected by Conservation Collier staff at
least twice a year and thoroughly inventoried at regular intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to
detect new invasions (by natives or exotics) and extirpations. Areas undergoing
extreme restoration should be assessed more frequently. While some wildlife data
has been collected, additional baseline data should be collected, especially on
invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The site manager may
contract this work out or enlist the assistance of local educators to coordinate student
research projects. Wildlife surveys, like plant surveys, should take place at regular
intervals (ca. 5-10 years) to detect long-term trends.
White-tailed deer surveys have been conducted once a year at the preserve since 2011
and will continue annually to provide population trend data and to aid in the County’s
panther mitigation requirements as well as providing staff with the number of surplus
animals that will be allowed to be taken in the Quality Wildlife Management Hunt
Program. Spotlight surveys collect data including: number of deer observed, deer
sighting location, and gender ratios.
Turkey camera trap population estimate surveys were conducted at the ranch in 2010
and 2011 following consultation with members of the FWC turkey program. These
surveys were put on hold pending development of more reliable population
estimation methods for turkey. Formal hog surveys are not conducted at the ranch.
Additionally, game species presence and distribution is monitored at the ranch
throughout the year with the help of wildlife cameras. In addition to surveys and
camera trap monitoring, opportunistic observations of wildlife sign are collected by
staff, volunteers, visitors, and hunters to monitor game species presence.
Frog breeding call surveys started in May 2018 to determine which frog species are
present on the preserve. The data collected during these surveys will help to set the
foundation for our understanding of baseline species diversity and richness ahead of
any hydrologic restoration efforts, monitor for species utilization of specific breeding
ponds, monitor for the presence of exotic/invasive predatory species like Cuban
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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treefrog and cane toad, and contribute important data to existing and ongoing frog
monitoring networks throughout Southwest Florida. The number of frog species is a
good indicator of a healthy wetland habitat. To date, 11 different species of frogs and
toads have been recorded on the preserve (Table 5).
Photo points will be established throughout the preserve when the panther mitigation
bank baseline survey requirements are set-up. The total number of photo stations
installed will be dependent on future restoration plans and staffing levels. Locations
of photo points will be recorded with a GPS unit and all photographs taken at these
locations will be taken at a standard height and angle of view. During photo
documentations, one photo will be taken in each of the cardinal directions (north,
east, south and west) and a 360-degree panoramic photo will also be taken. Photos
will be taken with a vegetation profile board to aid in the determination of what (if
any) changes occur over time. These photos will help to monitor exotic removal
efforts and native plant recruitment, as well as the result of other land management
activities. If necessary, more photo points will be established to aid in management
Action Item 3.1 Prioritize the removal of invasive, exotic and/or problematic
plant species.
Due to the size of Pepper Ranch Preserve, it will be helpful to the preserve manager
to prioritize the exotic control efforts by area of the preserve. The preserve has been
divided up into 3 management phases 1-3. A management unit map has been created
(Appendix 5) dividing the preserve into 9 separate management units. In general, the
management units will assist the preserve manager in prioritizing and allocating
resources available for the management of Pepper Ranch Preserve.
Action Item 3.2 Acquire services of licensed and qualified contractor(s) for the
removal of invasive, exotic and/or problematic plant species.
The following table (Table 10) describes recommended controls (Langeland &
Stocker 2001; Langeland 2008) of the Category I, invasive, exotic plant species
recorded to date on the Pepper Ranch Preserve. These recommended control methods
may be altered by site managers dependent on new information and products
available on the control of these species.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Table 10: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the
Pepper Ranch Preserve FLEPPC Category I species1
Scientific Name Common Name Recommended Control(s)2
Abrus precatorius Rosary pea;
Treat base of vine with 10% Garlon 4. Site must
be revisited several times to pull seedlings.
Albizia lebbeck woman's tongue
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4. Cut
stump treatments are also effective with 50%
Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4. Small seedlings
can be hand-pulled.
Casuarina glauca
gray sheoak; suckering
Basal bark treatment with 10% Garlon 4 is very
effective, as is a cut-stump treatment with 50%
Garlon 3A or 10% Garlon 4. When basal bark
treatment is used on trees greater than 1’
diameter it may be necessary to slough off loose
bark in the application area to prevent the bark
from trapping the herbicide. Addition of 3%
Stalker will increase consistency on older trees.
Broadcut of 4-6 lb Velpar ULW may be used
when appropriate.
Melaleuca, punktree, paper
For seedlings and saplings: (1) hand pull, being
sure not to break plant off of root system and
remove or place in piles to help reduce the
chance that they will re-root or; (2) Treat with
Eugenia uniflora Surinam cherry
For seedlings and small plants up to ½ inch
diameter, use a basal bark treatment with 10%
Garlon 4. This species takes a long time to die,
and may require a subsequent herbicide
application. For larger stems, use a cut-stump
treatment with either 50% Garlon 3A or 10%
Garlon 4. Seedlings should be hand pulled.
Ficus microcarpa Indian laurel
Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4 is
amplexicaulis trompetilla
Foliar treatment with 3-5% Rodeo.
Imerata cylindrical cogongrass
3-4 qt. Roundup Pro or 0.5 qt. Fusulade per acre.
For high volume, spot treatment use 3%-5%
Roundup Pro. Herbicides should be used in
combination with burning or tillage for optimum
control. See IFAS publication SS-AGR-52 for
additional information.
Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian primrosewillow
Treatments can be basal bark, foliar and/or cut
stump, depending on the size of the plant, with
Renovate 3 in aquatic conditions or Garlon 4 in
upland areas. Adjust percentage of chemical
based on application method.
microphyllum small-leaf climbing fern
Thoroughly spray foliage to wet with 1.25%
Garlon 4 (4 pt/acre), 0.6% Roundup Pro
(maximum 5 pt/acre), 1.0%-3.0% Rodeo
(maximum 7 pt/acre). Only Rodeo can be used if
plants are growing in aquatic site. Plants
growing high into trees, cut vines and treat
lower portions. Do not apply when plants are
under environmental stress.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 68
foliar, low volume spot application of 5%
Rodeo. For mature trees: (1) Fell large trees with
chain saw leaving a level surface, or fell small
trees with machete and treat with triclopyr or
glyphosate products according to frill and girdle
directions on SLN. Use aquatic versions where
standing water is present. Monitor for
resprouting and retreat as necessary. (3) Mature
trees are very difficult to control with foliar
Table 10: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the
Pepper Ranch Preserve FLEPPC Category I species1 (continued)
Scientific Name Common Name Recommended Control(s)2
Melinis repens rose natalgrass
Foliar application of 1-2% Roundup will
provide control. Roundup (glyphosate) is a
short-term solution, because regrowth from
seed is rapid.3
Nephrolepis brownii Asian sword fern
A foliar application of Roundup at 1.5%
provides control. Follow-up applications are
Panicum repens torpedo grass
Foliar application of 0.75%-1.5% Rodeo
and surfactant solution. Re-apply as
necessary when plants re-grow to within 4-6
inches in height; or foliar application of
0.5% spot treatment.
Pistia stratiotes water-lettuce
Foliar application with endothall, diquat , or
Psidium cattleianum strawberry guava Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4.
Psidium guajava Guava Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4.
terebinthifolia Brazilian pepper
Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A, 10%
Garlon 4 or a basal bark application of 10%
Garlon 4. Foliar application of Garlon 4, Garlon
3A, Roundup Pro, Roundup Super Concentrate,
or Rodeo, according label directions may be
used where appropriate. Glyphosate products are
less effective when used alone in spring and
early summer. Use Rodeo where plants are
growing in aquatic sites.
Scleria lucustrus Wright’s nutrush
Senna pendula var.
glabrata valamuerto
Foliar application, spray to wet with 1-2%
Roundup Pro.5
Solanum diphyllum
Two-leafed nightshade
Foliar application of 1% Garlon 4 or 3%
Solanum viarum tropical soda apple
Foliar application of 1% Garlon 4 or 3%
Syzygium cumini Java plum
Mature trees may take up to 9 months to
die. Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon
3A or 10% Garlon 4, or use a basal bark
treatment with 10% Garlon 4.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 69
Table 10: Invasive, Exotic Plant Species Control Plan for the
Pepper Ranch Preserve FLEPPC Category I species1 (continued)
Scientific Name Common Name Recommended Control(s)2
Melinis repens rose natalgrass
Foliar application of 1-2% Roundup will
provide control. Roundup (glyphosate) is a
short-term solution, because regrowth from
seed is rapid.3
Nephrolepis brownii Asian sword fern
A foliar application of Roundup at 1.5%
provides control. Follow-up applications are
Panicum repens torpedo grass
Foliar application of 0.75%-1.5% Rodeo
and surfactant solution. Re-apply as
necessary when plants re-grow to within 4-6
inches in height; or foliar application of
0.5% spot treatment.
Pistia stratiotes water-lettuce
Foliar application with endothall, diquat , or
Psidium cattleianum strawberry guava Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4.
Psidium guajava Guava Basal bark application of 10% Garlon 4.
terebinthifolia Brazilian pepper
Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon 3A, 10%
Garlon 4 or a basal bark application of 10%
Garlon 4. Foliar application of Garlon 4, Garlon
3A, Roundup Pro, Roundup Super Concentrate,
or Rodeo, according label directions may be
used where appropriate. Glyphosate products are
less effective when used alone in spring and
early summer. Use Rodeo where plants are
growing in aquatic sites.
Senna pendula var.
glabrata valamuerto
Foliar application, spray to wet with 1-2%
Roundup Pro.5
Solanum viarum tropical soda apple
Foliar application of 1% Garlon 4 or 3%
Syzygium cumini Java plum
Mature trees may take up to 9 months to
die. Cut-stump treatment with 50% Garlon
3A or 10% Garlon 4, or use a basal bark
treatment with 10% Garlon 4.
1 FLEPPC 2009: Category I plants are those that alter native plant communities by displacing
native species, change community structures or ecological functions, or hybridize with natives
(FLEPPC 2009)
2 All species except as cited otherwise
3 (Stokes 2009)
4(Langeland 2008)
5(Langeland et al. 2003)
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 70
Action Item 3.3 Monitor Acquire services of licensed or qualified contractor(s)
for the removal of invasive, exotic or problematic animal species.
To date, three (32) introduced animal species have been documented on the Pepper
Ranch Preserve, the brown anole, cane toad and the feral hog. Brown anoles and cane
toads are too numerous to control at this point. Attempts to control the Feral hog
population are discussed below in Action item 3.4.
AnotherOne potentially problematic species is the Coyote. Widespread control of
coyotes has been found to be ineffective and is not ecologically or economically
defensible. Individual coyotes may need to be removed from the preserve if they
become a problem to the current cattle operation; that decision will be made on a case
by case basis. The coyote can be legally hunted all year long with guns, dogs, live
traps, or snares. A permit is required to use steel traps, to trap on another person’s
property, or to use a gun and light at night. Possessing or transporting a live coyote
requires a Class II captive wildlife permit and the use of poison is prohibited.
Action Item 3.4 Implement the Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program to
assist in Feral Hog Management (See Regulations in Appendix 7 )
It is doubtful that the total eradication of this species at Pepper Ranch Preserve can be
achieved, however, efforts will be made to reduce their population and limit the
damage they cause to natural areas, native plants and animals. In late 2009, the
Collier County BCC approved a contract with the USDA Wildlife Services for the
control of feral hogs at the preserve, which was part of the property Interim
Management Plan. As a result, fourteen hogs were trapped and euthanized in a short
time. On January 12, 2010, Item 10D, the BCC voted to cancel the USDA contract
due to public opposition and directed staff to develop a hunt program to attempt to
control the hogs and to consider trapping at a later date if they cannot be controlled
through normal hunting. As a result, the first Annual Youth Hunt was held at the
preserve in April 2010, with the assistance of FWC, and 4 hogs were harvested as a
result. The Pepper Ranch Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program for this
preserve was then developed and began on September 11, 2010. In 2010-2011, a
total of two youth hunts and six public hunts were conducted. This program did
provide some control of the hog population at Pepper Ranch, however only 8 total
hogs were harvested during the first hunting season. Hunting alone may not properly
manage the hog population and thus a monitoring program should be developed to
assess the amount of hog damage to natural communities. Efforts will be made to
request assistance from nearby colleges to conduct such studies. Additional control
measures such as trapping may be necessary to protect the resource. Monitoring the
hog population will be particularly important in the event that a wetlands mitigation
bank is developed on Pepper Ranch Preserve; created/enhanced wetlands will be
required to meet certain success criteria within a set timeframe and hog foraging
behavior could severely impact creation/enhancement efforts. In areas where wetland
restoration is to occur in the future, hog fencing may need to be installed around the
restoration areas or potentially the entire perimeter of the preserve. This fencing
would be paid for with mitigation funds. Hogs do however, provide a food source for
the Florida Panther.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Fires were a naturally occurring event in native communities prior to mankind’s
intervention. The primary ecological functions of fire are to eliminate accumulated plant
material, return nutrients to the soil, and germinate fire-dependent species. In today’s
preserve areas prescribed burning is an essential tool in both land and wildlife
management and helps reduce potential damage and hazards from wildfires in the
wildland/urban interface areas. Proper prescribed burns promote the growth of green
shoots, roots, and rhizomes of grasses and sedges that are then available for foraging. In
wetlands, burning creates deep pools and edges for nesting and feeding of waterfowl and
controls undesirable vegetation.
Much of Collier County is comprised of natural communities in general, that are
dependent on fire to maintain species composition and diversity. The use of prescribed
fire as a management tool will be critical to the long-term health of the natural
communities and native species at the Pepper Ranch Preserve.
Action Items 4.1: Create a Prescribed Fire Management Plan
Below is the prescribed fire management plan for Pepper Ranch Preserve. The
preserve land manager with assistance from the Florida Forest Service (FFS) Division
of Forestry (DOF) and/or a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager will implement the
prescribed fire management plan according to the specific needs of Pepper Ranch
Preserve. Staff may coordinate this effort with other local qualified agencies for
review and approval.
The prescribed fire plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve will be a program that mimics
the natural fire cycle for the various natural community types identified within the
preserve. Timing, based on weather conditions and ignition practices can be modified
to accomplish goals ranging from exotic vegetation control to wildlife habitat
enhancement and fuel reduction within burn units. This prescribed fire management
plan will be implemented at Pepper Ranch Preserve for ecological purposes. The
goals and objectives established for the preserve will be clearly laid out and
incorporated into each prescription. Generally, prescribed burns conducted at the
Pepper Ranch Preserve will involve a variety of firing techniques over a range of
weather conditions to create mosaic burn patterns that will benefit an array of wildlife
Burn Units
The size of the Pepper Ranch Preserve, in conjunction with habitat fragmentation by
existing (oil fields, cattle grazing) and future uses (lodge, possible housing, camping
areas and public use trails) of the preserve create a complex mosaic of fire dependent
communities. This will be taken into consideration when subdividing the preserve
into burn units. The creation of burn units not only facilitates the application of
prescribed fire, it will also help create a mixture of burned and unburned areas across
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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the preserve. Patches of unburned habitat in conjunction with newly burned areas
will increase habitat heterogeneity, ensuring a wide range of habitat compositions
year-round for use by a diversity of wildlife species. The size and boundaries of each
burn unit should be established based on the preserve boundaries and the location of
existing barriers such as fence lines, ditches, roads and other existing structures. The
division of burn units may change over time as the prescribed fire plan is
implemented and on-the-ground logistics become more obvious. Fire breaks will
consist of primitive roads, trails disked to bare mineral soil, wet lines or foam lines
and/or natural vegetation breaks. When the Pepper Ranch Preserve burn plan is
implemented, additional manmade barriers may be constructed as a result of the
development of public use facilities.
If new fire breaks are needed, efforts will be made to minimize disturbance to
existing native vegetation during their creation and maintenance, and no wetlands will
be adversely impacted as a result of fire break construction. In the event of a wildfire
FFSDOF may create fire breaks within existing wetlands. If plow lines are put in as a
result of a wildfire, whether they are in a wetland or upland, efforts will be made to
mitigate by gradinge those areas to prior grade.
Burn Frequency and Burn Season
Historically the frequency of wildfire in Florida’s ecosystem varied from year to year.
However, fire frequency for natural communities as found within the Pepper Ranch
Preserve will generally follow these guidelines (FNAI 1990):
• wet prairies – annual (1-2 year cycle) or frequent (3-7 year cycle);
• dry prairie – frequent (1-4 year cycle);
• mesic pine flatwoods – frequent (2-4 year cycle);
• hydric pine flatwoods – frequent (3-7 year cycle);
• depression marshes – more frequent around the periphery (3-7 year cycle) and
becoming more occasional toward the center (8-25 year cycle);
• cypress/pine/cabbage palm – transitional community from moist upland to
hydric sites – occasional (8-25 year cycle);
• cypress strand/dome swamp – occasional around the periphery (8-25 year
cycle) and rare in the deepest peat towards the center of the strand/dome (26-
100 year cycle);
• slough – occasional (8-25 year cycle) or rare (26-100 year cycle);
• prairie hammock – occasional or rare; if oak and palm dominated on drier
sites tolerate occasional light ground fires, but more diverse hammocks rarely
• upland mixed forest – rare or no fire; densely closed canopy limits air
movement and light penetration, making high humidity relatively constant.
Burn units incorporating multiple natural communities under different fire cycles will
be burned based on the community requiring the shortest cycle. The other
communities within that burn unit that are on a longer fire cycle will likely not burn
as frequently since fuels will not have built up. The seasonality, weather factors, or
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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ignition techniques of the prescribed burn will also be chosen to selectively burn the
community within the unit with the shortest fire cycle.
Fire maintenance of hydric hammocks will be accomplished primarily by burning the
adjacent flatwoods and marshes, reducing the fuel needed to ignite the hammock.
Maintenance of natural species composition and protection from excess fuel build-up
will be accomplished by allowing fire to enter the edges but not completely burn
through the hammocks. Fire will be introduced into the edges of hammocks under
moist conditions that will not result in a destructive fire through the hammock. Fire
frequency in this situation will be dictated by the frequency of fires in adjacent
Fire will be applied to freshwater marshes in conjunction with the burning of
surrounding pine flatwoods to maintain open herbaceous ponds and control woody
plants found primarily on the edge of these depressions. The centers of depression
marshes are much wetter than the surrounding flatwoods and may not burn at the
same time the flatwoods are ignited. In this case, a separate fire under guarded
conditions may be needed to carry the fire across the marsh. In cypress strands, fire is
beneficial for the control of hardwoods and reduction of ground fuels near their
outside edge. Conditions dry enough to burn soils in the center of strands, or muck
fires, would most likely be damaging to trees within them. The burning of cypress
strands will take place only when moist conditions allow for light surface fires in the
outer portion of the dome and avoid muck fires. Fire will be excluded from strands
under dryer conditions.
Qualitative observations will be made within each burn unit on an annual basis to
determine current fuel loads, habitat structure, and habitat quality. The burn schedule
will then be modified as needed based on these qualitative observations. Areas where
fire cannot be implemented will instead be mowed, roller chopped, or pruned to
mimic effects of fire. The burn manager will conduct post-burn inspections to ensure
the burn objectives are being met for each natural community. When possible,
vegetation monitoring activities will be conducted around burn events to help assess
the effectiveness of the prescribed burn regime.
Pile Burning
Burning of agricultural piles of vegetative debris may be conducted as needed. The
piles must be placed in an open area such as a pasture and the piles must be placed at
least 50 feet from a forested area or structure. A permit must be issued by the Florida
Forest Service Division of Forestry. When burning restrictions are in place, the piles
may only be burned by a Certified Pile Burn Manager licensed by FFS DOF. When
no restrictions are in place, the piles may be burned by trained staff, contractor or by
the acting cattle manager after a permit is issued. Persons conducting the burning
must have a water source large enough to extinguish the fire and a front end loader or
other similar type of machine present before proceeding with burning.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Burn Schedule
Generally, prescribed burns within the Pepper Ranch Preserve will be conducted
during the growing season (mid-March through early September) as well as during
the dry season (November to mid-May). Essentially burns will be scheduled when
conditions allow, and the timing selected to best suit the objectives for each burn unit,
as well as to provide protection to listed species.
Burn Manager Duties
Florida Statute 590.125 and Chapter 5I-2 of the Florida Administrative Code (FAC)
grant the FFSDOF the authority to regulate prescribed burning in Florida. Prescribed
burning will be planned and carried out by a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager (as
licensed by the FFSDOF) and experienced fire crews utilizing a Prescribed Burn Plan
form, referred to from here on as the prescription. The planning and application of
prescribed burning will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local
Each prescription will include the following at a minimum:
• purpose for the burn;
• brief description of the natural community type(s) to be burned;
• a map depicting the location of the burn, firebreak locations, potential hazard
areas and escape routes for the fire crew;
• acceptable ranges of weather and soil moisture conditions;
• a pre-burn inspection of burn unit, firebreaks and any potential hazards
(including power transmission lines, active cattle grazing locations, and
existing manmade structures) within the burn unit;
• names and contact information for neighbors, lease holders, local fire district
and other pertinent stakeholders to be contacted prior to ignition;
• techniques used to ignite the controlled burn;
• personnel, equipment and safety requirements;
• personnel assignments and responsibilities; and
• post-burn evaluation.
All necessary permits and authorizations will be obtained by the Certified Prescribed
Burn Manager before implementation of the burn. As part of each prescription, the
burn manager will develop an emergency action plan that will include escape routes
for all personnel and actions to be taken in the event of unexpected weather changes
or fire behavior.
Weather and Fuel Considerations
When developing recommendations for a prescribed burn, the burn manager will
consider weather and fuel conditions including, but not limited to: wind, relative
humidity, temperature, rainfall and soil moisture, airmass stability and atmospheric
dispersion. It will be the responsibility of the Burn Manager to obtain current
weather forecasts from FFSDOF, and other weather sources as necessary, prior to
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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executing the prescribed burn. Although preferred weather and fuel conditions may
vary based on specific burn objectives, Wade and Lundsford (1989) suggest the
following as preferred conditions for prescribed burns in southern forests:
• 6 to 20 mph persistent surface winds;
• 30 to 55 percent relative humidity;
• temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit are recommended when the
primary objective is to control undesirable species;
• damp soil moistures;
• slightly unstable or neutral airmass stability; and
• KBDI of 0 to 600 dependent on burn objectives.
Smoke Management
Smoke management is an essential component of the burn prescription. The burn
manager will evaluate the potential impacts of each prescribed burn to smoke-
sensitive areas located within a 20-mile radius from the location of the burn by
employing a Screening System, such as recommended in Wade and Lundsford
(1989). Based on definitions contained within the state regulations, smoke sensitive
areas are areas within which smoke could have an adverse impact for reasons of
visibility, health or human welfare (NRCS 2003). Monitoring of the prescribed burn
will continue until smoke no longer presents a potential hazard and there is no
potential for the fire to reignite and cause an uncontrolled fire.
Post-Burn Evaluation
The purpose of the post-burn evaluation is to ensure the objectives of the burn were
attained and gain information to be used in future burns (Wade and Lundsford 1989).
The post-burn evaluation will be conducted by the burn manager within one week
following the burn, as well as a second evaluation after the first post-fire growing
season. Quantitative vegetation monitoring, photo documentation and wildlife
monitoring can be implemented to further aid in determining if the objectives of each
burn were met.
Action Item 4.2 Develop Burn Units
Burn units will need to be delineated for Pepper Ranch Preserve, as outlined in the
prescribed fire management plan above prior to the implementation of the plan.
Action Item 4.3 Install Perimeter Fire Lines
Fire lines will be installed utilizing best management practices to minimize impacts to
mature trees, natural communities and wildlife populations. Firebreaks will be disked
or mulched down to soil and will go around all mature pine trees; they will be a
maximum of 8-10 feet wide.
Action Item 4.3 Implement Memorandum of Understanding with Wildland
Restoration International
On June 12, 2018 a Memorandum of Understanding with the Board of County
Commissioners and Wildland Restoration International (WRI) was signed to allow
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Conservation Collier to work with this non-for-profit organization to assist the
program with prescribed fire and other land management activities at no cost to the
County. WRI has received a state wildlife grant to assist Counties and others with prescribed
fire and other land management activities by providing personnel and equipment to conduct
prescribed burning operations on public land holdings in addition to personnel resources to
accomplish management tasks at no cost to the County.
WRI will participate in at least 2 scheduled burns per year and additional land
management activities to include, but not limited to, debris removal, hardwood
treatment, invasive treatment, invasive surveying, and native understory
establishment. Prescribed burning operations conducted by WRI will also enhance
burning skills of participating team members, mitigate the threat of wildfires and help
promote public understanding and acceptance of this important natural resource
management tool.
WRI and Conservation Collier staff will develop a Prescribed Burning Operations
Plan that includes but is not limited to a prioritized list of burn units, burn
prescriptions for each unit, a proposed burning schedule and anticipated resource
needs. The plan will be flexible in order to meet changing weather conditions, work
priorities of the participating parties and unforeseen budgetary constraints.
Conservation Collier staff will assume all responsibilities for prescribed burns and
other land management activities conducted on property for which it has management
authority – as it currently does. This includes, but is not limited to, preparing burn
prescriptions (including smoke screening plans), preparing the site for burning,
obtaining the burn authorization and managing the burn. Burn prescriptions and burn
unit maps will be provided to all participating personnel, local fire districts and the
Division of Forestry personnel. Safety and operational briefings will be conducted
prior to ignition. The County will have its own Certified Burn Manager in charge of
the burn with WRI staff assisting and providing equipment.
Action Item 5.1 Evaluate the feasibility of conducting a hydrological analysis of
the preserve to better determine restoration needs.
During the fieldwork conducted by Johnson Engineering, Inc. in the fall of 2009 it
was noted that many of the natural wetland natural communities at Pepper Ranch
Preserve are disturbed; as described in section 2.3. This disturbance appears to be
hydrologic in nature due to the lack of standing water observed in these wetland
communities in comparison to the undisturbed wetlands, and by the relatively high
number of upland and exotic/nuisance plant species observed in the disturbed
wetlands. A hydrological analysis of the preserve would provide a baseline for the
development of a hydrologic restoration plan for Pepper Ranch Preserve. The
presence of invasive exotic vegetation can be related to a hydrologic disturbance.
Identifying hydrologic disturbances and proposing remedial measures (i.e. ditch
removal or ditch blocks) at the preserve would not only work towards the restoration
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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of natural plant communities but also possibly help limit exotic plant invasions in
those areas. The analysis could be taken a step further to incorporate water quality
analysis especially as it pertains to water flows into Lake Trafford.
A hydrologic analysis of the preserve would generally involve the placement of
surface and ground water level monitoring wells at strategic locations throughout the
preserve, mapping ditches and canals on the preserve, reviewing historic aerial
photography of the preserve and determining the historic sheet flow patterns on site.
This monitoring will be funded with mitigation funds.
Surface and ground water level monitoring wells installed for the purpose of this
hydrologic analysis could be left in place for long-term, on-going monitoring at
Pepper Ranch Preserve. The data collected would help monitor the health of wetland
systems on site over time, as well as provide a baseline of wetland function that could
help evaluate possible effects from proposed adjacent land use changes (i.e. if a mine
was ever proposed adjacent to the preserve).
Action Item 5.2 Maintain a revised GIS map and description of FNAI natural
communities and disturbed areas on the property.
Maintaining updated maps will help to guide restoration efforts.
Action Item 5.3 Plant native plant species in their appropriate habitats.
Periods following exotic removal and prescribed fire (or mechanical treatment) are
essential to the recruitment of native plants. If native plant recruitment is not
sufficient from the surrounding, intact seed source, efforts will be made to plant
indigenous flora in appropriate habitats. Natural area restoration of Pepper Ranch
Preserve should include only site-specific native plant material that has been
determined to be non-problematic at the site and whenever possible, site-specific seed
sources should be utilized. In addition, hardwoods that may invade the natural areas
(mesic pine flatwood area) should not be planted.
Action Item 6.1 Develop access and required facilities for intended public uses.
There are many opportunities for public use at the Pepper Ranch Preserve due to the
size of the preserve, its proximity to the community of Immokalee and the diversity
of natural communities present. In addition to general public uses at the preserve,
there are also revenue-generating uses as presented above, cattle lease and oil fields,
hunting, apiary lease, as well as mitigation uses that are already in place or are
plannedproposed for the preserve, such as a panther conservation bank. and
Wwetland mitigation was considered but was denied by the SFWMD and Army
Corp. of Engineers. . All of these different uses considered and requested by the
public may not be compatible with one another and thus a compatibility matrix was
devised to better illustrate when and where at Pepper Ranch Preserve the different
uses can occur. This matrix is included in this plan as Appendix 8.
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Until additional staffing and funding areis available, the Pepper Ranch Preserve will
only be open to the public on Friday, and non-hunt or holiday Saturdays and Sundays
from November through June April of each year. Daily Use Permits will be required
by all visitors and will be issued before access can be granted. County staff will be
stationed in the visitor’s center or guard house on Pepper Rd. to provide access and
assistance to visitors. A temporary gate code for the electric gate will be given to
visitors to access the northern access area when they check in with the Park Ranger.
A temporary combination lock will be added to the main gate to allow entry to the
northern public access area until an electronic gate and/or small guard house is
installed. Visitors must also check out before they leave for the day. This will ensure
that all visitors are accounted for at the end of each day. Security cameras are also
facing each preserve entrance to help monitor ingress and egress. The small guard
house will also be used at the north gate as a check station on designated hunt
Portable toilet facilities will be available until a permanent facility can be built. Upon
professional inspection of the existing septic system associated with the lodge, it was
determined to be unsafe and was crushed and permanently shut down.A new
bathroom facility with showers was built in 2015 along with two A new septic
systems and a water treatment system. wells will be necessary for the development of
permanent public use facilities at Pepper Ranch Preserve.
TConservation Collier staff will be discussing with the Collier County Parks and
Recreation Program has beenthe possibility of their involvement in administering and
staffing the visitor center, campgrounds and pole barn rentals since 2014. public
access programs on the preserve. Staff also will also attempt to developed a
volunteer program for the for all of the Conservation Collier Preserves with several
master naturalists who have been to assisting with guided public tours and other
To avoid impacts to natural communities at Pepper Ranch, guidelines werewill need
to be developed for the allowable uses on all proposed trails and other amenities.
Guidelines will include instructions for users such as staying on trails to avoid
altering the natural communities, and to take only pictures and leave only footprints.
The development of all trail systems at Pepper Ranch should to the extent
practicable, utilize existing trails and other impacted areas, and werebe developed
along the natural edge of natural communities where their construction hadwill
minimized disturbances, as well as avoided impacts to marshes and other wetland
systems. Most of the trails are not ADA accessible; however, all new trails will be
evaluated for vehicle class use for ADA access.
The implementation of the proposed public uses at Pepper Ranch Preserve remainsis
dependent on funding, safety issues, site security and the availability of st aff. The
conceptual site plan (Figure 12) incorporates the following proposed components:
The South Public Access Area will be situated on the south side of Pepper Road with a
parking area and trailhead that will lead to the lodge/visitors center.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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• The lodge/visitor center – Conservation Collier staff has is planning to
renovated the existing visitor center lodge and will use it for public use as a
visitor center. The lodge could also be rented for special events. Policies will
need to be created though the Ordinance, Policy and Rules subcommittee in
regard to special events, lodge rentals and ecotourism. Approved eco-tours
need to be compatible with this management plan. Staff will research
historical grants for future funding opportunities as needed.
• The lodge hiking trail – The lodge hiking trail is accessible from the south
public entrance. It is made up of three loops that total approximately 0.9
miles, heading east from the trailhead/parking area, meandering through oak
hammock, mesic flatwoods and dry prairie communities; there iswill be a
short segment of boardwalk crossing over a depressional marsh. Benches and
interpretive signage existwill be placed at strategic locations along the trail.
• The boardwalk – The boardwalk (length = approximately 812’ or less) was
constructed is proposed at the south end of the south public access area
trailhead/parking area and would leads to a covered lake overlook platform.
This is low priority and will only be constructed if the budget allows.
• The lake overlook platform –A covered lake overlook platform was
constructed at is proposed at the terminus of the boardwalk and would allows
visitors to view Lake Trafford from a raised elevation. This was builtis
proposed to be constructed on the existing raised shoreline and not directly
over Lake Trafford. A local Boy Scout added a large bench to the overlook as
part of an Eagle Scout Project in 2017. EThis is also a low priority and will
only be constructed if the budget allows.
• CFuture camping areas- A small camping area with 10 campsites waswill be
developed in the current eastern pasture area located between the entrance to
the south public access area and the lodge. This iswill be open to the public
on Friday and Saturday nights when the preserve is open. as soon as adequate
staffing and/or security is available and when the bathroom facilities are
completed. This campground iswill be accessible to tent campers with
vehicles, but not RV’s. An RV may only be allowed in this campground for
use by a campground host or possibly under other special circumstances.
There is will be no water or electricity located at the individual campsites.
Camping iswill be limited to hunters only during hunt weekends.
• Officer’s Trailer home or Campground host- A single-wide manufactured
trailer homeAn RV pad with full hook-up will be constructed and placed on a
small improved area just south and west of the gate to the south public access
area. A campground host would be allowed to bring in an RV and live there
during the months that the preserve is open to the public in exchange for
minor duties that would include looking over the campground, grounds
upkeep, and possibly trail maintenance work. It would also be beneficial to
have aA County Sheriff’s Department officer or FWCC officer will reside
there to keep watch over the property.. The existing cottage that used to serve
this purpose will be demolished due to the major cost of needed repairs and
the high mold content.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Public Use
The amount of public use the preserve receives during open season is increasing
every year. Several different user groups utilize the preserve for different recreational
opportunities. The table and graph below provide a snapshot of the increase in
visitor use and the breakdown of use by the different user groups.
Figure 12. Total Pepper Ranch Preserve Visitation 2010 - 2017
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Figure 13. Pepper Ranch Preserve Visitor Use by Category 2014-2017
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Figure 142: Original Conceptual Site Plan for Pepper Ranch Preserve
Figure 14: Current Trails as of August 2018
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The North Public Access Area is accessible from the north gate off of Pepper Road and
will provides public access for a scenic drive, hiking trails, multi-use trails, mountain
bike trails and primitive camping areas. This northern area iswill be accessible after
checking in at obtaining a daily use permit from the lodge/visitor center. All trails that
double as firebreaks will be maintained on a regular basis, new trail creation and
maintenance may be on dependantdependent on the demand for use and available
• The Scenic Drive- the public iswill be allowed to drive through the Preserve
along the main access road after obtaining a free daily use permit and a
temporary access code from the visitor center. This will allows the public to
view the majority of the preserve by vehicle and to view the wildlife and
different ecosystems present. The driving tour is approximately 6.4 miles
round trip and does not include the easement road that leads to the south
property boundary. Visitors are would also be required to check out at the
visitor center before they depart. During wet conditions, Until the designated
trails listed below are completed, the public will be asked to keep vehiclesstay
on the main roads during their tour and to drive at slow speed for safety.
During normal dry conditions, When designated trails are officially open to
the public, they may park in the designated trailhead parking areas.
• Hiking trails – Hiking trails will provide a view of live oak hammocks, mesic
flatwoods, cypress sloughs, open prairie and depressionaldepression marshes.
Currently, there are five (65) differentseparate trail areas proposed totaling
approximately 14.5 6.1 miles which arewill only all open to hikers hikers.
However, hikers and trail runners cann also use all other trails designated as
multi-use, includingshared with horseback riders, or mountain bike trails with
caution. Hikers must yield to bikers and horseback riders. All trails combined
total approximately 23 miles not including the access roads. Many trails
already exist as firebreaks. Benches and interpretive signage have will been
placed at strategic locations along the trails.
• Seasonal access hiking trail – A 1.0-mile loop would allow visitors to walk
through some of the scenic wetland communities located in the western
portion of the preserve during the dry season. It is located west of the scenic
driving trail and will traverse through natural communities such as cypress
strand and a red maple dominated bottomland forest. This trail will be limited
to foot traffic to prevent damage to the sensitive wetland soils.
• Mulit-use Trails- (Hiking & Horseback riding) –Trails designated multi-use,
accessible to horses and hikers, total 11.25 miles. This total includes the main
access road and easement road. An area in the south central portion of the
preserve will take riders though 3 miles of prairie, mesic flatwoods, oak
hammock and marshes. It will also lead to the crossroads of the oil well road
and the south easement road. Traveling south on this easement road will lead
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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to the southwestern most multi-use trails which are approximately 2.5 miles in
length. The third trail will lead from the main road near the cattle pens north
to the primitive camping area in the north central area which will total 2.2
miles round trip. The public will be required to park cars and horse trailers at
the visitor center and enter through the north entrance gate or at a designated
parking area at the trailheads. Equestrian use at Pepper Ranch Preserve may
also require additional amenities such as watering and feeding areas. A small
hand pump well may be installed in areas near riding trailheads. Riders arewill
be required to show documentation of a negative Coggin’s test when they
check in at the visitors center. Existing trails and firebreaks will be used as
horse-back riding trails and in general are approximately 8-10 feet wide. The
majority of the multi-use will not be shared with mountain bikers for safety
reasons, however both user groups may have to pass each other on occasion
on the main access roads. Signs have beenwill be posted to use caution when
approaching horses. When horse riders are checked in at the lodge, hikers and
bikers will be notified to use caution and to stay on designated trails. All
multi-use trails will be maintained by the County and with help from
volunteer groups.
• Mountain biking trails- There are three main areas where mountain biking
(off-road cycling) trails are existing or proposed to be created. They were
planned as Phase 1-3. The total length of the proposed trails wasis
approximately 1315.5 miles in length, this includes the main access road,
easement road and a small portion of the multi-use trails. These trails have
been will be created in phases. on demand for use. The majority of the biking
trails arewill be very narrow in width and are kept separate from the
horseback-riding trails. However, hikers and trail runners may share the
mountain biking trails with caution. Two main areas arewill be located in the
western portion of the Preserve. The first main area, Phase I, iswill be located
in the west center, south of the main road that leads to the oil wells. This
waswill be the first completed phase of the biking trails. These trails have
been named Panther Pass and Black Bear Berm. This area was formerly
harvested of cabbage palms, as a result there wereare several existing trails
that were that can be used to create approximately 4.5 miles of winding
singletrack trail through the forested area. A second area that may be created
is located in the extreme southwest area, west of the easement road. This will
be phase two and would be a 2 mile winding singletrack loop trail in the
center of a horseback riding trail. The separate trails would not intersect and
the only area where the two user groups may pass each other is on the main
easement road that leads to the trails and back out. Phase 2, which has been
named Kite flight threeis will be aa third area would be aa 5.54 mile partial
perimeter trail that would runs along the edges of the pastures and would
starts from the winding singletrack area in the west central portion of the
preserve, and will continuesrun north along the pastures to the northern
property boundary. It will,eventually then turn east and willwould circle
through the primitive camping area in the north center, then back down the
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 85
multi-use trail past the cattle pens to the main road. It will then follow the
main road back to the parking area Approximately, one-third of this trail has
been created. USFWS is requiring that this trail continuation only be created
along the edges of the forest and that no new trails are cut into the woods.
They are requiring this as part of the future Florida Panther Conservation
• The third possible area or Phase 3, was planned to be created in the extreme
southwest area, west of the easement road. This would have been a 2 mile
winding singletrack loop trail in the center of the existing Sunflower Trace
horseback riding trail. This potential trail has been denied by the USFWS due
to the future Panther Conservation Easement.
Trails have been and will continue to be will be created according to the
International Mountain Biking Standards (IMBA) and the majority of the
trails will be narrow single-track trails that will be created and maintained by
the use of hand tools such as a weed cutter and loppers etc. A local non-profit
off-road cycling group called the Florida Mudcutters have been volunteering
since 2012 red to assist in and have createding and maintaineding these trail
systems. Helmets must be worn by bikers on these trails at all times. Trails
arewill be specifically marked. Special gates may be installed in the future to
allow bikers to pass through cattle gates and small bridges/crossovers may
need to be built over ditches in the cattle pastures. During rainy season
portions of the trails may be closed due to wet conditions. Bikers may park at
the main visitor center and ride to the trails or may also park in future
designated parking areas near the trailheads. The majority of the biking trails
arewill need to be maintained by the user group, however, County staff will
determine at what level to assist based on av ailable resources and will attempt
to will plan to be present on work days to supervise new trail creation.
Primitive camping areas– The primitive camping will be accessible from the north
public entrance. Campers may park near the cattle pens and hike up the multi-use trail to
the camping area. There are three separate locations for primitive camping along the
north hiking loop trail. These campsites will be walk-in only and will have no facilities.
Action Item 6.2 Pepper Ranch Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program
The preserve has been open to the public for hunting since September 2010. Hunting is
limited to small game, hogs and turkey. Deer hunting wasis planned to be introduced in
the Fall of 2011. The Preserve iswill be closed on Saturday and Sunday during each hunt
weekend. Currently, the hog hunts are limited to 10 hunters per weekend, while deer and
turkey hunts are limited to 4 hunters per weekend. All hunters have designated hunting
zones. The zone closest to the lake and the structures is limited to archery only (See
Appendix 7). SeveralThree successful FWC youth hunts have been held each year for
kids age 12-17 and at least two are planned to be held each year depending on the
continued interest and volunteers. The amountnumber of public hunts and youth hunts
that will be allowed each year may change when other public uses of the property
increase and based on wildlife management determinations and public interest.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
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Action Item 6.3 Recreational Drone Use is Prohibited
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), for recreational use by the general
public is prohibited within the preserve. Drones have been proven to cause stampedes
with horses and cattle, they can interfere with prescribed burning and wildfire
operations, and they also may infringe on the privacy and safety of preserve visitors.
Requests by search and rescue organizations, fire and law enforcement agencies, other
governmental and first-response agencies for a scheduled operation of non-recreational
UAV on the preserve must be directed through the Division’s Administrative Offices.
Approval may be given for the purposes of training or reconnaissance through the
Division Director.
For all other non-recreational requests related to media, land management or research, a
permit through Conservation Collier or it’s designated agency or representative may be
issued on a case by case basis. Each permit application will be signed by the Parks and
Recreation Director and will be adequately evaluated as to the appropriateness of the
requested activities and whether the use of a UAV will result in unacceptable impacts
to the preserve and visitors. If a permit is issued, it will clearly identify the designated
area(s) where the UAV may be operated within the park. The permit will also contain
the terms and conditions to ensure safe operation and will mitigate any unacceptable
impact to the resources and the public. Users will specifically be advised not to fly
them in the bald eagle nesting zone west of the main campground during nesting
season, or near cattle or horseback riding areas. Coordination will need to be carried
out if riders are on the property. County staff can only enforce drone use when they
take off and land on our property. Drones that are flown over the preserve from other
properties are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). All
permitted users should abide by the FAA applicable laws and regulations.
Actions Item 7.1 Develop interpretive signage to educate preserve visitors.
On completedce a trail systems is complete, site-specific signage, including
directional signage, has been installedwill be developed to educate visitors on plant
identification and general ecosystem information. A large sign with a map of the
preserve will be installed at the north and south public entrances. Additional smaller
trail specific interpretive signs will be placed at the various trailheads.
Action Item 7.2 Provide maps and preserve brochures for the publicin rainproof
box on site.
BA brochures and trail maps for the preserve outlining the native plant communities,
and wildlife present, and trail locations will at the preserve will be created by County
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 87
staff and will be offered to visitors during the check in process. Trail maps may also
be available at the specific trailheads. kept in rainproof boxes near the preserve
entrance. The preserve manager or park ranger will inspect these boxes monthly and
will refill the brochures as necessary.
Action Item 8.1 Discourage any unauthorized visitation to the preserve at night
and identify the hours of operation.
A security light and sign designating park hours as sunrise to sunset has beenwill be
installed at the entrances to the preserve and adjacent landowners will be given an
emergency phone number if they detect human activity on the preserve after hours. If
problems arise, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office and/or FWC currently will be
contacted to patrol the area and site on a routine basis. Once any type of camping
facilities are open to the public, Aan automatic gate or temporary keypad
combinationcombination lock at the entrance will allows nighttime access to the
preserve to registered campers, law enforcement and staff only. Campers will be
advised that the northern public use area is only available for access from dawn to
Conservation Collier staff is developing a Preserve Ordinance which may address t he
issues of types of visitation, hours of operation, etc.
A County Sheriff’s Department officer or FWCC officer with jurisdictional arrest
capability will reside there to keep watch over the preserve.
Action Item 8.2 Enforce regulations prohibiting trash and landscape debris
dumping in or near the preserve.
Currently, illegal dumping is not occurring on or near the preserve. Monthly property
inspections will be conducted to monitor for such activity. Staff will work with the
Collier County Sheriff’s Office if problems start to arise.
Action Item 8.3 Survey trees along the trail and the perimeter of the property
for damage.
Staff will routinely monitor the trees along the walking and hiking trails to determine
if diseased, weak, or damaged trees/limbs exist and if so remove them to reduce the
risk of visitor injury. Due to the length of the proposed trails at Pepper Ranch
Preserve this activity will likely require the assistance from volunteers and/or the
Department of Corrections work crews, as feasible.
Action Item 8.4 Visit the preserve within 48 hours after a major storm event to
assess damage.
Staff will take photos of damage and fill out appropriate Collier County Risk
Management Department or FEMA forms. If damage is extensive, the entire preserve
or the affected portions will be closed until public safety hazards are cleared.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 88
Action Item 8.5 Promptly clear storm debris from preserve.
If necessary, a Collier County emergency debris removal contractor will be
contracted as soon as possible after the storm to schedule clean up. Removal of debris
and damaged or downed trees along the trail system may be needed. Downed trees
and limbs that do not appear to be a public safety hazard will be cleared at the
discretion of the Preserve Manager. As much of the hurricane debris as possible will
be chipped and retained onsite to be used as mulch for the trail s. The preserve will be
closed temporarily until the potential hazards are eliminated.
Action Item 8.6 Public Safety Response
Visitors will be given the phone number to the visitor’s center or the onsite Security
Officer (if after hours) incase of emergency. If a visitor is lost or injured, staff will
notify the Facilities Management Department and the CCSO and EMS. will be
called if needed. Staff will attempt to locate the visitor in distress by use of a 4x4
vehicle or UTV until additional help arrives. An AED (automatic electronic
defibrillator) is installed in the visitors center to utilize until EMS arrives. A
helicopter can land close to the visitor center and the mountain bike trailhead parking
area if needed. Designated landing spots will be mapped and given to EMS for future
A panther conservation bank on a portion of Pepper Ranch Preserve would will create
an inter-departmental partnership for Collier County. The mitigation or PHU’s
generated by restoring altered communities at the preservethe Pepper Ranch Preserve
Conservation Bank will would be utilized for offsetting the panther habitat impacts
from Collier County transportation and other public works projects while providing
the funding necessary to restore manage the preserve.
The information provided below in Action Items 9.1 and 9.2 is meant to provide the
basis necessary to allow for the commencement of preliminary discussions with all
stakeholders involved in a potential future necessary for the creation of the
Conservation Bank. If Conservation Collier and other Collier County departments
choose to pursue the option of a bank further, a consultant would likely be hired to
assist with planning, agency coordination and permitting of the bank.
Action Item 9.1 Provide Panther Habitat Unit calculations for the area of Pepper
Ranch Preserve proposed for a Panther Conservation Bank.
Table 11 provides the PHU calculations for the panther habitat units (PHU) for for the
entire Pepper Ranch Preserve Conservation Bank, which consists of lands that are
outside of, including the areas that are within the Stewardship Sending Area 7 (SSA
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 89
Code FLUCFCS Description Area
PHU Value
Pine forest 411 Pine flatwoods 149.89 9.5 1,423.95
Hardwood-Pine 434 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm 180.35 9.3 1,677.26
Cypress swamp 621 Cypress 0.72 9.2 6.64
630 Wetland forested mix 23.81 9 214.31
6151 Red maple swamp 76.47 9 688.26
6152 Pop ash swamp 2.69 9 24.21
6162 Pond apple depression 0.71 9 6.41
Shrub swamp/brush 631 Shrub wetland 4.38 5.5 24.07
Improved pasture 211 Improved pasture 549.67 5.2 2,858.28
641 Freshwater marsh 29.55 4.7 138.90
643 Wet prairie 2.10 4.7 9.85
743 Spoil 1.24 3 3.72
3109 Upland prairie, disturbed 3.73 3 11.19
3209 Upland shrub, disturbed 3.56 3 10.69
4119 Pine flatwoods, distrubed 40.80 3 122.39
4349 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed 0.002 3 0.01
6189 Willow/shrub wetland, distrubed 5.44 3 16.31
6419 Freshwater marsh, disturbed 27.21 3 81.64
8146 Primitive trail 1.51 3 4.53
4119E1 Pine flatwoods, disturbed, exotics 5-24% 3.39 3 10.18
4349E1 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed, exotics 5-
24%68.73 3 206.19
6169E1 Pond apple, laurel oak, cabbage palm, disturbed,
exotics 5-24%0.83 3 2.49
6319E1 Shrub wetland, disturbed, exotics 5-24% 4.72 3 14.17
6419E1 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 5-24% 70.00 3 210.00
4119E2 Pine flatwoods, disturbed, exotics 25-49% 1.24 3 3.71
4349E2 Oak, slash pine, cabbage palm, disturbed, exotics 25-
49%8.86 3 26.57
6319E2 Shrub wetland, disturbed, exotics 25-49% 0.09 3 0.26
6419E2 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 25-49% 26.19 3 78.57
6439E2 Wet prairie, disturbed, exotics 25-49%7.50 3 22.50
6419E3 Freshwater marsh, disturbed, exotics 50-74% 3.46 3 10.37
743E4 Spoil, exotics 75-100%8.16 3 24.47
4119E4 Pine flatwoods, disturbed, exotics 75-100% 3.69 3 11.06
Hardwood swamp
Marsh/Wet Prairie
Barren/Disturbed Lands
7). The calculations are based on baseline the existing conditions at the preserve
using current (JanuarySeptember 20120) USFWS habitat suitability scores.
Table 11: Panther Habitat Unit Calculations excluding SSA 7 – Pre Restoration
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 90
Code FLUCFCS Description Area
PHU Value
422 Brazilian pepper, non-hydric 0.40 3 1.20
6192 Brazilian pepper, hydric 0.84 3 2.53
437 Australian pine 1.16 3 3.47
428E1 Cabbage palm, exotics 5-24%1.14 3 3.41
428E3 Cabbage palm, exotics 50-74%3.29 3 9.86
180 Campground 11.86 0 -
700 Cattle Dipping Vat Remediation Area 1.02 0 -
8145 Shell road, graded and drained 14.31 0 -
512 Ditches 24.92 0 -
512E4 Ditches, exotics 75-100%0.66 0 -
742 Borrow pond 0.78 0 -
Dry prairie with 14.5%
exotic plant coverage 310E1 Upland prairie, exotics 5-24%35.11 6.3 / 3 204.42
Dry prairie with 37%
exotic plant coverage 310E2 Upland prairie, exotics 25-49%4.01 6.3 / 3 20.36
Hardwood Forest with
14.5% exotic plant
427E1 Oaks, exotics 5-24%1.57 9 / 3 12.73
Hardwood Swamp with
14.5% exotic plant
630E1 Wetland forested mix, exotics 5-24%1.80 9 / 3 14.61
Shrub swamp/brush with
14.5% exotic plant
631E1 Shrub wetland, exotics 5-24%1.35 5.5 / 3 6.91
Marsh/Wet Prairie with
14.5% exotic plant
641E1 Freshwater marsh, exotics 5-24%83.40 4.7 / 3 371.43
Marsh/Wet Prairie with
37% exotic plant
641E2 Freshwater marsh, exotics 25-49%17.26 4.7 / 3 70.27
Marsh/Wet Prairie with
62% exotic plant
641E3 Freshwater marsh, exotics 50-74%1.27 4.7 / 3 4.62
TOTAL 1,516.84 8,669.0
Exotic/Nuisance Plants
To determine the amount of PHU’s that could be available for mitigation, the above
following calculations were performed based on site conditions post pre restoration. Site
restoration includes converting improved/unimproved pastures, ditches, berms, and
exotic communities to upland or hydric pine forest. Restoration also includes conversion
of a borrow pond to marsh community. Tables 13 and 14 provide the post restoration
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 91
PHU calculations including and excluding SSA 7, respectivelyUSFWS informed County
staff that credit will only be given for restoration outside of the scope of this management
plan. Control of invasive, exotic vegetation and prescribed fire will not result in
additional PHU credits. The Pepper Ranch Preserve Conservation Bank, excluding SSA
7, will provide 8,669.0 PHUs.
Action Item 9.2 Provide a draft Monitoring Plan per USFWS requirements for the
area of Pepper Ranch Preserve proposed for a Panther Conservation Bank.
With the establishment of a panther conservation bank the USFWS requires a
monitoring plan for the lands within the designated bank to ensure the bank continues
to meet its success criteria in perpetuity. Below is a draftthe monitoring plan for the
creation of a possible panther conservation bank at Pepper Ranch Preserve
Conservation Bank.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 92
Baseline monitoring will be completed by a consultant within 60 days of approval of
the Bank by the Service and a baseline monitoring report will be forwarded to Service
staff in Vero Beach within 45 days of the monitoring event. Time-zero monitoring will
be completed within 60 days of the completion of initial prescribed fires. As with the
baseline monitoring report, the time-zero monitoring report will be forwarded to
Service staff in Vero Beach within 45 days of the monitoring event. Annual monitoring
will begin 12 months following the time-zero monitoring event and continue for a total
of five years. Annual monitoring reports will be forwarded to Service staff in Vero
Beach prior to January 31 each year. If, at the end of five years of monitoring, the
Bank has reached success criteria, monitoring will be conducted once every five years
to ensure that success criteria are met in perpetuity. If success criteria are not met,
annual monitoring will continue until they are achieved. A summary of the reporting
schedule can be found inBaseline monitoring will be completed within 60 days of
approval of the Bank by USFWS and a baseline monitoring report will be forwarded to
USFWS staff in Vero Beach within 45 days of the monitoring event. Time-zero
monitoring will be completed within 60 days of the completion of exotic and nuisance
vegetation removal. As with the baseline monitoring report, the time-zero monitoring
report will be forwarded to USFWS staff in Vero Beach within 45 days of the
monitoring event. Annual monitoring will begin 12 months following the time-zero
monitoring event and continue for a total of five years. Annual monitoring reports will
be forwarded to USFWS staff in Vero Beach prior to January 31 each year. If, at the
end of five years of monitoring, the Bank has reached success criteria, monitoring will
be conducted once every five years to insure that success criteria are met in perpetuity.
If success criteria are not met then annual monitoring will continue until met. A
summary of the reporting schedule can be found in Table 15.
Table 12 : Monitoring and Reporting Schedule for Panther Conservation Bank
Report Monitoring Implemented Delivery
Baseline Monitoring Within 60 Days of Approval 45 days
Time-Zero Monitoring Within 60 Days of Initial Restoration 45 days
Annual Monitoring Year 1 12 Months After Time-Zero
45 days
Annual Monitoring Year 2 1 Year from Previous Report January 31
Annual Monitoring Year 3 1 Year from Previous Report January 31
Annual Monitoring Year 4 1 Year from Previous Report January 31
Annual Monitoring Year 5 1 Year from Previous Report January 31
Five-Year Monitoring
(Year 10)
5 Years from Previous Report January 31
Every 5 years thereafter 5 Years from Previous Report January 31
In addition to the information outlined below, the monitoring report will include a
general overview of the land management activities (i.e. prescribed burns, exotic
vegetation maintenance, pasture restoration activities, etc.) conducted since the
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 93
previous monitoring report and planned maintenance and management activities during
the next period.
Vegetation Monitoring:
Permanent monitoring transects will be established during the baseline monitoring event
and located throughout the site to include a thorough representation of the various
habitats onsite. Three vegetative strata will be sampled along each transect and will be
representative of habitat types throughout the site. These strata are: overstory [plants
greater than four inches diameter breast height (DBH)], understory (plants greater than
four inches DBH and greater than three feet in height), and ground cover (all non -woody
plants and woody plants less than three feet in height). The overstory and understory
vegetation will be sampled in 10 m2 plots and the ground cover vegetation will be
sampled in 1m2 plots along each monitoring transect. Panoramic photographs will be
taken at the beginning of each transect to provide physical documentation of the
condition and appearance of the property as well as any changes taking place. The
panoramic photographs will be included in each monitoring report. For the overstory and
understory strata, the relative canopy closure for each species will be recorded. Average
shrub height will be recorded for all species identified in the understory stratum. Percent
coverage and average height for all saw palmetto will be recorded for plots located within
habitats with saw palmetto. The percent cover of groundcover species and bare ground
will be estimated for the herbaceous study plots along each transect. Exotic and nuisance
vegetation coverage within the plots will be recorded. Survival rate evaluations will
occur throughout the site to include a thorough representation of the various habitats
onsite. There will be a maximum of 17 transects with a total of 51 sample plots.
Permanent monitoring transects will be established during the time-zero monitoring event
and located throughout the site to include a thorough representation of the various natural
communities onsite. Three vegetative strata will be sampled along each transect and will
be representative of natural community types throughout the site. These strata are:
canopy [plants >4 inches diameter breast height (DBH)], midstory (plants <4 inches DBH
and greater than 3 feet in height) and ground cover (all non-woody plants and woody
plants less than 3 feet in height). The canopy and midcanopy vegetation will be sampled
in 10 square meter plots and the ground cover vegetation sampled in 1 square meter plots
along each monitoring transect. Panoramic photographs will be taken at the beginning of
each transect to provide physical documentation of the condition and appearance of the
property as well as any changes taking place. The panoramic photographs will be
included in each monitoring report. For the canopy and midcanopy stratums, the relative
canopy closure for each species will be recorded. Average shrub height will be recorded
for all species identified in the midcanopy stratum. Percent coverage and average height
for all saw palmetto will be recorded for plots located within communities with saw
palmetto. The percent cover of ground cover species and bare ground will be estimated
for the herbaceous study plots along the transects. Exotic and nuisance vegetation
coverage within the plots will be recorded. Survival rate evaluations will occur
throughout the site to include a thorough representation of the various natural
communities onsite.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 94
Exotic and Nuisance Species Monitoring:
In addition to the permanent monitoring transects, existing disturbed areas, such as fence
lines, fire breaks, and primitive roads / trails, will be surveyed annually, using the FWC
protocol, by vehicle and meandering pedestrian transects to assess the site for the
presence and percent coverage of exotic vegetation species. Following the annual exotic
vegetation surveys, an exotic vegetation map will be prepared illustrating the locations of
exotic and nuisance vegetation in need of corrective action. The map will be provided to
the County contractor annually to ensure timely and effective treatment.In addition to the
permanent monitoring transects, existing disturbed areas, such as fence lines, fire breaks
and primitive roads/trails, will be surveyed annually, using the FWC protocol (FWC
2009), by vehicle and meandering pedestrian transects to assess the site for the presence
and percent coverage of exotic vegetation species. Following the annual exotic
vegetation surveys, an exotic vegetation map will be prepared illustrating the locations of
exotic and nuisance vegetation in need of corrective action. The map will be provided to
the County and USFWS annually to ensure timely and effective treatment.
Wildlife Utilization:
Spotlight transect surveys will be utilized to census white-tailed deer due to the large
acreage of open habitat within the Preserve, density of forested habitat, and the available
roads and trails. For each transect the spotlighting visibility will be estimated once per
season, before conducting the spotlight census. The spotlighting visibility will be
calculated as the acreage of habitat perpendicular to each transect which can be surveyed
for white-tailed deer. Visibility will be dependent on the density and height of vegetation
and also the terrain. Two hundred yards will be the maximum distance from which
visibility will be quantified and white-tailed deer will be censused. Visibility stations will
be placed every 0.10 miles along and at the beginning and end of each transect. At each
visibility station a one-million candle power spotlight will be used to illuminate the
habitat perpendicular to both sides of each transect. A Bushnell Laser Range Finder Sport
450 will be used to determine the distance, in yards, to the nearest obstruction which
would deter viewing a deer on either side of each transect. The laser range finder will
have an accuracy of +/- one yard. The spotlighting visibility per transect and cumulative
spotlighting visibility will be calculated as the acreage of visibility.
Spotlight transect surveys will begin one-half hour after sunset. The deer spotlight census
will follow the methodology described by Mitchell (1986). Six transects will be surveyed
in order during each census and each transect will be surveyed without interruption until
completed. All census data for each transect will be recorded on a separate data sheet.
The data recorded will include: transect number, official sunset, date, time survey began,
time survey ended, temperature, wind direction, average wind speed, percent cloud cover,
name of personnel, number of bucks, number of does, number of fawns, and number of
unknown deer.
A minimum of four personnel will be utilized for each of the spotlighting censuses: one
driver, one data recorder, and two spotlight observers. A four-wheel drive pickup truck
will be utilized for each census and the spotlight observers will be stationed in the bed of
the pickup. For each transect the vehicle will be driven at 5-10 mph and each spotlight
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 95
observer will scan the habitat on their side of the vehicle with a one-million candle power
spotlight. If a deer is observed the vehicle will briefly stop and the spotlight observer will
use binoculars to identify the age and sex of each deer observed.
For each group of deer the spotlight observers will classify each deer as either buck, doe,
fawn, or unidentified. A group will consist of one single deer by itself or more than one
deer grouped together; and the grouping of deer will be subjective - meaning the spotlight
observer will determine how deer in an area are grouped. Sex and age will be recorded
for each deer only if all the deer in that group can be sexed and aged. If one deer in the
group cannot be identified, then all the deer in the group will be classified as unidentified
in order to reduce bias when estimating the total number of bucks, does, and fawns on the
The annual wildlife monitoring reports will include the following information:
• Results of the annual spotlight survey.
• A brief description of work performed since the previous report (if applicable)
along with a discussion of any modifications to the survey methodology.
• A list of all wildlife species observed during the survey.
• Direct evidence (i.e., tracks, scat, visual sightings, and rub trees) of panther prey
species observed during each sampling period.
• Hunt harvest data (if applicable).
Regular and periodic observations of wildlife will be made during all monitoring events
and other site visits by qualified ecologists. This will consist of recording evidence and
signs of wildlife (i.e., direct sightings, vocalizations, burrows, nests, tracks, droppings,
etc.). The number of white tailed deer, feral hog, and panther observations at the site will
be recorded during each monitoring event and included in the annual reports.Regular and
periodic observations of wildlife will be made during all monitoring events and other site
visits by qualified ecologists. This will consist of recording evidence and signs of
wildlife (i.e., direct sightings, vocalizations, burrows, nests, tracks, droppings, etc.). The
number of white tailed deer, feral hog and panther observations at the site will be
recorded during each monitoring event and included in the annual reports. In addition,
permanent wildlife transects will be established in representative natural communities
onsite from which surveys for panther and panther prey tracks will be conducted. Efforts
will be made to establish the wildlife transects in areas that are conducive to track
detection and identification with as little disturbance by vehicular traffic as possible. The
wildlife transects will be monitored annually for a 5-day period, and results submitted in
conjunction with the vegetation monitoring in the monitoring report. Updated panther
radio telemetry data (when available) within a 2-mile radius of the site will be included in
the monitoring report to document radio-collared panther activity in the Bank vicinity
over the course of the monitoring period.
In addition to the information outlined above, the monitoring report will also include a
general overview of the land management activities (i.e. prescribed burns, exotic
vegetation maintenance, pasture restoration activities, etc.) conducted since the previous
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 96
monitoring report and planned maintenance and management activities during the next
4.5 Establish an Operational Plan for the Pepper Ranch Preserve
This section provides management recommendations for operation of the Pepper Ranch
Preserve. It discusses maintenance and budgeting needs, the possibilities for contracting
the restoration activities, coordination and other management issues.
4.5.1 Maintenance
Initially, the primary maintenance activities for the preserve will includes invasive exotic
species control and trail maintenance and site security. Particularly important are the
security measures to prevent trespassingkeep intruders out and to maintain the signage
and fencing (where installed) in good condition. Signs that effectively convey the desired
message provide an opportunity for increasing environmental education and awareness.
Once the preserve is open to the public other sSignificant maintenance activities will be
necessary for the upkeep of all public facilities including but not limited to the
trailheads/parking areas, visitor centerlodge, campgrounds, boardwalks, restrooms and
interpretive signage.
4.5.2 Estimated Annual Costs and Funding Sources
Preliminary budget estimates for Pepper Ranch Preserve include cost breakdowns
associated with resource restoration and management. The funding source identified for
the restoration and management activities is the Conservation Collier Program
Management Trust Fund. Grants will be sought to supplement existing management
funds particularly for the areas within SSA 7. Staff will also utilizes the Collier County
Sheriff’s Department weekend workers programs and the Civil Citation program for
certain labor projects and may also separately involve the County Scout programs and
volunteers for trail maintenancecreation and enhancement.
The budget in Table 16 13 represents the actual and unmet budgetary needs for managing
the lands and resources of the preserve overfor the next ten years. The table shows the
actual costs of land management activities, construction costs since acquisition and the
estimated costs over the next 3 years. the activities planned and the initial and annual cost
estimate of each activity. The assumption was made that public facilities at the south
public access area would be constructed first. This budget was developed using data
from Conservation Collier and other cooperating entities, and is based on actual costs for
land management activities, equipment purchases and maintenance, and for development
of fixed capital facilities. The budget considers available funding and is consistent with
the direction necessary to achieve the goals and objectives for Pepper Ranch Preserve.
In August of 2017, a thorough building assessment was conducted by engineers and
building inspectors on all the structures on the property. It was determined that several
structural issues need to be addressed to maintain the historical visitor center and pole
barns. Maintenance on these structures has been budgeted for in the fical year 2017-18.
However, after much deliberation, staff has decided that the cottage/caretaker’s home
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 97
will have to be demolished. It has had major structural issues since we purchased the
property, and the cost to continue to mitigate these ongoing problems will be excessive.
A concrete pad will be installed at the north end of the campground with a full hook-up to
allow a campground host to reside there during the months that the preserve is open.
Decisions will have to be made in the future on whether or not to also install a
manufactured home on the property for an enforcement officer to live in.
There are presently no utilities on site; a septic system and well for potable water will
need to be installed. Determining the extent and capacity of public use facilities to be
developed will help determine the type and amount of utilities required. Due to these
current unknowns it is difficult to estimate the cost of both the utilities and the public use
facilities. The cost estimates provided in Table 16 are based on best available
knowledge, are subject to change and many could not be given at this time.
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 98
Table 16: Estimated Annual Land Management Budget
Item QTY Cost ($) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total
Facilities Development
Permit, planning,
$90,000 $90,000
Permit application
2 $ 2,250 $2,250
Entrance gate3 1 $ 25,000 $25,000
Interpretive signs4 2 $500 $ 500 $ 500 $1,000
Plant signs5 50 $10 $ 250 $ 250 $500
Entrance signage6 2 $2,000 $ 4,000 $4,000
Directional signage7 2 $200 $ 400 $400
Benches8 6 $650 $ 1,300 $ 2,600 $3,900
Check in/gate booth1,9 $ 10,000 $10,000
Electrical Power
$ 30,000 $30,000
Site, fill and misc.1,11 $ 50,000 $50,000
Walkways1,12 500 LF $20/LF $ 10,000 $10,000
Boardwalk1,13 250 LF $350/LF $87,500 $87,500
$ 8,000 $8,000
Driveway into
ft2 $5/ft2 $ 40,000 $40,000
Parking area16 1 $ 30,000 $30,000
Septic system for
trailer1 $ 40,000 $40,000
Septic system for
restrooms1 $ 75,000 $75,000
Well and treatment
system for trailer1 $ 30,000 $30,000
Well and treatment
system for restrooms1 $ 75,000 $75,000
building1 $144,000 $144,000
Caretaker house1,17 $ 3,000 $3,000
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 99
Table 16: Estimated Annual Land Management Budget (continued)
Item QTY Cost ($) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total
Temporary portable
(1 ADA; 1 regular;
weekly maintenance)18
month $ 1,740 $ 1,740
Ramps to lodge and
trailer1 2 $2,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000
Installation of trailer
for onsite law
$ 50,000 $ 50,000
Firebreak and trail
LF $100,000 $ 25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 185,000
Establish photo points 10 $ 150 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 420
Remove invasive
exotic and nuisance
$240,000 $500,000 $97,500 $97,500 $72,500 $ 72,500 $72,500 $72,500 $72,500 $72,500 $1,370,000
conservation bank
planning and
$91,000 $50,000 $ 41,000 $ 91,000
Vegetation Monitoring $50,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $169,000
Regular Maintenance
Preserve assist
(seasonal) $ 15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $135,000
Lawn mowing $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 $ 40,000
Electricity $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 12,000
Cleaning service $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ 4,000
Misc. Facility Repairs $10,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 55,000
Brochures $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 3,000
GRAND TOTAL: $500,040 $1,174,380 $191,030 $150,430 $261,680 $120,430 $120,430 $120,430 $120,430 $120,430 $2,879,710
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 100
Assumptions for Cost Estimates:
1. CH2MHill Project costs
2. Permit application fees: SFWMD Standard General
Permit - $1,750; Collier DOH - $500
3. Entrance gates: Two electronic gates, one at each of the
entrances to the preserve, that would provide nighttime
access to campers, law enforcement and preserve staff.
4. Interpretive signs: 2 interpretive signs near the lodge,
4’x6’ at $500 each.
5. Plant signs: small signs identifying native plants, 50 @
$10 each.
6. Entrance signage: 2 arched “ranch style” entrance signs
over both entrances estimated @ $2,000 each.
7. Directional signage: 2 road signs indicating entrance to the
preserve – 1 on SR29 and 1 on Lake Trafford Road ($200
8. Benches: each bench at $650; benches could be constructed
as part of Eagle Scout projects to eliminate this cost.
9. Check in/gate booth: located at north entrance with power,
AC and phone.
10. Electrical power supply: supply to lighting near
campground and restroom building.
11. Site, fill, misc.: Cost to fill bathroom building area and
driveway widening.
12. Walkways: 5’ wide; pervious
13. Boardwalk: eco-friendly, 6’ wide or 4’ wide with
handicapped turn-arounds.
14. Observation Platform: Roofed area at end of boardwalk
over-looking lake – 20’ X 20’
15. Driveway to lodge: 500 L.F. X 16’ wide; culverts may
need to be installed for stormwater purposes.
16. Parking areas: 1 parking area for up to 30 pervious spaces
17. Caretaker house: gut and convert to storage
18. Temporary portable toilets: $290/month for 6 months,
based on United Site Services quote from IMP; this is a
possible option until permanent facilities are constructed.
19. Installation of trailer for onsite law enforcement:
assumes a brand new single wide trailer.
20. Firebreak and trail clearing/mowing: based upon
estimates from Collier County contractor in similar
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 101
Item 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total
BROCHURES $102 $600 $85 $85 $200 $200 $200 1,472$
CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENTS $6,578 $85,699 $3,445 $18,824 $115,752 $16,592 $1,365 $74,000 $322,255
CONSULTING/SURVEYS $60,653 $11,287 $7,350 $2,400 $17,800 $15,840 $115,330
COUNTY DEPT. SERVICES $12,229 $10,373 $1,979 $1,400 $797 $448 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $29,727
DEBRIS SERVICES $4,770 $9,070 $13,840
EMERGENCY SERVICES $1,267 $1,557 $600 $3,424
FIREBREAK MOWING TRAILS $8,200 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $26,200
EXOTIC MAINTENANCE $41,000 $255,627 $99,904 $67,800 $245,454 $182,128 $128,683 $137,034 $104,800 $105,000 $105,000 $1,472,430
FENCING $3,550.00 $3,550.00
FIELD SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT $1,613 $50.59 $882 $361 $5,334 $967 $333 $9,540
LABOR SERVICES $756 $2,431.50 $111,742 $3,600 $3,455 $1,500 $1,500.00 $1,000 $1,000 1,000 $1,000 $128,985
LANDSCAPING SERVICES $9,678 $8,180 $1,273 $10,100 $7,500.00 $5,485 $500 5,000 $500 $48,216
LEASE/LEGAL $616 $512.46 $500 $500 $500 $2,628
LICENSING & PERMITTING $91,040 $30,688 $1,844 $1,467 $50.00 100 100 100 $125,388
MONITORING $900 $900
MOWING (ALL)$1,678 $34,990 $8,890 $5,640.00 $51,198
JANITORIAL $428 $2,892 $44 1,000$ $1,000 $1,000 $6,364
OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,599 $372 $460 $841 $58 $238 $200 $200 $200 $4,168
PEST ABATEMENT $847 $625 $500 $500 $500 $2,972
PORT-A-POTTY $965 $1,390 $2,750 $2,415 $500 $645.03 $460 $460 $500 $500 $500 $11,085
SIGNS $417 $166 $464 $601 $362 $200 $200 $200 $2,610
TAXES $163 $166 $192 $160 $164 $170 $176 $180 $184 $190 $1,745
UTILITIES (ALL)$993 $1,400 $940 $2,010.00 $3,968 $5,236 $5,530 $6,163 $6,400 $6,400 $6,400 $45,441
VOLUNTEER RELATED $214.57 $27 $100 $100 $100 541.77$
GRAND TOTAL:233,969$ 403,411$ 258,478$ $109,240 $296,601 $323,071 179,774$ 177,508$ $124,680 $230,984 $122,390 2,460,108$
Table 13, Estimated Annual Land Management Budget
*Actual numbers are included from FY 2009-10 through 2017-18. Numbers are estimated FY 2018-19 through 2019-2020.
*Labor Services: Fees associated with Check Station Attendant for Public Hunts
*Utilities: include electricity, water, garbage service and phone and internet
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 102
4.5.3 Potential for Contracting Restoration and Management Activities by Private
A significant number of management operations and restoration activities on the Pepper
Ranch Preserve can be considered for outsourcing. Restoration and management
activities that can be considered for outsourcing to private entities are listed in Table 14.
Table 14: Potential Contracting for Restoration and Management Activities
Approved Conditional Rejected
Prescribed fire and/ or mechanical treatment application X
Minor fireline installation X
Fireline, fence and trail maintenance X
Fence installation X
Plant and wildlife inventory and monitoring X
Listed species mapping and needs assessment X
Restore/enhance encroachment and ruderal areas X
Reduce exotic species X
Literature development and printing X
Interpretive signs development and installation X
Trail installation X
Parking Area construction X
Law enforcement and patrol X
Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 103
Abrahamson, W. G., and D. C Hartnett. 1990. Pine flatwoods and dry prairies. Pages
103-149 in R. L. Myers and J. J. Ewel editors. Ecosystems of Florida. University
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Brown, P.M. 2002. Wild Orchids of Florida. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida.
409 p.
Bush, C.S., and J.F. Morton. 1969. Native Trees and Plants for Florida Landscaping. Pages 8-9.
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Campbell K. M. 1990. Soil survey of Collier County area Florida. USDA, Natural
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Campbell, T. 2001. The brown anole. Institute for Biological Invaders: Invader of the
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Campbell, T. S. 1996. Northern range expansion of the brown anole, Anolis sagrei, in
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(FDNR) 1990. Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida. Florida Natural
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Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI). Natural Communities. Tallahassee (FL).
Available from: (accessed AugustJanuary 20170).
Gann, G. D., K. A. Bradley, and S. W. Woodmansee. 2002. Rare Plants of South Florida:
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Giuliano, W. M., and G. W. Tanner. 2005. Control and management of wild hogs in
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Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida. Available from (accessed December 2007).
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Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies:
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Pepper Ranch Preserve Land Management Plan
Conservation Collier Program 108
Appendix 1
Pepper Ranch Preserve Legal Description
Appendix 2
Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification
System Designations
for Pepper Ranch Preserve – (2’x3’ map)
(Same as map on page 22 only larger)
Appendix 3
Florida Natural Areas Inventory Designations
for Pepper Ranch Preserve – (2’x3’ map)
(Same map as on Page 24 only larger)
Appendix 4
Floristic Inventory of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Abrus precatorius ROSARY PEA; BLACKEYED SUSAN 11-100 A I x
28-Sep Dicot SAPINDACEAE Acer rubrum RED MAPLE 1001 - 10,000 N x x x x
Acmella oppositifolia var.
30-Sep Dicot ARECACEAE Acoelorraphe wrightii EVERGLADES PALM 1
CN &
N?T x
28-Sep Pteridophyte PTERIDACEAE Acrostichum danaeifolium GIANT LEATHER FERN 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Aeschynomene americana SHYLEAF 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Aeschynomene pratensis MEADOW JOINTVETCH 101-1000 N E x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Ageratum conyzoides TROPICAL WHITEWEED 2-10 A x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Albizia lebbeck WOMAN'S TONGUE 11-100 A I x x
28-Sep Dicot AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera philoxeroides ALLIGATORWEED 10,001-100,000 A II x x CR
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Alysicarpus ovalifolius
CLOVER 11-100 A x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Alysicarpus vaginalis WHITE MONEYWORT 11-100 A x
29-Sep Dicot AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus australis SOUTHERN AMARANTH 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus spinosus SPINY AMARANTH 11-100 A x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Ambrosia artemisiifolia COMMON RAGWEED 1001-10000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot VITACEAE Ampelopsis arborea PEPPERVINE 10,001-100,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
muhlenbergianum BLUE MAIDENCANE 10,001-100,000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Andropogon glomeratus var.
glaucopsis PURPLE BLUESTEM 1001-10,000 N X
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Andropogon glomeratus var.
hirsutior BUSHY BLUESTEM 101-1000 N X
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Andropogon glomeratus var.
pumilus BUSHY BLUESTEM 1001-10,000 N X X X
29-Sep Monocot POACEAE Andropogon ternarius SPLITBEARD BLUESTEM 11-100 N x
Vascular Plants Of Pepper Ranch Conservation Area, Collier County, Florida
List created by Steven W. Woodmansee, Pro Native Consulting
List compiled in the field by: Steven W. Woodmansee with Bill Brammell & Anik Smith September 28-30, 2009, April 21-22, 2010
1 of 18
Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Andropogon virginicus BROOMSEDGE BLUESTEM 10,001-100,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ANNONACEAE Annona glabra POND APPLE 101-1000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Apios americana GROUNDNUT 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Aristida patula TALL THREEAWN 11-100 N x
29-Sep Monocot POACEAE Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana WIREGRASS 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot APOCYNACEAE Asclepias curassavica Scarlet Milkweed 11-100 A x CR
30-Sep Dicot APOCYNACEAE Asclepias pedicellata SAVANNAH MILKWEED 2-10 N x
28-Sep Dicot ANNONACEAE Asimina reticulata NETTED PAWPAW 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Axonopus fissifolius COMMON CARPETGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Axonopus furcatus BIG CARPETGRASS 10,001-100,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Baccharis glomeruliflora SILVERLING 10,001-100,000 N x x x
22-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Baccharis halimifolia GROUNDSEL TREE 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot PLANTAGINACEAE Bacopa caroliniana
28-Sep Dicot PLANTAGINACEAE Bacopa monnieri HERB-OF-GRACE 1001 - 10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Balduina angustifolia COASTALPLAIN HONEYCOMBHEAD 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot RHAMNACEAE Berchemia scandens
VINE 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Bidens alba BEGGARTICKS; ROMERILLO 10,000-100,000 N x x
28-Sep Pteridophyte BLECHNACEAE Blechnum serrulatum
SWAMP FERN 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ACANTHACEAE Blechum pyramidatum BROWNE'S BLECHUM 1001-10,000 A II x x
28-Sep Dicot URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica FALSE NETTLE; BOG HEMP 1001-10,000 N x x x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Boltonia diffusa SMALLHEAD DOLL'S DAISY 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot OROBANCHACEAE Buchnera americana AMERICAN BLUEHEARTS 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot LAMIACEAE Callicarpa americana AMERICAN BEAUTYBERRY 101-1000 N x x x
22-Apr Monocot COMMELINACEAE Callisia ornata FLORIDA SCRUB ROSELING 2-10 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?21-Apr Dicot CAMPANULACEAE Campanula floridana FLORIDA BELLFLOWER
10,001 -
100,000 N x
29-Sep Pteridophyte POLYPODIACEAE Campyloneurum phyllitidis LONG STRAP FERN 2-10 N T x
28-Sep Monocot CANNACEAE Canna flaccida BANDANNA-OF-THE-EVERGLADES 11-100 N x x
21-Apr Monocot CYPERACEAE Carex longii LONG"S SEDGE
10,000,000 N x x
29-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Carex lupuliformis FALSE HOP SEDGE 101-1000 N x x
21-Apr Monocot CYPERACEAE Carex vexans FLORIDA HAMMOCK SEDGE 1001-10,000 N x x x
22-Apr Dicot LAURACEAE Cassytha filiformis LOVE VINE 2-10 N x
30-Sep Dicot CASUARINACEAE Casuarina glauca
21-Apr Dicot CELTIDACEAE Celtis laevigata SUGARBERRY, HACKBERRY 2-10 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ARALIACEAE Centella asiatica SPADELEAF
1,000,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis COMMON BUTTONBUSH 101-1000 N x x x x
29-Sep Dicot CERATOPHYLLACEAE Ceratophyllum demersum COONTAIL 101-1000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Chamaecrista fasciculata PARTRIDGE PEA 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Chamaecrista nictitans SENSITIVE PEA 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE
Chamaecrista nictitans var.
aspera SENSITIVE PEA 1000-10,000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot EUPHORBIACEAE Chamaesyce blodgettii LIMESTONE SANDMAT 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot EUPHORBIACEAE Chamaesyce hirta PILLPOD SANDMAT 2-10 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Chrysopogon pauciflorus FLORIDA FALSE BEARDGRASS 11-100 N x
29-Sep Dicot APIACEAE Cicuta maculata SPOTTED WATER HEMLOCK 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Cirsium horridulum PURPLE THISTLE 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Cirsium nuttallii NUTTALL'S THISTLE 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot VITACEAE Cissus verticillata SEASONVINE; POSSUM GRAPE 11-100 N x x
29-Sep Dicot RUTACEAE Citrus x aurantium
CA &
A x
30-Sep Dicot RUTACEAE Citrus xjambhiri ROUGH LEMON 2-10
CA &
A x, MH CR
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cladium jamaicense JAMAICA SWAMP SAWGRASS 101-1000 N x x x x
22-Apr Dicot EUPHORBIACEAE Cnidoscolus stimulosus SPURGE NETTLE, TREAD-SOFTLY 2-10 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Monocot COMMELINACEAE Commelina diffusa COMMON DAYFLOWER
100,001 -
1,000,000 A x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Conoclinium coelestinum BLUE MISTFLOWER 1000-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Conyza canadensis CANADIAN HORSEWEED 1000-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Coreopsis leavenworthii LEAVENWORTH'S TICKSEED 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot CORNACEAE Cornus foemina
DOGWOOD 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Crotalaria pallida var. obovata SMOOTH RATTLEBOX 1000-10,000 A x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Crotalaria rotundifolia RABBITBELLS 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot LYTHRACEAE Cuphea carthagenensis COLOMBIAN WAXWEED 10,000-100,000 A x x x
30-Sep Dicot CONVOLVULACEAE Cuscuta pentagona FIVEANGLED DODDER 11-100 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot APOCYNACEAE Cynanchum scoparium LEAFLESS SWALLOWWORT 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Cynodon dactylon BERMUDAGRASS
1,000,001 -
10,000,000 A x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus croceus BALDWIN'S FLATSEDGE 1000-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus haspan HASPAN FLATSEDGE 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus ligularis SWAMP FLATSEDGE 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus polystachyos MANYSPIKE FLATSEDGE 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus retrorsus PINEBARREN FLATSEDGE 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus rotundus NUTGRASS 1001-10,000 A x x
21-Apr Monocot CYPERACEAE Cyperus surinamensis TROPICAL FLATSEDGE 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Desmodium incanum ZARZABACOA COMUN 10,000-100,000 N x x x
29-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Desmodium paniculatum PANICLED TICKTREFOIL 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Desmodium triflorum THREEFLOWER TICKTREFOIL 10,000-100,000 A x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Dichanthelium commutatum VARIABLE WITCHGRASS 1000-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Dichanthelium ensifolium var.
unciphyllum CYPRESS WITCHGRASS 101-1000 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Dichanthelium laxiflorum OPENFLOWER WITCHGRASS 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Dichanthelium portoricense HEMLOCK WITCHGRASS 10,000-100,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Dichanthelium strigosum var.
glabrescens ROUGHHAIR WITCHGRASS 1001-10,000 N x
29-Sep Dicot CONVOLVULACEAE Dichondra carolinensis CAROLINA PONYSFOOT 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Digitaria ciliaris SOUTHERN CRABGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Diodia virginiana VIRGINIA BUTTONWEED 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot EBENACEAE Diospyros virginiana COMMON PERSIMMON 1001-10,000 N x x x x
22-Apr Dicot CARYOPHYLLACEAE Drymaria cordata WEST INDIAN CHICKWEED 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot ACANTHACEAE Dyschoriste angusta PINELAND TWINFLOWER 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Monocot POACEAE Echinochloa muricata ROUGH BARNYARDGRASS 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Monocot POACEAE Echinochloa walteri COAST COCKSPUR 2-10 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Eclipta prostrata FALSE DAISY 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Monocot PONTEDERIACEAE Eichhornia crassipes COMMON WATER-HYACINTH 101-1000 A I x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Eleocharis baldwinii
ROADGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Eleocharis geniculata CANADA SPIKERUSH 10,000-100,000 N x x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Eleocharis interstincta KNOTTED SPIKERUSH 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Elephantopus elatus TALL ELEPHANTSFOOT 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eleusine indica INDIAN GOOSEGRASS 101-1000 A x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Emilia fosbergii FLORIDA TASSELFLOWER 11-100 A x x
29-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Encyclia tampensis FLORIDA BUTTERFLY ORCHID 11-100 N CE x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eragrostis atrovirens THALIA LOVEGRASS 101-1000 A x
29-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eragrostis ciliaris GOPHERTAIL LOVEGRASS 101-1000 A x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eragrostis elliottii ELLIOTT'S LOVEGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Erechtites hieraciifolius AMERICAN BURNWEED; FIREWEED 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Erigeron quercifolius OAKLEAF FLEABANE 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Erigeron vernus EARLY WHITETOP FLEABANE 101-1000 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?29-Sep Monocot ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon compressum FLATTENED PIPEWORT 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot APIACEAE Eryngium baldwinii BALDWIN'S ERYNGO 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot APIACEAE Eryngium yuccifolium
29-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Erythrina herbacea CORALBEAN; CHEROKEE BEAN 11-100 N x,MH
29-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Eugenia uniflora SURINAM CHERRY 1 A I x
28-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia alta WILD COCO 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Eulophia graminea 0 A x CR
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Eupatorium capillifolium DOGFENNEL 10,000-100,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Eupatorium leptophyllum FALSEFENNEL 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Eupatorium mikanioides SEMAPHORE THOROUGHWORT 2-10 N x
21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Eupatorium mohrii MOHR'S THOROUGHWORT 11-100 N x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Eupatorium rotundifolium
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eustachys glauca SALTMARSH FINGERGRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Eustachys petraea PINEWOODS FINGERGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Euthamia caroliniana SLENDER FLATTOP GOLDENROD 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot MORACEAE Ficus aurea STRANGLER FIG; GOLDEN FIG 101-1000 N x x x x
30-Sep Dicot MORACEAE Ficus microcarpa INDIAN LAUREL 1 A I x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Fimbristylis caroliniana CAROLINA FIMBRY 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Fimbristylis cymosa HURRICANEGRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Fimbristylis dichotoma FORKED FIMBRY 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Fimbristylis spadicea MARSH FIMBRY 101-1000 N x x
29-Sep Dicot OLEACEAE Fraxinus caroliniana
ASH 101-1000 N x x x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Fuirena scirpoidea SOUTHERN UMBRELLASEDGE 1001-10,000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Galactia elliottii ELLIOTT'S MILKPEA 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Galactia regularis EASTERN MILKPEA 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Galactia volubilis DOWNY MILKPEA 101-1000 N x x x
22-Apr Dicot RUBIACEAE Galium tinctorium STIFFMARSH BEDSTRAW 11-100 N x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Gamochaeta falcata
EVERLASTING 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Gaura angustifolia SOUTHERN BEEBLOSSOM 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot ERICACEAE Gaylussacia dumosa DWARF HUCKLEBERRY 2-10 N x
21-Apr Dicot GERANIACEAE Geranium carolinianum CAROLINA CRANESBILL 101-1000 N x CR
21-Apr Dicot VERONICACEAE Gratiola ramosa BRANCHED HEDGEHYSSOP 2-10 N x
28-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Habenaria floribunda
MIGNONETTE ORCHID 101-1000 N x x x
21-Apr Dicot RUBIACEAE Hamelia patens FIREBUSH 2-10 N x
29-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Harrisella porrecta
28-Sep Monocot ZINGIBERACEAE Hedychium coronarium BUTTERFLY GINGER 1 CA CR
22-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Helenium amarum SPANISH DAISY, BITTERWEED 2-10 N x
21-Apr Dicot CISTACEAE Helianthemum corymbosum PINEBARREN FROSTWEED 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Helianthus agrestis SOUTHEASTERN SUNFLOWER 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Hemarthria altissima LIMPOGRASS
10,000,000 A II x x
22-Apr Dicot MALVACEAE Hibiscus grandiflorus SWAMP ROSEMALLOW 2-10 N x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Hieracium megacephalon COASTALPLAIN HAWKWEED 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Houstonia procumbens INNOCENCE; ROUNDLEAF BLUET 11-100 N x,MH x
21-Apr Monocot HYDROCHARITACEAE Hydrilla verticillata WATERTHYME, HYDRILLA 11-100 A I x
28-Sep Dicot ARALIACEAE Hydrocotyle umbellata
10,000,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ARALIACEAE Hydrocotyle verticillata WHORLED MARSHPENNYWORT 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot HYDROLEACEAE Hydrolea corymbosa SKYFLOWER 11-101 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Hymenachne amplexicaulis TROMPETILLA
10,000,000 A I x x
21-Apr Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum brachyphyllum COASTALPLAIN ST. JOHN'S-WORT 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum cistifolium ROUNDPOD ST.JOHN'S-WORT 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum crux-andreae ST.PETER'S-WORT 11-100 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum hypericoides ST.ANDREW'S-CROSS 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum mutilum DWARF ST. JOHN'S-WORT 11-100 N x
21-Apr Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum reductum ATLANTIC ST. JOHN'S-WORT 2-10 N x
28-Sep Dicot CLUSIACEAE Hypericum tetrapetalum FOURPETAL ST.JOHN'S-WORT 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot LAMIACEAE Hyptis alata
MINT 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot LAMIACEAE Hyptis verticillata JOHN CHARLES 1001-10,000 A x x
28-Sep Dicot AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex cassine DAHOON 101-1000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex glabra INKBERRY; GALLBERRY 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Imperata brasiliensis BRAZILIAN SATINTAIL 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Imperata cylindrica COGONGRASS 101-1000 A I x x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Indigofera hirsuta HAIRY INDIGO 101-1000 A x
28-Sep Dicot CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea cordatotriloba TIEVINE 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea indica OCEANBLUE MORNING-GLORY 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Dicot CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea sagittata SALTMARSH MORNING-GLORY 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Dicot AMARANTHACEAE Iresine diffusa JUBA'S BUSH 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Monocot JUNCACEAE Juncus marginatus SHORE RUSH, GRASSLEAF RUSH 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Monocot JUNCACEAE Juncus megacephalus BIGHEAD RUSH 11-100 N x x
30-Sep Monocot JUNCACEAE Juncus scirpoides NEEDLEPOD RUSH 11-100 N x x
21-Apr Dicot ACANTHACEAE Justicia angusta PINELAND WATERWILLOW 11-100 N x
21-Apr Dicot BIGNONIACEAE Kigelia pinnata SAUSAGE TREE 2-10 A x CR
28-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Kosteletzkya pentacarpos VIRGINIA SALTMARSH MALLOW 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot HAEMODORACEAE Lachnanthes caroliana CAROLINA REDROOT 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Monocot ERIOCAULACEAE Lachnocaulon anceps WHITEHEAD BOGBUTTON 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot VERBENACEAE Lantana camara LANTANA, SHRUBVERBENA 11-100 A I x x
21-Apr Dicot CISTACEAE Lechea torreyi PIEDMONT PINWEED 2-10 N x x
28-Sep Monocot ARACEAE Lemna obscura LITTLE DUCKWEED
10,000,000 N x x x x
21-Apr Dicot BRASSICACEAE Lepidium virginicum VIRGINIA PEPPERWEED 2-10 N x
30-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Leucaena leucocephala WHITE LEADTREE 2-10 A II x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?8-Oct Monocot LILIACEAE Lilium catesbaei CATESBY'S LILY; PINE LILY 1 N T x
21-Apr Dicot VERONICACEAE Linaria canadensis CANADA TOADFLAX 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot PLANTAGINACEAE Lindernia dubia var. anagallidea YELLOWSEED FALSE PIMPERNEL 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot PLANTAGINACEAE Lindernia grandiflora SAVANNAH FALSE PIMPERNEL 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia curtissii CURTISS' PRIMROSEWILLOW 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia maritima SEASIDE PRIMROSEWILLOW 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia microcarpa SMALLFRUIT PRIMROSEWILLOW 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia octovalvis MEXICAN PRIMROSEWILLOW 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia peruviana PERUVIAN PRIMROSEWILLOW 1001-10,000 A I x x x
28-Sep Dicot ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia repens CREEPING PRIMROSEWILLOW 1001-10,000 N x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Lygodesmia aphylla ROSE-RUSH 11-100 N x
28-Sep Pteridophyte SCHIZAEACEAE Lygodium microphyllum SMALL-LEAF CLIMBING FERN 11-100 A I x x
28-Sep Dicot ERICACEAE Lyonia fruticosa COASTALPLAIN STAGGERBUSH 11-100 N x
Lythrum alatum var.
lanceolatum LANCELEAF WINGED LOOSESTIFE 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Macroptilium lathyroides WILD BUSHBEAN 101-1000 A x x
21-Apr Dicot ANACARDIACEAE Mangifera indica MANGO 2-10 A x
22-Apr Dicot FABACEAE Medicago lupulina BLACK MEDIC 101-1000 A x CR
30-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Melaleuca quinquenervia PUNKTREE 11-100 A I x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Melanthera nivea SNOW SQUARESTEM 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Melinis repens ROSE NATALGRASS 11-100 A I x
28-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Melochia corchorifolia CHOCOLATEWEED 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot CUCURBITACEAE Melothria pendula CREEPING CUCUMBER 101-1000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Mikania cordifolia FLORIDA KEYS HEMPVINE 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Mikania scandens CLIMBING HEMPVINE 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot CUCURBITACEAE Momordica charantia BALSAMPEAR 101-1000 A x x
28-Sep Dicot MORACEAE Morus rubra RED MULBERRY 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot COMMELINACEAE Murdannia nudiflora NAKEDSTEM DEWFLOWER 1001-10,000 A x x x
Murdannia spirata var.
parviflora ASIATIC DEWFLOWER 10,001-100,000 A x x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?30-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Myrcianthes fragrans TWINBERRY; SIMPSON'S STOPPER 2-10 N T x
28-Sep Dicot MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera
MYRTLE 1001-10,000 N x x x x x x x
21-Apr Monocot HYDROCHARITACEAE Najas guadalupensis SOUTHERN WATERNYMPH 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Pteridophyte NEPHROLEPIDACEAE Nephrolepis exaltata SWORD FERN; WILD BOSTON FERN 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Pteridophyte NEPHROLEPIDACEAE Nephrolepis multiflora ASIAN SWORD FERN 101-1000 A I x x x
28-Sep Dicot NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphaea elegans TROPICAL ROYALBLUE WATERLILY 101-1000 N x x x x
28-Sep Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Oeceoclades maculata MONK ORCHID 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Oldenlandia corymbosa FLATTOP MILLE GRAINES 1001-10,000 A x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Oldenlandia uniflora CLUSTERED MILLE GRAINES 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Oplismenus hirtellus WOODSGRASS; BASKETGRASS 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Pteridophyte OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea CINNAMON FERN 11-100 N CE x
29-Sep Pteridophyte OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis ROYAL FERN 11-100 N CE x x
28-Sep Dicot OXALIDACEAE Oxalis corniculata
28-Sep Dicot APIACEAE Oxypolis filiformis WATER COWBANE 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Packera glabella BUTTERWEED 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum hemitomon MAIDENCANE 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum hians GAPING PANICUM 1001-10,000 N x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum maximum GUINEAGRASS 11-100 A II x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum repens TORPEDO GRASS
10,000,000 A I x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum rigidulum REDTOP PANICUM 10,000-100,000 N x x x x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Panicum virgatum SWITCHGRASS 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Dicot URTICACEAE Parietaria floridana FLORIDA PELLITORY 101-1000 N x
10 of 18
Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia VIRGINIA CREEPER; WOODBINE 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum conjugatum SOUR PASPALUM; HILOGRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum floridanum FLORIDA PASPALUM 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum notatum BAHIAGRASS
10,000,000 A x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum repens WATER PASPALUM 11-100 N x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum setaceum THIN PASPALUM 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Paspalum urvillei VASEYGRASS 11-100 A x
28-Sep Dicot PASSIFLORACEAE Passiflora suberosa CORKYSTEM PASSIONFLOWER 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pectis glaucescens SANDDUNE CINCHWEED 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pectis prostrata SPREADING CINCHWEED 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Pennisetum polystachion
28-Sep Dicot LAURACEAE Persea palustris SWAMP BAY 101-1000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Pteridophyte POLYPODIACEAE Phlebodium aureum GOLDEN POLYPODY 1001-10,000 N x x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot ARECACEAE Phoenix roebellini PYGMY DATE PALM 1 CA x CR
21-Apr Dicot VISCACEAE Phoradendron leucarpum OAK MISTLETOE 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot VERBENACEAE Phyla nodiflora
CAPEWEED 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp.
saxicola ROCK CAROLINA LEAFFLOWER 101-10,000 N x
29-Sep Dicot SOLANACEAE Physalis pubescens HUSK TOMATO 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot SOLANACEAE Physalis walteri WALTER'S GROUNDCHERRY 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana AMERICAN POKEWEED 101-1000 N x x
21-Apr Dicot LAMIACEAE Piloblephis rigida WILD PENNYROYAL 11-100 N x
28-Sep Gymnosperm PINACEAE Pinus elliottii SLASH PINE 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Monocot ARACEAE Pistia stratiotes WATER-LETTUCE 1001-10,000 A I x
22-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Pityopsis graminifolia NARROLEAF SILKGRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Pteridophyte POLYPODIACEAE
Pleopeltis polypodioides var.
michauxiana RESURRECTION FERN 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pluchea baccharis ROSY CAMPHORWEED 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Pluchea carolinensis CURE-FOR-ALL 2-10 N x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pluchea foetida STINKING CAMPHORWEED 101-1000 N x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pluchea odorata SWEETSCENT 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Dicot POLYGALACEAE Polygala lutea ORANGE MILKWORT 11-100 N x
21-Apr Dicot POLYGALACEAE Polygala nana CANDYROOT 2-10 N x
21-Apr Dicot POLYGALACEAE Polygala rugelii YELLOW MILKWORT 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot POLYGALACEAE Polygala violacea SHOWY MILKWORT 10,000-100,000 N x x x
29-Sep Dicot POLYGONACEAE Polygonum glabrum DENSEFLOWER KNOTWEED 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot POLYGONACEAE Polygonum punctatum DOTTED SMARTWEED
1,000,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot TETRACHONDRACEAE Polypremum procumbens RUSTWEED; JUNIPERLEAF 10,000-100,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata PICKERELWEED 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot URTICACEAE Pouzolzia zeylanica POUZOLZ'S BUSH 101-1000 A x x
22-Apr Dicot HALORAGACEAE Proserpinaca palustris MARSH MERMAIDWEED 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot HALORAGACEAE Proserpinaca pectinata COMBLEAF MERMAIDWEED 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pseudelephantopus spicatus DOG'S-TONGUE 11-100 A x
21-Apr Dicot ASTERACEAE Pseudogynox chenopodioides MEXICAN FLAMEVINE 11-100 A x x CR
28-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Psidium cattleianum STRAWBERRY GUAVA 11-100 A I x x CR
28-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Psidium guajava GUAVA 101-1000 A I x x x
21-Apr Pteridophyte PSILOTACEAE Psilotum nudum WHISK FERN 2-10 N x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Psychotria nervosa WILD COFFEE 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Psychotria sulzneri SHORTLEAF WILD COFFEE 11-100 N x
29-Sep Pteridophyte DENNSTAEDTIACEAE
Pteridium aquilinum var.
pseudocaudatum TAILED BRACKEN 1001-10,000 N x x x x
29-Sep Pteridophyte PTERIDACEAE Pteris vittata CHINESE LADDER BRAKE 101-1000 A II x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Pterocaulon pycnostachyum BLACKROOT 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot APIACEAE Ptilimnium capillaceum
HERBWILLIAM 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FAGACEAE Quercus laurifolia LAUREL OAK; DIAMOND OAK 1001-10,000 N x x x x x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot FAGACEAE Quercus minima DWARF LIVE OAK 1001-10,000 N x
21-Apr Dicot FAGACEAE Quercus myrtifolia MYRTLE OAK 11-100 N x
30-Sep Dicot FAGACEAE Quercus pumila RUNNING OAK 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FAGACEAE Quercus virginiana LIVE OAK 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Dicot MYRSINACEAE Rapanea punctata MYRSINE; COLICWOOD 1001-10,000 N x x x x x x
30-Sep Dicot MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia mariana
28-Sep Dicot ANACARDIACEAE Rhus copallinum WINGED SUMAC 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Rhynchosia minima LEAST SNOUTBEAN 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora colorata STARRUSH WHITETOP 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora corniculata
BEAKSEDGE 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora divergens SPREADING BEAKSEDGE 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora fascicularis FASCICLED BEAKSEDGE 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora inundata
BEAKSEDGE 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora microcarpa SOUTHERN BEAKSEDGE 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Rhynchospora odorata FRAGRANT BEAKSEDGE 11-100 N x
29-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Richardia grandiflora LARGEFLOWER MEXICAN CLOVER 11-100 A x
28-Sep Dicot ROSACEAE Rubus trivialis SOUTHERN DEWBERRY 1001-10,000 N x x x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Rudbeckia hirta BLACKEYED SUSAN 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ACANTHACEAE Ruellia caroliniensis CAROLINA WILD PETUNIA 11-100 N x
22-Apr Dicot POLYGONACEAE Rumex verticillatus SWAMP DOCK 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot ARECACEAE Sabal palmetto CABBAGE PALM 10,001-100,000 N x x x x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Saccharum giganteum SUGARCANE PLUMEGRASS 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Sacciolepis indica INDIAN CUPSCALE 10,001-100,000 A x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Sacciolepis striata AMERICAN CUPSCALE 1001-10,000 N x x
21-Apr Monocot ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria isoetiformis QUILLWORT ARROWHEAD 11-101 N x
28-Sep Dicot ALISMATACEAE Sagittaria lancifolia BULLTONGUE ARROWHEAD 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot SALICACEAE Salix caroliniana
COASTALPLAIN WILLOW 1001-10,000 N x x x x
30-Sep Pteridophyte SALVINIACEAE Salvinia minima WATER SPANGLES 101-1001 A x
28-Sep Dicot APOCYNACEAE Sarcostemma clausum WHITE TWINEVINE
100,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ANACARDIACEAE Schinus terebinthifolia BRAZILIAN PEPPER 10,001-100,000 A I x x x x x x
22-Apr Monocot CYPERACEAE Scirpus tabernmontani SOFTSTEM BULRUSH 101-1000 N x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Scleria ciliata FRINGED NUTRUSH 11-100 N x
21-Apr Monocot CYPERACEAE Scleria triglomerata TALL NUTGRASS, WHIP NUTRUSH 11-100 N x x
30-Sep Monocot CYPERACEAE Scleria verticillata LOW NUTRUSH 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot PLANTAGINACEAE Scoparia dulcis SWEETBROOM; LICORICEWEED 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Senna alata CANDLESTICK PLANT 2-10 A x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Senna ligustrina PRIVET WILD SENSITIVE PLANT 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Senna obtusifolia COFFEEWEED; SICKLEPOD 1001-10,000 A x
28-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Senna pendula var. glabrata VALAMUERTO 101-1000 A I x x
28-Sep Dicot ARECACEAE Serenoa repens SAW PALMETTO 1001-10,000 N x x x x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Sericocarpus tortifolius WHITETOP ASTER; DIXIE ASTER 11-100 N x
29-Sep Dicot FABACEAE Sesbania herbacea DANGLEPOD 101-1000 N x x
29-Sep Monocot POACEAE Setaria magna GIANT BRISTLEGRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Setaria parviflora
KNOTROOT FOXTAIL 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Sida rhombifolia CUBAN JUTE; INDIAN HEMP 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Sida ulmifolia
FANPETALS 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot SAPOTACEAE Sideroxylon reclinatum FLORIDA BULLY 101-1000 N x x
21-Apr Monocot IRIDACEAE Sisyrinchium angustifolium NARROWLEAF BLUE-EYED GRASS 1001-10,000 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Monocot SMILACACEAE Smilax auriculata EARLEAF GREENBRIER 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Monocot SMILACACEAE Smilax bona-nox SAW GREENBRIER 1001-10,000 N x x
29-Sep Monocot SMILACACEAE Smilax laurifolia
VINE 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Monocot SMILACACEAE Smilax tamnoides BRISTLY GREENBRIER; HOGBRIER 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Dicot SOLANACEAE Solanum americanum AMERICAN BLACK NIGHTSHADE 101-1000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot SOLANACEAE Solanum diphyllum TWOLEAF NIGHTSHADE 11-100 A II x x CR
28-Sep Dicot SOLANACEAE Solanum viarum TROPICAL SODA APPLE 1001-10,000 A I x x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Solidago fistulosa PINEBARREN GOLDENROD 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Solidago leavenworthii LEAVENWORTH'S GOLDENROD 1001-10,000 N x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Solidago sempervirens SEASIDE GOLDENROD 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Solidago tortifolia TWISTEDLEAF GOLDENROD 1001-10,000 N x x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Sorghastrum secundum LOPSIDED INDIANGRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Spermacoce remota WOODLAND FALSE BUTTONWEED 1001-10,000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot RUBIACEAE Spermacoce verticillata SHRUBBY FALSE BUTTONWEED 1001-10,000 A x x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Sphagneticola trilobata CREEPING OXEYE 1001-10,000 A II x
21-Apr Monocot ORCHIDACEAE Spiranthes vernalis SPRING LADIESTRESSES 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE
Sporobolus indicus var.
pyramidalis WEST INDIAN DROPSEED 10,000-100,000 A x x x
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Stenotaphrum secundatum ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS 1001-10,000 N x x
29-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Symphyotrichum carolinianum CLIMBING ASTER 101-1000 N x x x
28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Symphyotrichum elliottii ELLIOTT'S ASTER 101-1000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Symphyotrichum simmondsii SIMMONDS' ASTER 101-1000 N x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?28-Sep Dicot ASTERACEAE Symphyotrichum subulatum ANNUAL SALTMARSH ASTER 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Monocot ERIOCAULACEAE Syngonanthus flavidulus YELLOW HATPINS 11-100 N x
30-Sep Dicot MYRTACEAE Syzygium cumini JAVA PLUM 11-100 A I x, MH
28-Sep Gymnosperm CUPRESSACEAE Taxodium ascendens POND-CYPRESS 1001-10,000 N x
29-Sep Dicot LAMIACEAE Teucrium canadense
GERMANDER 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Monocot MARANTACEAE Thalia geniculata ALLIGATORFLAG; FIREFLAG 1001-10,000 N x x x
29-Sep Pteridophyte THELYPTERIDACEAE Thelypteris dentata
SHIELD FERN 101-1000 A x x x
29-Sep Pteridophyte THELYPTERIDACEAE Thelypteris interrupta
FERN 101-1000 N x x
29-Sep Pteridophyte THELYPTERIDACEAE Thelypteris kunthii
28-Sep Pteridophyte THELYPTERIDACEAE
Thelypteris palustris var.
pubescens MARSH FERN 1001-10,000 N x x x
29-Sep Dicot ACANTHACEAE Thunbergia grandiflora SKYVINE 11-100 A, CA x x CR
28-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia balbisiana NORTHERN NEEDLELEAF 101-1000 N T x x x x
Tillandsia fasciculata var.
PINE 1001-10,000 N E x x x x x
29-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia flexuosa
28-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia recurvata BALLMOSS 101-1000 N x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia setacea SOUTHERN NEEDLELEAF 101-1000 N x x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia usneoides SPANISH MOSS 1001-10,000 N x x x x x x x
28-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia utriculata
PINE 101-1000 N E x x x
29-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia variabilis
29-Sep Monocot BROMELIACEAE Tillandsia x smalliana REDDISH WILD-PINE 11-100 N x
28-Sep Dicot ANACARDIACEAE Toxicodendron radicans EASTERN POISON IVY 1001-10,000 N x x x x x
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?30-Sep Monocot COMMELINACEAE Tradescantia zebrina WANDERING-JEW; INCHPLANT 101-1000 A x
30-Sep Dicot CELTIDACEAE Trema micrantha NETTLETREE 2-10 N x
21-Apr Dicot FABACEAE Trifolium repens WHITE CLOVER 11-100 A x CR
28-Sep Monocot POACEAE Tripsacum dactyloides
29-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Triumfetta semitriloba SACRAMENTO BURRBARK 2-10 A x
28-Sep Monocot TYPHACEAE Typha domingensis SOUTHERN CATTAIL 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot MALVACEAE Urena lobata CAESARWEED 10,000-100,000 A II x x x x x
30-Sep Monocot POACEAE Urochloa distachya TROPICAL SIGNALGRASS 101-1000 A x
29-Sep Dicot LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia foliosa LEAFY BLADDERWORT 101-1000 N x x
30-Sep Dicot LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia gibba HUMPED BLADDERWORT 1001-10,000 N x
28-Sep Dicot ERICACEAE Vaccinium myrsinites SHINY BLUEBERRY 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot VERBENACEAE Verbena brasiliensis BRAZILIAN VERVAIN 11-100 A x x CR
21-Apr Dicot VERBENACEAE Verbena scabra
VERVAIN 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Dicot FABACEAE Vicia acutifolia FOURLEAF VETCH 1001-10,000 N x x x x
21-Apr Dicot VIOLACEAE Viola lanceolata BOG WHITE VIOLET 101-1000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot VITACEAE Vitis cinerea var. floridana FLORIDA GRAPE 101-1000 N x
28-Sep Dicot VITACEAE Vitis rotundifolia MUSCADINE 1001-10,000 N x x x x
28-Sep Pteridophyte VITTARIACEAE Vittaria lineata SHOESTRING FERN 101-1000 N x x x x
28-Sep Pteridophyte BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica VIRGINIA CHAIN FERN 1001-10,000 N x x
28-Sep Dicot XIMENIACEAE Ximenia americana TALLOW WOOD; HOG PLUM 101-1000 N x x x
30-Sep Monocot XYRIDACEAE Xyris caroliniana CAROLINA YELLOWEYED GRASS 101-1000 N x
21-Apr Monocot XYRIDACEAE Xyris elliottii ELLIOTT'S YELLOWEYED GRASS 11-100 N x
28-Sep Monocot XYRIDACEAE Xyris smalliana SMALL'S YELLOWEYED GRASS 101-1000 N x
17 of 18
Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Date Group Family Scientific Name Common_Name
Estimate Native StatusState StatusEPPC StatusDisturbed WetlandDisturbed UplandHammock ComplexDepression MarshMesic FlatwoodsPop Ash SwampPond Apple SwampStrand SwampHydric Hammock"Oak Midden" (Mesic Hammock)County Record?T
5/22/2010. Wooodmansee, S.W. , Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Pro Native Consulting, Miami, FL.
Potentially Invasive
Population Estimates are measured using a Log10 scale, they represent preliminary estimates only
9/28/2009. Wooodmansee, S.W. & W. Brammell, Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Pro Native Consulting, Miami, FL & Johnson Engineering, Inc., Fort Myers, FL.
9/29/2009. Wooodmansee, S.W. & A. Smith, Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Pro Native Consulting, Miami, FL & Johnson Engineering, Inc., Fort Myers, FL.
9/30/2009. Wooodmansee, S.W. & A. Smith, Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Pro Native Consulting, Miami, FL & Johnson Engineering, Inc., Fort Myers, FL.
10/08/2009. A. Smith & C. Roberts, Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Johnson Engineering, Inc., Fort Myers, FL.
Native Status
5/21/2010. Wooodmansee, S.W. & A. Smith, Personal observations of vascular plants at Pepper Ranch Preserve, Collier County, FL. Pro Native Consulting, Miami, FL & Johnson Engineering, Inc., Fort Myers, FL.
State Status
EPPC Status
Invasive CN = Native to Florida, Cultivated only
A = Not Native
CA = Cultivated Only, not native
N = Native to Florida
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Woodmansee, 05/13/10
FINAL Pepper Ranch Preserve List of Plants
Appendix 5
Management Unit Map of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Appendix 6
Cattle Lease
Appendix 7
Pepper Ranch Preserve Quality Wildlife
Management Hunt Program
20170-20181 Brochure
Appendix 8
Pepper Ranch Preserve –
Land Use Compatibility Matrix
Pepper Ranch Preserve - Compatibility Matrix
riding hunting fishing
rental ecotourism campground archery
n Bank
storage SSA oil drilling
mountain biking
primitive camping
horseback riding
nature photography
special events logde rental
Panther Conservation Bank
Wetlands Mitigation
water storage
oil drilling
cattle grazing
Uses are compatible throughout the Preserve
Uses are compatible but on seperate portions of the Preserve
Uses are not compatible during certain times of the year
GENERATING Conservation
Ordinance No.
Conservation Collier Ordinance No. 2007-
Appendix 9
Parcel Folio Map of Pepper Ranch Preserve
Appendix 10. Wildlife Camera Photographs