CAC Minutes 12/08/2005 R December 8, 2005 TRANSCRIPT OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, December 8, 2005 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at I :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Ron Pennington John Arceri Gerald Camiener Murray Hendel - Excused Heidi Kulpa Ronald Minarcini Tony Pires - Excused John Sorey III Paul Sullivan ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Mgr. Gail Hambright, Administrative Assistant Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney 1 12-9-05 Regular Meeting Page 10f2 MEETING AGENDA & NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8,2005 -1:00 P.M. W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples) I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Changes and Approval of Agenda IV. Public Comments V. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. November 10 , 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes VI. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report 2. Project Status Report VII. New Business 1. DCAlFEMA Funding for Beach Renourishment 2. Marine Contracting Group Change Order NO.4 VIII. Old Business 1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update 2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update 3. Clam Pass Study Update 4. City/County Beach Renourishment Update 5. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update 6. Doctors Pass Dredging Update IX. Public Comments X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. January 12, 2006- 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor XIII. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 213-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 774-8380. http://www.colliergov.netltdc/cac/12-9-05RegularMeeting.htm 12/512005 December 8, 2005 I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :02 PM. II. Roll Call A quorum was established with John Sorey absent at roll call and Murray Hendel and Tony Pires having excused absences. III. Changes and Approval of Agenda Gary McAlpin noted that a packet was handed out including a Revenue Report with changes and a copy of the minutes. He also noted the addition of an executive summary to be addressed under "VII. New Business" regarding Humiston and Moore. Mr. Arceri moved to approve the agenda with changes. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carries unanimously 6-0. IV. Public Comments None V. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. November 10, 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes Mr. Pennington noted the correct spelling for Katie Fuhr. Mr. Sorey joined the meeting at 1 :06 AM. Page #3 under "VII. New Business, 1. Results of Collier County/Naples Preconstruction Beach Survey" the number 4 should have been a number sign "$". Page #4 under "VII. New Business, 3. Proposed Clam Pass Inlet/Park Renourishment Plan Proposed to Pelican Bay/Seagate" under the bullet point should have read "Tidal Flushing" not "Title Flushing". Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the minutes of November 10, 2005 with corrections. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carries unanimously 7-0. VI. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report Gary McAlpin reviewed distributed documents including "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2005-2006" and "Greater Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Convention and Visitors Bureau Tourist Tax Collections History". Noting that November numbers include the 4th penny. 2 December 8, 2005 2. Project Status Report Gary McAlpin reviewed distributed documents including "Proposed reporting items for CAC Project Report". Mr. Sorey would like to keep a column on the report for "Staff Comments". Ms. Kulpa would like to have an additional column demonstrating the variance off the original budget. Mr. McAlpin will separate projects by "Active" and "Inactive". VII. New Business 1. DCA/FEMA Funding for Beach Renourishment Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Update the CAC relative to our efforts to obtain DCA/FEMA funding for Beach Renourishment relating from Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma" (see attachment). The following items were considered: · Hurricane Katrina date shown on the Executive Summary should have been 2005. · Demonstration of "Table 4 Hurricane Katrina Volumetric Storm Losses" · The Wiggins Pass area and inlet will be looked into in order to compare against data from June. · Permits have been given up to the maximum fill template amount. 2. Marine Contracting Group Change Order No.4 Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend approval by CAC/TDC for Change Order #4 with Marine Contracting Group for additional expenditure of$210,000 under contract 05-3744, Project No. 905021" (see attachment) including the following points: · It was first thought that Marine Contracting could use the Counties tax exemption, but later discovered it was not possible. · Review of page #5 "Breakdown of Package". Mr. Sorey moved to approve Executive Summary "Recommend approval by CAC/TDC for Change Order #4 with Marine Contracting Group for additional expenditure of $210,000 under contract 05-3744, Project No. 905021". Second by Mr. Camiener. 3 December 8, 2005 Mr. McAlpin noted that if the contract had been written for the County to purchase materials and provided them to the contractor it would have saved the sales tax. Motion carries unanimously 7-0. Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Recommend approval by the CAC/TDC for a Change Order to of $45,250 to Humiston and Moore to extend construction phase services through December 2005 and provide laboratory analysis of sand samples as required by FDEP permit on the Hideaway Beach Project No. 90502 Contract #01-3271" (see attachment) including the following point: · Liquidated damages need to be realistic, defendable, and valid. Mr. Sullivan moved to approve Executive Summary "Recommend approval by the CAC/TDC for a Change Order to of $45,250 to Humiston and Moore to extend construction phase services through December 2005 and provide laboratory analysis of sand samples as required by FDEP permit on the Hideaway Beach Project No. 90502 Contract #01-3271". Second by Mr. Arceri. Carries unanimously 7- O. Gary McAlpin reviewed "Hideaway Beach Homeowner AssociationlTDC Project Costs" (see attachment) including the following point: · $2.5 million was the projected project cost; it is looking to finish at around $2.7 million. VIII. Old Business 1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Update CAC on Vanderbilt Beach Parking Garage progress" (see attachment) including the following point: · Projected date of completion will be provided the next meeting. 2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update - Marco SouthlCaxambas Pass Project" (see attachment) including the following points: 4 December 8, 2005 · Possible completion in February or March. · If it is felt that the project can not be completed by turtle season then the project will be terminated and re-bid later. · The project utilizes TDC funds with a possibility of a third received from the Government. 3. Clam Pass Study Update Mr. Camiener went to the Pelican Bay Service Division who then spoke with Ken Humiston who then prepared a response (hand out was distributed). Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Update CAC on Clam Pass Study Progress" (see attachment) including the following points: · Mr. McAlpin asked to change the request to change the approach on how Clam Pass is handled. · Review of "Odd-Even Analysis at Clam Pass" · Sands have been transferring within the area. · Mr. McAlpin requested dredging the inlet pass from station 00 to 18, putting the material on the beach; concurrently proceeding with a permit modification or a new permit which will allow for inlet and ebb tide shoal dredging. · $200,000 is the projected cost of the project. Ms. Kulpa moved to authorize Mr. McAlpin to proceed with the plan. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carries unanimously 7-0. Mr. Sullivan expressed appreciation for the chart "Odd-Even Analysis at Clam Pass". 4. City/County Beach Renourishment Update Gary McAlpin reviewed Executive Summary "Progress Update _ City/County Beach Renourishment Project" (see attachment) including the following points: · Review of packet information. · There are three possible access points for the equipment to get to the location on the beach. · There would be potential temporary road closings. · The subject needs to be addressed at the January 4th (Naples) City Council Meeting. · Review of "Agenda for Preconstruction Conference FDEP Permit No. 0222355-001-JC Corps Permit No. SAJ-2003-12405(IP-MN)" 5 December 8, 2005 Mr. Pennington added that he has been trying to find a location for the equipment to be brought in for the project. A boat will be running from Naples City Dock to different locations three miles out in order to transport workers. 5. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update Previously covered by Mr. McAlpin under "VII. New Business". 6. Doctors Pass Dredging Update Ron Pennington reviewed Executive Summary "Status and schedule for the dredging of Doctors Pass" (see attachment) including the following points: · The project was performed better than it had been previously at this location; it took 18 days to complete. · Only one complaint came in about the noise generated from work being done 24 hours each day. IX. Public Comments John Findley, Estuary Conservation Association who is the Chairman of Milestone Committee that monitors for the Estuary Conservation Association noted that Wilma drastically affected them. (Pictures from November 22, 2005 shown on overhead demonstrating channel markers). A study that had been started by the County looking into long term solutions needs to be completed. Mr. Finley requested to have the Committee reexamine the necessity for the study, looking into how much of the study was completed and what it would entail to complete it. Mr. Pennington returned mentioning that they are not prepared to cut through the flood tide shoal. The flood tide shoal is inside the funding limitations. Open discussion ensued on related past events. X. Announcements None XI. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Pennington mentioned that the north jetty at Doctors Pass is in need of repair. He suggested getting estimates. 6 December 8, 2005 Mr. Sullivan recognized Gary McAlpin's great work. He relayed an incidence on Marco Island where boaters had reported large rocks in the water way; a boater's alert went out. It was thought that the rocks had fallen off ofthe barge or malpractice had occurred. Mr. McAlpin responded quickly finding that it was tree stumps. The Conservancy is looking into pulling them out. Mr. Sullivan also noted that channel markers are often reported missing. He would like to see a list of markers that the County is aware of and working to correct. Mr. McAlpin will invite Mr. Suitor to speak on channel markers. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location 1. January 12, 2005 -1:00 p.m. - Government Center, Administrative Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County of Collier the meeting was adjourned at 3:03 PM. COAST AL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman Ron Pennington 7