CAC Minutes 11/10/2005 R
November 10, 2005
Naples, Florida, November 10, 2005
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 1 :00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F
of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following
members present:
Ron Pennington
John Arceri - Excused
Gerald Camiener
Murray Hendel
Heidi Kulpa - Excused
Ronald Minarcini
Tony Pires
John Sorey III
Paul Sullivan
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Projects Mgr.
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
11-10-05 Regular Meeting
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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2005 - 1 :00 P.M.
W. HARMON TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 13, 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report
2. Project Status Report
VII. New Business
1. Results of Collier County/Naples Preconstruction Beach Survey
2. Hurricane Katrina and Wilma Update/FEMA
3. Proposed Clam Pass Inlet/Park Renourisment Plan Proposed to Pelican Bay/Seagate
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update
3. Clam Pass Study Update
4. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
5. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
6. Doctors Pass Dredging Update
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
1. December 8,2005 - 1 :00 p.m. - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to
the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Maria Bernal at (239) 213-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost
to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East
November 10, 2005
I. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ron Pennington at 1 :00 PM.
II. Roll Call
A quorum was established with Mr. Pires absent at roll call and John Arceri and
Heidi Kulpa having excused absences.
Katy Fur the Cities new Environmental Specialist was introduced.
III. Changes and Approval of Agenda
"VII. Old Business #3. Clam Pass Study Update" was removed from the agenda.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the agenda with changes. Second by Mr.
Minarcini. Carries unanimously 6-0.
IV. Public Comments
V. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 13, 2005 - Regular Meeting Minutes
Page #2 under "VI. Staff Reports, 1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin"
bullet #2 should have read "Revenue sources for TDC funding", striking
"Category A".
Page #4 under "VII. New Business, 1. Collier County BiologicaL.." for
the correct spelling of the name Mr. Makowski.
Mr. Sullivan move to approve the minutes of October 13, 2005 with
changes. Second by Mr. Camiener. Carries unanimously 6-0.
VI. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report
Gary McAlpin gave a report including the following points:
· Review of worksheet "Based on 4 Cents" (see attachment)
· Demonstration of beach funds.
· Discretionary spending will be limited rrom 2007 and forward.
Mr. Hendel wished that this had been laid out prior to the 4% raise, due to
the numbers not being coherent.
November 10, 2005
Anthony Pires joined the meeting at 1: 10 p.m.
Gary McAlpin continued his report:
· Review of worksheet "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2005-
2006" (see attachment)
· The Tourist Tax Revenue Report spreadsheet will be updated
Mr. Sorey mentioned that hotel representatives are concerned about sales
for November along with August, September, and October of next year.
They are not seeing much interest by the group industry for these months.
2. Project Status Report
Gary McAlpin gave a report and referenced handouts and overhead (see
VII. New Business
1. Results of Collier County/Naples Preconstruction Beach Survey
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval
to add an additional 31,299 cubic yards of sand to the City of
Naples/Collier County beaches as a result of the pre-construction survey
and approved approximate additional funding of 4874,629 to Project
905271" (see attachment) including the following point:
· The funds are in general reserves.
2. Hurricane Katrina and Wilma Update/FEMA
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Share beach status as a
result of Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma" (see attachment) including the
following points:
· Review of "Post- Hurricane Wilma Preliminary Survey Results"
· Hurricane Katrina pushed the Naples Beaches sand out while
Hurricane Wilma pushed the sand back in.
· Naples Beach's' sands are now close to being back to an even
· Both surveys will be combined for a report to be filed with FEMA
for approximately 36,000 cubic yards of re-nourishment, with the
addition of the dunes.
· The surveys do not take Marco Beaches into account.
November 10, 2005
· A survey for Marco Beaches will be executed this week.
· A second claim will be filed with FEMA for Marco.
· The hard bottom will have to be re-surveyed.
· The reserves are in place to pay contractors as the bills come due,
then reimbursement will come from FEMA.
Mr. Pires moved to approve funding for up to 40,000 cubic yards.
Second by Mr. Sorey. Carries unanimously 7-0.
3. Proposed Clam Pass Inlet/Park Renourishment Plan Proposed to
Pelican Bay/Seagate
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Update the CAC on
progress toward the dredging of Clam Pass and re-nourishment of the
adjoining county beach park. Proposed plan was developed with Pelican
Bay and Seagate representatives" (see attachment) including the following
· Demonstration of proceedings displayed on overhead.
· Representative engineers will continue to work in conjunction to
define beach areas.
· Three accomplishments-
- Title Flushing
- Renourish beach
- Give reassurances on no excessive erosion on their beach.
· The cost will more than likely come in around $500,000 with
permitting taking around 6 months; renourishment should occur
around November 2006-March 2007.
Mr. McAlpin will supply the study performed in this area once it has been
further defined and ready for dispersion which should occur in about a
month. The information supplied was from an excerpt of the study.
Mr. Camiener distributed copies of a plan proposal he devised. He
demonstrated his proposal on the overhead. He will talk further with Ken
Mr. McAlpin noted that during active design Mr. Camiener's proposal can
be addressed. Once the permit issues are resolved Mr. McAlpin can return
for further involvement.
4. Conservancy of Southwest Florida Contract
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Recommend Approval
of contract with the Conservancy of Southwest Florida to provide
November 10,2005
shorebird monitoring as required by FDEP permit for a cost of$34,798
Project No. 905362" (see attachment).
Mr. Sorey moved to approve the $34,798 with funding coming from
the previous item authorized plus an additional $7,000. Second by
Mr. Hendel. Carries unanimously 7-0.
VIII. Old Business
1. Vanderbilt Parking Garage Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Update CAC on
Vanderbilt Beach Parking Garage progress" (see attachment).
Photographs shown. Completion duration is on track for 7 months.
2. Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Progress Update -
Marco South/Caxambas Pass Project" (see attachment). The surveys will
be combined for a Pre-construction Survey, Wilma Survey, and Katrina
Survey that should be completed within the following week. A special
meeting could be called for this issue if it is deemed necessary.
3. City/County Beach Renourishment Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Progress Update -
City/County Beach Renourishment Project" (see attachment) including the
following points:
· Hopefully renourishment will start the first of the year.
· Once a schedule has been created then a public notice can go out.
4. Hideaway Beach Renourishment Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Progress Update -
Hideaway Beach Renourishment Project" (see attachment) including the
following points:
· Working with the Home Owner Association in order to finalize the
proj ect.
· The contractor will more than likely not be able to clean-up the
area within the set times.
· It will be the contractor's responsibility to come back and clean up
the site if stones appear due to erosion.
Clarifying questions were addressed.
November 10, 2005
· $2.9 million will be the cost for the Hideaway Home Owners
· The TDC portion will come out to $2,750,000. There will be a
$70,000 back charge to Weeks Marines for delays.
· The TDC portion will also include $111,000 for additional rock
that was required.
· It was erroneously thought that the Counties Tax Certificate could
be used, so there will be an addition of$75,000.
· When exact numbers are achieved it will be brought before the
Committee again.
The Committee recessed at 2:46 p.m. reconvening at 2:52 p.m.
Mr. Sorey departed from the meeting during the recess at 2:46 p.m.
5. Doctors Pass Dredging Update
Gary McAlpin reviewed the Executive Summary "Status and schedule
for the dredging of Doctors Pass" (see attachment).
Mr. Pennington updated the Committee. The dredger arrived at 2:30 on
Monday morning. He feels this is the best group to work in this area since
1988. The company has mentioned to be complete in 15 days. An
additional 20,000 cubic yards may be needed.
IX. Public Comments
X. Announcements
XI. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Pennington noted that the Policy Amendment has been approved by the
Board of County Commissioners. A newspaper printed inaccurate information
about the subject. Mr. Pennington wrote a letter in response that was then
published. He suggested having regular Coastal Advisory Committee meetings at
the City Council Site and will look into the availability since there were no
objections. The only draw back would be the lack of access to the Counties
internet system for the staff. Legal staff will return to verify that it is appropriate
for the meeting location to be at the City.
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
November 10, 2005
1. December 8, 2005 - 1 :00 p.m. - Location to be determined.
Mr. Hendel will not be able to attend the next meeting.
There being no further business for the good of the County of Collier the meeting
was adjourned at 3:07 PM.
Chairman Ron Pennington