Minutes 05/21/2018 MINUTES OF MEETING
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Cedar Hammock Community
Development District was held on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 3:00 PM at Cedar Hammock
Clubhouse, 8660 Cedar Hammock Boulevard,Naples,Florida.
Present and constituting a quorum were:
Thomas Cook Chairman
Gary McClellan Vice Chairman
Norman Day Assistant Secretary
Quentin Greeley Assistant Secretary
Jack Rupe Assistant Secretary
Also present were:
Justin Faircloth District Manager
Sam Marshall District Engineer
Ralph Verrastro Bridging Solutions
Tom Read Cedar Hammock Golf&Country Club
The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at May 21, 2018 Cedar
Hammock Board of Supervisors meeting.
Mr. Cook called the meeting to order and Mr. Faircloth called the roll.
o Mr. Cook noted, because Mr. Greeley will arrive late, he asked that a motion be made to
move the Discussion about Bridges later in the meeting,so he can be a participant.
Mr. McClellan moved to have the Discussion about Bridges later in
the meeting in order for Mr. Greeley to be a participant in that
discussion and Mr. Day seconded the motion.
o Two items were added under Manager's Report: Roadway Damage and Rear Gate
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
On VOICE vote with all in favor the motion as amended was
o There not being any,the next item followed.
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Public Hearing
o Mr. Faircloth asked for a motion to open the budget public hearing.
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Rupe with all in
favor the budget public hearing was opened.
o There being no public comment,
On MOTION by Mr.Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Rupe with all in
favor the budget public hearing was closed.
A. Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019—Resolution 2018-06
On MOTION Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Rupe with all in favor
Resolution 2018-06, a resolution relating to the annual appropriations
of the District and adopting the budget for Fiscal Year beginning
October 1, 2018 and ending September 30, 2019 and referring the
Maintenance and Benefit Special Assessments to be levied by the
District for said Fiscal Year,was adopted.
B. Levy of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments—Resolution 2018-07
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Rupe with all in
favor Resolution 2018-07, a resolution levying and imposing a non-ad
valorem maintenance and benefit Special Assessment for the Cedar
Hammock CDD for Fiscal Year 2019,was adopted.
A. Lake 5 Repair Proposals
o Mr.Faircloth updated the Board on the proposal process.
On MOTION by Mr.Day seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in favor
the bid from Cedar Hammock Golf & Country Club for Lake 5
Repairs in the amount of$12,400,was approved.
A. Golf Cart Bridge Repairs
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o To be discussed when Mr. Greeley arrives.
B. Artistic Structures Proposal to Repair Bulkheads#4 and#5
o Mr. Faircloth contacted Mr. Travis Pritchett of Artistic Structures regarding damages on
bulkheads #4 and #5 which need repair. Mr. Pritchett recommended rock be added in front
of the bulkhead instead of repairing the planking stating that the rock would be a less
intrusive and quicker repair. Artistic Structures could complete the rock placement for the
same price.
o Mr. Marshall would need to send a letter to SFWMD explaining what the District is doing if
the rock option is chosen.
o The Board discussed having a line of credit or a fixed loan.
Mr. Day MOVED to table the bids on repairs until there is an
emergency situation and Mr. Rupe seconded the motion.
o Discussion ensued on whether to have inspections by the Engineer on a monthly basis.
Mr. Marshall suggested a structural Engineer complete the inspections if the Board
determines they are necessary. The Board was in agreement to allow the golf course staff .I
continue monitoring the bulkheads presently.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
Let the record reflect, Mr. Verrastro left the meeting.
C. Supervisor Day Financial Calculations
o Mr. Day suggested the Board begin looking at replacing all water bridges entirely.
Let the record show that Mr. Greeley arrived at the meeting.
o Mr. Day noted we should be able to have a barge to cross under the bridge. These are simple
things we should do before we spend any money. He would use the cross bracing design
only on bridges#4,#5A, #5B, #7 and#10. We are putting all this money into these bridges,
which will last only ten years. For us to spend any money without doing it first class, is just
throwing money away.
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
o Mr. Day noted there is no way we should put the bridges in without doing the bulkheads
underneath. To put those bulkheads in correctly, you have to disassemble the bridge. We
need two contractors working together or one who can do both. If you want to put the
bulkheads in, at least where the bridges come onto the car paths, then it is done right one
time. We do not have to tear up the path to redo at a later date.
o Mr. Cook stated maybe we should postpone the bridges until after the bulkheads are in place.
o Mr. Day noted if we did the bridges on#4,#5A,#5B,#7 and#10,we could leave out#9 and
#18. Those two have been checked and emergency repairs were done. Bridge #9 is one of
the better bridges we have and also the most expensive. On the bulkheads,we should do#4
and#5 and,one that no one has talked about,#5 along the road,and also#16 and#17.
o Mr. Day talked to a contractor and two engineers on the bulkheads. One was shocked at the
plans we just put out to bid. This contractor comes very highly recommended. We just spent
$4{),000 for engineering on the bridges; $8,500 to do engineering on the bridges; we are
throwing money away without even analyzing some of the things we are doing. This is the
engineer who is doing Kensington. He is a very reputable man. He stated he cannot believe
we do not have cross bracers on all the bridges.
o Mr. Day noted Mr. Ralph Verrastro is the Engineer. The other engineer I spoke to and a
contractor I brought on site, brought up all these bad points. Mr. Verrastro should be
bringing these up to us.
o Mr. Day responded no cross bracing on the bridges, not enough stringers running along the
bridges to strengthen them. We should not be telling him how to design the bridges.
o Mr.Faircloth stated he is not designing new bridges;he is just repairing the ones we have.
o Mr. Faircloth noted we paid Bridging Solutions and signed a contract to design the bridge,
for bidding services and for construction engineer inspections.
o Once the engineering plans are in,we will go out to bid.
Mr. Rupe MOVED to get bids for vinyl walls once the design plans
come back from Ingenium,Inc. and Mr. Day seconded the motion.
o Mr. Day stated once the soil borings are completed Mr. Carl Hazenberg can get the plans
completed promptly.
o The Board discussed continuing the meeting to September 17,2018 at 3 p.m.
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
o Mr. Verrastro was present to discuss the bids on the bridge repairs and that Bridging
Solutions has work left to do on their contract, however, if the Board moves to go in a new
direction additional work will need to be discussed and authorized. Bridging Solutions
would likely request a new contract if the Board decides to design and build new bridges.
o Mr. Day stated he does not have a lot of faith in Mr. Verrastro's work and that if he was
going to vote for Mr. Verrastro to do the new designs on the bridges, it should be at a zero
cost because Bridging Solutions has charged enough.
o Mr. McClellan noted Mr. Verrastro did what the Board requested him to do, and that he has
some comfort level in Mr. Verrastro's ability to design bridges because he has seen his work.
The Board would need to find out if Mr. Verrastro would be willing to do develop new
designs for the bridges.
Mr. Day MOVED to have Mr. Faircloth hire Forge Engineering to do
the borings for the bulkheads and the bridges and to refer the number
of borings to the engineer for the bulkheads and the engineer for the
bridges for their requirement and contract with Forge Engineering as
soon as possible and Mr. Rupe seconded the motion.
o Discussion ensued on the motion.
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was amended to
have Mr. Faircloth hire a geo-technical firm to do the borings under
the recommendations of the bulkhead engineer and recommendations
lzy others for the bridge borings as well.
o Discussion continued on the above.
Mr. Day MOVED to have Mr. Faircloth obtain proposals to design
replacement bridges with a 10-ton load for bridges #4, #5, #5B, #7
and#10 and Mr.Rupe seconded the motion.
o The Board continued discussing the above.
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
On VOICE vote with all in favor the prior motion was approved.
o The Board discussed whether the remainder of the items on the agenda could wait until the
continuation meeting in September. Mr. Faircloth noted some additional items needed to be
discussed; the audit needs to be accepted by June 30th and the proposed meeting schedule
should be reviewed.
D. Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2017 Audit
o Mr.Faircloth noted it was a good,clean audit.
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Day with all in
favor the Fiscal Year 2017 Audit was accepted.
A. Approval of the Minutes of the April 9,2018 Meeting
o To be discussed at the continued meeting.
B. Financial Report
o To be discussed at the continued meeting.
C. Proposed Meeting Schedule for Fiscal Year 2019
o Tabled to continued meeting.
D. Report on Number of Registered Voters-479
o Mr. Faircloth reported there are 479 registered voters residing within the District.
E. Field Management Report
o The report was reviewed with the Board.
F. Follow Up Items
i. FEMA Email from 4/25/18
o Mr. Faircloth discussed the FEMA April 25, 2018 email, which was included in the agenda
May 21,2018 Cedar Hammock CDD
On MOTION by Mr. Day seconded by Mr. McClellan with all in
favor authorizing Mr. Faircloth to request an invoice from the Master
Association for reimbursement for District expenses related to
Hurricane Irma.
ii. Roadway Damage
o Item tabled.
iii. Rear Gate Discussion
o Item tabled.
There being no report,the next item followed.
There being no report,the next item followed.
TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Communication to Master Board
There not being any,the next item followed.
There being nothing to report,the next item followed.
There not being any,the next item followed.
There being no further business,
On MOTION by Mr. McClellan seconded by Mr. Greeley with all in
favor the meeting was continued to September 17, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
at the Cedar Hammock Clubhouse.
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J in Faircloth Tom Cook
ecretary Chairman