GGELTC Minutes 09/24/2018 MINUTES
Golden Gate Estates Land Trust Committee
Monday, September 24,2018 -5:30 p.m.
Greater Naples Fire Rescue Station 71
100 13th Street SW
Committee Members
Chairman: Mark Fillmore
Vice-Chairman: Annette Kniola
Member: Pat Humphries
Member: Jeff Curl
Member: Carol Pratt-absent
County Staff
Michael Dowling: Collier County Real Property Management
Michael Ramsey, Golden Gate Estates Civic Association
Cindy Mackie
1. Call to order: Mark called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. Approval of current agenda: Mark asked if there were any questions or changes
and called for a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Jeff made the motion
to approve the agenda as submitted, Annette seconded the motion, Mark called the
vote, and all were in favor.
3. Approval of the Minutes for the July 30, 2018 Regular Meeting: Mark asked if
there were any questions or changes and called for a motion to approve the
Minutes from the July meeting. Pat made a motion to approve as presented, Jeff
seconded the motion, Mark called the vote, all were in favor.
4. Treasurer's Report: There was no update provided to staff, but Michael read the
cash balance from the last meeting which was $880,746.58 less the funds allocated
for the Greater Naples Brush Truck which total, $106, 362.72. The remaining cash
balance, without any new interest posted, is $774,383.86.
5. Greater Naples Fire Rescue District request for funding update: Michael reported
that the Board of County Commissioners approved the agreement for the Brush
Truck at the September 11, 2018, meeting. Michael said that Tara Bishop from
Greater Naples informed him that the truck has been ordered.
6. Consideration and Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners
(BCC) for the reappointment of Annette Kniola to the Golden Gate Estates Land
Trust Committee: Mark thanked Annette for her time and commitment to the
Committee and asked if anyone had questions regarding Annette's reappointment.
There were no questions, Mark called for a motion, Jeff made a motion to
recommend Annette's reappointment to the BCC, Pat made a second, Mark called
for the vote, all were in favor, with Annette abstaining from voting.
7. Discussion of current land values and recommendation to the Board of County
Commissioners to release some or all the properties currently on hold, and
discussion regarding properties previously reserved by governmental agencies:
Michael explained the intent of the discussion which is to have the Committee
consider releasing some or all of the parcels, and that could be accomplished at
once or in phases, which are currently on hold to the active sale list. Michael
explained the `reserved' properties and how a letter was sent a few years ago to
each of the agencies that reserved parcels asking if those properties were still of
interest. Mark said that he would like to see those properties either be conveyed to
the agencies or removed and offered for sale to the public. Michael said that it may
be problematic to deed those over to each agency in case the agencies' plans
change which would then cause the properties to go through a process to return
them to the Trust. Mark suggested that a letter be sent to each agency, as done in
the past, asking if the agencies are still interested in the property and, if so, what
the intended use is. Jeff said that the letter should contain a deadline for the
responses, and if no response is received after six-months, the non-response would
be interpreted as a desire to no longer reserve the property(ies). Michael said that
all these suggestions will have to be presented to the BCC as recommendations for
BCC approval.
Annette said that the values on the handout seemed very low compared to her
research. Michael said that those values were performed in March and the market
fluctuates, and with all the building and interest in the Estates lately, those prices
are most likely not reflective of today's values. Michael advised that any GAC
property being purchased has to be appraised, which is a cost to the buyer, and the
selling price is based on 100% of the appraised value. Michael explained that the
properties were being sold at 90% of the appraised value, but an Executive
Summary was taken to the BCC several years ago recommending that the
properties sell at 100% of the appraised value. (Correction post meeting:
Executive Summary for 100% of appraisal was for a specific parcel, BCC item 11
A submitted on September 27, 2016. Mention was made about the 100% of
appraised value in the agenda item, but the Recommendation did not include BCC
approval for all lots to be sold at 100%, therefore, no vote was taken on that
stipulation. However, the 1983 Agreement does state under Article 7, `Before any
lands may be sold or traded, the County shall have an appraisal completed by an
M.A.I. and the contemplated conveyance may be consummated only if: (a) the
sales prices in ninety (90) percent or more of the appraisal fair market value....")
Michael also said that Avatar is made aware of all potential sales and that it still
has the right of first refusal on the properties. Michael said there hasn't been a sale
in almost ten years, however, there have been several people interested in buying
properties in the past couple of years in which the Committee has been made
Pat asked if Stormwater Management was still interested in the properties they
asked the Committee to reserve a couple of years ago. Michael said that he has
contacted Gino Santabarbara with Stormwater Management several times advising
that the Committee reserved those properties for one year and asked if there was
any interest in pursuing this project. Michael said that he has not heard anything
from Stormwater and those properties were set aside for Stormwater have been
removed from the reserved list.
Mark made the following motion: 1) for staff to send a letter to each agency who
has reserved property, give each three months to respond with a statement of their
interest in continuing to reserve the property and what the intended use is, and no
response will be interpreted as no interest; 2) to remove all properties under
`Reserved for Future Sales' on the spreadsheet to active sales and make that
recommendation to the BCC; and 3) once the agencies respond for staff to provide
that information to the Committee, and if any properties are to be removed from
the reserved list, for staff to inform the BCC that those properties will be placed
on the available sale list.
8. Other Business: Michael said that Greater Naples Fire and Rescue have asked that
two properties be reserved for their future use, which includes two parcels in
Phase II, Unit 78, Tract 116, East and West half, 2.34 acres. There was a brief
discussion questioning that the property was not located on the corner. Michael
said he would contact Greater Naples asking if they are planning to purchase the
property to the east.
9. Public Comment: Michael Ramsey from the Golden Gate Estates Civic
Association advised the Committee that he has seen a multi-use plan for the 47-
acre property on Randall Boulevard and Immokalee Road and asked if the
Committee has been involved in those discussions. Michael (Dowling) informed
all, pursuant to the County Attorney's opinion rendered, the property is not held in
the GGE Land Trust any longer but is the County's. Michael Ramsey said there
have been discussions and negotiations with the Colliers to either swap or buy part
of the frontage on the 47 acres to be developed commercially. Michael Ramsey
said the plans include a bus barn for the School District, a building for the
County's Road and Bridge Department, and a fire station for the North Naples Fire
Rescue District that will be relocated from its current location across the street.
Michael (Dowling) asked where he saw the plans, and Michael Ramsey said that
he learned of the plans and discussions when a comment was made in one of the
BCC meetings. Michael said he later met with GMD and then with Leo and Nick
who showed him the plans. Michael Ramsey said he was concerned that these
discussions were not vetted through the community and that they are not the intent
of the 1983 Agreement in that it is not a benefit to the residents of Golden Gate
Estates. Michael (Ramsey) said he was going to address this further with the BCC.
Michael also asked the Committee to use its funds wisely for community needs
like a community center, meeting place, or other facilities that can be enjoyed by
residents. Michael (Ramsey) stressed that the Committee be aware that the Fire
District has its own budget and can fund its own equipment and would then allow
the Committee to fund other things that would be beneficial for the Estates.
10. Next meeting—November 26, 2018
11. Adjourn: 7:10 p.m.
Mark Fillmore, Chairman October 8, 2018