Agenda 11/13/2018 Item #16J 111/13/2018
Recommendation to endorse the United States Department of Justice and United States
Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification through
September 30, 2019.
OBJECTIVE: To have the Collier County Commission endorse the United States Department of Justice
and United States Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification valid
through September 30, 2019.
CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Sheriff’s Office participates in joint investigations in which
the Sheriff’s Office works with the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department
of Treasury to enforce federal criminal laws. Local law enforcement agencies that directly or indirectly
participate in an investigation or prosecution that result in a federal forfeiture by these agencies may
request an equitable share of the net proceeds of the forfeiture. An Equitable Sharing Agreement and
Certification is required to be submitted annually. The head of the law enforcement agency and the head
of the governing body must approve the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to electronically file the
Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification. The Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification,
valid through September 30, 2019, needs to be approved by the Chairman of the Board of County
FISCAL IMPACT: Requested equitable share revenues will be accounted for separately in the Sheriff’s
Office. Funds will be used to supplement and not supplant Sheriff’s Office law enforcement purposes.
The fiscal year in which the revenues will be received depends on when a case is closed. Total revenues
to be received cannot be determined until cases are closed.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT: Approval of this item will have no impact on growth management.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to
form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners endorses the United States
Department of Justice and United States Department of Treasury combined Federal Equitable Sharing
Agreement and Certification valid through September 30, 2019.
Prepared by: Stephanie Driscoll, Finance Director
Approved by: Kevin J. Rambosk, Sheriff
1. SheriffsDeptEquitableSharingAgreement (PDF)
Packet Pg. 2047
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 16.J.1
Doc ID: 7202
Item Summary: Recommendation to endorse the United States Department of Justice and United
States Department of Treasury combined Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification through
September 30, 2019.
Meeting Date: 11/13/2018
Prepared by:
Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: MaryJo Brock
10/30/2018 3:55 PM
Submitted by:
Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office
Name: Leo E. Ochs
10/30/2018 3:55 PM
Approved By:
County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 10/30/2018 3:59 PM
Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 10/31/2018 8:33 AM
Budget and Management Office Mark Isackson Additional Reviewer Completed 10/31/2018 9:41 AM
County Attorney's Office Emily Pepin CAO Preview Completed 10/31/2018 10:14 AM
County Manager's Office Leo E. Ochs Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 11/05/2018 11:06 AM
Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 11/13/2018 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 2048
OMB Nttb●71123・ |111
-JOnuary 31.2tl,0
Equ∥able Sharlng Agreement and Certlllcation
NClC,ORUTtlc}lng Numb.r: FL01't0000
Agcncy llemr: Cofler Cour*y Sfpritrs Orlice
llrlllng Addr.$: 3319 E. Temi.mi Trail
Neples,FL 34112
∥aln●:Sams,歓 蒲
PhOnD:2392520042 Emall:Lcrl.―oc●hい 。自晟"ESAC Propal●『
PhOn●:2392520342 肺 :::Lod.―oCOmtrshe雨 _的
FV Elld D薇 :0973睦 018 Agenw FY 2019 8u""C S187.203■0000
Ty":S朧 琳″80縫
Annual Certificatlon Report
:躙 織 糧鰐 屈器肥瑞鮒鵠鶏鳳鷺 艦耀獄漁|ShadnO Funds Re●●Ived from Ot鸞 『L●″
of Sh●Iod Fund3 SpOnt 」u3tlC●Fllnd3 FundB
●Lalv enbrceln€'lt operations and invesligations S000 3000
rainhg and cducatlon ,0.00 S000
●LEw enforEGment, pr&lic salety a.d detenton tecalities SO.00 5000d
La anbEarnantaqulpmrnt S44,26517 5000e
Joint law cnrorc.m6nupublic satlty opGr.tiong S000 5000f
iofitaclinO h'r scryica3 S000 3000
Law anforcaflenl l6vel ld prr dam S000 S000
L3w enbrcemrnl awrrd5 ,rd mcrDrial3 S000 3000:Orug, grng 8nd olhor adscation or alBreness progr3rls 5000 5000
Matdrhg grants (cq'rr... Tr.i. ct S000 3000k
b dher"rthpJtt law enfo―ont S000 S000l
suppod of commlnitY-based pmgrams (cr'rd... r.r. Et S000
Non-categofized erpendltucs ( r.ra Ft S000 5000n
galarie3 Gq4r.i. r.u. o)S000 S000
Total S44,26517 5000
Date Plntedi1071972018 Page l of4 Februa滋 29:9
Packet Pg. 2049 Attachment: SheriffsDeptEquitableSharingAgreement (7202 : Sheriff's Department Equitable Sharing Agreement)
Table B: Equltabh Sharlng Fundc Recelved Froor Other Agencles
Iramilerrlng Agency Name Jus0ca Funds Trearury Fmda
TabOo C:Granb
Hatchlng Grant Name Jusdce Fundr Trearury Funds
TaUe D: Tranebtl to Othor Perdclpetng Lrw Erforcerrent Agenclea
Rocelvlng Agency Neme JugUcs Fundr Tnarury Ftrrds
TeHe E: Supportof Comrunlty{Nred Progrema
Tablo G:Sabrlo3
Selery Type Justha Fundc Trearury Fulds
PapoHork Reduction Act No饉
“Undcr the Papamork Reducffm Ac( a person ls not requlrrd to rcspmd to a colledion of inforrution unless lt dlgplays a valid
OMB control nurnber. We ty to crede accuratc aM easlty underslood brmc thal lmposc the least posslble burdcn on you to
comphtc. Thc qstinded avereg? lime to compkile lh0s form b 30 minutcs. llyou tnvu comme,nts regarlng thc accuracl of
hir crlimate, or auggcsionr 6r maklng Ulb forln rlmf,lcr, plcasc wftt to thc Assat Fof{bituG and Moncy Laundarhg Seclion:
t40O Nea, York Avenre- N-W-- Washhoton- DC 2OOO5-
Tab,oF:Non‐cab口 o曲
"de=penditures ln(a)‐1■)Abov●
Detcriptlon Juc$ce Funds Treasury Fundg
DH youregency purchaseanyoonhdlcd aquiprnent? E VfS E t{O
Date P∥nted:10′19朦 018 Pagc2oI4 Februaり 2016Vmm32
leclplent JusUcs Funds
Packet Pg. 2050 Attachment: SheriffsDeptEquitableSharingAgreement (7202 : Sheriff's Department Equitable Sharing Agreement)
Undrr penalty ot p€duy, the undrEagnad o&hE carlify thal lh.y hrw r.rd .nd und.rltrnd t r3h obllg.r0on3 rnder tt
Egult.Dle thrrlog Agl! rDant end that tlrc hbrmdbn tubmlltad ln conjumilon wth thas Do.unllBt b an acclrrEta
acEounfng of fuirds and 3p!7t by th3 Ag6rEy undrr thc Guld. dulnC th€ rGpo.trlg pcdod snd th.t ttrr Gdpbnt Ag.nsy
is cornpli.nt $ith ihr lldional Coda of ProtBd.rnal Condud hr Aslct Fo,blu!.
Th. u.rdc''ign d cadifu lhrl 0ra rlcipilnt Afpnc, ir h EomCbnca with lhc .pp[c.Uc nondlcrt drEton rgquktmg'ltt o, lha
blo$ng bwr and thci inplcm€ntirE rrgdrtkru: Tdc vl ot lh. clvil Rlg[rt! A.i of l964 (42 u.s.c. 5 2o0od 3t rcq.), Tiuc tx of
lho EdEa0on Amlndm.nt! of 1972 (20 u.s.c. s r6Er at 86q.), sccfm f,o4 of the Rchsbiltrtion Act d 1973 (29 u.s.c. s 794),
a.|d Ul! Age Dlacttr$nalion Act of lS75 (42 U.S.C. g 6101 et r€q.), whk$ Frohibl dilcrir{nathn dr thc Uedc o, nca, cotor,
nationd ort{i,t, direbifity, o. rg8 la any hdcraty alsirtcd progrsm or acovrt]r. or oo tho b$ls ot s€x in -ty t$errlly s8tirad
cducalbn Fogrsm or sctvity. Th. Ag6nc, .gr.e! thst lt wll comdy with .f fadaral rt t t!3 .nd llgutstbn. p.rrritthg b(tcr.lhwrttdoI! accatt to recotds and lny othar tourcr3 of inftrmafion a8 ,n y b€ nrca8rary to det€fmlrE cqnplanc€ wlth clv
rights and olher sppIcau. stat br and ,rgddot!.
Equitable Sharlng Agreement
ntit Fcdcr.l Equiteblc sh.rhg Agtlcrnctt cnblld Inlo among (t) th€ F.dGrrl Gortfimcnt (2) tl. rbolE talcd |rrv
snbtcamd 89.ncy ('Ag|oncyl, and (3) 0rc aowo{ng body, ccE lbror lha nqdremrnts br psr0dpa0{| in th. br,.ral Eqdi.btc
Sharlng Prognm l,ld lhc rrltrictom toon lhs utc of Hlfdu brtsilcd ca.h, prop€rty, pmclrds, ard any hLrllt €am.d
tlFrloo, whi$ .]l cquitsbly thEcd wilh pa,lk pathg lrw.nlo.crmcnt agcndr!, By rukr&rion otthle form, tra ASGncf
egt .3 hat ll rvlll b! bound by th. ddnes and guid.dln s lhrl rsgdat. rhsBd aslcb snd th. lblo ,hg irqurlm.nt! for
patlicFstion h tlo Dspartm€nt ofJultlcr snd DopffUn nl of lh. Trlsary EquilrbL Sharhg Progrerfls. Rrc.lpt o, hr cEmrd
Eqult*h Sharlng Agteetnant ,ld C€rtfic.lion (lhls'DGtncrtl 13 a prlr€qdBitr to rsc.iving eny cqultably 6her.d cash,
props'ty, o, prcca.d..
I . 8l&mbrl,on Thls Docufircnl murl bc tubmittcd wit a 60 days ot lhc erd ot Ulc AgcrEy's 0rcal y!rr. This Doctflreni murt
be lign d and subfltitied cbcltoolca[y. E.ctonlc &bdlslon conlt't ta! lubmisllon lo lhr Drpa.tnc ot Jultc. rnd th.
Drplftnrnl d ha TGa3ury.
a Strt.toaLa. Itdr ag'rcrncrd murl b. sign dby0r! h!!d ot ttr. Agacy rrd th. hr.d otth. goYlr*E body. Enmpbs o,
AlEncl heads anclude pollca ohlet, rhsrfr, ditEdor, cormlEsloncr, 3upodnlq0dsrt 8dmlnt rttof, dty rtiomcy, county attomey,
dbfEt.ttotn.y, ptos.alllng sltotn.y, tLtr ttlmrey, cqtrnronwaeur altdmy, *d .llom€y gcr€rC, Thc Aovlmlng body'8 ha.d
E lha hc.d ot thr tgrncy thlt .ppropri.t r fundlry to thr Agcncy. Exa,Irpl.3 ot gwlrnhg body h.!dr hduda city m.n oer,myof, dly councll chrlrpclEon, coqrdy axrcudve, courty coudl ch€lrparlon, larr lnlrtrltor, commirdon€r, rDd goy3mor. Tho
govrrnlng body h.!d c.nnol b. tom the h Gnhrcsmcni agcncl and mult b3 trom a rrpsrab on$y.
3. U!G. Any lharBd trllGt risl bc u!.d for hw.nbcamGnt prrpolGs in lcGodalc! lrritlr hG ltatut€r .nd guidGllnrr het
govrtn tie O.padmcnt of JustE! tnd lrt E|lpaimcnt o, the Tllsaury EqulEblc Sharhg Progt! as 16 lrt brlh h lhr clrmnt
.ditlon of ttlc Gu6a lo Equ ahle Sheti/1,g bt Slele dod L@at Ltw Enlor';ot ront Agancios lGuA .
a. fnlr3!.rt, 8eftm lha Aganq trarufsG lirnd! to oth.r rtsL ff locd bw enbrc.meril .g€nd!r, lt mug fr$t vartly wtth $r
O.l, ol Jl/6tirc hel tlrc flcelv&tg ,ornsy ir a oorflpf,ryrt EquiBble Siurhg Program padiclp&t Tr.mbr! o, lrngn a
propcrty ar. not pcmlled.
l. lntrmll Co.*tob. Th! Agenc? aor.3r b a€cornt ropa,atdy br H.ral e(F,l[rblo lh3ring fund8 recalEd trom tha
O.Psrtment of J(.rthc srd lhc Daps.bnont ot th. Tr.t.lry. Frrn& fom rllt rnd local brrrllulr, ioirlt Lw mtoreGrnml
operr0onr i-nd!, and olhrr rourrc! mud mt b. commhgtad wIG tsd!.rl rqulleue rhedng fr,.t&.
The Agsts, c.rtfia. th.l iJn& -! mahLhcd by trG lurirdc{on mahtahlng approprlatad t rd! end alraai lh3t sudl
.ccqmtidg lvfl b. $biecl to tll. fiJdad tcoomthE rrqutur.nt! .nd ptac0cas .rfiployld by th. Ag.ncy! jurildic,lion in
.ccord.nca w'Ih th. EqulrrmGnt! !.1 forlh ln tlra cuyant adilon ot thr GulrB, hrludhg frc rcquirwnint ti m-a ah rehyant
documanb and rrcodr br llve ye..8.
The Ei3us€ or mtstpdbaton ofshered resoutort or supp& {e&m otcr.iding rElourE s wlth slla !d aslet, l! prohibltld. Th€
Ag€ns, murt bIo{Y ilr julldicnon'. p.ocurmcnt polldrt wh.n qprrrho Cirt(f tunds. Flou]! b cornply rrlh any provlrlon offiE .gra€ment !h.ll sut,Cct lho t€clpicnt sgency lo lh! 3anc0onr r0pulalad ln orc arnrnt cdl{on ol thc'duEe.
a Audlt R.port Adlts rd b. ooo&dcd ar pravlda., by Ul. shgle Audt Act Aman(rnena ot , 990 sn{, OMB Supcr Clrcdar,
Febmaり 2016vm.|12
Oato Prhted:10′1972018 Psgc 3 of4
Packet Pg. 2051 Attachment: SheriffsDeptEquitableSharingAgreement (7202 : Sheriff's Department Equitable Sharing Agreement)
Un[om A n,,Mrat]rs Segu&erro,t& Cogas &frcipr€s, 8nd Au Raqtlr',,p,nts fot Fedcaf Awatds, The Dcprrtnant ot Juldcc
.nd thr Oap.,lmain of $o Trtesury rlscNr thc right lo conduct p.riodic Endom audltr or..vbrrr.
7. Faa€dom ot tnlormadon Act lnbmrton provldad ln thla Ooamoit b a$icct to tha FOIA rrqrkrrnentr of thc Dcparbtrant
of Juitlc. and the DEpartm€nt of tha TraGury.
Agency Hoad
Name:R…K●vln J
TH●: Sheir
Signa0rrB:Datel /o- 72- t/
To !E b.d oa myffird!. rfid baLt, br hrqrn Uon prorid.d on thb,orm l. h, .id .corr.E and ha! beltr roiored rnd ruttrq[od by 0r Lse
€n&rcomcnt &enc, Hcld whor. mm. rpparr! above €nffy oI r|. AeEncy H.rd n me .bac kalolar Hrhr acostrna or.od t.t.nmt to .bU.
b, m rofdx rxl p,ootd.rrr ta 5r$ h lh. Olrir.l0 Eq&flafra g[rrnq 61 9.4. fid L@l L.i AotqE,[nlF,, dg.acbr, hdrlrt .if,ihg
pGnitalt y o, oeridilrB rrrd h0or*!e dlrtqirkld Foq.rqtE{ pollcioa tld rtocrdrrlr. Enf, ot ltL Aganc, Ht d nxrr.!o!r ito h.loabr
hbrlrt rccaplr|aa d and.C[! mdt lo rud. b, Itqurlltr.dr !d brlr h tt EqdLbL sh.dig AlrEr r(.nd .ltt pdd.t 6 FocldoI!! b!u.d by
&a OArtr.ntotJltlk or$! orp.llntnl of tr.Tlt ir,.dd.d lo lhc Atrst Fo,rrltlra d Eqdbbb Srit ttg Fofra(Ir!.ltr Lrw En orccm! tlid
rbo c.ruLr tt{ no llrdl. on,l! Proil!{.d lbl. ra dat&d h ?.co. lrsafonr Arttlaat to E aqrvr On r 13666-, wllr Frd}l.d wih .quttbl
th.rLl tulldr on or {b. Ocbb.r ! , 2015.
Gov.ming Body l{.!d
Nfir.: Sdl3, Ardy
Tllla Chairman
Emri[ Andy.solE@coller!
To !t bad of .tty tnowl-gr rd ball. llt.g.ndr on tac.l F.hrdgd [9o.t d m Uis h.'t| b in! rd.GoIl s.nd flc Cov!fihg Body l.had
wfio.a m,rt. arFr..!ov! 6rilG. fta fi. .!Eocy. hdell h.! rEa tl?Db.l0.d .a r na$ o, lrcrlrrtrC aQrrbb $-tf lir|dr, EnU, otol.
Gottn*le Sody llod filr a&oya Xldk lta naJhar r€aplrE d'ld.eitrrEil b aS! by f. FE r.rxt proc.dlr....1br$ h tL Gt ltbqu,Ad.$i.l&rt lb.s,tt 4n L,f,,,, L$ Enlcl,ftwI Arlrrdtl" !* Equllua gtrfi! ,t.ilottant, d rn, pollcLa or proc.rilrtr lra.ld by ha
Daprrtnnt o, Jr.sioa or Ule Olc.firnl ol ha Tlta3lry nlrld !o th. A.* FqBllr! or Eqfilh Sl..lry Pr!!ml!t!.
E I csrtty thai I rrn authodzcd to submit hb trm on b.hdl ot th! Agency Head ard th3 Gov.n ng Body l.h8d.
Febmary 2016Vmb 32
,udgment, or determlnauon that th. Ag.ncy dlscrlmlnat d rgllnrt eny perron or group ln
vloladon of iny ot the f.&rel cavll rlghtt ststrrto! llst d abovc; 9l (2) hes the Agency entered lnto
any agrEemont with rg8poct to .ny complalnt filed wlth a court or admlnlrtratlva
.grney rll.glng thrt tho Agsrcy dbcdmlnrbd aoelmt 8ny perton or group ln vlohtlon of .ny ot
the Heral clvll rlghtc rtatuGr lhbd ebove?Ovcc Exo
Dale Rね ted10/1972018 Pagc 4 of 4
Jcrrcy A.Attomcy
Packet Pg. 2052 Attachment: SheriffsDeptEquitableSharingAgreement (7202 : Sheriff's Department Equitable Sharing Agreement)