Bayshore Gateway CRA Minutes 07/10/2018Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA *Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Agenda item 4.a.— July 10, 200 meeting minutes
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Chairman, Maurice Gutierrez at 6:09 p.m. at the Naples Botanical
Garden, Buehler Auditorium 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112
I. Roll Call: Advisory Board Members Present: Maurice Gutierrez, Karen Beatty, Steve
Main, Steve Rigsbee and Peter Dvorak. Excused Absence: Dwight Oakley, Shane
Shadis, Larry Ingram, Mike Sherman.
CRA Staff Present: Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator, CRA; Tami Scott, Senior
Project Mgr.; and Debrah Forester, CRA Director
II. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Gutierrez
III. Adoption of Agenda: Item added to Agenda 8.B: Florida Redevelopment Conference
for staff and Advisory Board members to attend. Staff has provided several
attachments that was not provided in the packet. Motion to adopt Agenda as amended
by Karen Beatty. Second by Steve Main. Passed Unanimously.
IV. Adoption of Minutes: Peter Dvorak made a motion to approve the June 5t', meeting
minutes as drafted Karen Beatty seconded, passed unanimously. Peter Dvorak,
although not present noticed that Steve Rigsbee was not included as "present" during
the June 13t, special meeting minutes but Steve did vote on an item and would like
that amendment to include Steve Rigsbee as being present during that meeting. Motion
to accept Minutes as amended by Peter Dvorak. Second by Karen Beatty. Passed
V. Community Presentation: No presentations at this meeting.
VI. Other Agency's :
A. Collie Collier County Sherriff Department: Corporal Mike Nelson provided
the update on the 3 major issues the Sheriff's Office was working on. The
priority for this past month has been to address relocating the homeless folks
who have been living on the vacant wooded lots. Canal St has issues and they
have been working with Code Enforcement to clean up that street. Cottage
Grove has had noise complaints and they are working with Code to address the
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Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA *Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
noise issue and if it continues they would issue a citation for excessive noise.
They will be doing a bicycle safety class for kids and anyone else who would
like to attend. They will be doing one in East Naples area. On July 28th the
Sheriff's Office will hold a Christmas in July for kids going back to school with
giving away school supplies, uniforms, and bicycles for under privileged
children. They will be asking for volunteers and CRA staff will send out the
information to seek volunteers, they will need volunteers the week before to
pack the items and volunteers the day of to help distribute the items to the
families in need. The community wanted to donate items for this event, they will
accept back packs, toiletries, clothing, shoes, gift cards. CRA staff will help in
getting the items to the Sheriff's office.
B. County Code Enforcement: John Johnson, Code Enforcement, brought in an
updated list of the Code cases for the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle
Redevelopment Area. He provided the update on some of the high profiled
cases, the fence at Naples 701 is being repaired and will take around 15 days to
complete. The culvert on Becca Ave is being repaired, the right of way permit
had just been issued. Basin St. had some recreational vehicle issues, he gave a
couple of weeks to comply, then if nothing gets resolved a notice of violation
will be issued another 30 days to comply and if no improvement they get
scheduled before the Special Magistrate or Code Enforcement Board. Coco Ave
had a recreational vehicle stored on a vacant lot, he gave a notice of violation to
remove it but with no compliance yet. Joe Mucha wanted to give an update on
the status of hiring new investigators, the length of training John would be
covering other territories so he is stretched thin, but after training he will be
dedicated to the Bayshore area.
VII. Old Business:
A. Office Space: Staff updated the advisory board on the new office space that was
located at the Gulf Gate Plaza, the owner was willing to do $150,000 worth of fit
out and charge 15$ a sq. ft. for 4,298 sq ft of space, the lease would be for 5 yrs.
That would include the first 2 yrs at $15 a sq ft then the last 3 yrs would go up to
$17 a sq. ft. Pineland Ave Property Manager attended the CRA meeting and
discussed with the owner of the property, they would do the fit out of office space
at no charge to the CRA worth $63,000 and would require a 5 yr lease instead of 3
at $17 a square ft for 3300 sq ft. 3% increase yearly and a cam fee of $875. The
Davis Blvd location was not discussed as an option but was on the spreadsheet
provided to the advisory board. Maurice Gutierrez made a motion to approve the
Pineland Ave Plaza as revised by the Property Manager, Peter Dvorak seconded.
Passed Unanimously.
B. Land purchase/Future parking lot 3321 Bayshore Dr Update: The item went
to the BCC/CRAB meeting on July 10, 2018 and was approved, the closing date
will be in September. Staff will come back in October with an update on the site
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
plan and the amount of spaces and a plan on some controls for the public parking
C. Redevelopment Plan—Staff Update: Tindale Oliver Design (TOD) is making
progress on the Community Redevelopment Plan. Staff attached meeting dates. A
Community Forum meeting on September 6th, 2018, our CRA public meeting will
be October 2"d, and CRA Advisory Board Special Meeting will be held on October
11"' which will be a review of the draft redevelopment plan update. Staff provided
the updated scope of work for an increase to the existing Purchase Order with an
additional 370 day time frame, and negotiated amount down to $32,625 from the
original request of $52,000 for the Gateway Triangle Charrette and Study. Peter
Dvorak made a motion to approve the new scope of work, Steve Main second the
motion. Passed Unanimously.
The additional work that was requested by Staff that was approved by the CRAB
during a BCC meeting was to include the 17 acre site into the redevelopment plan
update. The amount requested to increase the existing PO for that extra task would
be $16,93 0. Peter Dvorak made a motion to approve staff's recommendation, Steve
Main second. Passed Unanimously.
VIII. New Business:
A. Dells Corner: Staff gave the revised verbiage on a plaque to reflect the
proclamation that was presented to Del Ackerman at the January 24th, 2017 BCC
meeting. The Advisory Board gave staff direction to get this plaque made as soon
as possible and present it to Mr. Ackerman.
B. Florida Redevelopment Conference: The 2018 FRA conference is scheduled for
Oct. 24-26, staff is requesting if any Advisory Board would like to attend send a
registration form to staff to be put on the September 11th, BCC/CRAB meeting for
approval. A tentative schedule was provided with the sessions for continuing
education. Staff would like to attend this year and if approved stay 2 nights at the
hotel to alleviate driving at 4am to make the Sam classes. Steve Main made a
motion for Staff and Advisory Board to attend the FRA conference in October,
Maurice Gutierrez second the motion. Passed Unanimously.
IX. Staff Report
A. Project Manager Report: Tami Scott, Senior Project Manager, highlighted a few
points from the Project Managers Report. Fire Suppression Project, Phase II. This
is to install fire hydrants on Pine St and Becca Ave, and upgrade the water mains
which City of Naples will partner. The mini triangle that was formerly Trio has a
new investor who submitted an insubstantial change to the existing approved site
plan. This is just an administrative change request which does not require a public
hearing or notification to any surrounding properties. Staff gave a brief update on
the Haldeman Creek FEMA clean up process. Naples Classic Cars will be going in
for a pre -app soon, Sara Bay Marina had their pre -app, the intention is to demo the
building and build a new free standing with inside storage for the boats. Naples
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA .Bayshore Beautification MSTU
Haldeman Creek MSTU
Classic Cars and Sara Bay Marina will attend the October CRA meeting to present.
Staff reached out to Cirrus Pointe owner and waiting for a response.
B. CR.A. Project Update: The CRA Director Debrah Forester gave the update on the
Cell Tower agreement to move and terminate the existing lease, the CRA will use
the deposit that is in escrow to pay for the move and any additional funds from the
sale of the property. The infill residential lots, the County will start a quiet title to
take the lots back but the lender will fight it in Court, staff is looking at the
maintenance (mowing and debris cleanup) costs because if the lender refuses to
maintain them the CRA will have to so the property is not in violation of the
weed/litter ordinance. Website update is moving slowly but we think we can
provide everything the County requires to get the vendor able to work on updating
the website soon. The streetlights in the gateway triangle is coming slowly, the
question is who will pay for the lighting costs, the CRA is looking at a 2 yr contract
to pay but after that who will pay it.
C. Financials: A handout of the monthly Financials was distributed to the advisory
board, it shows what we spent, what we have encumbered, and the balance.
X. Correspondence and Communications:
XI. Public Comments:
Introduction of a Community member Dan, who opened his restaurant in Del's
Market, he brought some samples of tacos for the public and the Advisory Board
members to try out, he is very excited to be in the area and would like to relocate
his home to this district, he currently resides in Cape Coral.
XII. Staff Communication: None
XIII. Advisory Board General Communication:
XII. Next MeetinLr Date:
a. September 6th, 2018- Redevelopment Plan Community Forum
b. October 2nd, 2018- CRA Advisory Board Regular Meeting
c. October 11th, 2018 — CRA Advisory Board Special Meeting -Review of DRAFT
Redevelopment Plan Update
XIII. Adjournment —The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Chairman Maurice Gutierrez