Backup Documents 10/12/2010 Item #16D 3 16D3 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Attach to original document Original documents should be band delivered to the Board Office. The completed routing slip and original documents are to be forwarded to the Board Office ooIy Ilk!: the Board has taken action on the item.) ROUTING SLIP Complete routing 1ines #1 through #4 as appropriate for additional signatures, dates, and/or information needed. If the document is already complete with the exceoticm of the Cbairmm's signature, draw a line throulll1 routiOlzlines #1 throu2h #4, cormlete the checklist, and forward to Sue Filson (line #5), Route to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date CList in routinR order) 1. Terri Daniels Housing and Human Services 10/13/10 2. 3. 4. 5. Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners Y--. ,o/tt/,o ,- - 6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION (Ibe primIry contact is the holder of the original document pending BCC approval. Normally the primary contact is the person who createdIprepare the executive lIU111IIII1')'. Primary COD1ICt information is needed in the evalt one of the addressees above, including Sue Filson, need to cootact staff for additicnal or missing information. All original documents needing the ace Chairman's signature are to be delivered to the Bee office only after the ace has acted to lIpIlI'OVe the item. Name of Primary Staff Terri Daniels Contact AgeDda Date 11em was October 12, 2010 ved the Bee Type of Document Attached Phone Number Agenda Item Number Award Acceptance Number of Original Documents Attached INSTRUCfIONS & CHECKLIST Initia1 the Yes column or mark "N/ A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is 252-2682 latOl"" ,c., ]) ~ I 1. Original document bas been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency. (All documents to be signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed tt bytbc Office of the County Attorney. This includes signature pages from ordinances, resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attorney's Office and signature pages from contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the BCC Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ssibl State Officials. 2. All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the County Attorney's Office and all other . es ex t the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board 3. The Chairman's signature line date bas been entered as the date ofBCC approval of the document or the final otiated contract date whichever is a licable. 4. "Sign here" tabs are placed on the applOpriate pages indicating where the Chairman's and initials are S. In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to Sue Filson in the BeC office within 24 hours of BCC approval. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the BCC's actions are nullified. Be aware of our deadlines! 6. The document was approved by the BeC oD_lO/11110_(enter date) and all cbanges made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached document. The COD Attorne 's Office has reviewed the chan es, if a Iicable. l: FornIII County Forms/ace Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04, Revised 1.26.05, Revised 2.24.05 MEMORANDUM Date: October 14,2010 To: Terri Daniels, Grants Supervisor Human Services Department From: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk Minutes & Records Department Re: Award Acceptance Attached, please find one (1) original as referenced above (Agenda Item #16D3), approved by the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday, October 12, 2010. Please return a fully executed copy once all signatures have been obtained for the Board's permanent records. If you should have any questions, please call 252-8411. Thank you 16D3 16D3 ...., , , Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance PAGE I OF 4 Grant t, RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) CoUierCounry 330 I T..i..i Trail But But Baildia& I Nap.... FL 34t 12~ 4. AWARD NUMBER: 20Jo-OC.BX-0016 S, PROJECT PERIOD: FROM BUDGET PERIOD: FROM 1010112010 TO 0913012012 10101120]0 TO 0913012012 I A. GRANTEE lRSIVIlNDOR NO. S96000S6t 6,AWARDDATE 08l2S/2010 8. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER 00 7.ACTJO~ IDitial 9, PREVIOUS A WARD AMOIDlT so 3. PROJECT nTI.E Collier Couaty Adult Drug Court Enhancement 10. AMOUNT OF TIltS AWARD S 197,614 II.TOTALAWAIW S 197.614 12. SPECIAL CONDmONS TIlE ABOVE GRANT PR01ECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDmONS OR LIMlTA TIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON TIlE An ACHED PAGE(S). 13. STA1Ul'ORY AUlHORITY FOR GRANT Thia project ia IlIppllI1ed IIIIdor 42 U.S.C. 379711(0) (SlA . Drug Courts) IS. METHOD OF PAYMENT GPRS AGENCY APPROVAL 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 18. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AtJ1HORIZED GRANI'EE OFFICIAL I..uie Robi~ Auialanl Atlomey Gencral Fred Coyle 0IairmaD, Coouty Board ofCommissionen 17. SIGNA TURI! OF APPROVING OFFICIAL ~~ 19. SIGNATURE OF AtJ1HORIZED RECIPIENT OFFICIAL ~w 19A. DATE 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES FISCAL FUND BUD. DIV. YIlAR CODE ACT. OFC. REG. AGENCY USE om Y 21. lOCUGT2120 D SUB. POMS AMOUNT x B OC 80 00 00 197614 OJP FORM 400012 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDmONS ARE OBSOLETE. (C ..t .. :\G.j Ctri' r&In , '~~."~{ . -. 't~1 ,.:<' -...~..,.~. 't~;' vJ-j ZJ . ~-~~'".. OJP FORM 400012 (REV. 4-llll) Approved as to form & legal SufficIency ASS~~~~ .. . Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance W'whinlllOn, D.C. 10JJI Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Orbin Terry, NEPA Coordinator Subject: Categorical Exclusion for Collier County The purpose of the Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program is to provide financial and technical assistance to states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to develop and implement drug treatment courts that effectively integrate substance abuse treatment, mandatory drug testing, sanctions and incentives, and transitional services in a judicially supervised court setting with jurisdiction over nonviolent, substance-abusing offenders. None of the fol1owing activities will be conducted whether under the Office of Justice Programs federal action or a related third party action: (1) New construction. (2) Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, including property (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or (b) located within a lOO-year flood plain, a wetland, or habitat for an endangered species. (3) A renovation that will change the basic prior use of a facility or significantly change its size. (4) Research and technology whose anticipated and future application could be expected to have an effect on the environment. (5) Implementation of a program involving the use of chemicals, Additionally, the proposed action is neither a phase nor a segment of a project that when reviewed in its entirety would not meet the criteria for a categorical exclusion. Consequently, the subject federal action meets the Office of Justice Programs' criteria for a categorical exclusion as contained in paragraph 4(b) of Appendix D to Part 61 ofTitIe 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 16n3 (I Department of Justice GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORANDUM, PT. I: Office of Justice Programs PROJECT SUMMARY Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant PROJECT NUMBER I PAGE I OF I 201Q-OC-BX-OO16 This project is supported under 42 U.S.C. 3797o(a) (BJA _ Drug Courts) I 1. STAPF CONTACT (Name &; telephonc number) 2. PROJECT DIRECTOR (Name, address &: telephone number) TI1lC)' Lce-WiUiIllDl Morey Krumbine (202) 514- t 499 Director 3301 TllDiarni Trail East Building H, 2nd Floor Naples, FL 34112-0000 (239) 252-8442 3L TITLE OF 11iE PROGRAM 3b. POMS CODE (SEE INSTRUcnONS BJA FY 10 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Orant Program: Euhanccment ON REVERSE) 4. TITLE OF PROJECT Collier County Adult Drug Court Enhancement S. NAME &: ADDRESS OF GRANTEE 6. NAME &: ADRESS OF SUBGRANTEE Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East East Building J Naples. FL 34112-0000 7. PROGRAM PERIOD 8. BUDGET PERIOD PROM: 1010112010 TO: 0913012012 FROM: 10/0112010 TO: 0913012012 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AWARD S 197,614 0812512010 II. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT 13. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET PERIOD 14. THIRD YEAR'S BUDGET AMOUNT IS. SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (See instruction on rcvenc) The pIIIJIOIe of1be Drug Court Discretionary Grant Propam (42 U.S.C. 3797u et seq.) is to providc financiallll1d technical assistance to slates, slate couns,locaI courta, unill of local aovcmmen~ lII1d Indian tribal governments to develop and implemcnt drua treatment courts that effectively integrate subchlnce abu&e treatment, mandatory cbug leating, sanctions and incentives, and transitional services in a judicially supervised court settin& with jurisdiction over llOoviolcn~ lUbctanee-abusing offenders. The FY 2010 Adult Drog Court Discretionary Grant Program will provide grant fuods to jurisdictions to implement... enhance a local dnJa eourt or to improve, enhance, expand. or financialsuppon cbug court services statewide. 16D3 OJP FORM 400012 (REV. 4-88) Collier County will use thc grant I\mds to enhInce the Adult Felony Drug Court program by providing necessary tools and incentives to rebabilitate non-violatt felooy oIfmden addicted to drul! and alcohol. The Adult Felony Drug Court focuses on adult offenders, age 18 and over charged with nOlI-violent felony drug_ rdated charp. The program is a post-adjudication, court supervised, substance abuse beabnent program designed to improve participants 1ives by treating addiction, reuniting Wniliea, and developinlllife skilll. The program will upgrade drulllestinll for participants, enhance casc management services, provide lOkcn rewwda for participant aoeomplishments, lnin Drug Court Team members on belt practices, and evaluate the performance of the court's opcratiooa to determine pouible Ib1ure impro_ts. CA/NCF D3 16D3 r . Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance A WARD CONTINUA nON SHEET Grant PAGE 3 OF 4 PROJECT NUMBER 2010-DC.BX.oo16 AWARD DATE 08l25nOIO SPECiAL CONDITiONS 8. The recipient agrees to submit to BJA for review and approval any curricula, training materials, proposed publications, reports, or any other written materials that will be published, including web-based materials and web site content, through funds from this grant at least thirty (30) working days prior to the targeted dissemination date. Any written, visual, or audio publications, with the exception of press releases, whether published at the grantee's or government's expense, shall contain the following statements: "This project was supported by Grant No. 2010-DC-BX-0016 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the SMART Office, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in Ibis document are those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the United States Department of Justice." The Clll1'Cnt edition of the OIP Financial Guide provides guidance on allowable printing and publication activities. 9. The recipient agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts, or information or data collection requests, including, but not limited to, the provision of any information required for the assessment or evaluation of any activities within this project. 10. The grantee agrees to comply with the applicable requirements of28 C.F.R. Part 38, the Department of Justice regulation governing "Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations" (the "Equal Treabnent Regulation"). The Equal Treatment Regulation provides in part that Department of Justice grant awards of direct funding may not be used to fund any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. Recipients of direct grants may still engage in inherently religious activities, but such activities must be separate in time or place from the Department of Justice funded program, and participation in such activities by individuals receiving services from the grantee or a sub-grantee must be voluntary. The Equal Treatment Regulation also makes clear that organizations participating in programs directly funded by the Department of Justice are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. Notwithstanding any other special condition of Ibis award, faith- based organizations may. in some circumstances, consider religion as a basis for employment. See http://www.ojp.gov/aboutlocr/equal_tbo.hbn. II. All contracts under this award should be competitively awarded unless circumstances preclude competition. When a contract amount exceeds $100,000 and there bas been no competition for the award, the recipient must comply with rules governing sole source procurement found in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide. 12. Approval oflbis award does not indicate approval of any consultant rate in excess ofS4S0 per day. A detailed justification must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Justice Programs (OIP) program office prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds. 13. Recipient agrees to submit a written strategy describing the jurisdiction's plan for sustaining the drug court program after Fcdera1linancial assistance has ended. The sustainability plan must be submitted by the end of the first year of the grant period in order to be in compliance with this requirement. 14. Recipient agrees to develop and maintain a Drug Court Policies and Procedures manual for program operation. The Policies and Procedures manual must be submitted by the end of the first year of the grant period in order to be in compliance with this requiremenl _, ~. '.~ -; )f .; . ATTEST ..r:;. : ~ " .... '. " DW~T E. BR~lf~r.. " ,. 8~ ~~~<'r .. t, telt It "Jilt 1.~1" :'.' .. ......... OJP FORM 4000'2 (REV. 4-88) Approved as to form & legal SuffiCiency ..:(1 ':'.'h: ~'~.'~j. C\..()'{)J ~ r.v ..,",..~_". ,_. J ~t3.:"'t County Attorne;. / ~*^l ~ . Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PAGE 2 OF 4 PROJECT NUMBER 2010-DC.BX-0016 AWARD DATE 0812512010 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The recipient agrees to comply with the fioancial and administrative requirements set forth in the current editiOtl of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submit an acceptable Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (if recipient is required to submit one pursuant to 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of its Certified Assurances and may result in suspension or termination of funding, until such time as the recipient is in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements ofOMB Circular A-B3, Audits of States, Loca1 Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, and further understands and agrees that funds may be withheld, or other related requirements may be imposed, if outstanding audit issues (if any) from OMB Circular A-133 audits (and any other audits of OJP grant funds) are not satisfactorily and promptly addressed, as further described in the current edition of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 4. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of the enactment, repea1, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, without the express prior written approval ofOJP. 5. The recipient must promptly refer to the OOJ OIG any credible evidence that a principal, employee, agent, contractor, subgrantee, subcontractor, or other person has either I) submitted a false claim for grant funds under the False Claims Act; or 2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct involving grant funds. This condition also applies to any subrecipients. Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct should be reported to the OlG by . mail: Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice Investigations Division 950 Pennsylvania A venue, N. W. Room 4706 Washington, DC 20530 e-mail: oig.botline@usdoj.gov hoUine: (contact information in Englisb and Spanish): (800) 869-4499 or hoUine fax: (202) 616-9881 Additional information is available from the OOJ OlG website at www.usdoj.gov/oig. 6. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in suppoJ1of~.. contract or subaward to either the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN}Or its.. . . '. aubsidiaries, without the express prior written approval ofOJP. . ..... //. /, ,I . ~ 7. OJP FORM 400012 (]lEV. 4-81) .'onllurt 00 I' Approved as to form & legal SuffiCiency n_____.~~~~ __..,~__-.~, '\"S::;+2-",t County .l\ttsmlF 16D3 1 ~ :- '" y~~.~ ---.,; 16D3 . Department of Iustice Office of Iustice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Grant PAGE 4 OF 4 PIlOJECT NUMBER 201o-DC-BX.oo16 AWARD DATE 08l2S/2010 SPECIAL CONDmONS IS. Grantee ~ that assistance funds awarded under this grant will not be used to support any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytizatiOll. If the grantee refers participants to, or provides, a non-Federally funded program or service that incorporates such religious activities, (I) any such activities mwt be voluntary for program participants, and (2) program participants may not be excluded from participation in a program or otherwise penalized or disadvantaged for any failure to accept a referral or services. If participation in a non- Federally funded program or service that incorporates inherently religious activities is deemed a critical treatment or support service for program participants, the grantee agrees to identifY and refer participants who object to the inherently religious activities of such program or service to, or provide, a comparable secular alternative program or service. 16. Recipient understands and agrees that it must submit quarterly Federal Financial Reports (SF-42S) and semi-annual perfonnance reports through OMS (https://grants.ojp.usdoj.gov), and that it must submit quarterly perfonnance metrics reports through BIA's Perfonnance Measurement Tool (PMT) wehsite (www.bjaperformancetools.org). For more detailed information on reporting and other requirements, refer to BJA's wehsite. Failure to submit required reports by established deadlines may result in the freezing of grant funds and High Risk designation. 17. Recipient agrees to submit an evaluation plan and/or management information system (MIS) plan for review and approval within 180 days from the date of acceptance of this award. The recipient agrees to submit finalized evaluation report(s) to the Bureau of Iustice Assistance prior to the end of the grant period. 18. Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving," 74 Fed. Reg. 51225 (October J, 2009), the Department encourages recipients and sub recipients to adopt and enforce policies banning employees from text messaging while driving any vehicle during the course of performing work funded by this grant, and to establish workplace safety policies and conduct education, awareness, and other outreach to decrease crashes caused by distracted drivers. OJP FORM 4OOOJ2 (REV. 4-88) ATTEST: '.. ...... . m~E. BRO , Clerk..... ....~.~:~..i '~"'..' '.'~ -. t.....! //:r:;ftf}" . . I ~ , . <! ~tClL ';',) .- . Attest IS te Ch&'~~:; .-', :':.~~f'" _" itPlturt Oft.,. \0. ,'''' ';':. -. ~ _': ........: \i ..' . AI'prOVed as to form & legal SufflciencyJ.. _-;.. ;'" '\;~" y . '~\,. '- '..... ~w.7 ~IVM:J-- slstant County Attorney'