Backup Documents 03/09/2010 Item #16G 2
16G '2
Request that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) acting as the Community
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approve a Resolution changing various sections of the Immokalee
CRA Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program Policies and Procedures Document,
Application and Recipient Agreement.
That BCC acting as the CRA approve a Resolution changing various sections of the Immokalee CRA
Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program Policies and Procedures Document, Application and
Recipient Agreement identified in and adopted by Section Four of Ordinance Number 08-40, as amended
by Resolution Number 08-349 and Ordinance Number 2009-10, in order to clarify and better explain
applicant requirements and procedural guidelines of the Program.
On July 30, 2002, the BCC adopted Ordinance No. 2002-38, the "Collier County Redevelopment Grant
Program Ordinance" creating a Site Improvement Grant and Impact Fee Assistance Grant for the
Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area.
On July 22, 2008 the BCC amended Ordinance No. 2002-38 in order to adopt Ordinance 2008-40
creating a Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program within the Immokalee CRA using a portion
of the funds in the Redevelopment Trust Fund.
On December 2, 2008 the CRA approved Resolution No. 2008-349 expanding the Immokalee CRA
Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program to include an Application, Recipient Agreement,
Lessee Agreement, Commitment of Resources Form, Project Summary Form and Payment Request
On March 10, 2009 the BCC approved Ordinance 2009-10 amending Ordinance No. 2008-40 to correct
a scrivener's error in the Policies and Procedures document of the Immokalee Commercial Facade
Improvement Grant Program.
The proposed changes to the Immokalee CRA Commercial Facade Improvement Grant program are
indicated in the attached strikethrough/underline versions of the Policies & Procedures document (Exhibit
B), Application (Exhibit C) and Recipient Agreements (Exhibit D). Significant changes include the
requirement for a mandatory pre-application meeting and that CRA Board is required to have the final
decision on all Site Improvement Grant and Impact Fee Assistance Grant applications.
This action is only to make procedural changes to the previously approved Policies & Procedures
document, Application and Recipient Agreements. Therefore, this change by and of itself will have no
fiscal impact on the County.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's
Office and is legally sufficient-JBW.
Recommend that the BCC approve a Resolution changing the Policies & Procedures document (Exhibit
B), Application (Exhibit C) and Recipient Agreements (Exhibit D) for the Immokalee Commercial Facade
Improvement Grant Program.
Bradley Muckel, Project Manager, Immokalee CRA
-4= lb(;.z.
31q {lo
16G 2
WHEREAS, on July 30, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida (BCC) adopted Ordinance No. 2002-38, the "Collier County
Redevelopment Grant Program Ordinance" creating a Site Improvement Grant and
Impact Fee Assistance Grant for the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area;
WHEREAS, on July 22, 2008 the BCC adopted ordinance No. 2008-40
amending Ordinance No. 2002-38 in order to create a Commercial Fa~ade
Improvement Grant Program within the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area
(CRA) using a portion of the funds in the Redevelopment Trust Fund; and
WHEREAS, on December 2, 2008 the CRA, acting on behalf of the BCC,
adopted resolution 2008-349 amending ordinance No. 2008-40 to include the following
forms in the Fa~ade Grant program for the Immokalee Community Redevelopment
1. Fa~ade Grant Application
2. Fa~ade Grant Recipient Agreement
3. Lessee Agreement
4. Applicant Commitment of Resources Form
5. Project Summary and Evaluation Form
6. Payment Request Form
WHEREAS, on March 10, 2009 the BCC adopted Ordinance No. 2009-10 to
correct a scrivener's error in the Commercial Fa~ade Grant Program Policies and
Procedures document; and,
WHEREAS, the Immokalee CRA desires to make various changes as depicted in
the strikethrough/underline versions of the following Commercial Fa~ade Grant Program
1. Fa~ade Grant Program Policies and Procedures Document (attached
hereto as Exhibit B)
2. Fayade Grant Application (attached hereto as Exhibit C)
3. Fayade Program Recipient Agreement (attached hereto as Exhibit D);
- 1 -
16,IQ 2
SECTION 1 Adoption.
The Commercial Fayade Improvement Grant Program Policies and Procedures
Document (Exhibit B), with Program Application (Exhibit C) and Recipient Agreement
(Exhibit D) are hereby established, created and adopted in accordance with the
provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2008-40, "Fayade Grant Program for the
Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area" attached hereto as Exhibit A.
SECTION 2 Administration.
After the BCC allocates grant funding for the fiscal year, the CRA Board shall approve
an award of grant to applicant for the grant, and approve payment upon completion of
work by the applicant. The CRA delegates the administration of the grant program to the
Executive Director and Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board to include but
not be limited to: the application process, review and recommendation of recipients,
monitoring grant progress, and recommending grant payment upon completion of work.
The recipients of any grant funds shall be required to execute the attached Grant
Recipient Agreement (attached hereto as Exhibit D).
SECTION 3 Severability.
If any section or portion of this Resolution proves to be invalid or unlawful or
unconstitutional it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity force or effect on
any other section or part of this Resolution.
SECTION 5 Effective Date.
This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption.
This Resolution adopted after motion second and majority vote this /0 I~ day
of Maul. 20.E..
ATTEST:, ; . ,
~Jl IMi.. "',~"HII .
,t~ 'OIl"
Approved as to Form and Legal
a~_'/A i V
BY: JI~-;7{t~
Jennifer B. White
Assistant County Attorney
- 2-
16G 2
Exhibit B
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
i The Place to Coli Home!
Commercial Facade Improvement
Policies and Procedures
Revised, February 2010
310 Alachua Street
Immokalee. FL 34142
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166 2
Exhibit B
Se~tion 1 - PI"02ram Purpose and Benefits
The Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency's Commercial Facade Improvement
Program allows for the usc of Contnllmity Redevelopment Agency (CRA) grant funds, in
conjunction with privatc investments, for general improvements to the exterior of commercial
structures located within the boundaries of the Immokalee Urban Designated Area.
The intent of the Commercial Facade Improvement Program is to increase commercial
occupancy rates and properly values within the CRA while rcvitalizing the overall appearance of
the Immokalee Urban Designated Area. To accomplish this objective, the Program assists
commercial property owners and tenants to restore or renovate the exteriors of their structures,
thereby improving thc arca's physical characteristics and enhancing the visual quality and
attractivcness of the environment, which will lead to increased investment, occupancy and
properly values.
Eligible applicants can receive grant funding up to $20,000 using a one-half (Y2)-to-one match
with equal applicant funding for facade improvements to commercial structures. To illustrate, if
a grant amount of $20,000 is requested, the applicant must provide funding in an amount of at
least $10,000 toward redevelopment of the project as welL
All facade improvements must be consistent with the hnmokalee Community Redevelopment
Plan, Immokalee Area Master Plan, and the Land Development Code.
CRA staff will review applications for completeness and determine if funding is to be
recommended. Grant funds will bc distributed only upon completion of improvements and
submittal of all receipts, invoices and required documentation to CRA staff. Applicants must be
willing to maintain the renovations and improvements for at least five years. Thc Grantee shall
not be liable to the CRA for repayment of the grant funds provided the Grantee complies with all
conditions set forlh in the Grant Agreemcnt. Should the Grantec transfer, sell, divest itself of its
interest in the subjcct property, or fail to maintain the renovations and improvements during the
fivc-ycar pcriod following reccipt of the grant funds, the CRA shall bc entitled to reimbursement
of the grant funds as follows:
Elapsed Time Amount Dne CRA
o to one year after grant funds received 100%
Onc ycar after grant funds received 80%
Two years after grant funds received 60%
Three years after grant funds received 40%
Four years after grant funds reccivcd 20%
Five years after grant funds reccived 0%
Grant funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Based on the amount of funding
requested, applications must be approved by the appropriate entity (CRA, CRA Advisory Board,
CRA Executive Director or designce) beforc work can begin on the improvements. Grants will
not be awarded for work prcviously completed or that is in the process of being completed.
16G 2
Exhibit B
Section 2 -Community Redev~loPlI1ellf Areallill!l!ililrl~~
The Immokalee Urban Designated Area Boundaries are reflected on the map attached.
Section 3 - ElIlllble Expel,18es
1. Facade improvements I . such as storefronts. display windows,
painting (in cOluunction with other improvements). and exterior architectural or security
2. Removal of elements that cover original architectural design and details.
3. Signage.
4. Addition and/or replacement of awnings/doors/windows.
5. Overalll'eplacement of architectural elements such a~ columns and arched windows that
have structural deficiencies.
6. Painting, as part of a more comprehensive improvement project.
7. New stucco and stucco bands.
8. Electrical work directly related to the exterior of the building or the installation of
approved signage.
9. ~ Design services'r d t roducc co related
to structural renovation, new construction andlor signage.
10. Landscaping and irrigation (subject to approval of a Landscape Plan).
II. Demolition required to facilitate approved facade improvements.
12. Vit!)'1 soffit and fascia, as pal1 of more extensive project improvements.
13. Roof improvements, as Plll1 of more extel}$ive m:Qject imProvel~
14. Improvements that enhance access, such as handicapped ramps and sidewalks.
15. Decorative fencing.
16. Improvements to parking facilities a
17. Storm water enhancements.
18. Statues and fountains.
19. Permittinl1. fees.
20. Repairs ~rform~d to correct Code vi9lll.1ions.
Section 4 - Ineligible Expenses
Physical or visual removal of architecturally important features.
Installation of ahlluilllllU or vinyl siding.
Painting, when not associated with other improvements.
Any labor performed by a non-licensed contractor.
Improvements constructed prior to execution of final agreement with the CRA.
Routine maintenance activities that are part ofnoflnal property ownership.
Repairs pe1'formed-to oOI're0t-ee6e violations.
Improvements to a property that has any judgment liens, is not current on all mortgage
and tax obligations, and has any Code violations.
-Uh.1, New construction.
-1+..2, Renovations to properties that are exclusively residential.
.J+. 10. Renovations to properties that have illegal non-conforming uses.
-H, I 1. Interior renovations.
6. 5.
f}, 7.
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166 2
Exhibit B
Section 5 - Pt'oll;J.:am Criteria
I. The structure to be improved must bc within the boundaries of the Immokalee Urban
Designated Area.
2. Applicants must dcmonstrate that all necessary financing required to complete the project
has been secured and that the applicant is providing matching funds that are at least one-
half(Y:.) of the amount of the grant amount being requested.
3. Applicants must have received the requisite CRA, CRA Advisory Board, CRA Executive
Director or designee approval prior to commencement of improvements.
4. All necessary permits and approvals must be obtained from Collier County before work
is commenced. All work is to bc pcrformed to the satisfaction of the Collier County
Building Department officials, and all site and landscaping work is to be performed in
compliance with the Land Development Code and all applicable County ordinances and
5. A licensed contractor must perform the work; proof of licensure and insurance is
6. Applicants must agree to maintain the improvements for at least five years. The CRA,
CRA Executive Director or designee, as applicable, must approvc any changes proposed
to the improvements.
7. The property must be free from any judgment liens, and all mortgage and tax obligations
must be cUl1'ent.
8. There may be no more than one approval for project funding pcr CRA fiscal ycar which
runs from October J 51 thru September 3011'. A "project" is defined as a single or set of
enhancement/renovation activities for an eligible prope11y.
9. The total amount of grant funds available for anyone property under this Program is
$20,000 per fiscal year, depending on funding availability. 1\n)' subsequent~tiens
fef--tfte same prepeI'l)' in f.uture years will-be tr1Jated eUlllulati...oly-for J*lfPoses of
10. The umject must be in accordance with CRA desif!!l.guidelines as depicted in the CRA
Form Based Guidelines and/or CRA Public Realm Plan.
Section 6 - Evaluation CrUet'ia
Grant funds are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Because one of
the primary objectives of the Commercial Facade Improvement Program is to eliminate blightcd
conditions and improve the visual impact of the redevelopment area, competcd applications will
bc cvaluated using the following criteria:
1. Consistency with thc goals, objectives, policies, form-based g\lidelines and principles of
the Inunokalce Community Redevelopment Plan and the Immokalee Area Master Plan.
2. Adjaccncy of the project to a recent 01' proposed redevelopment project.
3. Likelihood that the project will result in the occupancy ofa prescntly vacant building.
4. The amount of funds that the applicant pledgcd to match leveraged against CRA funds.
5. The extent to which thc projcct cncourages a secure and convenient environmenl for
patrons and cmployees.
6. Rcccipt of previous facade improvement grant awards (first-time upplicants will have
priority over repeat applicants).
16G 2
Exhibit B
~cction 7 - AwlicRtion P"'Jcedul'es
t P . -A Ii
CM staff will review the RJmlicant's conceptual plans in an informal setting. including
giscussion of the eligibility criteria. Program req\lirem'ilnts. llli!Posed l1!:Qiect scheduling. and
consistcncy of the Q!:QPosal with the intent of the Program. At this stage. staff can offer
assistance with the completjon of the aWlliClllion form and provide limited technical lInd
architectur!lLguidance on the l1!:Qiect Illi!POSlll. At the COIlClllsion of th!U're-al2.\l.licatiI2lUlleeting,
staff will provide the llWllicanl with a ~1I1 detel'llUlllltion as to whether the !lli!Posed Rmiect is
likely to Qyalify to receive PIQ&.l'am funds and whether the awlicant is sufficiently IillllllIred to
move on to the application s~
Requircd Submissious
Items req\lired for SII\:!miS$iQn inclllde:
1. A completed lIpd signed application form.
2. At least four 4" by 6" color photogrnphs of the existing buildinll. exterior. showing all
sides of the buill!ing. wjth eml2!Ylsis on the ~1I to be improved.
3. Color renderings or concelllillll dr~ Q(J~ 1?I2iect whJ;n cOllll2leted.
4. ac ors detlli' t e I10wi :
a. Descr!lili2P oft~lIterials to be used aJld the construction procedure: and.
b. Itemized cos.t esti!rulte of the l1!:Qiect.
5. A legal description of the ~
6. Proof of l1!:QJle11y own~lJhilLllnd. if a tell!ll1t. R conY oO~JeasCf.
7. If the pJ:Qjlgly is leased. the Jlli!PCrty owner must also be a party to the grant application
and grant agreement.
8. Documentation from all lending instit\IJions verifying all m0l18l!&!Lllllymenls on t~
~y are current and thllt Ole IC::IlIDnl/. instilutions wi1LJlrovide updated iuformalion
~uest by the CRA. CRA Executive Director. or desi~
9. Doculnlllitation indicatil}g that all !lli!Perty tax payments are cUlTent.
10. Proof of I1!:QPCrty insurance.
Documentatiou of Al!J1licllnt's Requh-ed Mlltch
the a~l will be reqyired to document the type and source of the matching funds on the
llIWlication subm,itted to the CRA. Verification of the funding sources will be required before
final aJlllroval of the lI.rant awlication.
At the discretion of the CRA Executive Director or designee. or the CRA. structurlll repllirs
directly related to the building's facade tb!lt were completed witllin six months m:i9r to the date
of the grant application MAYbe used as pat1 or all of the applicant's required mateh.
A property owner or tenant that is interested in pal1icipating in the Commercial Facade
Improvement Program must submit a completed and signed applieation, along with supporting
documentation, to:
The Inullokalee Community Redevelopment Agency
310 Alachua Street
Immokalee, FL 34142
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16& 2
Exhibit B
In addition to other supp0l1ing documents, applicants are required to submit quotes from two
licensed contractors with the application. AJmlicants can access the Collier County licensed
contractor database by usi!)g the following link:
!illp:/ /alWs2 .coll iergov .nct/webaups/visi on/ConCertldctllU I t .asl2&
CRA staff will review applications for completeness and for compliance with Program criteria.
Applications that are incomplete may be returned for additional information. Projects that do not
comply with Program criteria will not be considered for funding.
Awards offunding will be based on the lowest qualified bid. The applicant may elect to choose a
contractor other than the one with lowest qualified bid but shall be responsible for all costs
exceeding the lowest qualified bid. Under all circumstances, the contractor performing the work
must be licensed, inslll'ed and have worker's compensation inslll'ance.
It is recommended. but not mandatory, that applicants retain the services of a registcred architect,
or similarly qualified design professional to prepare plans, drawings, renderings and construction
specifications for their projects. Fees for services provided by a registered architect or similarly
qualified design professional may be counted towards the applicant's Program match or award.
The CRA will not be responsible in any manner for the selection of a contractor. An applicant
should pursue all activities necessary to determine contractor qualifications, quality of
workmanship, aud reputation. The applicaut will bear full responsibility lor reviewing the
competence and abilities of prospective contractors and sccure proof of licensing and insurance
C0111moroial-f'aoad&--lmpro'/elllenl-Pfegram granl--appHealions ean be obtained-from--tlle
staff will
. n
lhe a~ioant's
conce~ans in an informal settffig;
. grom requirements,--pmposed-projeet
Reqllh'ed Submissiolls
Items required-for submission in~
. .
. .
. .
sides-ef.tfle-buikliHg, with cmphasis oll-thEHlfell-t6-bo improved,
-Renderings 01' conceptual . . .
a.--9oscription of4hc matorial&-te-lle used an<l-tfle construotioll procedure: and,
16G 2
Exhibit B
Application Approval
Projects will be
. reviewed by the CRA Executive Director and the CRA Advisory
,Board. Proiect am>lications will t~n be sent to the County Attorney's Office for l~eview
ri to in lac n tl RA B a fi . v 1. Whether a roved or
denied. all ~ts willt'eceive wr.i~" notification of their I!l2Plication status after the CRA
B 1'1 . . . . . ... .
. If . approved ~ the applicant will receive
written notification ef-tRe-approval jn the fOl'!ll oU Notice to Proceed which will include a
funding agreement J.ieliftg E!ing the amount of matching funds that arc approved.
M-4he disefiltioll of4ile-GRA BKecuth'e Director Of designee, 01' tfte-GRA, struolul'al repairs
. , . . . .
Consh'uctlon Shu't
After the grant agreement has been executed, the applicant may award the constl'Uction contract
and secure all necessary construction permits. Thc owncr/tenant must issuc a "Noticc to
Proceed" to the contractor and apply for a building pcrmit within 60 days of executing the grant
agreement. Constl'Uction must bcgin within 90 days of cxccution of the grant agreement and be
completed within 12 months ofthe execution ofthe grant agreement. Extensions may be granted
at the discretion of the CRA Executive Director or designee, contingent upon the applicant's
demonstrating just cause for such an extension.
Modifications to the approvcd final plans or changes to thc constl'Uction documents, which
produce visible diffcrcnccs in the approved facade design, will require review and approval by
the CRA and/or CRA staff. Failure to receive such approval shall invalidate the grant agreement,
and the agreement will be deemed terminated. In the event the agreement is terminated, and if
any grant funds have been disbursed to the applicant by the CRA as providcd below, the
disbursed funds shall become immediately due and payablc to the CRA.
16G 2
Exhibit B
Generally, approved projects will receive reimbursement funding upon completion of the project
and submission of all required receipts, invoices and documentation. For projects in excess of
$10,000 (grant and applicant match combined), where the applicant cannot secure full funding
for the project, the Executive Director of the CRA may approve the pat1ial payment of grant
funds once a project has reached agreed-upon milestones. In these cases, the applicant and thc
CRA will reach an agreement before construction begins on the terms and conditions of such a
milestone and the amount of the partial payment. However, grant fimds cannot be used to
reimburse the applicant for any work done on the building prior to the date of a fully executed
Grant Agreement between the applicant and the CRA.
Funds will be disbursed by a check payable to the applicant (I) upon cel1ification of completion
by a County Building Ofticial, or as agreed to with the CRA Executive Director; (2) CRA staff
verification that the work was completed as proposed in a satisfactory and professional manner;
and (3) submission of all receipts and required documentationjo eRA Sllli!: including contractor
invoicing, and evidence proof of payment of funds for reimbursement and match llU!\e form of
canceled checks. mOney ord~r or cashi~r's\de,paYl!ble by the Applicant to the aJW'oved
co tr ct . r t d 1 t e' 'f ..~: Funds will not be disbll1'sed on projects
that are not in accordance with the approved plans.
ApJmoants must-Pl'Ovide verifi ~ 'eet oosts, inelOOing
eealfaetor invoieiflg,-flnd evidenee of.payment--ef..funds-f01' reimbursement Rnd mRtelr,--Defore
granH'unds eRn be disbursed,
Application Process Summary
1. Pre-Application Meeting
+, 2. Applicant submits a complcte application to the CRA office.
;!, 3. CRA staff reviews application for completeness, accuracy and eligibility.
;h 4. CRA staff presents recommendation to the CRA Executive Director, ~ CRA
Advisory Board. County Attornev's Office and CRA Board as appropriate.
+. 5. Upon approval, the applicant will be notified in writing of the amount of the grant
awarded and the documentation that must be provided before funds are released.
Reguired Documeutatiou Sununan:
Stage I: Pre-Application Meeting
. Color Conceptual plans (consistent with buildingjlermit application)
Stage 2: Application Approval Meetin&l1l1"iol' to construction start)
. Completed Fayade Program application
. ProofofJ1rQJlerty ownershipJdeed) 01' lease (if leased)
. Most recent pJ:Qperty tax receim
. Most recent llli1perty insurance receim
. Most recent mortg!!ge statement
. Qccupational Licens<e
. Two bids from gcneral (or trade) contractors listed in database on application
. Fayade Program Recipient Agreement
16G 2
Exhibit B
. Lessor/Owner A.I!1ll!!rizatiol1 for Improvements FornI, if alWlicable
· Am>licl\nt Comnlilluent QfResoUrclls form along ~iJ1t verification of~l!nd
source (bank statement, loan agreement)
. }3efore photos highlighting existing conditions (CRA Staffi
Stage 3: Proiect Completion Meeting
. Proiect Summary and Evaluation Report
. Payment Reguest form
· ~\' Couuty buijdiqgJJermi.1
. Payment verifica!ioll
. Dnal Collier County inspection verifications
· After photos highlighting completed improve!)~nts (CRA StaiD
Section 8 - DisclosUl'es
The CRA exprcssly reserves the right to reject any or all applications or to request additional
information from any 01' all applicants. The CRA retains the right to amend the program
guidelines and application procedures without notice. The CRA also retains the right to display
and advertise properties that receive grant funding.
Section 9 - Contact Information
Questions on how to complete the application or on the viability of a proposed project should be
directed to CRA staff at 239.252.BW 5549 or 2313.
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16G 2
Exhibit B
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16G 2
Exhibit C
Date of Aillllicatioll~. _ ____. __.n____
C RA Co'l:et County Community
RedeYefoproent Agency
._.___ _____'._.__n________.._
lmmokalee eRA I CUllIllIorcl<11 FnGtHlo Improvel\lollt Gl<lul Application
~ommercial Fa~ade Gl"antAl!Plication tgelaeh-aH_G-sHbHliHe-GR.^. O~~C..)
Applicant Information
Site !\ditress
Daytimc Phone
E-Mail Address
.... ...n.......~..__----.n.--r=...
Do you own or Icase the properly?
___.'_" _. __ n_..._________ ______..__.__
Authorized Representative Signature:
l Occllpational License N:I' .--
---~---_.._.. '._-~-_._-_._- --
Pl"Oject Information
--~.._.,--_.~- ---._--- ------..,, -- -----
Describe thc existing conditions of the site iattach.additional sheets ifnecessary).___.
----..- -- - ------------- --- -----...- -----..----...--...--------.."--- .._----'_..--.',
_Outlinc thc 2!QJlOsed improvements in dctail (attach additional shcets i(ll(:.cessal'yl._____
List AQjJrovcd Contractors and Amounts.
I) OIW {'stimatl' c;l('h from T\VO rOlltraclors fur (':Jell I'l'ojcd. Thcsl.' Clllllracl(ll'~ ~ he listed ill thv online
database IItt )://a ) ls2.t'ullil'l' 'ov.llct/\\'l:ha ) Jslvisioll/Coll('('rlldefalllt,as )x
2) Husill(,ss Ch\'ll('rs: l'Op)' of OlTUp,lliullallin'II.\('.
I) Attach Iwo colol' photos of each project to be
2) Attach "l'Opel't)' AI'prnisel' )I).
Estimated cost of improvements:
Maximum grant awal'd:
.~--~..,,_. ,............-
......,~.". .., - --"~I'-
.- .".'0'_ . .,.
loG 2
Exhibit D
between the Collier County Community Redevelopment
(hereinafter referred to as "CRA") and
(hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE").
by and
Agency (CRA)
WHEREAS, in Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-38, as amended July 22, 2008, by
Ordinancc 2008-40, the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the CRA to
award and administer CRA programs and awards including contracts with business GRANTEES
within the boundaries ofthe Immoka1ee CRA fOl' CRA grants; and
WHEREAS, the CRA Commercial Facade Improvement Program (hereinafter referred to
as the Facade Program) allows for the use of CRA funds, in conjunction with private
investments, for celtain improvements to commcrcial structures located within the boundaries of
the Immokalee CRA; and
WHEREAS, the intent ofthe Facade Program is to increase commercial occupancy rates
and propelty values within the CRA while revitalizing the overall appearancc of the Jmmokalee
Area; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE has applied for a facade grant in the amount of
WHEREAS, the CRA has determined that GRANTEE meets the eligibility requirements
and was approved for a Facade Program award in the amount of.. dollars on ,
("CRA Approval").
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and
other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:
1. GRANTEE acknowledges to the CRA that GRANTEE has received a copy of the
Facade Program, that GRANTEE has read the Facade Program Policies and Procedures
document, and that GRANTEE has had ample opportunity to discuss the Facade Program with
GRANTEE'S counsel or advisor. GRANTEE nllther acknowledges to the CRA that GRANTEE
understands and agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of the Facade Program.
GRANTEE agrees to the terms and conditions of the Facade Program attached hereto as Exhibit
A and incorporated herein by reference.
16G 2
Exhibit D
the record
owner of property described
3. GRANTEE has agrccd to makc certain improvements to the property pursuant to
the Fayade Program application submitted to the CRA dated .__ attached hcrcto as
Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference.
4. CRA has approved an award to GRANTEE in the amount of $
administercd pursuant to thc tcrms of this Agrcement bascd on an estimatcd cost of$
to bc
5. Unless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no GRANTEE, or any
immediate rclative of GRANTEE, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the
construction of the improvements and no GRANTEE or any immcdiatc rclativc of GRANTEE,
shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the improvements. An immcdiatc
relative of GRANTEE shall include mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt, uncle and
cousin or family membcr by man-iagc to includc mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law
and sister-in-law. GRANTEE has verified that all contractors who have provided bids for the
approved work are actively licensed by Collier County and GRANTEE agrees that all labor wlll
be performed only by the lowest bidding contractor.
6. GRANTEE agrccs to obtain all necessary pcrmits and submit any required plans
to the Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services Division. Upon
completion of the work, GRANTEE shall submit a closeout package to the CRA which will
include all applicable (clcctrical, structural, fire, plumbing, etc.) final inspection verification
from Collier County Building Inspection Division. The CRA, through its slaff, shall confirm that
the improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of this agrecmcnt approved by the
CRA and shall create a final repOli to include digital color photographs of the project before and
aftcr completion.
7. Within forty-five (45) days after confirmation that the improvements were
constructed pursuant to thc terms of thc approved application, GRANTEE shall bc issucd a
check in thc amount of the award. However, if GRANTEE fails to make the improvcmcnts
pursuant to the terms of this agrccment, including constl'Uction stari within 90 days of execution
ofthe grant agreement and completion within 12 months of the cxccution ofthc grant agreement,
the award shall be deemed revoked and GRANTEE shall be entitled to no funding.
of Florida.
This Agreemcnt shall be governed and construed pursuant to the laws ofthe State
9. This Agreement, along with its incorporated attachments, contains thc entire
agreement of the pariics and their representatives and agents, and incorporates all prior
understandings, whether oral or writtcn. No change, modification or amendment, or any
- 2-
166 2
Exhibit D
represcntation, promise or condition, or any waiver, to this Agreement shall be binding unless in
writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the patty to be charged.
10. This Agreement is personal to GRANTEE, and may not be assigncd or transferred
by GRANTEE or to GRANTEE'S respective heirs, personal represcntatives, successors or
assigns without the prior written consent of the CRA.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc patties have executed this Agrcement on the date and year
first written above.
Witness Signature
Printedffyped Name
Printed/Typed Name. Title Rnd Companv
(2) ____
Witness Signature
By: ______
Printed/Typed Name
Printedffyped Name
, Deputy Clerk
JIM COLETTI., Chairman
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency:
County Attorney _'~ Qm~<}
This Agreement is to be signed and witnessed AFTJ~R eRA staff has fonnd the applieation to be complete.